ISSN 1748-913X P.A.O PRESIDENT SECRETARY CHAIRMAN Valerie Geller Stephen Goddard Brian Jarvis James White 21 Charteris Road 26 The Meadway 15 Loughton Way 8 Roding View Woodford Green Buckhurst Hill Buckhurst Hill Buckhurst Hill Essex Essex IG9 5PG Essex IG9 6AE IG9 6AQ IG8 0AP 0208 505 1154 0208 505 2570 Email 0208 505 1592 0208 505 6176 E-mail: E-mail
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The CHRONICLE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE BUCKHURST HILL BRANCH OF THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Affiliated with 2324 Squadron ATC 781 IN January A very happy and peaceful MEM0RIAM new year 2015 2015 Dear Friends I have edited our Chronicle regularly since I took over from Mac Alpine with the edition for September 2003 (No 650). This present Chronicle is being edited by Margaret Sinfield, aided by Marian. Some things don’t change – in the edition for September 2003 it was announced that the Branch AGM would be held on November 4th, just as it was this year! However subs were to remain unchanged at £15.50! Stephen ARMENTIÈRES – THE RACE FOR THE SEA In October last year a group of eleven branch members travelled to Armentières in Northern France for the town’s commemorations of the Race to the Sea on the Western Front; this four-day visit will be the major concern of this edition. We begin with one of the visit’s highlights: Stephen was rewarded for his tireless work in linking our branch of the Royal British Legion with the French re-enactment groups by the presentation of a magnificent medal, plus the Diploma for Croix d’Honneur Franco-Britannique with the rank of Knight The Chronicle is printed and published by the Royal British Legion, Buckhurst Hill Branch No BRO868.