Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1999 Daily Egyptian 1999 3-25-1999 The Daily Egyptian, March 25, 1999 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 84, Issue 115 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1999 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1999 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ·; Sail to· the.·· chi~f:_ Sanders keeps his hands fulhvith . · . · . · 8niv~rsiry.tas~ but still finds time to sail the.Ken_tii_cky la.kes~.-: Count· CarbonruJe rnaY~. hopeftil)ohn . ' BudsHck as an e.'(arnple of a candicbte aware tliat campajgitfog is a 24-l)our~a-0ay ende;a\·-: . · or; ·.. , . ; . .. .. ,.· .' . .... · • Eager to spread his message to the~ Budslick spent the wee hours :h1oliday ntom ing shuttljng studenis who .were returning to town afrer spring break from the Cmbo!)dale ,• A.?1~u~rt:;~<ls~i~t ~~fci°~tt~~- SIU· ;-. dents how they spent their time off and talked_: ('.a li!tle lpc4)_ politics for good_ m~re; \ .. -: . ; ' . 'As, expected; both Budstick _; a longtime· ' ,Carbondale ousinessman· -:-:- and incumbent ' Mayor,Neil Pillard emezged ;:i.~ the mayoral : flnalislS after Febnfruy's p~,:run-,off. Tiie · : ; · two_ wilt_squ~ .off, ii{ the Api:il ..13 general :-: eJ~ction;~i!_tfs_Ikk·knoY/s..:,dJ,f~tjng .. ·_file.. ,: ,, iitcuinbent will not he _aJl t:a.SY. task. ' -' 'c . : i. :.-.'.'It's a hard race+ it takes a lot of time, a • .: •. Joi of work zjld alot of thinking.':' he said: ~ , ,; : The fact that Dillard garnered the most .