RUNNER's “Alaska 2003 World WORLD Trophy Winning Shoe” PRODUCT of the YEAR 2003
, PB TRAINER - £55.00 £ _ .... The perfect off road shoe ideal for fell running, V ^ , orienteering and cross-country. The outsoie is the Walsh pyramid type, which has a reputation \ PB XTREME - £60.00 l worldwide for its unbeatable grip and a 14mm »\(SIZES 3-13 INC Vs SIZES) K m'ciso^e for extra cushioning. ^ \ Same high specification as PB Trainer but U upper constructed in ^ exclusive use of \ lightweight tear resistant xymid material to give 1 cross weave nylon, for tm | additional’support, J unbeatable strength. For I protection and additional support and durability to the toe, ^^^protection velon has been ^ ^ ^ h e e l and instep. Excellent v . Tadded around the toe, heel and • ’’“ to r more aggressive terrain. t| -J mstep. Manufactured on specially designed lasts to give that perfect fit. An ideal all-round training or race shoe. JNR PB TRAINER - £40.00 (SIZES 1, 2, 3 and 31/s) PB RACER - £55.00 (SIZES 3-13 INC Va SIZES) Same high specification as PB Trainer except A lightweight pure racing shoe ideal for fell k with a 100mm lightweight midsole and made \ racing, orienteering and cross-country. Similar V ^ p » ^ » ^ o n the junior PB last. Excellent to the PB Trainer except with lighter ^ ^ "" ^ ^ sta rte r for all junior ^ * " T Bl^ ^ * w .w eish t materials 10mm ‘ * \enthusiasts. I midsole and constructed I on a last developed for j performance racing to give -X that track shoe feei. ^ ^ ^ ^ S u p e r b pure racing shoe for j jjwnite performance 1 SWOOP ) WAS £60.00 J NOW £40.00 SWOOP 2 - £60.00 /// (SIZES 10, 101/a, 11 and '(SIZES 4-12 INC 121/a) 1/2 SIZES) ^ ■ ^ w F ell running shoe for the Serious off-road racer and | jlk e e n fellrunner.
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