Embedded Technology for Collecting, Storing, Managing & Moving Data

RDM Server – Client/Server Embedded Database

RDM Server has become the number one choice in many carrier grade applications needing a high degree of fault tolerance and reliability because of its highly flexible plug-in model, combined with features like data replication, in-memory support, and data encryption.

Business Critical Information Available Immediately Using RDM Server, businesses can rely on the fact that their database applications will handle heavy peak user loads and transaction rates; along with RDM Server’s automatic recovery system and replication, data redundancy and integrity is impeccable.

Key Features – RDM Server

SQL Triggers* In addition to supporting triggers, RDM Server now also supports SQL Triggers.

SQL Unions* Inserts will be executed faster by maintaining smaller independent sets of data in associated index structures.

Hitless Upgrades Manage a controlled software upgrade without disconnecting your clients for truly 24×7 operation.

Dynamic Role Extending the replication capabilities with fine grained server role control allows for Switching applications to easily manage system failover scenarios.

Table Level Control the data you need replicated through table level replication. Avoid having to Replication replicate the complete database, select the tables you need redundant.

Replayable Combine this with the pluggable transaction logging, de-scribed below, to enable Initialization replication into a 3rd party data engine like Oracle®.

In-Memory Tables Highly configurable in-memory support. The developer can now configure parts of its data model in memory or on persistent storage.

* = New Feature More Key Features of RDM Server

Embedded Database Market Leader This engine has earned its place as the embedded database market leader with its unique combination of a high level , native support for C arrays and structures, multi-user access with row level locks, fully ACID transaction compliant database core.

Embedded Database Technology for Collecting, Storing, Managing & Moving Data

Versatile…yet Powerful Designed not only for fault-tolerance, but also for real-time processing, RDM Server has unique features to ensure real-time transaction processing accessible through both a high performant navigational API as well as industry standard API’s such as SQL.

RDM Server has been thoroughly tested and proven in everything from data centers to roughed embedded environments, and supports all mainstream and RTOS operating systems.

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