The Moorabool News FREE EMAIL:
[email protected] Your Local News WEB: Tuesday 4 November, 2014 Serving Ballan and district since 1872 Phone 5368 1966 Fax 5368 2764 Vol 8 No 43 Giddy Up! POCKET Rocket took out the 20th running of the Myrniong Cup last Wednesday. The filly, otherwise known as art teacher Michelle Moseur, was a popular winner in the ‘Race that stops Myrniong’, beating out 23 other contenders. Owner Seth Wall was also presented with the Myrniong Cup and flowers to commemorate the day. Principal Allan Peach said all the children picked a horse to win and the names of those students who picked the winner went into a draw to become the “owner”. “I think it’s such a popular day because it’s a community event,” Mr Peach said. “We had between 40 and 50 parents here and everybody went to a lot of effort to get dressed up.” He said the day also included a Fashions on the Field competition, a special lunch and rotating activities that involved all things to do with spring racing and horses. “Last year we had former Melbourne Cup winning horse Sub Zero visit the school for the day, which was very exciting for everyone,” he said. Meanwhile the Ballan Jockey Club is gearing up for the 153rd Ballan Cup this Saturday at Geelong Racecourse. Ballan Jockey Club president Luke Mullane said he expected between 2500 and 3000 people to attend the event. “Our 800 dining packages have already sold out, but we’ve still got some marquee packages available starting from $34,” Mr Mullane said.