Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Dr. Md. Mozahar Ali


Dr. M. Mozahar Ali is a professor (PRL) of Agricultural Extension Education in the Graduate Training institute (GTI) of Agricultural University (BAU), . He joined as lecturer in the institute in 1985 and promoted as professor in 2000. During his professorship, he has been appointed as Director of GTI, BAU for three terms (2-year in each term: (i) 2001-03, (ii) 2007-09, & (iii) 2015-2017). Dr. Ali also worked as consultant (AIF Management Specialist) in HEQEP, a World Bank funded project of UGC- MoE (40 months: 2010-2014) and as Higher Education Specialist (part time consultant: Dec. 2017-till date) of Asian Development Bank.

Dr. Ali is an agriculturist; he earned his Bachelor and Master’s degree from BAU; Master of Science (MS) from American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon (USAID-AUB fellowship), and PhD from University of Reading, UK (Commonwealth scholarship). Prof. Ali also attended in Pedagogy & Quality Assurance training courses in UK, Canada, Sri Lanka & Malaysia and worked towards promoting Quality Assurance activities and Outcome-Based Curriculum in Bangladesh.

As an educational leader, Dr. Ali promoted job preparation (pre-service) training courses for BAU students, pedagogy training for BAU teachers and established IT infra-structure of BAU. He introduced the Foundation Training for University Teachers of Bangladesh at GTI-BAU since 2007. He is the pioneer of initiating quality enhancement culture in higher education sector of Bangladesh and organized more than 100 training-workshops for faculties working for Quality Assurance activities. He is the most frequently invited freelance trainer (curriculum, pedagogy & QA) in tertiary education sector. He brought the concept of outcome based education (OBE) and outcome-based curriculum into reality in Bangladesh tertiary education sector through training, workshops and e-resources.

As a researcher, Dr. Ali has supervised 07 PhD & 29 MS thesis research and co- supervised another 05 PhD students. He has 55 published journal papers, 14 research-evaluation reports and 02 books. Among these, 02 project researches, 03 MS theses and 13 journal articles were on pedagogy & QA issues. He also implemented a HEQEP funded project entitled: Imparting Faculty Training for Quality Enhancement of Teaching & Research in Higher Education Institutions during July 2014 - June 2017, though which he rendered service to almost all public and private universities of Bangladesh.


Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Dr. Md. Mozahar Ali

1 Name DR. MD. MOZAHAR ALI 2 Present Position Professor (PRL) Graduate Training Institute Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202 3 Mailing Address: E 29/1, BAU Residential Area Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202 e-mail: [email protected] 4 Permanent Address: Vill: Aminpur, PO: Chinatola Bazar PS: Monirampur, District: Jashore 5 Date of Birth 18 August, 1955 6 Nationality Bangladeshi

7. Education: Board/College/ Name of Subject Year of Class/ University Degree passing Grade University of Reading, UK Ph.D. Agricultural Extension 1994 Passed Education American University of M.S. Crop Production 1986 B+ Beirut, Lebanon Bangladesh Agricultural M.Sc. Agricultural Extension 1984 First University, Mymensingh (Ag. Ext. Ed) Education

Bangladesh Agricultural B.Sc.Ag.(Hons.) Agriculture 1979 First University, Mymensingh Govt. M.M. College, HSC Science 1975 Second Jessore Board, Bangladesh Keshobpur ML High School, SSC Science 1973 First Jessore Board, Bangladesh

7a. Postgraduate Degree Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension Education, 1994 Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development University of Reading, UK. Thesis: Farmer-Extension Worker Interaction and Upstream Information Transfer in the Training & Visit Extension System in Bangladesh M.S. in Crop Production, 1986 Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences American University of Beirut, Lebanon Thesis: Plant Population and Row Width on Yield and Agronomic Attributes of Lentils M.Sc. in Agricultural Extension Education, 1984 Department of Agricultural Extension Education Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh Thesis: Effect of Training and Visit Extension System at Farmers’ Level in two Unions of District


8. Membership of Professional Associations:

SL Rank Name of Society Year of No. Attaining 1 Member Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Society 1987..... 2 Member Crop science Society of Bangladesh 1988..... 3 Member Crop Science Society of America 1986-88 4 Chairman, Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development 2001-03; Editorial Board 2007-09 5 Editor Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education 2005-08 6 Chief Editor Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development 2004-07 7 Member, Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development 1998-2001 Editorial Board Editor (Ex) Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development 1994-97 Joint Editor Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education 1989-93 Member, Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education 1988-89 Editorial Board

8a. Member/ Expert Member:  Member (2007- 2010), ICT Development Committee of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh  Member, Governing Body. (2007-2009) Institute of Agri-business Management. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh  Member (2005-09), Management Committee of Postgraduate Diploma Course in ICT, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh  Expert Member (2011-13), Selection Committee for teachers (Associate Professor and Professor) in Rural Sociology, BAU, Mymensingh.  Expert Member (2003-2018), Selection Committee for Teachers (Associate Professor and Professor), in Agricultural Extension, Hajee Mohammad Danesh University of Science and Technology, .  Expert Member (2006-2008), Board of Studies. Dept of Agricultural Extension Education. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.  Expert Member (2005-07), Selection Committee for Teachers (Associate Professor and Professor), in Agricultural Extension & Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University,  Expert Member (2005-07), Selection Committee for Officers (Outreach), Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka  Expert Member (2005-07), Selection Committee for Teachers (Lecturer & Assistant Professor) in Agrotechnology Discipline, University  Expert Member (2004-06), Faculty Committee. Faculty of Agriculture. Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka.  Expert Member (2003-05), Selection Committee for Teachers (Lecturer and Assistant Professor), in Agricultural Extension & Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka  Expert Member (2002-04), Selection Committee (Associate Professor and Professor) in Public Administration & Personnel Management of GTI, BAU, Mymensingh


9. Training:

Title of Course Institute Duration

 Teaching-Learning, Curriculum, Quality Assurance & 22 December, 2014 to Accreditation Council Quality Assurance and Accreditation 07 January, 2015 in Higher Education (QAAC), Sri Lanka

 Quality Assurance and Accreditation HELP University, Malaysia 2 -15 September 2012 Quality Assurance &  Self-Assessment and Quality Accreditation Council 3 -12 February, 2012 Assurance in Higher Education (QAAC), Sri Lanka  Institute of Education & Curriculum Studies: Research (IER), Dhaka 11-13 May, 2012 Theory & Practice University  Self-Assessment HEQEP, UGC 12-13 April, 2011  Quality Assurance & Enhancement in British Council, Dhaka & 2-3 March, 2011 Higher Education: Experience in the UK UGC, Bangladesh and Possible implications for Bangladesh

 AIF Proposal Writing UGC, Bangladesh 17 November, 2009  Human Resource Development Planning BARC, Dhaka 26 October, 2009  TOT on Disaster Management CDMP, MoFDM & RDA, 05-09 July, 2009 Bogra  Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) Pilot Training UGC, Bangladesh 25-27 April, 2009  Participatory Curriculum Development Reading University, UK & April 5-9, 2004 BAU, Mymensingh  Instructor Skills Workshop (ISW) Olds College, Canada 19 Jan - 09 Feb, 2003  Qualitative and Participatory Research Methods IRDD, Reading Univ, UK 16-19 April, 2002 UCFV & Olds College,  Competency Based Training for 03-21 Nov. 2000 University Teachers Canada  Data Management GTI, BAU. Mymensingh 23 Oct – 04 Nov, 1999  Leadership Development Lock Haven Univ, USA 27 Feb-03 March,1999  Gender and Development GTI, BAU, Mymensingh 16-19 August 1998  Overseas Technical Trainers’ CRDT, University of 02 Jan-22 March, 1996 Award (OTTA) Wolverhampton, UK  Environment Education GTI, BAU, Mymensingh 27-31 May, 1995  Teaching Methodology GTI, BAU, Mymensingh 15 Apr-04 May, 1995  Use of Thana Land and Soil Resources GTI, BAU, Mymensingh 29 Mar-01 Apr, 1995 Utilization Guide  Population Education and Nutrition CERDI, 18-22 June, 1994  Short Course on Computing Science GTI, BAU, Mymensingh 02-14 Jan, 1989  Pump Irrigation in Bangladesh GTI, BAU, Mymensingh 04-09 Apr, 1987  Training of Trainers BMDC, Dhaka 06-28 Dec, 1986  Descriptive Statistics GTI, BAU, Mymensingh 19-30 Oct, 1986  Bio-Statistics and Data Analysis ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria 20-30 April, 1986


10. Employment Record:

From To Position held and responsibility Employer 12.12.2017 Contd. Higher Education Specialist Asian Development Bank (Part-time Consultant) 26.11.2000 17.8.2020 Professor BAU, Mymensingh Agricultural Extension Education, GTI 25.05.2015 24.05.2015 Director (Additional Duty- 3rd term) BAU, Mymensingh Graduate Training Institute 29.09.2013 28.01.2014 AIF Management Specialist (Leave) HEQEP-UGC, World Bank project 26.05.2010 25.05.2013 AIF Management Specialist (Lien) HEQEP-UGC, World Bank project 21.04.2007 20.04.2009 Director (Additional Duty-2nd term) BAU, Mymensingh Graduate Training Institute 08.05.2001 07.05.2003 Director (Additional Duty-1st term) BAU, Mymensingh Graduate Training Institute 10.11.1995 25.11.2000 Associate Professor BAU, Mymensingh Agricultural Extension Education, GTI 08.6.1988 09.11.1995 Assistant Professor (Employee) BAU, Mymensingh Agricultural Extension Education, GTI 26.10.1985 07.06.1988 Lecturer (Employee) BAU, Mymensingh Agricultural Extension Education, GTI

11. Leadership & Community Service:  Designed and introduced faculty training courses at GTI on: (i) Statistical Methods for Agricultural Research, (ii) Scientific Report Writing, (iii) Teaching Methods and Techniques, (iv) Project Cycle Management, (v) Basics of MS Office, (vi) Web Page Designing & Hoisting, (vii) Foundation Training for University Teachers, and (viii) Teaching-Learning, Curriculum & Quality Assurance. Among these courses, last two have nationwide coverage.  Introduced pre-service training courses for BAU graduates in 1999: Since then more than 700 courses have been organized by GTI for students.  Developed IT facilities in BAU: Developed IT infra-structure in 2006 (Campus Network) through MOSICT project and introduced internet facilities for the BAU community.  Designed and introduced ‘Foundation Training for University Teachers’ for junior faculties of all public universities since 2007; and till date 25 long courses have been implemented through which 593 faculties of 30 public universities have received this training.  Introduced QA projects and related training courses: Promoted SA exercises while he was working with HEQEP. Later on he trained almost one-half of QA & SA team members of 54 public and private universities of Bangladesh through the HEQEP funded project. Dr Ali initiated Outcome-based Curriculum format and related training in higher education sector.  Works as freelance trainer: He is the most frequently invited “Pedagogy, OBE-Curriculum & QA trainer” in Bangladesh and in recent years he served as guest trainer in 66 public and private universities.  His vision is to introduce an Accredited Faculty Training Course and HEA Fellowship for faculties of public and private universities of Bangladesh.


Annexure: A. Current Teaching /Training Activities

Postgraduate Courses Taught :

 Extension Teaching Methods and Techniques  Data Analysis and Interpretation in Extension Education  Agricultural Extension and Communication  Research Methods in Extension Education

Training Courses Organized, Coordinated and Taught :

Dr. Ali has been working as a full time trainer in GTI since 1985. During this period he has organized, coordinated and taught in more than 200 training courses related to Agriculture and Agriculture Extension. However, the major courses he organized and taught were:

 24 ‘week-long course on Teaching-Learning, Curriculum and Quality Assurance at GTI for more than 700 faculties of 54 public and private universities; he also taught in huge number of out-campus training courses at 66 universities.  25 ‘four-eight week long course on Foundation Training for University Teachers. This course is an original contribution of Dr. Ali. The UGC has been funding for this course since 2008 and 593 young teachers of 30 public universities participated in it.  24 ‘two-week course on Teaching Methods and Techniques for University Lecturers, GO/NGO officers and postgraduate students  11 ‘one-week course on Training of Trainers for, GO/NGO officers and postgraduate students  17 ‘one-week course on Scientific Report Writing for Lecturers, Research Officers and postgraduate students  09 ‘two-week course on Statistical Methods for Agricultural/ Socio-economic Research for Teachers and Research Officers  37 two-week course on Administration, Office Management and Communication for Officers, Employees and postgraduate students  01 ‘one-week course on PRA Tools and Techniques for Research Officers  56 ‘two-week course on Basics of MS-Office for Teachers, Officers, employees and postgraduate students  07 ‘one-week course on Project Cycle Management and TAPP Preparation’ for university teachers  06 ‘one-week course on Web-page Design and Hosting for university teachers


B. Research Experience

PhD Thesis Research Supervised :

2013 1. Ali, Md. Azhar. Impact of Seed Production Project on Changing Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Livelihood Status of the Beneficiaries. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Supervisor). Autumn 2013. 2. Hoque, A.K.M. Nazmul. Research-Extension Linkage Influencing Farmers’ Knowledge, Perception and Adoption of Organic Production Technologies. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Supervisor). Winter 2013.

2009 3. Mondal, M.A.S. Impact of Mass Media in receiving Agricultural Information by the Farmers in Bangladesh. Co-supervised Ph D (Agril Extension) thesis project, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur (Member, Supervisory Committee). Winter 2009

2008 4. Mahmud, Akkas. Impact of Modern Agricultural Technology on Livelihood Status of Charland Farmers. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Supervisor). Winter 2008. 5. Fakir, S.A. Women Empowerment through Participation in Income Generating Activities of Sabalamby Unnayan Samitee (SUS). Co-supervised Ph D (Agril Extension) thesis project, Dept. of Agricultural Extension Education, BAU, Mymensingh, (Member, Supervisory Committee). October 2008.

2007 6. Farhad, AKM. Flood Coping Strategies of Charland Marginal Farmers of Jamalpur and . Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Supervisor). March 2007

2006 7. Hossain, M.A. Participation and Empowerment of Rural Women in NGO Interventions: A Household Level Analysis. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Supervisor). Sept. 2006

2003 8. Razzaque, M.A. Linkage Performance of Extension and Research Personnel: A Case of Depatment of Agriculture Extension and Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Member, Supervisory Committee). 9. Ahaduzzaman, M. Extension Agent-Farmer Linkage in Bangladesh. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Member, Supervisory Committee). 10. Ahmed, M.B. Impact of Shrimp Farming on Socio-economic, Agricultural and Environmental Conditions in the Southwestern Coastal Region of Bangladesh. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Member, Supervisory Committee).

2002 11. Haque. M.E. Performance of Rice IPM Farmers under Farmers Field School in the Department of Agricultural Extension. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project. BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Supervisor)

2001 12. Talukder, A.B. Performance of Master Trainers in Conducting Training for Extension Workers of the Department of Agriculture Extension, Bangladesh. Supervised Ph D (Agril Extension and Rural Devt.) thesis project. BSMRAU, Gazipur. (Supervisor)


M.S. Thesis Research Supervised :

2009 1. Sanjoy Das. Past and present status of date palm cultivation in Jessore district. Supervised M.S. (Agrofoestry) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. December-2009. 2. Md. Anowarul Alam. Status of bamboo production in . Supervised M.S. (Agrofoestry) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. December-2009. 2005 3. M. Masudur Rahman. Vulnerability effects on human and physical capitals of flood affected farmers in an area of district. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. December-2005 4. M. Serajul Islam. Farmers’ knowledge and practices on flood coping in a selected flood prone area of Faridpur under district. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. December-2005 5. Prokash Chandro Roy. Empowerment of women beneficiaries of Grameen Bank in Dinajpur district. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2005 6. M.K. Saifullah. Participation of literate and trained youth of Savar Upazila in six farm family traits. Supervised M.S. (Agril Extension & Rural Development) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. Winter-2005. 7. M. Asif Alam. Knowledge and decision making ability of IPM farmers in rice pest management. Supervised M.S. (Agril Extension & Rural Development) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. Winter-2005. 8. M. Shafiqul Islam. Farmers’ ability to cope with flood in a selected area of . Co-Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June- 2005 9. M. Sajahan Sarker. Farmers’ knowledge on improved banana cultivation practices. Co-Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2005 10. M. Abul Kalam. Farmers’ decision making ability regarding seed selection activities in rice cultivation. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2005 2004 11. M. Mazadur Rahman. Women beneficiaries’ satisfaction on the rural development activities of BRAC. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. Nov. 2004 12. M. Siddiqur Rahman. Extent and level of knowledge of farmers on HYV boro rice cultivation practices. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2004 13. M. Shameem Ahsan. Training needs of Block Supervisors. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2004 14. M. A. Sabur Khan. Farmers’ participation in farm and community level activities in Sailokupa upazila under district. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2004 15. S. M. Ashraful Alam. Extent of use of communication media by the farmers in receiving information on winter vegetable cultivation. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2004 2003 16. Attitude of tobacco growers towards the use of balanced fertilizer. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2003 8

2002 17. Impact of Integrated Aquaculture Development Project conducted by RDRS Bangladesh. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June- 2002. 18. Performance of CARE-Bangladesh in flood proofing activities in some selected haor areas of . Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. June-2002. 2000 19. Cognitive performance of the Cane Development Assistants as affected by their refresher training. Supervised M.S. (Agril Extension) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. Winter-2000. 20. Credit utilization and repayment behaviour of the women beneficiaries of BRDB (IWP). Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. 1999 21. Impact of IPM training on rice farmers' educational behaviour: cognitive and affective domains. Supervised M.S. (Agril. Extension) thesis project, BSMRAU, Gazipur. Winter-1999. 22. Rahman, Aminur. Credibility of extension workers working in RDRS. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. 23. Haque, M. Mat-hurul. Empowering farmers through Farmer Field School: process and associated attributes. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. 1997 24. Determining farmers training needs in crop cultivation. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, BAU, Mymensingh. 1996 25. Credit utilization and repayment behaviour of cereal crop farmers. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, IPSA, Salna, Autumn-1996. 26. Achievement from and utilization of Foundation training course by the Subject Matter Officers. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, IPSA, Salna, Spring- 1996. 27. Achievement from and utilization of Teaching Methods training course by the Subject Matter Officers. Supervised M.S. (Ag.Ext.Ed.) thesis project, IPSA, Salna, Spring- 1996. 28. Identification of farmers belonging to different categories of communication behaviour. Supervised M.S. (Ag.Ext.Ed.) thesis project. BAU, Mymensingh. 1995 29. Identification of farmers’ communication behaviour and nature of information exchange during BS-farmer interactions in a selected area of Dinajpur sadar thana. Supervised M.S. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project, IPSA, Salna, Summer-1995

Own Thesis Research :

1993 1. Farmer-extension worker interaction and upstream information transfer in the T&V extension system in Bangladesh, PhD thesis project. University of Reading, UK. 1986 2. Plant population and row width on yield and other agronomic attributes of lentils. M.S. (Crop Production) thesis project. American University of Beirut, Lebanon. 1984 3. Effect of Training and Visit extension system at farmers’ level in two unions of . M.Sc. (Ag. Ext. Ed.) thesis project. BAU, Mymensingh.


Project Research :

2008 1. Performance Evaluation of Public University Teachers for Quality Improvement in Higher Education. Funded by UGC, Bangladesh 2006 2. Capacity Building of the Fish Farmers of Bangladesh on Upgraded Aquaculture Technology. Funded by MOSICT, Bangladesh 3. Strengthening IT Facilities in Bangladesh Agricultural University. Funded by MOSICT, Bangladesh 2005 4. Livelihood Status of the Rickshaw Pullers of Bangladesh. Funded by The Good Earth, Dhaka and Lenton Care Link, UK. 1890 5. Technology Transfer through Front-line Extension Workers in Bangladesh. Funded by BAURES and BARC, 1989-90 1989 6. Evaluation of Higher Agricultural . Funded by the UGC, Bangladesh, 1988-89 1988 7. Evaluation of Group Approach in the T&V Extension System. Funded by BAURES, BAU, Mymensingh, 1987-88.

C. Research Publications:

List of Published Papers

2020 1. M.M. Ali, S. Farzana and B. Mawa, 2020. Implementation of Course Credit System in Undergraduate Programs of Public Universities in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 32(1):47-62. 2019 2. M.M. Ali and B. Mawa. 2019. Impact of ‘Foundation Training for University Teachers’ Conducted by Bangladesh Agricultural University. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 31(1&2):1-12. 3. Mawa, B., M. Haque and M. Ali. 2019. Level of Learning Assessed through Written Examinations in Social Science Courses in Tertiary Education: A Study from Bangladesh. JTER. 14(1):7-12 2010 4. Alam, M.A., S. Das, M.M. Ali and M.M. Rahman. 2010. Present status of bamboo production in Mymensingh district. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment 4(1): 179- 184. 5. Das, S., M.A. Alam, M.M. Ali and G.M.M. Rahman. 2010. Date palm cultivation in Jessore district: the scenario of past and present. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment 4(1): 171-174. 6. Mondol, M.A.S.; M.A. Kashem, M.M. Ali and M.Z. Rahman. 2010. Farmers’ constraint in receiving farm information from the communication media and their suggestions to overcome the constraints. J. Agrofor. Environ. 3(2):11-14. 7. Mawa, B. and M.M. Ali. 2008-10. Teaching Performance and Personal Attributes of the Faculties of Bangladesh Agricultural University. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 21- 23(1&2):1-12 2007 8. Ali, M.M.; B. Mawa and M. Islam. Teaching performance of public university teachers of Bangladesh as perceived by postgraduate students. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 19(1&2):1-10 9. Khan, M.A.S. and M.M. Ali. 2005. Participation of farmers in farm and community level activities. Bangladesh J. Ext Edu. 19(1&2):11-20


2005 10. Alam, M.A.; M.M. Ali and M.E. Hague. Extent of knowledge of IPM farmers in rice pest management. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 18(1&2): 11. Hasan, M.F. and M.M. Ali. Knowledge of program participants on Partnership Extension Approach in two regions of RDRS. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 18(1&2):1-7. 12. Hasan, M.F.; M.A. Kashem, and M.M. Ali. Attitude of program participants on Partnership Extension Approach in two regions of RDRS. Bangladesh J. Ext Edu. 19(1&2): 13. Saifullah, M.K; M.M. Ali and M.E. Hoque. Participation of literate and trained youth of Savar upazila in six farm family traits. Bangladesh J. Ext Edu. 19(1&2): 14. Ali, M.M. and R. Islam. Impact of ‘Scientific Report Writing’ training course conducted for BAU-teachers at Graduate Training Institute. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 18(1&2): 15. Ali, M.M. and M.W. Rahman. Teaching quality of the senior faculty members of Bangladesh Agricultural University. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 18(1&2):1-8 2004 16. Haque, M.M. and M.M. Ali. Farmers’ understanding of rice-field ecosystem before and after Farmer Field School training. Progress. Agric. 15(1): 69-76 2002 17. Uddin, M.Z., M.E. Haque and M.M.Ali. Impact of IPM training on rice farmers’ cognitive behaviour. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 15(1&2):1-7. 18. Ali, M.M. Peer reviewer as a content analyst of a scientific paper. Bangladesh J. of Communication and Publishing. 1(2):89-99. 2000 19. Ahmed, M.B. and M.M. Ali. Impact of farmers’ communication behaviour on types of information generated in BS-farmer interactions. Annals of Bangladesh Agric. 8(2):119-127. 1998 20. Hossain, M.A., M.A. Hamid and M.M. Ali. Farmers’ problem confrontation associated with various aspects of boro rice cultivation Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 11(1&2). 131-137. 21. Ali, M.M. Reviewing a scientific article. In: Ali, M.M. (ed). Proceeding of the Workshop on Technical Report Writing. 51-60. Mymensingh: GTI-publication # 125, BAU. 22. Jalal, M.S. and M.M. Ali. Writing methodology of a technical report. In: Ali, M.M. (ed). Proceeding of the Workshop on Technical Report Writing. 31-36. Mymensingh: GTI- publication # 125, BAU 23. Rahmatullah, S.M. and M.M. Ali. Writing introduction of scientific report. In: Ali, M.M. (ed). Proceeding of the Workshop on Technical Report Writing. 23-30. Mymensingh: GTI-pub #125, BAU. 24. Ali, M.A. and M.M. Ali. Title of a technical report. In: Ali, M.M. (ed). Proceeding of the Workshop on Technical Report Writing. 9-14. Mymensingh: GTI-publication # 125, BAU. 25. Ali, M.M. and M.B. Ahmed. Determining farmers’ communiction behaviour and identification of its indicator attributes. The J. of Rural Development. 28(2):117-129. 26. Ahmed, M.B. and M.M. Ali. Agronomic information exchange during BS-farmer interactions and its relationship with farmers’ communication behaviour. J. of Agricultural Education and Technology. 1(1): 20-27. 27. M. Sultan, M.M. Ali, and M.E. Hoque. Utilization of the Foundation Training Course by the Subject Matter Officers. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 11(1): 183-190. 28. Ahmed, M.B. and M.M. Ali. Impact of farmers’ communication behaviour on type of information generated in BS-farmer interactions. Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture. 7(2): 1997 29. Ali, M.M., M.E. Hoque and A.F.M. Saiful Islam. Achievement of the Subject Matter Officers from the Teaching Methods Training Course. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 10(1&2):1-8. 30. Ali, M.M. and A.S. Mondal. Identification of indicator attributes of farmers communicaion behaviour. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 10(1&2): 31. Halim, A. and M.M. Ali. Training and professional development. In: Swanson, B.E., R.P. Bentz and A.J. Sofranko (eds). Improving Agricultural Extension: A Reference Manual. Rome: FAO. 11

32. Ali, M.M., M.J. Rolls and G.E. Jones. Interaction patterns of farmer-extension worker in the T&V extension system. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 9(special):75-82. 33. Ali, M.M., M.J. Rolls and G.E. Jones. Identification of indicator variables to determine client homogeneity in rural extension services. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 9(special):1-9. 1996 34. Ali, M.M. and M. Nourallah. Yield and agronomic attributes of lentils as affected by plant density and row width. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 9(2):49-52. 35. Rahman, M.M., M.M. Rahman and M.M. Ali. Perception of trainees towards the teaching methodology training programme conducted at CERDI. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 9(2):1-7. 36. Ali, M.M. and A.Halim. Non-linear response of adoption and yield to different characteristics of farmers. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 9(1):19-23. 37. Ali, M.M. Content analysis in communication research: development, use and methods. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 9(1):83-96. 38. Ali, M.M. and M. Nourallah. Planting density and row width on LAI and yield of lentils. Crop Science J. of Bangladesh. 6(1&2):17-22. 1995 39. Ali, M.M. Reviewing a professional article: the basic queries. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 8(1&2):131-137. 40. Ali, M.M., M.A.M Miah and M.B. Ahmed. Training on teaching methods for the BAU teachers: achievement and utilization. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 8(1&2):1-8. 1994 41. Ali, M.M. and A. Halim. Group approach in the T&V extension system in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 7(2):17-24. 42. Ali, M.M., M.M. Huq and M.M. Ali.. Computer as a development aid in BAU education and research. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 7(2):1-7. 1990 43. Ali, M.M. Training and job perception of field level extension workers in T&V system. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 4(1):1-8. 44. Ali, M.M. M.A. Hossain and M.Z. Rahman. Extent of training received and training needs of the Upazila Krishi Officers. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 3(2):35-41. 1989 45. Ali, M.M. DAE-BRDB linkage in T&V system of extension approach. In: Rahman, M.M. and M.S. Islam (eds). A Handbook on Administration and Office Management. GTI: Mymensingh. p.205-213. 46. Ali, M.M. and M.S. Islam. Participants' response to training on Technical Writing in Agriculture. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 2(2):63-67. 47. Ali, M.M., A. Halim and M.A. Hossain. Farmers' characteristics affecting their agricultural knowledge and adoption of innovations. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 2(2):1-8. 48. Ali, M.M., A. Halim and M.M. Ali. Farmers' characteristics affecting their agricultural knowledge in DAE-BRDB linkage. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 3(2):27-33. 49. Ali, M.M. and A. Hossain. Extent of training received and training needs of the teachers in the Faculty of Agriculture. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 2(1)1-8. 1988 50. Halim, A. and M.M. Ali. Administration and management of training programmes. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev 1(2)1-19. 51. Hasan, M.R. and M.M. Ali. Impact of social power on adoption of agricultural innovation. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 3(1):19-26. 52. Salam, M.U., S.M.A. Hossain and M.M. Ali. An evaluation of higher agricultural education in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 1(1)25-32. 53. Ali, M.M., M.A. Hossain and M.M. Rahman. Performance appraisal in the organization and management of training: the case of Field Plot Technique and Experimental Design course. Bangladesh J. Train. and Dev. 1(1)1-8. 1987 54. Ali, M.M. and M.R. Hasan. Social power distribution affecting attitude and adoption of innovations. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 2(1):1-8. 1986 55. Halim, A., M.M. Ali and M.M. Islam. The effect of T&V extension system on contact and noncontact farmers. Bangladesh J. Ext. Edu. 1(1):1-8.


Research and Evaluation Reports 2008 Ali, M.M. Performance Evaluation of Public University Teachers for Quality Improvement in Higher Education. Funded by UGC, Bangladesh

2006 Ali, M.M and J.A. Mirza. Capacity Building of the Fish Farmers of Bangladesh on Upgraded Aquaculture Technology. Mymensisngh:GTI, BAU.

Ali, M.M and J.A. Mirza. Strengthening IT Facilities in Bangladesh Agricultural University. Mymensisngh:GTI, BAU.

2005 Ali, M.M. and M.R. Islam. Livelihood status of the rickshaw pullers of Bangladesh (a research monograph). Dhaka: The Good Earth.

1999 Ali, M.M. Training course on office management for the employees of NARS institutes: an evaluation report. GTI publication #127, BAU, Mymensingh

1998 Ali, M.M. (ed.). Technical Report Writing. Mymensingh: GTI-publication # 125, BAU.

1997 Ali, M.M. and M.T. Islam. Training course on Statistical Methods for Socio-Economic Research: an evaluation report. GTI publication # 124, BAU, Mymensingh

1996 Ali, H. and M.M. Ali. Teaching Methodology: an Evaluation Report. GTI Publication # 121. GTI, BAU, Mymensingh

1994 Halim, A., M.M. Ali and M.M. Islam. Evaluation of higher agricultural education in Bangladesh. BAU, Mymensingh

1990 Ali, M.M. and M.A. Hossain. Technology transfer through front-line extension workers in Bangladesh. GTI Publication No 79. GTI, BAU, Mymensingh

1989 Islam, M.S. and M.M. Ali. Training on Technical Writing in Agriculture: an Evaluation Report. GTI Publication No 79. GTI, BAU, Mymensingh Halim, A. and M.M. Ali. Evaluation of group approach in T&V extension system. GTI Publication No 75. GTI, BAU, Mymensingh

1987 Ali, M.M., M.A. Hossain. Evaluation report of the training programme on Field Plot Technique and Experimental Design. GTI Publication No 64. GTI, BAU, Mymensingh

1985 Ali, M.M. and A. Halim. The effect of T&V system of extension at farmers’ level in Bogra. GTI Publication No 52. GTI, BAU, Mymensingh



1. Professor Abdul Mannan 3. Dr. Sonjoy Kumar Adhikary Former Chairman, UGC Member, Bangladesh Accreditation Council, Cell: 01969674833 Professor, Agrotechnology Discipline email: [email protected] Khulna University, Khulna Former: Head of Quality Assurance Unit 2. Mr. Md. Nazul Islam Khan HEQEP-UGC, Agargaon, Dhaka 1207 & Curator, Bangabandhu Memorial Museum Former: Vice-Chancellor Dhanmondi 32, Road 12, Dhaka Noakhali University of Science & Technology Former Secretary, Ministry of Education, and Cell: 88-01914066287 Ministry of Information & email : [email protected] Communication Technology : adhikary1958@gmail Cell: 88-01841225555 email: [email protected]


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.


Print Name Dr. Md. Mozahar Ali Date of Signing 23 Dec. 2020

Mailing Address: Graduate Training Institute (GTI) Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh- 2202 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Mobile No: 01711391190


Annexure: Participation of Dr. M. Mozahar Ali in different national educational activities

Participants of “Foundation Training for University Teachers” with honourable Minister of Education at Bangladesh Secretariat

Participants of “Foundation Training for University Teachers” with honourable Chairman and Members of UGC at UGC Bhaban


Participants of “Foundation Training for University Teachers” with honourable Chairman and Members of UGC at UGC Bhaban

Participants of “Foundation Training for University Teachers” with honourable Chairman and Members of UGC at UGC Bhaban


Organized “National workshop on Curriculum Format” at UGC where honourable Chairman and Members graced the occasion