S. C. Unanimously Votes Student Activities Fund!
/ . -r. ·_,:· ,, . ,MOllrn 'R&bbi Shatzkes- ~ore than 1800 people Torah scholar who passed Geht <!tommtn.tiltor·. filled Lamport Auditorium away Monday, December . Tuesday, December 30, to 29. At M. T. J., others · Official Undergraduate Newspaper. of Yeshiva C~llege hear Dr. Sa~m.tel Belkin, • listened to Rabbi Moshe - Rabbi Dr. Joseph Soloveit Feinstein, its rosh yeshifJa VOLUME XL VIII NEW YQRK CITY, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1959 NO. 7 chik, Rabbi David Lifschitz Rabbi Henkin of the Ezrat Torah Fund, and Rabbi Kai- , manowitz of the Mir Ye- . Dr. Seflcin Is • Host shiva, eulogize the ·sage. To Student Council S. C. Unanimously Votes Rabbi Shatzkes, known as the Lom.za Rav., was with At Tea, Discus~ion the Yeshiva since 1941 · and 'Dr. Samuel Belk.in, president Student Activities fund! was a member of the ord ina of Yeshiva Univel1iity, was host of a tion board. Student Council unanimously approved the enactment five to a tea for Student Council dollar student activities fee, effective next year, at a meeting held That same day, Tuesday, Tuesday, January 6; at 8 o'clock. Monday, January 5. December 30, Rabbi Shatz Dr. Belkin, m answer to Establishment of the fee 1 w=-s k:es' body was tak:en to Id questions posed by the Student necessitated by the increasing lewild Airport g.11d flown to Makes High Score Council expenditures ,such as Israel. He was buried near See Editorial on Page 2 THE COMMENTATOR, Masmid, the the graves of Rav Isser Zal Dean's Reception, senior awards, man Meltzer, the Slutzker Council, stated that he was aware and films for clubs.
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