∙ Awareness ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Innovation ∙ Integrity ∙ Persistence ∙ Courage ∙ Bold ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Leadership ∙ Determination ∙ Passion ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Resilience ∙ Perseverance ∙ Diligence ∙ Intelligence ∙ Vision ∙ Commitment ∙ Care ∙ Leadership ∙ Success ∙ Perseverance ∙ Integrity ∙ Growth ∙ Determination ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Vision ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Bold ∙ Care ∙ Resilience ∙ Courage ∙ Diligence ∙ Innovation ∙ Commitment ∙ Intelligence ∙ Persistence ∙ Passion ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Perseverance ∙ Care ∙ Leadership ∙ Bold ∙ Success ∙ Persistence ∙ Diligence ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Commitment ∙ Passion ∙ Integrity ∙ Awareness洞悉挑战 ∙ Innovation ∙ Determination ∙ Vision ∙ Intelligence ∙ Resilience ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Commitment行稳致远 ∙ Awareness ∙ Vision ∙ Persistence ∙ Resilience ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Courage ∙ Leadership ∙ IntegrityKnow your ∙challenge Determination ∙ Growth ∙ Perseverance ∙ Bold ∙ Passion ∙ Care ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ InnovationGo far and beyond∙ Diligence ∙ Intelligence ∙ Passion ∙ Persistence ∙ Leadership ∙ Determination ∙ Success提名册 ∙ Vision | Nomination ∙ Care brochure ∙ Awareness ∙ Courage ∙ Diligence ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Integrity ∙ Commitment ∙ Resilience ∙ Growth ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Bold ∙ Perseverance ∙ Innovation ∙ Awareness ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Innovation ∙ Integrity ∙ Persistence ∙ Courage ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Leadership ∙ Determination ∙ Passion ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Resilience ∙ Perseverance ∙ Diligence ∙ Intelligence ∙ Vision ∙ Commitment ∙ Care ∙ Leadership ∙ Success ∙ 创立及主办 白金赞助 Perseverance ∙ Integrity ∙ Growth ∙ DeterminationFounded ∙ Entrepreneurialand produced by Platinum sponsor spirits ∙ Vision ∙ Awareness ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Bold ∙ Care ∙ Resilience ∙ Courage ∙ Diligence ∙ Innovation ∙ Commitment ∙ Intelligence ∙ Persistence ∙ Passion ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Perseverance ∙ Care ∙ Leadership ∙ Bold ∙ Success ∙ Persistence ∙ Diligence ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Commitment ∙ Passion ∙ Integrity ∙ Awareness ∙ Courage ∙ Innovation ∙ Determination ∙ Vision ∙ Intelligence ∙ Resilience ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Commitment ∙ Awareness ∙ Vision ∙ Persistence ∙ Resilience ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Courage ∙ Leadership ∙ Integrity ∙ Determination ∙ Growth ∙ Perseverance ∙ Bold ∙ Passion ∙ Care ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Innovation 你具有勇往直前的 精神吗? Do you have the human spirit of unstoppable ambition? ey.com/eoy #EOY

2 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 2 前言 Foreword

3 关于安永企业家奖 About the Awards

4 安永企业家奖中国 - 名人堂 EOY China - Hall of fame

6 安永全球企业家奖 World Entrepreneur Of The Year

8 安永中国企业家协会 EOY China Academy

9 为何参加安永企业家奖 Why you should enter

10 奖项类别 Nomination categories

11 如何参选 How to apply

12 独立评选团 Independent judging panel

12 评选程序 How the winners are chosen

12 重要日期 Key dates

13 评选标准 Assessment criteria

14 联系我们 Contact us

15 安永企业家奖中国项目团队 EOY China program team

16 赞助及支持单位 Sponsors and endorsers

19 提名表格 Nomination forms

EOY 2020 China — Nomination brochure 1 前言 Foreword

2020年是“安永企业家奖”中国评选活 The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (EOY) China Awards 动的十五周年。“安永企业家奖”见证 program has entered its 15th year. Since its inception, the 了中国企业家们不忘初心,秉承匠心 Awards program has witnessed Chinese entrepreneurs aspiring to upgrade their skills, relentlessly improve 筑梦、实业兴邦的使命,锐意进取, themselves and innovate. This has in turn contributed 勇于创新,并在严峻的疫情防控形势 to China’s rapid development over the last decade. 下践行社会责任的重要担当。安永与 Entrepreneurs play a key role in the society and their courage 各界商业领袖携手前行,持续营造有 to shoulder social responsibility has been highlighted during 利于企业持续高质量发展的经济环境及政策框架,为企业 the COVID-19 outbreak. Together with business leaders from 解读健康发展的关键因素。 various sectors, EY has been making continuous efforts to offer an economic environment, policy framework as well 2020年,突如其来的新冠疫情席卷全球绝大多数国家和 as insights that support the sustainable development of 地区,全球产业链、供应链深受影响,市场需求疲弱,中 enterprises. 国经济面临下行压力。目前,全球疫情能否在短期内得到 The COVID-19 outbreak has taken its toll on industry and 有效控制尚未可知,由此引发的社会变革、产业重构,正 supply chains around the world, while its impact to market 催生新业态,加速社会经济结构转型。一场对全球经济增 demand is unparalleled. The Chinese economy is inevitably 长和经济社会发展具有深远影响的变革即将来临。 facing downward pressure. While it remains uncertain if the outbreak will be contained in the immediate future, the trends 疫情影响下通行的发展战略、商业模式、行业规则、管理 that emerged at the consumer and business level have given 逻辑,可能被再次颠覆,衍生出全新的市场生态和客户需 rise to a new business landscape and will have a lasting impact 求。疫情发生以来,我们一次又一次见证企业家们成为应 on global economic growth and social economic development. 对困境的重要力量。面对挑战,企业家们审时度势、创新 The pandemic will likely disrupt established strategies, 求变、以高度的责任感,为经济社会发展和稳定做出积极 business models, industry norms and management practices 贡献。他们是国家经济韧性的重要保障,更是崇高民族 again, creating a new business ecosystem and new demand. 精神的体现。 Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have repeatedly witnessed entrepreneurs serving as an important force in overcoming 今年是中国全面建成小康社会的收官之年,也是“十四五” challenges. With innovation, perseverance and optimism, 规划制定的关键之年。国家已出台了一系列财税和产业政 plus a strong sense of commitment, entrepreneurs have 策,应对疫情对经济社会的冲击。特别是在抗击疫情中的 contributed to the stable development of the economy and 新型基础设施建设,将成为未来中国开启创新发展模式、 society amid the crisis. They are a crucial part of China’s 培育发展新动力、实现高质量发展的重大机遇。 economic resilience and the embodiment of unity. This year is the concluding year of China’s plan to build a 对企业而言,要聚焦优质业务,发展卓越团队;更要谋 moderately prosperous society in all respects and a crucial 划长远,积极塑造有利的产业和竞争格局。今年的“安永 year for formulating the country’s 14th Five-Year Plan. China 企业家奖”中国评选活动将以“洞悉挑战、行稳致远”为主 has rolled out a series of fiscal, tax and industry policies to 题, 特别关注疫情防控常态下中国企业家面对挑战,如 cushion the impact of the pandemic on the economy and 何内修外炼,同时致力为更多中国企业辨析前景,助其 society. New infrastructure will become a major opportunity 行稳致远。 for China to pursue innovation-driven development, foster new growth drivers, and achieve high-quality development. 我们期待各领域商业领袖和优秀企业家参选,敬请提名! Enterprises should focus on enhancing their strengths and developing high-performance teams while planning for the future to secure a strong position in the new competitive landscape. The EOY China Awards theme this year “Know your challenge. Go far and beyond” particularly focuses on 陈凯 Jack Chan how Chinese entrepreneurs grow their businesses at difficult times to pave the way for more Chinese enterprises to achieve 安永中国主席 Chairman, China sustainable growth. 大中华区首席执行官 Regional Managing Partner, Greater China We look forward to receiving your nomination for exceptional business leaders and outstanding entrepreneurs.

2 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 关于安永企业家奖

安永企业家奖于1986年在美国首次举办。今天,此奖项已 扩展至逾60个国家和地区及145个城市,全球有超过千名 最成功及最富创新精神的杰出企业家们曾获此殊荣。安永 企业家奖于2006年首次在中国大陆、香港及澳门举办,目 前已成为在业界广受认同的奖项。评选活动希望表彰那些 拥有卓越能力并果敢地把握机会而成功的中国企业家们。 这些企业家尤其在创造就业、提高中国企业的国际竞争力 以及带动中国经济发展等方面做出了积极的贡献。

About the Awards

Created in the United States in 1986, the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year (EOY) program has grown to more than 145 cities in 60 countries and regions, with the program presented to over one thousand of the most successful and innovative entrepreneurs around the world. The China Awards program, launched in 2006, is recognized for honoring entrepreneurs in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau who achieve success by combining ability with opportunity. In particular, the Awards recognizes the benefits that entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial spirit bring to the Chinese economy by creating employment opportunities and enhancing the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises.

安永企业家奖是世界上最负 盛名的国际商业奖项之一

安永企业家奖是世界上最负盛名的国际商业奖项之一。这一� 全球公认的奖项旨在表彰那些以非凡的远见、超群的领导� 才能和卓越的成就来激励他人的杰出企业家们。 One of the world’s most prestigious business accolades for entrepreneurs The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year program is one of the world’s most prestigious business accolades for entrepreneurs as it honors entrepreneurs who inspire others with their outstanding vision, leadership and achievement.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 3 2019 2019 2019 安永企业家奖中国名人堂 EOY China Hall of fame 陈亨达 | Antonio Chan 薛永康 | Sammy Hsieh 李咏怡 | Loretta Lee

2019 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018

竺兆江 | George Zhu 陈建成 | Chen Jiancheng 郭宏新 | Guo Hongxin 贾 波 | Jack Jia 蒋 铭 | Jiang Ming 李 锋 | Li Feng 李洪信 | Li Hongxin 李 晖 | Li Hui

2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017

金位海 | Jin Weihai 娄 竞 | Lou Jing 潘君临 | David Pun 王元珞 | Wang Yuanluo 吴欣鸿 | Wu Xinhong 徐士龙 | Xu Shilong 阳 萌 | Steven Yang 章安强 | Johnny Zhang

2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015

王亚南 | Wang Yanan 王正华 | Wang Zhenghua 魏 巍 | Wei Wei 赵 燕 | Zhao Yan 周晓光 | Zhou Xiaoguang 陈泽阳 | Chan Chak Yeung 贺剑锋 | He Jianfeng 洪卫东 | Hong Weidong

2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014

杨东文 | Yang Dongwen 俞德超 | Michael Yu 陈永祥 | Joseph Chan 陈 邦 | Chen Bang 钱永勋 | David Chien 韩 杰 | Han Jie 罗乐风 | Kenneth Lo 颜文森 | Bosco Ngan

2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013

陈海斌 | Chen Haibin 陈妙林 | Chen Miaolin 许荣茂 | Hui Wing Mau 关志康 | Jacky Kwan 梁光伟 | Liang Guangwei 萧婉仪 | Terry Sio 孙少文 | Simon Suen 邓钜明 | Jimmy Tang

2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012

郑钟文 | Johnny Cheng 周邦亮 | Arthur Chow 韩宪保 | Han Xianbao 刘 江 | Liu Jiang 马蔚华 | Ma Weihua 谢邱安仪 | Annie Yau Tse 王长田 | Wang Changtian 王旭宁 | Wang Xuning

2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010

王 恒 | Wang Hung Roger 汪静波 | Wang Jingbo 文一波 | Wen Yibo 邬嘉华 | Thomas Woo 姚公达 | Yao Gongda 周海江 | Zhou Haijiang 周鸿祎 | Zhou Hongyi 陈康平 | Chen Kangping

2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009

罗开扬 | Dennis Lo 张兰 | Zhang Lan 王维基 | Ricky Wong 刘积仁 | Liu Jiren 丁水波 | Ding Shuipo 许应斌 | Clement Hui 蒋锡培 | Jiang Xipei 廖家俊 | Jack Lau

2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

曹德旺 | Cho Tak Wong 丁世忠 | Ding Shizhong 范 敏 | Fan Min 邱珏麟 | Christian Heilesen 黄 鸣 | Huang Ming 蒋大龙 | Johan Jiang 李文俊 | Raymond Lee 潘石屹 | Pan Shiyi

2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006

李 革 | Li Ge 刘永好 | Liu Yonghao 潘 慰 | Daisy Poon 沈国军 | Shen Guojun 徐 航 | Xu Hang 张朝阳 | Charles Zhang 邓中翰 | John Deng 艾礼文 | Richard S. Elman

4 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019

刘 畅 | Liu Chang 刘庆峰 | Liu Qingfeng 邱 兵 | Qiu Bing 阮积祥 | Ruan Jixiang 田 明 | Martin Tian 王 瑀 | Wang Yu 叶国富 | Jack Ye 张传卫 | Zhang Chuanwei

2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017

凌俊杰 | Clarence Ling 刘延云 | Liu Yanyun 司徒志仁 | Stanley Szeto 徐 立 | Xu Li 虞 阳 | Leslie Yu 何鞠诚 | Ho Kuk Sing 王国龙 | George Hongchoy 胡 澜 | Lana Hu

2017 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016

张 泉 | Zhang Quan 陈 寅 | Chen Yin 纪利仕 | Girish Jhunjhnuwala 黎瑞刚 | Li Ruigang 李学纯 | Li Xuechun 李志疆 | Li Zhijiang 文 立 | Lap Man 徐湛滔 | Tsui Cham To

2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

江佩珍 | Jiang Peizhen 康敬伟 | Jeffrey Kang 李小羿 | Benjamin Li 刘殿波 | Liu Dianbo 文振声 | Man Chun Sing 吴永康 | Ng Wing Hong 其 实 | Qi Shi 谢子龙 | Xie Zilong

2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013

舒策城 | Shu Cecheng 王小川 | Wang Xiaochuan 修涞贵 | Xiu Laigui 薛向东 | Xue Xiangdong 姚劲波 | Yao Jinbo 于敦德 | Donald Yu 张黎刚 | Lee Zhang 陈 峰 | Chen Feng

2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012

曾建中 | Terry Tsang 王召明 | Wang Zhaoming 闫希军 | Yan Xijun 杨国平 | Yang Guoping 张邦鑫 | Zhang Bangxin 曹国伟 | Charles Chao 车冯升 | Che Fengsheng 陈英杰 | Chen Yingchieh

2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011

伍伟国 | Michael Wu 张天任 | Zhang Tianren 郑灼荣 | Chuck Cheng 成从武 | Cheng Congwu 叶俊亨 | Wilson Ip 李朝旺 | Li Chaowang 刘强东 | Richard Liu 任元林 | Ren Yuanlin

2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010

陈 芳 | Judy Chan 倪 捷 | Ni Jie 伍跃时 | Wu Yueshi 杨 勋 | Yeung Chun Fan 尹卫东 | Yin Weidong 沈文荣 | Shen Wenrong 周福仁 | Zhou Furen 王中磊 | Wang Zhonglei

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

李书福 | Li Shufu 罗康瑞 | Vincent Lo 卢文兵 | Lu Wenbing 罗 林 | Luo Lin 孙 坚 | David Sun 吴长江 | Wu Changjiang 吴向东 | Wu Xiangdong 宣瑞国 | Richard Xuan

2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007

黄建业 | Freddie Wong 俞敏洪 | Michael Yu 朱新礼 | Zhu Xinli 祝义才 | Zhu Yicai 陈裕光 | Michael Chan 张 茵 | Cheung Yan 戴伟民 | Wayne Dai 高德康 | Gao Dekang

2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006

郭广昌 | Guo Guangchang 江南春 | Jason Jiang 郭少明 | Kwok Siu Ming 李彦宏 | Robin Li 刘长乐 | Liu Changle Horst Julius Pudwill 宋郑还 | Song Zhenghuan 杨元庆 | Yang Yuanqing

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 5 安永全球企业家奖 EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year

与其它以区域或国家为界的商业奖项不同,安永企业家奖 Unlike business awards, which take place at a regional or 的独特之处在于其全球性。奖项不仅在不同的国家或地区颁 national level, the EOY national winners go on to represent 发,得奖者还将代表所属国家或地区参加安永全球企业家奖 their countries at an international awards ceremony 的角逐。每年,由过往获奖者和商界领袖组成的评选团将从 that celebrates their leadership and accomplishments. In all, over 50 award winners from around the world are 来自世界各地50多名安永企业家奖大奖获奖者中,选出一名 presented to a distinguished panel of judges comprising 众望所归的安永全球企业家奖得主。 past winners and business leaders to compete for the EY 安永企业家奖中国评选活动结束之后,中国大陆、香港及澳 World Entrepreneur Of The Year (WEOY) award. 门大奖获奖者将代表中国参加翌年六月举办的全球颁奖典 The winners of EOY China Mainland China, Hong Kong and 礼,争夺安永全球企业家奖殊荣。安永全球企业家奖为企业 Macau will go on to represent China at an international 家精英的相互交流、制订下一步战略规划提供了独一无二 awards ceremony in June of the following year, in which 的 平 台 。安 永 企 业 家 奖 2008中国大陆大奖获奖者,福耀玻 they will compete for the prestigious title of WEOY. 璃工业集团董事长曹德旺先生曾荣获“安永全球企业家奖 The WEOY awards provide business elites an exclusive 2009”年大奖。 platform to network, strategize and plan their next projects. Mr. Cho Tak Wong of Fuyao Glass Industry Group, the EOY China 2008 mainland China winner went on to be named the WEOY 2009.

6 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 7 安永中国企业家协会 EOY China Academy

安永企业家奖获奖者将自动成为安永企业家协会成员。协会 This exclusive Academy, of which EOY winners automatically 由新一届和过往所有获奖者组成,使命在于通过分享成功企 become members, periodically organizes social and 业领袖们的经验来推动企业家精神,并使更多人士了解他们 business functions, such as conferences, seminars, and 对世界经济的宝贵贡献。 luncheons for the benefit of its members. The Academy comprises current and past winners and its mission is to 安永中国企业家协会定期组织社交和商业活动,如大型会议 promote entrepreneurship by sharing the success stories of 及研讨会、午餐会及其他社会活动。协会为会员构建无与伦 entrepreneurial business leaders, and by making the general 比的全球商界精英网络,让彼此建立联系,分享观点并创造 public more aware of the benefits entrepreneurs bring to the world economy. 新的业务增长机会。 The EOY China Academy is a forum for its members to build relationships, share ideas and generate new business opportunities through an unrivaled network of the world’s business elite.

8 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 你能够超越问题本身, 寻求解决方案吗? Do you have the foresight to envision solutions beyond problems?

为何参加安永企业家奖 Why you should enter

获奖意味着您的成就获得了全球认可。该奖项的全球性和国 Being an award winner means your achievements receive 际知名度将提升您和您的企业在中国和国际的声望,以及在 the global recognition they deserve. The prestige of the 所处市场、行业及社区中的知名度。 award will raise your profile in China and internationally, and in your market, your industry and the wider community. 如果您最终获奖,您和贵公司还会在中国和国际媒体上被广 As a winner, you and your business will also gain national 泛报道,有助提升知名度和加强品牌形象,带来众多市场推广 and international media exposure, creating greater public 的机会。另外,此奖项也能提升您在员工、投资者、客户、供应 awareness for you and your business in both domestic and 商,以及业界和其他社会人士心目中的声誉。 global markets. Association with our EOY brand can also enhance your own corporate brand and present a variety of 作为获奖者,您将受邀出席万众瞩目的颁奖典礼接受殊荣,并 marketing and promotional opportunities. Furthermore, an 成为安永企业家协会成员,获得与国内外顶尖商业领袖相识 award can reinforce or raise your reputation with the people 和交流的机会。 that matter: staff, investors, clients, suppliers and others in your business or community.

But perhaps the most exciting thing about being a winner is that you will be recognized at the prestigious and respected Awards Gala. But if that is not enough, you will also gain exclusive membership to the EOY Academy, which represents a unique opportunity to network with leading business people from China and around the world.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 9 奖项类别 Nomination categories

我们期望颁发下列行业奖项: We expect to present awards in the following categories:

• 清洁技术 • 医药及生命科学业 • Cleantech • Pharmaceutical & life sciences • 消费品业 • 房地产业 • Consumer Products • Real Estate • 制造业 • 服务业 • Industrial Products • Services • 媒体及娱乐业 • 科技业 • Media & Entertainment • Technology

行业类别根据提名数量及质量而决定。评选团还将通过进一 The final determination of the categories will be decided 步评议,从上述类别的获奖者中选出两位安永企业家奖中国 based on the quantity and quality of the nominations 大奖获奖者,分别代表中国大陆和香港/澳门。 received. After further deliberation, the judges will select two of the category winners as EOY China winners, 所有获奖者名单将于2020年12月底于深圳举行的安永企业 representing Mainland China and Hong Kong/Macau. 家奖2020中国颁奖晚宴上公布。 All award winners will be announced at the EY 对于安永企业家奖的中国大陆和香港/澳门大奖获奖者而言, Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China Awards Gala at the end of December in . 征程还未结束。获奖者还将代表中国,参加安永于翌年6月举 行的安永全球企业家奖颁奖典礼,争取最高荣誉。 For the Mainland China winner and Hong Kong/Macau winner, the journey doesn’t stop there. They will go on to represent China to meet EY Entrepreneur Of The Year awards winners from other countries and to vie for the title of EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year, at a gala ceremony hosted by EY in June of the following year.

10 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 安永企业家奖旨在表彰那些充满活力和具启发性的杰出商业领袖, 并对他们所取得的成就予以最高的肯定。我们欢迎各行业人士参 选。无论您的企业已具规模,还是历史较短但成长快速,安永企业 家奖中国可协助您拓展业务。请 不 要 错 过 这 个 机 会 。如 果 您 心 目 中 有理想人选,请马上提名。

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is a business awards program aimed at rewarding inspiring leaders of dynamic companies. The program is designed to recognize achievement at the highest level in business, and seeks nominees from a wide variety of industries. Whether your business is an established private enterprise or a young, fast-growing private company, the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year China program can help you develop and expand. Don’t miss this opportunity. If you’ve got what it takes – nominate now.

如何参选 How to apply

被提名的候选人必须为企业的所有者或管理者,对企业近期 To be eligible to enter the program, the nominee must 业绩负主要责任,并且必须在企业的最高管理层中发挥重要 be an owner or the manager primarily responsible for 作用。候选人所在的企业必须具备两年或以上的历史。 the recent performance of the company, and an active member of senior management. The nominee’s company 任何与成功的企业家有关联者 - 例如专业顾问、客户、供货 must be at least two years old. 商、往来银行、律师、雇员或企业家的配偶均可提名。企业家 Anyone associated with a successful entrepreneur – 们亦可自我提名。毕竟,企业家们对自己的成就较其他任何人 professional advisor, customer, supplier, banker, lawyer, 更为熟悉。提名表格中的所有资料均将严格保密,并仅供安 employee or spouse – may nominate the individual. 永及独立评选团于评选过程中使用。只有获奖者的名单才予 Entrepreneurs can also nominate themselves – after 公布。提名表格随附于本小册子后页,亦可于以下网址下载: all, entrepreneurs know their achievements better than ey.com/china/eoy anyone else. All information submitted on the nomination form will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used by EY and an independent panel of judges for the selection process. Only the winners selected by the panel will be announced to the public. A nomination form is attached to the last page of this brochure. It can also be downloaded at ey.com/china/eoy

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 11 独立评选团 Independent judging panel

获奖者由独立评选团选出。评选团成员由社会及商界的领袖 Winners are chosen by an independent judging panel 及专家,以及安永企业家奖过往获奖者组成。能够成为评选 which comprises captains of industry, well-respected 团成员,主要在于其专长,以及他们致力推广企业家精神的 leaders from the community, experts from the business 贡献。 and financial sectors, and previous EOY winners. Members of the panel are chosen for their expertise and commitment to entrepreneurship.

评选程序 How the winners are chosen

当收到所有提名后,我们将根据提名表格中的资料对被提 After the nominations are received, they are thoroughly 名人进行全面评估,与被提名人会面,并提交报告供评选 screened and evaluated based on the information 团评议。 provided in the nomination form. We then meet with each nominee for a discussion that helps the evaluation 独立评选团将通过严格的选拔程序,确定最终获奖者名单。 process and a report is submitted to the judges for their deliberation.

The independent panel of judges decides on the winners after undertaking a rigorous selection process.

重要日期 Key dates

2020 七月至八月 八月至九月 十月 July — August August — September October

接受提名 与候选人面谈 独立评选团会议 Open for nominations Nominee interviews Independent judging panel meeting

12 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 评选标准 Assessment criteria

安永企业家奖评选活动所采用的评选标准全球统一。 The judging criteria conform to a single global standard adopted by all Entrepreneur Of The Year programs.

候选人的企业家精神 策略发展方向 创新 Entrepreneurial spirit Strategic direction Innovation 企业的财务业绩 国家或全球范围影响 目标驱动领导力 Financial performance National or global impact Purpose-driven leadership

十二月 2021 六月 December June

评选团、获奖企业家招待会及颁奖晚宴 安永全球企业家奖颁奖典礼 Judges and winners’ reception and EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards Gala

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 13 联系我们 Contact us

如欲查询更多有关安永企业家奖活动的资料,请联系 Please contact us if you would like to know more about 我们。您可电邮至 [email protected]。阁下亦可浏览我 the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year China awards program. 们的网址 ey.com/china/eoy 查询详情。 You can contact us by email at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at ey.com/china/eoy to find out more. 关注安永企业家奖官方微信 Follow EOY China on WeChat

你的宏大抱负让你 无所畏惧吗? Are you undaunted by the scale of your own ambition? ey.com/eoy #EOY

14 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 安永企业家奖中国项目团队 EOY China program team

项目联合主席 | Program Co-chairman 毕舜杰 蔡伟荣 Michael Bi R划ingo坎 Choi [email protected] [email protected]

项目提名总监 | Program nomination champions 华北区 | China North

常莹 郑铭驹 张伟雄 杜芳 刘强 糜懿全 张毅强 钟丽 Sarah Chang Denis Cheng Paul Cheung Diana Du Sam Liu Jason Mi Wood Zhang Libby Zhong [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 华中区 | China Central

谢明发 宋从越 叶远安 叶隽 袁皈泰 林忠 周澔宇 Eric Chia Henry Song Derick Yap Frank Ye Stella Yuan Lin Zhong Kevin Zhou [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 华南区 | China South

张秉贤 黄寅 梁斯尔 李伟伦 刘万芳 陆丹 曾文元 胡立基 Benny Cheung William Huang Andy Leung Alan Li Elaine Liu Daniel Lu Michael Tjenalooi Winson Woo [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 香港及澳门 | Hong Kong and Macau

陈日辉 陈永诚 周雪凤 张蔼颂 许德之 林慧明 Peter Chan Vincent Chan Dilys Chau Lorraine Cheung Harvey Coe Ada Lam [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 私人客户服务 - 税务 | Private Client Services - Tax

陈建平 陈楚凡 范家珩 李敏妹 魏伟邦 孙蔼婷 邓师乔 王文晖 Andrew JP Chen Joy Chen Sam Fan Mabel Li Martin Ngai Ivy Sun Carrie Tang Karina Wong China Central Hong Kong Hong Kong China South China North China South China Central Hong Kong [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 15 赞助及支持单位 Sponsors and endorsers

创立及主办 Founded and produced by

白金赞助 Platinum sponsor

支持机构 Supporting organizations

独家特邀短视频平台 Exclusive video platform sponsor

媒体共同主办 Media Co-organizers

16 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 白金赞助 Platinum sponsor

160 年值得信赖的合作伙伴 A trusted partner over the last 160 years

瑞信成立于1856年,一直竭诚为企业家、公司和机构客 Founded in 1856, Credit Suisse has been dedicated to 户提供服务。作为全球领先的金融服务机构之一,160 serving entrepreneurs, corporates and institutional clients 多年来,瑞信始终如一地为全球各地企业家、公司和机 for more than 160 years. As one of the world’s leading financial services providers, Credit Suisse offers best in class 构客户提供业内一流的咨询服务、定制化解决方案和创 advisory services, differentiated solutions and innovative 新产品。 products to entrepreneurs, companies and institutional clients around the world. 时至今日,瑞信的业务遍及全球大约150个国家和地区, 拥有来自150多个国家的47,000多名员工。我们广泛的 Today, Credit Suisse has a global reach with operations in 业务分布帮助我们创造了来自各个地区均衡分布的收入和 about 50 countries and more than 47,000 employees from 新增净资产,让我们充分把握全球发展机遇。 over 150 different nations. Our broad footprint helps us to generate a geographically balanced stream of revenues and 企业家精神和不断创新的理念深深根植于瑞信的基因和企 net new assets and allows us to capture growth opportunities 业文化,因此,我们始终有强大的动力,以不同方式审视 around the world. 思考,迅速行动,不断为客户提供更优质的服务。我们秉 An entrepreneurial mindset and the constant drive for 承企业家银行定位,充分发挥在财富管理和投资银行领域 innovation have become enrooted in Credit Suisse’s DNA 的宏厚实力以及领先优势,让我们在主要市场取得成功。 and its corporate culture; we are therefore inspired to 凭借着对各个本地市场深厚独到的了解以及瑞信强大的内 think differently, move quickly and achieve greater results 部协作文化,我们一直致力于为企业家提供全方位的咨询 in the delivery of services to our clients. As the Bank 服务和解决方案,以满足其私人和企业财富发展各个周期 for Entrepreneurs, leveraging our strengths in wealth management and investment banking that provide us with 的相应需求。 key competitive advantages to succeed in the markets where we operate. With our extensive knowledge about the local 大中华区是瑞信在亚太区的战略市场,拥有超过60年的发 markets and the strong collaborative culture within the bank, 展历史。多年来,我们与大中华区的客户携手并进,以卓 we offer a comprehensive suite of advisory services and 越的服务和产品,鼎力协助他们实现在商业和个人财富方 solutions that meet the needs of entrepreneurs throughout 面的愿景。此外,瑞信在中国拥有两家合资公司,为客户 all phases of their private and corporate wealth cycle. 提供中国境内理财、资本市场和券商服务。 Greater China has been a strategic market for Credit 请浏览credit-suisse.com/apac,了解更多我们的服务。 Suisse in Asia Pacific, where it has a long-standing history of over 60 years. We are committed to partnering with our clients in Greater China and supporting them to fulfil their business and personal financial aspirations with our 关注瑞信官方微信 exceptional services and product offerings. The bank also Follow Credit Suisse on WeChat has two joint ventures in China, providing access to China’s onshore wealth management, capital market and brokerage businesses.

Please visit credit-suisse.com/apac to find out more about our services.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination brochure 17 你是否有决心冲破 障碍? Are you determined to break through to the unknown? ey.com/eoy #EOY

18 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名册 创立及主办 白金赞助 Founded and produced by Platinum sponsor

安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名表格 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination form

本提名表格可由被提名人或其他人士填写,但须被提名人签署后方为有效。本表格填妥后须交回安永会计师事务所。如欲在 网 上 提 名 ,请 登 入 ey.com/china/eoy。

符合资格的候选人必须为企业所有者/管理者,并作为企业最高管理层,主导着该企业近期的表现,候选人所在的企业必须已 成立两年或以上。

The nomination form can be completed by anyone (including the nominee). However, please note that the nominee is required to sign this form. This form should be completed and returned to EY. For online nomination, please go to ey.com/china/eoy.

To be eligible to receive an award, the nominee must be an owner/manager who is primarily responsible for the recent performance of the company and an active member of top management. The nominee’s company must be in business for more than two years.

备忘 Checklist

阁下在交回提名表格前,请查核下列各项: Before you send in your application, please check to ensure that you have included the following items:

□ 填妥及签署提名表格 Completed and signed nomination form

□ 附上被提名人和提名人士的公司名片 Business card of nominee and nominator

□ 附上被提名人清晰的半身个人近照一张(商业风格) A clear, individual head-and-shoulder photograph of nominee (business-style shot)

□ 附上公司介绍资料及业务推广资料 Brief description of the company’s business, company profile and/or marketing collateral

□ 附上被提名人公司最近三个财政年度经审计的财务报表 Audited financial statements for the three most recent financial years

填妥的提名表格可邮寄至安永上海、北京、香港、广州或深圳办事处,或电邮至 [email protected]。 信封或电子邮件标题请注明“安永企业家奖 2020 中国”

Completed nomination forms should be sent to one of our offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, or Shenzhen by mail or by email at [email protected]. “EOY 2020 China” should be clearly marked on the envelop or in the subject line of the email. 安永办事处 EY offices

上海 Shanghai 上海市浦东新区世纪大道100号 50/F, Shanghai World Financial Center 上海环球金融中心50楼 100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area 邮政编码: 200120 Shanghai, 200120 电话: +86 21 2228 8888 Tel: +86 21 2228 8888 传真: +86 21 2228 0000 Fax: +86 21 2228 0000

北京 Beijing 北京市东城区东长安街1号 16/F, Ernst & Young Tower, Oriental Plaza 东方广场安永大楼16层 1 East Chang An Avenue, Dongcheng District 邮政编码: 100738 Beijing, 100738 电话: +86 10 5815 3000 Tel: +86 10 5815 3000 传真: +86 10 8518 8298 Fax: +86 10 8518 8298

香港 Hong Kong 香港中环添美道1号 22/F, CITIC Tower, 1 Tim Mei Avenue 中信大厦22楼 Central, Hong Kong 电话: +852 2846 9888 Tel: +852 2846 9888 传真: +852 2868 4432 Fax: +852 2868 4432

广州 Guangzhou 广东省广州天河区珠江东路13号 18/F, Ernst & Young Tower, 13 Zhujiang East Road 安永大厦18层 Tianhe District, Guangzhou 邮政编码: 510623 , 510623 电话: +86 20 2881 2888 Tel: +86 20 2881 2888 传真: +86 20 2881 2618 Fax: +86 20 2881 2618

深圳 Shenzhen 广东省深圳市深南东路5001号 21/F, China Resources Building 华润大厦21楼 5001 Shennan Dong Road, Shenzhen 邮政编码: 518001 Guangdong, 518001 电话: +86 755 2502 8288 Tel: +86 755 2502 8288 传真: +86 755 2502 6188 Fax: +86 755 2502 6188 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名表格

1. 被提名人个人资料

称谓: □先生 □夫人 □女士 □小姐 □博士 □其他 | 名字: | 姓氏: | 职衔:

于该职位供职年限: | 于所在企业供职年限:

电邮: | 电话号码: | 目前在该公司拥有股权百分比:

是否为公司创始人? □ 是 □ 否

是否目前仍积极参与高层管理工作? □ 是 □ 否

此前是否曾获安永企业家奖提名? □ 是 □ 否

被提名人或其所在公司是否曾受到政府机构、民事诉讼或刑事诉讼调查? □ 是 □ 否

助理称谓: □先生 □夫人 □女士 □小姐 □博士 □其他 | 助理名字: | 助理姓氏:

助理电话号码: | 助理电邮:

2. 公司信息

名称: | 总部–地址:

总部–所在国家: | 总部–所在城市: | 总部–所在区/州/省/县:




是否上设母公司? □ 是 □ 否

是否为家族企业(家族企业指多代传承且家族成员持股超过20%的企业)? □ 是 □ 否

所属行业: □ 汽车 / □ 清洁技术 / □ 消费品业 / □ 金融服务(资产管理、银行和资本市场、保险) / □ 医疗健康 / □ 制造业 / □ 媒体和娱乐 / □ 采矿和金属 / □ 石油和天然气 / □ 医药及生命科学 / □ 电力和公用事业 / □ 房地产、酒店与建筑 / □ 科技 / □ 其他(请注明):

成立年份: | 是否有邓氏编码? □ 是 □ 否 | 网站:

是否为上市公司? □ 是 (上市时间: / 上市地: ) □ 否

2.1 财务主管资料

称谓: □先生 □夫人 □女士 □小姐 □博士 □其他 | 名字: | 姓氏: | 职衔:


所在国家: | 所在城市: | 所在区/州/省/县:

邮政编码: | 电邮: | 电话号码:

2.2 主要联络人资料

称谓: □先生 □夫人 □女士 □小姐 □博士 □其他 | 名字: | 姓氏: | 职衔:


所在国家: | 所在城市: | 所在区/州/省/县:

邮政编码: | 电邮: | 电话号码:

安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名表格 3. 证明人与外部顾问 3.1 往来银行顾问资料 称谓: □先生 □夫人 □女士 □小姐 □博士 □其他 | 名字: | 姓氏:



所在国家: | 所在城市: | 所在区/州/省/县:

邮政编码: | 电邮: | 电话号码: 3.2 会计师公司资料 公司名称:


所在国家: | 所在城市:

所在区/州/省/县: | 邮政编码:

4. 财务信息

财务信息为机密信息。财务信息是独立评选团量化被提名人各项成就的重要依据,因此,要求完整填写财务数据。财务信息为所有奖项类别必答项。 过去三年中,公司是否曾与其他公司合并? □ 是 □ 否

货币 □ 人民币 □ 港币 □ 美元

请以同种货币输入所有财务数据。务必以完整形式输入财务数据, 如叁仟壹佰贰拾伍万陆仟柒佰贰拾壹美元输入时应为31256721。如有亏损请在财务数据前加负号。

最近期财务年度 前一期财务年度 前两期财务年度








5. 申请说明

下列申请说明应当涵盖四个方面内容。请藉此讲述被提名人“背后的故事”。被提名人公司网站或市场推广资料中或许已包含每个问题所需信息。 请提交所有能够丰富被提名人背后故事的公司相关宣传信息。财务信息和申请说明是独立评审小组的重要评估工具。

关于被提名人(约250字) • 请描述被提名人对自我修养,事业发展的严格标准及其追求成功的决心。 • 被提名人在逆境面前如何坚韧不拔,最终战胜困难? • 请描述被提名人如何在面对不确定性时独立思考、勇往直前。

安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名表格 业务类型(约250字) • 企业历史背景 • 企业创业战略和/或业务发展思路 • 若被提名人是创始人,请描述创建该企业时遇到的困难,包括创业带来的个人风险和财务风险。 • 若被提名人不是公司创始人,请描述被提名人作为企业家在承担冒险、金融投资、个人牺牲等方面遇到的挑战。 • 若被提名人为家族企业成员,请描述家族企业各代轮换历史和未来接班人计划。 • 请描述企业在所属行业遭遇过的任何重大困境。

创新方式(约250字) • 请描述被提名人如何创建一个对创新创造展现出明确持续推动力,从而推动主要产品和/或服务的开发和实施的商业模式。 • 特别描述被提名人的差异化竞争优势。 • 被提名人对企业未来发展的愿景和规划。

企业精神/文化(约250字) • 被提名人对慈善组织的贡献? 被提名人如何回馈社区? • 被提名人是否曾在企业内部发起或组织重大人才发展项目? • 以上项目是否改变了企业文化,并帮助提高员工能力和留住员工?

安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名表格 6. 提名人(推荐企业家参与该奖项的个人,或代表企业家草拟提名案的个人)

您是否为自己提名? □ 是 □ 否

称谓: □先生 □夫人 □女士 □小姐 □博士 □其他 | 名字: | 姓氏:

职衔: | 电邮: | 公司名称:

电话号码: | 地址:

所在国家: | 所在城市: | 所在区/州/省/县:

邮政编码: | 提名人与被提名人关系:


7. 条款和条件

重要—照片 照片使用等 请提交一张职业照。具体要求:电子文档,分辨率至少达到300 dpi,格 式 若本人入围区域安永企业家奖评选活动候选人或最终获奖,本人在此授权 为.jpg,彩照尤佳,且只限半身照。照片仅用于评选过程中的有关参考和制 Ernst & Young Group Limited,安永(中国)企业咨询有限公司及其关联机 作用途。 构、EYG的成员机构及其关联机构、上述机构的代表方以一种非排他性的并 且可转让的权利而非以一种义务免费使用、编辑、宣传、复制本人姓名及其他 信息使用 类似信息,包括但不限于图片、肖像、照片、影片、视频、本人音频记录或本人 本人知悉,提名表中所载本人信息和资料:(i)可 由 Ernst & Young 因参与安永企业家奖项目所提供的书面声明,包括但不限于市场推广资料的 Group Limited,安永(中国)企业咨询有限公司等 Ernst & Young Group 制定和出版、宣传推广印刷品、媒体出版物和宣传、视频及其他资料等,无论 Limited(“EYG”)成员机构以及独立的国家和区域评审小组等项目责任单位 上述资料为内部资料或对外资料。本人在此同意上述授权人员无需就本人信 用于提名评估目的;若本人入围年度安永企业家奖决赛和/或最终获奖,上述 息的使用向本人或本人所在公司支付报酬。 单位可用本人提名表中信息和资料进行新闻发布;(ii)除 提 名 表 第 3部分中规 定的财务数据,可由年度安永企业家奖项目甄选赞助商用于进行现场考察和 责任范围 其他项目相关活动;(iii)可 由 Ernst & Young Group Limited,安 永( 中 国 ) 任何情况下,Ernst & Young Group Limited,安永(中国)企业咨询有限公司 企业咨询有限公司及其关联公司和EYG其他成员机构用于与本人以及第三 及其承包方、EYG成员机构或独立评选团均不向本人及本人所在公司或任何 方探讨潜在商机。本人同意为达到以上目的使用此类信息,并在此确认及表 关联机构(或其各自的继任者或允许的受让人)因安永企业家奖项目相关事 示,本人已取得此种使用所需的一切授权、同意或豁免权限。本人亦同意在不 宜而产生的任何间接、偶然、必然、特殊、惩罚性、惩戒性或特别损害(包括 向EYG成员机构、赞助商、评委及其关联机构之外的个人泄露本人身份或公 利益损失、数据丢失、经营亏损或商誉受损)承担责任,无论责任是否因违反 司身份的前提下,将此信息用于研究、教育或其他任何用途。 合约、侵权、严格责任、违反保证、未能达到根本目的或其他原因,即使曾被 告知可能存在此类损害。 信息/背景调查 本 人 知 悉 、授 权 并 同 意 Ernst & Young Group Limited,安 永( 中 国 )企 业 咨 争端解决 询有限公司及其关联机构和/或第三方以其自身名义通过以下方式就本人或 由于本人参加安永企业家奖项目引起或与此相关的争议或索赔应当提交中国 本人所属公司参与年度安永企业家奖项目相关事宜对提名资料进行确认或 国际经济贸易仲裁委员会在北京的机构仲裁,并按照提出仲裁申请时有效的 补 充 :( i)查询公开资料(包括但不限于社交媒体等互联网信息以及法庭或 《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则》最终解决。本仲裁条款适用的法 监 管 机 构 记 录 );和 / 或( ii)查 验 本 人 教 育 背 景 。一 经 Ernst & Young Group 律 为 中 国 法 律 。仲 裁 地 应 为 北 京 。仲 裁 员 人 数 为 三 名 。仲 裁 程 序 以 英 语 进 行 。 Limited或安永(中国)企业咨询有限公司请求,本人授权上述人士、调查机 仲裁小组无权裁决任何形式的非货币补偿或平等救济,也无权裁决(i)与 通 构和教育机构向Ernst & Young Group Limited或安永(中国)企业咨询有限 用条款和条件或其他关于争端解决的协定不符的救济,或(ii)可由同一辖区 公司及关联机构和/或第三方提供本人教育背景资料。 法庭判决执行的救济。本人明确放弃本人在其他方面所拥有的并且凭借仲裁 或者诉讼可以获得该等损害赔偿的一切权利。仲裁结果对各方具有约束力, 免责 并且仲裁判决结果可在具有相应司法权限的法院执行。 就本人参与安永企业家奖项目事宜,本人在此代表我本人及继任者、执行人 员和管理人员豁免并解除以下机构因本人参与安永企业家奖项目而承担任何 撤销 责任、索赔、诉讼、损失和所有成本或费用,包括(但不限于)提名中提交的所 本人知悉,若本人参与或涉嫌参与不利于安永企业家奖项目的活动,所获奖 有信息和资料、因本人参与年度企业家奖项目而进行的所有信息/背景调查、 项将被撤销,本人获得此奖项的资格将被予以驳回。 与安永企业家奖项目和/或本人参与该项目相关的所有活动、庆祝和推广活 动,或独立评选团就提名和/或本人参与此项目所作的任何决议:(i)Ernst & Young Group Limited,安永(中国)企业咨询有限公司及其关联机构;( ii) EYG的成员机构及其关联机构;(iii)上述机构的合伙人、雇员、代理方、股 东、成员、代表、继任者和受托方;以及(iv)独立评审小组。

本人已阅读此提名表,知悉其中内容并在此表示:本人具备签署此项文件的合法权力,知晓已同他方签订的所有协议均与此文件条款均不相冲突。 据本人所知,在此提供的一切信息真实完整。

本人同意安永向本人发送与安永企业家奖项目无关的营销推广资料。 □ 是 □ 否


被提名人签署: 日期:


安永企业家奖 2020 中国 - 提名表格 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination form

1. Nominee information

Title: □Mr □Mrs □Ms □Miss □Dr □Other | First name: | Last name: | Job title:

Number of years in this position: | Number of years with the company:

Email: | Phone number: | What is the percentage of ownership in the company?

Is the nominee a founder of the company? □ Yes □ No

Is the nominee still actively involved in executive management? □ Yes □ No

Has the nominee previously participated in the Entrepreneur Of The Year program? □ Yes □ No

Has the nominee or nominee’s company been the subject of an investigation by a governmental body, civil complaint or criminal complaint? □ Yes □ No

Assistant title: □Mr □Mrs □Ms □Miss □Dr □Other | Assistant first name: | Assistant last name:

Assistant Email: | Assistant Phone number: 2. Company information

Company name:


Country: | City:

Region/State/Province/County: | ZIP/Postal code:

Brief company description (please provide a brief summary of the nominee’s company business including major products/services and markets)

Full company description (please provide a more detailed description of the nominee’s company business including major products/services and markets)

Are you owned or controlled by another company? □ Yes □ No

Are you a Family Business? (Family-owned is multi-generational and where the family holds more than 20% equity) □ Yes □ No

Industry: □ Automotive & Transportation / □ Cleantech / □ Consumer Products & Retail / □ Financial Services (Wealth & Asset Management, Banking & Capital Markets, Insurance) / □ Health / □ Industrial Products / □ Media & Entertainment / □ Mining & Metals / □ Oil & Gas / □ Pharmaceutical & life sciences / □ Power & Utilities / □ Real Estate, Hospitality & Construction / □ Technology / □ Other (please specify):

What year was the company founded: | Does your company have a DUNS number? □ Yes □ No | Website:

Is the company publicly held? □ Yes (when did the company go public? / Place of listing ) □ No

2.1 Financial Executive information Title: □Mr □Mrs □Ms □Miss □Dr □Other | First name: | Last name: | Job title:


Country: | City:

Region/State/Province/County: | ZIP/Postal code:

Email: | Phone number:

2.2 Primary contact information

Title: □Mr □Mrs □Ms □Miss □Dr □Other | First name: | Last name: | Job title:


Country: | City:

Region/State/Province/County: | ZIP/Postal code:

Email: | Phone number:

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination form 3. References and external advisors 3.1 Banker information Title: □Mr □Mrs □Ms □Miss □Dr □Other | First name: | Last name:

Banker company name:


Country: | City:

Region/State/Province/County: | ZIP/Postal code:

Email: | Phone number: 3.2 Accountant information Account company name:


Country: | City:

Region/State/Province/County: | ZIP/Postal code: 4. Financial information This information is considered confidential. Financial information is an important quantifiable indicator of success available to the judging panels; therefore, it is required that the financial data section be completed in full. This information is required for all award categories. Has the company merged with another company within the past three years? □ Yes □ No

Financial currency □ □ HK dollar □ US dollar

Please enter all financial figures in the same currency. Financial figures should be entered in full form e.g. thirty-one million two hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred twenty-one dollars should be entered as 31256721. Please use a negative sign before financial figures to report a loss.

Most recent financial year Second most recent financial year Third most recent financial year

Fiscal year-end

Total full time employees (or equivalent)

Annual revenue

Income before taxes


Total assets

Total equity 5. Narratives Provide narrative content below covering four topics. Take this opportunity to “tell the story” behind the nominee. Information for each question may be readily available on the nominee’s company website or marketing materials. Submit any relevant promotional company information that will add to the nominee’s story. The financial information and the narratives are critical evaluation tools for the independent judging panels. About the nominee(approximately 250 words) • Discuss the nominee’s high standards relating to himself or herself, the business, and his or her determination to be successful. • How does the nominee demonstrate perseverance in the face of adversity and overcome obstacles? • Describe how the nominee is an independent thinker who is willing to take risks in the face of uncertainty.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination form Type of business(approximately 250 words) • What is the history of the company? • Include the source of the idea for the original business strategy and/or the evolution of the business. • If the nominee is the founder, explain the difficulty of launching and building the business, including the personal and financial risk involved. • If the nominee is not the founder, describe the challenges involved in assuming the entrepreneurial role, including risk-taking, financial investment or other personal sacrifice. • If the nominee is a member of a family-owned business, please describe the generational history and succession plan to carry the company forward. • Discuss any significant obstacles overcome within the industry.

Innovative approaches(approximately 250 words) • Explain how the nominee created a business model that demonstrates a clear and sustained capacity for creativity and innovation in the development and implementation of major products and/or services. • Highlight any competitive points of differentiation. • What is the nominee’s vision or plan for the future growth of the business?

Company initiative/culture(approximately 250 words) • What is the nominee’s contribution to philanthropic organizations? How does the nominee give back to the community? • Has the nominee created or sponsored any key people initiatives within the company? • How have these initiatives changed the company’s culture and helped to empower and retain employees?

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination form 6. Nominator (A person who suggests an entrepreneur into the program or a person who drafts a nomination form on behalf of an entrepreneur)

Are you nominating yourself? □ Yes □ No

Title: □Mr □Mrs □Ms □Miss □Dr □Other | First name: | Last name:

Job title: | Email: | Company name:

Phone number: | Address:

Country: | City: | Region/State/Province/County:

ZIP/Postal code: | Nominator relationship to nominee:

Why are you recommending this nominee? 7. Terms and conditions

Important — Photograph related to the program and/or my participation therein; or the determinations of the Please submit one professional photograph. Specifics: digital file, minimum 300 dpi independent panels of judges with respect to this nomination and/or my participation in .jpg format, color preferred, head and shoulders only. Photo will only be used for in the program. reference and production purposes related to the nominee’s progression within the awards program. Use of photo, etc. If I am selected as a regional or national finalist or award winner, I hereby give Ernst Use of information & Young Group Limited, Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Limited and its affiliates I understand that the information and materials (including photographs) provided in and the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited and their affiliates, and this nomination on my behalf will be used by (i) Ernst & Young Group Limited, Ernst those acting on behalf of each of the foregoing entities, the non-exclusive and & Young (China) Advisory Limited, other member firms of Ernst & Young Global transferable right, but not obligation, to use, edit, publicize and reproduce freely my Limited and the independent national and regional panels of judges in conjunction name and other likeness, including, but not limited to, picture, portrait, photograph, with the program for purposes of evaluating the nomination and creating a press film, videotape, recordings of my voice or any written statements that I provide in release if I am selected to be an Entrepreneur Of The Year finalist and/or award connection with the Entrepreneur Of The Year Program, including, but not limited to, winner; (ii) other than the financial data set forth in Section 3 of the nomination, the development and publication of marketing materials, promotional publications, select sponsors of the Entrepreneur Of The Year Program for the purpose of their media publications and coverage, videos and other materials, whether such items participation in site visits and other program activities; (iii) Ernst & Young Group are intended for an internal or external audience. I agree that no compensation shall Limited, Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Limited and its affiliates and other member be due me or my company for such usage. firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited for the purposes of discussing potential business opportunities with you, including opportunities with third parties. I consent Limitation of liability to the use of such information for these purposes and hereby confirm and represent In no event will Ernst & Young Group Limited, Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Limited that I have obtained any and all authorizations, consents or waivers required for such and its subcontractors, the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited or the uses. I further consent to the use of such information for research, educational or independent panels of judges be liable to me, the company or any affiliates (or any other purposes as long as such use does not divulge my identity or the identity of any respective successors or permitted assigns) for any consequential, incidental, the company to any other person other than member firms of Ernst & Young Global indirect, punitive, exemplary or special damages (including loss of profits, data, Limited, the sponsors, the judges and their respective affiliates. business or goodwill) in connection with the Entrepreneur Of The Year Program, whether or not liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of Information/background checks warranty, failure of essential purpose or otherwise, and even if any of them is advised I understand, authorize and agree that, in connection with my participation in the of the likelihood of such damages. Entrepreneur Of the Year Program, Ernst & Young Group Limited, Ernst & Young (China) Advisory Limited, its affiliates and/or third parties acting on their behalf may Disputes seek information about me or my company to confirm or supplement information Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to my participation in the in this nomination by (i) researching publicly available sources (including, without Entrepreneur Of The Year Program shall be referred to and finally resolved by limitation, information available on social media, or the internet generally, or in court arbitration administered by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration or regulatory agency records) and/or (ii) verifying my educational background. I will, Commission (CIETAC) in Beijing pursuant to the CIETAC Arbitration Rules in force at the upon the request of Ernst & Young Group Limited or Ernst & Young (China) Advisory time of the filing of the Request for Arbitration. The law of this arbitration clause shall Limited, authorize such persons, investigative agencies and educational institutions be the law of the People’s Republic of China. The seat of arbitration shall be Beijing. The to provide Ernst & Young Group Limited, its affiliates and/or third parties acting on number of arbitrators shall be three. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in their behalf any information concerning my educational background. English. The arbitration panel shall have no power to award non-monetary or equitable relief of any sort or to award or impose a remedy that (i) is inconsistent with these Release General Terms and Conditions or any other agreement relevant to the dispute; or (ii) In consideration of my participation in the Entrepreneur Of The Year Program, on could not be made or imposed by a court deciding the matter in the same jurisdiction. behalf of myself and my heirs, executors and administrators, I hereby release and I expressly waive any right that I might otherwise have to obtain such damages in forever discharge (i) Ernst & Young Group Limited, Ernst & Young (China) Advisory arbitration or in any other forum. The result of the arbitration shall be binding on the Limited and its affiliates; (ii) the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited parties, and judgment on any arbitration award may be entered in any court having and their affiliates; (iii) the partners, employees, agents, shareholders, members, jurisdiction. representatives, successors and assigns of each of the foregoing entities; and (iv) the independent panels of judges from any and all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, Revocation costs or expenses of any nature arising out of or in any way connected with my I understand that an Entrepreneur Of The Year Award and my ability to hold myself participation in the Entrepreneur Of The Year Program, including (without limitation) out as an Entrepreneur Of The Year Award winner are subject to revocation and any information or materials submitted in connection with this nomination; any termination if I have engaged, or am alleged to have engaged, in actions that would information/background checks conducted in connection with my participation in the reflect adversely on the program. Entrepreneur Of The Year Program; any events, ceremonies or promotional activities

I have read this nomination form, understand its contents and represent that I am legally competent to sign this document and am not aware of any agreement with any other party that would conflict with the terms set forth herein. To the best of my knowledge, the information provided herein is true and complete. I give permission to receive further marketing materials from EY that are unrelated to the Entrepreneur Of The Year program. □ Yes □ No Nominee’s signature: Date:

(Required for nomination to be considered) EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 China - Nomination form

∙ Awareness ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Innovation ∙ Integrity ∙ Persistence ∙ Courage ∙ Bold ∙ EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory UnstoppableAbout EY ∙ Leadership ∙ Determination ∙ Passion ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Resilience ∙ Perseverance ∙ EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding Diligenceleaders who ∙team Intelligence to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so ∙ Vision ∙ Commitment ∙ Care ∙ Leadership ∙ Success ∙ Perseverance ∙ Integrity doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the ∙ Growthmember ∙firms Determination of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Vision ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Bold ∙ Care ∙ Resilience ∙ legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals Couragehave under ∙ dataDiligence protection legislation are available via ey.com/privacy. ∙ Innovation ∙ Commitment ∙ Intelligence ∙ Persistence ∙ Passion ∙ Unstoppable For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

About EY Entrepreneur Of The Year ™ ∙ PerseveranceEY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ is the world’s ∙ mostCare prestigious business ∙ Leadership ∙ Bold ∙ Success ∙ Persistence ∙ Diligence ∙ Entrepreneurial awards program for entrepreneurs. The program makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, spirits ∙ leadershipCommitment and achievement. As the first and only truly global awards program∙ Passion ∙ Integrity ∙ Awareness ∙ Innovation ∙ Determination ∙ Vision ∙ of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 145 Intelligencecities in more than 60 countries.∙ Resilience ey.com/eoy ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Commitment ∙ Awareness ∙ Vision ∙ Persistence ∙ © 2020 Ernst & Young, China All Rights Reserved. ResilienceAPAC No. 03010312 ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Courage ∙ Leadership ∙ Integrity ∙ Determination ∙ Growth ∙ Perseverance ED none.

Included herein is information collated from interviews conducted with the individual nominees and information supplied by the nominees, sponsors and endorsers. The views of third parties set out in this publication are not necessarily the views of the global EY ∙ Bold ∙ Passionorganization or its member firms. Moreover, they ∙ should Care be seen in the context of the time∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Innovation ∙ Diligence ∙ Intelligence ∙ Passion ∙ they were made. This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. Persistenceey.com/eoy ∙ Leadership ∙ Determination ∙ Success ∙ Vision ∙ Care ∙ Awareness ∙ Courage ∙ Diligence

Follow EY on WeChat ∙ EntrepreneurialScan the QR code and stay up to date with the latest EYspirits news. ∙ Integrity ∙ Commitment ∙ Resilience ∙ Growth ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Bold ∙ Perseverance ∙ Innovation ∙ Awareness ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Innovation ∙ Integrity ∙ Persistence

∙ CourageFollow EOY on∙ WeChat Unstoppable ∙ Leadership ∙ Determination ∙ Passion ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Resilience ∙ Perseverance ∙ Diligence ∙ Intelligence ∙ Vision ∙ Commitment ∙ Care ∙ Leadership ∙ Success ∙ Perseverance ∙ Integrity ∙ Growth ∙ Determination ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Vision ∙ Awareness ∙ Follow Credit Suisse on WeChat Unstoppable ∙ Bold ∙ Care ∙ Resilience ∙ Courage ∙ Diligence ∙ Innovation ∙ Commitment ∙ Intelligence ∙ Persistence ∙ Passion ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Perseverance ∙ Care ∙ Leadership ∙ Bold ∙ Success ∙ Persistence ∙ Diligence ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Commitment ∙ Passion ∙ Integrity ∙ Awareness ∙ Courage ∙ Innovation ∙ Determination ∙ Vision ∙ Intelligence ∙ Resilience ∙ Growth ∙ Success ∙ Commitment ∙ Awareness30 安永企业家奖 2020 中国 ∙- 提名册 Vision ∙ Persistence ∙ Resilience ∙ Unstoppable ∙ Courage ∙ Leadership ∙ Integrity ∙ Determination ∙ Growth ∙ Perseverance ∙ Bold ∙ Passion ∙ Care ∙ Entrepreneurial spirits ∙ Innovation