Extensions of Remarks E1281 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1281 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE MEMBERS OF THE As a field representative, Chad spent many true to his and the agency’s guiding principles 529TH MILITARY POLICE COM- hours behind the wheel representing me in the and has served as a professional and per- PANY USAEUR HONOR GUARD small towns across Northwest Missouri. He sonal role model for all who know him. built strong relationships with local leaders and Mr. Speaker, Randy Snowden has a long HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER always had his finger on the pulse of a com- and distinguished career of service to Napa OF MISSOURI munity. Whether it was listening to a veteran’s County, most notably to the Napa Valley retelling of war stories, helping a local commu- Health and Human Services Agency. It is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity find funding for sewer upgrades, or pro- therefore appropriate that we honor Mr. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 viding a legislative update to farmers, Chad’s Snowden today and wish him well in his future Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise work was always done whole-heartedly and endeavors. today to recognize the prodigious service of with a smile. f the members of the 529th Military Police Com- In 2010, Chad temporarily left his post to pany Honor Guard, first activated in July of serve as my campaign manager. He helped RECOGNIZING REVEREND DR. 1945, which served at and protected the secure a solid vote-margin that November and JOHN F. WILLIAMS United States Army in Europe (USAEUR) represented our organization well across all 26 Headquarters and handled internal security for counties. Chad’s willingness to serve and his HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. the USAEUR Commander-in-Chief’s command dedication to constituent service was a great OF GEORGIA building and residence. example of how government should work. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The 529th had the responsibility and privi- While I am losing a valuable member of my Wednesday, September 11, 2013 lege of honoring notable figures such as Presi- team, I am proud of Chad and excited to dent John F. Kennedy, President Charles de watch the next chapter of his career. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I Gaulle of France, General William C. West- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in submit the following Proclamation. moreland, and Secretary of the Army Stanley thanking Chad Higdon for his many years of Whereas, this year, Reverend Dr. John F. Resor. service to the people of the Sixth Congres- Williams is celebrating twenty-five (25) years Beyond its important work to protect U.S. in- sional District. I know Chad’s colleagues, fam- preaching, twenty-three (23) years in pastoral terests and dignitaries in Europe, this talented ily and friends join with me in thanking him for leadership and seven (7) years as Pastor of and dedicated MP company spent many long his commitment to others and wishing him Antioch East Baptist Church this year, he has hours practicing the drill team manual, includ- many years of success to come. provided stellar leadership to his church and ing perfecting the ‘‘click-tap-click’’ of the f community; and ‘‘Deuce Nine.’’ In addition, the unit was as- Whereas, Reverend Dr. John F. Williams signed three 105mm Howitzers which formed HONORING RANDOLPH F. under the guidance of God has pioneered and their salute battery, and successfully fired 742 SNOWDEN OF NAPA COUNTY, sustained Antioch East Baptist Church as an rounds without a misfire. CALIFORNIA instrument in our community that uplifts the Across the nation and the world, U.S. mili- spiritual, physical and mental welfare of our tary police provide an important duty to protect HON. MIKE THOMPSON citizens; and and serve not only our nation but also their OF CALIFORNIA Whereas, this remarkable and tenacious colleagues. The tireless and selfless dedica- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES man of God has given hope to the hopeless tion of the 529th Military Police Company and is a beacon of light to those in need; and Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Honor Guard and all military policy companies Whereas, Reverend Dr. Williams is a spir- must not be overlooked. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, itual warrior, a man of compassion, a fearless In closing, Mr. Speaker, I ask all my col- I rise today to honor Mr. Randy Snowden, who leader and a servant to all, but most of all a leagues to join me in wishing all the members is retiring as the Director of the Napa County visionary who has shared not only with his of the 529th Military Police Company Honor Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA). Church, but with our state and the nation his Guard our sincerest thanks and appreciation Mr. Snowden is a true public servant in the passion to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ; for their valiant service. Napa Valley, and a leader in community public and f health programs and health care reform. As Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the the director of the largest agency in Napa Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this HONORING CHAD HIGDON County, Mr. Snowden has consistently held day to honor and recognize Reverend Dr. himself to the highest levels of integrity, prin- John F. Williams, as he celebrates this mile- HON. SAM GRAVES ciple, and ethical business practice. In the re- stone in pastoral leadership; now therefore, I, OF MISSOURI cent recession, Mr. Snowden led efforts to sta- HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bilize Napa County HHSA’s budget while claim August 25, 2013 as Reverend Dr. John maintaining critical services that other counties F. Williams Day in the 4th Congressional Dis- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 dramatically cut. trict. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Snowden guided the agency and the Proclaimed, this 25th day of August, 2013. proudly pause to recognize a special member county in integrating services and increasing f of my staff. After more than 11 years of serv- accessibility. During his tenure, Napa County ice, Chad Higdon has left his position in my HHSA opened a satellite office in American HONORING ST. JOHN MISSIONARY Saint Joseph District Office to become the Ex- Canyon, and an embedded Clinic Ole was es- BAPTIST CHURCH ecutive Director of Second Harvest Commu- tablished on HHSA’s campus. nity Food Bank. As the agency’s leader, Mr. Snowden dis- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Chad had been with my congressional office played a dedication to the pursuit of diversity, OF MISSISSIPPI nearly from the start. He began as an intern collaborative management, and program- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 2001, helping to set up our first office in the based budgeting. He has overseen the trans- St. Joseph Post Office Building. A year later, formation of HHSA’s culture from one of com- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 he was hired as the office Staff Assistant. pliance to one focused on quality manage- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Chad has filled many roles in the office, even- ment. er, I rise today to honor a remarkable histor- tually working his way to become the congres- Above all, Mr. Snowden held fast to HHSA’s ical church, St. John Missionary Baptist of sional ‘‘go-to-guy’’ for the Saint Joseph com- mission to help those in need. For him, it is al- Darling, Mississippi and the great leadership it munity. ways all about the clients. He has remained is under. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 St. John Missionary Baptist Church has In every age, just as during the Vietnam own lives extinguished so that the light of been a part of the Darling Squirrel Lake, MS War era, those who are willing to face down liberty would continue to shine. community for some 130 years. Many families shot and shell are few. During the Revolu- They have done so in the ancient tion, only a few answered the call for help Mesopotamian cities of Baghdad, Al Kut and have come and gone, but many can boast of that rang out at the Rude Bridge in Concord. Hillah in Iraq. From Afghanistan’s desert a great start at this little wooden church in the Many heard the call, had more pressing pri- plains of the Helmand province to its wispy country. Although, this is a small church, its orities and moved on with their lives. A few heights of the Hindu Kush, where air to pastor and members have always had big answered, and some who did gave the last breathe is hard to come by, but enemy hearts. St. John has reached our into the com- full measure of devotion to enable the begin- bombs, bullets and attacks are easy to find. munity to host and sponsor reading classes in ning of the Republic that we love so dearly. The honor roll of names who have given an effort to improve reading skills among the And right down through the years, it has the last full measure is not nearly as popular young and old; summer feeding program- pre- been the same.