Lisvane Community Association (Lca)
LISVANE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (LCA) Minutes of the LCA AGM (Annual General Meeting) Held in the Memorial Hall on Sunday 21st October, 2018 at 7:00 pm 1 Welcome and Attendees: Chris Williams (Chair) thanked all attendees including Sashin Ahuja, Vic Chambers, Virginia Chambers, Tony Cousins, Colin George (Secretary), Barrie Husband, Debbie Lazell, Alan Prosper, Margaret Russell, Gwyn Thomas, Ian Wood. Apologies: Mick Archer (Treasurer), Hilary Ashton, Lee Finch, Steve Finch, Julie George, Barbara Gwatkin, Vernon Hanson, Pat Harding, Sue Johnson, Victoria Morgan, Jeff Toye, Ruth Toye. 2 Minutes of Previous AGM: These were accepted and signed as a true record. 3 Matters arising: This is the 52nd LCA AGM, Chris completes his sixth year as Chair – just 19 more to equal Alan Prosper! An update on the defibrillator project will be given later in the meeting. 4 Chairmans Report: CW thanked those attending, then said that the LCA needs new blood to keep things fresh, and more people to get involved. He saluted the endeavours of the first LCA Chairman, John Champion, and original member and long-time Chairman, Alan Prosper. They helped to create the LCA during a period of great change when a small rural village started to become a suburb of Cardiff due to large-scale housebuilding. It was important to maintain good community relations then, and the same applies now as the various new developments (Taylor Wimpey, Churchlands, Lozelles, etc.) will create a much larger community in north-east Cardiff – we will need to work to bring together the existing community and new communities, ensuring that we do not lose the LCA function and community spirit.
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