The Atlantic Islands and the Entrepreneurial Development Of
THE ATLANTIC ISLANDS AND THE ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT OF SOUTHERN CASTILE CARLOS ALBERTO CAMPOS University of Leiden The role played by the Atlantic Islands as a prelude to the Castilian en- terprises of discovery and those that led to the rapid «mise en valeur» of her newly acquired territories in America is well known. The importance of the foreign influences upon the inspiration, organisation, and the actual exe- cution of those enterprises, needs no introduction eitherl. Hitherto, far less 1. Charles VERLINDEN, Précédents Mediévaux de la Colonie en Amériqzce,'México, Ins- tituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1954, Publicación Núm. 177, Comisión de His- toria, 70. Seeesp. pp. 10-11. 17, 37, 45-49. ---- , «Les Influences Italiennes dans I'Économie et dans la Colonisation Espagnores i la Époque de Ferdinand le Catholique~,Separata del Volumen 111 de Estudios del V Congreso de Historia de la Corona de Aragón, Zaragoza, Institución <Fernando el Católicox, C.S.I.C.. 1954, pp. 269-283. ----, «Les Italiens et I'Ouverture des Routes Atlantiquesx, Les Routedde ('Atl'antiqzce, Travaux du Neuvieme Colloque International d'Histoire Maritime. (Sevilla. 24-30 Septembre, 1967). Paris, S.E.V.P.E.N., 1969, pp. 259-276. ----,eQuelques types de marchands italiens et flamands dans la Péninsule et dans le premieres colonies ibériques au XVe. ,&le», Fremde Kaufleute auf der Iberirchen Halbinsel, Kolner Kolloquien zur Internationalen Sozial und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, KolnIWien, Bohlau Verlag. 1970, Band 1, pp. 31-39. ----,dtalian influence in Iberian colonization>~,The Hispanic AmericBn Histoncal Review, Vol. XXXIII, Num. 2, 1953, pp. 199-211. «Italian influence was very important in Iberian colonization during the late Middle Ages and early Modern Times, but it should always be kept in mind that externa1 influence combines with interna1 development.
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