An Indicator of Credit Crunch Using Italian Business Surveys
Munich Personal RePEc Archive An Indicator of Credit Crunch using Italian Business Surveys Girardi, Alessandro and Ventura, Marco and Margani, Patrizia Parliamentary Budget Office, PBO, Rome, Italy, Italian National Institute of Statistics, ISTAT, Rome, Italy September 2018 Online at MPRA Paper No. 88839, posted 14 Sep 2018 15:29 UTC An Indicator of Credit Crunch using Italian Business Surveys Alessandro Girardia,b, Patrizia Marganib, Marco Venturab a Parliamentary Budget Office, PBO, Rome, Italy b Italian National Institute of Statistics, ISTAT, Rome, Italy Abstract This paper presents a two-step procedure to derive a credit crunch indicator for the Italian manufacturing sector. Using qualitative firm-level data over the years 2008-2018, nonlinear discrete panel data techniques are first applied in order to identify the loan supply curve controlling for firm-specific observable characteristics. In the subsequent step, the variation of the estimated supply curve that cannot be explained by proxies for loan demand is interpreted as the degree of credit squeeze prevailing in the economy at a given point in time. The empirical evidence shows that credit crunch episodes are less likely to occur during periods of sustained economic growth, or when credit availability for the manufacturing sector is relatively abundant. In contrast, a tight monetary policy stance or a worsening of the quality of banking balance sheets tend to increase the likelihood of experiencing a credit squeeze. JEL: G30; G32; C23 Keywords: business survey, credit crunch, access to credit 1 1. Introduction During periods of financial distress, troubles affecting the credit system are likely to spread to the real sector, especially in countries where the banking sector is the most relevant financing channel to the business sector and/or the productive structure is predominantly based on small and medium enterprises (Ferrando et al., 2014; Berger and Udell, 2006).
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