MUDDY WATER JAMES HARDWICK Indefatigably good nature hides hard ass bona fides.

WINEMAKER Dom Maxwell CONCEPTUAL DOPPELGANGER Getting a Wonka Golden Ticket was a truly REGION Waipara s p ecia l su r prise for but a few c h ild re n. It was passage to a world they thought they wanted to see, but upon realizing VARIETY Riesling how insane it really was, most weren’t up to enjoying the totality of Wonka’s vision – I’m SOIL Deep clays looking at you Veruka! For those up for paying attention and receiving the gifts presented to AGE OF VINES Planted 1993 them (as opposed to demanding), the ticket was tr u ly gold e n. You c a n si m ply buy a gold e n PRODUCTION 4,800 b ottles ticket if you’re over 21. Thanks Muddy Water.

VITI/VINI the plants in Spring, resulting w ritte n on t he fi rst b a rrel of Farmed organically and in even shoot growth and small and today the team stands biodynamically. Not surprisingly berries and bunches. Hand-picked by it. T he est ate c onsists of for New Ze a la nd, a flo ck of and pressed slowly as whole roughly 36 hectares- 12 planted to Wiltshire sheep graze through bunches before an overnight vines, with the balance consisting the in winter to keep settling in tank. Fermentation of olives and pasture paddocks w e e d pressu re low. Waip a ra occurs naturally without the for their Wiltshire sheep and continues to be phylloxera-free, intervention of commercial yeasts biodiversity areas. The blocks and the vines are on their own or nutrients. The ferment flows are planted to mostly to Pinot - a true expression at its own pace to a balanced Noir and , then of the site. The cuttings were off-d r y style. T he wi ne is c o ole d Riesling, and a small amount of sourced from the infamous to arrest the fermentation, just Pinotage. Soils are diverse and Corbett’s vines, the area’s b efore si x m ont h s on t he le es. consist of Awapuni clay (dark original plantings, which are and finely textured), calcareous now ne a r e x ti nct i n t he a re a. PRODUCER clay, a nd li m estone. Few t h i nk These Riesling vines found Founded in 1991, Muddy Water of Waipara, in North Canterbury, their way to the estate through is the oldest certified organic the region just south of inspiration from a dear family vineyard in North Canterbury. Marlborough on the eastern friend, James Hardwick, hence The majority of the vines are side of the south island, and the name. Spur pruned for over ungrafted and the wine is made in order to appreciate the a decade, the vines have a entirely with natural yeasts and breadth of what New Zealand permanent cordon that provides a h a nd s off style. “h a nd-crafte d wine production has to offer, a reserve of carbohydrate to no compromise’ was the statement t h is m ust c h a nge.

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