September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1281 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING THE MEMBERS OF THE As a field representative, Chad spent many true to his and the agency’s guiding principles 529TH MILITARY POLICE COM- hours behind the wheel representing me in the and has served as a professional and per- PANY USAEUR HONOR GUARD small towns across Northwest Missouri. He sonal role model for all who know him. built strong relationships with local leaders and Mr. Speaker, Randy Snowden has a long HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER always had his finger on the pulse of a com- and distinguished career of service to Napa OF MISSOURI munity. Whether it was listening to a veteran’s County, most notably to the Napa Valley retelling of war stories, helping a local commu- Health and Human Services Agency. It is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity find funding for sewer upgrades, or pro- therefore appropriate that we honor Mr. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 viding a legislative update to farmers, Chad’s Snowden today and wish him well in his future Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise work was always done whole-heartedly and endeavors. today to recognize the prodigious service of with a smile. f the members of the 529th Military Police Com- In 2010, Chad temporarily left his post to pany Honor Guard, first activated in July of serve as my campaign manager. He helped RECOGNIZING REVEREND DR. 1945, which served at and protected the secure a solid vote-margin that November and JOHN F. WILLIAMS Army in Europe (USAEUR) represented our organization well across all 26 Headquarters and handled internal security for counties. Chad’s willingness to serve and his HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. the USAEUR Commander-in-Chief’s command dedication to constituent service was a great OF GEORGIA building and residence. example of how government should work. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The 529th had the responsibility and privi- While I am losing a valuable member of my Wednesday, September 11, 2013 lege of honoring notable figures such as Presi- team, I am proud of Chad and excited to dent John F. Kennedy, President Charles de watch the next chapter of his career. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I Gaulle of France, General William C. West- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in submit the following Proclamation. moreland, and Secretary of the Army Stanley thanking Chad Higdon for his many years of Whereas, this year, Reverend Dr. John F. Resor. service to the people of the Sixth Congres- Williams is celebrating twenty-five (25) years Beyond its important work to protect U.S. in- sional District. I know Chad’s colleagues, fam- preaching, twenty-three (23) years in pastoral terests and dignitaries in Europe, this talented ily and friends join with me in thanking him for leadership and seven (7) years as Pastor of and dedicated MP company spent many long his commitment to others and wishing him Antioch East Baptist Church this year, he has hours practicing the drill team manual, includ- many years of success to come. provided stellar leadership to his church and ing perfecting the ‘‘click-tap-click’’ of the f community; and ‘‘Deuce Nine.’’ In addition, the unit was as- Whereas, Reverend Dr. John F. Williams signed three 105mm Howitzers which formed HONORING RANDOLPH F. under the guidance of God has pioneered and their salute battery, and successfully fired 742 SNOWDEN OF NAPA COUNTY, sustained Antioch East Baptist Church as an rounds without a misfire. CALIFORNIA instrument in our community that uplifts the Across the nation and the world, U.S. mili- spiritual, physical and mental welfare of our tary police provide an important duty to protect HON. MIKE THOMPSON citizens; and and serve not only our nation but also their OF CALIFORNIA Whereas, this remarkable and tenacious colleagues. The tireless and selfless dedica- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES man of God has given hope to the hopeless tion of the 529th Military Police Company and is a beacon of light to those in need; and Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Honor Guard and all military policy companies Whereas, Reverend Dr. Williams is a spir- must not be overlooked. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, itual warrior, a man of compassion, a fearless In closing, Mr. Speaker, I ask all my col- I rise today to honor Mr. Randy Snowden, who leader and a servant to all, but most of all a leagues to join me in wishing all the members is retiring as the Director of the Napa County visionary who has shared not only with his of the 529th Military Police Company Honor Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA). Church, but with our state and the nation his Guard our sincerest thanks and appreciation Mr. Snowden is a true public servant in the passion to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ; for their valiant service. Napa Valley, and a leader in community public and f health programs and health care reform. As Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the the director of the largest agency in Napa Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this HONORING CHAD HIGDON County, Mr. Snowden has consistently held day to honor and recognize Reverend Dr. himself to the highest levels of integrity, prin- John F. Williams, as he celebrates this mile- HON. SAM GRAVES ciple, and ethical business practice. In the re- stone in pastoral leadership; now therefore, I, OF MISSOURI cent recession, Mr. Snowden led efforts to sta- HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bilize Napa County HHSA’s budget while claim August 25, 2013 as Reverend Dr. John maintaining critical services that other counties F. Williams Day in the 4th Congressional Dis- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 dramatically cut. trict. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. Snowden guided the agency and the Proclaimed, this 25th day of August, 2013. proudly pause to recognize a special member county in integrating services and increasing f of my staff. After more than 11 years of serv- accessibility. During his tenure, Napa County ice, Chad Higdon has left his position in my HHSA opened a satellite office in American HONORING ST. JOHN MISSIONARY Saint Joseph District Office to become the Ex- Canyon, and an embedded Clinic Ole was es- BAPTIST CHURCH ecutive Director of Second Harvest Commu- tablished on HHSA’s campus. nity Food Bank. As the agency’s leader, Mr. Snowden dis- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Chad had been with my congressional office played a dedication to the pursuit of diversity, OF MISSISSIPPI nearly from the start. He began as an intern collaborative management, and program- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 2001, helping to set up our first office in the based budgeting. He has overseen the trans- St. Joseph Post Office Building. A year later, formation of HHSA’s culture from one of com- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 he was hired as the office Staff Assistant. pliance to one focused on quality manage- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Chad has filled many roles in the office, even- ment. er, I rise today to honor a remarkable histor- tually working his way to become the congres- Above all, Mr. Snowden held fast to HHSA’s ical church, St. John Missionary Baptist of sional ‘‘go-to-guy’’ for the Saint Joseph com- mission to help those in need. For him, it is al- Darling, Mississippi and the great leadership it munity. ways all about the clients. He has remained is under.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 St. John Missionary Baptist Church has In every age, just as during the Vietnam own lives extinguished so that the light of been a part of the Darling Squirrel Lake, MS War era, those who are willing to face down liberty would continue to shine. community for some 130 years. Many families shot and shell are few. During the Revolu- They have done so in the ancient tion, only a few answered the call for help Mesopotamian cities of Baghdad, Al Kut and have come and gone, but many can boast of that rang out at the Rude Bridge in Concord. Hillah in Iraq. From Afghanistan’s desert a great start at this little wooden church in the Many heard the call, had more pressing pri- plains of the Helmand province to its wispy country. Although, this is a small church, its orities and moved on with their lives. A few heights of the Hindu Kush, where air to pastor and members have always had big answered, and some who did gave the last breathe is hard to come by, but enemy hearts. St. John has reached our into the com- full measure of devotion to enable the begin- bombs, bullets and attacks are easy to find. munity to host and sponsor reading classes in ning of the Republic that we love so dearly. The honor roll of names who have given an effort to improve reading skills among the And right down through the years, it has the last full measure is not nearly as popular young and old; summer feeding program- pre- been the same. Many hear, few answer and a or as well-known as the latest winner of portion of those who do, consecrate our na- American Idol, the results of the NFL draft paring and serving hot balanced meals for the tion’s highest ideals with their lives. On bat- or the latest cover story in People magazine. youths and disable in the church community; tlefields long forgotten, or for the mass of And because of this, it is up to us to carry and doing a garden project to provide fresh our fellow citizens not known or even cared their lives, loves and memories forward to vegetables for the church community. about, this story of self-sacrifice, complete serve as their ‘‘Living Memorial.’’ Years has brought about change, but the devotion and fidelity to the best and highest For those esteemed fallen patriots are the hearts of St. John members are still big and of ourselves, plays out again, and again and precious few who were willing to step for- fill with love. The name was changed to New again. The many war veterans in the audi- ward for all of America. The story of their St. John some ten years ago, but Jesus and ence, from World War II right up to the ones lives and commitment answers the ancient saving souls is still the focus of the church. of today, can tell you what it is like to hear question, ‘‘Who will go for us and who will Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me an unremitting drumbeat demanding sac- we send.’’ rifice. They answered the question through their in recognizing St. John Missionary Baptist They can remember in jungle monsoons or actions; stepping forward for all of us. Church for its dedication to serving our great savage desert sandstorms, seeing the very The scriptures say, ‘‘A man has no greater country. best our country can produce step forward. love than to lay down his life for his broth- And then watching those same brave broth- ‘‘THE LIVING MEMORIAL’’ PRE- er.’’ What they showed may have been patri- ers in arms, friends and comrades fall to the otism, may have been devotion, and it cer- PARED REMARKS BY LT. COL. violence of the cruel enemy. All the while, tainly was sacrifice—but what we know is SEAN N. DAY FOR CITY OF SAN hearing that same drumbeat, demand more that they gave their all, and in so doing, JOSE MEMORIAL DAY OBSERV- and more sacrifice. showed all of us today that those who will ANCE How many friends have we held as their follow, love in its most basic form. A love for finals breaths slipped away? our country, our families—yours and mine, HON. ZOE LOFGREN How many times have we seen flag-draped and our way of life; one that exceeded the transfer cases placed on aircraft; love they had even for themselves. And as we OF CALIFORNIA How many times have we stood at memo- look out across the years, and think of far- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rials in hot, dirty, dusty places; away places, our deep and humble apprecia- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 And how many times have we been asked tion is with those whose love exceeded all by parents and family members what the Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I had the bounds. last days of their loves ones were like. So what to make of this devotion, belief honor at Oak Hill Cemetery’s Memorial Day Everyone here knows the answer—far too and sacrifice? event on May 27th to listen to Lt. Col. Sean many times. One of our very distinguished Americans, Day’s speech celebrating and honoring the So many of our friends are no longer here Eleanor Roosevelt, witnessed some of the memories of Americans who have died de- to teach their sons to throw a baseball, es- most significant events in our country’s fending freedom. I would like to honor his cort their daughters to quinceaneras, or to proud history. She carried in her wallet this guide their parents into old age. We, who words which are so meaningful. poem to remind her daily of the sacrifices of have born the battle, must give voice to our our most esteemed citizens and it reads: ‘‘THE LIVING MEMORIAL’’ PREPARED RE- fallen comrades. They stood for all Ameri- ‘‘Dear Lord, MARKS: CITY OF SAN JOSE MEMORIAL DAY cans when it counted most. So, we must Lest I continue OBSERVANCE, OAK HILL CEMETERY, SAN stand tall today and everyday—because they My complacent way, JOSE, CA, 1100 27 MAY 2013 cannot. As witnesses to the most profound human Help me to remember that somewhere, Lt. Col Sean N. Day, USMCR Commanding Somehow out there Officer, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment tragedies, our charge now is to ensure their memories are not forgotten. But even more A man died for me today. Mayor Reed, Supervisor Cortese, Congress- As long as there be war, man Honda, Congresswoman Lofgren, Vice importantly—that the ideals of the great re- public they gave their very lives to protect— I then must Admiral Zukunft, Major General Regua, Ask and answer live on and are strengthened. It is our sacred other distinguished guests, friends and fellow Am I worth dying for?’’ obligation to represent those whose lives Americans. Eleanor Roosevelt understood deeply that Thank you for the opportunity to be a were so cruelly ended; to be their ‘‘Living she was a ‘‘Living Memorial,’’ for those who small part of your celebration of the lives Memorial.’’ enabled her to do all the wonderful things and sacrifices of our most honored citizens. One of our most distinguished countrymen, she did for our great country. She under- It is with profound humility that I am Oliver Wendell Holmes, not only served as a stood the deep debt of gratitude owed to speaking with you on this sacred day, on this Supreme Court Judge for the great state of those who ‘‘gave their today to ensure our hour and in this place. Maine, and on the Supreme Court of the Now, if you would indulge me for a mo- United States, but he was also a wartime and tomorrow.’’ She understood that her life per- ment— combat veteran. Serving as an infantryman sonally, and our nation’s way of life, was a Do we have any veterans from the War in during the Civil War, Justice Holmes offered ‘‘Living Memorial’’ to those who gave all. Vietnam in the audience? a poignant reminder to all of us. . . So, I leave you with this. Today is not a It’s with deep appreciation that if you have ‘‘We have shared the incommunicable ex- day for mourning. never heard it, or even if you have been told perience of war, we have felt, we still feel, It is, of course, a remembrance for what a thousand times, to the veterans of the War the passion of life to its top. In our youth has been lost—the finest our country has in Vietnam, we are so very proud of you and our hearts were touched with fire.’’ produced from across the ages. However, this welcome home. And we stand in constant memory of our day is more than that, it is a celebration. A Now, I am keenly aware that as the final fallen brothers. celebration of our national heritage, a cele- speaker of the day, I am all that stands be- It is worth remembering that those brave bration of the very best our country rep- tween you and cookouts and the first game Americans who fell threw the torch of free- resents. We ought not lament the loss of our of the Bay Area brawl between the Giants dom to those in the next generation, who true champions. Instead, cherish the thought and the A’s. So, in the few minutes that we’ll would take it up and shield it. Each succes- that such very fine Americans lived, such spend together this afternoon I won’t talk sive generation of patriots serves as a ‘‘Liv- fine Americans sacrificed for your family about the great sales at Valley Fair Mall or ing Memorial’’ to those who gave all in the and mine—such American gave all. Our chal- the day off so many are enjoying. I won’t preceding age. And a few in this generation lenge is to ensure that their sacrifices were speak of bands or bugles, or even the stone have caught that same torch of freedom. not in vain. and marble monuments raised in memory of When tyranny and terror have attacked Your presence in this place, at this hour the sacrifices given by our most honored the torch and caused its flame to flicker, a indicates that you probably don’t need to citizens. few have protected it from the violence of hear this message. However, many of our But instead, my brief comments will cen- the enemy. They have given their blood and countrymen do need to hear it. So as you ter on ‘‘The Living Memorial.’’ lives to shield it, and in so doing had their leave here today, each of you has a mission.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1283 Carry forth the memory of those who gave HONORING NEW BEGINNING FULL again to the adversaries of liberty that the all they had to give for the finest ideals of GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH champions of freedom will not be stopped. We our country and of all humanity. will never waiver, we will not cede strength, Carry forth the memory of our honored and we will stand firm as the last best hope dead. HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. Remind others that our champions were OF GEORGIA of earth. not victims, but Americans who made our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f way as a people possible. They carved the path that brought freedom from the yoke of Wednesday, September 11, 2013 IN HONOR OF R. BURNETT distant tyranny, they served as the guaran- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I MILLER’S 9OTH BIRTHDAY tors of independence, they made the procla- submit the following Proclamation. mation of emancipation real. And they en- Whereas, for the past twenty years, New HON. DORIS O. MATSUI sured that liberty remained a reality rather Beginning Full Gospel Baptist Church has OF CALIFORNIA than a mere idea, a word on a page, or a hope for dream. been and continues to be a beacon of light to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I ask each of you to resolve to live in such our county and district; and Wednesday, September 11, 2013 a way as to carry on the work of the fallen. Whereas, today, Bishop James H. Morton To make our great country better each day, and the members of the New Beginning Full Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in and in doing so to serve as ‘‘Living Memo- Gospel Baptist Church family continue to uplift recognition of Sacramento’s former mayor, city rials,’’ to our most honored citizens. and inspire our county and district; and councilman and a prominent member of our Thank you for taking the time out today Whereas, the New Beginning Full Gospel community, R. Burnett Miller, as he celebrates to be part of this celebration. Baptist Church family has been and continues his 90th birthday. I ask my colleagues to join God Bless America and Semper Fidelis. to be a place where citizens are touched spir- me in honoring this great civic-minded indi- itually, mentally and physically through out- vidual who has served his country with honor f reach ministries and community partnership to and has contributed so much to the Sac- ramento region. RECOGNIZING AMERICORPS ON aid in building up our county and district; and Burnett was born in Sacramento, California, THEIR TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY Whereas, this remarkable and tenacious Church of God has given hope to the hope- in 1923 and graduated from C.K. McClatchy less, fed the needy and empowered our com- High School. He began his life of service by HON. DEREK KILMER munity for the past twenty (20) years; and joining the ROTC at Santa Clara College in OF WASHINGTON Whereas, this Church has produced many 1941. He was a sophomore when World War IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spiritual warriors, people of compassion, peo- II began, and went on to serve our nation in Wednesday, September 11, 2013 ple of great courage, fearless leaders and the Battle of the Bulge, and was a part of the servants to all, but most of all visionaries who U.S. 11th Armored Division when it liberated Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to have shared not only with their Church, but the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria honor the national service organization with our community their passion to spread on May 6, 1945. His service earned him a AmeriCorps on its twentieth anniversary. the gospel of Jesus Christ; and Purple Heart and the Silver Star for gallantry AmeriCorps has provided young Americans Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the in action against an enemy of our nation. His with the opportunity to meet critical needs in Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this experiences were featured in Ken Burns’ doc- the communities in which they work. day to honor and recognize the New Begin- umentary The War on PBS. AmeriCorps partners with nonprofit organi- ning Full Gospel Baptist Church family for their Burnett completed his college education at zations, government agencies, schools, and leadership and service to our District on this Georgetown University and lived in Europe for faith-based organizations to support intensive the 20th Anniversary of their founding; now several years; however, he never forgot his community service work. AmeriCorps was first therefore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hometown. Burnett moved back to Sac- formed under President Clinton in 1993 as a hereby proclaim August 18, 2013 as New Be- ramento and joined his family’s lumber busi- part of the Corporation for National and Com- ginning Full Gospel Baptist Church Day in the ness, which later became known as Burnett munity Service. Since its inception, 800,000 4th Congressional District of Georgia. and Sons Planing Mill and Lumber Company. people have taken the AmeriCorps oath, with Proclaimed, this 18th day of August, 2013. For over 144 years, this company has prided about 80,000 now serving annually. f itself in special and unique craftsmanship and Mr. Speaker, AmeriCorps members are hard has provided high-quality jobs to local at work in my district and all across the coun- SEPTEMBER 11 Sacramentans. try. They tutor students in junior and high Burnett continued his lifetime of public serv- schools. They work directly with families to HON. VIRGINIA FOXX ice by serving first as a member of the Sac- help them overcome barriers to employment. OF NORTH CAROLINA ramento City Council and then as mayor. As They advocate for victims of domestic vio- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a leader in our community, Burnett has cham- lence. They teach CPR classes. In short, pioned local causes and organizations, raising Wednesday, September 11, 2013 AmeriCorps members are making a difference funds for the Crocker Art Museum, the Sac- and are strengthening communities. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, twelve years ago, ramento Symphony, and the Sacramento His- Not only do communities benefit from the course of our country’s history changed. tory Center. AmeriCorps—so do the participants. These In an unprovoked attack that sought to bring Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join young people are able to work side-by-side America to its knees, the world was reminded me today in recognizing the great life of my with local community partners on issues that instead that ours is a nation of heroes—where friend, R. Burnett Miller, as he celebrates his are important to them. AmeriCorps functions people run toward danger for the sake of their 90th birthday with his lovely wife Mimi, his as a framework for how individual citizens mo- fellow man; where a new generation of protec- children and his friends and family in Sac- tivated to public service can come together tors, knowing full well the risk, chose to an- ramento. His life and legacy are an inspiration and make a difference in a tangible way. swer its country’s call to defend liberty and to us all. AmeriCorps has demonstrated remarkable pursue peace. f successes over the last 20 years; I look for- Last year on this day we were again re- ward to more accomplishments and more im- minded that freedom has its foes. We mourn HONORING FRIENDSHIP pact over the next 20 years. I am hopeful that the lives of the four dear Americans we lost to MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH a new task force created by President Obama terror in Benghazi and pledge justice on their earlier this year can help identify new ways behalf. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON that AmeriCorps can employ members’ talent To the families bound together by this tragic OF MISSISSIPPI and ingenuity to further national priorities. As date eleven years apart, we promise our con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Martin Luther King, Jr., once said, ‘‘Everyone tinued prayers for peace, and we take comfort can be great because everyone can serve.’’ that the nearness of Almighty God is always Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Mr. Speaker, I would like to close by ex- with the brokenhearted. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- tending my gratitude for the hard work September 11, another infamous date for er, I rise today to honor Friendship Missionary AmeriCorps members are doing by serving our Republic, revealed the strength and re- Baptist Church for their unwavering resiliency and making America even greater. solve of American character, and proved once and unity in continuing to spread the Gospel

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 among members of their congregation and Whereas, this wise woman of God shared assistance based on a framework of peer-to- community for over 143 years. her stories, her struggles, her trials and her tri- peer emotional support. Their programs fill the Since its beginnings in early spring of 1870, umphs, to breathe in words of encouragement crucial need of connecting survivors with sur- the church has had a number of spiritually led and comfort, transforming a spirit of destruc- vivors to provide comfort, compassion, healing pastors who, through the years, have helped tion into a spirit of redemption, allowing herself and hope in time of need. the congregation grow in number and in spir- to be an instrument of God ensuring that all For nearly 20 years, TAPS has provided es- itual knowledge. Among the ministers who would live to see another day; and sential support to more than 40,000 military have led the congregation were Reverend Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the family members and those assisting them. James Williams, Reverend A.H. Davis, Rev- Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this TAPS successfully builds on the experience of erend H.W. Scott, Reverend S.S. Butler, Rev- day to honor and recognize Ms. Antoinette survivors by connecting them as peer-mentors erend W.P. Whitfield, Reverend Curtis L. Tuff for her bravery, her selflessness, leader- to other grieving family members in similar cir- West, and Reverend McKinley K. Nelson. ship, and service not only to those students, cumstances. In March 1965, the congregation elected teachers, support staff, police officers, and ad- However, connecting survivors is just the Reverend Bobby Burks as their leader. Under ministrators at Ronald E. McNair Discovery beginning. TAPS continues its outreach and Reverend Nelson, the church underwent sig- Learning Academy in DeKalb County, Geor- support through grief seminars, camps for kids nificant changes, ultimately leading to impres- gia, but also for her heart and spirit that have and physical events. The TAPS network in not sive growth in many different areas. During touched our Nation and the World; now there- a one-time liaison but a continuing support Pastor Burks’ leadership, the church saw a fore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do framework that provides continuous compas- considerable growth in membership, imple- hereby proclaim August 25, 2013 as Ms. An- sion and assistance to families as they grieve. mentation of prayer meetings and bible class, toinette Tuff Day in the 4th Congressional Dis- Ms. Bonnie Carroll founded TAPS in 1994 youth ministry, sick and shut-in ministry, fel- trict of Georgia. after she tragically lost her husband in 1992, lowship breakfast, Praise Team group, and an Proclaimed, this 25th day of August, 2013. Brig. Gen. Tom Carroll, in a military plane annual church trip and picnic. In addition to f crash. Sensing an unfilled need, Ms. Carroll implanting a number of new activities for the established TAPS to ensure surviving military membership, Pastor Burks was also instru- RECOGNIZING THE 85TH ANNIVER- family members have the necessary resources mental in establishing numerous ministries. SARY OF DELANEY STREET BAP- to cope with their loss. Since then, Ms. Carroll With such growth in activities and member- TIST CHURCH has dedicated her life to supporting our sur- ship, the church deemed it necessary to ex- viving military families. Ms. Carroll and all of pand to accommodate the increase members. HON. DANIEL WEBSTER the TAPS volunteers are deserving of our Many physical improvements to the church OF FLORIDA highest thanks and honor. were made from 2003 through 2007. Comple- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f tion of a handicap accessible sidewalk and rails, new bathrooms added near the front en- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 HONORING BROWNSVILLE trance of the church, addition of a public ad- Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH dress and security system, construction of the rise today to acknowledge a special occasion Family Life Center, and the furnishing of the for Delaney Street Baptist Church in Orlando, HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON church’s finance room with a copier, computer, Florida. Delaney Street Baptist Church will cel- OF MISSISSIPPI fax, and binding machine all took place as a ebrate their 85th anniversary this upcoming IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES result of a 249+ increase in membership. Sunday, September 15, 2013. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me The First Baptist Church of Orlando began in recognizing Friendship Missionary Baptist a Mission in 1923, which later would develop Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Church in its commitment to remain grounded into Delaney Street Baptist Church. Under the er, I rise today to honor Brownsville Mis- in the true traditions of the Baptist doctrine leadership of Reverend T.E. Waldrup, thirty-six sionary Baptist Church for exemplifying the im- within the Edwards community. Charter members laid the foundations for what portance of resolute faith, persistence, and ul- f would become Delaney Street Baptist Church. timately perseverance in the face of many his- On September 14, 1928, Delaney Street Bap- torical adversities, consequently serving as a RECOGNIZING MS. ANTOINETTE tist church was officially founded. model for others within the Baptist community. TUFF This is a special moment in the history of The beginning of the initial foundation was Delaney Street Baptist Church, and they de- formed under the guidance of Reverend Nel- HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. serve to be commended for their 85 years of son in 1862, thus sparking the beginning of OF GEORGIA service to their community. I would like to Brownsville Beaureau Colored Church. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thank them for their many years of faithful Brownsville Beaureau Colored Church began Wednesday, September 11, 2013 ministry to our community and their dedication its initial foundation at the intersection of High- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I to Christian leadership. way 22 and Bolton-Brownsville Road, north of submit the following Proclamation. On behalf of the people of Central Florida, the site it now stands. Preaching services Whereas, today we pause to recognize a it is my pleasure to recognize and congratu- were held at Beulah Memorial Baptist Church virtuous woman of God whose actions, think- late Delaney Street Baptist Church on this mo- (now named Brownsville Beulah Baptist ing, and spirit blessed the lives of the children, mentous occasion. May God continue to bless Church). Reverend Nelson conducted services parents, teachers, and support staff of not only their church and ministry throughout future for both congregations (black and white), the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning generations. when Brownsville’s shared the church. Service Academy, but the hearts of citizens across f was conducted in the morning for Beulah’s America; and congregation and the evening for Browns- Whereas, Ms. Antoinette Tuff on August 20, ON RECOGNITION OF THE TRAG- ville’s. 2013 gave of herself to calm and defuse an EDY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR A ‘‘brush harbor’’ was erected on the land incredibly dangerous situation that could have SURVIVORS purchased during the period of growth and devastated our community and our Nation; separation. The land the present church is on, and HON. RON BARBER is recorded to have been bought on March 18, Whereas, Ms. Antoinette Tuff talked down OF ARIZONA 1862. The members worshipped and held an armed and troubled intruder who was fo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service faithfully under the brush harbor struc- cused on harming elementary school children, ture, thus, history continued to be made and Wednesday, September 11, 2013 their teachers, support staff, and police offi- the initial foundation set forth. Because limita- cers on the scene; and Mr. BARBER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tions of space and format necessitated the Whereas, Ms. Tuff stood as a citizen dip- honor the Tragedy Assistance Program for need for even more land, additional land was lomat, cool and calm, communicating with the Survivors. purchased in April 1890. would be assailant, as she advocated for life, The Tragedy Assistance Program for Sur- Since the earlier days of the church begin- not only for the intruder and herself, but for vivors or TAPS assists families of our Armed nings, many events have occurred in the life every life in the school building on that day; Forces who have lost their military loved one. of the church and its members. The church and TAPS is a resource that provides 24/7 tragedy has been rebuilt, expanded several times, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1285 the latest remodeling consisted of renovation Whereas, Mrs. Flanigan is formally retiring Tyrone grew up in Oregon and was the fa- of the sanctuary after the ceiling collapsed in from her educational career today, she will ther of three children. After high school he August 2005. The church underwent its first continue to promote education because she is joined the Navy with the goal of becoming a major renovation in 1968 under the leadership a cornerstone in our community that has en- SEAL. During his first attempt at SEAL train- of Reverend L.M. Robinson. With the renova- hanced the lives of thousands for the better- ing, Tyrone suffered an injury, but his perse- tion of the church came a number of other ment of our District and Nation; and verance led him to try again, and he earned construction projects that ultimately enhanced Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the his trident in 1991. During his 20 years of the church and solidify it as a concrete fixture Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this service in the Navy, Tyrone participated in Op- of spiritual guidance within the community. day to honor and recognize Mrs. Barbara Ann erations in Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan, Among those additions were construction of a Flanigan on her retirement from the DeKalb where his bravery earned him the Bronze Star kitchen, a baptismal pool, a handicap acces- County School District and to wish her well in with combat ‘‘V’’ device. sible ramp, additional bathrooms, paving of her new endeavors; now therefore, I, HENRY After both men left the military, they contin- the parking area, refinishing of the church C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby proclaim ued to serve their county by protecting Ameri- pews, replacement of sanctuary windows, and June 2, 2013 as Mrs. Barbara Ann Flanigan cans serving overseas. On night of September completion of the Fellowship Hall. Day in the 4th Congressional District of Geor- 11th, 2012, our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Members of the Brownsville Missionary Bap- gia. was under siege by terrorists. As the coordi- tist Church congregation are tirelessly com- Proclaimed, this 2nd day of June, 2013. nated attack unfolded, Glen and Tyrone ex- mitted to maintaining a solid foundation for f posed themselves to enemy fire as they en- spiritual growth within their church home and gaged attackers that were armed with guns, community. A number of church auxiliaries IN REMEMBRANCE OF SEPTEMBER mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Their and committees have been established 11, 2001 ultimate sacrifice saved the lives of numerous through the 146-year existence of the church, American personnel that were rescued and which includes the Benevolent committee, HON. BILL FOSTER safely returned to their families. Despite their Brotherhood, Beautification, Bible Class, BTU OF ILLINOIS brave actions, Glen and Tyrone’s heroism and (training of Christian values to the members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sacrifice has not been recognized through a that strengthen earthly lives), Cemetery, Mis- formal awards process. sion Society, Praise Teams, and Brownsville Wednesday, September 11, 2013 In recognition of their sacrifice, I have intro- Review. Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to duced H.R. 1186, which would award Glen During Brownsville’s 146 years of existence, ask the House to observe a moment of som- and Tyrone the Congressional Gold Medal. As the church has been under the leadership of ber remembrance for the 12th anniversary of we remember those that we lost on that tragic 21 pastors. Little is known of the lives of the the September 11th attacks on the United day in Benghazi, we must not forget the heroic earlier pastors, but the effectiveness of their States. acts and selfless courage displayed by Glen work is evidenced by the fact that the church Twelve years ago, nearly 3,000 innocent Doherty and Tyrone Woods. has survived and developed through the men and women in New York, Washington, years. The most notable pastor was Reverend D.C., and Pennsylvania perished when our na- f Eddie Gibson. Pastor Gibson’ ministry is char- tion suffered its worst terrorist attack in our acterized by his gift of compassion and his history. HONORING NICHOLETTE P. concern for individual growth and for each While together we have moved a decade STEFFES member of the congregation. He faithfully beyond that tragedy, the memories of Sep- served the church for 20 years. Currently Min- tember 11th will forever be with us. All across ister Stanley Garner serves as leader of this the country, Americans are coming together HON. E. SCOTT RIGELL magnificent congregation. for what has become a day of service and re- OF VIRGINIA Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me membrance. As we take the time to reflect in recognizing Brownsville Missionary Baptist today, we are reminded that what unites us is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Church in its commitment to remain grounded far stronger than what divides us, and that the Wednesday, September 11, 2013 in the true traditions of the Baptist doctrine courage and perseverance of the American within the Bolton community. people should never be underestimated. Mr. RIGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to not recognize a first for Accomack County, Vir- only join me in remembering those who lost ginia, in the 2nd Congressional District which HONORING MRS. BARBARA ANN their lives, but to also remember the many first I am honored to represent. On August 4, FLANIGAN responders, members of the military and ordi- 2013, the Accomack County Department of nary citizens who answered the call of duty. Public Safety promoted Fire Medic II HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. f Nicholette P. Steffes, to the rank of Fire/EMS OF GEORGIA Captain, the first female Captain ever in the IN HONOR OF GLEN DOHERTY AND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service of Accomack County. Nicholette joined TYRONE WOODS the Department of Public Safety in 2007 as a Wednesday, September 11, 2013 recruit fire medic, another first for Accomack Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I HON. DUNCAN HUNTER County, and after completing her fire training submit the following Proclamation. OF CALIFORNIA at the Eastern Shore Regional Fire Training Center, and earning her EMT basic certificate, Whereas, a virtuous woman of God accept- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed her calling to serve in the Educational Sys- Nicholette began her service as a Fire Medic. tem; and Wednesday, September 11, 2013 After several years of intensive training and Whereas, Mrs. Barbara Ann Flanigan began Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, on the one year course study, much of this on her own time, her educational career in teaching thirty-seven anniversary of the terrorist attack on our con- Nicholette completed her National and Virginia (37) years ago, and this year she retires from sulate in Benghazi, Libya, I rise to honor Glen certification as a Paramedic in 2012. teaching at Cedar Grove Elementary School in Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two former Navy Mr. Speaker, the Accomack Director of Pub- Ellenwood, Georgia, she has served the SEALs that were killed during the attack. lic Safety, Mr. Jeff Terwilliger, should be com- DeKalb County School District well and our Glen was born in Massachusetts and al- mended for his leadership and dedication for community has been blessed through her ways had a sense of adventure. He became providing Accomack County with a first class service; and a pilot, and enjoyed skiing and whitewater raft- and effective Department of Public Safety. Whereas, this phenomenal woman has ing. His desire to serve his county led him to Nicholette is to be congratulated for her hard shared her time and talents as a Teacher, Ed- join the Navy and become a Navy SEAL, work, dedication, and achievements in the ucator, and Motivator, giving the citizens of where he was part of the team that responded service to the residents of Accomack County. Georgia a person of great worth, a fearless to the attack on the USS Cole. Several years I am proud to represent the dedicated men leader, a devoted scholar, and a servant to all later, Glen fought in Iraq, earning the Navy and women of the Department of Public Safe- who want to advance the lives of our youth; and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with ty, Accomack County Virginia, whose motto is and Combat Distinguishing Device. ‘‘Together We Make a Difference.″

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 HONORING MOUNT OLIVE RECOGNIZING MS. PATRICIA private partnerships, community development, MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH PARKER real asset investment management and multi- family housing. Mr. Hunt uses his business ex- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. pertise as a board member of numerous busi- OF MISSISSIPPI OF GEORGIA ness and leadership nonprofits in El Paso. Beyond his notable business achievements, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Hunt has been a particularly effective Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Wednesday, September 11, 2013 higher education advocate. He understands Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I that access to college is essential to growing er, I rise today to honor an irreplaceably im- submit the following Proclamation. our middle class and ensuring that all Ameri- portant architecture of worship in the town of Whereas, A virtuous woman of God accept- cans have an opportunity to succeed. Mr. Bolton, Mississippi. For 143 years, the Mount ed her calling to serve in the Educational Sys- Hunt is a board member of several national, Olive Missionary Baptist Church has served as tem; and statewide and local education organizations a beacon of spiritual light for so many in the Whereas, Ms. Patricia Parker began her focused on college access, including Com- community. educational career in teaching thirty-eight (38) plete College America; the College for All Tex- The beginnings of Mount Olive were formed years ago, and this year she retires from ans Foundation; and the Development Boards through a coordinated effort among a group of teaching at Dunaire Elementary School in of the University. of Texas at El Paso and the God-fearing, Christian individuals who regu- Stone Mountain, Georgia, she has served the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center larly gathered to conduct Sunday worship DeKalb County School District well and our at El Paso. He previously served as the Vice- service beneath a small bush harbor in the community has been blessed through her Chairman of the University of Texas System late 1800s. The group subsequently estab- service; and Board of Regents. This work allows him to lished the Forkey Hill Missionary Baptist Whereas, this phenomenal woman has focus on closing achievement gaps and in- Church, located at the intersection of Mount shared her time and talents as a Teacher, Ed- creasing opportunity for traditionally underrep- Olive Road and Joe Hall Road. In 1883, the ucator and Motivator, giving the citizens of resented students. He is one of the first peo- congregation decided to move and build a Georgia a person of great worth, a fearless ple I call when issues of higher education are new sanctuary; in doing so, the church was leader, a devoted scholar and a servant to all before Congress. renamed to Mount Olive Missionary Baptist who want to advance the lives of our youth; Mr. Hunt is also passionate about promoting Church. and quality and accessible healthcare. He is the In order to finance the construction of the Whereas, Ms. Parker is formally retiring founding Chairman and current board member new sanctuary, Brother John H. Jones and his from her educational career today, she will of the Medical Centers of Americas Founda- wife, Earnestine Jones, allowed the church to continue to promote education because she is tion in El Paso; a member of the Board of use their home as collateral to have the new a cornerstone in our community that has en- Visitors of the University of Texas MD Ander- church built. Once financing was achieved, the hanced the lives of thousands for the better- son Cancer Center in Houston; and was the church was built and continued to grow in ment of our District and Nation; and Chairman of the Paso del Norte Health Foun- number. One notable pastoral leader was Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the dation. Reverend Augustus Harper. Under his leader- Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this Mr. Hunt serves as Chairman of the Hunt ship, the church became debt-free by com- day to honor and recognize Ms. Patricia Family Foundation, which he and his wife pleting the terms and payments on the mort- Parker on her retirement from the DeKalb Gayle established in 1987. The El Paso com- gage for the sanctuary in November 1971. County School District and to wish her well in munity continues to be enriched by Woody The church also purchased 8 acres of prime her new endeavors; now therefore, I, HENRY Hunt’s legacy of leadership, integrity and gen- farmland from Sister Alma Reuben and family, C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby proclaim erosity. I thank Mr. Hunt for his commitment to of which 2 of the acres were designated for May 21, 2013 as Ms. Patricia Parker Day in improving the quality of life for everyone in El the church cemetery and 3 acres were des- the 4th Congressional District of Georgia. Paso, and in particular for his tireless efforts to ignated for the church parking lot. Through ad- Proclaimed, this 21st day of May, 2013. ensure young people in our community have ditional contributions made from Sister Reu- f access to excellent educational opportunities. ben, the church was also able to construct the f first lighted outdoor recreational facility for chil- HONORING WOODY HUNT dren of the community. PERSONAL EXPLANATION The construction and establishment of the HON. BETO O’ROURKE Mount Olive community park encouraged OF TEXAS HON. VICKY HARTZLER OF MISSOURI other members of the congregation to spear- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES head the church’s first athletic program, soft- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 11, 2013 ball, and baseball teams. With so many posi- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 tive advancements occurring within the con- Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, gregation and the community, the Mount Olive honor distinguished El Pasoan Woody Hunt as September 10, 2013, I was unable to vote. Missionary Baptist Church saw it necessary to the recipient of the Ysleta High School ‘‘2012– Had I been present, I would have voted as fol- construct a larger sanctuary to accommodate 13 Outstanding-Ex Award,’’ which recognizes lows: on rollcall No. 452, ‘‘yea.’’ the growing membership. By September 2010, exceptional school alumni. Mr. Hunt has the membership performed a ribbon cutting earned this distinction through a lifetime of f ceremony, officially opening the new sanc- serving the El Paso community in his roles as HONORING DR. LARRY RIDLEY tuary. a successful business leader, tireless edu- In addition to acquiring a new sanctuary, the cation advocate, and generous community HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. church was blessed with many other new servant. OF MICHIGAN Mr. Hunt, a fourth generation El Pasoan, amenities from members of the congregation, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES including a new refrigerator, a new stove, graduated from Ysleta High School in 1962 cabinets, dishes, a hot water tank, and a kitch- and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Finance Wednesday, September 11, 2013 en vent. Amongst all of the additions and from the University of Texas at Austin (1967). Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, legendary changes came a revelation that Reverend He received his MBA in Finance from UT Aus- artist Dr. Larry Ridley will be honored this year Harper would honorably resign as pastor of tin (1970) and later earned his MA in Manage- by the Congressional Black Caucus Founda- Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church in ment from the Drucker School of Management tion (CBCF) at the Jazz Issue Forum and 2002. The following year, Reverend Wayne C. in Claremont, California (1986). Concert that will take place during the 43rd Moore became pastor and established numer- Mr. Hunt began his career by returning to El Annual Legislative Conference (ALC). Dr. Rid- ous new ministries and goals for the church. Paso to work for the family business, which he ley, an internationally renowned bassist/com- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me eventually grew into one of the nation’s lead- poser/bandleader/educator, will also perform in recognizing Mount Olive Missionary Baptist ing construction and development companies. at the concert, which will take place on Thurs- Church for being an inspiration for change, As Chairman and CEO of Hunt Companies, day, September 19, 2013, at the Walter E. growth, and unwavering spiritual unity for its Inc., Mr. Hunt manages more than $13 billion Washington Convention Center, in Wash- congregational members and local community. in assets focused on the key areas of public- ington, D.C. Dr. Ridley will receive the 2013

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1287 CBCF ALC Jazz Legacy Award for his con- five years, the following ministers Pastored CONGRATULATING THE BENSON tributions to jazz and world culture. Anderson Chapel: Reverends J.C. Bell, Gold- UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR Hugh Wyatt of the New York Daily News en Price, S.L. Webb, W.J. Eubanks, N.W. THEIR STRAIGHT A REPORT described Dr. Ridley as a ‘‘master bassist’’ Ross, R.D. Gerald, Whalon Blackmon, T.S. CARD and a ‘‘musician’s musician.’’ He has been Davis, A.L. Holland, F.P. Leonard, C.P. one of the most in-demand bassists of the Payne, H.C. Clay, Sr., and John L. Baker. HON. RON BARBER past six decades, performing with over 150 In September 1952, under the leadership of OF ARIZONA artists including Wes Montgomery, Carmen Rev. Blackmon, a new structure was built on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES McRae, , Thelonious Monk, Page Street and given the name Anderson , Dizzy Gillespie, Marvin Gaye, Memorial. In 1968, under C.P. Payne, Ander- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Tammi Terrell, and Alicia Keys. Ridley has son Memorial became Anderson United Meth- Mr. BARBER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to also recorded over 50 sessions as a sideman. odist Church. In 1972, during the tenure of congratulate the Benson Unified School Dis- His recordings as a leader include Other Rev. Clay, the white and black United Meth- trict on the high honor of being named Arizo- Voices and Live at (with odist conference merged into one conference. na’s top performing school district. the Jazz Legacy Ensemble), and Sum of the In 1985, Rev. Jeffrey A. Stallworth was ap- The Benson School District serves 1200 Parts. pointed pastor at Anderson. It was under his students in the community of Benson as well Dr. Ridley served as Chairman, Music De- leadership that the church moved to 485 West as other areas across San Pedro Valley. Their partment, Livingston College of Rutgers Uni- Northside Drive. mission is to provide a safe and welcoming versity, 1972–1980; Professor of Music, Rut- Because of the tremendous growth, Ander- learning community that prepares students to gers University, 1972–1999, and has served son relocated to 1–220 at Hanging Moss Road be competitive and productive citizens. as Professor Emeritus at Rutgers, beginning in in November, 1994. At this time, membership The success of Benson Schools comes 1999. He has served as Artist-in-Residence at was over 1,600. After being at this location for after years of commitment to proven instruc- a number of colleges, universities and institu- only two years, in December 1996 the mem- tional practices and a strong academic cur- tions including Southern University, College of bership at Anderson surpassed the 3,000 riculum for their students. This dedication has the Virgin Islands, University of Natal-Durban mark. led to the accolades we celebrate today. and the Schomburg Center/New York Public In June 2002, the Reverend Joe W. May This distinguished recognition is testament Library, where he has been in residence since became Pastor of Anderson United Methodist to the hard work and dedication Super- 1993. Church. As membership continue to rise, An- intendent David Woodall, the school board, Dr. Ridley’s numerous honors and awards derson United Methodist Church works dili- and the dedicated staff and teachers of the include the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation’s Liv- gently to provide a friendly worship atmos- district. I am proud to represent these out- ing Legacy Jazz Award (1997), Howard Uni- phere. standing schools in Congress. versity’s Benny Golson Award (2001) and the Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me f Don Redman Society’s Don Redman Heritage in recognizing Anderson United Methodist Award (2011). He has also been inducted into Church. IN RECOGNITION OF CHIEF KENNETH BROOKER The International Association of Jazz Edu- f cators Hall of Fame (1998); Down Beat Maga- zine’s Jazz Education Hall of Fame (1999) HONORING DR. BENNIE HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS and received the Rutgers University/Livingston PENNINGTON OF TEXAS College Legacy Award (2011). IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, Dr. Larry Ridley is a living jazz HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 treasure and I urge all members to join me in OF GEORGIA commending him for his magnificent contribu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the illustrious career of Chief Kenneth tions as an artist and educator. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 f Brooker of the Flower Mound Police Depart- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I ment as he retires after 40 years of committed HONORING ANDERSON UNITED submit the following Proclamation. service in law enforcement. Over his past 30 METHODIST CHURCH Whereas, a tenacious man of God accepted years with the Flower Mound Police Depart- his calling to serve in the Educational System; ment, Chief Brooker has advanced from Patrol HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON and Officer to Chief of Police, a leadership position OF MISSISSIPPI Whereas, Dr. Bennie Pennington began his he has held since 1999. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES educational career in teaching thirty (30) years During his tenure, as the Town of Flower ago and this year he retires from teaching at Mound’s population has grown from 4,400 to Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Dunaire Elementary School in Stone Moun- over 62,000, Chief Brooker has capably over- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- tain, Georgia, he has served the DeKalb seen the expansion of the police force in ac- er, I rise today to honor Anderson United County School District well and our community cordance with the town’s needs. In addition to Methodist Church Jackson, Mississippi. has been blessed through his service; and the growing from 13 employees on staff to its Anderson United Methodist Church began Whereas, this remarkable man has shared current 86 sworn officers and 82 civilians, the as a mission in 1914 under the leadership of his time and talents as a Teacher, Educator Flower Mound Police Department has local ministers from the Central and Pratt and Motivator, giving the citizens of Georgia a achieved accreditation through the Commis- Methodist Episcopal Churches. One of the person of great worth, a fearless leader, a de- sion on the Accreditation for Law Enforcement ministers, the late Rev. R. L. Pickens, then voted scholar and a servant to all who want to Agencies, developed a SWAT team, Citizen’s pastor of Central, helped organize the Clover- advance the lives of our youth; and Patrol, Chaplain Corps, School Crossing leaf Methodist Episcopal Mission. During the Whereas, Dr. Pennington is formally retiring Guard Program and Junior Police Academy. 1920s, the first group of members met at the from his educational career today, he will con- Under Chief Brooker’s direction, the Flower home of William Harper on Woodrow Wilson tinue to promote education because he is a Mound Police Department has been honored Avenue where they worshiped until a specific cornerstone in our community that has en- nationally for well-designed police vehicles location was secured. hanced the lives of thousands for the better- and was recognized as a Webber Seavey By 1928, a temporary house of worship for ment of our District and Nation; and Award for Quality in Law Enforcement finalist the Mission had been obtained, an old aban- Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the by the International Association of Chiefs of doned store on Whitfield Mill Road, (now Mar- Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this Police. The Town of Flower Mound has been tin Luther King Dr.). In 1936, a lot on Spring day to honor and recognize Dr. Bennie Pen- repeatedly recognized as one of the safest cit- Street was purchased, and the first church nington on his retirement from the DeKalb ies in Texas, a phenomenal and challenging building was constructed. It was named for the County School District and to wish him well in feat. Rev. R. L. Anderson the first conference ap- his new endeavors; now therefore, I, HENRY C. Chief Brooker’s legacy of honorable service, pointed minister. Rev. Anderson died in 1930. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby proclaim May diligence to duty and inspired leadership will The Rev. I. R. Kersh, Sr., was the pastor at 21, 2013 as Dr. Bennie Pennington Day in the continue to positively influence the Town of the time Anderson Chapel, as it was known 4th Congressional District of Georgia. Flower Mound and the police department he then, was constructed. During the next fifty- Proclaimed, this 21st day of May, 2013. has supervised over the past 14 years. It is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 my privilege to commend Flower Mound Po- Reverend Lorenzo G. Clarke to Pearl Street. RECOGNIZING MR. VAL ARCHER lice Chief Kenneth Brooker and wish him well Reverend Clarke was pastor of Pearl Street in his retirement and to represent the Town of from November 1982–October 1985. HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. Flower Mound in the U.S. House of Rep- At the General Conference 1984, Bishop OF GEORGIA resentatives. Donald George Kenneth Ming was assigned to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f the Eighth Episcopal District Bishop Ming ap- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 HONORING PEARL STREET AFRI- pointed Reverend Johnny Barbour, Jr. as pas- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I CAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL tor of Pearl Street A.M.E. Church in October submit the following Proclamation. CHURCH 1985. Reverend Barbour, Pearl Street’s long- Whereas, a cool, calm, collected and very est serving pastor, remained as pastor for 15 tenacious man, Mr. Val Archer was born April HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON years. In 1987, under Reverend Barbour’s 13, 1929, raised in Chicago, Illinois and now OF MISSISSIPPI spiritual leadership, the church moved from resides in Conyers, Georgia; and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 925 West Pearl Street into a church edifice at Whereas, during WWII at the tender age of Wednesday, September 11, 2013 2519 Robinson Street (valued at 3.5 million 15, and even in the face of segregation and discrimination, out of a strong sense of patriot- dollars). During this same year, 1987, Mrs. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- ism and love of country, he answered the call er, I rise today to honor Pearl Street African Ruth Roseman Dease, dedicated church his- to service in the U.S. military; and Methodist Episcopal Church in Jackson, Mis- toriographer from 1958–1987. Shirley Hopkins Whereas, Mr. Archer served honorably in sissippi. In 1865, Reverend Thomas W. String- Davis was privileged and honored to have the U.S. Army Air Corps, the United States Air er organized Pearl Street African Methodist worked with Mrs. Dease in typing the history, Force and as a member of the renowned Episcopal Church. The first church was known which she so competently recorded on a Tuskegee Airmen, a unit with a strong sense as Foley Chapel, and Reverend Stringer weekly basis. Following Mrs. Dease’s death, of honor and duty who performed with great served as pastor until Reverend James Ells- Reverend Barbour appointed Ms. L’Dina Rob- precision in combating the enemy in the Euro- worth was appointed as pastor. The church inson as church historiographer. pean theater; and was located on the corner of Clifton and Pearl Whereas, he saw active duty in Korea, Streets. About seventeen pastors served the Ten years following the purchase of the edi- Japan, Guam, the Marshall Islands and Eu- church in its initial edifice, including Reverend fice at 2519 Robinson Street (1997), Reverend rope where he was always proud of the per- Hugh Miller Foley, the pastor for whom Foley Johnny Barbour, Jr. and the officers and mem- formance of his fellow Tuskegee Airmen who Chapel was named. bers burned the mortgage. The presiding proved beyond a doubt that they were there to In 1898, Reverend James E. Carter, who bishop then was the Rt. Reverend Richard excel; and had served as president of Shorter College in Allen Chappelle, Sr. Since the church has Whereas, he served with great distinction as Arkansas, came to Mississippi and was as- been purchased under Rt. Reverend Donald the President of the Atlanta Chapter of the signed in 1899 as pastor. Under Reverend Tuskegee Airmen, Inc and he is the recipient Carter’s leadership, the name of the church G. K. Ming’s bishopric, Reverend Barbour in- vited Bishop Ming back to preach at the Mort- of The Congressional Gold Medal, the nation’s was changed to Pearl Street African Methodist highest civilian honor; and gage Burning. Bishop Chappelle conducted Episcopal Church, and a new edifice was built Whereas, this model citizen continues shar- in 1902. The newly built church was on the the Mortgage Burning ceremony. Reverend ing his time, talents and great wisdom with corner of Clifton and Pearl Streets. Foley Barbour had announced his candidacy for young people urging them to not drift or follow Chapel remained on the property as Foley Secretary-Treasurer of the A.M.E. Sunday the crowd, to get an education, practice self- Hall. School Union at the General Conference respect, integrity and responsibility to them- In 1956, Bishop W. W. Wright appointed 1996. So, he was campaigning for the office selves, their family and their country; and Reverend G. R. Haughton to Pearl Street during this time. He remained pastor of pro- Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the A.M.E. Church as pastor. During his pastorate, gressive Pearl Street for several months after Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this the city requested the property at Clifton and he was elected to the office at the General day to honor and recognize Mr. Val Archer for Pearl Streets for opening a new street. Rev- Conference 2000, in Cincinnati, Ohio. his outstanding leadership and service to the erend Haughton immediately focused mem- citizens in the 4th District, the state of Georgia bers’ attention on building Greater Pearl Street During the General Conference 2000, the and the nation; now therefore, I, HENRY C. African Methodist Episcopal Church in another 8th Episcopal District was assigned Bishop ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby proclaim May location at 925 West Pearl Street. A home at Cornal Garnett Henning, Sr. whose father, 18, 2013 as Mr. Val Archer Day in the 4th 1051 Deer Park Street was purchased for the Reverend H. W. Henning, had served as pas- Congressional District of Georgia. new parsonage. Members began use of the tor of Pearl Street from 1940–41. Bishop Proclaimed, this 18th day of May, 2013. new church in April 1961, and it was dedi- Henning asked Reverend Barbour to remain f cated on April 30, 1961. Successors to Rev- pastor of Pearl Street until Planning Meeting in erend G. R. Haughton include the following: HONORING THE ROTARY CLUB OF Reverend Dr. George A. Sewell (1965–1967) December 2000, and Reverend Barbour re- JOLIET and Reverend William Portis (1967–1974). mained as pastor while carrying on his new In October 1974, Reverend Thomas Ben- General Officer position of Secretary-Treas- HON. BILL FOSTER urer of the Sunday School Union. jamin Brown, Jr. was appointed as pastor of OF ILLINOIS Pearl Street. He served as pastor for eight On December 2, 2000 the Rt. Reverend C. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years. In 1976, during Reverend Brown’s lead- Garnett Henning, Sr. appointed the Reverend Wednesday, September 11, 2013 ership of the church, the trustees purchased Dr. Samuel Boyd, Sr. as pastor of Pearl Street additional property around the church at 925 African Methodist Episcopal Church. Reverend Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to West Pearl Street. Also, the church sold the congratulate the Rotary Club of Joliet for self- Boyd had served as pastor of Historic St. parsonage on Deer Park Street and pur- lessly working for 100 years to improve com- chased a home at 219 Claiborne Street as the James A.M.E. Church, New Orleans, LA for munities in Illinois. The organization’s motto of new parsonage. Four years later, Reverend ten years. He preached as pastor of Pearl ‘‘Service Above Self’’ inspires its members to Brown kicked off his campaign for Bishopric Street on December 3, 2000. provide humanitarian service, encourage high on May 24, 1980 in his native Greenwood, Pearl Street has a rich history of growth and ethical standards, and promote good will in the Mississippi. Two years following the kick-off development as a church family and commu- world. The Joliet Rotary Club has over 130 campaign, Bishop Cummings determined that nity supporter. After 136 years, the church re- members and is part of Rotary International. It perhaps Reverend Brown stood a better mains a stronghold and a source of spiritual was established in 1910 as the Study Club, chance of winning the Bishopric if he were to empowerment for its members and the com- and it became the first Rotary club in a city run for the Bishop serving as pastor of Union with less than 75,000 residents. munity. Bethel, New Pearl Street. So in November Joliet Rotarians learned the best practices 1982, Bishop Frank Curtis sent Reverend Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me of service, and went on to help establish new Brown to New Orleans as pastor of Union in recognizing Pearl Street African Methodist Rotary clubs in surrounding communities over Bethel, and he sent Union Bethel’s pastor, Episcopal Church. the next decades. They participated in the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1289 foundation of the Joliet Chamber of Com- Staten Island Strong ‘‘Go Together, Stay As we so ask our Lord to help them find the merce, the conservation of Higginbotham Together’’ in honor of Rescue 5 and the 78 strength! Woods, and collecting shoes and supplies for fallen firefighters of 9/11 and their families. Because strength cannot so be measured in World War I soldiers. They have always been F/F Faustino Apostle, Jr., Battallion 2, F/ girth and power! instrumental in providing financial assistance F Louis Arena, Ladder 5, A/C Gerald Barbera, Or muscle mass acquired, for groups and foundations in their call to com- C.W.C, F/F Arthur Barry, Ladder 15, F/F while working out in a gym for hours! munity service. John P. Bergan, Rescue 5, F/F Paul Beyer, But from rather what so comes from heart The Guiding Principles of Rotary capture im- Engine 6, F/F Brian Bilcher, Squad 1, F/F within! portant and admirable values for our commu- Carl Bini, Rescue 5, F/F Greg Buck, Engine For the greatest of all strength so comes. . . 201, F/F Salvatore Calabro, Ladder 101, F/F With the kind strength, nity. The principles state: ‘‘The object of Ro- Michael Cammarata, Ladder 11, F/F Brian tary is to encourage and foster the ideal of that lets one run up those steps into the face Cannizzaro, Ladder 101, F/F Peter Carroll, of hell! service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in Squad 1, F/F John Chipura, Engine 219, F/F And let’s their love ones hearts so mend, particular, to encourage and foster: first, the Michael Clarke, Ladder 2. development of acquaintance as an oppor- F/F Reuben Correa, Engine 74, F/F Robert as each new day in such heartache they so dwell! tunity for service; second, high ethical stand- Curatolo, Ladder 16, Lt. Edward Darti, Squad All in the shadow of America’s Liberty. . . ards in business and professions, the recogni- 1, F/F Michael D’Auria, Engine 40, F/F Scott Davidson, Ladder 118, F/F Edward Day, Lad- All in this Empire State for all to see. . . tion of the worthiness of all useful occupa- der 11, F/F George Dipasquale, Ladder 2, But lies such a magnificent community. . . tions, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s oc- Capt. Martin Egan, Jr., Division 1, F/F An island to its self which greaves, cupation as an opportunity to serve society; Francis Esposito, Engine 235, Lt. Michael as to all hearts now so speaks! third, the application of the ideal of service in Esposito, Squad 1, Capt. Joseph Farley, Divi- So speaks of faith and courage and dignity! each Rotarian’s personal, business and com- sion 1, F/F Michael Fiori, Rescue 5, F/F Of an Island made of Staten Steel which munity life; fourth, the advancement of inter- Andre Fletcher, Rescue 5, Lt. Michael Fodor, breathes! national understanding, goodwill, and peace Ladder 21, F/F Gary Geidel, Rescue 5. F/F James Giberson, Ladder 35, F/F Jeffrey Of blue collar workers, through a world of fellowship of business and Giordano, Ladder 3, F/F James Gray, Ladder just trying to live That Great American professional persons united in the ideal of 20, B/C Joseph Grzelak, Battalion 48, Lt. Jo- Dream! service.’’ seph Gullickson, Ladder 101, F/F Sean Han- Of such strength and courage, Rotary International founder Paul P. Harris ley, Ladder 20, F/F Thomas Hannifin, Ladder a monument to all the world to be! said it best, ‘‘Rotary brings men differing in so- 5, Lt. Harvey Harrell, Rescue 5, F/F Jona- Of such heroic hearts which beat! cial status, religious beliefs and nationality to- than Hohmann, HazMat, BC Charles Kasper, Who against all odds would succeed! gether in order that they may be more intel- Special OPS CD., F/F David LaForge, Ladder And would not wave, ligible to each other and therefore more sym- 20, F/F Robert Lane, Engine 55, F/F Neal as why up to heaven they so rose Godspeed! pathetic and friendly.’’ If we all follow this Leavy, Engine 217, F/F Daniel Libretti, Res- All because of the greatest of all gifts they model, we will leave our community and our cue 2, F/F Joseph Maffeo, Ladder 101. gave! Lt. Charles Margiotta, Rescue 5, Lt. Peter world a much better place. Martin, Rescue 2, F/F Joseph Mascalli, Res- Who with such Strength In Honor so be- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me cue 5, F/F John McAvoy, Ladder 3, F/F Tim- haved! in congratulating the Rotary Club of Joliet, not othy McSweeney, Ladder 3, F/F Douglas Mil- Who on 9/11 so taught you and me! only for its longevity, but also for its dedication ler, Rescue 5, F/F Henry Miller, Jr., Ladder Just how truly great a heart can be! to service of our fellow man. I commend the 105, Capt. Louis Modiferri, Rescue 5, F/F Because, all in the moments of our lives. . . club’s continued dedication to making the Christopher Mozzillo, Engine 55, F/F Joseph When, who lives and who so dies... world around us a better place for all. Ogren, Ladder 3, F/F Patrick O’Keefe, Rescue When, it all so depends upon you, relies! f 1, F/F Jeffrey Olsen, Engine 10, F/F Eric Will we so with our hearts of courage full, Olsen, Ladder 15, F/F Jeffrey Palazzo, Rescue rush in to shine bright like a jewel? PERSONAL EXPLANATION 5, F/F Paul Pisani, Engine 10. To over evil to so rule! Lt. Glenn Perry, Battalion 12, Lt. Philip To make a difference with it all! HON. ED PERLMUTTER Petti, Battalion 7, Lt. Michael Quilty, Lad- To save life, der 11, F/F Louis Ragaglia, Engine 54, F/F OF COLORADO while Standing Strong! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nicholas Rossomando, Rescue 5, F/F Thomas Sabella, Ladder 13, F/F John Santore, Ladder While, Standing Tall! Wednesday, September 11, 2013 5, F/F John Schardt, Engine 201, F/F Stephen Leaving the Angels in such awe! Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, on August Siller, Squad 1, F/F Jeffrey Stark, Engine Would we be so willing to pay such a price? 2, 2013 I was not present to vote on the Mo- 230, With these, tion to Recommit and Final Passage of H.R. STATEN ISLAND STRONG our own most precious of all lives? 2009—the ‘‘Keep the IRS Off Your Health (By Albert Carey Caswell) All with such selfless sacrifice! Bringing tears to our Lord’s eyes! Care Act of 2013.’’ I want to inform you that All in these, if present I would have voted: ‘‘aye’’ on the Our darkest of all hours! People, who in one another so believed! Motion to Recommit to H.R. 2009; and ‘‘nay’’ Will we so find the strength, You go! I go! As all into that face of death together, WE! on Final Passage of H.R. 2009. to somehow overcome, The legislation prohibits the Secretary of the the power? ‘‘GO TOGETHER, STAY TOGETHER’’, Treasury, or any delegate of the Secretary, To go so courageously forth, was but their most heroic creed! from implementing or enforcing any provisions to shine and not to cower! And all of those most heroic families! Who so lived with all of that worry. . . of or amendments made by the Patient Pro- While, all there but in the face death! While, putting our own lives all at risk to As each new morning off to work they’d tection and Affordable Care Act or the Health others bless! leave! Care and Education Reconciliation Act of To so show the world of faith’s true power! Who so faced death, To So Rescue Me! 2010. And become Angels, Such fine Men and Women of humanity! This bill marks the 40th time House Repub- all because of these our last and most finest Who Stood Staten Island Strong, licans have brought forth legislation seeking to of all hours! to be all that they could be! repeal, obstruct and undermine the Affordable And how will our loved ones so find the Who all in that moment of truth, Care Act. It is time for Congress to focus on strength? so showed us how Angels are so conceived! legislation that strengthens the middle-class, To so accept God’s Will, When, their fine hearts. . . creates jobs and grows the economy. knowing what their loss has meant? just like a song would speak! f As all around them such heartache towers! Living by such a most selfless creed! As their tears roll down their chins, All but To Rescue Me! IN HONOR OF RESCUE 5 AND THE all throughout the coming years and hours! Armed with such brave hearts which no 78 FALLEN FIREFIGHTERS OF 9/11 And how will they so find the grace, to wipe all those tears from their face? longer beat! And start again with hearts of courage full Who all out upon war wagons came rushing HON. MICHAEL G. GRIMM these, OF NEW YORK so breaking then! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES With the kind of pain that only heaven heals, so ends! Wednesday, September 11, 2013 As upon bended knee, Mr. GRIMM. Mr. Speaker, I submit the fol- as all across this Nation we now so pray for lowing. them!

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 jumping up upon them to death to cheat! Who Stood Staten Island Strong with all ference by attending either the University of As it was one for all, their might! Southern Mississippi or Xavier University of and all for one! And in the shadow of America’s Liberty. . . Louisiana. There she will pursue a degree in All in this The Empire State for all to You go. . . I go! Biochemistry/Pre-Medicine, to later attend A band of brothers so willing to die and see. . . bleed! But lies such a magnificent community. . . medical school and become a licensed Pedi- Who upon each other so relied, An island who out to all hearts now so atric Neurologist. She also plans to open her the need! speaks! own private practice. During her career, she For they were some of America’s greatest That which stands even stronger this day in- plans to help rebuild the Jefferson County ones! deed! community by renovating their schools and Whose families are our Nation’s quiet heroes All because of them, these! seek businesses to invest the area. She also and heroines! Who so showed us all how to so live and die, dreams about creating a scholarship program As no new day is so promised to anyone! and how to grieve! As they Stood Staten Island Strong, that will give African American students in un- And on 9/11 as their day begun, derprivileged communities like her hometown just like all those others, had each one. . . for their families and what they believed! For on this day of days they all stood Staten For We Will Never Forget, greater funds to assist students with paying for Island Strong! Never.., all of these! college. As each and everyone could so be counted on! And The Greatest Strength, Aaliyah likes to live by this motto: ‘‘When Armed but with such Gotham Hearts, all within a heart so beats! you have big dreams don’t listen to what no- to which belonged! All in this most heroic community, body says that is trying to turn you away. As why now up in Heaven they are Angels all which sits in the shadow of Liberty! When you have big dreams, keep your eyes among! Amen! on the prize and don’t fall by the wayside; To watch over us from dust to dawn! f reach for the sky.’’ Rescue 5 and these Fire Fighters, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me up on a pedestal so belong! HONORING AALIYAH COLE ‘‘GO TOGETHER, STAY TOGETHER’’ in recognizing a talented student, Ms. Aaliyah Just like a Psalm! HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Cole, for her zeal in actively making a dif- As you rushed up while others rushed down! OF MISSISSIPPI ference in her community. As you rushed in while others rushed out! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f While, the face of death you stared down! With each new most heroic step, Wednesday, September 11, 2013 HONORING THE WAY, THE TRUTH closer to Heaven your soul was swept! Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- AND THE LIFE CHRISTIAN CEN- As you gave all, er, I rise today to honor Ms. Aaliyah Cole, a TER, INC. That Last Full Measure, would accept! dedicated student, who is making a difference So many heroes from that Island died that in her community. HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. day! On a crisp winter day in December of 1994, OF GEORGIA Standing Staten Island Strong in every way, Aaliyah Cole was born to Biven and Beatrice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cole. She grew quickly both physically and in- as all of their fine lives they gave! Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Heroes come all in such shapes and sizes! tellectually. At the age of two, she was able to But it’s what’s within their hearts which so read children’s books on her own. In Sep- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I comprises! tember of 1999, her little brother, Biven Cole submit the following Proclamation. Who they are! Jr., was born. They grew together as siblings Whereas, today we celebrate leadership, That which so lives on bright like a star! and companions. As a young girl she began to service and a ministry that for the past thirty And for all of those families, one years has enhanced our district, our state, Husbands and Wives who now so weep! set her sights high on accomplishing things And for all of those children without Mom’s bigger than herself. She was motivated, deter- our country and the world; and and Dad’s, mined, and driven to make a difference and Whereas, Apostle Ulysses Tuff and Pastor whose pain now mounts so ever deep! dream big. Deborah Tuff are today celebrating thirty one And all of those Brothers and Sisters, Throughout her years in school, Aaliyah has years as spiritual leaders and servants of God who in your arms your best friends can’t maintained exceptional academic records at the church of their founding, The Way, The keep! backed by outstanding leadership roles and Truth and The Life Christian Center; and Could we just as your loved ones such cour- giving dynamic service to her community. In Whereas, this remarkable and tenacious age speak? man of God, Apostle Ulysses Tuff and this To a place where only hearts of courage beat! the second grade, she wanted to be the Val- And be Stand Staten Island Strong, edictorian of her graduating class and she ac- phenomenal virtuous woman of God, Pastor as once had all of these! complished that. She has held three state offi- Deborah Tuff are instruments of God who give And as you lay your heads down to rest, to cer positions—State President, State Sec- hope to the hopeless, feed the needy and em- sleep! retary, and State Treasurer-in the Technology power our community by preaching the gos- In Staten Island there comes a gentle rain, Student Association and she is also the cur- pel, teaching the gospel and living the gospel; so very deep. . . rent chairman of her high school yearbook and As it’s your loved ones tears, committee. She received several leadership Whereas, the members of The Way, The from up in Heaven to so ease. . . Truth and The Life Christian Center continue To so ease your pain as you weep. . . awards for her leadership abilities. Until one fine day up Heaven you’ll all so Aaliyah has served her community, since to uplift and inspire others, through outreach meet. . . she was a little girl, whether it was recycling ministries, The Giver of Life Mission School, And you won’t have to cry no more! plastics and aluminums, hosting voter registra- The Giver of Life Christian Academy, The So hush little baby don’t you cry, tion drives, or visiting the community nursing Giver of Life Institute of Ministerial Training, one day up in Heaven you will look into your home, she has always found urgency in mak- and The Giver of Life Ministerial Association; parent’s eyes! ing a difference in the world and in people’s and And you will hear them on the wind, lives. Whereas, The Way, The Truth and The Life and when you wake feel them again and In March of 2011, Aaliyah launched her very Christian Center has produced many spiritual again. . . And remember my child, own organization by the name of Team warriors, people of compassion, people of on the day you were born, M.A.W.M.A.C. (Make a Wave, Make a great courage, fearless leaders and servants their greatest wish so formed. . . Change), an organization designed to raise to all, but most of all visionaries who have Was for you to have a happy life, awareness about the many things that plague shared not only with their Church, but with our to live on... communities around the world. With this orga- district, our nation and the world; and So make your parents dreams come true, nization, she held a Teens for Jeans drive Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the and somehow carry on. . . which helped her school to collect 152 pairs of Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this Goodness! blue jeans to donate to homeless teens day to honor and recognize The Way, The Evil! Darkness! around the world. They also plan to cultivate Truth and The Life Christian Center, Inc., on Light! her school flower beds on Earth Day this April, their 31st Anniversary and for their distin- Those brave hearts who evil must fight! 2013. guished leadership and service to humanity; Who bring their light! Upon completing high school, Aaliyah plans now therefore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Were but all of those who fought that fight! to further pursue her dream of making a dif- Jr. do hereby proclaim August 25, 2013 as

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1291 The Way, The Truth and The Life Christian of what it means to be a librarian in a func- Desirae. The Johnson family has endured a Center, Inc., Day in the 4th Congressional Dis- tioning democracy. terrible tragedy and made an extraordinary trict of Georgia. While at CRS, Sherry also spent consider- sacrifice to keep the community safe. We are Proclaimed, this 25th day of August, 2013. able time reviewing electronic resources and forever thankful. f developing innovative ways to increase access The streets of the United States of America to these resources by staff serving the infor- stay safe because of the honorable and dedi- TRIBUTE TO SHERRY BARBARA mation needs of the Congress. cated service of officers like Sgt. Derek John- SHAPIRO Another important aspect of Sherry’s work son. His loss will be keenly felt by all who at CRS was her work as a mentor to new li- knew him. HON. JAMES P. MORAN brarians. Her knowledge of federal librarian- Today, I ask all Members of Congress to OF VIRGINIA ship and the work of the legislative branch al- join me as we honor the life and legacy of Sgt. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowed her to develop a new generation of li- Derek Johnson, as well as each man and Wednesday, September 11, 2013 brarians. woman who risks life and limb to secure our Sherry’s dedication to her work at CRS was communities. I also ask that we recognize the Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to based on responding to each person she en- sacrifice and burdens their families endure in congratulate Sherry Barbara Shapiro on her countered with kindness and respect, fairness, support of this great country. We owe them all retirement following 40 years of extraordinary and a willingness to go the extra mile to make our eternal gratitude. federal service. sure each one had the tools and skills to lo- f Ms. Shapiro began her federal service in cate the information needed to help develop July, 1973 working for the American Revolu- legislation, answer constituent requests, or ex- HONORING MOUNT ZION tion Bicentennial Commission, which later be- amine the critical issues of the day. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH came the American Revolution Bicentennial Outside of her many duties and responsibil- Administration (ARBA). ities at CRS, Sherry not only raised five chil- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON In 1975, she left ARBA to join the Congres- dren with her husband John, but was actively OF MISSISSIPPI sional Research Service (CRS) of the Library involved in community activities. Sherry works IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Congress as a government and law bibliog- tirelessly in our community of Alexandria. The Wednesday, September 11, 2013 rapher. In this position, prior to the wide avail- Girl Scouts, the elderly and memory-impaired, ability of commercial and academic electronic a soup kitchen, an animal rescue organization, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- databases, Sherry indexed and abstracted and others, all have benefitted from her deter- er, I rise today to honor a remarkable histor- thousands of articles to serve as authoritative mination to make our community better. ical church, Mount Zion Missionary Baptist of resources for public policy makers conducting During my own time at CRS, I knew and Lambert, Mississippi and the great leadership congressional business worked with Sherry, and I look forward to con- it is under. Working collaboratively with the Government tinuing to work with her on projects that will The New Mount Zion M. B. Church in Lam- Printing Office each year for many years, benefit our community. bert, Mississippi was first organized in 1917 or Sherry coordinated CRS’s compilation of ma- I congratulate Sherry, her husband John, 1918. It took on new life in 1923, when a terials to support the annual high school and and their children, Matt, Daniel, Emily, Lauren small piece of land was purchased and a new college debate manuals. and Nora on this momentous occasion. church was built through donations made by Sherry’s primary work assignment was to I personally thank her for 40 years of serv- members of the church. W. L. Morgan was the respond directly to Member and committee re- ice to the United States Congress. first pastor of the church. search requests related to foreign affairs, re- f Rev. Jossell was elected as pastor on Sun- gional studies, and national defense. Sherry at day, September 4, 1994. He preached his first the same time served the information needs of TRIBUTE TO SGT. DEREK JOHNSON sermon as pastor on September 18, 1994 and the analysts and senior specialists in CRS’s is still here. We are a full time Church on the Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division. HON. JASON CHAFFETZ move for Jesus. Her research supported the production of hun- OF UTAH After construction was completed, the first dreds of CRS reports and CRS analyst testi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sermon in the new sanctuary was held on mony during her 40-year career. Sunday, December 3, 2006. The name of New During her tenure at CRS, she supported a Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Mt. Zion M. B. Church was officially changed number of congressional programs, among Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to back to Mount Zion M. B. Church on Decem- them democracy-building programs conducted honor a dedicated public servant and Amer- ber 29, 2006. On April 30, 2008, the church by Members of Congress working on the ican hero who died tragically in the line of duty parking lot was paved. In 2009, BTU (Baptist Frost-Solomon Task Force, the House Democ- while protecting the city of Draper, Utah. In the Training Union) and Evening Worship Service racy Assistance Commission, and later the early morning hours of September 1, 2013, were instituted. In the spring of 2011, the re- House Democracy Partnership. Her knowl- 32-year-old police Sgt. Derek Johnson was cently constructed Family Life Center was edge of foreign affairs and regional studies ambushed while responding to a suspicious used for a Red Cross Shelter to housed flood made her the go-to person for information vehicle during the last few minutes of his victims, and continues to be identified as a compiled for Congressional delegations to graveyard shift. Never able to draw his own voluntary Red Cross shelter in the event of a East Timor, Hungary, Mongolia, China, South weapon or return fire, Sgt. Johnson died from natural disaster. Korea, and Indonesia. Sherry accompanied multiple gunshot wounds shortly after the inci- Mt. Zion M.B. Church outreach ministries is Commission members and staff on several dent. We honor his lifelong commitment to the known for addressing the needs of the whole congressional delegation trips to work with safety and security of his community. man through Parenting Classes, Healthy Mar- members of foreign legislatures. Her special- Remembered as one of the hardest working riage Seminars, Music Classes, Male Men- ized knowledge and her genuine concern for officers in the Draper Police Department, Sgt. toring and Abstinence Education Programs. the people of the countries she visited resulted Johnson is a decorated officer who earned Mt. Zion also sponsors an annual Senior Cit- in many lasting friendships, and the high re- many awards for his efforts. Not only was he izen Christmas food bag giveaway that was gard in which Sherry was held by those she the 2012 Community Policing Officer of the expanded through efforts of the establishment met provided enhanced opportunities for con- Year, he also earned the Life Saving Award of the Quitman County Community Revival. gressional delegations to learn a great deal and Distinguished Service Award for his out- Currently plans are underway to collaborate from their experience of travel to these coun- standing service. According to his family, he with other churches in the Quitman County tries. grew up wanting to be a police officer. Community to host a ‘‘feed the hungry’’ drive As Sherry supported and participated in We honor the immeasurable personal sac- where participants will receive free food for congressional delegations, she also trained rifice of Sgt. Johnson’s family. He leaves be- physical nourishment and spiritual food (the foreign parliamentary and government agency hind his wife, Shante Sidwell Johnson and his spoken word) to strengthen and empower the librarians and encouraged literacy in devel- six-year-old son Bensen Ray, who he called soul. oping countries such as Mongolia and Little Buddy. His love for his family was obvi- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Kyrgyzstan. Whenever she traveled abroad, ous to all. We also recognize his mother, in recognizing Mount Zion Missionary Baptist she expanded her efforts to reach students in Laura, father, Randy, and four siblings: broth- Church for its dedication to serving our great fledgling democracies to share her knowledge ers Devin, Darin, and Dayson and his sister country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 RECOGNIZING HILLCREST CHURCH Whereas, Hillcrest Church of Christ has pro- 2013, a matter of public record. I have filed OF CHRIST duced many spiritual elders, people of com- similar statements for each of the thirty-four passion, people of great courage, fearless preceding years I have served in the Con- HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. leaders and servants to all, but most of all vi- gress. OF GEORGIA sionaries who have shared not only with their Assets: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Church, but with our district and the world as Real Property: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 they spread the gospel of Jesus Christ; and Single family residence Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the in City of Alexandria, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this Virginia, at assessed submit the following Proclamation. day to honor and recognize the Hillcrest valuation. (Assessed Whereas, since 1951, Hillcrest Church of Church of Christ family as they dedicate their at $1,378,823). Ratio of Christ has been and continues to be a beacon new Church Sanctuary and for continued lead- assessed to market of light in our district; and ership and service to our District and the value: 100% (Unencumbered) ...... $1,378,823.00 Whereas, Bro. Richard L. Barclay, Senior world; now therefore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ Minister and the members of the Hillcrest JOHNSON, Jr. do hereby proclaim August 25, Condominium in Vil- Church of Christ family, today continue to up- 2013 as Hillcrest Church of Christ Day in the lage of Menomonee lift and inspire those in our district and be- Falls, Waukesha 4th Congressional District. County, Wisconsin, yond; and Proclaimed, this 25th day of August, 2013. Whereas, Hillcrest Church of Christ has at assessor’s esti- f been and continues to be a place where citi- mated market value. (Unencumbered) ...... $134,700.00 zens are touched spiritually, mentally and FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE physically through outreach ministries and Undivided 25/44ths in- terest in residence in community partnership to aid in building up HON. F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR. Village of Chenequa, the community; and OF WISCONSIN Waukesha County, Whereas, this remarkable and tenacious IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wisconsin, at 25/44ths Church of Christ has given hope to the hope- of assessor’s esti- less, fed the needy and empowered our com- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 mated market value munity by preaching the gospel, witnessing for Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr Speaker, I am of $1,370,700...... $778,806.82 the gospel and teaching the gospel; and making my financial net worth as of March 31, Total Real Property $2,292,329.82 3/31/13 Disclosure

Common & preferred stock # of shares $ per share Value

Abbott Laboratories, Inc...... 12200 35.32 430,904.00 AbbVie Inc...... 12200 40.78 497,516.00 Alcatel-Lucent ...... 135 1.33 179.55 Allstate Corporation ...... 370 49.01 18,133.70 AT & T ...... 7099.76991 36.69 260,490.56 JP Morgan Chase ...... 4539 47.46 215,420.94 Benton County Mining Company ...... 333 0.00 0.00 BP PLC ...... 3604 42.35 152,629.40 Centerpoint Energy ...... 300 23.96 7,188.00 Chenequa Country Club Realty Co...... 1 0.00 0.00 Comcast ...... 634 41.98 26,615.32 Darden Restaurants, Inc...... 2160 51.68 111,628.80 Discover Financial Services ...... 156 44.84 6,995.04 Dun & Bradstreet, Inc...... 1250 83.65 104,562.50 E.I. DuPont de Nemours Corp...... 1200 49.16 58,992.00 Eastman Chemical Co...... 540 69.87 37,729.80 Eastman Kodak ...... 1080 0.30 324.00 Exxon Mobil Corp...... 9728 90.11 876,590.08 Frontier Comm...... 504.616019 3.99 2,013.42 Gartner Inc...... 651 54.41 35,420.91 General Electric Co...... 15600 23.12 360,672.00 General Mills, Inc...... 5760 49.31 284,025.60 NRG Energy (Formerly GenOn Energy) ...... 28 26.49 741.72 Hospira ...... 1220 32.83 40,052.60 lmation Corp...... 99 3.82 378.18 Kellogg Corp...... 3200 64.43 206,176.00 Merck & Co., Inc...... 7303 44.20 322,792.60 3M Company ...... 2000 106.31 212,620.00 Express Scripts (Formerly Medco Hlth) ...... 6656 57.62 383,518.72 Monsanto Corporation ...... 2852.315 105.63 301,290.03 Moody’s ...... 5000 53.32 266,600.00 Morgan Stanley ...... 312 21.98 6,857.76 NCR Corp...... 68 27.56 1,874.08 Newell Rubbermaid ...... 1676 26.10 43,743.60 JP Morgan Cash ...... 345.12 1.00 345.12 PG & E Corp...... 175 44.53 7,792.75 Pfizer ...... 30415 28.86 877,776.90 Century Link ...... 95 35.13 3,337.35 Tenneco Inc...... 182 39.31 7,154.42 Unisys, Inc...... 16 22.75 364.00 US Bancorp ...... 3081 33.93 104,538.33 Verizon ...... 1880.97125 49.15 92,449.74 Vodafone Group PLC ...... 323 28.40 9,173.20 Wisconsin Energy ...... 2044 42.89 87,667.16 Total Common & Preferred Stocks & Bonds ...... $6,465,275.88

3/31/13 DISCLOSURE 3/31/13 DISCLOSURE—Continued 3/31/13 DISCLOSURE—Continued

Life insurance policies Face $ Surrender $ Bank & IRA accounts Balance Miscellaneous Value

Northwestern Mutual ...... 12,000.00 108,180.02 Burke & Herbert Bank, Alexandria, VA, checking ac- Stamp collection (estimated) ...... 160,000.00 Northwestern Mutual ...... 30,000.00 260,254.77 count ...... 1,245.05 Deposits in Congressional Retirement Fund ...... 222,803.80 Massachusetts Mutual ...... 10,000.00 15,571.32 JP Morgan Chase, IRA accounts ...... 158,071.11 Deposits in Federal Thrift Savings Plan ...... 460,525.44 Massachusetts Mutual ...... 100,000.00 409,111.38 Total Bank & IRA Accounts ...... $270,369.69 Traveler’s checks ...... 7,800.00 American General Life Ins...... 175,000.00 42,652.72 17 ft. Boston Whaler boat & 70 hp Johnson outboard Total Life Insurance Policies ...... $835,770.21 motor (estimated) ...... 5,000.00 3/31/13 DISCLOSURE 20 ft. Pontoon boat & 40 hp Mercury outboard motor (estimated) ...... 8,000.00 3/31/13 DISCLOSURE Miscellaneous Value Total Miscellaneous ...... $1,058,953.24 Total Assets ...... $10,922,698.84 Bank & IRA accounts Balance 2009 Ford Taurus ...... 10,508.00 1994 Cadillac DeVille ...... 1,675.00 JP Morgan Chase Bank, checking account ...... 38,834.51 1996 Buick Regal ...... 1,641.00 JP Morgan Chase Bank, savings account ...... 64,532.38 Office furniture & equipment (estimated) ...... 1,000.00 BMO Harris Bank, checking account ...... 7,686.64 Furniture, clothing & personal property (estimated) ...... 180,000.00

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1293 3/31/13 DISCLOSURE HONORING BOBBY WATSON tian organization, The Non-Denomination House of Prayer. Liabilities HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. The Non-Denomination House of Prayer None OF MICHIGAN was founded in 1948 by Pastor Charity Waffer Total Liabilities ...... $0.00 Net Worth ...... $10,922,698.84 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the historical city of Mound Bayou, Mis- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 sissippi. Pastor Waffer was the first female pastor in the Mississippi Delta. As a pastoral 3/31/13 DISCLOSURE Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, legendary jazz pioneer she was instrumental in opening doors artist Bobby Watson will be honored this year Statement of 2012 taxes paid for women and youths through various church by the Congressional Black Caucus Founda- auxiliaries and functions. Her leadership guid- Federal Income Tax ...... $135,247.00 tion (CBCF) at the Jazz Issue Forum and Wisconsin Income Tax ...... $47,256.00 ed many to various freedoms and liberties. Menomonee Falls, WI Property Tax ...... $2,463.00 Concert that will take place during the 43nd The current overseer is Dr. Earnestine Flow- Chenequa, WI Property Tax ...... $19,975.00 Annual Legislative Conference (ALC). Mr. Alexandria, VA Property Tax ...... $13,618.00 ers which over sees other churches in Mis- Watson, an internationally renowned saxo- sissippi with the communities of Duncan, phonist/composer/arranger/bandleader/educa- I further declare that I am trustee of a trust Batesville, Sardis, Oxford and in Chicago, Illi- tor, will also perform at the concert, which will established under the will of my late father, nois. The Non-Denomination House of Prayer take place on Thursday, September 19, 2013, Frank James Sensenbrenner, Sr., for the ben- in the City of Mound Bayou current ministerial at the Walter E. Washington Convention Cen- efit of my sister, Margaret A. Sensenbrenner, leaders are Pastor Willie Joe Flowers, Assist- ter, in Washington, D.C. Mr. Watson will re- and of my two sons, F. James Sensen- ant Pastor Carl Henry, and Minister Martha ceive the 2013 CBCF ALC Jazz Legacy brenner, Ill, and Robert Alan Sensenbrenner. I Sanders. They have increased the church Award for his contributions to jazz and world am further the direct beneficiary of five trusts, membership and have embarked on ren- culture. but have no control over the assets of either ovating and expanding their facilities in order Blessed with sizzling and sinewy sound that trust. My wife, Cheryl Warren Sensenbrenner, to continue to be a blessing to its members, Jazz: The Rough Guide described as ‘‘a highly and I are trustees of separate trusts estab- community, and surrounding communities by individual, extraordinarily fluid style imbued lished for the benefit of each son. being able to be a place of refuge to those with powerful feeling,’’ Watson was born in who are hungry physically and spiritually and Also, I am neither an officer nor a director Lawrence, Kansas, and grew up in Kansas of any corporation organized under the laws of by offering comprehensive programs to meet City, Kansas. He started playing piano at ten, the needs of others. the State of Wisconsin or of any other state or the clarinet one year later, took up the saxo- foreign country. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me phone in the eighth grade, played in various in recognizing the Non-Denomination House of concert and R&B bands in high school. He f Prayer for their dedication in being a corner graduated from the University of Miami in stone in the Mound Bayou Community. 1975, moved to New York City. Watson joined REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 f Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers, serving as his Musical Director from 1977 to 1981. He has TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM RAY HON. KENNY MARCHANT recorded over one hundred recordings as a ‘‘TANK’’ SIMS OF TEXAS sideman and has worked with an impressive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES array of artists including Max Roach, Joe Wil- HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 liams, Dianne Reeves, Betty Carter and Lou OF GEORGIA Rawls. He was also a co-founder of the 29th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sol- Street Saxophone Quartet. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 emn remembrance of the events of twelve Watson formed the group, Horizon in 1980. years ago today, of the people who lost their Horizon’s six recordings include No Question Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I lives, the families that have carried on, and About It, Midwest Shuffle and Post-Motown submit the following U.S. Citizen of Distinction. the brave men and women who risked every- Bop. Watson’s nearly thirty CD’s as a leader Whereas, we are gathered to celebrate the thing to save others. The human loss was tre- include Appointment in Milano, Round Trip, life of Mr. William Roy ‘‘Tank’’ Sims, one of mendous and we pause with to honor those The Year of the Rabbit and his Kansas City DeKalb County’s favorite sons; and Whereas, William Roy Sims, Jr., was born personally affected. opus, The Gates BBQ Suite. Watson’s com- to William Roy Sims, Sr., and Pearlie McCray This is also a time for our nation to remem- positions, ‘‘In Case You Missed It,’’ ‘‘Love Re- Sims, on March 10, 1951, he was educated in ber the resilience and unity that we showed in mains,’’ and ‘‘E.T.A,’’ are considered modern Birmingham, Alabama, graduated from Ullman the days following September 11, 2001. It is jazz standards. Prof. Watson taught at William High school and later graduated from an opportunity to renew our commitment to Patterson University in the mid-eighties, and at Tuskegee Institute, in 1973 he was the first Af- serving this country that we love. In times of the Manhattan School of Music from 1986 to rican American to work at the Macon County difficulty or disagreement, may this day always 1999. He returned to Kansas City in 2000, Commission in Alabama; and provide a reminder of the blessings that we where he was selected as the recipient of the Whereas, he was a man who believed and share as Americans and the responsibilities first William D. and Mary Grant Missouri Dis- lived a life for God, country, community and that come with that. tinguished Professorship in Jazz Studies, the family; and Today we again resolve to honor the sac- first endowed chair at the University of Mis- Whereas, William Roy ‘‘Tank’’ Sims gave of rifice of citizens who risk their lives to help souri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music, himself, his time, his talent and his life with those in harm’s way. The courage of first re- where he continues to serve as the Conserv- unwavering commitment to his family; and sponders who gave all for the protection of atory’s Director of Jazz Studies. Watson re- Whereas, he was a son, a brother and a others demonstrated that September 11th ceived Howard University’s Benny Golson friend; he was a man who enjoyed life, savor- would not be the downfall of our great nation Award earlier this year. ing the moments with his family, his beloved but would be a defining moment. May we all, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Watson is a living jazz fraternity Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and like them and so many others who labored on treasure and I urge all members to join me in his church, Hillcrest Church of Christ in Deca- that day, always stand ready to assist our commending him for his magnificent contribu- tur, Georgia; and neighbors in need. tions as an artist and educator. Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the I wish to give thanks to the brave men and f Fourth District of Georgia recognizes Mr. Wil- women who defend our freedom as members HONORING THE NON-DENOMINA- liam Roy ‘‘Tank’’ Sims as a citizen of great of the armed services, many of whom may TION HOUSE OF PRAYER worth and so noted distinction; now therefore, have enlisted as a direct result of the events I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, Jr., do hereby of September 11th. We are all forever in- HON. BENNIE THOMPSON attest to the 113th Congress that Mr. William debted to you for your tireless and selfless ef- Roy ‘‘Tank’’ Sims is deemed worthy and de- OF MISSISSIPPI forts that ensure our security. Thank you. serving of this ‘‘Congressional Honor’’ by de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES My prayers continue to be with the families claring Mr. William Roy ‘‘Tank’’ Sims U.S. Cit- and friends of the loved ones lost on this day Wednesday, September 11, 2013 izen of Distinction in the 4th Congressional twelve years ago, with our great nation, and Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- District of Georgia with those who serve it. er, I rise today to honor a remarkable Chris- Proclaimed, this 27th day of May, 2013.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 IN COMMEMORATION OF 9/11 during the hours of attacks on the Americans preacher, lead the church in tremendous in Benghazi, the ARB didn’t even question her growth and opportunity for ministry and out- HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH and never explained why. A year later, we still reach. Realizing such tremendous growth, with don’t know who gave the order to our military vision and foresight, Reverend Young led the OF NEW JERSEY to stand down from rescue operations while church in purchasing a new facility at 5202 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES there presumably was still time to save the Watkins Drive. The first worship service in the Wednesday, September 11, 2013 four Americans who died. Despite House and new facility was held in March 1981. The Dea- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, a Senate hearings on the matter, a shroud of si- con’s Family plan, ‘‘The Shepherd’s Plan,’’ be- dozen years after the tragic events of Sep- lence has descended to withhold the answers came operational. tember 11, 2001, the scars from the heinous to the mysteries still surrounding the events of one year ago today. In July 1982, the New Hope Kindergarten attack on our country remain. We continue to and Day Care Center was established with an mourn the loss of the lives of nearly 3,000 in- Our enemies are constantly searching for our vulnerabilities, and our ability to remain ultimate vision of developing a Christian nocent men, women and children, including School. New Hope Kindergarten and Day more than 50 men and women from my own ahead of them is critical to our very survival. However, when Americans lose their lives and Care Center began serving children ages 3 district, the 4th District of New Jersey. through 5.‘‘A Going Church to Meet the Com- The scars remain, obviously, in the painful no one is culpable for their deaths, our safety in the homeland or abroad cannot be assured. ing Christ,’’ a phrase coined by Reverend void in the lives of the families who have Young, became the motto of the church and sought in vain to make sense of their tragic Our enemies must know that justice will surely find them, and our officials must be certain was indicative of the thrust of the total min- loss. And the scars remain embedded in the istry. Membership at New Hope reached 1000 fabric of our society, which has had to learn to that unjustifiable errors in judgment are not in 1983. cope with the reality of a world where indis- without cost. criminate, vicious attacks on human life are a This is a very solemn day for America. The first Pictorial Directory was published in constant threat. There are now two tragedies associated with 1984, and by 1985, the church celebrated the While recognizing the extraordinary efforts this day, and the most recent one remains liquidation of the indebtedness of the facility and courage of America’s first responders— painfully unresolved. during three days of praise, worship, and the firefighters, police officers, and other emer- f thanksgiving. The church held its first annual gency response personnel, the heroes—it was Yuletide Fellowship and began its annual Ref- HONORING NEW HOPE BAPTIST also apparent from the terrorist attacks that ormation Celebration. Twenty-one acres of CHURCH our Nation had much to learn. We had to craft land were purchased north of the facility in policies to better protect our people. 1986. During that year, the church records While progress has been made—we are HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON were computerized. New ministries were de- safer, but still not safe—some lessons have OF MISSISSIPPI veloped in 1989 that included: Equipping, Pris- still not been effectively learned by some in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on, Hospital, Outreach, Youth Christian Edu- our government. One year ago today, unfortu- Wednesday, September 11, 2013 cation, and Membership. In 1989, the Kinder- nately—on the very anniversary of the original garten and Day Care Center became New 9/11 tragedy—we lost four Americans in a Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Hope Christian School which served children sustained attack on the U.S. consulate in er, I rise today to honor New Hope Baptist ages 6 months through first grade. Benghazi, Libya, including the U.S. ambas- Church Jackson, Mississippi. sador to that country. On April 13, 1913 Reverend Cassie orga- Pastor Young lead the congregation in the I was one of those, among so many others, nized New Hope Baptist Church along with development of a vision and mission state- who advocated early and consistently for a seven members in the home of Mrs. Ida Tay- ment for the church, ‘‘Our vision is to touch commission to chronicle the facts, missteps, lor of Whitfield Mills Road, Jackson, Mis- our community with the transforming power of and opportunities lost leading up to the origi- sissippi. Reverend Spencer Taylor succeeded the gospel of Jesus Christ in order that a nal 9/11 tragedy and to develop a well-in- Pastor Cassie in 1914 and served the growing Christian world and life view may permeate formed, thoughtful strategy to reduce the risk congregation as pastor for ten years. The our communities.’’ This vision guided the work of an attack. The 9/11 Commission—that was church relocated to the corner of Holmes and of the ministry. In 1990, two ordination serv- chaired so ably by Governor Tom Kean, the Spring Streets when Reverend Nick Bradley ices were held; eleven deacons and one min- former Governor of New Jersey, and former was called to pastor. During Reverend Brad- ister were ordained. The Laymen’s Ministry chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, ley’s administration, the church moved to was reorganized and an Administrative Staff Lee Hamilton—issued an historic, incisive re- Whitfield Mills Road. was added. In 1991, the Discipleship Ministry port, a comprehensive report which, together Following Reverend Bradley’s death in was enhanced and a Money Management with subsequent legislation, was thoroughly 1924, his son, Reverend E. M. H. Bradley, class was implemented. Plans for the Family examined by House and Senate committees. was called to pastor and served until his death Life Center were completed in 1992. Small Virtually all of the recommendations were in 1944. Group Study for adults and a Children’s Min- enacted into law. The whole thrust, post 9/11, Reverend G.C. Hunte became the fifth pas- istry were established in 1993. has been to mitigate and, God willing, prevent tor of New Hope Church in 1944. Under his A groundbreaking ceremony for the new such a tragedy from ever occurring again on leadership, the church began its first financial Family Life Center was held in 1994. The our homeland. We have largely succeeded as drive with a goal of securing funds to build a church hired its first Youth Director and the new facility. Construction began in 1950 on several terrorist bomb plots have been pre- first graduation from the elementary school Whitfield Mills Road. On May 1, 1955, con- vented, except for the dreadful bombing at this that had grown to serve students through 6th struction was completed and the congregation year’s Boston Marathon on April 15. Still, the grade was held in May 1994. In 1997, the moved to its new facility at 2355 Whitfield Mills perpetrators of that attack have been cap- Family Life Center was completed and dedi- tured—one is now deceased fatally wounded Road. Reverend Hunte faithfully served the cated; the elementary division of New Hope in a shoot out with police and the other ar- congregation until his death in 1973. In addi- Christian School moved into the Family Life rested and facing trial for his part in the bomb- tion to spiritual leadership, Reverend Hunte Center; the Christian Education Director be- ing. was a good steward who, upon his death, left came a full time staff person; and the Com- I wish I could say the Benghazi murderers the church debt free. forting Ministry was established. Three young of the four Americans have met swift justice, Reverend E.C. Burns became pastor in No- men were called to the ministry and one was but one year later, no one has been arrested, vember 1973, and served until June 1979. ordained. there are no credible leads on the perpetra- During his administration, the membership tors, and those deemed by the subsequent nearly doubled to 750; additional property was In 1990, Reverend Young directed the Fu- Accountability Review Board (ARB) report to purchased; a church constitution was written; ture Development Design Committee of the be at fault received months of paid leave and and a new order of service was implemented. ministry to add to the present ground and fa- are now back at work at the State Depart- On February 1, 1980, Reverend Jerry cilities a plan for the inclusion of a West cam- ment. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Young began his administration as the sev- pus which would have a worship facility, soft- claimed to be responsible, but even though enth pastor of New Hope Baptist Church. Rev- ball/soccer fields, tennis courts, picnic area, a she was directly involved in decisions made erend Young, a dynamic and expository half mile jogging track and additional parking.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1295 The year 2000 brought inspiration and op- money was issued to deserving students with- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me portunity. Ten new deacons were trained and in the ministry. Reverend Young and his family in recognizing New Hope Baptist Church. ordained into the ministry. The first scholarship celebrated their 20th year pastoral service to fund for high school and college graduates the New Hope Congregation. was established and $5000 in scholarship

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 Nov 11, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\SEP2013\E11SE3.REC E11SE3 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 11, 2013 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS ative and Coordinator for Trafficking minority owned businesses to reach Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, in Human Beings and efforts to combat their full potential for growth and job modern day slavery in the Organiza- creation. agreed to by the Senate of February 4, tion for Security and Cooperation in SR–428A 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Europe region. 10:30 a.m. tem for a computerized schedule of all SD–106 Committee on Banking, Housing, and meetings and hearings of Senate com- 2:15 p.m. Urban Affairs mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Housing, Transpor- tees, and committees of conference. Business meeting to consider an original tation, and Community Development This title requires all such committees resolution authorizing expenditures by To hold hearings to examine recovering the committee during the 113th Con- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily from Superstorm Sandy, focusing on gress, S. 120, to expand the number of assessing the progress, continuing Digest—designated by the Rules Com- scholarships available to Pakistani needs, and rebuilding strategy. mittee—of the time, place and purpose women under the Merit and Needs- SD–538 of the meetings, when scheduled and Based Scholarship Program, and the 2 p.m. nominations of Kenneth R. Weinstein, any cancellations or changes in the Special Committee on Aging meetings as they occur. of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Broadcasting Board of To hold hearings to examine older Amer- As an additional procedure along icans, focusing on the changing face of with the computerization of this infor- Governors, and Evan Ryan, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of State for HIV/AIDS in America. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Educational and Cultural Affairs. SD–562 Digest will prepare this information for S–116 2:30 p.m. printing in the Extensions of Remarks 2:30 p.m. Committee on Banking, Housing, and section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Select Committee on Intelligence Urban Affairs on Monday and Wednesday of each To hold closed hearings to examine cer- Subcommittee on Economic Policy week. tain intelligence matters. To hold hearings to examine implemen- Meetings scheduled for Thursday, SH–219 tation of the ‘‘Biggert-Waters Flood In- September 12, 2013 may be found in the surance Act of 2012’’, focusing on one SEPTEMBER 18 year after enactment. Daily Digest of today’s RECORD. 9:30 a.m. SD–538 Committee on Homeland Security and Committee on Commerce, Science, and MEETINGS SCHEDULED Governmental Affairs Transportation SEPTEMBER 16 To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Business meeting to consider an original resolution authorizing expenditures by Time to be announced tions of Stevan Eaton Bunnell, of the District of Columbia, to be General the committee during the 113th Con- Committee on Homeland Security and Counsel, and Suzanne Eleanor gress. Governmental Affairs Spaulding, of Virginia, to be Under SR–253 Business meeting to consider an original Secretary for National Protection and Joint Economic Committee resolution authorizing expenditures by Programs, both of the Department of the committee during the 113th Con- To hold hearings to examine the eco- Homeland Security. gress. nomic costs of debt-ceiling brinkman- SD–342 S–216 ship. 10 a.m. SH–216 Committee on Environment and Public SEPTEMBER 17 Works SEPTEMBER 19 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine imple- 9:30 a.m. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- menting Moving Ahead for Progress in Committee on Armed Services sources the 21st Century’s (MAP–21) provisions To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Business meeting to consider an original to accelerate project delivery. tions of Deborah Lee James, of Vir- resolution authorizing expenditures by SD–406 ginia, to be Secretary of the Air Force, the committee during the 113th Con- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, gress; to be immediately followed by a and Pensions Jessica Garfola Wright, of Pennsyl- hearing to examine the nominations of Business meeting to consider S. 1086, to vania, to be Under Secretary for Per- Ronald J. Binz, of Colorado, to be a reauthorize and improve the Child Care sonnel and Readiness, and Marcel J. Member of the Federal Energy Regu- and Development Block Grant Act of Lettre II, of Maryland, to be Principal latory Commission, Elizabeth M. Rob- 1990, an original resolution authorizing Deputy Under Secretary for Intel- inson, of Washington, to be Under Sec- expenditures by the committee during ligence, all of the Department of De- retary of Energy, and Michael L. Con- the 113th Congress, the nominations of fense, Frank G. Klotz, of Virginia, to be nor, of New Mexico, to be Deputy Sec- Richard F. Griffin, Jr., of the District Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear retary of the Interior. of Columbia, to be General Counsel of Security, and Kevin A. Ohlson, of Vir- SD–366 the National Labor Relations Board, ginia, to be a Judge of the United 10 a.m. Chai Rachel Feldblum, of the District States Court of Appeals for the Armed Committee on the Judiciary of Columbia, to be a Member of the Forces. Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Equal Employment Opportunity Com- SD–G50 Rights and Human Rights mission, and Scott S. Dahl, of Virginia, Committee on Energy and Natural Re- To hold hearings to examine stand your to be Inspector General, Department of sources ground laws, focusing on civil rights Labor, and any pending nominations. To hold hearings to examine wildlife and public safety implications of the SD–430 management authority within the expanded use of deadly force. Committee on the Judiciary State of Alaska under the Alaska Na- SD–226 To hold hearings to examine reevalu- tional Interest Lands Act and the Alas- Commission on Security and Cooperation ating the effectiveness of Federal man- ka Native Claims Settlement Act. in Europe datory minimum sentences. SD–366 To hold hearings to examine the Organi- SD–226 2:30 p.m. zation for Security and Cooperation in Committee on Small Business and Entre- Select Committee on Intelligence Europe (OSCE) efforts to combat preneurship To hold closed hearings to examine cer- human trafficking, focusing on the role To hold hearings to examine closing the tain intelligence matters. and mandate of the Special Represent- wealth gap, focusing on empowering SH–219

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