Sources of Fecal Indicator Bacteria to Groundwater, Malibu Lagoon And
Izbicki et al., Annals of Environmental Science / 2012, Vol 6, 35-86 SOURCES OF FECAL and as many as 12% of samples from nearby ocean beaches exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection INDICATOR BACTERIA TO Agency single sample enterococci standard for marine GROUNDWATER, MALIBU recreational water of 104 MPN per 100 mL. Human- associated Bacteroidales, an indicator of human-fecal LAGOON AND THE NEAR- contamination, were not detected in water from wells, SHORE OCEAN, MALIBU, Malibu Lagoon, or the near-shore ocean. Similarly, CALIFORNIA, USA microarray (PhyloChip) data show Bacteroidales and Fimicutes Operational Taxanomic Units (OTUs) 1* 2 present in OWTS were largely absent in groundwater; John A. Izbicki, Peter W. Swarzenski, in contrast, 50% of Bacteroidales and Fimicutes 1 Carmen A. Burton, Laurie C. Van OTUs present in the near-shore ocean were also DeWerfhorst,3 Patricia A. Holden,3 Eric A. present in gull feces. Terminal-Restriction Length Dubinsky4 Fragment Polymorphism (T-RFLP) and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) data showed that microbial 1 U.S. Geological Survey, California Water Science communities in groundwater were different and less Center, 4165 Spruance Road, San Diego, CA 92123, abundant than communities in OWTS, Malibu USA Lagoon, or the near-shore ocean. However, organic 2 U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal Marine Geology compounds indicative of wastewater (such as fecal Program, 400 Natural Bridges Dr. Santa Cruz, CA sterols, bisphenol-A and cosmetics) were present in 95060, USA groundwater having a high percentage of wastewater 3 University of California, Bren School of and were present in groundwater discharging to the Environmental Science & Management, 2400 Bren ocean.
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