Chemical Age 1961 Vol.86 No.2215

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Chemical Age 1961 Vol.86 No.2215 1.C.I.-COURTAULD'S MERGER (P. 991) VINYL ACETATE DUTY (P. 992) ACETYLENE FROM METHANE (P. 997) incorporating c PETROCHEMICALS and POLYMERS 123 Decemuer Irol. VOI. uo. no. rrIa 1 ...GOOD SERVICE < b1 -..---.I '111111 -1.. -I. & A.,aSEL LTD COMMERCIAL - AND PURE It is our hope that 1962 will be a year of prosperity for all FOR ALL PURPOSES . SULPHURIC - OLEUM BATTERY - HYDROCHLORIC NITRIC - DIPPING DISTILLED WATER (Pure) ii CHEMICAL AGE 23 December 1961 made to the highest quality stand- ards, and offer Inaxltnulil efficiency with mi~iiniunimnintena~ice. Sizes range fro111116 h.p. to 100 11.p. - low, niedium and high speed operotio~i. Mixers and Mixing Vessels AlTON & COMPANY LIMITED DERBY . TELEPHONE DERBY 47111 (10 LINES) 23 December 1961 CHEMICAL AGE .,,with outstanding Ghemical:and Thermal shock resistance properties! Q.V.F. Glass Pumps have been specially developed for use in the Chemical Industry for the conveyance of corrosive liquids. Made in two sizes (types GPB/6 and GPB/9) they are of the centrifugal type and run at 1,400 r.p.m. A glass impeller of simple design thrusts the liquid through the tangential outlet of the glass casing. A mechanical seal is used having a spring-loaded P.T.F.E. bellows rotating with the shaft. The complete pump forms a compact and eficient unit and the motor is interchangeable. Other outstanding advantages of this revolutionary pump are fully described in a new folder-free on request. DUKE STREET . FENTON . STOKE-ON-TRENT . STAFFS Telephone : STOKE-ON-TRENT 32104/8 Grams : Q.V.F. Stoke-on-Trent Telex 9118 CHEMICAL AGE 23 Decemher 1961 Thefirstfigures refer to advertisements in Chemical Age Directory & Who's Who, the seconrl to the current issue ---pp- - -- -- - .- Page Page Page Page Pore A.P.V. Co. Ltd.. The - 276 Bulwark Transport Ltd. - Electro-Chemical Engineering CII A. W. Instruments (Guildford) Ltd. - 66 Burnelt & Ralfe Ltd. - Flcctrothrrnml Engineering Ltd 164 Acalor (1948) Ltd. - Burrs & Harvey Ltd. - Ele~Product? Ltd. 148 Aimer Products Ltd. - Bush Beach & Segner Bayley Ltd. - [look Mark Ell~olt. H. I.. Ltd. 121 Air Products Gt. Britain Ltd. - I94 Bush. W. 3.. & Co. Ltd. - Eil~ott Hrothcrs (London) Ltd. Ailon & Co. Ltd. Cover ii 124 Butterficld. W. P.. Ltd. - 145 Elnlatic 147 Albany Engineering Co. Ltd.. The - Butterworths Scicnlific Publicatwn\ - Endecotts (Filters) Ltd. - Fnsclhnrd Indurlric\ Ltd. (Baker 155 Alginate Industries Ltd. C. T. (London) Ltd. - 123 Allen. Edgar. & Co. Ltd. - IJtvi\ionl 245 & 249 Calmic Eneineering Co. Ltd. - Evans Electroselenium Ltd. 130 Allen. Frederick & Sons (Poplar) Ltd. - & 990 - Cnrless, Capcl. Leonard Ltd. Evercd & Co. Ltd. 160 AllisChalmers Great Britain Ltd. - 175 Causeway Reinforcement Ltd. - Alumina Co. Ltd.. The Chamell. Fred. Ltd. 990 Andrew Air Conditioning Ltd. - Filrbwerke Hoechct A.G. - - chemical Age Enquiries - 168 Farnell Carhonr Ltd. - I36 Anglo-Dal Lld. Chemical & Insulating Co. The - - 156 Fcltham. Walter H.. & Co. Ltd - 211 Armour Hess Chemicals Ltd. Chemicals & Feeds Ltd. - Ashley Associates Ltd. - 152 Fcrri,. J. IY E . Ltd. Bnck Cmer Chimimport - 279 Fcrrostrtlcs Ltd. - Ashmore. Bennon. Pease & Co. Ltd. - Ciba (A.R.L.) Ltd. - Associated Electrical Industries Ltd. - Fielden Electronic? Ltd. - 158 Ciba Clayton Ltd. - Fnrkin. (i. & A Ltd Motor & Control Gear Division - 164 Cilcnco Llmiled - . 171 Flight ReIuelling Ltd. - A..ociated Electrical Industries Ltd. CIa\~~fiedAdveru.;emmlr 1008 Turbine-Generator Divkion - Fluur Enginerrlng B Cnn<truction Cr, Ltd. - 169 Clayton. Son & Co. Ltd. - Fireproof Tanks Ltd. 153 Associated Lead Mfrs. Ltd. - I38 Clydeadnlc Chemical Co. Ltd. Cover iii - - 185 Foxboro-Yoxull Ltd. - GICard Audco Limited Sons & Cohen. George. Co. Ltd. - Fraxr. W. 1.. & Co Ltd. - 141 Cole. R. H., & Co. Ltd. - I79 Baker Perkins Ltd. Freeman. William. & Co. Ltd. - Colt Ventilation Ltd. - r107 Fullers' Earth Union Ltd , The - 173 Balfour. Henry. & Co. Lld. Colvilles Limited - Ballonfabrik Augsburg 131 Comet Pum~& Eng. Co. Ltd.. The - I82 Barclay Kcllett & Co. Ltd. 122 G Q. Parachute Co. - 269 Commercial Plastics Ltd. - 168 Gallenkamp, A,. & Co. Ltd. - 138 Barytes (Shielding Products) Ltd. Consolidated Zinc Corporation Ltd - Begg. Causland & Co. Ltd. Gascoignc, Geo. IT.. & Co. Ltd. - Constable & Co. Ltd. - Geigy Co. Ltd.. The - 128 Belliss & Morcom Ltd. GICard Constantin Engineers Ltd. - I83 Gcner;al Precision Svstemr; Ltd. - Bendlx Ericnron U.K. Ltd. Constructors John Brown, Ltd. - Gliass Mnnufacturer\' Federation - 165 Bennett, Sonr & Shears Ltd. Controlled Convection Drying Co - G/Card Berk, F. W.. & Co. Ltd. Glorti. T.. & Sons Ltd. - Cooke. Troughton & Simms - Glehe Miner Ltd. - Biddle Sawyer Ltd. Coulter Electronics Ltd. - Bivac Air Co. Ltd. Glen Cre\lun Ltd .- Cox. Arthur H . & Co Ltd - Goodycar Pumps Ltd. - 138 Black, B.. & Sons Ltd. Cromil & Piercy Ltd. - 2 Blackman. Keith, Ltd. 167 Gravincr MC. Co Ltd. - Crosfield, Joseph. & Sons Ltd. ~ 172 Greeff. R. W.. & Co. Ltd. - Blaw, Knon Chemical Engineering Crossley. Henry (Packings) Ltd. -. 190 Rlundell & Cr',mplon Lld. 180 Crow Carrying Co. Ltd.. The -- Halcx (Rex Industrial) - Boby. William. & Co. Ltd. 133 Cruickshank. R.. Ltd. - 144 Haller & Phillips - Borax & Chemicals Ltd. I59 Curran. Edward. Engineering Ltd. - Hamilton Companv Inr. - 205 Borax Consolidated Ltd. 219 Cyanamid of Great Britain Ltd. - I56 H.rrr~\ (I.wrock GraI~m) Ltd 1007 4 Boullon. William. Ltd. 213 Cyclo Chemicals Ltd. - Harvey. G. A,. & Co. (London) Ltd. - Braby, Frederick, & Co. Ltd. 126 Cyclops Engineering Co. Ltd.. The - 6 Hzrworth. F. (A.R C.) Lld. - Brackett. F. W.. & Co. Ltd. Heafield Industriev Ltd. - 265 British Acheson Electrodes Ltd. 22 Dalglish. John, & Sonr Ltd. - I52 Dankc of Netherton Ltd. Ileorson. Chnrlcs. & Co. Ltd. - 132 British Carbo Norit Union Ltd. Helmets Ltd. - British Ceca Co. Ltd.. The Davenport Engineering Co. Ltd .- 136 Duvey & Muore Ltd. - 161 Hercule~ Powder Co. Ltd. - 193 Brltish Celanere Ltd. Hindle, kahua. & Sons Ltd - British Drug Houses Ltd.. The 144 Davey. Paxman & Co. Ltd. -. Davy & United Instruments I.rd 164 Holden. Chris., Ltd. - 154 Britkh Ermeto Corporation Ltd Howard Pneumatic Eng CII I td - Spine Brltish Gcon Ltd. 140 Dawsan, McDonald & Dawron Ltd. .- Deut~che Steinzeug-U. Kun~l~tcnRwrren- Humphrevs & Glasgow Ltd. - 271 Brxtinh LaBour Pump Co. Ltd. 151 Huntingdon. Heherlein & Co. Ltd - GlCard British Oxygen Company Ltd. .- ... , .. Industrial Dept.) - 143 Distillers Co. Ltd., The - I C I. (Billingham) 146 British Rotatherm Co. Ltd.. The - 139 Distillers Co. Ltd., The (Chemical Div.) - I.C.I. Catalysts 122 British Stcam Specialties Ltd., The - Distillers Co. Ltd.. The (Industrial Croun) - I.C.I. General Chemicals Divirlon 126 British Tar Products Ltd. - I35 Dorr-Oliver Co. Ltd. - I.C.I. Ltd. Heavy Organic Chemtcaln. GICard British Titan Products Co. Ltd. - 131 Doulton Industrial Porcelains Ltd. - I.C.I. Metals Titanium D. Britilh Visqueen Ltd. - Dow Chemical International S.A. I C I. Nohrl Chpmiruls 321 Broadbent. Thomas. & Sons Ltd. - 154 Dowiow Lime & Stone Co. Ltd. - I.C.I. Plastics-Darvic 163 Brotherhood. Peter. & Co. Ltd. - 127 Dryden. T.. Ltd. -- I.C.I. Plrstlcs-Fluon Brough. E. A., & Co. Ltd. - Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd. (G.R.G I C I. Plrrtics-Kralastic Brown. N. C.. Ltd. - Dunclad) I.C.I. Ltd. (Plastics Division). Corvic 132 Bryan Donkin Co. Ltd.. The - E.C.D. Ltd. I C.1. (Florube) Ltd. Bulk Liquid Transport Ltd. - Electric Resistance Furnace Co l.M P.A. Ltd. COPPER FLAME TRAPS I TO OUR OWN PLANT r,,the DESIGN AND SIZE 1 CHEMICAL TRADE IN ANY METAL Established 1825 S I ILLS RECTIFYING COLUMNS BLUNDELL & CROMPTON LIMITED RICHMOND WELDING COMPANY wDsr INDIA Autoclaves Calandrias ESTABLISHED 1929 LONDON. E.14 . Phone : Eut 6WI L 3838 (8. liner). Vacuum Pans . Pans RICHMOND ROAD, BRADFORD 7 Grams: Blundall Phone London Pipework Coils . Etc. TELEPHONE 25405 '23 December 1961 CHEMICAL AGE 989 Thefirstfigures rejer to advertisements in Chemical Age Directory & Who's Who, the second ro the current issue Pore Pure Page Pose Interscience Publishers Ltd. National Coal Board - Sharples Centrifuges Ltd. lropad Ltd. National Industrial Fuel Efficiency Service - 3 Sheepbridge Equipment Lld. 174 Jackson. I. 0.. & Crockatt LM. I18 Neckar Water Softener Co. Ltd. - Shell Chemical Co. Ltd. I72 Jamenales Ltd. I49 Negretti & Zambra Ltd. - Shell-Mex & B.P. Ltd. Jenkins, Robert. & Co. Ltd. ~ewnes,George, LM. - Shell Industrial Oils Johnson. Manhey & Co. Ltd. Back Cover Newton Chambers & Co. Ltd. - Shirley. Aldred, & Co. Ltd. Nordac Ltd. - I97 Siebe. Garman & Co. Ltd. 128 Johnsons of Hendon Ltd. Sigmund Pumps Ltd. Jones & Stevens Ltd. Normalair Ltd. - - Northgate Traders (City) Ltd. - 157 Silvercrown Limited - 186 K.D.G. Instruments Ltd. - Nuovo Pignone - 40 Simon. Richard. & Sons Ltd. - K. & K. Laboratories Ltd. - Sipon Products Ltd. - 170 K W. Chemicalr Ltd. Rack Cover Smith, Leonard (Engineers) Ltd. - Kaylene (Chemicals) Ltd. - Sojurchirnexport - 198 Kellie. Robert. & Sons Ltd. - 267 Southern Analytical Ltd. - Kellogg International Corporation - Spence. Peter. & Sons Ltd. - 180 Kenton Fluorescent Mfg. Co. - 199 Spencer Chapman & Messel Ltd. Front Cover 166 Kernick & Son Ltd. - Spencers Joinery Ltd. 319 Kestner Evaporator & Engineering Co. Ltd. - - 223 Standard Chemical Co. - Kertner Evaporator & Engineering Co. Ltd. 320 Stanton Instruments Ltd. - (Keeharh) - I82 Steel Drums Ltd. - Klinger. Richard. Ltd. - 196 Steel, J. M.. & Co. Ltd. - Laboratory Apparatus & Glaos Blowing Co. - 196 Sturpe, John & E.. Ltd. - Laboratory & Electrical Engineering
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    A University of Sussex DPhil thesis Available online via Sussex Research Online: This thesis is protected by copyright which belongs to the author. This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the Author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the Author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Please visit Sussex Research Online for more information and further details Non-Conventional Armament Linkages: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons in the United Kingdom and Iraq Robert D. Lovsin Doctor of Philosophy Science & Technology Policy University of Sussex December 2010 I hereby declare that this dissertation has not been, and will not be, submitted to this or any other university for the award of any other degree. ABSTRACT This dissertation examines the reasons why states want to acquire non- conventional weapons and analyzes interconnections between decisions on nuclear weapons (NW) on the one hand and chemical/biological weapons (CBW) on the other. Much of the literature on non-conventional weapons has tended to focus either on nuclear weapons or on CBW, with CBW often portrayed as the “poor man’s nuclear bomb.” While there is some truth in this, the interconnections between decisions to develop NW and decisions to develop CBW are more numerous, more varied and more nuanced. The dissertation examines non-conventional armament processes in the United Kingdom and Iraq.
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