A everyone feels anxiety , but only some people experi - n x i e ence anxiety disorders. This guide explores the difference t y d between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders, such as i s Anxiety o r panic disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive d e r disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. It looks at the s reasons why some people develop anxiety disorders and A presents an overview of psychological and medication n disorders i n treatments. The guide also looks at long-term strategies to f o r help people with anxiety disorders manage their anxiety m a t and suggests ways that family members can help. i o n g u An i d e For more information on addiction and mental health issues, or to download a copy of this brochure, please visit our website: information www.camh.net This publication may be available in other formats. For information about alternate formats, to order multiple copies of this brochure, or to order other CAMH publications, please contact Sales and Distribution: guide Toll-free: 1 800 661-1111 Toronto: 416 595-6059 E-mail:
[email protected] Online store: http://store.camh.net To make a donation, please contact the CAMH Foundation: Tel.: 416 979-6909 Neil A. Rector, PhD E-mail:
[email protected] Danielle Bourdeau, MD If you have questions, concerns or compliments about services Kate Kitchen, MSW at CAMH, please contact the Client Relations Service: Linda Joseph-Massiah, RN, PhD Tel.: 416 535-8501 ext. 2028 or 2078 Disponible en français. 1 4 0 P / 1 1 0 2 - 2 0 / b 3 A Pan American Health Organization / 7 9 World Health Organization Collaborating Centre 3 3973-MHB-AnxietyINS_ENG.qxd:3973-MHB-Anxiety.eng 3/1/11 12:31 PM Page i Anxiety disorders An information guide Neil A.