To Defend Nanking; Troops Are Protesting Tight for Inaugural Evacuated from Tientsin Port Police Cordon Voted by House
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Weather Forecast Guide for Readers Occasional rain today and tonight. Mostly Page. Page. cloudy tomorrow. Colder tonight and to- Amusements .A-16 Obituary .A-l# morrow. Lowest tonight about 32, highest to- Comics _B-18-19 Radio _B-19 morrow near 45. (Full report on Page A-2.t Editorial A-8 Society, ClubsB-S Editorial Articles A-9 _A-12-13 Midnight-.49 8 a.m_51 11 a.m.59 Sports Finance A-15 i Where to Go_B-5 2 am_52 8 a.m.50 Noon_58 Lost and Found A-3 I Womans 4 am_51 10 am_59 1 p.m-58 Page-B-12 Late New York Markets, Page A-15. An Associated Press Newspaper City Home Delivery. Pally and Sunday. $1.20 a Month. When ft 8J /'VC’Vrrpcj ★★ UriiilO 97th Year. No. 16. Phone ST. 5000 WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1949—THIRTY-SIX PAGES. Sundays, SI.30. Nirht Final Edition. S1.30 and fl.40 per Month China Rallies in Hopeless Effort Reds Go on Trial 4-Day Holiday To Defend Nanking; Troops Are Protesting Tight For inaugural Evacuated From Tientsin Port Police Cordon Voted by House i Bill Goes to _ 300 Persons Parade Truman; Ticket Tax 300,000 Red Troops Confesses Treason In Street Outside; Exemption Poised for Entry Into Ex-Flyer Foster Is Absent Also Is Approved Yangtze River Valley On Stand, Receives 25 Years •y th# Associated Press BULLETIN NEW YORK. Jan. 17.—Trial of By a voice vote the House ECA CUTS OFF Wheat and Flour Martin Monti Pleads today passed and sent to the a dozen high Communist leaders! Exports to China. Page A-4 White House a Senate-ap- amid defense Guilty to Charges opened today conn-1 proved resolution making (Map on Page A-4.) In New York Court sel charges that a large police Thursday and Friday holidays •y th« Auociatad Sr»»« detail assigned to the trial was for Federal workers in the the entire Area. Ear- NANKING. Jan. 17.—The Chi- ly Associated Press |“a deliberate, purposeful effort ^GENERAL, 11 Metropolitan lier the House a vote of nese today massed NEW Jan. 17.—A 27- you INAUGURAL by government YORK, to poison the minds of the pro- hav'enT‘3 CONSTRUCTOR about on a 300- 199 to 49 passed and sent to 150,000 troops year-old former Air Force lieu- SEEN CO. spective jurors.” ANYTHING■ the Senate a resolution ex- mile front In what neutral mili- tenant pleaded guilty today to The accusation came after one oi empting from the Federal ad- tary observers describe as a hope- treason charges and was sen- ^sVET/^ the largest court in New missions tax all tickets to less effort to defend Nanking. tenced to 25 guards years’ imprison- fcJHN. affairs Communist armies with a total ment. York police history was stationed officially sponsored by the Committee. strength of more than 300.000 troops The exsoldier. Martin Monti, alsr, in and about the Federal court- AMD&aW •JMXSOii Inaugural not -1 are north of the was fined *10.000. He could have b^s already poised room to maintain order, week north- Inaugural visitors were Hwai River, 105 miles to the been sentenced to death on the The defendants are j Communist arriving by train, plane, bus and west. for a descent to the Yangtze charges. charged with working for the forcible auto as officials in River valley. The resident of Florissant, Mo., overthrow of the Government. today charge Meanwhile, it was learned au- was indicted last October 14 on of the jam-packed week of fes- Refuses to Remove Police. thoritatively that the Chinese navy charges he gave himself and his tivities hoped for good weather ! At the outset. Federal Judge last night evacuated the govern- plane up to the Germans in Italy Thursday, the big day. ment from ocean October 1944. and Mat Harold R Medina overruled a de- garrison Tangku, between 13. The Weather Bureau said the for the North China' com- 8 ! 1946. after AWOL in Kara- fense motion that city police be port going balmy week-end weather will dis- mercial center of Tientsin. chi. India. MARTIN MONTI. removed from the courthouse and appear by tomorrow. It stuck to its The indictment Monti vol- —Associated Press Photo. its vicinity. (The Chinese Communist radio alleged original intention of withholding * unteered his services to the Ger- After that the 400-man reported Red capture of Tangku. arguing an inauguration day prediction un- was released as a before Federal Judge Robert A. Inch was an the Tientsin, 27 miles west of Tangku. mans, prisoner detail atempt by prose- til 10 a m. tomorrow. of war and broadcast for the Nazis at the start of trial today. Several cution to intimidate the jury fell to the Reds Saturday. panel. Occasional rain was expected to- all available from Berlin as Martin Weithaupt. witnesses from Germany were pres- W. Crockett, jr„ Negro de- It was learned that George Truman day and tonight, with a low of 32 indictment ent to testify for the Government. from San Francisco, At Least 6 of 20 Die in Crash May Request craft were mustered to transport Subsequently. the fense attorney an Before the trial could get under the Tangku garrison and miscel- charges. Monti became officer said a "rough count” disclosed there CALENDAR OF EVENTS for In- wav, however. Monti offered to plead more in laneous units totalling about 35,000 in the S. S. Elite Guard. were police than spectators Of American B-29 in Scotland 8-Billion Tax augural Week. Page A-4 troops beyond Taku Bar and out of After the Nazi capitulation, it was guilty. the square outside the courthouse. Payroll Inch said he could not ac- Red artillery range. charged. Monti made his way to Judge "An armed mob operating in uni- THOUSANDS VIEW FREEDOM and the American 5th cept the plea unless the defendant form under of the law is Conflict on Casualties TRAIN here for the Troops Await Larger Ship. Italy joined authority Reports Among festivities. Army. made a confession of his guilt in there to intimidate us,” he said. To Increase Page B-l The troops were reported aboard to United States Security Some 150 talesmen had been called (See MONTI. Page A-3.i As he spoke, an estimated 300 men Airmen Returning Home small craft awaiting larger ships HOTELS ATTACKED for and women began parading outside Free Medical Care Would Raising which will take them to Nationalist ly th« Associated Pres* crewmen and nine ground force the Federal Building. They carried Rates in House Speech. Page A-4 ports of the South. men and their baggage. Two ships in no placards as they paced slowly LOCHGOILHEAD, Scotland. Be Included Early Earlier. Nationalist evacuation of Dr. Bunche Launches Police Force Set took off together for Iceland, on PRESIDENT TRUMAN—NATUR- Up to and fro. Police made no attempt Jan. 17.—An American Pengpu was officially announced. Super the first leg of the journey home, Plea to ALLY—Will Have the Busiest io interfere with them. 20 American Congress The government's final abandon- Fortress carrying but one turned back because of bad Week. Page A-4 ment of Pengpu and evacuation of General Peace Drive By 3 Powers to Keep Only 11 Defendants Present. airmen home to the United weather. |y the Associated Press e--- towns on Pengpu's flanks have Only 11 of the 12 defendants were States crashed in desolate Suc- The British Press Association said The administration today was tonight, compared to last night's river yielded to the Reds necessary as the oft-delaved trial at least the bodies of six American flyers 47. Tomorrow will be cooler, with present coth Glen today, killing to be about toi areas. anchor of reported ready crossing Pengpu. .started. six of those aboard. were found beside the tw-isted and a high of about 45. the erstwhile Hwai River defense For All Middle East Disarmed for almost Germany Absent was William Z. Foster. Na- buined wreckage of the plane in ask Congress $8,000,- Housing Booth Set l'p. the In London. United States 3d Air line, has been outflanked by tional chairman of the Communist desolate Succoth Glen, hidden be- An which con- 000.000 in payroll taxes next year inaugural housing committee Reds for a month. But Other Arab States Permanent Staff of Division headquarters, tween Party, whose attorneys previously 3.000-foot peaks. booth was this in trols 90 Fortresses based in to finance a opened morning Nationalist headquarters were would not be Super Hugh Campbell, who accompanied vastly expanded Will Not Be Invited and Boards had indicated present of Union Station concourse, but it wras back to Chuhsien. 30 miles Inspectors England, confirmed the identity a rescue bod- pulled because of illness. party, said, "Mutilated social security program that 11 a.m. before the first customer crashed northwest of Nanking, as early as the ship. ies were strewn among the wreckage To Talks at Rhodes To Take Over Duties Judge Medina also denied a mo- would include Government pay- appeared. He was William Kappack December 17. have been A said he had no de- on the hillside, and we searched Troops tion by Harry M. Saeher, another spokesman of Jersey City, who had come with since. The movement has the on the number about to see if there sur- ment of doctor bills. following ly th« Associated Press ly Associated Pres* defense attorney, seeking another tailed information were any his wife to see the inauguration. He been marked by occasional Red of casualties but said rescuers have vivors, but found none.” be more than double RHODES.