SCARNING NEWS September 2015 Issue 17 The newsletter is published by Scarning Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure that information is accurate at the time of going to print, but no liability will be accepted for losses caused by inaccurate information. Adverts Issue 17 | page 2 PHYSIOTHERAPY Would you like to advertise your business in this space? Neck & Back Pain The newsletter reaches over 1,200 homes in Scarning and is Sports injuries d e l i v e r e d f r e e t o a l l Muscle & Joint pain households. It is produced six times a year Rehabilitation following Joint Surgery The following rates apply: Ellena Fox & Paul Fox £90 pa for a quarter page Chartered Physiotherapists £120 pa for a half page HCPC Registered £210 pa for a full page Scarning Fen, Dereham for more information please contact Telephone 01362 693747
[email protected] or Tel: 687492 The newsletter is published by Scarning Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure that information is accurate at the time of going to print, but no liability will be accepted for losses caused by inaccurate information. Bulletin Board Issue 17 | page 3 Community Car Scheme Macmillan Coffee Morning in The Parish Council is considering Scarning the introduction of a Community Scarning Primary's Year Six pupils Car Scheme. The scheme is a non- are holding a coffee morning from profit making form of car sharing. It 9:30 until 11:30 on Wednesday 23rd provides essential journeys for September. The event will be held at people without access to a car and two venues, the Village Hall and in where there is no suitable public the school's main hall.