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"Eternal Vigilance in the Defense of Liberty:" A Guide to the Papers of the American Civil Liberties Union

Description of the Arrangement of the Collection vii

American Civil Liberties Union Reel List 1

Name and Topic Index to the Reel List (excluding briefs) 71

Topical Index to the Briefs 77

Table of Plaintiffs and Defendants 83

''Eternal Vigilance in the Defense of Liberty:'' A Guide to the Papers of the AmericanCivil Liberties Union by Samuel Walker University of Nebraska at Omaha

INTRODUCTION In addition, there are forty-nine staffed affiliate offices or na­ tional chapters in every state of the union. Each affiliate is a The papers of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) separately chartered organization with its own Board of Di­ are the single most important collection of materials available rectors. Affiliates are bound by the policies adopted by the relating to the history of individual rights in American his­ national Board of Directors. tory. Since its founding in 1920, the ACLU has been devoted to the non-partisan defense of individual liberties under the THE HISTORY OF THE ACLU Bill of Rights. The organization has not only championed the principle of freedom of speech but has been involved in over The ACLU was founded in January 1920. It was an outgrowth 80 percent of the landmark Supreme Court cases related to of the National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB) which was es­ civil liberties since the 1920s. The ACLU defines its role as a tablished in 1917 to defend the rights of conscientious objec­ watchdog in the defense of individual rights, believing that tors and to defend the free speech rights of opponents of Ameri­ "eternal vigilance" is necessary to preserve and extend civil can involvement in World War I. Roger Baldwin, who had liberties. The papers of the ACLU are a rich and invaluable served as founder and co-Secretary of the NCLB with Crystal source of material on the growth of individual rights, includ­ Eastman, became the Director of the ACLU and served in ing not just legal briefs in important court cases but the de­ that capacity for thirty years. bates within the ACLU that shaped the policies leading to those cases. The ACLU defined its program as the non-partisan defense of civil liberties. In its early years it concentrated on the defense THE ACLU AS AN ORGANIZATION of the rights of labor union organizers and radical political leaders. Because of its defense of the rights of Communists, The ACLU is a private non-partisan organization devoted to the ACLU was attacked by self-styled patriots as "un-Ameri­ the defense of civil liberties. It receives no government funds can." Liberals, meanwhile, attacked it for defending the rights and does not engage in any political activity, such as support­ of the Ku Klux Klan and Henry Ford, who was a notorious ing or opposing candidates for public office. In the mid-l 980s anti-semite. the ACLU had about 275,000 members. It is supported by membership dues, special contributions by members and sup­ In the repressive environment of the 1920s, the ACLU was a porters, and foundation grants for special civil liberties projects. lonely advocate of civil liberties and won very few battles. It scored its first significant gains in the court of public opinion The program of the ACLU consists of litigation, public edu­ in the famous Scopes case of 1925, where it opposed a Ten­ cation, and lobbying on behalf of civil liberties. The ACLU nessee law prohibiting the teaching of evolution. The ACLU defends civil liberties in four major areas: First Amendment also won its first important victory in the U.S. Supreme Court freedoms; due process of law; equal protection; and privacy. in the 1925 case of Gitlow v. New York, where the Court ac­ The official policies of the organization are decided by the cepted the ACLU's argument that the Fourteenth Amendment national Board of Directors (see Series I) and are found in the incorporated the free speech clause of the First Amendment ACLU Policy Guide (see Series III). and made it binding on the states.

The ACLU maintains a national office in New York City, a In the 1930s and 1940s the ACLU program expanded to in­ legislative office in Washington, DC, and regional offices in clude a broader program on behalf of civil rights, the rights of Atlanta and Denver. The ACLU also maintains a series of Native Americans, and a more aggressive fight against gov­ special projects devoted to specific civil liberties issues, such ernment censorship of the arts. Beginning in 1937, as the as prisoners' rights, reproductive rights, and children's rights. Supreme Court became more sympathetic to civil liberties,

iii the ACLU won an increasing number of victories in the Court to these materials see Samuel Walker, The American Civil and played a major role in the shaping of constitutional law. Liberties Union: An Annotated Bibliography (New York: Gar­ land, 1992). The ACLU underwent a major expansion of membership and programs in the 1960s. Membership grew from 50,000 in 1960 As a national organization, the ACLU has a complex federal to about 250,000 in 1974. It also established staffed affiliates structure. In addition to the national office in New York City, in virtually every state. The organization's definition of civil there are affiliates or chapters in every state. Each affiliate is a liberties expanded significantly, adding to its program such separately chartered organization with its own Board of Di­ new issues as prisoner's rights, the rights of the mentally ill, rectors. ACLU affiliates are governed by the policies adopted the rights of women, and reproductive rights. by the national Board of Directors. Affiliates may differ from national ACLU policy in certain limited circumstances. They In the 1988 presidential election campaign, the ACLU be­ may adopt policies where no national ACLU policy exists. came a major issue when Republican candidate George Bush Also, an affiliate may adopt a policy that conflicts with na­ attacked his Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis for being tional policy , but may act on that policy only within the geo­ a ''card-carrying member" of the ACLU. This attack on the graphic confines of the affiliate. In cases before the U.S. Su­ ACLU was similar to other attacks on the organization since preme Court, only the policy of the national Board of Direc­ its founding in 1920. Because of its defense of the rights of tors may be presented as the position of the ACLU. Communists and other political radicals, it has long been ac­ cused of being "un-American." Since the late 1940s, the ACLU Researchers interested in pursuing certain issues in greater has been attacked as "anti-religious'· because of its vigorous depth should consult the records of particular ACLU affili­ fight for the separation of church and state. Its opposition to ates. The records of some, but not all, ACLU affiliates have censorship, including censorship of sexually explicit mate­ been deposited with state historical societies or university ar­ rial, has generated criticisms that it supports immorality. chives. Materials related to recent issues are often still housed in the affiliate office. For a guide to ACLU affiliate records as HOW TO USE THE PAPERS OF THE ACLU of 1992, see Samuel Walker, The American Civil Liberties Union: An Annotated Bibliography (New York: Garland, The Papers of the American Civil Liberties Union are divided 1992). into several major sections. Series II includes material on the ACLU Biennial Conference. Series I includes the Minutes of the Board of Directors of the The Biennial Conference was created in the 1950s as a ve­ ACLU. The Board of Directors is the official governing body hicle for giving the lay membership of the ACLU a voice in of the organization, with the power to decide official policy. policy making. Under the current ACLU Constitution and By­ Policies that are adopted are collected in the ACLU Policy Laws (see Series ill), each Biennial Conference may propose Guide (Series III). The Minutes, however, provide valuable formal policies for the ACLU. Any Binding Resolution adopted background on the debates underlying these policies, includ­ by the Biennial becomes official policy unless it is rejected by ing amendments to proposed policies and proposed policies the Board of Directors within eighteen months. If a Binding that are rejected. The Minutes also provide valuable material Resolution is rejected, it is then submitted to a referendum, on organization matters, including membership, finances, and with the boards of directors of the ACLU affiliates voting un­ the structure of the organization itself. der a system that weights each vote according to the size of the affiliate membership. If the referendum overrules the vote The Minutes of the Board of Directors provide valuable in­ of the national Board of Directors, the Binding Resolution sight into the evolution of the ACLUs policies on civil liber­ becomes the official policy of the ACLU. In the 1950s and ties issues. The ACLU's position on First Amendment issues 1960s the Biennial Conference played an extremely impor­ such as censorship and separation of church and state, for tant role in expanding the program of the ACLU. example, have evolved significantly over the years. On some issues, such as gun control, the ACLU eventually repealed a Series ID includes the Policy Guide of the ACLU. This docu­ policy it had previously adopted. ment contains all of the current official policies of the organi­ zation, including the ACLU Constitution and By-Laws. The Researchers who are interested in pursuing issues in greater Policy Guide should be read in conjunction with the Minutes depth should consult the materials in the ACLU Archives lo­ of the Board of Directors (Series I) and the Biennial Confer­ cated in the Seeley G. Mudd Library at Princeton University. ence materials (Series II) for the background on the develop­ In particular, the ACLU Archives contain correspondence, ment of official policies. memoranda, and other materials not included in the micro­ form edition. Important material is also contained in the per­ Series IV contains the legal briefs filed in court cases on be­ sonal papers of individual ACLU leaders which are held by half of the ACLU. The briefs represent the most important various historical societies and university archives. For a guide operational aspect of the ACLU defense of civil liberties, where iv formal policies are translated into action. Throughout the his­ official statements on current controversies involving estab­ tory of the organization, these legal briefs have had an ex­ lished ACLU policy. Consequently, these materials are a valu­ tremely important impact on American constitutional law. able guide to the operational side of the ACLU and its re­ Beginning with the landmark case of Gitlow v. New York (1925) sponse to specific civil liberties controversies. arguments presented by the ACLU have often been adopted by the Supreme Court and become matters of law. Series VI includes pamphlets, newsletters, and other offi­ cial ACLU publications. These materials include Civil Lib­ The legal briefs should be studied in conjunction with both erties, the official ACLU newsletter, Civil Liberties Alert, the Minutes of the Board of Directors (Series I) and the a publication of the Washington legislative office, and First Policy Guide (Series III). In important respects, the briefs Principles, a newsletter devoted to national security issues. provide a fuller discussion of the issues involved, includ­ Many of the pamphlets and reports contain detailed de­ ing prior case law. scriptions of ACLU activities and explanations of ACLU policies on particular issues. Series V includes official ACLU press releases. These materi­ als include not only announcements of new ACLU policy, but



This update to the American Civil Liberties Union Papers is Conference, and follow-up material issued after the Confer­ divided into six series as follows: ence.

1. Minutes and Mailings to the Board of Directors, 1985- SERIES III: POLICY GUIDE OF THE AMERI­ 1989 CAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION 2. Biennial Conference materials, 1985, 1987 3. Policy Guide, June 1989 Policy Guides are prepared by ACLU office staff to serve as a 4. Legal Briefs record source of ACLU policy and as a guide for the national 5. Press Releases and affiliated staffs in implementing policies adopted by the 6. Serials, pamphlets and reports Board of Directors.

The Reel Guide is quite complete and contains descriptions of SERIES IV: LEGAL BRIEFS each item by date, type of record, and title (contents) of record. The following are synopses of the material. The legal briefs are partial records for the Su­ preme Court cases in which the ACLU was involved. The SERIES 1: MINUTES AND MAILINGS TO THE briefs are listed in the Reel Guide in the order in which they BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 1985-1989 appear on the microfilm. The assigned Supreme Court docket number is the initial identified; in cases where this is missing This series includes the official minutes of and mailings sent it will say [docket number missing]. This is followed by the to the Board of Directors from 1985 to 1989. The mailings reel number, a shortened title, and the complete information include ACLU activity reports, reports of standing commit­ from the front of the brief (e.g. Supreme Court term, whether tees, policy and position statements, agendas, memoranda, it is on writ of certiorari, plaintiff(s) and defendant(s), and circular letters, etc. Clippings from magazines and newspa­ type of brief (most are amicus curiae). pers have been deleted from the film for copyright reasons but the citation remains in the guide for reference (the reel num­ SERIES V: PRESS RELEASES ber will be noted as "n/a" - not available). Although the material for each year is arranged primarily in chronological The ACLU press releases are arranged chronologically and order, sometimes the date sequence of an item may appear out include news releases, circular letters, statements, testimonies, of order due to a covering memorandum having four or five and memoranda to affiliates. attachments with dates earlier than those of the covering memorandum; many times these are listed in the Reel Guide as [includes appendices]. SERIES VI: SERIAL AND PAMPHLET PUBLI­ CATIONS SERIES II: BIENNIAL CONFERENCE MATERI­ Included are both printed and mimeographed pamphlets, leaf­ ALS, 1985, 1987 lets, and reports. The Reel Guide contains a bibliographical listing by title. Papers relating to the 1985 and 1987 Biennial Conferences include bulletins, the conference program, attendance lists, Following the Reel Guide are two indexes and a guide to the discussion group assignments, guide to the conference papers, plaintiffs and defendants in the legal briefs. position papers presented at the Conference by ACLU mem­ bers, staff, and invited speakers, resolutions adopted by the

vii NAME AND TOPIC INDEX TO THE REEL LIST TOPICAL INDEX TO THE BRIEFS (excluding briefs) The ACLU legal briefs were indexed using a carefully devel­ This index includes both all the names mentioned in the Reel oped, controlled thesaurus. Most cases have a minimum of Guide and selected topics as they occur (i.e., primarily, al­ three references. The topics are followed by the case number though not entirely, keyword indexing). The topics are fol­ and reel number in parentheses and the page number in the lowed by the page numbers of the Reel Guide on which the Reel Guide where the brief is mentioned. Multiple references reference can be found. under one topic are separated by dashes.


TOPIC -- Race------=- discrimination------(85-2156; Rl4) 44~ - (87- 1836 ; Rl5) 48 TOPIC~ REEL GUIDE PAGE NO. Alabama (84-76 ; RIO) 28 Employment / SUBTOPIC/ Employment (84-1340; Rl2) 37- (87-998; /civil rights 7, 10, 12, 20, 24, Rl6) 49-(86-6139;R16) 50-(87- 26, 59, 69 2084; Rl7) 53 SUBTOPZ privacy 19 plant closings 7 TABLE OF PLAINTIFFS AND DEFENDANTS

This table lists all of the shortened names of the legal briefs, with the actual order in boldface type.

NAME OF CASE CASE NO. REEL NO ~ / ~ Smalls v. Pennsylvania No. 85-227 Reel 12 Smith v. McDonald No. 84-476 Reel 10




Minutes January 26-27, 1985 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes April 13-14, 1985 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 12, 1985 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 19-20, 1985 Board of Directors Meeting Memo January 10, 1985 a) Site of Friday evening pre-Board meeting reception, b) First mailing of working papers for January 26-27 meeting Memo January 17, 1985 Second mailing of working papers for January 27-27 meeting Agenda January 25, 1985 Board of Directors January 26-27, 1985 Meeting, final revised agenda Resolution Undated Proposed resolution from Executive Committee on ACLU of Southern California resolution Re: Future FOIA/CIA Litigation Memo January 6, 1985 Construction of prisons and jails (includes appendices) Memo January 8, 1985 [ACLU of Oklahoma] Budget consideration of Project Memo January 9, 1985 Small Affiliate Caucus Memo January 9, 1985 New policy text, Special Committee on Policy #95, Use of public facilities for religious purposes Memo January 9, 1985 Motion for reconsideration of Section D of Policy #222, Broadcasting and photographing of judicial proceedings Memo January 10, 1985 Remaining sections of March 23, 1984 Due Process Committee report on domestic violence Memo January 11, 1985 [ACLU of Cleveland] Budget Memo January 11, 1985 Election of ACLU Foundation and Foundation Board Memo January 11, 1985 Proposed revision of Policy #240, Mental illness Memo January 11, 1985 Remaining section of report of Special Committee on W arrantless Searches Memo January 15, 1985 Report on 1983 Biennial Conference recommendations on nuclear arms and civil liberties (includes appendices) Memo January 16, 1985 Report on procedural matters affecting military draft and Selective Service system Memo January 16, 1985 Budget materials Memo January 16, 1985 Year-end 1984 estimated results & proposed 1985 budgets Memo January 16, 1985 Background information on new Board members Memo January 21, 1985 ACLU affirmative action employment, 1977-85 Memo January 22, 1985 Executive Committee report on Construction of prisons and jails Memo January 22, 1985 Proposed amendment to Policy #95 Memo January 24, 1985 Committee appointments Memo January 25, 1985 Untitled, discusses alleged inaccuracies of a New York Times article (no date given) Memo February 5, 1985 Filling of Board vacancies Memo February 7, 1985 Survey of book banning litigation Memo January 29, 1985 Books on trial Memo March 1, 1985 Summary of Board actions at January 26-27, 1985 meeting Memo March 7, 1985 March 4th letter from Barbara Scott Preiskel regarding at-large Board election The American Civil Lwerlies Union


Memo March 4, 1985 Special request to assist Nominating Committee Memo March 7, 1985 Announcement of April 13-14 Board meeting . Agenda March 8, 1985 Proposed agenda, April 13-14, 1985, Board of Directors meeting Memo March 22, 1985 First mailing of working papers for April 13-14 meeting Memo March 28, 1985 Second mailing of working papers for April 13-14 meeting Agenda March 27, 1985 April 13-14 1985 Board of Directors meeting (first revised proposed agenda) Memo April 4, 1985 Third mailing of working papers for April 13-14 meeting Memo April 5, 1985 Fourth and final mailing of working papers for April 13-14 meeting Agenda April 12, 1985 April 13-14, 1985 Board of Directors meeting (second revised proposed agenda) Memo March 18, 1985 Untitled: concerns nomination of all-time misleading headline Charlottesville Va Daily Progress (ACLU chides court ruling: shot fired at justice's home) Memo March 18, 1985 Privacy and the protection of information in the computer age (New York Times: Experts study effect on law of latest electronic services) Memo April 9, 1985 Report on Policy #l 14(b) (Procedural requirements relating to the draft) Memo March 21, 1985 Revision of Policy #l 14(b) on Procedural requirements relating to the draft Memo March 21, 1985 Remainder of report of Special Committee on Nuclear Arms and Civil Liberties, concerning policy resolutions on abuses of civil liberties created by nuclear arms race Memo March 21, 1985 Motion for reconsideration of Section D of Policy #222, Broadcasting and photographing of judicial proceedings - absolute right of criminal defendant to bar televising of proceedings (includes appendices) Memo March 25, 1985 Alien rights (Washington Post. Caught in the storm of sanctuary); (Miami Herald: 'New' Krome a sign of growth in alien detention) Memo March 25, 1985 Report on draft generic policy statement on war powers Memo March 26, 1985 Proposed national policy on pregnancy-based discrimination Memo March 27, 1985 Review of Policy #4, Obscenity and Censorship (Rights & Freedoms [Canada's Civil Liberties Magazine]: Defending the indefensible) Memo March 27, 1985 Procedures for executive sessions of Executive Committee Memo March 28, 1985 Report on proposed pregnancy discrimination policy (3) Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses S.272 - Civil Rights Amendments Act of 1985 Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses S.431/H.R.700 - Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1985 Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses H.R.101/S.610 - Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses H.R.23 - Cuban/Haitian Adjustment Act Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses S.239/H.R.712 Death Penalty Bill Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses S.237 Exclusionary Rule Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses H.R.28 Export Administration Amendments Act of 1985 Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses S.150 FOIA Reform Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses EX.O, 81/l Genocide Convention Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses S.238 Habeas [corpus] Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses H.R.39 Prepublication Review and Polygraph (Federal Polygraph and Anti-Censorship Act of 1985) Report March 21, 1985 Untitled, discusses H.R.822/S.377 Salvadoran Refugee Protection n/a Clipping n.d. Ms.: Is one woman's sexuality another woman's pornography? [no volume/issue given] Report December 12, 1984 Policy re Pregnancy-based discrimination Memo April 1, 1985 Proposed revision of Policy #240, Mental illness. [2] Memo July 9, 1984 Policy #240 and competency to refuse treatment Letter January 29, 1985 Robert H. Hickey [ACLU of Pennsylvania, v open letter re: rights of mental patients] Memo April 1, 1985 Service on Executive Committee

2 1985-1989 Update


Memo April 1, 1985 Immigration reform in the 99th Congress [includes attachments] n/a Clipping November 3, 1984 National Journal: Immigration bill knocked out in final round, but sponsors promise rematch n/a Clipping March 12, 1985 Washington Post: Caught in the storm of sanctuary 1 Memo April 2, 1985 Comments on report of Special Committee on Nuclear Arms and Civil Liberties Memo April 3, 1985 Proposed revision of Policy #240, Civil commitment for mental illness Memo April 4, 1985 Filling of Board vacancy Memo April 4, 1985 Revision of Policy #4, Obscenity and censorship [includes appendices] Memo April 4, 1985 Reply to the position paper by the ACLU of Southern California in support of its proposed policy on pregnancy discrimination Memo April 4, 1985 Nationa,l Policy on Pregnancy Discrimination Memo April 11, 1985 [ACLU of Northern California] Resolution on employer sanctions Memo April 12, 1985 [Georgetown University Law Center] Pregnancy discrimination policy Memo May 8, 1985 Summary of Board actions at April 13-14, 1985 meeting Memo May 14, 1985 Secular humanism ban Memo April 12, 1985 The constitutionality of Section 709 of the Education for Economic Security Act of 1984: The "secular humanism" ban n/a Clipping July-August 1983 Report from the Capital: Secular humanism-neutral ground for teaching values n/a Clipping February 22, 1985 New York Times: Of 'secular humanism' and its slide into law 1 Memo May 23, 1985 Matters relating to 1985 election of at-large members of the Board of Directors and National Advisory Council Memo May 24, 1985 Untitled: Discusses Oregon's contributions to Board of Directors affirmative action program. Memo May 15, 1985 National Board Representative Memo May 30, 1985 Appointment of Morton Halperin as Washington Office Director Letter April 17, 1985 Julian Bond to Ira Glasser Transcript n.d. [Part of a transcript of a three-way conversation] Memo May 31, 1985 Untitled: Appointment of Mort Halperin (Washington Office Director) Letter May 7, 1985 Floyd Abrams to Ira Glasser Letter April 4, 1985 Cynthia J. Arnson to Ira Glasser Letter March 26, 1985 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. to Ira Glasser Letter April 22, 1985 Edward P. Boland to Ira Glasser Letter May 6, 1985 David Cohen to Ira Glasser Letter May 6, 1985 John Conyers, Jr. to Ira Glasser Summary Note May 7, 1985 Conversation with Rep. Ron Dellums Letter May 3, 1985 Don Edwards to Norman Dorsen Letter April 12, 1985 Joseph T. Eldridge to Ira Glasser Summary Note April 29, 1985 Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg Letter April 19, 1985 Terry Herndon to Ira Glasser Letter April 27, 1985 Seymour M. Hersh to Ira Glasser Letter April 3, 1985 Philip B. Heymann to Ira Glasser Letter May 6, 1985 Edward M. Kennedy to Norman Dorsen Letter April 8, 1985 Karen Mulhauser to Ira Glasser Letter Undated Ralph Nader to Ira Glasser Letter April 30, 1985 Joseph L. Rauh, Jr. to Ira Glasser Letter April 29, 1985 Richard M. Schmidt, Jr. to Ira Glasser Letter April 23, 1985 M.A. (Peggy) Shaker to Ira Glasser Letter April 18, 1985 l.F. Stone to Ira Glasser Letter April 9, 1985 Leon Shull to Ira Glasser Letter March 28, 1985 Jeremy J. Stone to Ira Glasser Letter April 5, 1985 Paul C. Warnke to Ira Glasser Memo May 31, 1985 Completion of report of Special Committee on W arrantless Searches re: searches and inspections in prisons and health care institutions Report June 1985 Executive Director's report on highlights of recent activities

3 The American Civil Liberties Union


n/a Clipping April 9, 1985 St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Spies in the Church 1 Memo May 14, 1985 Announcement of June 12, meeting Agenda May 15, 1985 June 12, 1985 Board of Directors meeting proposed agenda Memo May 31, 1985 First mailing of working papers for June 12th Board meeting Memo June 4, 1985 Second and final mailing of working papers for June 12th Board meeting Memo June 3, 1985 Revision of Policy #4(g), Use of children in the production of material respecting sexually explicit conduct Table June 6, 1985 Cumulative income - 4/30/85 Memo June 18, 1985 Legislative status reports Report June 1, 1985 Status report index Memo July 11, 1985 Election of at-large national Board members Report n.d. Board policies on at-large election Ballot July 11, 1985 Board election ballot Memo July 11, 1985 Summary of Board actions at the June 12, 1985 meeting Memo September 5, 1985 Announcement of October 19-20 meeting Agenda Undated October 19-20, 1985 Board of Directors meeting Memo September 19, 1985 First mailing of working papers for October 19-20 meeting Memo October 4, 1985 Second mailing of working papers for October 19-20 meeting Memo October 11, 1985 Third mailing of working papers for October 19-20 meeting Agenda October 11, 1985 Final proposed agenda for October 19-20, 1985 Board of Directors meeting Memo September 19, 1985 Results of 1985 at-large board election Memo September 20, 1985 How I spent my summer vacation n/a Clipping September 9, 1985 New York Law Journal: Neuborne savors victory 1 Correction Undated Correction: September 25, 1985 report on political asylum Memo September 25, 1985 Proposed revision of section of Policy #323 on Political asylum (includes appendix) Memo September 25, 1985 Proposed revision of Policy 323, A minority comment (includes appendi­ ces) Resume n.d. Additional resumes of new affiliate National Board members: Richard A. Axelrod Memo October I, 1985 Review of political campaign financing policy (includes appendices) Memo October 4, 1985 Statistical analysis of affiliate and Board participation in 1985 at-large Board election Memo October 4, 1985 Election of ACLU Foundation and Foundation Board Memo October 5, 1985 Election of officers of the Corporation Board, National Advisory Council Memo October 5, 1985 Disclosure of details of voting in at-large Board election Memo October 7, 1985 Election of Board representatives to Special Advisory Committee Memo October 8, 1985 Report on sexual harassment in the academic community (Includes appendix) Memo October IO, 1985 Disposition of Biennial Conference resolutions Memo October IO, 1985 Background information on new Board members Memo October 11, 1985 Appointments of Structural and Subject-matter Committees for 1985-86 Memo October 11, 1985 National Advisory Council Memo October 12, 1985 Election of Executive Committee Memo October 14, 1985 Proposed preliminary considerations of 1986 budget 2 Memo October 17, 1985 Untitled: Advice on two resolutions [relating to apartheid in South Africa] Memo August 22, 1985 The ACLU and pending anti-apartheid legislation Resolution October 18, 1985 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union on the death of Donald Hackel Resolution October 18, 1985 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union on the death of Edward Switzer Allen Resolution October 18, 1985 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union on the resignation of Romona Ripston as Executive Director of the Southern California Affiliate

4 1985-1989 Update


Resolution October I 8, I 985 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union on the Death of Pauli Murray List November I 985 National Board of Directors Memo November 7, I 985 Summary of Board actions at October I 9-20, I 985 meeting (includes appendix and resolutions) Resolution October 20, 1985 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union on the death of Gerald E. Kandler Memo November 27, I985 Board directory Report 1985 "Points of defense": Executive Director's report to special ACLUF supporters 1985 year-end Memo December 20, 1985 Announcement of January 25-26 meeting Agenda Undated ACLU :Soard of Directors January 25-26, I986 meeting proposed agenda Memo December I7, 1986 Second mailing of working papers for January 25-26 meeting Agenda January 17, I986 ACLU Board of Directors January 25-26, I986 meeting revised proposed agenda 2 Minutes Undated Board of Directors January 25-26, I986 meeting minutes 2 Minutes Undated Board of Directors April 12-13, 1986 minutes 2 Minutes Undated Board of Directors June 21-22, I986 meeting minutes 2 Minutes Undated National Board minutes October I7-I8, 1986 2 Report January, 1986 Executive Director's report on highlights of recent activities 2 Memo January 7, 1986 Proposed ACLU policy on the privatization of prisons 2 Report Undated The privatization of corrections (National Institute of Justice Issues and Practices series) 2 Memo January IO, 1986 First mailing of working papers for January 25-26 meeting 2 Memo January IO, I986 Continued discussion of October 8, I985 report on sexual harassment in the academic community 2 Testimony November 13, I985 Statement by Ira P. Robbins before House Judiciary Committee on privatization of corrections 2 Memo January 9, 1986 Board consideration of 1985 Biennial Conference resolutions on nuclear arms and civil liberties 2 Memo January 10, I986 Continued discussion of October 8, I 985 report on sexual harassment in the academic community 2 Memo January 14, 1986 Untitled: Provides form to help ACLU members lobby in Washington 2 Memo January 15, 1986 Report on Biennial Conference Resolution of Comparable Worth 2 Memo January I5, I986 Comments on report on Biennial Conference resolution on comparable worth Memo January I5, I986 [Different document] Comments on report on Biennial Conference resolution on comparable worth 2 Memo January I5, 1986 1985 Biennial Conference resolution on capital punishment 2 Memo January 15, 1986 Budget materials 2 Memo January 15, 1986 Year-end 1985 estimated results and proposed 1986 budgets 2 Memo January 9, 1986 The threatening postal rate situation 2 Memo January 16, 1986 Proposed policy on the privatization of prisons n/a Clipping March 28, 1986 New York Times: Private prison operators 2 Memo January I6, 1986 Untitled: Resignation of two members of National Advisory Council 2 Memo January I 7, I 986 Bios on new Board members 2 Memo January I7, I986 Further minority comments on "Equal Worth" policy 2 Memo January I7, I986 Recommendation for Board action on Biennial Conference 2 Memo January I 7, I 986 Completion of report on Equality Committee on revision of political asylum policy 2 Memo November 26, I 985 Violence and political asylum 2 Memo January 15, 1986 Proposed policy on political asylum 2 Memo February 7, 1986 Summary of Board actions at January 25-26, 1986 meeting 2 Memo February 13, 1986 Nominees for ACLU Board of Directors and National Advisory Council 2 Memo February 2I, 1986 Proposed substitute for paragraph 4, ACLU Political Asylum Policy 2 Memo February 24, 1986 Untitled: Voting rights of minorities

5 The American Civil Liberties Union

REELSERIESCATEGORY DATE CONTENTS n/a Clipping October-Dec. 1985 Southern Changes, 7:5-6: The attack on voting rights 2 Memo February 28, 1986 Affirmative action survey of affiliate boards 2 Memo March 5, 1985 Untitled: Appoint a committee to review the authority and procedures of the Affirmative Action Officer 2 Memo March 13, 1986 Announcement of April 12-13 meeting 2 Agenda Undated ACLU Board of Directors April 12-13, 1986 meeting proposed agenda 2 Memo March 19, 1986 First mailing of working papers for April 12-13 meeting 2 Memo March 22, 1986 Announcement of June 21-22 meeting 2 Agenda Undated ACLU Board of Directors June 21-22, 1986 proposed agenda 2 Memo March 24, 1986 Fingerprinting of schoolchildren 2 Memo Undated 1983 Legislative Memorandum: Int. No. 514-A, Berman, DeMarco, Alter (a local law) 2 Memo March 24, 1986 Trial of Hodgson v. Stale of Minnesota; criminal statute requiring two parent notification or court ordered waiver before a minor may obtain an abortion 2 Memo March 25, 1986 Revision of Policy #83 - Aid to religiously-affiliated post-secondary schools and colleges 2 Memo March 26, 1986 Second mailing of working papers for April 12-13 meeting 2 Agenda March 28, 1986 ACLU Board of Directors April 12-13, 1986 meeting revised agenda 2 Memo March 26, 1986 Age discrimination in employment policy 2 Memo March 27, 1986 Reconsideration of section of Policy #222, Broadcasting and photograph- ing of judicial proceedings, absolute right of criminal defendants to bar televising of court [proceedings] 2 Paper December 1985 Economic rights and civil liberties [includes related documents] 2 Memo April 2, 1986 Proposed policies on communicable diseases and AIDS 2 Memo April 2, 1986 Selection of site for 1987 Biennial Conference 2 Calender December 1985 We the People 200 Celebration: calendar of events (December, 1985 draft) 2 Letter February 25, 1986 Barry Steinhardt to Fred Stein [includes proposal of the American Civil Liberties Union/Foundation of Pennsylvania and other materials] 2 Memo April 3, 1986 Third mailing of working papers for April 12-13 meeting 2 Agenda April 2, 1986 ACLU Board of Directors April 12-13, 1986 meeting second revised agenda 2 Memo April 3, 1986 Sexual harassment on the college-university campus 2 Letter April 3, 1986 Gayle Binion to Norman Dorsen 2 Memo April 4, 1986 Equality Committee report on revision of political asylum policy 2 Memo February 21, 1986 Proposed substitute for paragraph 4, ACLU Political asylum policy 2 Memo April 2, 1986 Proposed policy on political asylum 2 Memo January 15, 1986 Proposed policy on political asylum 2 Memo April 7, 1986 Fourth and final mailing of working papers 2 Memo Undated The "political offense" exception 2 Letter April 3, 1986 Gayle Binion to Norman Dorsen 2 Letter February 4, 1986 Roger W. Fonseca to Alan Reitman 2 Letter April 1, 1986 Robert C. Littrell to Alan Reitman 2 Memo April 8, 1986 Privatization of prisons 2 Memo April 9, 1986 War powers 2 Letter April 9, 1986 Morton H. Halperin to Dante B. Fascell 2 Letter April 9, 1986 Morton H. Halperin to William L. Ball, III 2 Letter March 26, 1986 William L. Ball, III to Dante B. Fascell 2 Statement March 24, 1986 Statement of the Honorable Dante B. Fascell, Committee on Foreign Affairs 2 Letter March 24, 1986 Dante B. Fascell to President Reagan n/a Clipping March 28, 1986 : Reagan's letter on Gulf of Sidra n/a Clipping March 28, 1986 The Washington Times: Dispute looms over War Powers Act 2 Clipping March 28. 1986 US Advisory War Powers Act not broken 2 Report April 10, 1986 Amended report of Advisory Committee to the National Prison Project on delegation to private organizations of prison operations

6 1985-1989 Update


2 Memo April 11, 1986 "Covert" operation in Nicaragua 2 Memo April 15, 1986 George Slaff address 2 Memo April 28, 1986 Service on Executive Committee 2 Memo April 30, 1986 Summary of Board actions at April 12-13, 1986 meeting 2 Resolution April 12, 1986 Resolution of Board of Directors of The American Civil Liberties Union on the death of Dorothy Dunbar Bromley 2 Resolution April 12, 1986 Resolution of Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union on the death of Herbert Prash.ker 2 Memo Undated The "political offense" exception 2 Memo May 6, 1986 Policy on mandatory seat-belt use laws [includes appendices] 2 Memo December, 1975 Background paper on the constitutionality of requiring the use of motorc}'.cle safety helmets and automobile seat belts 2 Memo May 15, 1986 Untitled: ACLU's principal Supreme Court lawyer Chuck Sims leaves 2 Memo May 19, 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 2 Press Release May 15, 1986 ACLU urges House and Senate to pass Electronic Communications Privacy Act voted out by House Judiciary Subcommittee on May 14th (ACLU NEWS) 2 Letter March 14, 1986 Jerry J. Berman to Peter Rodino nfa Clipping May 15, 1986 : House panel extends privacy protection nfa Clipping May 15, 1986 The Washington Post: House panel votes to modernize curbs on elec­ tronic eavesdropping 2 Paper n.d. High tech coalition endorses communications privacy bill 2 Memo May 21, 1986 Affirmative actionfemployment stats. 2 Memo May 28, 1986 First mailing of working papers for June 21-22 meeting 2 Report June 1986 Executive Director's report on highlights of recent activities 2 Memo June 2, 1986 Proposed revision of Policy 322(c) - Ballot access 2 Memo June 2, 1986 Report on heckler's veto [includes attachments] 2 Memo June 3, 1986 Report on regulation of charitable solicitations [includes appendices] 2 Memo June 4, 1986 Bios on new Board members 2 Memo June 4, 1986 Additional comments on AIDS policy 2 Memo June 5, 1986 Biennial Conference resolutions on workers' rights [includes appendices] nfa Clipping November 10, 1985 The New York Times: Workers deserve an early warning nfa Clipping November 10, 1985 Why the plan would shackle business 2 Memo June 5, 1986 Biennial Conference 18-month limitation provisionJPolicy 502(b) 1.4, barring affiliates using funds or personnel to affect Biennial Conference recommendations 2 Memo January 5, 1986 Board remand on Policy #502(b)l.4, affiliates non-influence [on] Biennial referendum voting [includes appendices] 2 Memo June 6, 1986 Second mailing of working papers for June 21-22 Board meeting 2 Agenda June 5, 1986 ACLU Board of Directors June 21-22, 1986 first revised proposed agenda 2 Memo June 6, 1986 Matters relating to 1986 election of at-large members of the Board of Directors and National Advisory Council 2 Memo June 13, 1986 Third mailing of working papers for June 21-22 meeting 2 Memo June 6, 1986 Report and recommendation 2 Minutes June 12 1985 Board of Directors meeting 2 Memo May 22, 1985 Revisions to Policy #531 2 Letter May 31, 1985 John T. McTernan to Paul R. Meyer, Esq. 2 Memo June 6, 1986 Remainder of policy considerations of AIDS crisis 2 Memo June 6, 1986 Minority position concerning Biennial resolutions on dismissal of employees, termination and plant closings 2 Memo June 6, 1986 Sexual harassment on the college-university campus 2 Memo April 28, 1986 [Different document] Sexual harassment on the college-university campus 2 Memo June 6, 1986 Completion of revision of political asylum policy - the "political offense exception" [includes appendices] 2 Memo April 2, 1986 Proposed policy on political asylum

7 The American Civil Liberties Union


2 Memo June 16, 1986 Proposed FOIA amendments - H.R. 4862 (Business procedures) 2 Document May 21, 1986 Congressional Record-House Freedom of Information Act Amend- ments of 1986 2 Testimony Jume 5, 1986 Statement of Allan Robert Adler, Legislative Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union on H.R. 4862 2 Memo June 20, 1986 Annual report of the affirmative action officer 2 Memo June 20, 1986 More recent employment stats 2 Memo June 21, 1986 Substitute motion on procedure for hiring senior staff (Report of June 6, 1986) 2 Memo June 24, 1986 Joan Glantz 2 Memo July 3, 1986 Summary of Board actions taken at June 21-22, 1986 meeting 2 Memo July 10, 1986 Election of at-large national Board members I proposed amendment to ACLU constitution 2 Ballot July 10, 1986 Board election ballot 2 Sheet July 10, 1986 Instructions for voting on constitutional amendment 2 Ballot July 10, 1986 Constitutional amendment ballot 2 Statement July 10, 1986 Background statement on proposed constitutional amendment regarding 18-month limitation for board consideration of biennial conference recommendations 2 Biographies n.d. [20 biographies of persons nominated for the Board of Directors] 2 Memo July 16, 1986 ACLU liberty ad 2 Memo August 18, 1986 Biennial Conference materials 2 Memo August 18, 1986 Untitled: Biennial Conference program and questionnaire 2 Memo August 6, 1986 Conference plenary procedures 2 Memo August 29, 1986 1986-87 Board directory 2 Memo September 4, 1986 Announcement of October 18-19 meeting 2 Agenda Undated ACLU Board of Directors October 18-19, 1986 meeting 2 Memo September 11, 1986 Results of 1986 at-large Board election 2 Memo September 13, 1986 Statistical analysis of affiliate and Board participation in 1986 at-large Board election 2 Memo September 15, 1986 Results of balloting on constitutional amendment 2 Memo September 16, 1986 Federal drug bill 2 Memo September 16, 1986 Drug bill provisions which threaten civil liberties 2 Memo September 16, 1986 Drug testing and the drug bill 2 Memo September 16, 1986 Death penalty provision in drug bill 2 Memo September 16, 1986 Exclusionary rule provision in drug bill 2 Memo September 16, 1986 Military involvement in civilian drug law enforcement 2 Memo September 18, 1986 First mailing of working papers for October 18-19 meeting 2 Memo September 18, 1986 Disclosure of details of voting in at-large Board election 2 Memo September 18, 1986 1985 Biennial Conference resolution on public education 2 Roster October 1986 National Advisory Council roster 2 Memo October 3, 1986 Policy #519, Shared responsibility for certain cases 2 Memo October 3, 1986 Policy #518, Supreme Court cases - Biennial Conference resolution 2 Memo October 3, 1986 Election of ACLU Foundation and Foundation Board 2 Memo October 3, 1986 Biennial Resolution on Gay Rights [includes policy addendum] 2 Memo October 2, 1986 Resolution on Gay Marriage 2 Memo October 6, 1986 Second mailing of working papers for October 18-19 meeting 2 Memo October 10, 1986 Third mailing of working papers for October 18-19 meeting 2 Memo October 7, 1986 Election of Executive Committee 2 Memo October 7, 1986 Election of Officers of the Corporation, Board and National Advisory Council 2 Paper n.d. Explanation of changes in position of General Counsel 2 Memo October 9, 1986 1985 Biennial Conference recommendation on Policy #527(b) - national-affiliate relationships [includes appendices] 2 Memo October 10, 1986 1985 Biennial Conference resolution on Economic Rights and Guaran- tees/Proposal for strengthening the ACLU's proverty and civil liberties work ... Policy #317 [includes appendices]

8 1985-1989 Update


2 Memo October 10, 1986 1985 Biennial Conference recommendation on union label and services [includes appendices] n/a Clipping December All in the family: A.C.L.U. and Unions 2 Memo October IO, 1986 Appointments of structural and subject-matter committees for 1986-87 2 Memo October 17, 1986 Poverty and Constitutional Rights Committee report 2 Memo October 17, 1986 Bios on new Board members 2 Memo October 18, 1986 Enforceability of religious contracts 2 Memo October 18, 1986 Campaign to stop Ed Meese [with attachments] 2 Memo October 21, 1986 Untitled, discusses successful defeat of anti-civil liberties legislation n/a Clipping October 18, 1986 The Washington Post: A blow to the death penalty 2 Memo October 28, 1986 Hartigan v. Zvaraz - The next battle to preserve privacy and reproduc­ tive choice before the Supreme Court 2 Memo October 29, 1986 Meese's attack on the Supreme Court [includes appendices] 2 Lecture October 21, 1986 "The Law of the Constitution" A Bicentennial lecture by Edwin Meese m n/a Clipping October 23 1986 The New York Times: Meese says rulings by U.S. high court don't establish law n/a Clipping October 24, 1986 The New York Times: Others defend his views on Supreme Court's rulings n/a Clipping October 27, 1986 The New York Times: Law or power? n/a Clipping October 28, 1986 Newsday: Does the Supreme Court have the last word? n/a Clipping October 29, 1986 The Washington Post: Meese's stink bomb n/a Clipping October 29, 1986 The Washington Post: Why give that speech? n/a Clipping October 26, 1986 The Commercial Appeal: Meese vs. Supreme Court 2 List November 1986 National Board of Directors 2 Memo November 3, 1986 Summary of Board action at October 18-19, 1986 meeting [includes appendices] 2 Memo November 29, 1986 Regarding Frank Askin's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Commit­ tee 2 Testimony July 29, 1986 Testimony of Frank Askin, Rutgers Law School, prepared for U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Rehnquist confirmation 2 Memo November 24, 1986 Privacy and Technology Project staff addition 2 Memo November 26, 1986 Norman Dorsen article n/a Article Undated Encyclopedia of the American Constitution: Civil liberties 2 Memo December 5, 1986 Board spouse list 2 List November 1986 Spouse list, National Board of Directors 2 Memo December 12, 1986 Initial program plans for 1987 Biennial - June 18-21, University of Pennsylvania 2 Memo December 18, 1986 Announcement of January 24-25, 1987 meeting 2 Agenda Undated ACLU Board of Directors January 24-25, 1987 meeting: proposed agenda 2 Memo December 24, 1986 Untitled: A copy of the ACLU report of July 1973 on the civil liberties issues involved in the Watergate investigation 2 Memo Undated Irangate and the Fifth Amendment 3 Minutes January 24-25, 1987 National Board Minutes January 24-25, 1987 3 Minutes April 11-12, 1987 National Board Minutes April 11-12, 1987 3 Minutes June 17, 1987 National Board Minutes June 17, 1987 3 Minutes August 29-30, 1987 National Board Minutes August 29-30, 1987 3 Minutes October 17-18, 1987 National Board Minutes October 17-18, 1987 3 Memo January 2, 1987 Second mailing of working papers for January 24-25 meeting 3 Report January 1987 Executive Director's report on highlights of recent activities 3 Memo January 2, 1987 Motions for reconsideration of Board adopted policy [ACLU hiring; political asylum] 3 Memo January 5, 1987 Restrictions on criminals' rights to profit from accounts of their crimes 3 Memo January 5, 1987 Election of ACLU Foundation and Foundation Board 3 Memo January 5, 1987 [Duplicate] Restrictions on criminals' rights to profit from accounts of their crimes

9 The American Civil Liberties Union


3 Memo January 7, 1987 Untitled: Brief report on National Legal Department activities 3 Memo January 8, 1987 Tennessee school reading (Mozert) case . 3 Memo December 22, 1986 National Board position on general conscience relating to AFC policy statement on selection of textbooks and library materials [includes appendices) 3 Memo January 8, 1987 Correction in January 8, 1987 report from Free Speech/Association Committee on detailed policy to guide legislation implementing policy on due process rights of workers fired without just cause 3 Memo January 8, 1987 Report of Free Speech/Association Committee on detailed policy to guide legislation implementating policy on due process rights of workers fired without cause n/a Clipping November 10, 1985 The N(!}V York Times: Workers deserve an early warning n/a Clipping November 10, 1985 Why the plan would shackle business 3 Memo January 9, 1987 Third mailing of workers for January 24-25 meeting 3 Agenda January 9, 1987 ACLU Board of Directors January 24-25, 1987 meeting 3 Memo January 9, 1987 AIDS n/a Clipping October 3, 1986 Journal of the American Medical Association: HIV antibody screening: an ethical framework for evaluating proposed programs n/a Clipping December 1986 Hastings Center Report: The limits of compulsion in controlling aids n/a Clipping October 1986 AIDS: The risks to insurers, the threat to equity n/a Clipping December 12, 1986 Journal of the American Medical Association:: Medical care costs of patients with AIDS in San Francisco n/a Clipping December 11, 1986 New England Journal of Medicine: Recommended infection-control policies for patients with human immuno-deficiency virus infection: An update n/a Clippings December 19, 1986 Journal of the American Medical Association:: Risk of AIDS to health care workers; national surveillance of AIDS in health care workers n/a Clipping December 12, 1986 Journal of the American Medical Association: HIV seroprevalence among hospital workers in Kinshasa, Zaire 3 Memo January 9, 1986 Report on regulation of charitable solicitations [includes appendices] 3 Memo January 9, 1987 Remainder of policy proposals on AIDS crisis [includes appendices) 3 Memo January 13, 1987 Reinstatement to the National Board [of Eva Paterson) 3 Memo January 14, 1987 Report of the Special ["English-only'" movement) Committee [11] 3 Memo January 14, 1987 Policy #527b) National-affiliate relations (Policy #523b) in new Policy Guide) 3 Memo January 14, 1987 Policy #527(b) National-affiliate relationships (Policy #523(b) in new Policy Guide) [includes appendices) 3 Memo January 15, 1987 Fourth mailing of working papers for January 24-25 meeting 3 Memo January 15, 1987 Budget materials 3 Memo January 15, 1987 Year-end 1986 estimated results and proposed 1987 budgets 3 Memo January 15, 1987 Results of affiliate referendum on Board rejection of two 1985 Biennial Conference resolutions on nuclear arms and civil liberties [includes appendices) 3 Memo January 16, 1987 Revisions of Policy #74 (#78 in new Policy Guide) and relationship to Tennessee [Mozert] case 3 Memo January 16, 1987 Report on Meese petition campaign [includes appendices] n/a Clipping October 28, 1987 San Francisco Chronicle: Official documents, ho ho ho n/a Clipping November 3, 1986 San Francisco Chronicle: Extremism in the defense of liberty 3 Memo January 8, 1987 Meese report 3 Memo January 16, 1987 Background information on new Board members 3 Memo January 21, 1987 Final text of Free Speech/Association Committee proposal on detailed policy to guide legislation implementing policy on due process rights of workers fired without just cause 3 Memo January 22, 1987 Committee appointments 3 Memo January 22, 1987 Biennial Conference resolution on Policy #527(b) 3 Memo January 30, 1987 Untitled: Thank-you from Al Bronstein after finishing brief tenure as Acting Legal Director

10 1985-1989 Update


n/a Clipping February 1, 1984 The New York Times: Economic chaos can be averted n/a Clipping December 24, 1986 Detroit Free Press: His success wasn't a one-man show n/a Clipping January 22, 1987 Washington talk: an anti-Meese campaign n/a Clipping January 27, 1987 Village Voice: The Northern civil rights movement n/a Clipping January 13, 1987 The New York Times: Black extremists and Howard Beach 3 Memo February 10, 1987 Nominees for ACLU Board of Directors and National Advisory Council 3 Memo February 12, 1987 Summary of Board actions at January 24-25, 1986 Meeting 3 Memo February 28, 1987 For the record [WWII Japanese internment policies] 3 Letter March 11, 1987 Removal from office of public officials 3 Memo March 12, 1987 Announcement of April 11-12, 1987 meeting 3 Agenda April 11-12, 1987 ACLU Board of Directors April 11-12, 1987 meeting proposed agenda 3 Memo March 23, 1987 Policy .on chemical testing of drivers [includes appendices] 3 Memo March 24, 1987 Report of Indian Rights Committee on jurisdiction of Indian tribal governments over non-Indians on reservations [includes appendices] 3 Memo March 24, 1987 Policy on minimum drinking age n/a Clipping Undated The New York Times: Drinking age is fiery issue in West 3 Memo March 26, 1987 First mailing of working papers for April 11-12 meeting 3 Memo March 26, 1987 Policy on non-military compulsory service and conscientious objection [includes appendices] n/a Clipping December 10, 1986 The New York Times: The promise of national service n/a Clipping March/April 1987 Common Cause Magazine: Should the U.S. require national service? 3 Memo March 27, 1987 Rating systems sponsored by the communications industries n/a Clipping Undated Article (unidentified periodical, auth. Lois Sheinfeld of Free Speech Assn. Comm.): Ratings: The big chill n/a Clipping March 5, 1987 The New York Times: New debate on ratings for movies 3 Memo February 27, 1986 Draft policy statement on movie and record ratings 3 letter January 21, 1986 William Nix to David Rubin (Policy #16-B draft proposal on communica­ tion industry self-rating system) 3 Letter January 22, 1986 Jack [Phler?] to David Rubin 3 Memo March 30, 1987 Proposed policy on genetic screening [includes appendices] n/a Book chapter n.d. Reproduction and the New Genetics: Chapter 8: Genetic screening 3 Memo October 18, 1986 Enforceability of religious contracts n/a Clipping December 28, 1986 The New York Times: Jewish divorce law plagues wives 3 Memo March 31, 1987 Implementation of Policy #318 3 Memo April 1, 1987 Final discussions of AIDS policy - AIDS in institutions [includes appendices] 3 Memo April 1, 1987 Revision of Policy #317 (now #318 in Policy Guide) [includes appendi­ ces] 3 Memo April 1, 1987 [Duplicate] Final discussion of AIDS policy - AIDS in institutions 3 Memo April 1, 1987 Proposed perfecting language [to Policy #243 - Delegation of prison operations to private bodies] [includes appendices] 3 Memo April 2, 1987 Special Committee on old Policy #527(b) (now #523(b)) National­ affiliate relations [includes appendices] 3 Memo April 2, 1987 John McTernan's proposal to amend Policy #318 to add a section on right to work [includes appendices] 3 Memo April 3, 1987 Second mailing of working papers for April 11-12 meeting 3 Agenda March 31, 1987 ACLU Board of Directors April 11-12, 1987 meeting 3 Agenda April 6, 1987 ACLU Board of Directors April 11-12, 1987 meeting second revised proposed agenda 3 Memo April 3, 1987 Reports on poverty and civil liberties 3 Memo April 3, 1987 Supplement to Glasser-Pivan March 31 report on implementing Policy #318 3 Memo April 10, 1987 Summary of recent Supreme Court decisions 3 Memo April 15, 1987 Bill of Rights poster and pamphlet 3 Memo April 15, 1987 Service on Executive Committee 3 Report April 15, 1987 Report of the Special Committee on Program Policies and Procedures to the PBS Board of Directors

11 The American Civil Liberties Union


3 Memo May 2, 1987 Summary of Board actions at April 11-12 meeting 3 Memo May 6, 1987 English-only 3 Memo May 5, 1987 U.S. English [includes speech] 3 Memo May 19, 1987 Announcement of June 17 Board meeting 3 Memo May 29, 1987 Proposed statements on U.S. withdrawal from action brought against it by Nicaragua in the World Court 3 Memo June 2, 1987 First mailing of working papers for June 17 meeting 3 Memo June 2, 1987 Motion to reconsider Section 3 (Access to voluntary testing) of Policy #268 on AIDS 3 Memo June 4, 1987 Matters relating to 1987 election of at-large members of the Board of Directors and National Advisory Council 3 Memo June 5, 1987 Second.mailing of working papers for June 17 (Wednesday) meeting - University of Pennsylvania Law School (34th and Chestnut Streets) 3 Agenda June 17, 1987 ACLU Board of Directors June 17, 1987 meeting 3 Memo June 5, 1987 Recipients of 1987 Medal of Liberty 3 Memo April 30, 1987 ACLU Medal of Liberty 3 Memo June 11, 1987 Impeachment 3 Report June 11, 1987 Staff report on possible grounds for calling for a House inquiry into whether President Ronald Reagan should be impeached [includes appendices] n/a Clipping August 9, 1985 The New York Times: Role in Nicaragua described by U.S. n/a Clipping May 20, 1987 The New York Times: Reagan ignites a Constitutional crisis n/a Clipping May 22, 1981 The New York Times: Last time, the Constitution prevailed n/a Clipping May 24, 1987 The Washington Post: The 'Spirit' of Boland, A pseudo-law n/a Clipping Undated The Washington Post: Not above law, but well within it, President has invincible right to solicit funds for Contras n/a Clipping Undated The Washington Post: The Boland Amendment 3 Memo June 29, 1987 Reproductive freedom, the Supreme Court vacancy and Policy 519 3 Memo July 3, 1987 Election of at-large national Board members 3 Ballot July 3, 1987 Board election ballot 3 Memo July 7, 1987 The Supreme Court vacancy and Policy 519 3 Memo July 15, 1987 Policy 519 and the Bork nomination 3 Letter July 16, 1987 [Executive Directors of ACLU Affiliates] to Norman Dorsen 3 Resolution July 16, 1987 Resolution of the confirmation of the nomination of Robert Bork to the United States Supreme Court [ACLU of Southern California] 3 Letter July 20, 1987 Diane Geraghty to Norman Dorsen, president 3 Letter July 24, 1987 Christopher Brown and Stuart Comstock-Gay to Norman Dorsen 3 Letter July 24, 1987 Laura B. Monroe to Norman Dorsen 3 Letter July 27, 1987 Joyce Armstrong, et al. to Norman Dorsen 3 Letter July 21, 1987 Cryss Farley to Norman Dorsen 3 Memo August 10, 1987 Opposition to the Bork nomination 3 Resolution August 12, 1987 Resolution adopted by Executive Committee, Arizona Civil Liberties Union 3 Memo August 2, 1987 Alternative to revising Policy #519 3 Memo July 7, 1987 Policy 519 and the Supreme Court vacancy 3 Letter July 16, 1987 Lawrence H. Mire! to Norman Dorsen 3 Letter August 11, 1987 Victor Milstein to Norman Dorsen 3 Letter August 13, 1987 Janis Cohen to Normen Dorsen 3 Memo July31, 1987 Special Board meeting on August 29-30 3 Resolution Undated Binding resolution on impeachment 3 Memo August 3, 1987 Judicial interpretation and 1987 Biennial Conference 3 Memo August 4, 1987 a) Housing arrangements for August 29-30 Board meeting b) meeting attendance cards 3 Report August 4, 1987 Summary of annual report for American Civil Liberties Union employ- ees' pension plan 3 Memo August 4, 1987 Results of affiliate referendum upholding Board rejection of 1985 Biennial Conference resolution on workers rights and public education program

12 1985-1989 Update


3 Memo August 6, 1987 Impeachment and the Bork nomination 3 Letter August 7, 1987 Dorothy M. Ehrlich to Alan Reitman 3 Memo July 31, 1987 Untitled: Concerns Bork's nomination to the United States Supreme Court 3 Memo August 8, 1987 Some thoughts on impeachment and Policy #519 3 Memo August 10, 1987 Board member Paul Meyer 3 Memo August 11, 1987 Board member Rolland O'Hare 3 Letter August 12, 1987 Kathleen Taylor to Alan Reitman 3 Memo August 18, 1987 Untitled: Urges ACLU to oppose Senate confumation of Robert Bork as justice of the Supreme Court 3 Memo August 18, 1987 Background material on Bork nomination item n/a Clipping August 13, 1987 The Neyv York Review: The Bork nomination n/a Article 1970 Yale Law Journal, v.79: A note on Senatorial consideration of Supreme Court nominees n/a Article Fall 1971 Indiana Law Journal 47: 1: Neutral principles and some First Amend­ ment problems n/a Clipping August 3, 1987 The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town n/a Clipping July 16, 1987 The New York Times: Saving Bork from both friends and enemies 3 Article October 8, 1959 Harvard Law Record: The making of a Supreme Court justice 3 Memo August 18, 1987 Bork nomination 3 Memo August 21, 1987 Retention of non-partisan Policy #519 and questions and answers on ACLU role regarding nomination of Robert H. Bork to U.S. Supreme Court 3 Memo August 21, 1987 Untitled: Report on Judge Robert Bork's record 3 Memo August 21, 1987 Impeachment report 3 Report August 11, 1987 Staff report on possible grounds for calling for a House inquiry into whether President Ronald Reagan should be impeached 3 Letter August 25, 1987 Michael Lee Gradison to Norman Dorsen 3 Letter August 26, 1987 Donald D. Shack to Norman Dorsen 3 Letter August 26, 1987 Dick Kurtenbach to Alan Reitman 3 Sheet n.d. Why Impeachment? by John M. Swomley n/a Clipping Undated The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town 3 Memo September 3, 1987 Bork Campaign 3 Report n.d. Report on the civil liberties record of Judge Robert H. Bork 3 Sheet n.d. Board action on committee's product liability proposed policy 3 Memo October 19, 1987 Correction in October 3, 1987 report on revision of Policy #112, Controlling the intelligence agencies 3 Memo October 22, 1987 Cost of attending Board meeting 3 Memo October 22, 1987 Civil RICO [includes appendices] 3 Memo November 18, 1987 Various materials [Board Directory; ACLU San Diego activities] n/a Clipping November 8, 1987 [Newark, NJ] Sunday Star-Ledger: Askin gets to work in Washington despite loss n/a Clipping November 9, 1987 The Tribune, San Diego: March decries King way vote 3 Meeting October 31, 1987 [San Diego ACLU] : Police/community relations 3 Meeting November 23, 1987 [San Diego ACLU] Annual meeting 3 Memo November 20, 1987 RICO update 3 Article November 16, 1987 American Booksellers Association: ABA joins in amici brief for Supreme Court 3 Memo December 4, 1987 Announcement of January 23-24 meeting 3 Memo December 4, 1987 Board spouse/partner list [includes appendix] 3 Memo Undated Development of Board policy on surrogacy n/a Clipping February 27, 1987 New Jersey Law Journal: The Baby M contract: is it enforceable? n/a Clipping Undated Yale University Law School: Judicial enforcement seen inappropriate n/a Clipping Undated Duke University School of Law: Courts not bound by parental agreements n/a Clipping Undated Seton Hall Univ. Law School: Provisions violate public policy n/a Clipping Undated University of Pennsylvania Law School

13 The American Civil Liberties Union

REEL SERIES CATEGORY DATE CONTENTS n/a Clipping Undated Temple Univ. School of Law: Contract cannot be specifically enforced n/a Clipping Undated Univ. of Detroit Law School: Informed consent needed for specific performance 3 Bibliography Undated Annotated bibliography on surrogate motherhood 3 List Undated List of background readings relating to report of special committee on review of abortion policy 3 Excerpt Undated (Abortion: Policy #263] 3 Report Undated Time limits on abortion n/a Article Undated Family Planning Perspectives: Late abortion and technological advances in fetal viability 3 Memo December 28, 1987 Annual report on issues before subject-matter committees [includes appendices] 3 Memo December 29, 1987 First mailing of working papers for January 23-24 meeting 3 Agenda January 5, 1988 ACLU Board of Directors January 23-24, 1988 meeting 3 Memo December 31, 1987 Revised National Board Directory 3 Memo October 1, 1987 ACLU Bill of Rights poster 3 Memo October 2, 1987 Proposed policy on secular humanism 3 Memo October 3, 1987 Revision of Policy #112, Controlling the intelligence agencies [includes appendices] 3 Memo October 3, 1987 ACLU policy on domestic violence 3 Memo October 6, 1987 Special Advisory Committee 3 Memo October 7, 1987 Third mailing of working papers for October 17-18 meeting 3 Agenda October 71-18, 1987 Proposed Agenda, Board of Directors meeting 3 Memo October 7, 1987 Disclosure of details of voting in at-large Board election [includes charts] 3 Memo October 7, 1987 Statistical analysis of Affiliate and Board participation in 1987 at-large Board election 3 Memo October 7, 1987 Executive Committee actions requiring Board ratification 3 Memo February 17, 1987 Untitled: Concerns how to raise a policy issue with the ACLU Board 3 Memo October 9, 1987 1987 Supreme Court term 3 Memo October 9, 1987 Election of officers of the Corporation, Board and National Advisory Council 3 Memo October 9, 1987 Election of Executive Committee 3 Memo October 10, 1987 Revised policy statement for rating systems in the communications industry [includes appendices] 3 Memo October 13, 1987 Appointments of structural and subject-matter committees for 1986-87 3 Memo October 16, 1987 Jerry Gelberg, :MIS Director n/a Clipping September 2, 1987 The New York Times: White House assails A.C.L.U.'s stance on Bork n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 The New York Times: AC.LU., reversing policy, joins the opposition to Bork n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 New York Daily News: ACLU to protest Bork n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 USA Today: ACLU opposes Bork nomination n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 The Washington Times: Southern Baptists for Bork; ACLU, in rare move, against n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 The Wall Street Journal: Senate urged by ACLU to block Bork nomina- ti on n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 The Boston Globe: In rare move, ACLU says it will oppose Bork n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 The Sun: ACLU drops neutrality policy to oppose Bork nomination to Supreme Court n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 The Washington Post: ACLU urges Senate to reject Bork's nomination to Court n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 Los Angeles Times: ACLU takes rare stand, opposes Bork n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 Chicago Tribune: Opposition to Bork gains powerful ally n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 The Plain Dealer. ACLU vows Bork challenge n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 St. Louis Post-Dispatch: ACLU votes to oppose Bork n/a Clipping September 1, 1987 Newsday: ACLU in anti-Bork crusade 3 News Release n.d. Untitled: Concerns Bork nomination

14 1985-1989 Update


3 News Release August 31, 1987 ACLU announces opposition to Bork; urges Senate to reject nomination [includes appendices] 3 Memo September 4, 1987 Summary of Board actions at August 29-30 meeting 3 Memo September 7, 1987 Product liability [includes appendices] 3 Memo September 11, 1987 a) Announcement of October 17-18 meeting; b) Housing arrangements 3 Agenda October 17-18, 1987 Proposed agenda Board of Directors meeting 3 Memo September 15, 1987 Results of 1987 at-large Board election 3 Memo September 16, 1987 First mailing of working papers for October 17-18 meeting 3 Memo September 29, 1987 October 17-18 Board meeting: a) Plans for Friday evening October 16 pre-Board meeting reception; b) second mailing of working papers 3 Memo September 30, 1987 October 1 report of Equality Committee on revision of policy #301, housing discrimination 3 Memo October 1, 1987 Biographical sketches of new affiliate representatives to national Board 3 Memo October 1, 1987 Filling of Board vacancy [includes appendices] 3 Memo October 1, 1987 Proposed revisions of Policy #301, Housing discrimination 4 List January 23-24, 1988 Board of Directors attendance of January 23-24, 1988 meeting 4 Minutes January 23-24, 1988 National Board minutes January 23-24, 1988 [includes appendices] 4 List April 15-16, 1988 Board of Directors attendance April 15-16, 1988 meeting 4 Minutes April 16-17, 1988 National Board minutes April 16-17, 1988 [includes appendices] 4 Minutes June 25-26, 1988 National Board minutes June 25-26, 1988 [includes appendices] 4 List June 25-26, 1988 Board of Directors attendance June 25-26, 1988 meeting 4 Report June 26, 1988 Annual report of Affirmative Action Officer 4 List Sept. 24-25, 1988 Board of Directors attendance September 24-25, 1988 4 Minutes Sept. 24-25, 1988 National Board minutes September 2-25, 1988 [includes appendices] 4 Minutes December 3-4, 1988 National Board minutes December 3-4, 1988 4 List December 3-4, 1988 Board of Directors attendance December 3-4,1988 4 Memo January 2, 1988 Proposed Abortion Policy [includes appendices] 4 Memo January 3, 1988 Non-disclosure of organizations' membership lists [includes appendices] 4 Memo January 4, 1988 Freedom of speech in unionization campaigns 4 Memo January 4, 1988 Untitled: Surrogate Parenting Committee outline of the first three parts of a proposed five-point policy 4 Memo January 4, 1988 First report, including three policy proposals 4 Memo January 4, 1988 Revision of Policy #301, Housing discrimination [includes appendices] 4 Memo January 5, 1988 Regulation of smoking [includes appendices] n/a Clipping December 24, 1987 The New York Times: Where lighting up will be O.K., and where it won't be n/a Clipping November 16, 1985 The New York Times: Pact with police bars smoking on or off job n/a Clipping March 14, 1985 The New York Times: Employers get tough on smoking at work 4 Memo January 5, 1988 Enforceability of religious contracts 4 Memo January 6, 1988 Policy proposal on government funding of social service programs connected with or run by religious bodies 4 Memo January 7, 1988 Second mailing of working papers for January 23-24 meeting 4 Memo January 8, 1988 Biographical information on new Board members 4 Memo January 10, 1988 Committee appointments 4 Memo January 12, 1988 Filling of Board vacancy [includes appendices] 4 Memo January 13, 1988 Year-end 1987 estimated results and proposed 1988 budgets 4 Memo January 14, 1988 Third and final mailing of working papers for January 23-24 meeting 4 Memo January 14, 1988 Proposed report on impeachment of officials in light of Iran-Contra [includes appendices] 4 Memo January 14, 1988 Nomination of Judge Anthony Kennedy to the Supreme Court 4 Memo January 24, 1988 Memorandum to the Board on the civil liberties record of Judge Anthony M. Kennedy 4 Agenda January 23-24, 1988 ACLU Board of Directors January 23-24, 1988 meeting 4 Memo January 21, 1988 New federal law affecting tax-exempt organizations 4 Memo January 22, 1988 1987 Supreme Court term (update) 4 Memo February 23, 1988 Hotel reservations for April 16-17 meeting

15 The American Civil Liberties Union


4 Memo January 28, 1988 Nominees for ACLU Board of Directors and National Advisory Council 4 Form Undated Form for proposing candidates for at-large section of National Board 4 Form Undated Form for proposing candidates for National Advisory Council 4 Memo February 2, 1988 Mandatory testing and reporting n/a Article Undated American Journal of Law & Medicine 12:1.: The case against compulsory casefinding in controlling AIDS--testing, screening and reporting 4 Memo February 4, 1988 Summary of Board Action [includes appendices] 4 Memo February 12, 1988 General information n/a Clipping February 2, 1988 The New York Times: Why Murdoch doesn't deserve a waiver n/a Clipping February 1, 1988 Newsday: U.S. judgeships go to white males 4 Statement June 27, 1987 Tobacco use away from the workplace and employment discrimination 4 Memo February 17, 1988 Propos~d policy (#68) n/a Clipping February 18,1 988 The New England Journal of Medicine 318:7: Sounding board AIDS: politics and science 4 Memo March 3, 1988 Various things 4 Memo March 4, 1988 Untitled: Discusses death of Luther K. Macnair n/a Clipping March 1, 1988 Boston Globe: Luther Macnair, 83; championed civil liberties in a repressive era 4 Memo March 10, 1988 Announcement of April 16-17 meeting 4 Memo March 10, 1988 Results of affiliate referendum on Board rejection of two 1985 Biennial Conference resolutions on economic rights and Policy 523(b), national- affiliate relationship 4 Memo March 10, 1988 Filling of Board vacancy 4 Letter February 23, 1988 Norman Dorsen to Dr. Louis D. Mitchell 4 Letter February 11, 1988 Louis D. Mitchell to Normal Dorsen 4 Memo March 18, 1988 Motions to reconsider 4 Memo March 15, 1988 Public campaign financing n/a Clipping March 7, 1988 The New York Times: Electoral integrity vs. free speech 4 Letter March 24, 1988 Ira Glasser to Philippa Strum 4 Letter April 2, 1988 Philippa Strum to Ira Glasser 4 Memo March 21, 1988 Motion to reconsider part of Policy 301, housing discrimination 4 Memo March 22, 1988 Report on proposed policies on rights of juveniles in delinquency proceedings 4 Memo March 23,1988 Revision of proposed Policy #48 - Picketing in labor-management disputes 4 Memo March 23, 1988 Report on regulation of political parties 4 Memo March 24, 1987 First mailing of working papers for April 16-17 meeting 4 Memo March 24, 1988 Completion of policy study of arrest records (criminal justice records) 4 Memo March 24, 1988 Report on second primaries [includes appendices] 4 Memo March 31, 1988 ACLU handbook on the rights of students 4 List April 1988 National Board of Directors 4 Letter Undated Richard Siegel to Norman Dorsen 4 List April 16-17, 1988 Board attendance list April 16-17, 1988 meeting 4 Memo April 1, 1988 Second mailing of working papers for April 16-17 meeting 4 Memo April 1, 1988 Proposed policy on rights of the homeless [includes appendices] n/a Clipping December 17, 1985 The New York Times: The real problem is housing n/a Article November 25, 1986 New York Law Journal: Right to counsel for low-income tenants faced with eviction n/a Clipping March 29, 1987 The Washington Post: Renovations come and residents go n/a Clipping March 19, 1987 The Washington Post: Homeless mother fights to get child 4 Memo April 1, 1988 Medal of Liberty [includes appendices] 4 Memo April 1, 1988 Second report [surrogate parenting] 4 Memo April 1, 1988 Remainder of report of Equality Committee on housing discrimination policy 4 Memo April 1, 1988 1987 Biennial Conference resolution on creation of race commission, including staff report 4 Memo April 6, 1988 ACLU work against racial discrimination

16 1985-1989 Update


4 Memo April 6, 1988 ACLU's work in the area of race discrimination 4 Memo April 4, 1988 Resolution of the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union on the resignation of Carol Pitchersky 5 Memo April 4, 1988 Review of political campaign financing policy [includes appendices] 5 Memo April 5, 1988 Additional comment on majority position 5 Memo April 8, 1988 Third and final mailing of working papers for April 16-17 meeting 5 Agenda April 8, 1988 ACLU Board of Directors April 16-17, 1988 meeting 5 Memo April 8, 1988 Possible impeachable offenses committed by the Reagan Administration in the Iran-Contra affair 5 Report April 8, 1988 Staff report on possible impeachable offenses committed by the Reagan Administration in the Iran Contra Affair 5 Memo April 11, 1988 Racial P,iscrimination in voting n/a Clipping April 3, 1986 The Atlanta Journal, The Atlanta Constitution: Blacks finding new ally in white voters 5 Memo April 13, 1988 Correction of October, 1987 minutes 5 Memo April 14, 1988 Correction in proposed policy on surrogate parenting 5 Memo April 29, 1988 a) Policy guide b) hotel reservation 5 Memo May 3, 1988 Service on Executive Committee 5 Memo May 6, 1988 Summary of actions taken at April 16-17, 1988 Board meeting [includes appendices] 5 Memo May 12, 1988 The rights of prisoners 5 Memo Undated Publications review [includes appendices] 5 List June 1988 National Board of Directors 5 Memo June 1, 1988 June 25-26 meeting 5 Agenda June 24, 1988 ACLU Board of Directors June 25-26, 1988 meeting 5 Memo June 1, 1988 Policy on exit polling 5 Memo June 7, 1988 Revision of Policy #83 - Aid to religiously affiliated post-secondary schools and colleges [includes appendices] 5 Letter June 6, 1988 Eva Paterson to Norman Dorsen 5 Memo June 7, 1988 April 1 report of Special Committee on Surrogate Parenting 5 Memo June 8, 1988 First mailing of working papers for June 25-26 meeting 5 Memo June 8, 1988 Mandatory reporting of crimes 5 Letter June 8, 1988 Barbara Hurst to ACLU Board of Directors 5 Memo June 8, 1988 Proposed arrest records policy 5 Memo June 9, 1988 Proposed statement on police and the schools 5 Memo June 9, 1988 Board rules of procedure 5 Memo June 9, 1988 Proposed policy on open courtroom proceeding 5 Memo June 10, 1988 Proposed policy on regulation of political parties 5 Memo June 10, 1988 Proposed policy on privileged communications with the clergy 5 Memo June 13, 1988 Filling of Board vacancy 5 Excerpt April 15, 1988 Excerpt from Executive Committee minutes of April 15, 1988 5 Memo June 14, 1988 Housing at Roosevelt Hotel 5 Memo June 14, 1988 Motion to reconsider policy on homeless 5 Statement June 10, 1988 Statement in support of motion to reconsider policy on the rights of the homeless 5 Letter May 25, 1988 Rivko Knox to Alan Reitman 5 Letter June 6, 1988 H. Stewart Dunn, Jr. to Norman Dorsen [includes resolution] 5 Memo June 14, 1988 Matters relating to 1988 election of at-large members of the Board of Directors and National Advisory Council 5 Memo June 15, 1988 Remainder of Equality Committee report on housing discrimnation policy [includes appendices] 5 Policy Statement Undated Report of Special Committee on Arrest Records (copy incomplete, begins in the middle) 5 Memo June 16, 1988 Second mailing of working papers for June 25-26 meeting 5 Agenda June 25-26, 1988 ACLU Board of Directors June 25-26, 1988 meeting 5 Memo June 17, 1988 Budget amendments

17 The American Civil Liberties Union


5 Memo June 20, 1988 Vacation and sabbatical [of Ira Glasser] 5 List June 25-26, 1988 Board attendance list June 25-26, 1988 meeting 5 Letter June 21, 1988 Henry J. Price to Norman Dorsen 5 Letter June 10, 1988 Mary Jane DeFrank to ACLU Chairs and Affiliate Directors 5 Letter June 6, 1988 H. Stewart Dunn, Jr. to Norman Dorsen 5 Memo June 23, 1988 Proposed housing discrimination policy 5 Letter June 23, 1988 Donald Stack and Norman Siegel to Norman Dorsen 5 Memo July 8, 1988 Election of at-large national Board members [includes appendices] 5 Memo July 14, 1988 1987 Supreme Court overview [includes appendices] 5 Memo July 15, 1988 Summary of Board Actions at June 25-26, 1988 meeting 5 Memo July 18, 1988 House Judiciary Committee hearing on Cuban detainees [includes appendices] 5 Memo July 18, 1988 Reading material on political campaign financing 5 Memo July 22, 1988 Untitled: Discusses N. Dorsen's Is there a right to stop offensive speech? The case of the Nazis at Skokie in Civil Liberties in Conflict, Larry Gostin, editor n/a Article n.d. Is there a right to stop offensive speech? The case of the Nazis at Skokie in Civil Liberties in Conflict, Larry Gostin, editor 5 Memo August 15, 1988 Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 n/a Clipping August 3, 1988 Los Angeles Times: Senate OKs tough housing bias ban 5 Congr. Record August 8, 1988 House proceedings - Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 5 Memo August 22, 1988 The Civil Liberties Act of 1988 [includes appendices] 5 Memo August 25, 1988 Announcement of September Board meeting 5 Agenda August 25, 1988 ACLU Board of Directors September 24-25, 1988 meeting 5 List September 1988 National Board of Directors 5 Memo September 1, 1988 Revised Board rules of procedure 5 Memo September 7, 1988 First mailing of working papers for September 24-25 meeting 5 Memo September 8, 1988 1989 Biennial Conference 5 Memo June 8, 1988 Mandatory reporting of crimes 5 Memo September 8, 1988 Comment on political campaign financing issue 5 Memo September 8, 1988 Due process rights of child witnesses in sexual abuse cases 5 Memo September 9, 1988 Results of 1988 at-large Board election 5 Memo September 9, 1988 Background materials for review of policy on political campaign financing (Policy #35, Contributions and expenditures for election campaigns) [includes appendices] 5 Letter July 8, 1988 Steven Brown to Alan Reitman 5 Letter July 20, 1988 Cryss Farley to Alan Reitman 5 Letter August 1, 1988 Eve Triffo to Alan Reitman 5 Memo August 9, 1988 [ACLU of Oregon] Campaign financing [includes Deras v. Myers brief] 5 Memo September 9, 1988 Election of officers of the Corporation, Board and National Advisory Council 5 Memo September 9, 1988 Election of Executive Committee 5 Memo June 10, 1988 Proposed policy on privileged communications with the clergy 5 Memo September 12, 1988 Remainder of report from Special Committee on Arrest Records 5 Memo September 13, 1988 Report of Equality Committee report on Policy #301, revisions of housing discrimination policy 5 Memo September 15, 1988 Second mailing of working papers for September 24-25 meeting 5 Agenda September 15, 1988 ACLU Board of Directors September 24-25, 1988 meeting (revised) 5 Memo June 24, 1988 Proposed housing discrimination policy 6 Memo September 7, 1988 Starrett City n/a Article 1980 Harvard Law Review 93:938: Benign steering and benign quotas: the validity of race-conscious government policies to promote residential integration 5 Article March 1, 1988 Federal Reporter. US vs. Starrett City Associates, discussion 5 Memo September 13, 1988 Policy on surrogate parenting [includes appendices) 5 Memo September 13, 1988 Policy on surrogacy parenting 5 Memo September 13, 1988 Disclosure of details of voting in at-large Board election

18 1985-1989 Update


5 Memo September 14, 1988 Additional material on review of Policy #35, Political campaign financing 5 Memo September 8, 1988 Political campaign financing policy: application to corporations [includes appendices] 5 Letter August 31, 1988 Jay A. Miller to Alan Reitman 5 Letter September 9, 1988 Stuart Comstock-Gay to Alan Reitman 5 Letter September 9, 1988 Arthur B. Spitzer to Alan Reitman 5 Memo September 19, 1988 Biographical material on new Board members 5 List September 22, 1988 Board attendance list September 24-25, 1988 meeting 5 Memo September 22, 1988 Appointments of structural and subject-matter committees for 1988-89 5 Roster September 1988 National Advisory Council roster 5 Memo September 29, 1988 Summary of policy issues assigned to committees 5 Memo September 15, 1988 Annual report on issues before subject matter committees [includes appendices] 5 Memo September 30. 1988 B usb attacks 5 Memo September 30, 1988 Responses to press questions 5 Memo September 26, 1988 Bush attacks n/a Clipping September 22, 1988 The Washington Post: Another 'Card-carrying member of the ACLU' n/a Clipping September 27, 1988 The Boston Globe: Director charges Bush misrepresented ACLU position on some issues n/a Clipping September 28, 1988 The Washington Post: Why the ACLU makes such an easy target n/a Clipping September 28, 1988 Los Angeles Times: A matter of principle n/a Clipping September 30, 1988 The New York Times: 01' man mainstream n/a Clipping September 30, 1988 The New York Times: Bush takes new tack on the ACLU n/a Clipping September 30, 1988 The Wall Street Journal: ACLU issue bas some top Republicans trying to play down past ties to group 5 Memo October 1, 1988 1988-89 Board directory 5 Memo October 3, 1988 Summary of Board actions at September 24-25, 1988 meeting [includes appendices] 5 Memo October 13,1988 Ira Glasser's speech to the National Press Club [includes transcript] n/a Cartoon Undated Detroit Free Press [Bill Day, cartoonist]: ACLU membership card Memo October 17, 1988 Hotel rooms for Board meetings 5 Memo October 29, 1988 Proposed policy statement on classification and tracking in elementary schools, and IQ testing [includes appendices] 5 Memo October 29, 1988 Mandatory reporting of crimes 5 Memo October 31, 1988 Announcement of December 3-4 meeting 5 Agenda December 2, 1988 Proposed agenda Board of Directors meeting December 3-4, 1988 5 Memo November 2, 1988 ACLU policy on due process before administrative agencies [includes appendices] 5 Letter November 3, 1988 Michael Shannon to Alan Reitman 5 Memo November 5, 1988 Regulation of smoking [includes appendices] 5 Memo November 7, 1988 First mailing of working papers for December 3-4 meeting 5 Memo November 7, 1988 Acadmia and the abolition of mandatory retirement [includes appendices] 5 Memo November 7, 1988 Revision of Policy #222 on Public access to pre-trial proceedings [includes appendices] 5 Memo November 10, 1988 Age discrimination in employment policy [includes appendices] n/a Clipping October 30, 1988 The Columbus Dispatch: Wolman is now a lawyer 5 Memo November 14, 1988 Second mailing of working papers for December 3-4 meeting 5 Memo November 14, 1988 Privacy rights of private sector employees [includes appendices] 5 Memo November 23, 1988 Third mailing of working papers for December 2-3 meeting 5 Memo November 28, 1988 Fourth and final mailing of working papers for December 3-4 meeting 6 Minutes January 21-22, 1989 National Board minutes January 21-22, 1989 6 List January 21-22, 1989 National Board of Directors attendance January 21-22, 1989 6 Minutes April 8-9, 1989 National Board minutes April 8-9, 1989 6 List April 8-9, 1989 National Board of Directors attendance April 8-9, 1989 6 Minutes June 14, 1989 National Board minutes June 14, 1989 6 List June 14, 1989 National Board of Directors attendance June 14, 1989

19 The American Civil Liberties Union


6 Minutes October 14-15, 1989 National Board minutes October 14-15, I989 6 Memo January 3, 1989 Proposed substitute policy for election campaign financing by corpora- tions 6 Memo January 4, 1989 First mailing of working papers for January 21-22 meeting 6 Agenda January 20, 1989 Proposed agenda Board of Directors meeting January 21-22, 1989 6 Memo January 4, I989 Untitled: Mourns Arlinda Locklear's husband, killed in automobile accident 6 Memo January 4, 1989 Background material concerning proposed legislation to extend the jurisdiction of the federal courts over Indian tribes and tribal courts [includes appendices] 6 Memo January 5, 1989 Proposed policy to replace current Policy #273, Data collection, storage, and dissemination [includes appendices] 6 Memo January 5, 1988 [sic] Proposed policy on privileged communications with the clergy 6 Memo January 6, 1989 Indian Rights Committee (IRC)-Minority Report 6 Memo January 9, 1989 Supplementary Committee appointments 6 Memo January IO, I989 Policy on sex segregated university facilities and programs 6 Memo December I 9, I 988 Sex segregated university facilities and programs [includes appendices] 6 Memo January I I Racially identifiable facilities on university campuses [includes appendi- ces] 6 Memo January 11, 1989 Year-end 1988 estimated results and proposed 1989 budgets 6 Memo January 12, 1989 Second mailing of working papers for January 21-22 meeting 6 Agenda January 12, 1989 Proposed agenda Board of Directors meeting January 21-22, 1989 6 Memo January 12, 1989 Unresolved political campaign finance issues: a) referenda, non- candidate campaigns; b) possible distinctions between corporations, individuals and other associations [includes appendices] 6 Memo January 14, 1989 Completion of report on rights of private employers in the private sector [includes appendices] 6 Memo January 17, 1989 Executive Committee actions requiring ratification at January 21-22 Board meeting [includes appendices] 6 Memo January 19, 1989 Government trustreeships of labor unions 6 Memo January 19, 1989 Racially identifiable facilities memo 6 Letter January 19, 1989 J. Richard Avena to Norman Dorsen [Funding the South Texas project; includes appendices] n/a Clipping January 5, 1989 The Dallas Morning News: Asylum-seeker hardships seen by U.N. expert n/a Clipping January 7, 1989 The Dallas Morning News: Suit attacks policy of keeping aliens in Texas n/a Clipping July 1, 1988 The Texas Observer: Detained witnesses legal decision may prevent jail terms for aliens held by Feds 6 List January 20 ACLU Board of Directors attendance based on postcards received as of January 20 n/a Article Fall 1988 Capital University Law Review: Verbal sexual harassment on the job as intentional infliction of emotional distress 6 Memo January 20, 1989 South Texas office 6 Memo December 20, 1988 South Texas 6 Letter December 20, 1988 Ira Glasser to Don Smith, Dassia Porper, J. Richard Avena 6 Letter January 5, 1989 Shirley Pedler to Ira Glasser 6 Memo January 11, 1989 South Texas 6 Memo January 3, 1989 Receivable in South Texas Project 6 Letter December 29, 1989 Don Smith, Dassia Porper, J. Richard Avena to Ira Glasser 6 Letter January 17, 1989 Ira Glasser to Don Smith, Dassia Porper, J. Richard Avena 6 Memo January 26, 1989 Site of April 8-9 Board meeting 6 Memo February 2, 1989 Nominees for ACLU Board of Directors and National Advisory Council [includes appendices] 6 Memo February 7, 1989 Motion to amend policy on regulations of smoking 6 Memo January 9, 1989 Special announcement for April 8-9 meeting 6 Memo February 13, 1989 Summary of Board actions at January 21-22, 1989 meeting [includes appendices] 6 Memo March 2, 1989 Eve M. Bigelow

20 1985-1989 Update


6 Memo March 6, 1989 Major gift fundraising 6 Memo March 8, 1989 Announcement of April 8-9 Board meeting 6 Agenda April 8-9, 1989 Proposed agenda Board of Directors meeting April 8-9, 1989 6 Memo March 8, 1989 First mailing of working papers 6 Memo March 10, 1989 Proposed revisions of policy [includes appendices] 6 Memo March 15, 1989 Second mailing of working papers for April 8-9 meeting 6 Memo March 15, 1989 Report of Special Committee on receiving and withholding medical treatment 6 Letter February 27, 1989 George J. Annas to Alan Reitman 6 Letter March 10, 1989 Charles H. Baron to Alan Reitman 6 Letter March 3, 1989 Gerald E. Thomson to Alan Reitman 6 Letter February 26, 1989 Barbar~ Shack to Alan Reitman 6 Letter February 17, 1989 Arnold Golddetz to Alan Reitman 6 Letter February 13, 1989 Bernard T. Scholz to Alan Reitman 6 Memo Undated Proposed policy on rights of minors to receive medical treatment and right to refuse medical treatment [includes appendices] 6 Memo March 15, 1989 Untitled: Concerns US Supreme Court speech and Harvard Law School free speech guidelines n/a Article 1989 Arizona Law Review: The role and performance of the United States Supreme Court in protecting civil liberties 6 Memo March 20, 1989 Service on Executive Committee 6 Memo March 20, 1989 Support for home rule for the District of Columbia [includes appendices] n/a Article January 1988 Pediatrics, 81: 1: Religious exemptions from statutes 6 Memo March 23, 1989 Third mailing of working papers for April 8-9 meeting 6 Memo March 23, 1989 Board request to propose consolidation of various organizational committees 6 Letter February 24, 1989 Lawrence H. Mire! to Norman Dorsen 6 Memo March 23, 1989 Report of Special Committee on receiving and withholding medical treatment n/a Clipping October 1986 Sojourner: "Why can't Sharon Kowalski come home?" 6 Memo March 30, 1989 Revision of policy on homeless [includes appendices] 6 Memo March 30, 1989 Homeless policy 6 Memo March 31, 1989 Homeless policy 6 Memo March 31, 1989 Redraft of Policy 318 on the homeless 6 Memo March 30, 1989 Homeless policy n/a Clipping March 23, 1989 The New York Times: Homeless: a product of policy 6 Memo April 4, 1989 Responses to report of the Special Committee on receiving and withhold- ing medical treatment 6 Memo April 6, 1989 ACLU Policy 523(b) 6 List n.d. ACLU Board of Directors' attendance based on postcards received as of April7 6 Statement n.d. Iowa/New Jersey Civil Liberties Union resolution 6 Memo April 24, 1989 Summary of Board Actions at April 8-9 meeting 6 Memo May 11, 1989 Biennial Conference 6 Memo May 23, 1989 Announcement of June 14 Board meeting 6 Agenda June 14, 1989 Agenda ACLU Board of Directors meeting 6 Memo May31, 1989 Report on proposed revisions to Policy #301, Housing discrimination policy n/a Article 1981 By V.H. Winston & Sons: Integration management municipal constraints on residential mobility n/a Article Undated Harvard Law Review 93:938: Benign steering and benign quotas: the validity of race-conscious government policies to promote residential integration n/a Clipping March 7, 1988 Newsweek: Soul-searching in a pioneering town n/a Clipping Undated What's in a name ?-The diversity of racial diversity programs n/a Transcript Undated Federal Reporter 640, 2nd series: US v Starrett City Associates

21 The American Civil Liberties Union


6 Memo June 1, 1989 First mailing of working papers for June 14 meeting 6 Agenda June 14, 1989 ACLU Board of Directors meeting 6 1 Memo June 2, 1989 Proposed policy on moral rights of artists and authors n/a 1 Article 1983 University of Miami School of Law: Fine art: protection of artist and art "Above all, it is a matter of loving art, not of understanding it." Fernand Leger n/a Clipping July 27, 1987 National Law Journal: Untitled, discusses colorization of film 6 Statute Undated California State Statute Section 987: Preservation of works of art n/a Clipping April 29 New York Times: House unit backs bill on copyright pact n/a Clipping November 30, 1987 The Wall Street Journal: The editing process: rhythm and blues n/a Clipping March 3, 1988 The Wall Street Journal: Artists don't deserve special rights 6 Memo June 4, 1989 Matters_relating to 1989 election of at-large members of the Board of Directors and National Advisory Council 6 Memo June 5, 1989 Second mailing of working papers for June 14 Board meeting 6 Agenda June 14, 1989 ACLU Board of Directors meeting 6 Memo June 5, 1989 Iowa/New Jersey Resolution and the processing of contributions [includes appendices] 6 Letter May 25, 1989 Steven Brown to Norman Dorsen 6 Letter May31, 1989 Norman Dorsen to Mary E. Fellows 6 Letter May 22, 1989 Mary E. Fellows to Norman Dorsen 6 Letter May 24, 1989 Joyce Armstrong to Norman Dorsen 6 Memo June 6, 1989 June 14 Board meeting 6 June 6, 1989 Memo The New Jersey addendum to the Iowa resolution 6 Memo July 3, 1989 Summary of Board actions at June 14 meeting 6 Memo July 8, 1989 Election of at-large national Board members; Proposed constitutional amendment [includes appendices] 6 Memo August 22, 1989 Summary of policy issues assigned to committees 6 Memo August 11, 1989 Annual report on issues before Subject Matter Committees and Special Committees 6 Memo August 29, 1989 Announcement of October 14-15 meeting 6 Agenda October 14-15, 1989 Proposed agenda ACLU Board of Directors meeting 6 Memo September 11, 1989 Results of 1989 at-large Board election 6 Memo September 15, 1989 Results of balloting on Constitutional Amendment 6 Memo September 15, 1989 Disclosure of details of voting in at-large Board election 6 Memo September 18, 1989 First mailing of working papers for October 14-15 meeting 6 Memo September 20, 1989 Review of loyalty-security policies 6 Memo September 21, 1989 Disposition of 1989 Biennial Conference resolutions 6 Memo September21, 1989 Proposed policy on public secondary schools and the military 6 Memo September 22, 1989 Proposed ACLU policy on double jeopardy 7 Memo June 9, 1988 Proposed statement on police and the schools 6 Memo September 23, 1989 Revised report of Special Committee on receiving and withdrawing medical treatment 6 Memo September 22, 1989 Revised ACLU text of policy on receiving and withholding medical treatment [includes appendices] 6 Memo September 25, 1989 Election of officers of the Corporation, Board and National Advisory Council 6 Memo September 26, 1989 Election of Executive Committee 6 Memo September 27, 1989 Second mailing of working papers for October 14-15 meeting 6 Memo September 28, 1989 Last section (religious exemption) of Equality Committee report on revision of Policy #301, Housing discrimination 6 Agenda September 29, 1989 Proposed agenda ACLU Board of Directors meeting October 14-15, 1989 6 Memo October 1, 1989 Special Advisory Committee 6 Memo October 1, 1989 Background information on new Board members 6 Memo October 3, 1989 Criminal justice records policy (#203) [includes appendices] 6 Memo October 4, 1989 Equality Committee report on revision of Policy #301, Housing discrimi- nation

22 1985-1989 Update


6 Agenda October 5, 1989 Proposed agenda, ACLU Board of Directors meeting, October 14-15, 1989 6 Memo October 6, 1989 Third and final mailing of working papers of October 14-15 meeting 6 Memo October 6, 1989 Appeal of Colorado affiliate from our decision interpreting Policy #505, relating to the sharing of testamentary gifts [includes appendices] 6 Memo October 6, 1989 Colorado Affiliate's request for arbitration of dispute over the meaning and application of Policy #505 6 Memo October 6, 1989 Appointments of Subject-Matter Committees for 1989-90 6 Memo October 10, 1989 Review of loyalty-security policies [includes appendices] 6 Memo October 10, 1989 1989-90 Board directory 6 Memo October 11, 1989 Policy 111 - Private employment security 6 Memo October 13, 1989 AppoiQtments of Structural and Special Committees for 1989-90 6 Memo October 14, 1989 Appointment of Barry Steinhardt 6 Memo October 24, 1989 [Alan Reitman] My departure date 6 Memo October 26, 1989 Ben Roth's illness 6 Memo November 3, 1989 Material from Dan Pollitt n/a Book Review February 1957 New York University Law Review, 32:2, 397-409: Book review: Associa­ tion of the Bar of the City of New York: The Federal loyalty-security program: report of the Special Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York 6 Memo November 8, 1989 Roger Baldwin Medal of Liberty 6 Memo November 8, 1989 Frank Askin Award [includes appendices] 6 Memo November 8, 1989 Summary of Board actions [includes appendices] 6 Memo November 13, 1989 ACLU history 6 Memo November 13, 1989 Roger Baldwin Medal of Liberty 6 Memo November 22, 1989 Hotel reservation for January 20-21 meeting 6 Memo November 29, 1989 Untitled: Discusses ACLU ad aimed at college students [includes appendices] 6 Memo December 7, 1989 Board directory 6 Memo December 12, 1989 Sam Walker article n/a Clipping December 6, 1989 Omaha World Herald: Tough questions about drug decriminalization 6 Memo December 12, 1989 Roger Baldwin Medal of Liberty 6 Memo December 13, 1989 Article on Dan Pollitt n/a Clipping 1989-90 Carolina Basketball, 1: 1989-90, Dan Pollitt, Carolina's "Mr. Civil Liberties," helped bring first black athletes to Carolina 6 Memo December 13, 1989 Announcement of January 20-21, 1990 meeting 6 Agenda January 20-211, 1990 Proposed agenda, ACLU Board of Directors meeting, January 20-21, 1990 6 Memo December 19, 1989 Death of Benjamin Roth 6 Letter December 18, 1989 Norman Dorsen to Cynthia Roth n/a Clipping December 18, 1989 St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Benjamin Roth, 73; Was civil libertarian here 6 Memo December 19, 1989 ACLU history 6 Memo December 26, 1989 Removal of expungement section from Policy 203, Criminal justice records [includes appendices] 6 Memo December 27, 1989 First mailing of working papers for January 20-21 meeting 6 Memo December 27, 1989 Biennial Conference resolution and Equality Committee report on rights of persons with disabilities [includes appendices] 6 .Memo December 31, 1989 Revision of Policy #222 on public access to pre-trial proceedings [includes appendices] 6 Memo December 31, 1989 Motion to reconsider Policy 89a, Privileged communications with clergy [includes appendices] 7 2 Program June 13-16, 1985 1985 Biennial Conference American Civil Liberties Union June 13-16, 1985 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 7 2 List June 12-16, 1985 Attendance 1985 Biennial Conference 7 2 Paper Undated What is the ACLU Biennial Conference? (Alan Reitman) n/a 2 Paper Undated The American Civil Liberties Union: An Institutional Analysis (Norman Dorsen) [The Tulane Lawyer, 6:2, Spring 1984]

23 The American Civil Liberties Union


7 2 Paper Undated Report on New Financial Rules (Hanna Weston) 7 2 Paper Undated Affinnative Action and ACLU (Michael Meyers) 7 2 Paper Undated Comments and Questions on Policy 527B, National Affiliate Relations (Barbara Hurst) 7 2 Paper Undated Promoting Strength Through Diversity (A Comment on Policy #527 (b)) (Meir Westreich) 7 2 Paper Undated Litigation Strategies for the Late BO's: Taking Cases to the Supreme Court: Lower Court Strategy (Burt Neubome) 7 2 Paper Undated Dealing with the Burger Court -A Dissenting Opinion (Frank Askin) 7 2 Paper Undated Background material for session on Women and Pornography at the June 13-16, 1985 Biennial Conference n/a 2 Clipping April 1985 Ms. Magazine: Is one woman's sexuality another woman's pornography? n/a 2 Clipping March 18, 1985 Newsweek Magazine: The war against pornography 7 2 Report Undated ACLU Policy #4: Censorship of obscenity, pornography and indecency 7 2 Paper Undated The Tension Between Establishment and Free Exercise of Religion (Dean M. Kelley) 7 2 Paper Undated Gay Rights Issues: An Overview (Abby R. Rubenfeld) 7 2 Paper Undated Women's Rights Issues for the Mid BO's (Isabelle Katz Pinzler) 7 2 Paper Undated Crime in the Streets and the Law and Order Syndrome (Loren Siegel) 7 2 Paper Undated Political Surveillance in the Reagan Era (Jerry J. Berman) 7 2 Paper Undated Immigration Reform in the 99th Congress (Wade J. Henderson) 7 2 Paper Undated Receiving and Withholding Medical Treatment (Victor Milstein) 7 2 Paper Undated Poverty and Civil Liberties (Philippa Strum) 7 2 Paper Undated Report from Massachusetts on Civil Liberties and Poverty (Laura B. Monroe) 7 2 Paper Undated Thinking About Poverty and Constitutional Rights (Gene Guerrero) 7 2 Paper Undated Implementation of Affiliate Policy on Poverty (Ramona Ripston) 7 2 Paper Undated The Death Penalty and the ACLU (Henry Schwarzschild and George H. Kendall) 7 2 Paper Undated Bookbanning and the Schools (Leanne Katz) 7 2 Paper Undated Children's Rights: 1985 (Chris Hansen) 7 2 Paper Undated Confronting the Reagan Administration's Assault on Civil Rights and Affirmative Action (E. Richard Larson) 7 2 Paper Undated Civil Liberties and the Disabled (Alan Gartner) 7 2 Paper Undated The ACLU Public Information and Education Department-Where We Were, Where We Are Today, Where We Need To Go and How We Might Get There (T. Schutz & A. Korpivaara) 7 2 Paper Undated Public Education: Nuts and Bolts of Media Relations (Trudi Schutz) 7 2 Speech Undated Abuses of Civil Liberties in the Workplace (Ed Asner) 7 2 Paper Undated ACLU Policies on Private Pressure Groups: Civil Disobedience, Picketing and Demonstrations: Symbolic Speech, Captive Audiences 7 2 Paper June 16, (1985] Final Plenary Session 7 2 Report June 13-16, 1985 Report of the 1985 ACLU Biennial Conference [includes appendices] 7 2 Program June 18-21, 1987 Program of the 1987 Biennial Conference June 18-21 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 7 2 Attendance June 18-21, 1987 Attendance 1987 Biennial Conference June 18-21, 1987 7 2 Paper Undated What is the ACLU Biennial Conference? (Alan Reitman) 7 2 Paper Undated The Courts, Constitutional "Interpretation" and Civil Liberties (Michael J. Perry) 7 2 Paper Undated Responding to Hysteria: The Lession From ACLU History (Sam Walker) 7 2 Paper Undated The Constitution and the White House: Freedom v. Secrecy (Daniel Schorr) 7 2 Paper Undated Key Reproductive Freedom Issues (Reproductive Freedom Project of the ACLU Foundation) [includes bibliographies] n/a 2 Clipping November 10, 1986 The New York Times: Fetal-rights case attacks civil liberties of women n/a 2 Article 1985 Sage Women's Policy Studies 10:91: Fetal personhood and women's policy (Janet Gallagher)

24 1985-1989 Update


7 2 Paper Undated The Death Penalty and the ACLU (Henry Schwarzschild) 7 2 Paper Undated Separation of Church and State Under Attack (John Swomley) 7 2 Paper Undated Immigration Law and Aliens' Rights: Current Issues (Lucas Guttentag) 7 2 Paper Undated Civil Liberties and Persons With Disabilities (Alan Gartner) 7 2 Paper Undated Students' Rights in School (Nadine Strossen) 7 2 Paper Undated Lesbian and Gay Rights (Nan Hunter) 7 2 Paper Undated Drug Testing: The Tip of an Orwellian Iceberg (Loren Siegel) 7 2 Paper Undated The Future of Prison Litigation (Elizabeth Alexander) 7 2 Paper Undated Information Technology and Privacy (Jerry Berman and Janlori Goldman) 7 2 Paper Undated Sex Discrimination - The Struggle for Equality for Women (Isabelle Katz Pinzler) [includes appendices] 7 2 Paper Undated Economic Issues and Civil Liberties [includes appendices] 7 2 Paper Undated Censorship and Pornography (Leanne Katz) n/a 2 Clipping October I 0, 1986 (Litchfield, IL) News Herald: Store bans Playboy ... 7 2 Paper Undated Racial Discrimination: ls the Supreme Court Protecting the Rights of Racial Minorities (Laughlin McDonald) 7 2 Paper Undated AIDS Prevention and Civil Liberties: The False Security of Mandatory Testing Nan Hunter 7 2 Paper 1987 Children's Rights; 1987 (Chris Hansen) 7 2 Memo May 16, 1988 Conference report 7 2 Report [June 18-21, 1987] Report of the 1987 ACLU Biennial Conference: A Bicentennial Celebra- tion, June 18-21, 1987, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 7 2 Memo June 17, 1987 Conference Questionnaire 8 2 Program June 14-18, 1989 Program 1989 Biennial Conference June 14-18, [1989], Madison, Wisconsin 8 2 Attendance June 15-18, 1989 Attendance 1989 Biennial Conference June 15-18, 1987 8 2 Paper Undated What is the ACLU Biennial Conference? (Alan Reitman) 8 2 Paper Undated When Racism Dresses in Speech's Clothing: Reconciling the First and Fourteenth Amendments (Charles Lawrence) 8 2 Paper June 15, 1989 Remarks by Nadine Strossen, ACLU General Counsel, responding to the paper by Professor Charles Lawrence at the ACLU Biennial Conference plenary session, "Racism on the rise." 8 2 Paper Undated Drugs -A Public Health Approach (Maxie Collier) 8 2 Paper Undated Drug Prohibition in the United States: Costs, Consequences and Alternatives (Ethan Nadelman) 8 2 Paper Undated The Drug Crackdown: Trashing the Bill of Rights (Steven Wisotsky) 8 2 Paper Undated Economic Rights, The Constitution and the ACLU (Martin B. Margulies) 8 2 Paper Undated The Constitution and Economic Rights (Peter Edelman) 8 2 Paper Undated Civil Liberties Issues Before the Courts (john powell) 8 2 Paper Undated Civil Liberties Issues Before Congress (Morton Halperin) 8 2 Paper Undated AIDS and Civil Liberties Litigation (Chai Feldblum and William Rubenstein) 8 2 Paper Undated Public Health Strategies for Confronting AIDS: Legislative and Regulatory Policy in the United States (Larry Gostin) n/a 2 Clipping March 17, 1989 Journal of the American Medical Association, 261: 11 Public health strategies for confronting AIDS legislative and regulatory policy in the United States n/a 2 Clipping May 22, 1989 New York Native: Rights law enters new stage (Constitutional rights after Hardwick) n/a 2 Clipping May 4, 1989 The New York Times: Judges back homosexual soldier; basic bias issue is left unsettled n/a 2 Clipping May 14, 1989 Gay Community News: Watkins prevails against army n/a 2 Clipping March 28, 1989 The Advocate: Be all you can me in the military- unless you're gay or female or both n/a 2 Clipping May 12, 1989 USA Today: Face-off: Gays in the Armed Forces 'End the military's ban on homosexuals' 'Keep the military's ban on homosexuals'

25 The American Civil Liberties Union

REELSERIESCATEGORY DATE CONTENTS n/a 2 Clipping April 27, 1989 The New York Times: How to define a family: gay tenant fights eviction n/a 2 Clipping November 25, 1988 The Washington Blade: Suit filed against amendment n/a 2 Clipping March 31, 1989 The Washington Blade: A long, legal cold war rages on n/a 2 Clipping May 5, 1989 The Washington Blade: Around the nation: gay group denied funding n/a 2 Clipping March 19-23, 1989 The Western Express: New York T!files errs on lesbian parenting n/a 2 Clipping Undated SF poised to give benefits to unwed couples (newspaper clipping; no newspaper given) n/a 2 Clipping May 3, 1989 Cruise Magazine: Progress in Iowa n/a 2 Clipping Gay rights group wants county ban on discrimination n/a 2 Clipping March 14, 1989 Barring of gay speakers limited n/a 2 Clipping March 2, 1989 Windy City Times: Lawsuit in 1985 Carol's raid granted class action status n/a 2 Clipping April 7, 1989 The Washington Blade: Around the nation: Texas judge faces charges n/a 2 Article Feb. 24-Mar. 9, 1989 The Western Express: ACLU files complaint against Alabama judges n/a 2 Clipping February 23, 1989 The Windy City Times: Alabama judge apologizes for discirminatory policy n/a 2 Clipping March 24, 1989 The Washing ton Blade: Alabama judge apologizes 8 2 Paper Undated The Supreme Court and Abortion: Upcoming Cases and Possible Ramifications (Janet Benshoof and Rachael Pine) 8 2 Paper Undated Attacks on Pregnant Women: A Brief Overview of the Arguments Against Pennitting Forced Surgery, Prosecutions of Pregnant Women or Civil Sanctions Against Them(Lynn M. Paltrow) n/a 2 Article October 1987 ACOG Committee Opinion Number 55: Patient choice: maternal-fetal conflict 8 2 Memo June 8, 1989 Free speech issues in the area of reproductive rights [includes court decision excerpts] 8 2 Paper Undated Surrogate Parenting (Larry Gostin) 8 2 Paper Undated Information Privacy and Civil Liberties (Janlori Goldman); Rapid Advances in Bio-Medical Research [Caption title: Privacy, Science and Technology](Victor Milstein) 8 2 Paper Undated National Security and Civil Liberties (Gary Stern) 8 2 Paper Undated Almost 20 years of Prison Litigation: "What Has It Accomplished? What Remains to be Achieved (Mark Lopez) 8 2 Paper 1989 The Death Penalty, 1989 (Henry Schwarzschild) 8 2 Paper Undated Church-State Separation; Still Under Attack (John Swosley and Edd Doerr) 8 2 Paper Undated Children's Rights (Chris Hansen) 8 2 Paper Undated Some Censorship Trends in Censor-less America, 1989 (Gary LaMarche) [includes appendices] 8 2 Paper Undated New Directions in Women's Rights (Isabelle Pinzler, Deborah Ellis and Kary L. Moss) 8 2 Paper Undated Civil Liberties and People with Disabilities (Leonard S. Rubenstein) 8 2 Paper Undated Rights of Gays and Lesbians (Matt Coles and William Rubenstein) 7 2 Paper Undated Current Issues in Immigrants' Rights (Lucas Guttentag and Judy Rabinovitz) 8 2 Paper Undated Worker's Rights: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (Lewis L. Maltby and John N. Rosenthal) 8 2 Paper Undated The Use of Internal Human Rights Law in ACLU Cases (Paul Hoffman) 8 2 Paper Undated Outline of" Bill of Rights Anniversary Activities (Colleen O'Connor) 8 2 Questionnaire June 14-18, 1989 Evaluation of the 1989 Biennial Conference 8 2 Memo November 15, 1989 1989 Biennial Conference report 8 2 Report Undated ACLU Biennial Conference report 1989 9 3 Policy Guide June 1989 Policy guide of the American Civil Liberties Union, revised June 1989

26 1985-1989 Update

No. 83-5424 Reel 10

Ake v. Oklahoma

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Glen Burton Ake, petitioner, v. State of Oklahoma, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals. Reply brief for the petitioner.

No. 83-1624 Reel 10

United States v. Albertini

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. United States of America, petitioner, v. James Vincent Albertini, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief for the respondent.

No. 84-6263 Reel 10

Batson v. Kentucky

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. James Kirkland Batson, petitioner, v. Commonwealth of Kentucky, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Kentucky. Brief of Michael McCray, the New York Civil Liberties Union, and the American Civil Liberties Union as amici curiae.

No. 84-773 Reel 10

Bender v. Williamsport Area School District

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Michael Bender, et al., petitioners, v. Williamsport Area School District, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, and the National Education Association as amici curiae in support of appellees.

No. 84-1667 Reel 10

Bethel School District, et al. v. Fraser, et al.

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Bethel School District No. 403; Christy B. Ingle; David C. Rich; J. Bruce Alexander; and Gerald E. Hosman, petitioners, v. Matthew N. Fraser, a minor, and E. L. Fraser, as his guardian ad litem, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief of respondents.

No. 84-1586 Reel 10

Malley v. Briggs

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Edward Malley and the State of Rhode Island, petitioners, v. James R. Briggs and Louisa Briggs, respondents. On writ ofcertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Rhode Island Civil Liberties Union as amici curiae.

No. 84-1513 Reel 10

California v. Ciraolo

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. The people of the State of California, petitioner, v. Dante Carlo Ciraolo, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the California Court of Appeals for the First Appellate District Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California as amici curiae in support of respondent.

27 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 84-1244 Reel 10

Davis v. Bandemer

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Susan J. Davis, et al., appellants, v. Irwin C. Bandemer, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Supreme Court for the Southern District of Indiana. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Indiana Civil Liberties Union as amici curiae.

No. 84-1097 Reel 10

Goldman v. Weinberger

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. S. Sim cha Goldman, petitioner, v. Casper W. Weinberger, Secretary of Defense, et al., respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Brief of American Jewish Congress on behalf of itself, the Synagogue Council of America and the American Civil Liberties Union, amici curiae.

No. 84-76 Reel 10

Hunter v. Underwood

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Nell Hunter, et al., individually, and on behalf of all other members of Boards of Registrars in the State of Alabama, appellants, v. Victor Underwood and Carmen Edwards, for themselves and all other similarly situated, appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Brief of the appellees.

No. 84-1944 Reel 10

Jensen v. Quaring

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Holly Jensen, Director, and William J. Edwards, Deputy Director, Department of Motor Vehicles, State of Nebraska, petitioners, v. Frances J. Quaring, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Respondent's brief.

No. 84-1922 Reel 10

United States v. Koecher

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. United States of America, petitioner, v. Hana Koecher, respondent. On petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Respondent's brief in opposition.

No. 83-1437 Reel 10

Marek v. Chesney

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Jeffrey Marek, Thomas Wadycki and Lawrence Rhode, petitioners, v. Alfred W. Chesney, individually and as administrator of the estate of Steven Chesney, deceased, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the Roger Baldwin Foundation of the American Civil Liberties Union as amicus curiae supporting respondents. [Tightly bound with some loss of print.]

No. 84-778 Reel 10

Maryland v. Macon

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. State of Maryland, petitioner, v. Baxter Macon, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland. Briefofamicus curiae, the American Civil Liberties Union in support of the respondent.

28 1985-1989 Update

No. 83-2030 Reel 10

Oklahoma City Board of Education v. National Gay Task Force

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. The Board of Education of the City of Oklahoma City, State of Oklahoma, appellant v. the National Gay Task Force, appellee. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Brief for appellee.

No. 84-[277] Reel 10

Scarsdale v. McCreary

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Scarsdale, et al., petitioners, v. Kathleen S. McCreary, et al., respondents. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union asamici curiae in support of petitioners.

No. 84-277 Reel 10

Scarsdale v. McCreary

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Scarsdale and the Village of Scarsdale, petitioners, v. Kathleen S. McCreary, David Drabkin, Ann F. Cawley, Angelina J. Messenger, Edward R. Napolitano, Charles E. Butler, John D. Hawkins, Nancy G. Steger, Richard Cacciato, Carol Ann Pascal, Mary T. Thompson and Gregory De Sousa, and the Scarsdale Creche Committee, Patricia Curran, Cynthia Barsuhn, Grace Fellows, Doris Adler, Mary Tully, Joan Mann and Maria Pedulla, respondents. On petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Reply to briefs in opposition.

No. 84-1554 Reel 10

Sielaff v. Carrier

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Allyn R. Sielaff, Director of the Virginia Department of Corrections, petitioner, v. Clifford W. Carrier, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circiut Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia in support of the respondent.

No. 84-476 Reel 10

McDonald v. Smith

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Robert McDonald, petitioner, v. David I. Smith, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Brief for petitioner.

No. 84-476 Reel 10

McDonald v. Smith

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. Robert McDonald, petitioner, v. David I. Smith, respondent On writ ofcertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, amicus curiae.

No. 84-310 Reel 10

In re: Snyder

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. In the matter of: attorney Robert J. Snyder. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union amicus curiae.

29 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 83-1292 Reel 10

Wayte v. United States

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. David Alan Wayte, petitioner, v. United States of America, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the ninth Circuit. Brief for the petitioner. [Photocopy with some loss of print.]

No. 83-1292 Reel 10

Wayte v. United States

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1984. David Alan Wayte, petitioner, v. United States of America, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Reply brief for the petitioner.

No. 85-1513 Reel 11

Edwards v. Aguillard

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Edwin W. Edwards, in his official capacity as Governor of Louisiana, William W. Guste, Jr., in his official capacity as Attorney General of Louisiana, Louisiana Department of Education, and Thomas G. Clausen, in his official capacity as Superintendent of Education of Louisiana, appellants, v. Don Aguillard, Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, Orleans Parish School Board, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Motion to affirm.

No. 85-495 Reel 11

Ansonia Board of Education v. Philbrook

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Ansonia Board of Education, et al., petitioners, v. Ronald Philbrook, respondent. On petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Motion for leave to file brief amici curiae, and brief amici curiae, of American Jewish Congress in behalf of itself, The American Civil Liberties Union, the Anti­ Defamation League of B 'nai B 'rith and the Synagogue Council of America in support of respondent Philbrook.

No. 85-437 Reel 11

Arcara v. Cloud Books, Inc.

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Richard J. Arcara, District Attorney of Erie County, petitioner, v. Cloud Books, Inc., et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Motion for leave to file brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union as amici curiae, and brief of amici curiae.

No. 85-1370 Reel 11

Arkansas Writer's Project v. Ragland

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Arkansas Writer's Project, Inc., appellant, v. Charles D. Ragland, Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Arkansas, appellee. On appeal from the Supreme Court of Arkansas. Motion for leave to file brief amici curiae and briefamici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the Arkansas Civil Liberties Union. [Some pages out of order.]

No. 85-1277 Reel 11

Nassau County School Board v. Arline

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. School Board of Nassau County, Florida, et al., petitioners, v. Gene H. Arline, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Motion for permission to file brief

30 1985-1989 Update

amici curiae and brief for the American Public Health Association, American Civil Liberties Union, American Nurses Association, and National Association of Protection and Advocacy systems as amici curiae.

No. 85-303 Reel 11

Missouri v. Blair

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. State of Missouri, petitioner, v. Zola Blair, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Missouri, en bane. Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, in support of the respondent.

No. 85-[docket number missing) Reel l1

Block v. Meese

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Mitchell Block, as President of Direct Cinema Limited, Inc., the Environmental Defense Fund, Inc., the State of New York, the Biograph Theater Corporation, the New York Library Association, and the Environmental Task Force, Inc., petitioners, v. Edwin Meese ill, Attorney General of the United States and Joseph E. Clarkson, respondents. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

No. 85-1837 Reel 11

Block v. Meese

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Mitchell Block, as President of Direct Cinema Limited, Inc., the Environmental Defense Fund, Inc., the State of New York, the Biograph Theater Corporation, the New York Library Association, and the Environmental Task Force, Ind., petitioners, v. Edwin Meese ill, Attorney General of the United States, and Joseph E. Clarkson, respondents. On petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Petition for rehearing.

No. 84-1923 Reel 11

Bowen v. New York

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al., petitioners, v. City of New York, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberites [sic] Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union, amici curiae, in support of respondents.

No. 85-782 Reel 11

INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Immigration and Naturalization Service, petitioner, v. Luz Marina Cardoza­ Fonseca, respondent On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief of amici curiae, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Political Asylum Project of the American Civil Liberties Union Fund of the National Capital Area; Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project; San Francisco Lawyers' Committee for Urban Affairs in support of respondent.

No. 85-140 Reel 11

Bowers v. Hardwick

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Michael J. Bowers, Attorney General of Georgia, petitioner, v. Michael Hardwick, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Brief for respondent.

31 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 85-[ docket number missing] Reel 11

California v. Brown

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. The people of the State of California, petitioner, v. Albert Greenwood Brown, Jr., respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the State of California. Brief for amici curiae, American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Southern California and ACLU of Northern California in supportofrespondent. (Photocopy with some loss of print.)

No. 85-494 Reel 11

California Federal Savings and Loan v. Guerra

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. California Federal Savings and Loan Association, et al., petitioners, v. Mark Guerra, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the League of Women Voters of the United States, the League of Women Voters of California, the National Women's Political Caucus, and the Coal Employment Project, amici curiae.

No. 84-1947 Reel 11

Cerbone v. Conway

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Vincent T. Cerbone, Justice of the Village Court, Village of Mt. Kisco, New York, et al., petitioners, v. Lynn H. Conway, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Court. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union as amici curiae.

No. 84-1606 Reel 11

Holbrook v. Flynn

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Therrance Holbrook and John Moran, petitioners, v. Charles Flynn, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Brief for the respondent.

No. 85-162 Reel 11

New Mexico v. Earnest

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. State of New Mexico, petitioner, v. Ralph Earnest, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the New Mexico Supreme Court. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico as amici curiae in support of respondent.

No. 84-1288 Reel 11

Evans v. Jeff D.

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. John V. Evans, et al., petitioners, v. Jeff D., et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief for amici curiae NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, American Civil Liberties Union, and Legal Aid Society of New York, in support of respondents.

No. 84-1904 Reel 11

United States v. Galioto

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. United States Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. appellant. v. Anthony J. Galioto, appellee. On appeal from the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.

32 1985-1989 Update

Motion for leave to file and brief for the New Jersey Department of the Public Advocate, Division of Mental Health Advocacy and American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey as amici curiae.

No. 84-1480 Reel 11

Wainwright v. Greenfield

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Louie L. Wainwright, Secretary, Department of Corrections, State of Florida, petitioner, v. David Wayne Greenfield, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Motion for leave to file and brief of amicus curiae American Civil Liberties Union.

No. 85-1168 Reel 11

Cleveland v. Hawley

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. City of Cleveland, et al., petitioners, vs. Jane Hawley, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Brief in opposition.

No. 85-1027 Reel 11

Arizona v. Hicks

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. State of Arizona, petitioner, v. James Thomas Hicks, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Arizona Court of Appeals. Brief amicus curiae of American Civil Liberties Union Foundation in support of respondent.

No. 85-993 Reel 12

Hobbie v. Unemployment Appeals Commission

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Paula A. Hobbie, appellant, v. Unemployment Appeals Commission and Lawton and Company, appellees. On appeal from the District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida Fifth District. Brief of the American Jewish Congress on behalf of itself and the American Civil Liberties Union, amici curiae.

No. 85-[docket number missing] Reel 12

Humphrey & Haas v. Iowa State Bar Association

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Mark A. Humphrey and Fredd J. Haas, d/b/a Humphrey & Haas, appellants, v. Committee on Professional Ethics and Conduct of the Iowa State Bar Association, appellee. On appeal from a judgment of the Iowa Supreme Court. Appendix to jurisdictional statement.

No. 85-1129 Reel 12

Johnson v. Santa Clara County Transportation Agency

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Paul E. Johnson, petitioner, v. Transportation Agency, Santa Clara County, California, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Brief amici curiae for NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund; National Organization for Women; American Civil Liberties Union; California Women Lawyers; Employment Law Center; Equal Rights Advocates; Federally Employed Women Legal and Education Fund; League of Women Voters of the United States; NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund; National Women's Law Center; Northwest Women's Law Center; Women Employed; Women's Equity Action League; Women's Law Project; Women's Legal Defense Fund. [Photocopy with some loss of print.]

33 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 85-1551Reel12

Karcher v. May

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Alan J. Karcher, et al., appellants, v. Jeffrey May, individually, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Motion to dismiss or affirm. [Some pages out of order.]

No. 85-1180 Reel 12

Meese v. Keene

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Edwin Meese III, Attorney General of the United States and Joseph E. Clarkson, appellants, v. Barry Keene, appellee. On appeal from the United States District Cowt for the Eastern District of California. Brief of Mitchell Block, as president of Direct Cinema Limited, Inc., the Environmental Defense Fund, Inc., the State of New York, the Biograph Theater Corporation, the New York Library Association, the Environmental Task Force, Inc., and the American Civil Liberties Union, amici curiae, concerning jurisdictional statement.

No. 85-1217 Reel 12

Springfield v. Kibbe

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. City of Springfield, Massachusetts, petitioner, v. Lois Thurston Kibbe, Administratrix of the estate of Clinton Thurston, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Amicus curiae brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts.

No. 84-1661Reel12

Kimmelman v. Morrison

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Irwin I. Kimmelman, et al., petitioners, v. Neil Morrison, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, amici curiae.

No. 84-1922 Reel 12

United States v. Koecher

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. United States of America, petitioner, v. Hana Koecher, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Brief for the respondent.

Nos. 84-1999, 84-1656 Reel 12

International Association of Firefighters v. Cleveland Sheet Metal Workers' International v. EEOC

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Local Number 93, International Association of Firefighters AFL-CIO, C.L.C., petitioner, v. City of Cleveland, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Local 28 of the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association and Local 28 Joint Apprenticeship Committee, petitioners, v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, City of New York, and New York State Division of Human Rights, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Brief for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Black Police Association as amici curiae in support of respondents City of Cleveland, the Vanguards of Cleveland, City of New York and State of New York.

34 1985-1989 Update

No. 85-701 Reel 12

FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Federal Election Commission, appellant, v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Inc., appellee. On appeal for the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts.

No. 84-1485 Reel 12

Moran v. Burbine

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. John Moran, petitioner, v. Brian K. Burbine, respondent. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Brief of the National Legal Aid and Defender Association, and the American Civil Liberties Union, as amici curiae in support of respondent.

No. 85-656 Reel 12

Munro v. Socialist Workers Party

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Secretary of State of State of Washington, Ralph Munro, appellant, v. Socialist Workers Party, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief of amici curiae American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Foundation and National Lawyers Guild.

No. 85-1449 Reel 12

Newton v. Rumery

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Town of Newton, et al., petitioners, v. Bernard E. Rumery, Jr., respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Brief for amici curiae American Civil Liberties Union and Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts in support of the respondent.

No. 85-530 Reel 12

O'Conner v. Ortega

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Dennis M. O'Connor, et al., petitioners, v. Magno J. Ortega, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Education Association as amici curiae supporting respondent.

No. 84-1160 Reel 12

Pembaur v. Cincinnati

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Bertold J. Pembaur, petitioner, v. City of Cincinnati, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington. Motion for leave to file and brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio as amici curiae in support of petitioner.

No. 84-1491Reel12

Philadelphia Newspapers v. Hepps

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Philadelphia Newspapers, inc., et al., appellants, v. Maurice S. Hepps, et al., appellees. On appeal from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Motion for leave to file brief of amici curiae and brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, American Newspaper Publishers Association,

35 The American Civil Liberties Union

Association of American Publishers, Dow Jones & Company, Inc., Gannett Co., Inc., The Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, and Time Inc., as amici curiae in support of appellants.

No. 84-1360 Reel 12

City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. The City of Renton, et al., appellants, v. Playtime Theatres, Inc., a Washington Corporation, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington as amici curiae in support of appellees.

No. 84-1560 Reel 12

Press-Enterprise Comapny v. Superior Court of California California v. Diaz

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. The Press-Enterprise Company, a California corporation, petitioner, v. the Superior Court of the state of California for the county of Riverside, respondent. ; the people of the state of California, complainant, v. Robert Rubane Diaz, defendant On writ ofcertiorari to the California Supreme Court. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California as amici curiae.

No. 84-1903 Reel 12

Posadas de Puerto Rico Associates v. Tourism Company of Puerto Rico

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Posadas de Puerto Rico Associates, d/b/a Condado Holiday Inn, appellant, v. Tourism Company of Puerto Rico, et al., appellees. On appeal from the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. Motion for leave to file and brief of amicus curiae American Civil Liberties Union.

No. 84-1974 Reel 12

Rose v. Clark

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Jimmy Rose, warden, petitioner, v. Stanley Barham Clark, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee, amici curiae, in support of the respondent.

No. 85-390 Reel 12

Los Angeles v. Preferred Communications

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. City of Los Angeles and Department of Water and Power, petitioners, v. Preferred Communications, Inc., respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Southern California supporting affirmance.

No. 84-780 Reel 12

Heckler v. Roy

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Margaret M. Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al., appellants, v. Stephen J. Roy, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Brief for the appellees. [Photocopy with some loss of print.]

36 1985-1989 Update

No. 85-227 Reel 12

Smalis v. Pennsylvania

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Despina and Ernest Smalis, petitioners, v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, amici curiae.

No. 85-410 Reel 12

Memphis Community Schools v. Stachura

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Memphis Community Schools, et al., petitioners, v. Edward J. Stachura, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Brief of amicus curiae, the American Civil Liberties Union, in support of the respondent.

No. 83-1968 Reel 12

Thornburg v. Gingles

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Lacy H. Thornburg, et al., appellants, v. Ralph Gingles, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Motion for leave to file brief and brief of amici curiae in support of appellees of American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc., League of Women Voters of the United States; and League of Women Voters Education Fund.

No. 84-1070 Reel 12

Witters v. Washington

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Lany Witters, petitioner, v. State of Washington, Department of Services for the Blind, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington. Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington.

No. 84-1340 Reel 12

Wygant v. Jackson Board of Education

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Wendy Wygant, Susan Lamm, John Krenkel, Karen Smith, Susan Diebold, Deborah Brezezinski, Cheryl Zaski, andMary Odell, petitioners, v. Jackson Board of Education, Jackson, Michigan, and Richard Surbrook, Present and Don Pension, Robert Moles, Melvin Harris,Cecelia Fiery, Sadie Barham, and Robert F. Cole, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Brief of amici curiae, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and American Civil Liberties Union in support of respondents.

No. [docket number missing] Reel 12

Hartigan v. Zbaraz

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1985. Neil F. Hartigan, in his official capacity as Attorney General of the State of Illinois and Richard M. Daley, in his official capacity as State's Attorney for Cook County, Illinois; his agents and successors, and all others similarly situated, appellants, v. David Zbaraz, M. D. and Allan G. Charles, M. D., individually and on behalf of a class of all Illinois physicians performing or desiring to perform abortions and on behalf of their minor patients desiring abortions, appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Brief amici curiae in support of appellees by the certified class of Pregnant Minors Desiring Confidential Abortions in Minnesota and Massachusetts; Certain Abortion Providers in Minnesota and Massachusetts Desiring to Give Confidential Abortions to Minors; A Single Custodial Parent of a Pregnant Minor in Minnesota; the American Jewish Congress on behalf of its members in Minnesota and Massachusetts; and the Anti-Defamation League of Minnesota and Massachusetts. [Includes appendices]

37 The American Civil Libemes Union

No. 86-656 Reel 13

Reagan v. Abourezk Schultz v. New York Schultz v. Cronin

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Ronald W. Reagan, et al., petitioners, v. James Abourezk, et al., respondents. George P. Shultz, et al., petitioners, v. City of New York, et al., respondents. George P. Schultz, et al., petitioners, v. Bruce Cronin, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Respondents' brief.

No. 86-656 Reel 13

Reagan v. Abourezk; Schultz v. New York; Schultz v. Cronin

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Ronald W. Reagan, et al., petitioners, v. James Abourezk, et al., respondents. George P. Shultz, et al., petitioners, v. City of New York, et al., respondents. George P. Schultz, et al., petitioners, v. Bruce Cronin, et al., respondents. On petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Respondents' brief in opposition.

No. 85-1513 Reel 13

Edwards v. Aguillard

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Edwin W. Edwards, et al., appellants, v. Don Aguillard, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Brief of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the American Jewish Committee, the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and the General Convention of Swedenborgian Churches as amici curiae in support of appellees.

No. 86-461 Reel 13

Board of v. Allen

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Board of Pardons, et al., petitioner, v. George Allen, et al., respondent. On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Crcuit. Brief for respondent.

No. 86-461 Reel 13

Board of Pardons v. Allen

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Board of Pardons, et al., petitioner, v. George Allen, et al., respondent. On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief in opposition to petition for certiorari.

No. 86-1034 Reel 13

Virginia v. American Booksellers Association

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Commonwealth of Virginia, appellant, v. American Booksellers Association, Inc., et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia, amici curiae.

38 1985-1989 Update

No. 86-179 and 86-401 Reel 13

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. Amos United States v. Amos

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. The Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter­ Day Saints, et al., appellants, v. Christine J. Amos, et al., appellees. United States of America, appellant, v. Christine J. Amos, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Utah. Brief for appellees.

No. 85-1520 Reel 13

Anderson v. Creighton

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Russell Anderson, petitioner, v. Robert E. Creighton, Jr., et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Brief of amicus curiae, American Civil Liberties Union, in support of respondents.

No. 85-889 Reel 13

Colorado v. Bertine

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. State of Colorado, petitioner, v. Steven Lee Bertine, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Colorado. Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, and the National Legal Aid and Defender Association in support of the respondent.

No. 86-803 Reel 13

Boos v. Barry

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Michael Boos, et al., petitioners, v. Marion S. Barry, Jr., et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of the National Capital Area, amici curiae.

No. 86-5020 Reel 13

Booth v. Maryland

John Booth, petitioner, v. State of Maryland, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals of Maryland. Brief of amicus curiae NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. in support of petitioner.

No. 86-60 Reel 13

New York v. Burger

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. State of New York, petitioner, v. Joseph Burger, respondent. On writ ofcertiorari to the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and New York Civil Liberties Union in support of the respondent.

No. 86-[docket number missing] Reel 13

Campos-Guardado v. INS

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Sofia Campos-Guardado, petitioner, v. Immigration and Naturalization Service, respondent. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. [Includes appendices.]

39 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 86-1969 Reel 13

Campos-Guardado v. INS

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Sofia Campos-Guardado, petitioner, v. Immigration and Naturalization Service, respondent Supplemental brief in support of petition for a writ of certiorari.

No. 86-328 Reel 13

Champion International v. International Woodworkers of America

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Champion.International Corporation, petitioner, v. International Woodwokers of America, AFL-CIO, and its Local 5-376, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Brief for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund as amici curiae in support of respondents.

No. 86-890 Reel 13

Deakins v. Monaghan

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Dean Deakins, New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; Irving Dubow, New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, Robert Gray, New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; Ronald Lehman, New Jersey State Police; Albert G. Palentchar, New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; Donald A. Panfile, New Jersey Department of Treasury; Walter Price, New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; William Southwick, New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; Ronald Sost, New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; John Doe, an individual co-ordinating a search of the premises of Foundation and Structures, Inc.; John Doe, an individual supervising investigators in the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice; and John Doe, an individual training investigators in the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, petitioners, v. William Monaghan, Theodore Desantis, John James, Foundations & Structures, Inc., William E. Monaghan Associates, and MID Construction Company, Inc., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Motion for leave to file brief amicus curiae and brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and ACLU of New Jersey in support of respondents.

No. 85-2099 Reel 13

Pennsylvania v. Finley

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, petitioner, v. Dorothy Finley, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, amici curiae in support of the respondent.

No. 86-388 Reel 13

INS v. Flores

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Immigration and Naturalization Service, petitioner, v. Ana Estela Guevara Flores, respondent. On petition for a writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Respondent's brief in opposition. [Photocopy with some loss of print]

Nos. 86-509 and 86-564 Reel 13

Bowen V. Gilliard

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, appellant, v. Beaty Mae Gilliard, et al., appellee; Phillip J. Kirk, Secretary, North Carolina Department of Human Resources, et al, appellant, v. Beaty Mae Gilliard, et al., appellee. On appeals from the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Food Research Action Center, and the National Legal Aid and Defender Association in support of the appellees.

40 1985-1989 Update

No. 85-1626 Reel 13

Goodman v. Luken Steel Co.

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Charles Goodman, Ramon L. Middleton, Romulus C. Jones, Jr., Lymas L. Winfield, and United Political Action Committee of Chester County, David Dantzler, Jr., John R. Hicks, ill, Dock L. Meeks, individually and on behalf of others similarly situated, petitioners, v. Lukens Steel Company, United Steelworkers ofAmerica (AFL­ CIO-CLC), Local 1165, United Steekworkers of America (AFL-CIO-CLC) and Local 2295, United Steelworkers of America (AFL­ CIO-CLC), respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Brief for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Women's Legal Defense Fund as amici curiae in support of petitioners. [Photocopy with some loss of print.]

No. 85-2064 Reel 13

Greer v. Miller

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. James Greer, Warden, Menard Correctional Center, petitioner, v. Charles Miller, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the Roger Baldwin Foundation of ACLU, Inc. in support of respondent.

No. 86-5324 Reel 13

Griffin v. Wisconsin

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Joseph G. Griffin, petitioner, v. State of Wisconsin, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court ofWisconsin.Amicus curiae brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Wisconsin Foundation in support of petitioner.

No. 86-836 Reel 13

Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Hazelwood School District, et al., petitioner, v. Cathy Kuhlmeier, et al., respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Motion for leave to file brief Amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Eastern Missouri in support of respondents.

No. 86-243 Reel 14

Houston v. Hill

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. The City of Houston, Texas, appellant, v. Raymond Wayne Hill, appellee. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Amicus curiae brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Texas Civil Liberties Union in support of appellee.

No. 86-108 Reel 14

Hilton v. Braunskill

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Gary Hilton, et al., petitioner, v. Dana Braunskill, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Motion for leave to file and briefamicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and the Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of New Jersey.

41 The American Civil Liberlies Union

No. 86-510 Reel 14

United States v. Hohri

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. United States of America, petitioner, v. William Hohri, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Southern California, ACLU of the National Capitol Area and American Jewish Congress in support of respondents.

No. 85-1551Reel14

Karcher v. May

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Alan J. Karcher, as Speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly, et al., appellants, v. Jeffrey May, individually, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Brief of appellees.

No. 85-1180 Reel 14

Meese v. Keene

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Edwin Meese ill, Attorney General of the United States, and Joseph E. Clarkson, appellants, v. Barry Keene, appellee. On appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, Mitchell Block, as president of Direct Cinema Limited, Inc., the Environmental Defense Fund, Inc., the State of New York, the Biograph Theatre Corporation, the New York Library Association and the Environnmental Task Force, Inc., amici curiae in support of appellee. [Photocopy with some loss of print]

No. 85-1656 Reel 14

McCotter v. Petty

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. 0. L. McCotter, Director, Texas Department of Corrections, petitioner, v. Gregory Allen Petty, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the Texas Civil Liberties Union, amici curiae in support of the respondent.

No. 85-2067 Reel 14

United States v. Mendoza-Lopez

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. United States of America, petitioner, v. Jose Mendoza-Lopez and Angel Landeros-Quinones, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Brief of amici curiae, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Lawyers Guild.

No. 85-1672 Reel 14

United States v. Merchant

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. United States of America, petitioner, v. William D. Merchant, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers as amici curiae supporting respondent.

42 1985-1989 Update

No. 86-5344 Reel 14

Miller v. Florida

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. James Ernest Miller, petitioner, v. State of F1orida, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Florida. Brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of F1orida.

No. 85-1722 Reel 14

O'Lone v. Estate of Ahmad Utbman Shabazz

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Edward O'Lone, et al., petitioners, v. Estate of AhmadUthman Shabazz and Sadr­ Ud-Din Nafis Mateen, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.Amicus curiae brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of New Jersey and the National Prison Project of the ACLU Foundation in support of respondents. [Photocopy with some loss of print.]

No. 85-999 Reel 14

United States v. Paradise

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. United States of America, petitioner, v. Phillip Paradise, Jr., et al., respondents. On writ ofcertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Brief for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Jewish Congress, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the National Women's Law Center, the Pureto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, Women Employed, and Women's Legal Defense Fund as amici curiae in support of respondent Phillip Paradise, Jr., et al. [Photocopy with some loss of print.]

No. 86-1042 Reel 14

Lakewood v. Plain Dealer

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. City of Lakewood, appellant, v. Plain Dealer Publishing Co., appellee. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation as amicus curiae in support of appellee, Plain Dealer Publishing Co.

No. 85-1973 Reel 14

Pope v. Illinois

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Richard Pope and Charles G. Morrison, petitioners, v. State of Illinois, respondent. Brief of amici curiae, American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Illinois and PHE, Inc. in support of petitioners.

No. 85-2068 Reel 14

Rankin v. McPherson

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Walter H. Rankin, et al., petitioners, v. Ardith S. McPherson, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Brief for respondent. [Includes appendix.]

No. 86-421 Reel 14

Rotary International v. Rotary Club of Duarte

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Board of Directors of Rotary International and Rotary District 530, appellants, v. Rotary Club of Durate, Mary Lou Elliot and Rosemary Freitag. Appeal from the Court of Appeal of California Second Appellate District. Appellees' brief. [Includes appendix.]

43 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 86-87 Reel 14

United States v. Salemo

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. United States of America, petitioner, v. Anthony Salemo and Vincent Cafaro, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.Amicus curiae brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, New York Civil Liberties Union and ACLU Foundation of Southern California in support ofrespondents.

Nos. 85-2156 and 85-2169 Reel 14

Shaare Tefila Congregation v. Cobb Saint Francis College v. Al-Khazriji

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Shaare Tefila Congregation, et al., petitioners, v. John William Cobb, et al., respondents. Saint Francis College, et al., petitioners, v. Majid Ghaidan al-Khazraji, respondent. On writ of certioirari to the United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth and Third Circuits. Motion of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the American Jewish Committee, the American Civil Liberties Union, the International Network of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, the American Gathering and Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, the Jewish War Veterans, the Institute of Jewish Law, and the Capital Legal Council of B'nai B'rith for leave to file a brief amici curiae. And brief of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the American Jewish Committee, the American Civil Liberties Union, the International Network of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, the American Gathering and Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, the Jewish War Veterans, the Institute of Jewish Law, and the Capital Legal Council of B 'nai B 'rith amici curiae supporting petitioners Shaare Tefila Congregation, et al., and respondent Majid Ghaidan Al-Khazraji.

No. 85-1581Reel14

Solorio v. United States

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Richard Solorio, petitioner, v. United States, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Military Appeals. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union as amicus curiae in support of petitioner.

No. 86-572 Reel 14

Kentucky v. Stincer

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. Commonwealth of Kentucky, petitioner, v. Sergio Stincer, respondent On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Motion for leave to file brief and brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union in support of respondent. [Tightly bound with some loss of print.]

No. 86-246 Reel 14

Sumner v. Shuman

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. George Sumner, Director of Nevada Department of Prisons; Brian McKay, Attorney General of Nevada, petitioners, v. Raymond Wallace Shuman, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Motion for leave to file and brief amici curiae of the Center for Constitutional Rights, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the ACLU of Nevada Foundation in support of respondent.

No. 86-319 Reel 14

Van Drasek v. Lehman

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1986. John R. Van Drasek, petitioner, v. John F. Lehman, Jr., Secretary of the Navy, et al., respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and Vietnam Veterans of America in support of the respondent.

44 1985-1989 Update

No. 87-416 Reel 15

US Catholic Conference v. Abortion Rights Mobilization

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. United States Catholic Conference and National Conference of Catholic Bishops, petitioners, v. Abortion Rights Mobilization, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York Civil Liberties Union, National Organization for Women, Catholics for a Free Choice, and National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee in support of respondents.

No. 86-1088 Reel 15

Canton v. Harris

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. City of Canton, Ohio, petitioner, v. Geraldine Harris, Willie G. Harris, Bernadette Harris, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Amicus curiae brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Ohio in support of respondents.

No. 87-751 Reel 15

Carlucci v. Doe

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Frank C. Carlucci, Secretary of Defense, et al., petitioners, v. John Doe, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation as amicus curiae in support of respondent.

No. 86-1781 Reel 15

Schweiker v. Chilicky

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Richard Schweiker, et al., petitioners, v. James Chilicky, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the Arizona Civil Liberties Union in support of respondents.

No. 87-5565 Reel 15

Clark v. Jeter

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Cherlyn Clark, petitioner, v. Gene Jeter, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania in support of petitioner.

No. 86-1461 Reel 15

DeBartolo Corporation v. Gulf Coast Building and Construction Trades Council

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. The Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation, petitioner, v. Gulf Coast Building and Construction Trades Council and National Labor Relations Board, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation in support of respondents.

No. 87-154 Reel 15

DeShaney v. Winnebago County Social Services

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Joshua DeShaney, a minor, by his guardian ad litem, andMelody DeShaney, petitioners, v. Winnebago County Departemnt of Social Services, Winnebago County, Ann Kemmeter and Cheryl Stelse, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Motion for leave to file brief amicus

45 The American Civil Liberties Union

curiae and brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Children's Rights Project, the ACLU of Wisconsin, Legal Services for Children, the Juvenile Law Center, Bay Area Coalition Against Abuse, and the National Women Abuse Prevention Project in support of petitioners.

No. 86-1552 Reel 15

Dept. of the Navy v. Egan

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Department of the Navy, petitioner, v. Thomas M. Egan, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington in support of respondent.

No. 87-470 Reel 15

Fort Wayne Books v. Indiana

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Fort Wayne Books, Inc., petitioner, v. State of Indiana, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Indiana. Motion of the American Civil Liberties Union and Indiana Civil Liberties Union for leave to file brief amicus curiae and brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and Indiana Civil Liberties Union in support of petitioner.

No. 87-168 Reel 15

Frisby v. Schultz

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Russell Frisby, et al., appellants, v. Sandra C. Schultz, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Briefamicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois and American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin in support of appellees. [Includes appendices.]

No. 86-7113 Reel 15

Kadrmas v. Dickinson Public Schools

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Paula Kadrmas and Sarita Kadrmas, a minor by her next friend, Paula Kadrmas, appellants, v. Dickinson Public Schools; Ross Julson, in his capacity as Superintendent of the Dickinson Public Schools; Clarence Storseth, Nancy Johnson, Merry Johnston, Harold Krieg, Herb Herauf, in their capacity as members of the Dickinson School Board; Richard Rykowsky, in his capacity as Transportation Supervisor of the Dickinson Public Schools, appellees. On appeal from the Supreme Court of North Dakota. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the North Dakota Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation in support of appellants.

Nos. 87-253, 87-431, 87-462, and 87-775 Reel 15

Bowen v. Kendrick Kendrick v. Bowen United Families of America v. Kendrick

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, appellant, v. Chan Kendrick, et al., appellees. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, appellant, v. Chan Kendrick, et al., appellees. Chan Kendrick, et al., cross-appellants, v. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, cross-appellee. United Families of America, appellant, v. Chan Kendrick, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Appellees' and cross-appellants' brief. [Includes appendices.]

46 1985-1989 Update

Nos. 87-253, 87-431, 87-462, and 87-775 Reel 15

Bowen v. Kendrick Kendrick v. Bowen United Families of America v. Kendrick

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, appellant, v. Chan Kendrick, et al., appellees. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, appellant, v. Chan Kendrick, et al., appellees. Chan Kendrick, et al., cross-appellants, v. Otis R. Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services, cross-appellee. United Families of America, appellant, v. Chan Kendrick, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Cross-appellants' reply brief.

No. 86-1013 Reel 15

Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Richard E. Lyng, Secretary of Agriculture, et al., petitioners, v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association, et al., respondents. On writ ofcertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Foundation, the ACLU Foundation of Southern California, and the ACLU of Northern California, Inc., in support of respondents.

No. 87-5002 Reel 15

McCoy v. Wisconsin Court of Appeals

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Ellis T. McCoy, appellant, v. Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District I, appellee. On appeal from the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. Brief of the National Legal Aid and Defender Association, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the ACLU of Wisconsin as amici curiae in support of appellant.

No. 87-5840 Reel 15

McNamara v. San Diego

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Edward McNamara, appellant, v. County of San Diego Department of Social Services, appellee. On appeal from the Court of Appeal of the State of California Fourth Appellate District, Division One. Motion for leave to file brief amicus curiae and brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties in support of appellant.

No. 87-920 Reel 15

Meyer v. Woodard

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Natalie Meyer, in her official capacity as Colorado Secretary of State, and Duane Woodard, in his official capacity as Colorado Attorney General, appellants, v. Paul K. Grant, Edward Hoskins, Nancy P. Bigbee, Lori A. Massie, Ralph R. Harrison, and Coloradans for Free Enterprise, Inc., a Colorado corporation, appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Colorado, and the American Civil Liberties Union of the National Capital Areas as amici curiae in support of appellees.

No. 87-746 Reel 15

Michael H. v. Gerald D.

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Michael H. and Victoria D., appellants, v. Gerald D., appellee. On appeal from the Court of Appeal of the State of California. Motion for leave to file brief amici curiae and brief amici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and ACLU Foundation of Southern California in support of appellants. [Includes appendices.]

47 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 87-578 & 87-602 Reel 15

Bank of Nova Scotia v. United States Kilpatrick v. United States

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. The Bank of Nova Scotia, petitioner, v. United States of America, respondent. William A. Kilpatrick, et al., petitioners, v. United States of America, respondent On writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Colorado in support of petitioners.

No. 86-1836 Reel 15

New York State Club Association v. New York City

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. New York State Club Association, appellant, v. the City of New York, et al., appellees. On appeal from the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Brief amicus curiae of American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York Civil Liberties Union and ACLU Foundation of Southern California in support of appellees.

No. 87-56 Reel 15

Owens v. Okure

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Javan Owens and Daniel G. Lessard, petitioners, against Tom U.U. Okure, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Brief for petitioners.

No. 87-56 Reel 15

Owens v. Okure

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Javan Owens and Daniel G. Lessard, petitioners, against Tom U.U. Okure, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Brief of respondent. [Includes appendices.]

No. 87-107 Reel 16

Patterson v. McLean Credit Union

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Brenda Patterson, petitioner, v. McLean Credit Union, respondent On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. On reargument. Brief for amici: American Jewish Congress, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, American Civil Liberties Union, American Federation of Labor--Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League of B' nai Brith, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, League of Women Voters of the U.S., Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Organization for Women Legal Defense and Education Fund, People for the American Way and Other Organizations [additional names included in brief]. [Includes appendices.]

No. 87-107 Reel 16

Patterson v. McLean Credit Union

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Brenda Patterson, petitioner, v. McLean Credit Union, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation and the North Carolina Civil Liberties Legal Foundation in support of petitioner.

48 1985-1989 Update

No. 87-6116 Reel 16

Penson v. Ohio

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Steven Anthony Penson, petitioner, v. State of Ohio, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Court of Appeals for Montgomery County, Ohio. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Civil Liberties Union of Ohio, and the National Legal Aid and Defender Association in support of petitioner.

No. 87-1167 Reel 16

Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Price Waterhouse, petitioner, v. Ann B. Hopkins, respondent On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brief of amici curiae NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, American Civil Liberties Union, Women's Legal Defense Fund, American Association of University Women, Employment Law Center, Equal Rights Advocates, Inc., Greater Washington Area Chapter, Women Lawyers Division, National Bar Association, Institute for Research on Women's Health, Nadine Taub, National Coalition for Women's Mental Health, National Conference of Women's Bar Associations, National Organization for Women, National Women's Law Center, Northwest Women's Law Center, Organization of Pan-Asian American Women, San Francisco Women Lawyers Alliance, Women Employed, Women's Bar Association of Massachusetts, Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia, Women's Equity Action League in support of respondent [Includes appendices.]

No. 87-65 Reel 16

United States v. Providence Journal Company

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. United States of America, petitioner, v. Providence Journal Company and Charles M. Hauser, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, and the Rhode Island Civil Liberties Union.

No. 87-1379 Reel 16

United States v. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. United States Department of Justice, et al., petitioners, v. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, respondents. On writ ofcertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union.

No. 87-998 Reel 16

Richmond v. J. A. Croson Company

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. City of Richmond, appellant, v. J. A. Croson Company, appellee. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Virginia and the ACLU of Northern California in support of appellant.

No. 87-764 Reel 16

Florida v. Riley

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. State of Florida, petitioner, v. Michael A. Riley, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the State of Florida Brief of amici curiae American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Florida and ACLU of Southern California in support of respondent.

49 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 86-5309 Reel 16

Ross v. Oklahoma

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Bobby Lynn Ross, petitioner, v. Oklahoma, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Oklahoma as amici curiae.

No. 87-5259 Reel 16

Teague v. Lane

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Frank Dean Teague, petitioner, v. Michael Lane, et al., respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Brief amici curiae of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., and the American Civil Liberties Union in support of petitioner.

No. 87-1245 Reel 16

Texas Monthly v. Bullock

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Texas Monthly, Inc., appellant, v. Bob Bullock, et al., appellees. On appeal from the Court of Appeals of Texas. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Texas Civil Liberties Union, the American Jewish Congress and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith in support of appellant.

No. 87-6405 Reel 16

Tompkins v. Texas

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Phillip D. Tompkins, petitioner, v. State of Texas, respondent On writ of certiorari to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Texas Civil Liberties Union, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. in support of petitioner.

No. 86-1879 Reel 16

National Treasury Employees Union v. von Raab

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. National Treasury Employees Union, and Argent Acosta, President, Chapter 168, National Treasury Employees Union, petitioners, v. William von Raab, Commissioner, United States Customs Service, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Louisiana in support of petitioners.

No. 86-6139 Reel 16

Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Clara Watson, petitioner, v. Fort Worth Bank & Trust, [respondent?]. Writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Women's Legal Defense Fund, amici curiae, in support of petitioner. [Includes appendices.]

No. 87-5096 Reel 16

West v. Atkins

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Quincy West, petitioner, v. Samuel Atkins, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.Amicus curiae brief of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation,

50 1985-1989 Update

the National Prison Project of the ACLU Foundation, and the North Carolina Civil Liberties Union Legal Foundation in support of petitioner. [Includes appendices.]

No. 87-1207 Reel 16

Will v. Michigan State Police

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1987. Ray Will, petitioner, v. Michigan Department of State Police and Director of State Police, respondents. On writ of certiorari to the Michigan Supreme Court. Brief of petitioner. [Includes appendices.]

No. 87-1344 Reel 17

Meese v. Abbott

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Edwin Meese ill, Attorney General of the United States, et al., petitioners, v. Jack Abbott, et al., respondents. On petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brief of respondents.

Nos. 87-2050, 88-90, and 88-96 Reel 17

Allegheny v. ACLU

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. County of Allegheny, et al., petitioners, v. American Civil Liberties Union, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Brief of respondents American Civil Liberties Union, et al.

No. 87-1022, 87-1112 Reel 17

Board of Estimate v. Morris Ponterio v. Morris

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. The Board of Estimate, et al., appellants, v. Beverly Morris, et al., appellees. Frank V. Ponterio, appellant, v. Beverly Morris, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Brief of appellees.

No. 87-1437 Reel 17

Blanton v. North Las Vegas

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Melvin R. Blanton and Mark D. Fraley, petitioners, v. City of North Las Vegas, Nevada, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Nevada in support of petitioners.

No. 87-2127 Reel 17

American Foreign Service Association v. Garfinkel

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. American Foreign Service Association, et al., appellants, v. Steven Garfinkel, et al., appellees. On appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union in support of appellants.

51 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 87-1555 Reel 17

Burnley v. Railway Labor Executives' Association

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. James H. Burnley, N, Secretary, Department of Transportation, et al., petitioners, v. Railway Labor Executives' Association, et al. [respondents?]. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Briefamici curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, and American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois.

No. 87-1956 Reel 17

Frank v. Minnesota Newspaper Association

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Anthony M. Frank, Postmaster General of the United States, et al., appellants, v. Minnesota Newspaper Association, Inc., appellee. On appeal from the United States District Court, District of Minnesota. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and Minnesota Civil Liberties Union.

No. 87-1945 Reel 17

Frazee v. Illinois Department of Employment Security

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. William A. Frazee, appellant, v. Department of Employment Security, an administrative agency of the state of Illinois; Sally Ward, Director of the Illinois Department of Employment Security; and Bruce W. Barnes, Chairman, Board of Review and Kelly Services, appellees. Brief amici curiae in support of appellant of the American Jewish Congress on behalf of itself and the Synagogue Council of America, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Christian Legal Society, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Lord's Day Alliance of the United States, and the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs.

No. 87-1855 Reel 17

Gilhool v. Muth

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Thomas K. Gilhool, petitioner, v. Russell A. Muth, Jr., et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, American Council of the Blind, American Society for Deaf Children, Children's Defense Fund, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Mental Health Law Project, National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems, National Mental Health Consumers Association, United Cerebral Palsy Associations, Inc., United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, and Western New York Disability Law Coalition as amici curiae. [Includes appendices.]

No. 87-6571 Reel 17

Graham v. Connor

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Dethom Graham, petitioner, v. M. S. Connor, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the North Carolina Civil Liberties Union in support of petitioner.

No. 88-10 Reel 17

Harte Hanks Communications v. Connaughton

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Harte Hanks Communications, Inc., petitioner, v. Daniel Connaughton, respondent On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. Brief amici curiae of , Cable News Network, Inc., Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., CBS Inc., the Cincinnati Enquirer, Chronicle Publishing Co., Dow Jones & Company. Inc .. Globe Newspaper Company, the Hearst Corporation, the Miami Herald, National Broadcasting Company, Inc., National Public Radio, the New York Times Company, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Seattle Times Company, Time Inc., The Times

52 1985-1989 Update

Mirror Company, Tribune Company, American Civil Liberties Union, American Newspaper Publishers Association, American Society of Newspaper Editors, Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, National Association of Broadcasters, National Conference of Editorial Writers, National Newspaper Association, Newsletter Association, Radio-Television News Directors Association, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi in support of petitioner. [Includes appendices.]

No. 88-5050 Reel 17

Holland v. Illinois

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Daniel Holland, petitioner, v. People of the State of Illinois, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of Illinois. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Illinois, and NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., in support of petitioner.

Nos. 87-2084, 88-214 Reel 17

Jett v. Dallas Independent School District Dallas Independent School District v. Jett

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Norman Jett, petitioner, v. Dallas Independent School District, respondent. Dallas Independent School District, cross-petitioner, v. Norman Jett, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Brief amici curiae of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. and the American Civil Liberties Union.

No. 88-357 Reel 17

Maleng v. Cook

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Norm Maleng, King County Prosecuting Attorney; Amos E. Reed, Secretary of the Washington Department of Social and Health Services; and Kenneth 0. Eikenberry, Attorney General, petitioners, v. Mark Edwin Cook, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Washington in support of respondent.

Nos. 87-1614, 87-1639 and 87-1668 Reel 17

Martin v. Wilks Arrington v. Wilks Personnel Board of Jefferson County v. Wilks

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. John W. Martin, et al., petitioners, v. Robert K. Wilks, et al., respondents. Richard Arrington, Jr., et al., petitioners, v. Robert K. Wilks, et al., respondents. Personnel Board of Jefferson County, et al., petitioners, v. Robert K. Wilks, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, Alabama Civil Liberties Union, and Women's Equity Action League in support of petitioners.

No. 87-1729 and 88-454 Reel 17

Caplin & Drysdale v. United States United States v. Monsanto

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Caplin & Drysdale, chartered, petitioner, v. United States of America, respondent. United States of America, petitioner, v. Peter Monsanto, respondent. On writs of certiorari to the United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth and Second Circuits. Joint and combined amicus brief of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the National Network for the Right to Counsel, the American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia in support of the petitioner Caplin & Drysdale in No.87-1729 and the respondent Monsanto in No.88-454.

53 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 88-411 Reel 17

Murray v. Giarratano

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Edward W. Murray, Director; Virginia Department of Corrections, et al., petitioners, v. Joseph M. Giarratano, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Motion for leave to file brief amicus curiae and brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and its National Prison Project in support of respondents.

No. 88-1048 Reel 17

Quinn v. Millsap

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Robert J. Quinn, Jr. and Patricia J. Kampsen, individually and on behalf of all other similarly situated individuals, appellants, v. Wayne L Millsap, et al., appellees. On appeal from the Supreme Court of Missouri. Brief ofamici curiae, American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri and American Civil Liberties Union Foundation in support of appellants.

Nos. 88-515 and 88-525 Reel 17

Sable Communications v. FCC FCC v. Sable Communications

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Sable Communications of California Inc., appellant, v. Federal Communications Commission and Richard L Thornburg, Attorney General of the United States, appellees. Federal Communications Commission and Richard L Thornburgh, Attorney General of the United States, cross-appellants, v. Sable Communications of California, Inc., cross-appellee. On appeal from the United States District Court for the Central District of California. Brief of Action for Children's Television, American Civil Liberties Union, Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., CBS Inc., Infinity Broadcasting Corporation, Motion Picture Association of America, Inc., National Association of Broadcasters, National Broadcasting Company, Inc., National Public Radio, People for the American Way, Public Broadcasting Service, Radio-Television News Directors Association, The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Society of Professional Journalists, and Tribune Broadcasting Company as amici curiae in support of appellant/cross-appellee.

No.88-305 Reel 17

South Carolina v. Gathers

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. State of South Carolina, petitioner, v. Demetrius Gathers, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of South Carolina. Motion for leave to file brief and brief of SOLACE, Friends of SOLACE, Norman Felton, and Mary Jo Gruca as amici curiae in support of respondent.

Nos. 88-854, 88-856 and 88-870 Reel 17

Spallone v. United States Chema v. United States Longo v. United States

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Henry G. Spallone, petitioner, v. United States of America and Yonkers Branch­ National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, et al., respondents. Peter Chema, petitioner, v. United States of America and Yonkers Branch-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, et al., respondents. Nicholas Longo and Edward Fagan, petitioners, v. United States of America and Yonkers Branch-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Motion for leave to file brief amicus curiae and brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Civil Liberties Union in support of respondents.

54 1985-1989 Update

No. 88-155 Reel 17

Texas v. Johnson

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. State of Texas, petitioner, v. Gregory Lee Johnson, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Texas Civil Liberties Union in support of respondent.

No. 87-1387 Reel 17

Wards Cove Packing Company v. Atonio

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Wards Cove Packing Company, Inc., Castle & Cove, Inc., petitioners, v. Frank Atonio, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief for the American Civil Liberties Union, National Women's Law Center, NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund, Women's Legal Defense Fund, amici curiae, on behalf of respondents.

No. 87-1965 Reel 17

Zinermon v. Burch

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Marius C. Zinermon, M.D., et al., petitioners, v. Darrell Burch, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Florida in suppport of respondent.

No. 88-608 Reel 17

Independent Federation of Flight Attendants v. Zipes

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Independent Federation of Flight Attendants, petitioner, v. Anne B. Zipes, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Brief amici curiae for American Civil Liberties Union and the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois. [Photocopy with some loss of print]

No. 88-1569 Reel 17

Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Richard H. Austin, et al., appellants, v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce, appellee. On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union, amicus, curiae, in support of appellee.

No. 88-1503 Reel 17

Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health v. McCanse

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Nancy Beth Cruzan, by her parents and co-guardians, Lester L. and Joyce Cruzan, petitioners, v. Director of Missouri Department of Health and Administrator of the Missouri Rehabilitation Center at Mt. Vernon, respondents, v. Thad C. McCanse, Guardian a.d litem, respondent. On writ of certiorari to the Missouri Supreme Court Brief for petitioners.

55 The American Civil Liberties Union

No. 88-1198, 88-1393 Reel 17

FTC v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association v. FTC

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Federal Trade Commission, petitioners, v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association, Ralph J. Perrotta, Karen E. Koskoff, Reginald G. Addison, Joanne D. Slight, respondents. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association et al., cross-petitioners, v. Federal Trade Commission. On writs of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brief of American Civil Liberties Union and American Civil Liberties Union of the National Capital Area as amicus curiae in support of respondents/petitioners.

No. 88-1597 Reel 17

Westside Community Schools v. Mergens

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Board of Education of the Westside Community Schools (Dists. 66), et al., petitioners, v. Bridget C. Mergens, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Brief of the Anti-Defamation League of B 'nai B 'rith, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Coalition for Public Education and Religious Liberty, the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, the Committee for Public Education and Religious Liberty, and Americans for Religious Liberty, amici curiae, in support of petitioners.

No. 88-1213 Reel 17

Oregon Dept. of Human Resources v. Smith

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Employment Division, Oregon Department of Human Resources, et al., petitioners, v. Alfred L. Smith, et al., respondents. On writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon. Brief amicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Oregon in support of respondents.

No. 88-1374 Reel 17

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries v. California Board of Equalization

United States Supreme Court, October term, 1988. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, appellant, v. Board of Equalization of California, appellee. On appeal from the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District, Division One. Briefamicus curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union in support of appellee.


18 5 Letter January 2, 1985 Ira Glasser to Clarence Pendleton, Chair, United States Commission on Civil Rights 18 5 Press Release February 11, 1985 ACLU NEWS: New ACLU study denounces death penalty as ineffective, uncivilized, unfair 18 5 Press Release March 24, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU releases new handbook: your right to government information 18 5 Press Release March 24, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU releases new handbook: the rights of crime victims 18 5 Press Release March 29, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU urges suppression of evidence against indicted sanctuary activists [includes amici curiae brief] 18 5 Press Release March 31, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU releases new handbook: the rights of single people 18 5 Press Release March 31, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU releases new handbook: the rights of young people 18 5 Testimony April 15, 1985 Untitled: Testimony of ACLU President Norman Dorsen on S. 522, "A bill to amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect the rights of the unborn.''

56 1985-1989 Update


18 5 Press Release May 19, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU announces plans for Lesbian/Gay Rights Project 18 5 Press Release July 2, 1985 ACLU NEWS: The 1984-85 term of the Supreme Court an ACLU overview 18 5 Press Release July 2, 1985 ACLU NEWS: Untitled:The appointment of Morton H. Halperin as Director of the ACLU's Washington Office 18 5 Press Release July 8, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU calls anti-spy measures in DOD authorization bill violative of civil liberties and urges Congress to drop them from bill 18 5 Press Release August 21, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU urges President Reagan to reject proposal to weaken Executive Order 11246 [includes letter to the president] 18 5 Press Release September 18, 1985 ACLU NEWS: American Civil Liberties Union sets up "Musical Majority" Committee of music, business leaders and artists opposed to record ratings 18 5 Press Release September 20, 1985 ACLU NEWS: Preview: The Supreme Court, 1985-86 term 18 5 Press Release October 3, 1985 ACLU NEWS: Untitled: Discusses gender-based insurance court decisions 18 5 Press Release October 11, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU sues to help Rabbi Kahane retain his U.S. citizenship 18 5 Press Release November 13, 1985 ACLU NEWS: Study finds 343 miscarriages of justice in death cases in this country since 1900 [includes book excerpts] 18 5 Press release November 13, 1985 ACLU NEWS: Untitled, discusses court-mandated services to keep children out of foster care 18 5 Press Release November 29, 1985 ACLU NEWS: Censorship in the South increased between 1980-85, ACLU report shows 18 5 Testimony December 9, 1985 Testimony of Susan Frietsche before the Senate Judiciary Committee on stun gun legislation[ includes Pennsylvania Attorney General's opinion on stun guns] 18 5 Press Release December 13, 1985 ACLU NEWS: Media Advisory: Appointment of Ari Korpivaara as Acting Director of Public Information and Education 18 5 Press Release December 17, 1985 ACLU NEWS: ACLU offers to buy the Justice Department 18 5 Letter December 17, 1985 Ira Glasser to General Edwin Meese 18 5 Press Release January 19, 1986 ACLU NEWS: How to cope with violence and disruption at abortion clinics 18 5 Press Release February 7, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU denounces President's proposal to abolish Legal Services Corporation 18 5 Press Release February 20, 1990 ACLU NEWS: Civil liberties and law enforcement groups sponsor conference on crime 18 5 Press Release March 4, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU denounces drug testing recommendations of President's Commission on Organized Crime 18 5 Press Release March 19, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU condemns opening of refugee detention and adjudication center in Louisiana 18 5 Press Release March 26, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU denounces campus "spies" for Accuracy in Academia as threat to academic freedom 18 5 Press Release May 11, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Nan Hunter appointed counsel for ACLU Lesbian/Gay Rights Projects 18 5 Press Release May 29, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Imprisonment of "Freedom Flotilla" Cubans violates human rights, ACLU coalition charges 18 5 Press Release July 7, 1986 ACLU NEWS: The 1985-86 term of the Supreme Court an ACLU overview 18 5 Press Release June 29, 1986 ACLU NEWS: The tenth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the death penalty 18 5 Press Release June 27, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Jonathan Katz joins Hunter in ACLU' S Lesbian/Gay Rights Project 18 5 Press Release August 15, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Cross-dressing law ruled invalid 18 5 Press Release August 20, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Appeals court requires oversight of CIA 18 5 Report September 7, 1986 Report on the civil liberties record of Judge Antonin Scalia 18 5 Press Release September 7, 1986 Report on the civil liberties record of Justice William H. Rehnquist

57 The American Civil Liberties Union


18 5 Press Release September 19, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU and APHA tell Supreme Court that protection of persons handicapped by communicable diseases is consistent with public health concerns 18 5 Press Release Undated ACLU NEWS: ACLU hails enactment of drug bill free of major civil liberties violations; praises Senators who led fight and condemns House leadership 18 5 Press Release October 22, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU labels Federal anti-porn effort "War against the wrong enemy" 18 5 Letter October 21, 1986 Samuel Walker to Norman Dorsen 18 5 Press Release October 5, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Alabama secular humanism trial opens Monday: outcome crucial to separation of church and state, ACLU Says 18 5 Press Release October 8, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU wins court battle to end discrimination in New York City's foster care system 18 5 Press Release October 21, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Supreme Court to rule on gay "Olympics" 18 5 Press Release October 21, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU endorses gay marriage, Benefits 18 5 Press Release October 23, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU denounces Attorney General's attack on Supreme Court 18 5 Press Release November 7, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Minnesota minors win right to abortion without parental consent or notification 18 5 Press Release November 6, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU calls on President to enforce anti-discrimination provisions of Immigration Act 18 5 Press Release November 10, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Kentucky sodomy law found unconstitutional 18 5 Press Release November 25, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU calls for independent counsel and Congressional investigation of Iran/Contra activities 18 5 Press Release December 1, 1986 ACLU NEWS: U.S. Housing Courts "mass produce" homelessness according to ACLU study to be released December 1 18 5 Press Release December 4, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Drug testing in the workplace 18 5 Press Release December 10, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU wins Florida AIDS discrimination case: settle- ment reinstates Shuttleworth as county employee 18 5 Press Release December 10, 1986 ACLU NEWS: Three new General Counsel elected 18 5 Press Release December 10, 1986 ACLU urges respect for Fifth Amendment in Congressional hearings on Iran-Contra Affair 18 5 Letter December 10, 1986 Morton H. Halperin to Representative Dante B. Fascell 18 5 Press Release December 10, 1986 ACLU NEWS: John Powell named ACLU Legal Director 18 5 Press Release December 15, 1986 10th Anniversary of Gilmore execution: ACLU affirms opposition to death penalty 18 5 Press Release December 18, 1986 ACLU NEWS: ACLU wins change of prison rules for gays 18 5 Press Release December 19, 1986 ACLU NEWS: More religious organizations join in charging US detention of Cubans violates human rights 18 5 Press Release January 9, 1987 ACLU NEWS: U.S. abandons effort to deport New York woman who belonged to Finnish Communist Party as student 18 5 Press Release January 30, 1987 ACLU NEWS: Parental notice laws cause more teen childbirth and result in "state-mandated cruelty," ACLU charges [includes separate commen- tary by ACLUF Reproductive Freedom Project] 18 5 Press Release February 2, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU publishes analysis of 99th Congress, voting records 18 5 Press Release March 20, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU sues Navy to allow female civilian employees on- board subs 18 5 Press Release March 31, 1987 ACLU NEWS: Gay father wins visitation rights 18 5 Press Release March 31, 1987 ACLU NEWS: Title VII exemption for religious employers is unconstitu- tional, ACLU argues before court 18 5 Press Release April 6, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU releases briefing paper on AIDS and civil liberties: recommends education, not abstinence, as best response 18 5 Press Release April 9, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU finds Judge Rogers' decision approving continuing school segregation "incredible" and legally wrong 18 5 Press Release Undated ACLU NEWS: Human rights groups ask Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to investigate detention of Cubans

58 1985-1989 Update


18 5 Press Release April 29, 1987 ACLU NEWS: Court faults NYC Social Services Agency for failing to help families stay together 18 5 Press Release May 13, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU denounces bill seeking to close PLO office in the U.S. 18 5 Press Release May 14, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU calls for new law to protect census data [includes testimony of Jerry J. Berman before the Senate Subcommittee on Federal Services, Post Office and Civil Service and the House Subcommittee on Census and Population] 18 5 Press Release June 9, 1987 ACLU NEWS: AIDS testing, Presidential secrecy, & future of civil liberties to be debated at ACLU Biennial Conference 18 5 Press Release June 23, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU appeals Alabama secular humanism ruling in continujng fight to prevent fundamentalists from imposing religious beliefs in public schools 18 5 Press Release June 26, 1987 ACLU NEWS: The 1986 term of the Supreme Court: an ACLU overview 18 5 Press Release July 8,1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU project files appeal on behalf of gay student association 18 5 Press Release July 8, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU publishes first national docket of AIDS and sexuality cases 18 5 Press Release July 29, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU condemns U.S. for withdrawing from World Court over Nicaragua's charges of human rights violations 18 5 Press Release August 7, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU opposes testing and exclusion of aliens for AIDS virus 18 5 Press Release August 9, 1987 ACLU NEWS: Housing courts responsible for many homeless, ACLU study finds 18 5 Press Release August 31, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU announces opposition to Bork; urges Senate to reject nomination 18 5 Press Release September 11, 1987 ACLU NEWS: Colleen O'Connor named Public Education Director 18 5 Press Release September 17, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU statement on the confirmation hearings of Robert H. Bork 18 5 Memo September 17, 1987 Robert Bork's recantations 18 5 Press Release October 6, 1987 ACLU NEWS: Supreme Court to decide several important civil liberties cases this term, ACLU states 18 5 Press Release October 6, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU accepts P.1.0. case 18 5 Press Release October 29, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU support of the Video Privacy Protection Act of 1987 18 5 Press Release November 16, 1987 ACLU NEWS: ACLU publishes Spanish language immigration pam- phlet: employer sanctions and discrimination prohibitions explained 18 5 Press Release January 13, 1988 ACLU NEWS: Statement of Janet Benshoof, on the Supreme Court's opinion in Hazelwood 18 5 Press Release February l, 1988 ACLU NEWS: Statement by John A Powell, National Legal Director, the American Civil Liberties Union [re: State Department funding of reliigous schools in France] 18 5 Press Release February l, 1988 ACLU NEWS: Statement by Janet L. Benshoof, Director, Reproductive Freedom Project, American Civil Liberties Union 18 5 Press Release April 24, 1988 ACLU NEWS: ACLU releases new handbook: The rights of students 18 5 Press Release Undated ACLU NEWS: State Department grants visa to Vietnamese economist 18 5 Press Release June 2, 1988 ACLU NEWS: President's AIDS Commission Report 18 5 Press Release Undated ACLU NEWS: Statement by Lucas Guttentag, National Litigation Coordinator, ACLU Immigration Task Force [re: census data uses] 18 5 Press Release July 20, 1988 ACLU NEWS: ACLU supports North motion to dismiss indictment [includes amicus curiae brief] 18 5 Press Release July 25, 1988 ACLU NEWS: Court orders halt to jailing of alien witnesses 18 5 Press Release August 5, 1988 ACLU NEWS: Untitled: Report on the civil liberties record of Richard L. Thornburgh 18 5 Report July l, 1988 The 1987 Supreme Court term: An ACLU summary 18 5 Press Release 1989 Undated ACLU NEWS: ACLU comments on government effort to restrict North trial proceedings under the Classified Information Procedures Act

59 The American Civil Liberties Union


18 5 Press Release Undated ACLU NEWS: ACLU urges hearings on draft executive order 18 5 Press Release February 6, 1989 ACLU NEWS: ACLU announces legislative agenda for lOlst Congress 18 5 Press Release February 7, 1989 ACLU hails Family and Medical Leave Act as important step forward for America's families 18 5 Press Release May 11, 1989 Untitled: Concerns public opinion favoring ACLU 18 5 Press Release June 15, 1990 Untitled: Concerns Supreme Court's ruling in Patterson v. McLean Credit Union 18 5 Press Release June 20, 1989 Untitled: Concerns ACLU foster care class action civil rights suit against District of Columbia's Department of Human Services 18 5 Press Release July 3, 1989 ACLU NEWS: Statement by Janet Benshoof [on abortion rights] 18 5 Press Release July 6, 1989 ACLU summary of 1988 Supreme Court term 18 5 Press Release November 29, 1989 ACLU .NEWS: ACLU calls on Congress to investigate attorney general's withholding of key documents in Fernandez Iran-Contra trial 18 5 Letter November 29, 1989 Morton Halperin to Anthony Beilenson 18 6 Serial Spr. 1985-F./W. 1989Civil Liberties Nos. 353-355, 352, 357-358, 356, 362, 361, 360, 359, 363-364, 366-367, 365, 368 19 6 Serial Jan. 1985-Dec. 1989 Civil LibertiesAlert8:1-8:4, 9:112-9:3, 10:1-10:3, 11:1-11:4, 12:1-12:3/4 19 6 Serial Spr. 1985-Sept 1989 First Principles 10:3-10:5, 11:1-11:5, 12:1-12:5, 13:1-13:4, 14:1-14:3 19 6 Serial Fall, 1984-Fall 1989 National Prison Project Journal, Nos. 1-21 19 6 Serial 7/13/89-12/2289 Reproductive Rights Update, 1:1-1:12 + 2 special editions 19 6 Serial Spring 1985 Annual Report, 1983-84 IN:: Civil Liberties Spring 1985 19 6 Serial 1984-1985 Report of Activities 1984-85 [Annual Report] 19 6 Serial 1986-87 Report of Activities 1986-87 [Annual Report] 19 6 Serial 1988 Annual Report 1988 19 6 Memo April 11, 1985 Children's Rights Project: Progress Report [includes appendices] 19 6 Serial February, 1986 The twilight children: victims of child welfare [includes appendices] 19 6 Serial March 1989 Children's Rights Project Activities 19 6 Serial June 1986-June 1987 First Annual Report June 1986-June 1987 of the ACLU Foundation's Lesbian & Gay Rights Project [includes appendices] n/a 6 Clipping July 1, 1986 The Voice: Banned in the U.S.A. n/a 6 Clipping July 1, 1986 The Washington Post: Antisodomy law is affirmed by 5-to-4 decision n/a 6 Clipping July 2, 1986 The Washington Post: Sodomy ruling's implications extend far beyond bedroom n/a 6 Clipping July 1, 1986 San Diego Union: Anti-sodomy law upheld by High Court n/a 6 Clipping June 24, 1986 USA Today: Firing of AIDS carriers OK n/a 6 Clipping July 7, 1986 Newsweek: Aids in the workplace n/a 6 Clipping December 12, 1986 Gannett News Service: Should employers be able to fire workers with AIDS? No, AID'S victims simply do not endanger fellow workers n/a 6 Clipping February 1, 1987 American Bar Association Journal: Is AIDS a handicap? n/a 6 Clipping October 31, 1986 Dallas Morning News: Seminar focuses on AIDS issues in the workplace n/a 6 Clipping March 1, 1987 American Bar Association Journal: Untitled n/a 6 Clipping March 4, 1987 The New York Times: Rights of impaired backed in ruling that may help AIDS victims n/a 6 Clipping March 4, 1987 Philadelphia Inquirer. High Court bars job bias for diseases n/a 6 Clipping March 4, 1987 Washington Post: AIDS ruled a protected 'handicap' n/a 6 Clipping March 4, 1987 USA Today: Court gives AIDS victims job support n/a 6 Clipping June 12,1987 The New York Times: Reagan's 'Weak, coercive' AIDS plan n/a 6 Clipping March 23, 1987 Time: AIDS becomes a political issue n/a 6 Clipping May 23, 1987 The New York Times: Where the A.C.L.U. stands on AIDS n/a 9 Clipping April 26, 1987 Newsday: Test anonymously and tighten laws to prevent bias n/a 6 Clipping January 27, 1987 The New York Times: AIDS rise spurs debate on testing of victim's sex partners n/a 6 Clipping January 29, 1987 The Wall Street Journal: Asking AIDS victims to name past partners stirs debate on privacy n/a 6 Clipping October 23, 1986 The Los Angeles Times: Koop calls for defeat of AIDS initiative n/a 6 Clipping December 11, 1986 The New York Times: Settlement in AIDS dispute called "victory' by supporters

60 1985-1989 Update


n!a 6 Clipping December 10, 1986 San Francisco Chronicle: AIDS settlement called a victory n!a 6 Clipping December 18, 1986 Windy City Times: Florida AIDS employment discrimination case won n!a 6 Clipping December 29, 1986 New York Native: ACLU wins AIDS discrimination case nfa 6 Clipping April 30, 1987 Sarasota Herald-Tribune: ACLU: schools can't bar AIDS pupils n!a 6 Clipping February 1987 Ms.: Gay marriage: lifting the bans nfa 6 Clipping October 28, 1986 New York Daily News: ACLU gives boost to gay marriages nfa 6 Clipping April 10, 1986 Newsday: Gay pair's lease rule tossed out n!a 6 Clipping January21, 1987 The New York Times: Homosexual parents winning some custody cases nfa 6 Clipping May 21, 1987 Atlanta Constitution: Custody battle illuminates courts' bias nfa 6 Clipping October 1986 Baltimore Gay Paper: Appeals Court requires CIA oversight nfa 6 Clipping August 7, 1986 Phoenix Gazette: Lawyer fights to keep courts out of bedroom nfa 6 Clipping December 1986 Baltimo_re Gay Paper. Kentucky sodomy law found unconstitutional nfa 6 Clipping July 25, 1986 Minneapolis Star & Tribune: ACLU offers help in challenge to sodomy law n!a 6 Clipping June 23, 1987 The Advocate: Ten who make us proud nfa 6 Article February 3, 1987 The Advocate: Nan Hunter: making the gay case through the ACLU nfa 6 Clipping February 3, 1987 The Advocate: My abortion in Mexico City-and why gays should give a damn 19 6 Annual Report June 1987-July 1988 Lesbian and Gay Rights Project and AIDS and Civil Liberties Project of the American Civil Liberties Union n!a 6 Clipping May 3, 1988 Newsday: AIDS drugs: for men only n!a 6 Clipping September 12, 1987 Washington Post: AIDS transmission as a crime: the law won't work nfa 6 Clipping April 1, 1988 ABA Journal: Gays and the military nfa 6 Clipping Winter 1988 Civil liberties: Appeals Court rejects Army rule against gays nfa 6 Clipping February 23, 1988 Washington Post: AIDS and the lawyers nfa 6 Clipping June 10, 1988 The News: AIDS civil liberties project formed nfa 6 Clipping April 4, 1988 National Law Journal: Anti-bias bill bolsters rights of AIDS victims n!a 6 Clipping June 25, 1988 TV Guide: Cheers 'N' Jeers nfa 6 Clipping May 5, 1988 The New York Times: To touch or not to touch? That's the issue when AIDS patients go on TV nfa 6 Clipping March 4, 1988 The New York Times: AIDS medical records: confidentiality at issue nfa 6 Clipping June 29, 1988 AIDS Policy & Law: Court stops HIV disclosure by HMO to estranged wife nfa 6 Clipping February 26, 1988 Washington Blade: High Court refuses blood bank privacy appeal nfa 6 Clipping September 18, 1987 Alabama Journal: Police have AIDS victims list nfa 6 Clipping January 24, 1988 The New York Times: The quandary of AIDS and insurance nfa 6 Clipping September 9, 1987 Washington Post: Protest expected as AIDS panel meets nfa 6 Clipping September 12, 1987 Atlanta Journal/Constitution: AIDS Commission drops review of pamphlet sought by ACLU nfa 6 Clipping October 8, 1987 The New York Times: Leaders of AIDS panel quit amid feuds and criticism nfa 6 Clipping October 12, 1987 The Native: ACLU to monitor HIV Commission nfa 6 Clipping October 15, 1987 The New York Times: Suit filed over composition of the federal panel on AIDS nfa 6 Clipping October 15, 1987 Washington Post: AIDS Commission illegally omits most-affected groups, lawsuit says nfa 6 Clipping June 3, 1988 The New York Times: AIDS Panel's chief urges ban on bias against infected nfa 6 Clipping June 3, 1988 Washington Post: AIDS Commission chief blasts U.S. response, urges sweeping measues to combat epidemic nfa 6 Clipping June 18, 1988 Washington Post: AIDS Panel recommends law banning discrimination nfa 6 Clipping March 2, 1987 Time: Putting AIDS to the test nfa 6 Clipping February 19, 1988 Po11land Press Herald: Lawyers grapple with legal issues of AIDS testing nfa 6 Clipping June l, 1988 AIDS Policy and Law: Rights Commission, gay groups clash over scope of hearings

61 The American Civil Liberties Union

REEL SERIES CATEGORY DATE CONTENTS n/a 6 Clipping Fall 1987 Civil Liberties: Lesbian & Gay Rights Project focuses on AIDS discrimnation n/a 6 Clipping June 24, 1988 The New York Times: Appeals Court extends rights of gay groups n/a 6 Clipping March 26, 1988 The Nation: Lesbian and gay students choose n/a 6 Clipping January 18, 1988 Native: Supreme Court to bear arguments in gay CIA employee case n/a 6 Clipping June 29, 1988 Frontlines: CIA loses gay challenge n/a 6 Clipping November 21, 1988 Washington Post: Court backs equal rights for GU [Georgetown Univer- sity] homosexual groups n/a 6 Clipping June 21, 1988 Front Page: Nan Hunter featured at Pride '88 n/a 6 Clipping June 21, 1988 Advocate: School sex manual creates N.H. stir n/a 6 Clipping Winter 1988 Civil Liberties: Gay couples deserve the rights and benefits of Partner- ship n/a 6 Clipping November 27, I987 Washington Blade: Two cases challenge Minn. law n/a 6 Clipping March 3, I988 National Journal: Are homosexuals bad soldiers? n/a 6 Clipping February 11, 1988 Washington Post: Army ban on gays nullified I9 6 Letter May 5, 1988 Kirk Cashmere to Nan D. Hunter I9 6 Letter April 14, 1988 James C. Harrington to Emily Untermeyer 19 6 Letter March 15, 1988 Norman Dorsen to Nan Hunter 19 6 Letter February I 7, I 988 Gene Stanford to Nan Hunter I9 6 Letter April I4, I988 Ted Weiss to Nan Hunter I9 6 Letter February I I, 1988 Kenneth E. Warner to William Rubenstein I9 6 Letter May 26, I988 Patricia M. Wald to Nan Hunter 19 6 Annual Report I985 Reproductive Freedom Project Annual Report [includes appendices] n/a 6 Clipping Undated The Boston Globe: Abortion and politics n/a 6 Clipping February I7, I985 The Record: Abortion clinics say ads by pro-life group are misleading n/a 6 Clipping May 26, I985 Washington Post: Is the Court rethinking abortion? n/a 6 Clipping October 24, I 985 The Daily News: Pro-abortionists face a new legal challenge n/a 6 Clipping May 29, I985 Washington Post: Lawyers question letting fetus viability shape abortion law n/a 6 Clipping November 6, I985 Minneapolis Star and Tribune: Court approval for minors who want abortions will be tested n/a 6 Clipping August 26, I985 The New York Times: Federal funds help spread procreation dogma n/a 6 Clipping November I I, 1985 The New York Times: A move to undercut women's rights n/a 6 Clipping September I5, 1985 The Indianapolis Star. ICLU Conference speaker labels pro-life activists 'real radicals' n/a 6 Clipping December 30, I 985 Daily News: Cal's nemesis n/a 6 Clipping June 4, I985 The Dallas Morning News: Abortion clinic site plan dropped n/a 6 Clipping November 13, 1985 Arkansas Gazette: Class action suit seeks invalidation of state law on contraceptives sale 19 6 Letter September 16, 1985 Michael Lee Gradison to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter June 6, 1985 Sally Goldfarb to Lourdes Soto 19 6 Letter December 10, 1985 Bow Rowe & Diane Benjamin to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter September 20, 1985 Nanette Falkenberg to Suzanne [Sangree] 19 6 Letter October 17, 1985 Polly Rothstein to Mario Cuomo 19 6 Letter September 16, 1985 Mary Ann Sorrentino to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter December 2, 1985 Kathryn Kolbert to Nan Hunter 19 6 Annual Report 1986 Reproductive Freedom Project; Annual Report 1986 [includes appendi- ces] n/a 6 Clipping November 13, 1986 The New York Times: A turning point on the abortion issue? n/a 6 Clipping July 3, 1986 The Clarion-Ledger: Judge blocks law requiring parental consent for abortions n/a 6 Clipping July 11, 1986 Louisville Courier Journal: Judge blocks abortion-consent law for teens n/a 6 Clipping November7 Abortion rule for under-18's upset by judge n/a 6 Clipping June 13, 1986 St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch: Minnesota abortion law cruel to minors, judge told n/a 6 Clipping January21, 1986 [Unnamed paper]: Abortion decision observed this week

62 1985-1989 Update


n/a 6 Clipping November 4, 1986 The New York Times: Court upholds funds for family planning clinic n/a 6 Clipping October 9, 1986 The New York Times: Dead baby's mother faces criminal charge on acts in pregnancy n/a 6 Clipping November IO, 1986 The New York Times: Fetal-rights case attacks civil liberties of woman n/a 6 Clipping November 10, 1986 National Law Journal: Policy on aiding abortion sparks suits n/a 6 Clipping November 12, 1986 The New York Times: Minors must be free to opt for contraceptives n/a 6 Clipping October 8, 1986 Station Island Advance: Parent's consent on birth control unconstitu- tional? n/a 6 Clipping December 1, 1986 Newsweek: The troubling question of 'fetal rights' 19 6 Letter June 13, 1986 Barbara Splawn to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter November 17, 1986 Alice Radosh to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter January 16, 1986 Betty Friedan, Alida Brill, Gertrude White, Bea Forrest to Rachael Pine 19 6 Hologr. Letter August 25, 1986 From John A. [holographic signature; Columbia University American Language Program] to Rachel [Pine] 19 6 Letter September 11, 1986 Gaye Williams to Lynn M. Paltrow 19 6 Letter August 7, 1986 Arlene Swartz to Lynn Paltrow 19 6 Letter January 30, 1986 Shirley Gordon and Carol Reichert to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter October 1, 1986 Kimberley King to Lynn Paltrow 19 6 Letter November 25, 1986 Allan Rosenfield, M.D. to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter November 12, 1986 Barbara Radford and Alice Kirkman to Rachel Pine 19 6 Letter December 16, 1986 Frances Kissling and Pauline Nunez-Morales to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter December 1, 1986 Gladden Elliott to Lynn M. Paltrow 19 6 Letter May 16, 1986 Theresa K. Shively to Diana Traub 19 6 Letter March 11, 1986 Marcie J. Musser to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Annual Report 1987 Reproductive Freedom Project Annual Report 1987 [includes appendices] n/a 6 Clipping October 5, 1987 The National Law Journal: Battles over abortion intensify n/a 6 Clipping February 27, 1987 The New York Times: Charges against mother in death of baby are thrown out n/a 6 Clipping October 5, 1987 The National Law Journal: Pro-choice, Pro-life forces prepare for litigation wars n/a 6 Clipping February 14, 1987 N.Y. Amsterdam News: ACLU lawyer blasts minors abortion law n/a 6 Clipping October 5, 1987 The National Law Journal: Battles over abortion intensify n/a 6 Clipping April 18, 1987 Richmond News: Complaint initiated successful fight against ·chastity bill' n/a 6 Clipping November 25, 1987 The Washington Post: ACLU asks court to rehear case of forced Cesarean birth n/a 6 Clipping November 1, 1987 The New York Times: Getting permission to have an abortion n/a 6 Clipping November 27, 1987 The Star-Ledger: Abortion ruling hailed on Monmouth inmates n/a 6 Clipping May 21, 1987 The New York Times: One Albany member item finances anti-abortion centers n/a 6 Clipping December 3, 1 987 USA Today: Even pregnant women have rights n/a 6 Clipping November 30, 1987 Arizona Daily Star: Mothers as things: fetal care shouldn't supersede woman's rights n/a 6 Clipping February 28, 1987 The Tribune: Doctors aren't policemen ... n/a 6 Clipping April 16, 1987 The New York Times: U.S. judge overturns law on Family Life Program n/a 6 Clipping February 27, 1987 The New York Times: Charges against mother in death of baby are thrown out n/a 6 Clipping February 27, 1987 Los Angeles Times: Woman is acquitted in test of obligation to an unborn child n/a 6 Clipping November 17, 1987 Newsday: Pregnancy is no excuse for brutalizing women 19 6 Letter July 2, 1987 Ruth Roemer, J.D. to Diana Traub 19 6 Letter July 19, 1987 Maggi Cage to Suzzane Sangree 19 6 Letter July 23, 1987 Jeannie I. Rosoff to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter March 20, 1987 Richard J. Boesen to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter October 14, 1987 Anne Donchin to Dawn Johnsen 19 6 Letter February 18, 1987 Miriam Cyrulnik and Barbara Grcevic to Janet Benshoof

63 The American Civil Liberties Union


19 6 Letter April 23, 1987 Jennifer Wriggins to Lynn Paltrow and Janet Benshoof 9 6 Letter June 3, 1987 Barbara Radford, Susan Shermer, and Alice Kirman to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter October 29, 1987 Walter B. Slocombe to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter August 11, 1987 Karen Siegel to Suzanne Sangree 19 6 Letter October 9, 1987 D. Jerome Hansen to Sherrilyn A. Ifill 19 6 Letter March 30, 1987 Liz Cooper and Lisa Tessler to Rachael Pine 19 6 Letter March 25, 1987 Laurie P. Allen to Rachel Pine 19 6 Letter October 5, 1987 Thomas M. Vernon to Sherrilyn Ifill 19 6 Letter January 21, 1987 Elizabeth J. Appley to Rachel Pine 19 6 Hologr. Letter December 2, 1987 [Brina-Rae Schuchman] to Lynn [Paltrow] 19 6 Letter May 7, 1987 Rev. Pamela Barnett to Lynn Paltrow 19 6 Letter February 3, 1987 Mary B. Weidler to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter September 2, 1987 Gary B. Ellis to Lynn M. Paltrow 19 6 Annual Report 1988 Reproductive Freedom Project Annual Report 1988 [includes appendices] n/a 6 Clipping March 31, 1988 The Washington Post: Court weighs church role in teen-sex law n/a 6 Clipping June 30, 1988 The New York Times: Ruling upholds law on grants for counseling on sex n/a 6 Clipping August 9, 1988 The New York Times: Curbs for minors seeking abortion upheld on appeal n/a 6 Clipping August 17, 1988 The Guardian: Teens deserve a chance n/a 6 Clipping November 21, 1988 Frontline: Abortion rights: the worst may be yet to come n/a 6 Clipping October 2, 1988 The New York Times: The subliminal message of the Bush campaign n/a 6 Clipping November 28, 1988 US News and World Report: And now, a feminist full court press n/a 6 Clipping October 30, 1988 Universal Press Syndicate: Doonesbury by G.B. Trudeau n/a 6 Clipping February 3, 1988 USA Today: Gagging doctors, subverting rights n/a 6 Clipping March 1, 1988 Sun Reporter(San Francisco): Women of color oppose new Title X regulations n/a 6 Clipping July 2, 1988 The New York Times: U.S. abortion rule is upheld by judge n/a 6 Clipping May 3, 1988 Foster's Daily Democrat: Clinic defies state on manuals n/a 6 Clipping March 22, 1988 The New York Times: Appeals Court vacates forced-Caesarean rule n/a 6 Clipping September 23, 1988 The Washington Post: D.C. court wrestles with fetal rights case n/a 6 Clipping November 1, 1988 ABA Journal: Pregnant? Go directly to jail n/a 6 Clipping October 1988 Vogue: Invasion of the body snatchers n/a 6 Clipping April 14, 1988 The New York Times: Woman has abortion, violating court's order on paternal rights 19 6 Letter January 5, 1988 Libby Shuyer to Dawn Johnson 19 6 Letter January 8, 1988 Rona Barrett to Lynn Paltrow 19 6 Letter January 18, 1988 Julie A. Davis to Rachael N. Pine 19 6 Letter February 8, 1988 Carol Reichert to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter February 16, 1988 David A. Friedman to Ira Glasser 19 6 Letter March 3, 1988 Cyndi Billian Stern to Sherrilyn Ifill 19 6 Letter Undated Betty K. Hart to Mr. and Mrs. Stoner 19 6 Hologr. Letter March 30, 1988 Patricia Hennessey to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter March 31, 1988 Richard Seamon to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter March 31, 1988 Lisa Tessler to Sherrilyn Ifill 19 6 Letter April 14, 1988 Judith G. Simpson to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter April 22, 1988 Bonnie H. Weinstein to Diane Traub, Lisa, Dawn Johnsen, Sherril Ifill 19 6 Letter April 25, 1988 Marlene Gerber Fried to Lynn Paltrow 19 6 Letter June 1, 1988 J. Joseph Speidel to Janet Benshoof 19 6 Letter June 9, 1988 Claire T. Ebel to Dawn Johnson 19 6 Letter June 13, 1988 Barbara Radford and Susan Shermer to Rachael Pine 19 6 Letter June 29, 1988 Suzanne E. Durrell to Rachel N. Pine 19 6 Letter July 18, 1988 Chuck Rhoades to Ira Glasser 19 6 Hologr. Letter July 22, 1988 Jane Hadgson to Dawn Johnson 19 6 Hologr. Letter August 3, 1988 Heather [no surname] to Rachael [Pine] 19 6 Letter December 5, 1988 Kenneth Culp Davis to Rachael N. Pine 19 6 Letter December 12, 1988 Samuel R. Maize! to Diana Traub 19 6 Annual Report 1985 Women's Rights Project Annual Report 1985

64 1985-1989 Update


19 6 Annual Report 1986 Women's Rights Project Annual Report 1986 n/a 6 Clipping January 17, 1987 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution: Edna Kilgo drove the rig home 19 6 Annual Report 1987 Women's Rights Project Annual Report 1987 n/a 6 Clipping October 14, 1987 The New York Times: The long and short of it n/a 6 Clipping March 20, 1987 Evening Express: ACLU suing Navy over women at sea n/a 6 Clipping Undated Unidentified Paper, AP article: Worker takes Navy to court n/a 6 Clipping March 21, 1987 York City Journal: Lawsuit seeks sea-trials for women n/a 6 Clipping April 6, 1987 Navy Times: ACLU files suit to allow female techs on sea trials n/a 6 Clipping June 16, 1987 Boston Globe: Navy to award back pay in sex discrimination n/a 6 Clipping June 16, 1987 Portland Evening Express: Kittery worker doesn't think fight over n/a 6 Clipping June 16, 1987 Portland Evening Express: Navy consents to sea trials for female shipyar4 worker n/a 6 Clipping June 16, 1987 The New York Times: Navy allows female technicians on board for test of submarines n/a 6 Clipping June 16, 1987 Washington Post: Women cleared for submarine trials n/a 6 Clipping June 16, 1987 Washington Times: Navy subs to get women technicians n/a 6 Clipping June 26, 1987 [Unidentified paper]:Woman presses case against Navy n/a 6 Clipping June 17, 1987 Daily News: Cartoon n/a 6 Clipping March 25, 1987 New York Post: High Court Give women a little edge n/a 6 Clipping Undated The New York Times: Ruling could curtail hiring new women in fire department n/a 6 Clipping June 29, 1987 Daily News: Court OKs hiring by faith n/a 6 Clipping July 10, 1987 Times-News: ACLU checking into state pay raises n/a 6 Clipping January 31, 1988 Times-News: ACLU claims state stalling n/a 6 Clipping January 6, 1987 Los Angeles Times: State's law on sex-based insurance rates voided n/a 6 Clipping February 21, 1987 Gender-based insurance n/a 6 Clipping May 13, 1987 The Legal Intelligencer: Gender-based rates violate state ERA, rights group says n/a 6 Clipping November 19, 1987 Tribune Democrat: State court hears argument on gender-based insurance rates n/a 6 Clipping November 19, 1987 The Philadelphia Inquirer: Pa. court hears debate on sex-based auto rates n/a 6 Clipping September 19, 1987 The Washington Post: Bork tells Senate Committee be has no ideological agenda n/a 6 Clipping September 30, 1987 The Atlanta Journal, The Atlanta Constitution: Bork testimony ends with vote still undecided n/a 6 Clipping February 2, 1987 Boston Business Journal: ACLU seeks meeting with industry reps n/a 6 Clipping February 5, 1987 Wall Street Journal: Companies wrestle with threats to workers' reproductive health n/a 6 Clipping August 3, 1987 The Washington Post: 'Fetal protection' job policies: laudable precaution or sex discrimation? n/a 6 Clipping October 27, 1987 Voice: Is anyone there underneath the black robes? 19 6 Annual Report 1988 Women's Rights Project Annual Report 1988 n/a 6 Clipping November 30, 1988 The New York Times: Suit asserts bias against women in state scholarship awards n/a 6 Clipping November 30, 1988 The Wall Street Journal: Battle of the sexes now being waged on school grounds n/a 6 Clipping December 1988 N.Y. Civil Liberties: NYCLU files sex discrimination case n/a 6 Clipping December 12, 1988 Manhattan Lawyer: Khaduah Sharif et al. v. New York State Department of Education n/a 6 Clipping Winter 1989 Fair Test Examiner: NCAA told to justify or drop test score use in Proposition 42 n/a 6 Clipping Winter 1989 Civil Liberties: Awards favor boys, Court rules n/a 6 Clipping Undated Smart Talk: SATs and the battle of the sexes (Girls get the grades, but boys get the scholarships) n/a 6 Clipping Undated Critics say standard tests are unfair to some students n/a 6 Clipping February 4, 1989 The New York Times: U.S. Court says awards based on S.A.T.'s are unfair to girls

65 The American Civil Liberties Union

REELSERIESCATEGORY DATE CONTENTS n/a 6 Clipping February 4, 1989 Daily News: Unfair to girls! Judge rules SAT grants biased n/a 6 Clipping February 4, 1989 The Buffalo News: Aid based on SAT test barred n/a 6 Clipping February 6, 1989 USA Today: Critics of SAT applaud ruling on sex bias n/a 6 Clipping February 7, 1989 The New York Times: New York acts to alter award of scholarships n/a 6 Clipping February 7, 1989 Legal Strategists: How team effort by lawyers upset state scholarship policy n/a 6 Clipping February 8, 1989 The Daily Cardinal: Standardized tests judged to hold bias against women n/a 6 Clipping February 1989 The Wall Street Journal: ACLU strategy takes AIM at use of standardized aptitude tests n/a 6 Clipping February 26, 1989 Detroit Free Press: [Title missing] n/a 6 Clipping March 27, 1989 The At[anta Constitution: UGA study: test-taking skills decide SA Ts more than reading comprehension n/a 6 Clipping April 1989 The American Lawyer: Slapping down sex-biased tests n/a 6 Press Release March 9, 1988 Toxic Substances & Right-to-Know: EPA settlement would remove ban on women working with pesticide (Dinoseb). n/a 6 Clipping August 2, 1988 The New York Times: Protecting the baby: pregnancy and working posing new legal issues n/a 6 Clipping August 3, 1988 International Herald Tribune: In U.S., 'exclusion' rule for pregnant women raises fear of misuse n/a 6 Clipping Undated San Francisco Chronicle Reprint: Toxics: are we poisoning ourselves? n/a 6 Clipping February 15, 1988 The Philadelphia Inquirer: 'Race-based' insurance rates: a vestige that lives on n/a 6 Clipping Undated Ledger-Star: Premiums tied to race assailed n/a 6 Clipping Undated Kansas City Standard: End sought to gender-based insurance rates n/a 6 Clipping April 26, 1988 Harrisburg Patriot: Gender in ratings overruled n/a 6 Clipping April 26, 1988 The Philadelphia Inquirer: Court bars sex-based auto rates n/a 6 Clipping May 3, 1988 Harrisburg Patriot: State will not appeal auto insurance ruling n/a 6 Clipping May 3, 1988 The Philadelphia Inquirer: Pa. accepts insurance ruling n/a 6 Clipping July 19, 1988 The Legal Intelligencer: Insurers lose gender-based rate decision n/a 6 Clipping August 4, 1988 Kansas City Star: Insurers urged to amend race-based rates n/a 6 Clipping August 8, 1988 The Washington Post: 22 firms charge blacks more for life insurance n/a 6 Clipping August 10, 1988 The Virginian-Pilot: Race-based rates called bad policy n/a 6 Clipping November 18, 1988 Des Moines Register: Basing insurance rates on gender is wrong, legislative panel told n/a 6 Clipping June 30, 1988 The Wall Street Journal: Subjective bias in jobs may be illegal even without proof of intent, court says n/a 6 Clipping June 30, 1988 The Washington Post: Options widened for proving bias in the workplace n/a 6 Clipping June 25, 1988 Chicago Tribune: Grounds for job bias suits extended n/a 6 Clipping November 30, 1988 The Wall Street Journal: Affirmative action faces likely setback n/a 6 Clipping December 28, 1988 The Detroit News: Ex-FBI agent presses sex bias case n/a 6 Clipping January 27, 1989 Thews Angeles Daily Journal: U.S. justices to weigh key job-bias issue n/a 6 Clipping Undated The Wall Street Journal: Case that may force rigid justification for promotions goes before High Court n/a 6 Article Undated Goverrunent Employee Relations Report (v26) : ACLU files EEOC complaint for Idaho female state workers n/a 6 Clipping April 29, 1988 Idaho Statesman: Idaho accused of anti-female bias n/a 6 Clipping April 19, 1988 Times-News: Women to file charges of bias over pay n/a 6 Clipping April 21, 1988 The Idaho Statesman: ACLU files bias complaint over Idaho's pay to women n/a 6 Clipping April 21, 1988 Times-News: Women file wage complaint n/a 6 Clipping November 16, 1988 Star News: Turning up heat over non-enforcement of child support is goal n/a 6 Clipping November 1988 Nashville Banner: Mom fights for child support n/a 6 Clipping August 21, 1988 The Washington Post: Jailed because she is pregnant n/a 6 Clipping October 25, 1988 New York Law Journal: Drug use during pregnancy insufficient for neglect finding

66 1985-1989 Update


n/a 6 Article April 1989 ABA Journal: Mother versus child n/a 6 Clipping May 3, 1988 New York News day: AIDS drugs: for men only n/a 6 Clipping September 20, 1988 [Unidentified]: After 22 years, the girls are where the boys are n/a 6 Article March 1988 The Window (8:3): Panel discusses women's health-policy issues n/a 6 Article April 1988 Navy: Breaking legal ground, a tough new breed of lawyer is champion- ing women's rights all the way to the Supreme Court n/a 6 Article April 1988 Savvy: The equalizers 19 6 Letter January 27, 1988 Robert J. Shoop to Isabelle Katz Pinzler 19 6 Letter February 17, 1988 Miriam Cyrulnik and Barbara Grcevic to Debra Ellis 19 6 Letter March 1, 1988 Carol A. Marek to Joan Bertin 19 6 Letter March 1, 1988 Ruth Graver and Paula Panzer to Joan Bertin 19 6 Letter April 18, 1988 Donna Tuites to Joan E. Bertin 19 6 Letter April 25, 1988 Leslie S. Newman to Deborah Ellis 19 6 Letter April 25, 1988 Sheldon D. Murphy to Joan Bertin 19 6 Letter August 1, 1988 Gail H. Evans and Susan Toffler to Isabelle Katz Pinzler 19 6 Letter August 9, 1988 Beryl Miller to Joan Bertin 19 6 Letter October 3, 1988 Bob Shula and Dorane Fredland to Deborah Ellis 19 6 Hologr. Letter October 12, 1988 Anne Donchin to Deborah [Ellis] 19 6 Letter November 29, 1988 Susan Klitzman to Joan E. Bertin 19 6 Letter Undated Dieter Lankes and Werner Fiedler to Isabel Pinsel 19 6 Hologr. Letter February 6, 1989 Dick Givens to Isabelle Katz Pinzler 19 6 Letter February 7, 1989 Virginia Waters to Isabelle Katz Pinzler 19 6 Letter February 13, 1989 William R. Mason to Mary K. Moss 18 6 Letter February 14, 1989 Michael C. Behnke to Kary L. Moss 19 6 Memo February 14, 1989 Untitled: Sarah Stockwell re: adding the WRP to the FairTest mailing list 19 6 Letter February 21, 1989 Marilyn Braveman to Isabelle Katz Pinzler 19 6 Letter February 28, 1989 Janet Gallagher to Isabelle Katz Pinzler 19 6 Letter April 19, 1989 Amy E. Lesen to Kary L. Moss 19 6 Serial 7 /13/89-10/13/89 Reproductive Rights Update 1:1-1 :7 20 6 Report 1985 Censorship in the South: A Report of Four States 1980-85 n/a 6 Clipping November 5, 1986 The New York Times: Tactical alliances and the A.C.L.U. n/a 6 Clipping November 4, 1986 The Village Voice: Nat Hentoff: How the Senate saved us from a crazed house n/a 6 Clipping March 17, 1986 The Boston Globe: Civil rights not being enforced, says report n/a 6 Clipping April 8, 1986 Los Angeles Times: We're back to taxpayer-supported bias n/a 6 Clipping January 15, 1986 The Christian Science Monitor: King: 'Chaos or community?' n/a 6 Clipping February 21, 1986 The Washington Post: U.S. to reveal Nicaraguan document n/a 6 Clipping December 31, 1986 The New York Times: Tighten the law on covert operations n/a 6 Clipping April 17, 1986 The Washington Post: Thurmond bypasses own committee n/a 6 Clipping October 18, 1986 The Washington Post: A blow to the death penalty n/a 6 Clipping October 16, 1986 The New York Times: Drug bill in doubt as Senate drops death penalty n/a 6 Clipping September 17, 1986 The Washington Post: House would widen use of ill-gotten evidence n/a 6 Clipping July 25, 1986 Los Angeles Times: Outlawing tobacco advertising is not a proper remedy n/a 6 Article June 28, 1986 Congressional Quanerly: Senate Judiciary votes lobbying restrictions n/a 6 Clipping May 2, 1986 Richmond Times-Dispatch: Trible bill stalls amid debate over rights of computer users n/a 6 Clipping July 10, 1986 The Washington Post: Attorney General's panel says some pornography causes sexual violence n/a 6 Clipping June 27, 1986 The Washington Times: ACLU criticizes pornography report for 'pollut- ing' debate on censorship nfa 6 Clipping May 30, 1986 The Washington Post: The pornography panel's controversial last days n/a 6 Clipping May 27, 1986 The New York Times: Detailed descriptions In pornography report nfa 6 Clipping April 30, 1986 USA Today: Porn study criticized before it's released n/a 6 Clipping May 27, 1986 The Boston Globe: Rights group cites explicit nature of pornography report n/a 6 Clipping May 27, 1986 New York Newsday: ACLU: Porn report 'offensive' n/a 6 Clipping April 11, 1986 San Francisco Examiner: Alien farm help lives in ·squalor unimagin- able'

67 The American Civil Liberties Union

REEL SERIES CATEGORY DATE CONTENTS n/a 6 Article April 16, 1986 Employment and Training Reporter: 'ACLU' says farm workers most abused n/a 6 Clipping April 12, 1986 The Miami Herald: U.S. agents accused of mistreatment n/a 6 Clipping April 10, 1986 Fort Lauderdale News: Farmworkers in Belle Glade still suffering 'in squalor unimaginable' n/a 6 Clipping November 25, 1986 The Christian Science Monitor: Dispute over anti-bias hiring clause in new immigration law n/a 6 Clipping December 12, 1986 The Christian Science Monitor. California vote speeds US drive to make English 'official' n/a 6 Clipping September 17, 1986 The Christian Science Monitor. Resistance to Reagan's drug-testing plan n/a 6 Clipping September 11, 1986 The Washington Post: Senate eyes wiretap act loopholes n/a 6 Clipping June 1, 1986 The New York Times: The wiretapping law needs some renovation n/a 6 Article January 20, 1986 House Business Journal: Privacy bill 'basic' to industry's growth n/a 6 Clipping May 7, 1986 Computerworld: ACLU technical leader addresses privacy law, civil liberties n/a 6 Article May31, 1986 Congressional Quarterly 44:22: Congress races to stay ahead of technol- ogy n/a 6 Clipping March 18, 1986 USA Today: Plan for 'policing' taxes is assailed n/a 6 Clipping November 30, 1985 [National Rifle Association] Monitor 12:22: NRA, ACLU oppose Federal computer scheme n/a 6 Clipping December 1, 1986 Business Week: Are data bases a threat to national security? n/a 6 Clipping December 1, 1986 Computerworld: The cost of Reagan data alert n/a 6 Clipping November 24, 1986 Computerworld: Feds sound red alert on data n/a 6 Clipping November 17, 1986 Computerworld: Feds to control data access 20 6 Booklet 1986 Parental Notice Laws - Their Catastrophic Impact on Teenagers' Right to Abortion (ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project) 20 6 Report March 1986 Homelessness, poverty, race and displacement [New York Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Urban Rights Project] 20 6 Directory April 1986 Prisoners assistance directory [National Prison Project] 20 6 Pamphlet Undated ACLU speaks out! Drug testing in the workplace 20 6 Pamphlet January 16, 1986 The Meese Commission exposed: proceedings of a national coalition against censorship briefing 20 6 Pamphlet Undated Preserving the right to choose: how to cope with violence and disruption at abortion clinics [ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project] 20 6 Report Undated Justice denied: The loss of civil rights after the Grove City College decision [ACLU NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.] 20 6 Report April 1986 The hands that feed us: undocumented farmworkers in Florida (National Immigration and Alien Rights Project ; Report No. 2) [ACLU Public Policy Report in cooperation with Ameican Friends Service Committee] 20 6 Pamphlet [1986] "... nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." [National Prison Project] 20 6 Pamphlet 1987 Civil liberties in the 1OOth Congress 20 6 Pamphlet November 1987 Miscarriages of justice in potentially capital cases, Hugo Adam Bedau and Michael L. Radelet (Stanford Law Review, 40:1) 20 6 Report 1987 ACLU report on the civil liberties record of Attorney General Edwin Meese 20 6 Pamphlet Fall 1987 Race and the death penalty: Georgia and the nation 20 6 Pamphlet 1987 Acta de reforma de immigraci6n: sanciones a empleadores y prohibiciones anti-discriminatorias 20 6 Report July 1987 Covert operations and the democratic process: the implications of the Iran/Contra Affair (Center for National Security Studies ; Report No. 110) 20 6 Pamphlet April 1987 AIDS: basic documents (ACLU compilation), includes following articles deleted for copyright requirements n/a 6 Article August 30, 1985 Unnamed journal, 34:517-21: Education and foster care of children infected with human t-lymphotropic virus type IIl/lymphadenopathy- associated virus

68 1985-1989 Update


n/a 6 Article November 15,1985 Unnamedjoumal., 34:681-86, 691-95: Recommendations for preventing trasmission of infections with human t-lymphotropic virus type III/ lymphadenopathy-asociated virus in the workplace n/a 6 Article December 6, 1985 Unnamedjoumal., 34:721-26, 701-32: Recommendations for assisting in the prevention of perinatal transmission of human t-lymonotropic virus type Ill/lymphadenopathy-associated virus and Acquired Immunodefi- ciency Syndrome n/a 6 Article April 11, 1986 Unnamedjoumal., 35:221-23: Recommendations for preventing transmis- sion of infection with human t-lymphotropic virus type III/ lymphadenopathy-associated virus during invasive procedures n/a 6 Article February 6, 1986 New England Journal. of Medicine, 314:5: Lack of transmission of HTLV -JIIJLAV infection to household contacts of patients with AIDS or AIDS-related complex with oral candidlasis n/a 6 Article Undated Unnamed journal.: HTLV -III infection among health care workers n/a 6 Article April 4, 1986 Journal. of the American Medical. Association, 255:13: Condoms prevent transmission of AIDS-associated retrovirus n/a 6 Article February 6, 1987 Journal. of the American Medical. Association: Evaluation of heterosexual partners, children and household contacts of adults with AIDS n/a 6 Article January 6, 1987 Journal. of the American Medical. Association: Sexual practices and risk of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus n/a 6 Article December l, 1986 Journal. of the American Medical. Association: HN antibody screening: an ethical framework for evaluating proposed programs 20 6 Opinion Undated School Bd. of Nassau County v. Arline 20 6 Dissent Undated School Bd. of Nassau County v. Arline 20 6 Report Undated BNA 's Daily Reporter System: Daily Labor Report: Superior Court of Massachusetts Ruling in Cronan v. New England Telephone Co. 20 6 Brief Undated Thomas v. Atascadero Unified School District 20 6 Pamphlet Undated Using the Freedom oflnformation Act: a step by step guide [Allan Adler] 20 6 Poster Undated The Bill of Rights 20 6 Pamphlet Undated ACLU briefing paper: AIDS and civil liberties 20 6 Report January 1988 Legislative status reports of the lOOth Congress 20 6 Pamphlet Undated "The A.C.L.U. helped put my family together again." Children's Rights Project 20 6 Report May 1988 Sex-based classifications in insurance: an overview of applicable state and federal law nla 6 Cartoon Undated Boston Herald: Tolbert, Et 20 6 Directory Undated Prisoners assistance directory [includes 1988 AIDS in prison bibliogra- phy] [TheNational Prison Project] 20 6 Pamphlet Undated AIDS & prisons: the facts for inmates and officers 20 6 Pamphlet Undated Immigration Reform Act: employer sanctions and discrimination prohibitions: a guide for workers, employers and their advocates 20 6 Pamphlet June 1988 The FBI' s misguided probe of CISPES (Center for National Security Studies ; Report No. 111) 20 6 Pamphlet September 1988 Lawful wars, restoring Congress' role in the overt and covert use of force (Center for National Security Studies ; Reprint No. 104) 20 6 Report Undated Liberty at work: expanding the rights of employees in America (Public Policy Report) 20 6 Report Undated Guardian of liberty: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU briefing paper ; number 1) 20 6 Report August 1988 Crime and civil liberties (ACLU briefing paper ; number 2) 20 6 Report May 11, 1989 National attutides towards the American Civil Liberties Union 20 6 Pamphlet Undated With liberty and justice for women [Women's Rights Project] 20 6 Report 1989 Center for National Security Studies: A report on its function and activities, 1989 20 6 Report 1989 Civil liberties in the lOlst Congress n/a 6 Pamphlet Undated When the state kills ... The death penalty: a human rights issue [Amnesty International]

69 The American Civil Liberties Union

REEL SERIES CATEGORY DATE CONTENTS 20 6 Report Undated Drug testing in the work.place (ACLU briefing paper ; number 5) 20 6 Report Undated Church and state (ACLU briefing paper ; number 3) 20 6 Report Undated Lie detector testing (ACLU briefing paper; number 4) 20 6 Paper May 1989 Immigration-related employment discrimination: IRCA's prohibitions, procedures and remedies (Lucas Guttentag) 20 6 Paper November 1989 The human costs of employer sanction: recommendations for GAO's third report to Congress under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (ACLU and Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) 20 6 Report Undated "English only" (ACLU briefing paper ; number 6)

70 1985-1989 Update


A Alexander, Elizabeth 25 1989 21, 25, 26 Aliens. See also peportation; Emigra­ resolutions 22 Abortion 9, 15, 26, 57, 60. See also tion and immigration ACLU constitutional Reproductive freedom civil rights 2, 25, 59, 68, 70 amendement 8 Anti-abortion forces (85-701 : Cuban detainees 18, 57, 58, 59 resolutions 4 R12) 35 Allen, Edward Switzer 4 Bigelow, Eve M. 20 bibliography 14 Allen, Laurie P. 64 Bill of Rights 26, 69 Notification and consent require­ American Booksellers Association 13 poster 11, 14 ments (DNM ; R12) 37 Ann, Mary Sorrentin 62 Binion, Gayle 6 parental notification 6, 58 Annas, George J. 21 Bio-medical research 26 Abortion (87-168: R15) 46 Annual Report 60 Board of Directors Abrams, Floyd 3 Apartheid 4 agenda Abstention (Law) (86-890 ; R13) 40 Appley, Elizabeth J. 64 1988 17 Academic freedom 57 Armstrong, Joyce 12, 22 April 1986 6 Accuracy in Academia 57 Arnson, Cynthia J. 3 April 1987 11 ACLU 23, 24, 25, 69. See also Arrest records 16, 17, 18 April 1989 21 Budget; various names of officials Artists and authors December 1988 19 college advertising 23 moral rights 22 January 1985 1 contributions' processing 22 Askin, Frank 9, 23, 24 January 1986 5 employee pension plan 12 Asner, Ed 24 January 1987 9 fundraising 21 Attorneys. See Lawyers January 1988 14, 15 General Counsel 8 Authors and artists January 1989 20 history 23, 24, 69 moral rights 22 January 1990 23 National Legal Dept. JO Auto-Immune Deficiency June 1985 4 policy guide 26 Syndrome. See AIDS (Auto­ June 1986 7 South Texas office 20 immune Deficiency Syndrome) June 1987 12 testamentary gifts 23 Avena, J. Richard 20 June 1988 17 ACLU Foundation Axelrod, Richard A. 4 June 1989 21, 22 election of 1, 8, 9 March 1985 2 ACLU Medal of Liberty 16, 23 B October 1985 4 1987 recipients 12 October 1987 14, 15 Adler, Allan Robert 8 Baldwin, Roger 23 September 1988 18 Affiliates Ball, William L. 6 directory 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19 affirmative action 6 Barnett, Pamela 64 election 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, Affirmative action 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 24 Baron, Charles H. 21 16, 17, 18, 22 Age discrimination Barrett, Rona 64 meeting costs 13 Employment 6, 19 Behnke, Michael C. 67 minutes AIDS (Auto-Immune Deficiency Beilenson, Anthony 60 April 1985 1 Syndrome) 6, 7, 10, 25, 58, Benjamin, Diane 62 April 1986 5 59, 68, 69 Benshoof, Janet 26, 59, 60, 62, April 1987 9 in institutions 11 63, 64 April 1988 15 mandatory testing 16 Berman, Jerry J. 7, 24, 25 April 1989 19 voluntary testing 12 Bertin, Joan 67 August 1987 9 Alcohol (abuse) Biden, Joseph R. 3 December 1988 15 automobile drivers Biennial Conference 7, 8, 59 January 1985 1 testing 11 1985 23 January 1986 5 minimun drinking age 11 1987 6, 9, 12 January 1987 9

71 The American Civil Liberlies Union

January 1988 15 Charitable solicitation 7 Cuban/Haitian Adjustment Act January 1989 19 regulation of JO (proposed) 2 June 1985 1 Child pornography 4 Cuomo, Mario 62 June 1986 5 Children. See also Juveniles Cyrulnik, Miriam 63, 67 June 1987 9 civil rights 24, 25, 26, 69 June 1988 15 fingerprinting 6 D June 1989 19 witnesses Davis, Julie A. 64 October 1985 sexual abuse cases 18 Davis, Kenneth Culp 64 October 1986 5 Children's Rights Project: Progress Death penalty. See Capital punishment October 1987 9 Report 60 Death Penalty Bill (proposed) 2 October 1989 20, 22 Civil disobedience 24 DeFrank:, Mary Jane 18 September 1988 15 Civil Liberties G~umal) 60 Dellums, Ron 3 new members Civil Liberties Act ( 1988) 18 Demonstrations 24 biographies 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, JO, Civil Liberties Alert Qournal) 60 Deportation 15, 19, 20, 22 Civil rights 56, 68 Laws and regulations 58 rules of procedure 18 legal remedies 24, 25, 26 Disabled vacancies 1 Civil Rights Amendments Act civil rights 23, 24, 25, 26 Boesen, Richard J. 63 (1985) 2 District of Columbia Boland, Edward P. 3 Civil Rights Amendments Act (pro­ home rule 21 Bond, Julian 3 posed) 2 Doerr, Edd 26 Book banning. See also Censorship; Civil Rights Restoration Act (pro­ Domestic violence J, 14 EducaJion and schools -- censor­ posed) 2 Donchin, Anne 63 ship Clergy Dorsen, Norman 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, litigation privileged communications 17, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 58, 62 Bork, Robert 12, 13, 14, 59 18, 20, 23 Double jeopardy 22 Braveman, Marilyn 67 Cohen, David 3 ii Drugs (Drug abuse) 25 Brill, Alida 63 Cohen, Janis 12 legislation 8, 58 Bromley, Dorothy Dunbar 7 Coles, Matt 26 testing 25, 57, 58, 70 Bronstein, Al JO Colleges and universities 11 Brown, Christopher 12 academic staff Due process of law Brown, Steven 18, 22 mandatory retirement 19 administrative agencies 19 H. Budget 17 race discrimination 20 Dunn, Stewart 17, 18 1984, 1985 1 sex discrimination 20 Durrell, Suzanne E. 64 11 1986 5 Collier, Maxie 25 E 1987 JO Communicable diseases 6, 58 11 1987-1988 15 Communications industries Ebel, Claire T. 64 11 1988-1989 20 rating systems 11, 14 Economic rights 6, 8, 16, 25 11 ACLU of Cleveland Comparable worth 5 Edelman, Peter 25 11 January 1985 1 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Education and schools June 1985 4 (proposed) 2 censorship 24 Bush, George 19 Computers military recruiting 22 information privacy 2, 7, 25, 26 police presence 17, 22 Comstock-Gay, Stuart 12, 19 race discrimination 58 Congress, 1 c OOth 68, 69 student rights 16, 25 Congress, IOlst 69 Tennessee Cage, Maggi 63 agenda 60 (Mozert case) 10 Capital punishment 5, 24, 25, 26, Congress, 99th 58 textbooks and library materials 56, 57, 58, 68, 69 Conscientious objectors 11 Selection of 10 legislation 8 Conyers, John 3 tracking 19 Capital Punishment Project 1 Cooper, Liz 64 Education for Economic Security Act Cashmere, Kirk 62 Crime 24, 69 (1984) 3 Caucus, small affiliate 1 Crime statistics Edwards, Don 3 Censorship 2, 3, 24, 25, 26, 67 mandatory reporting 17, 18, 19, Ehrlich, Dorothy M. 13 Census 22, 23 Eldridge, Joseph T. 3 data 59 Criminals Electronic Communications Privacy Act Central Intelligence Agency. See United financial rewards 9 Stales. Central Intelligence Agency (1986) 7

72 1985-1989 Update

Elliott, Gladden 63 unionization campaigns 15 I Ellis, Deborah 26, 67 Freedom of speech/association 45 Ellis, Debra 67 Fried, Marlene Gerber 64 Ifill, Sherrilyn 64 Ellis, Gary B. 64 Friedan, Betty 63 Immigration law. See Emigration and Ellsberg, Daniel 3 Friedman, David A. 64 immigration law Emigration and immigration Immigration reform 3, 24, 59, 69 law 25, 26, 58, 68, 70 G Impeachment 13, 15, 17 Employees, public Ronald Reagan 12, 13 Gallagher, Janet 67 Legal status, laws, etc. 35 Insurance Gartner, Alan 24, 25 Employment gender discrimination 57, 69 Gay marriage 8, 58 civil rights 7, JO, 12, 20, 24, Intelligence agencies 13, 14 Gay rights 26, 59, 69 8, 24, 25, 26, 57, 58, 59 Iran/Contra affair 17, 58, 60 privacy 19 annual report · 60, 61 plant closings 7 Gelberg, Jerry 14 J Encyclopedia of the American Constitu- Genetic screening 11 tion (article) 9 Genocide Convention (proposed) 2 Japanese internment 11 English-only movement 10, 12, 70 Georgetown University 62 Johnsen, Dawn 64 Espionage 57 Geraghty, Diane 12 Johnson, Dawn 63, 64 Evans, Gail H. 67 Givens, Dick 67 Judicial proceedings Exclusionary rule Glantz, Joan 8 broadcast of 1, 2, 6, 17 Legislation 8 Glasser, Ira 3, 16, 18, 19, 20, 56, Justice, Department of. See United proposed Senate bill 2 57, 64 States. Department of Justice Executive Committee 2, 7, 8 Golddetz, Arnold 21 Juvenile delinquents election 8, 14, 18, 22 Goldfarb, Sally 62 civil rights 16 procedures 2 Goldman, Janlori 25, 26 Juveniles Executive Director Gordon, Shirley 63 civil rights 56 report 7, 9 Gostin, Larry 25, 26 June 1985 3 Gradison, Michael Lee 13, 62 Export Administration Amendments Graver, Ruth 67 K Act (proposed) 2 Grcevic, Barbara 63, 67 Guerrero, Gene 24 Kahane, Rabbi 57 F Guns. See Weapons Kandler, Gerald E. 5 Guttentag, Lucas 25, 26, 59 Katz, Jonathan 57 Fair Housing Amendments Act Katz, Leanne 24, 25 (1988) 18 H Kelley, Dean M. 24 Falkenberg, Nanette 62 Kendall, George H. 24 Farley, Cryss 12, 18 Habeas corpus Kennedy, Anthony 15 Fascell, Dante B. 6, 58 proposed Senate bill 2 Kennedy, Edward M. 3 Federal Bureau of Investigation. See Hadgson, Jane 64 King, Kimberley 63 United States. Federal Bureau of Halperin, Morton 3, 6, 25, 57, 60 Kirkman, Alice 63 Investigation Hansen, Chris 24, 25, 26 Kirman, Alice 64 Feldblum, Chai 25 Hansen, D. Jerome 64 Kissling, Frances 63 Fellows, Mary E. 22 Harrington, James C. 62 Knox, Rivko 17 First Principles (journal) 60 Hart, Betty K. 64 Kolbert, Kathryn 62 FOIA 56, 69 Henderson, Wade J. 24 Korpivaara, A. 24 FOIA Reform (proposed) 2, 8 Hennessey, Patricia 64 Korpivaara, Ari 57 FOIA/CIA Litigation I Herndon, Terry 3 Kurtenbach, Dick 13 Fonseca, Roger W. 6 Hersh, Seymour M. 3 Forrest, Bea 63 Heymann, Philip B. 3 L Hoffman, Paul 26 Foster care LaMarche, Gary 26 District of Columbia 60 Homeless civil rights 16, 17, 21, 58, 59 Larson, E. Richard 24 New York City 58 Lawrence, Charles 25 Frank Askin Award 23 Housing discrimination 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 Legal Services Corporation 57 Freedom of Information Act. See FO IA Legislation Freedom of religion 24, 25, 26, 70 Hunter, Nan 25, 57, 62 Hurst, Barbara 17, 24 status reports 4 Establishment clause 59 Lesen, Amy E. 67 Freedom of speech 18, 21, 24 Lie detector testing 70

73 The American Civil Liberties Union

Littrell, Robert C. 6 National security 26, 69 powell, john 25, 58, 59 Lobbying National-affiliate relationships 8, Prasbker, Herbert 7 ACLU members 5 10, 11, 16, 24 Pre-trial proceedings Locklear, Arlinda 20 Native Americans public access 19, 23 Lopez, Mark 26 civil rights 20 Pregnancy discrimination 2, 3, 26 Loyalty-security policies 22, 23 tribal governments Preiskel, Barbara Scott 1 jurisdiction 11, 20 Preservation of works of art M Navy. See United States. Navy California state statute 22 Neuborne, Burt 24 Price, Henry 1. 18 Macnair, Luther 16 Newman, Leslie S. 67 Prisoners Macnair, Luther K. 16 Nicaragua AIDS 69 Maizel, Samuel R. 64 Contras 12 civil rights 17, 58, 69 Maltby, Lewis L. 26 covert operations 7, 59 Legal status, laws, etc. 41 Marek, Carol A. 67 World Court case Prisons and jails 25, 68 Margulies, Martin B. 25 United States 12 construction I Mason, William R. 67 Nix, William 11 litigation 26 McDonald, Laughlin 25 North, Oliver 59 privatization 5, 6, 11 McTernan, John T. 7 Nuclear arms 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 Privacy, right of 59 Medical leave 60 Nunez-Morales, Pauline 63 Private employment security 23 Medical treatment Product liability 13, 15. receiving and withhold­ 0 Public facilities ing 21, 22, 24 religious purposes 1 minor children 21 Obscenity (Law) 2, 3 Public officials Meese, Edwin 9, 57, 68 O'Connor, Colleen 26, 59 removal from office 11 petition campaign JO O'Hare, Rolland 13 Mental illness 1, 2 R civil commitment 3 p competency to refuse treatment 2 Rabinovitz, Judy 26 Meyer, Paul 13 Palestine Liberation Organization 59 Race discrimination 17, 25, 68 Meyer, Paul R. 7 information office 59 voting rights 17 Meyers, Michael 24 Paltrow, Lynn 26, 63, 64 Radford, Barbara 63, 64 Military draft 1, 2, 11 Panzer, Paula 67 Radosh, Alice 63 Miller, Jay A. 19 Paterson, Eva 10, 17 Raub, Joseph L. 3 Milstein, Victor 12, 24, 26 PBS Board of Directors Reagan, Ronald 6, 57 Mirel, Lawrence H. 12, 21 program policies 11 impeachment 12 Mitchell, Louis D. 16 Pedler, Shirley 20 Recording industry Monroe, Laura B. 12, 24 Pendleton, Clarence 56 censorship 57 Moss, Kary L. 26, 67 Perry, Michael J. 24 Refugees Moss, Mary K. 67 Picketing 24 El Salvador Pine, Raebel 26, 63, 64 Motorcycles proposed House bill 2 safety helmets 7 Pinzler, Isabelle Katz 24, 25, 26, 67 Rehnquist, William H. 57 Pitcbersky, Carol 17 Mulhauser, Karen 3 Reichert, Carol 63, 64 Police/community relations 13 Murphy. Sheldon D. 67 Reitman, Alan 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, Political asylum 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 Murray, Pauli 5 23, 24, 25 political offense exception 6, 7 Musser, Marcie J. 63 Religious contracts 9, 11, 15 Political campaigns Reproductive freedom 12, 24, 26 financing 4, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 N Reproductive Freedom Project Political parties 16 annual report 62, 63, 64 Nadelman. Ethan 25 regulation 17 Reproductive Rights Update (jour­ Nader, Ralph 3 Political surveillance 24 nal) 60, 67 National Advisory Council Pollitt, Dan 23 Rhoades, Chuck 64 directory 19 Polygraph and Anti-Censorship Act RICO (Racketeer-Influenced and election 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, (proposed) 2 Corrupt Organizations Act) 13 17, 18, 22 Pornography 24, 25, 58 Right of privacy. See Privacy, Right of resignations 5 Porper, Dassia 20 Ripston, Ramona 4, 24 National Press Club 19 Poverty Robbins, Ira P. 5 National Prison Project Journal 60 civil rights 9, 11, 24 Roemer, Ruth 63

74 1985-1989 Update

Rosenfield, Allan 63 Smoking 15, 16, 19, 20 u Rosenthal, John N. 26 Social service programs Rosoff, Jeannie I. 63 religious Unions 9, 20 Roth, Benjamin 23 funding 15 Picketing 16 Roth, Cynthia 23 Sorrentino, Mary Ann 62 United States. Central Intelligence Rothstein, Polly 62 Soto, Lourdes 62 Agency 57 Rowe,Bow 62 Speech, Freedom of. See Freedom of United States. Department of Jus­ Rubenfeld, Abby R. 24 speech tice 57 Rubenstein, Leonard S. 26 Speidel, J. Joseph 64 United States. Federal Bureau of Rubenstein, William 25, 26, 62 Spitzer, Arthur B. 19 Investigation 69 Rubin, David 11 Splawn, Barbara 63 United States. Navy Stack, Donald 1.8 Sex discrimination 58 s Stanford, Gene 62 Untermeyer, Emily 62 Starrett City 18 San Diego ACLU Stein, Fred 6 v Annual meeting 13 Steinhardt, Barry 6, 23 Sanctuary 56 Stern, Cyndi Billian 64 Vernon, Thomas M. 64 Sangree, Suzanne 62, 63, 64 Stern, Gary 26 Victim rights 56 Scalia, Antonin 57 Stockwell, Sarah 67 Voting Schmidt, Richard M. 3 Stone, l.F. 3 exit polling 17 Scholz, Bernard T. 21 Stone, Jeremy J. 3 Voting rights 5, 6, 7 Schools and colleges, religious Strossen, Nadine 25 financial aid 6 Strum, Philippa 16, 24 w Schorr, Daniel 24 Student rights 59 Schuchman, Brina-Rae 64 Wald, Patricia M. 62 Supreme Court 8, 9, 11, 24, 57, Walker, Sam 23, 24, 58 Schutz, Trudi 24 58, 59 Schwarz.scbild, Henry 24, 25, 26 War powers 2, 6 1985-1986 57 Warner, Kenneth E. 62 Scott, Barbara Preiskel 1 1986 59 Seamon, Richard 64 Warnke, Paul C. 3 1987 59 Warrantless searches 1 Searches and seizures. See Warrantless 1987 term 14, 15, 18 searches health care institutions 3 1988 60 prisons 3 Seat-belts vacancy 12 mandatory use 7 Watergate Surrogate parenting 13, 15, 16, civil liberties issues 9 Secular humanism 3, 14, 58, 59 17, 19, 26 Waters, Virginia 67 Selective Service system 1 bibliography 14 Sexual harassment Weapons Swartz, Arlene 63 laws and regulations 57 colleges and universities 5, 6, 7 Swomley, John 25 Weidler, Mary B. 64 Shack, Barbara 21 Swosley, John 26 Weinstein, Bonnie H. 64 Shack, Donald D. 13 Weiss, Ted 62 Shaker, M.A. (Peggy) 3 T Weston, Hanna 24 Shannon, Michael 19 Westreich, Meir 24 Shermer, Susan 64 Tax-exempt organizations 15 White, Gertrude 63 Shively, Theresa K. 63 Taylor, Kathleen 13 Williams, Gaye 63 Shoop, Robert J. 67 Tessler, Lisa 64 Wisotsky, Steven 25 Shull, Leon 3 Textbooks and library materials Women Shuyer, Libby 64 Selection of JO civil rights 24, 25, 26, 69 Siegel, Karen 64 Thomson, Gerald E. 21 Women's Rights Project Siegel, Loren 24, 25 Thornburgh, Richard L. 59 annual report 64, 65 Siegel, Norman 18 Toffler, Susan 67 World Court 59 Siegel, Richard 16 Traub, Diana 63, 64 Wriggins, Jennifer 64 Simpson, Judith G. 64 Traub, Diane 64 Sims, Chuck 7 Triffo, Eve 18 Single people Tuites, Donna 67 civil rights 56 Slaff, George 7 Slocombe, Walter B. 64 Smith, Don 20


1985-1989 Update


A Book sellers and book stores (85-437 ; Rll) 30 - (86-1034 ; R13) 38 - (87-470; Rl5) 46 Boycotts (88-1198 ; R17) 56 Abortion (87-168: R15) 46 Boycotts, secondary (86-1461 ; RI5) 45 Anti-abortion forces (85-701 : R12) 35 Business associations Notification and consent requirements (DNM; R12) 37 Legal status, laws, etc. (86-421 ; Rl4) 43 Abstention (Law) (86-890 ; R13) 40 Acquittals (85-227; R12) 37 c Administrative law California Business premises inspections (86-60 ; R13) 39 Uruuh Act (86-421 ; R14) 43 Judicial remedies (84-1923 ; Rll) 31 Capital punishment (86-246 ; R14) 44 - (86-5020; Adolescent Family Life Act (1981) (87-253; R15) 46, 47 R13) 39- (86-5309; R16) 50- (88-305; Adoption R17) 54 - (DNM; Rll) 32 Birth parent rights (87-5840; Rl5) 47 Virginia (88-411 ; R17) 54 Advertising law (84-1903 ; Rl2) 36 Censorship (86-836; R13) 41 - (87-1344; R17) 51 Affirmative action (87-998 ; R 16) 49 Child abuse and neglect Affirmative action plans (84-1999 ; R12) 34 Wisconsin (87-154; R15) 46 Alabama (85-999; Rl4) 43 Child support (86-509 ; Rl3) 40 Women (85-1129; RI2) 33 Pennsylvania (87-5565 ; RI5) 45 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (86-509; R13) Child welfare systems (State) 40 Reckless negligence (87-154 ; RI5) 46 Airports Children. See also Juveniles Space allotments (85-1168; Rll) 33 Legal status, laws, etc. (86-509; R13) 40 - (87-5565 ; Antitrust (88-1198 ; R 17) 56 R15) 45 - (87-5840; R15) 47 - (87-746; Appellate procedure (84-1554; RIO) 29 R15) 47 Discussion rule Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) (86- Wisconsin (87-5002; R15) 47 179; R13) 39 Apportionment (Election law) Civil rights Indiana (84-1244; RIO) 28 Legal remedies (85-1449 ; Rl2) 35 Municipal elections (87-1022; R17) 51 Legal status, laws, etc. (87-1614; R17) 53 - (88-608; Arrest and apprehension (87-6571 ; RI 7) 52 R17) 55 Artificial life support (88-1503; R17) 55 Civil Rights Act (1866) (85-2156 ; R14) 44 - (87-107 ; Attorney and client (84-1485; R12) 35 - (87-1729; R17) R16) 48-(87-2084;R17) 53 53 Civil Rights Act (1871) (87-2084; R17) 53 Automobile drivers Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Awards Act (1976) (84-1288 ; Licenses (84-1944; RIO) 28 Rll) 32 - (86-328; R13) 40 Automobiles Civil service Inspections (85-889 ; R13) 39 Non-disclosure agreements (87-2127 ; Rl 7) 51 B Security clearance (87-751 ; R15) 45 - (86-1552; R15) 46 Bail (86-108; R14) 41 - (86-87; R14) 44 Legal status, laws, etc. (85-2068 ; R14) 43 Bail Reform Act (1984) (86-87; R14) 44 Civil Service Reform Act (1978) (86-1552; R15) 46 Banks and banking Communicable diseases (85-1277 ; Rl 1) 31 Hiring and promotional policies (86-6139 ; RI 6) 50 Confrontation, Right of (86-572; RI4) 44 Bar letters (Military prohibitions) (83-1624; RIO) 27 Contempt of court (87-65; R16) 49 Consent decrees (87-1614; Rl7) 53

77 The American Civil Liberties Union

Constitutional law ; RI6) 49 - (87-6571 ; RI 7) 52 - (87-1614; Judicial review standards (85-2064; R13) 41 Rl7) 53- (88-357; RI7) 53 - (88-411; Rll) 54 Corporations - (88-1503; R17) 55 Freedom of speech/association (88-1569 ; RI 7) 55 Counsel, right to. See Right to counsel E Courts Education and schools Appropriations and expenditures (84-310 ; R 10) 29 Censorship (86-836; RI3) 41 Federal/state relations (85-2099 ; R13) 40 - (86-890 ; Curricula (85-1513 ; Rll) 30 - (85-1513 ; RI3) 38 R13) 40- (85-2064; R13) 41 Desegregation (84-1340; RI2) 37 Military/civil relations (85-1581 ; Rl4) 44 - (86-319 ; Employees (85-495 ; Rll) 30 R14) 44 Freedom of speech (84-1667; RIO) 27 Security measures (84-1606; Rll) 32 North Dakota (86-7113; RI5) 46 Courts-martial Student clubs (84-773 ; RIO) 27 - (88-1597; Rl7) 56 Military dependents (85-1581 ; Rl4) 44 Tuition reimbursement (87- I 855 ; R 17) 52 Creation science (85-1513; Rll) 30- (85-1513; Education of the Handicapped Act (1988) (87-1855; R17) Rl3) 38 52 Creche displays (84-(277) ; RIO) 29 Elections Pennsylvania (87-2050 ; RI 7) 51 City Criminal procedure Apportionment (87-1022; R17) 51 Fair trial (85-5424; RIO) 27 Disenfranchisement (84-76 ; RIO) 28 Jury selection (84-6263 ; RIO) 27 Gerrymander (84-1244; RIO) 28 Jury trials (87-5259 ; RI6) 50 - (87-6405 ; RI6) 50 Washington (State) (85-656; R12) 35 Criminal records (87-I379; RI6) 49 Emigration and immigration law (85-782; Rll) 31 - (86- Cross-examination, Right of (85-I62; Rll) 32 656; R13) 38-(86-DNM; RI3) 39- (86-1969; Curtilage (84-I513; RIO) 27- (87-764; Rl6) 49 Rl3) 40 - 86-388 ; Rl3) 40 - (85-2067 ; Customs Service. See United Stales. Customs Service RI4) 42 D Employees Suspensions, dismissals and resignations (85-993 ; Damages judgements (83-1437 ; RIO) 28 - (84-1922; FIX 33 RIO) 28- (84-1160; Rl2) 35 - (85-410; Employment R12) 37 - (87-1207; Rl6) 51 Legal status, laws, etc. (85-2068 ; R14) 43, (87-751 ; Death penalty. See Capital punishment RI5) 45 - (86-1552; Rl5) 46 Demurrer (Law) (85-227; Rl2) 37 Equal Access Act (88-1597 ; R 17) 56 Deportation (86-DNM; Rl3) 39- (86-1969; R13) 40 Equal protection of the laws (85-494 ; Rl 1) 32 - (85-999 ; - (86-388 ; R13) 40 Rl4) 43 - (87-5565 ; R15) 45 - (86-7113 ; Laws and regulations (85-782; RI 1) 31, (85-2067 ; Rl5) 46- (87-6116; R16) 49- (87-998; Rl4) 42 RI6) 49-(87-5259;RI6) 50-(88-411; Discrimination RI I) 54 Employment (86-179; Rl3) 39- (85-I626; RI3) 41 Espionage (84-1922; RI2) 34 - (85-999; Rl4) 43 - (86-319; RI4) 44 - (87- Evidence (Law) (85-303; Rll) 31 - (84-1480; Rll) 33 I07; Rl6) 48- (86-6139; Rl6) 50 - (87-1387; - (85-1027; Rll) 33 - (85-227 ; R12) 37 - (86- Rl7) 55 - (88-608; Rl7) 55 60; R13) 39 Judicial remedies (84-1999 ; Rl2) 34 Evidence, Expert (86-328 ; Rl3) 40 Double jeopardy (85-227 ; RI 2) 37 Evidence, Hearsay (85-162; Rll) 32 Drugs (Drug abuse) Ex post facto laws (86-5344; Rl4) 43 Blood testing programs (87-1555; Rl7) 52 Exclusionary rule (85-303 ; RI I) 31 - (85-1672 ; Religious ceremonies (88-1213 ; R 17) 56 RI4) 42 Urinalysis programs (86-1879; RI6) 50, (87-I555; Exigent circumstances (85-1027 ; RI 1) 33 - (85-1520; Rl7) 52 Rl3) 39 Drunken and reckless driving Expert Evidence. See Evidence, Expert Legal status, laws, etc. (87-I437; RI7) 51 Due process of law (84-1947; Rll) 32 - (84-I974; F Rl2) 36 - (85-2099 ; R13) 40 - (85-2067 ; RI4) 42- (86-572; RI4) 44- (86-87; Rl4) 44 Fair trial (84-1560 ; R 12) 36 - (86-1781; Rl5) 45 - (87-5565; RI5) 45 - Harmless error determination (84-1974; Rl2) 36 (87-I54; RI5) 46 - (87-746; Rl5) 47- (87-6116 Trial practice (84-1606; Rll) 32

78 1985-1989 Update

Federal Bureau of Investigation. See United States. Federal Michigan (88-I569; R17) 55 Bureau of Investigation Priorrestraint(85-437;RII) 30-(87-470;RI5) 46 Federal rules of civil procedure (83-I437; RIO) 28 - (87-65 ; RI6) 49 Federal/state employees. See Civil service Visas (86-656; R13) 38 Federal/state relations (86-108 ; RI4) 41 - (87-1965 ; Freedom of the press. See also Freedom of speech/associa­ RI7) 55 tion Borrowed statutes (87-56 ; Rl5) 48 Freedom of the press (87-65 ; RI 6) 49 - (87-1344 ; Flag burning (88-I55; RI7) 55 R17) 51-(88-10;Rl7) 53 Foreign Agents Registration Act (1938) (85-I837; Rll) 31 Freeholders - (85-DNM; Rll) 31 - (85-1180; 12) 34 - (85- Missouri (88-I048 ; RI7) 54 l I80; Rl4) 42 Fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine (84-778 ; RI 0) 28 Forfeiture ( 87- I 729 ; RI 7) 53 Fradulent concealment (Law) (86-510; Rl4) 42 G Fraternal clubs and associations Discrimination (886-I836 ; RI5) 48 Gag orders (87-65; RI6) 49 Freedom oflnformationAct (I974) (87-1379; RI6) 49 Gambling (84-I903 ; RI2) 36 Freedom of religion (84-[277]; RIO) 29-(88-1374; Grandjury RI 7) 56 Abuse of power (87-578; RI5) 48 Establishment clause (85-1513 ; Rll) 30 - (85-I I68 ; Gun control (84-1904 ; RI I) 32 Rll) 33 - (85-155I ; RI2) 34 - (84-1070; RI2) 37 - (85-I5I3; Rl3) 38 - (86-179; H Rl3) 39- (85-I55I ; Rl4) 42 - (87-253 ; Habeas corpus (84-I554; RIO) 29- (84-I66I; RI2) 34 Rl5) 46, 47 - (87-1245 ; Rl6) 50 - (87-2050; - (85-2064; R13) 41 - (86-108; RI4) 41 - (88- Rl7) 51 -(87-1945; Rl7) 52 - (88-1597; 357; RI7) 53 Rl7) 56 Prose applications (85-I656; RI4) 42 Free exercise clause (84-1097 ; R 10) 28 - (84-1944 ; Handbills RIO) 28- (85-495; Rll) 30- (85-993 ; Distribution (86-I46I ; RI5) 45 RI2) 33 - (84-780; RI2) 36 -(85-I722; Hearsay evidence. See Evidence, Hearsay RI4) 43 - (86-1013 ; Rl5) 47 - (87-I945 ; Homosexuals RI7) 52- (88-I213; RI7) 56 Civil rights (83-2030; RIO) 29- (85-I40; Rll) 31 Student clubs (84-773; RIO) 27 Husband-wife privilege (84-I922; RIO) 28 - (84-1922; Freedom of speech/association (83-I624; RIO) 27 - (85- RI2) 34 70I ; RI2) 35 - (86-243; RI4) 41 - (86-146I ; RI5) 45 - (88-1198; RI7) 56 I Adult theaters (84-1360; RI2) 36 Book sales (86-1034; Rl3) 38 Immigration law. See Emigration and immigration law Cable companies (85-390; RI2) 36 Immunity (Exemptions) (84-1586; RIO) 27 - (87-I207 ; Commercial speech (84-1903 ; RI2) 36 R16) 51 -(87-I855; RI7) 52 Demonstrations and picketing (86-803 ; RI3) 39 Insanity Education and schools (84-I667; RIO) 27 - (83-2030; Jurisprudence (85-5424; RIO) 27 - (84-I974; RIO) 29 R12) 36 Film distribution (85-I837; Rll) 31 - (85-DNM ; Insurance, Product liability (86-I042; RI4) 43 Rll) 31 - (85-1180; RI2) 34 - (85-1180; Internal Revenue Service. See United States. Internal Rll) 42 Revenue Service Indecent speech (88-5 I5 ; RI 7) 54 International law Materials distribution (85-I973 ; RI4) 43 - (85-1370 ; Diplomatic security (86-803 ; R13) 39 RI I) 30 - (84-149I ; R12) 36 - (86-836 ; R13) 41 - (86-1042; RI4) 43 - (87-I245 ; J R16) 50-(87-1956; R17) 52-(88-10; Rl7) 53 Japanese-Americans Civil rights (86-510; RI4) 42 Petitions (87-920 ; RI5) 47 Petitions, private (84-476 ; RIO) 29 Judicial power (87-578; Rl5) 48 Picketing (86-I68 ; R15) 46 Judicial review (84-I923; Rll) 31 Political campaigns (85-656; RI2) 35 Jurisdiction (86-890; Rl3) 40- (85-I58I ; RI4) 44 - Political speech (84-3IO; RIO) 29- (83-1292; (86-319; R14) 44 RIO) 30- (85-2068; RI4) 43 - (88-I55 ; Jurisdictional statement (85-1180 ; R12) 34 R17) 55

79 The American Civil Liberties Union

Jury. See also Grand jury; Trial by jury Employment (84-1999; R12) 34 - (84-1340; Rl2) 37 Peremptory challenge (84-6263 ; RIO) 27 - (86-5309 ; - (85-999; R14) 43 RI6) 50-(87-5229;RI6) 50-(87-6405; Legal status, laws, etc. (85-I626 ; R13) 41 RI6) 50- (88-5050; RI7) 53 Political rights (88-1048 ; R 17) 54 Prejudicial factors (84-I606; Rll) 32 Municipal finances (85-1168 ; R 1 I) 33 - (87-1022 ; Jury instructions (DNM; Rll) 32 -(85-I2I7; R12) 34 RI7) 51 - (85-410 ; RI2) 37 Municipal liability (85-I217 ; R12) 34 - (84-1160; Juveniles RI2) 35 - (86-I088; Rl5) 45 -(87-2084; Civil rights (86-836 ; R13) 41 RI7) 53 Legal status, laws, etc. (DNM ; R12) 37 - (86-I034; Municipal statutes and ordinances (84-[277] ; RIO) 29 R13) 38 Virginia (87-998; RI6) 49 Sex education (87-253 ; R15) 46, 47 Municipalities Lawyers. See also Attorney and client Representational government (87-1022 ; R 17) 51 Disciplinary action (84-310; RIO) 29 No-merit briefs (87-5002; R15) 47 - (87-6116; N RI6) 49 National Film Board of Canada (85-1737 ; R 11) 31 - (85- Trial practice (Misconduct) (84-1554; RIO) 29 - (84- DNM; RI 1) 31 - (85-1180 ; RI4) 42 1661 ; R12) 34 - (85-2099; R13) 40- (85-I656; National security (87-751; R15) 45 -(87-2127; R17) 51 Rl4) 42 - (88-411 ; RI 7) 54 Native Americans Legal advertising (DNM; Rl2) 33 Civil rights (84-780 ; R 12) 36 - (87-1387 ; RI 7) 55 Legal ethics (DNM ; Rl2) 33 Religious practices (86-1013 ; R15) 47 Legal fees (83-1437; RIO) 28- (84-310; RIO) 29- Peyote (88-I213; RI7) 56 (84-1288; Rll) 32 - (86-328; R13) 40-(87-I729 News media ; Rl 7) 53 - (88-1198 ; RI 7) 56 - (88-608 ; Legal status, laws, etc. (86-1042; R14) 43 Rl7) 55 Legislators 0 Voting records (85-70I ; Rl2) 35 Liability (Law) (84-1491 ; RI 2) 36 Obscenity (Law) (84-778 ; RIO 28 - (86-1034: R13) 38 Libel and slander (84-1491; Rl2) 36 - (88-IO; Rl7) 53 - (85-1973; R14) 43 - (87-470; R15) 46 - (88- Immunity (84-476; RIO) 29 515; Rl7) 54 Lotteries (87-1956 ; R 17) 52 Overbreadth doctrine (Law) (86-243 ; Rl4) 41 M p

Malicious prosecution (84-194 7 ; R 11) 32 Parental rights Media communications Abortion notification (DNM ; R12) 37 Legal status, laws, etc. (88-5I5; Rl7) 54 Non-custodial unwed fathers (87-5840; R15) 47 - (87- Medical handicaps and disabilities 746; RI5) 47 Laws and regulations (85-1277 ; R 11) 31 Menorah displays Montana (86-461 ; R13) 38 Pennsylvania (87-2050; R17) 51 Parole boards Mens rea (84-1480; RI I) 33 Montana (86-461 ; R13) 38 Mental handicaps and disabilities Paternity Civil rights (87-1965 ; R 17) 55 Illigitirnate children (87-5565 ; R15) 45 Education (87-1855 ; Rl7) 52 Personal injury litigation (87-56 ; R 15) 48 Laws and regulations (84-1923; RII) 31 Petition initiatives Mentally ill Worker compensation (87-920; R15) 47 Legal status, laws. etc. (84-1904; Rll) 33 Picketing (86-168 ; RI5) 46 Military bases Washington, DC (86-803 ; R13) 39 Demonstrations (83-1624; RIO) 27 Police. See also State police Military draft registration (83-1292 ; RI 0) 30 Aerial surveillance (84-15I3 ; RlO) 27 - (87-764; Military justice (85-1581; Rl4) 44 - (86-319; Rl4) 44 Rl6) 49 Military regulations (84-1097; RIO) 28 Immunity (84-1586; RIO) 27 - (85-1520; R13) 39 Minorities. See also Race discrimination; sex discrimina­ Legal status, laws, etc. (85-889 ; R13) 39 tion; specific ethnic groups Misconduct (85-1449; RI2) 35 - (86-243; RI4) 41 Civil rights (83-1968: R12) 37 - (85-2156; R14) 44 - (86-I088 ; RI5) 45 - (87-1387; Rl7) 55 - (88-854; Rl7) 54. 55

80 1985-1989 Update

Training (85-I2I7; RI2) 34- (86-I088; RI5) 45 R Police questioning (84-I480 ; Rll) 33 - (84-I485 ; RI2) 35 Race discrimination (85-2I56; RI4) 44 - (87-1836 ; Political asylum (85-782; Rll) 31 - (86-DNM; R13) 39 RI5) 48 - (86-I969; R13) 40- (86-388 ; RI3) 40 Alabama (84-76; RIO) 28 Political campaigns (87-416; RI5) 45 Employment (84-1340; RI2) 37 - (87-998; RI6) 49 Candidate requirements (88-I 048 ; RI 7) 54 - (86-6I39; Rl6) 50- (87-2084; RI7) 53 Media coverage (88-I 0 ; RI 7) 53 Housing (88-854; RI7) 54 Political candidates Jury trials (84-6263 ; RIO) 27 - (88-5050 ; RI 7) 53 Qualifications (84-476; RIO) 29 Legal status, laws, etc. (87-I07; RI6) 48 - (87-5259 ; Political parties, Minority (85-656 ; RI2) 35 RI6) 50 - (87-6405 ; RI6) 50 Pornography Voting rights (83- I 968 ; RI 2) 37 Distribution (85-I973 ; RI4) 43 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (Indiana) Pre-trial detention (86-87 ; RI4) 44 (87-470; RI5 46 Pregnancy disability (85-494; Rll) 32 Railroads Preliminary hearings (Criminal procedure) (84-I560 ; Employees RI2) 36 Drug testing programs (87-I555 ; RI7) 52 Preventive detention (86-87 ; RI4) 44 Religion, Freedom of. See Freedom of religion Press, Freedom of the. See Freedom of the press Right of confrontation. See Confrontation, Right of Prison personnel Right of cross-examination. See Cross examination, Right of Medical providers (87-5096 ; RI6) 51 Right of privacy. See Privacy, Right of Prisoners Right to counsel (84-I485; RI2) 35 - (87-5002; records (88-357 ; RI 7) 53 RI5) 47 - (87-1729 ; RI 7) 53 - (88-4I I ; Legal status, laws, etc. (86-46I ; RI3) 38 - (85-2064; Rll) 54 R13) 41 - (85-I722; RI4) 43 - (86-246; Right to die (88-I503 ; RI 7) 55 RI4) 44 - (87-6116 ; RI 6) 49 Right to sue (87-4I6; R FIX 45 - (87-416; Rl5) 45 - Medical care (87-5096; RI6) 51 (87-I836; RI5) 48 Visits and correspondence Censorship (87-I344; RI7) 51 s Prisons Libraries (88-4I I ; RI 7) 54 School busing Religious facilities (85-I 722 ; RI4) 43 Fees (86-7113 ; RI5) 46 Privacy, Right of (84-I513 ; RIO) 27 - (85-I027; School prayer Rll) 33 - (85-530; RI2) 35 - (87-I379 ; New Jersey (85-I55I ; RI2) 34 - (85-I55I ; RI4) 42 RI6) 49 - (87-764; RI6) 49 Searches and seizures (84-1513 ; RIO) 27 - (84-778; Probable cause (86-60; R13) 39- (85-I520; RI3) 39 - RIO 28 - (85-I40; Rll) 31 - (85-I027; Rll) 33 (86-I879; RI6) 50- (87-I555; RI7) 52 - (84-I66I ; RI2) 34 - (85-530; RI2) 35 - (84- (85-I672 ; RI4) 42 1160; RI2) 35- (85-I520; R13) 39-(85-889; Probation officers (86-5324; RI3) 41 RI3) 39 - (86-60; RI3) 39 - (86-890; RI3) 40 Propaganda issues (85-I837 ; RI I) 31 - (85-DNM ; - (86-5324; RI3) 41 - (85-I672; RI4) 42 - (87- Rll) 31 - (85-1180; RI2) 34 - (85-1180; 764; RI6) 49- (86-I879; RI6) 50- (87-I555; RI4) 42 RI7) 52 Prosecution Self-incrimination (84-I480; Rll) 33 Release-dismissal agreements (85-I 449 ; RI 2) 35 Sentences (Criminal procedure) (86-246 ; RI4) 44 - (88- Prostitution (85-437 ; RI I) 30 305; RI7) 54 Public defenders (85-2099; RI3) 40 - (87-6116 ; Florida (86-5344; RI4) 43 RI6) 49 Washington (State) (88-357 ; RI 7) 53 Public lands Separation of powers (87-4I6; RI5) 45 - (87-2I27; Road construction (86-I013 ; RI5) 47 RI7) 51 Public officials Sex discrimination (85-494; Rll) 32 - (85-1129; Legal status, laws, etc. (85-I55I ; RI2) 34 - (85-I55I ; RI2) 33 - (86-42I ; RI4) 43 - (87-5840; RI4) 42 RI5) 47 - (87-I836; Rl5) 48 PVS (Permanent Vegative State) (88-I 503 ; RI 7) 55 Employment (87-1167; R16) 49 Sex education (85-4IO; R12) 37 - (87-253; RI5) 46, 47 Social security (84-780; Rl2) 36 Benefit withdrawal (86-1781 ; Rl5) 45

81 The American Civil Liberties Union

Sodomy (85-140; Rll) 31 United States. Air Force Speech, Freedom of. See Freedom of speech/association Dress regulations (84-1097 ; RI 0) 28 Standing (Law) (87-4I6; RI5) 45 - (87-1836; RI5) 48 United States. Customs service Stare decisis (87-I07; RI6) 48 Drug testing programs (86-1879; RI6) 50 State action doctrine (87-5096; Rl6) 51 United States. Department of State State, Department of. See United States. Department of State Visas (86-656 ; R13) 38 State police United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation Employment practices Computerized databases (87-1379; RI6) 49 Alabama (85-999 ; RI4) 43 United States. Federal Bureau of Prisons (87-1344; Legal status, laws, etc. (87-1207 ; RI6) 51 RI7) 51 Statute of limitations (85-1626 ; Rl3) 41 United States. Navy (86-1552; Rl5) 46 Toll principle (86-510; Rl4) 42 United States.Internal Revenue Service (87-416 ; Rl5) 45 Subsidized housing (88-854; RI 7) 54 v T Victim impact statements (86-5020 ; Rl3) 39 Taxation Victim rights (88-305 ; RI 7) 54 California (88-1374; Rl7) 56 Visually handicapped Laws and regulations Vocational assistance Arkansas (85-1370; RI 1) 30 Washington (State) (84-1070; Rl2) 37 Texas (87-1245 ; RI6) 50 Voir dire (84-I606; Rll) 32 - (86-5309; Rl6) 50- Teachers (87-6405 ; RI 6) 50 Civil rights (83-2030; RIO) 29- (85-4IO; RI2) 37 Voting law (83-I 968 ; RI 2) 37 Collective bargaining (85-495 ; Rll) 30 Alabama (84-76; RIO) 28 Employment (85-I277; RII) 31 Indiana (84-I244; RIO) 28 Hiring and promotional procedures (84-1340 ; RI 2) 37 Washington (State) (85-656 ; Rl2) 35 Telephone communications Voting Rights Act (1982) (83-1968; RI2) 37 Legal status, laws, etc. (88-515 ; RI 7) 54 Television. See also Media w Legal advertising (85-DNM ; RI2) 33 Television, cable Warrants (Law) (84-1586; RIO) 27 - (84-778; RIO) 28 Laws and regulations (85-390; RI2) 36 - (86-5324; R13) 41 - (85-I672; Rl4) 42 Tolling. See Statute of limitations - Tolling principle. Weapons Torts (87-I965 ; RI 7) 55 Legal possession (84-I904; Rll) 33 Statute of limitations (87-56 ; Rl5) 48 Welfare economics (86-509 ; RI3) 40 Tourism Witnesses (84-I922; RIO) 28 - (84-1922; Rl2) 34 Puerto Rico (84-I 903 ; R 12) 36 Competency hearings (86-572 ; RI4) 44 Trial by jury (87-5259; Rl6) 50- (88-5050; Custodial accusations (85-I 62 ; R 11) 32 RI 7) 53. See also Jury Women Nevada (87-I437; RI7) 51 Civil rights (85-I I 29 ; RI 2) 33 - (86-42I ; RI4) 43 Trials. See also Fair trial; Jury; Trial by jury Employment (85-494 ; RI I) 32 - (85-1129 ; RI 2) 33 Child sexual abuse (86-572 ; Rl4) 44 -(87-1167; RI6) 49 Tuberculosis (85-I277 ; Rll) 31 u z

Unemployment benefits (85-993; RI2) 33 - (88-I213; RI7) 56 Zoning law (84-1360; Rl2) 36 Illinois (87-1945 ; RI 7) 52

82 1985-1989 Update


Abbott v. Meese No. 87-1344 Reel 17 Bethel School District, et al. v. Fraser, et al. No. 84-1667 Abortion Rights Mobilization v. US Catholic Conference Reel 10 No. 87-416 Reel 15 Blair v. Missouri No. 85-303 Reel 11 Abourezk: v. Reagan No. 86-656 Reel 13 Blanton v. North Las VegasNo. 87-1437 Reel 17 ACLU v. Allegheny Nos. 87-2050, 88-90, and 88-96 Block v. Meese No. 85-1837 Reel 11 Reel 17 Block v. Meese No. 85-[docket number missing] Reel 11 Aguillard v. Edwards No. 85-1513 Reel 13 Board of Estimate v. Morris No. 87-1022, 87-1112 Aguillard v. Edwards No. 85-1513 Reel 11 Reel 17 Ake v. Oklahoma No. 83-5424 Reel 10 Board of Pardons v. Allen No. 86-461 Reel 13 Al-Khazriji v. Saint Francis College Nos. 85-2156 and 85- Board of Pardons v. Allen No. 86-461 Reel 13 2169 Reel 14 Boos v. Barry No. 86-803 Reel 13 Albertini v. United States No. 83-1624 Reel 10 Booth v. Maryland No. 86-5020 Reel 13 Allegheny v. ACLU Nos. 87-2050, 88-90, and 88-96 Bowen v. KendrickNos. 87-253, 87-431, 87-462, and 87-775 Reel 17 Reel 15 Allen v. Board of Pardons No. 86-461 Reel 13 Bowen v. Kendrick Nos. 87-253, 87-431, 87-462, and American Booksellers Association v. Virginia No. 86-1034 87-775 Reel 15 Reel 13 Bowen v. New York No. 84-1923 Reel 11 American Foreign Service Association v. Garfinkel Bowen V. GilliardNos. 86-509 and 86-564 Reel 13 No. 87-2127 Reel 17 Bowers v. Hardwick No. 85-140 Reel 11 Amos v. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints No. 86- Braunskill v. Hilton No. 86-108 Reel 14 179 and 86-401 Reel 13 Briggs v. Malley No. 84-1586 Reel 10 Amos v. United States No. 86-179 and 86-401 Reel 13 Brown v. California No. 85-[docket number missing] Anderson v. Creighton No. 85-1520 Reel 13 Reel 11 Ansonia Board of Education v. Philbrook No. 85-495 Bullock v. Texas Monthly No. 87-1245 Reel 16 Reel 11 Burbine v. Moran No. 84-1485 Reel 12 Arcara v. Cloud Books, Inc. No. 85-437 Reel 11 Burch v. Zinermon No. 87-1965 Reel 17 Arizona v. Hicks No. 85-1027 Reel 11 Burger v. New York No. 86-60 Reel 13 Arkansas Writer's Project v. Ragland No. 85-1370 Burnley v. Railway Labor Executives' Association No. 87- Reel 11 1555 Reel 17 Arline v. Nassau County School Board No. 85-1277 Reel 11 Arrington v. Wilks Nos. 87-1614, 87-1639 and 87-1668 California Board of Equalization v. Jimmy Swaggart Minis­ Reel 17 tries No. 88-1374 Reel 17 Atkins v. West No. 87-5096 Reel 16 California Federal Savings and Loan v. Guerra No. 85- Atonio v. Wards Cove Packing Company No. 87-1387 494 Reel 11 Reel 17 California v. Brown No. 85-[docket number missing] Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce No. 88- Reel 11 1569 Reel 17 California v. Ciraolo No. 84-1513 Reel 10 California v. Diaz No. 84-1560 Reel 12 Bandemer v. Davis No. 84-1244 Reel 10 Campos-Guardado v. INS No. 86-[docket number Bank of Nova Scotia v. United States No. 87-578 & 87-602 missing] Reel 13 Reel 15 Campos-Guardado v. INS No. 86-1969 Reel 13 Barry v. Boos No. 86-803 Reel 13 Canton v. Harris No. 86-1088 Reel 15 Batson v. Kentucky No. 84-6263 Reel 10 Caplin & Drysdale v. United States No. 87-1729 and 88- Bender v. Williamsport Area School District No. 84-773 454 Reel 17 Reel 10 Cardoza-Fonseca v. INS No. 85-782 Reel 11 Bertine v. ColoradoNo. 85-889 Reel 13 Carlucci v. Doe No. 87-751 Reel 15

83 The American Civil Liberties Union

Carrier v. Sielaff No. 84-1554 Reel 10 FCC v. Sable Communications Nos. 88-515 and 88-525 Cerbone v. Conway No. 84-1947 Reel 11 Reel 17 Champion International v. International Woodworkers of FCC v. Sable Communications Nos. 88-515 and 88-525 America No. 86-328 Reel 13 Reel 17 Chema v. United States Nos. 88-854, 88-856 and 88- FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life No. 85-701 870 Reel 17 Reel U Chesney v. Marek No. 83-1437 Reel 10 Finley v. Pennsylvania No. 85-2099 Reel 13 Chilicky v. Schweiker No. 86-1781 Reel 15 Flores v. INS No. 86-388 Reel 13 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. Amos Florida v. Miller No. 86-5344 Reel 14 No. 86-179 and 86-401Reel13 Florida v. Riley No. 87-764 Reel 16 Cincinnati v. Pembaur No. 84-1160 Reel 12 Flynn v. Holbrook No. 84-1606 Reel 11 Ciraolo v. California No. 84-1513 Reel 10 Fort Wayne Books v. Indiana No. 87-470 Reel 15 City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres No. 84-1360 Reel U Fort Worth Bank & Trust v. Watson No. 86-6139 Reel 16 Clark v. Jeter No. 87-5565 Reel 15 Frank v. Minnesota Newspaper Association No. 87-1956 Clark v. Rose No. 84-1974 Reel 12 Reel 17 Cleveland v. Hawley No. 85-1168 Reel 11 Fraser v. Bethel School District No. 84-1667 Reel 10 Cleveland v. International Association of Firefighters Nos. Frazee v. Illinois Department of Employment Security 84-1999, 84-1656 Reel 12 No. 87-1945 Reel 17 Cloud Books, Inc. v. Arcara No. 85-437 Reel 11 Frisby v. Schultz No. 87-168 Reel 15 Cobb v. Shaare Tefila Congregation Nos. 85-2156 and 85- FTC v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association No. 88- 2169 Reel 14 1198, 88-1393Reel 17 Colorado v. Bertine No. 85-889 Reel 13 FTC v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association No. 88- Connaughton v. Harte Hanks Communications No. 88-10 1198, 88-1393Reel 17 Reel 17 Connor v. Graham No. 87-6571 Reel 17 Galioto v. United States No. 84-1904 Reel 11 Conway v. CerboneNo. 84-1947 Reel 11 Garfinkel v. American Foreign Service Association No. 87- Cook v. Maleng No. 88-357 Reel 17 2127 Reel 17 Crieghton v. Anderson No. 85-1520 Reel 13 Gathers v. South Carolina No.88-305 Reel 17 Cronin v. Schultz No. 86-656 Reel 13 Gerald D. v. Michael H.No. 87-746 Reel 15 Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health v. McCanse Giarratano v. Murray No. 88-411 Reel 17 No. 88-1503 Reel 17 Gilhool v. Muth No. 87-1855 Reel 17 Gilliard v. Bowen Nos. 86-509 and 86-564 Reel 13 Dallas Independent School District v. Jett Nos. 87-2084, Gilliard v. Kirk Nos. 86-509 and 86-564Reel 13 88-214 Reel 17 Gingles v. Thornburg No. 83-1968 Reel 12 Dallas Independent School District v. Jett Nos. 87- Goldman v. Weinberger No. 84-1097 Reel 10 2084, 88-214 Reel 17 Goodman v. Luken Steel Co. No. 85-1626 Reel 13 Davis v. Bandemer No. 84-1244 Reel 10 Graham v. Connor No. 87-6571 Reel 17 Deakins v. Monaghan No. 86-890 Reel 13 Greenfield v. Wainwright No. 84-1480 Reel 11 DeBartolo Corporation v. Gulf Coast Building and Greer v. Miller No. 85-2064 Reel 13 Construction Trades Council No. 86-1461 Reel 15 Griffin v. Wisconsin No. 86-5324 Reel 13 Dept. of the Navy v. Egan No. 86-1552 Reel 15 Guerra v. California Federal Savings and Loan No. 85-494 DeShaney v. Winnebago County Social Services No. 87- Reel 11 154 Reel 15 Gulf Coast Building and Construction v. DeBartolo Corpora­ Diaz v. California No. 84-1560 Reel 12 tion Trades Council No. 86-1461 Reel 15 Dickinson Public Schools v. Kadrmas No. 86-7113 Reel 15 Doe v. Carlucci No. 87-751 Reel 15 Hardwick v. Bowers No. 85-140 Reel 11 Harris v. Canton No. 86-1088 Reel 15 Earnest v. New Mexico No. 85-162 Reel 11 Harte Hanks Communications v. Connaughton No. 88- Edwards v. Aguillard No. 85-1513 Reel 11 10 Reel 17 Edwards v. Aguillard No. 85-1513 Reel 13 Hartigan v. Zbaraz No. [docket number missing] EEOC v. Sheet Metal Workers' International Nos. 84- Reel U 1999, 84-1656Reel 12 Hawley v. Cleveland No. 85-1168 Reel 11 Egan v. Dept. of the Navy No. 86-1552 Reel 15 Hazelwood School District v. Kohlmeier No. 86-836 Estate of Ahmad Uthman Shabazz v. O'Lone No. 85-1722 Reel 13 Reel 14 Heckler v. Roy No. 84-780 Reel 12 Evans v. Jeff D. No. 84-1288 Reel 11 Hepps v. Philadelphia Newspapers No. 84-1491 Reel 12 Hicks v. Arizona No. 85-1027 Reel 11 1985-1989 Update

Hill v. Houston No. 86-243 Reel 14 Kendrick v. Bowen Nos. 87-253, 87-431, 87-462, and Hilton v. Braunskill No. 86-108 Reel 14 87-775 Reel 15 Hobbie v. Unemployment Appeals Commission No. 85- Kendrick v. United Families of America Nos. 87-253, 87- 993 Reel 12 431, 87-462, and 87-775 Reel 15 Hohri v. United States No. 86-510 Reel 14 Kentucky v. BatsonNo. 84-6263 Reel IO Holbrook v. FlynnNo. 84-1606 Reel 11 Kentucky v. Stincer No. 86-572 Reel 14 Holland v. Illinois No. 88-5050 Reel 17 Kibbe v. Springfield No. 85-1217 Reel 12 Hopkins v. Price WaterhouseNo. 87-1167 Reel 16 Kilpatrick v. United States No. 87-578 & 87-602 Reel 15 Houston v. Hill No. 86-243 Reel 14 Kimmelman v. Morrison No. 84-1661 Reel U Humphrey & Haas v. Iowa State Bar Association No. 85- Kirk v. Gilliard Nos. 86-509 and 86-564 Reel 13 [docket number missing] Reel 12 Koecher v. United States No. 84-1922 Reel 12 Hunter v. Underwood No. 84-76 Reel 10 Koecher v. United States No. 84-1922 Reel IO Kuhlmeier v. Hazelwood School District No. 86-836 Illinois Department of Employment Security v. FrazeeNo. 87- Reel 13 1945 Reel 17 Illinois v. Holland No. 88-5050 Reel 17 Lakewood v. Plain Dealer No. 86-1042 Reel 14 Illinois v. Pope No. 85-1973 Reel 14 Lane v. Teague No. 87-5259 Reel 16 Inre: Snyder No. 84-310 Reel IO Lehlman v. Van Drasek No. 86-319 Reel 14 In re: Snyder No. 84-310 Reel 10 Longo v. United States Nos. 88-854, 88-856 and 88-870 Independent Federation of Flight Attendants v. Zipes Reel 17 No. 88-608 Reel 17 Los Angeles v. Preferred Communications No. 85-390 Indiana v. Fort Wayne Books No. 87-470 Reel 15 Reel U INS v. Campos-Guardado No. 86-1969 Reel 13 Luken Steel Co. v. Goodman No. 85-1626 Reel 13 INS v. Campos-Guardado No. 86-[docket number missing] Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Associa­ Reel 13 tion No. 86-1013 Reel 15 INS v. Cardoza-Fonseca No. 85-782 Reel 11 INS v. Flores No. 86-388 Reel 13 Macon v. MarylandNo. 84-778 Reel IO International Association of Firefighters v. Cleveland Maleng v. Cook No. 88-357 Reel 17 Nos. 84-1999, 84-1656 Reel U Malley v. Briggs No. 84-1586 Reel 10 International Woodworkers of America v. Champion Marek v. Chesney No. 83-1437 Reel 10 International No. 86-328 Reel 13 Martin v. Wilks Nos. 87-1614, 87-1639 and 87-1668 Iowa State Bar Association v. Humphrey & Haas No. 85- Reel 17 [docket number missing] Reel 12 Maryland v. Booth No. 86-5020 Reel 13 Maryland v. Macon No. 84-778 Reel 10 J. A. Croson Company v. Richmond No. 87-998 Reel 16 Massachusetts Citizens for Life v. FECNo. 85-701 Reel 12 Jackson Board of Education v. Wygant No. 84-1340 Reel 12 May v. Karcher No. 85-1551 Reel 14 JeffD. v. Evans No. 84-1288 Reel 11 May v. Karcher No. 85-1551 Reel 12 Jensen v. QuaringNo. 84-1944 Reel 10 McCanse v. Missouri Department of Health v. Cruzan Jeter v. Clark No. 87-5565 Reel 15 No. 88-1503 Reel 17 Jett v. Dallas Independent School District Nos. 87-2084, McCotter v. Petty No. 85-1656 Reel 14 88-214 Reel 17 McCoy v. Wisconsin Court of Appeals No. 87-5002 Jett v. Dallas Independent School District Nos. 87- Reel 15 2084, 88-214 Reel 17 McCreary v. Scarsdale No. 84-277 Reel IO Jimmy Swaggart Ministries v. California Board of McCreary v. Scarsdale No. 84-[277] Reel IO Equalization No. 88-1374 Reel 17 McDonald v. Smith No. 84-476 Reel 10 Johnson v. Santa Clara County Transportation Agency McDonald v. Smith No. 84-476 Reel 10 No. 85-1129 Reel 12 McLean Credit Union v. Patterson No. 87-I07 Reel 16 Johnson v. Texas No. 88-155 Reel 17 McNamara v. San Diego No. 87-5840 Reel 15 McPherson v. Rankin No. 85-2068 Reel 14 Kadrmas v. Dickinson Public Schools No. 86-7113 Meese v. Abbott No. 87-1344 Reel 17 Reel 15 Meese v. Block No. 85-1837 Reel 11 Karcher v. May No. 85-1551 Reel 14 Meese v. Block No. 85-[docket number missing] Reel 11 Karcher v. May No. 85-1551 Reel 12 Meese v. Keene No. 85-1180 Reel 14 Keene v. Meese No. 85-1180 Reel 12 Meese v. Keene No. 85-1180 Reel 12 Keene v. Meese No. 85-1180 Reel 14 Memphis Community Schools v. Stachura No. 85-410 Kendrick v. BowenNos. 87-253, 87-431, 87-462, and 87-775 Reel 12 Reel 15 Mendoza-Lopez v. United States No. 85-2067 Reel 14

85 The American Civil Liherlies Union

Merchant v. United States No. 85-1672 Reel 14 Ortega v. O'Conner No. 85-530 Reel 12 Mergens v. Westside Community Schools No. 88-1597 Owens v. Okure No. 87-56 Reel 15 Reel 17 Meyer v. Woodard No. 87-920 Reel 15 Paradise v. United States No. 85-999 Reel 14 Michael H. v. Gerald D. No. 87-746 Reel 15 Patterson v. McLean Credit Union No. 87-107 Reel 16 Michigan State Chamber of Commerce v. Austin No. 88-1569 Pembaur v. CincinnatiNo. 84-1160 Reel 12 Reel 17 Pennsylvania v. Finley No. 85-2099 Reel 13 Michigan State Police v. Will No. 87-1207 Reel 16 Pennsylvania v. Smalis No. 85-227 Reel 12 Miller v. Florida No. 86-5344 Reel 14 Penson v. Ohio No. 87-6116 Reel 16 Miller v. Greer No. 85-2064 Reel 13 Personnel Board of Jefferson County v. Wilks Nos. 87- Millsap v. Quinn No. 88-1048 Reel 17 1614, 87-1639 and 87-1668 Reel 17 Minnesota Newspaper Association v. Frank No. 87-1956 Petty v. McCotter No. 85-1656 Reel 14 Reel 17 Philadelphia Newspapers v. Hepps No. 84-1491 Reel 12 Missouri Department of Health v. Cruzan v. McCanse Philbrook v. Ansonia Board of Education No. 85-495 No. 88-1503 Reel 17 Reel 11 ~ouri v. Blair No. 85-303 Reel 11 Plain Dealer v. Lakewood No. 86-1042 Reel 14 Monaghan v. Deakins No. 86-890 Reel 13 Playtime Theatres v. City of Renton No. 84-1360 Reel 12 Monsanto v. United States No. 87-1729 and 88-454Reel 17 Ponterio v. Morris No. 87-1022, 87-1112 Reel 17 Moran v. Burbine No. 84-1485 Reel 12 Pope v. Illinois No. 85-1973 Reel 14 Morris v. Board of Estimate No. 87-1022, 87-1112 Reel 17 Posadas de Puerto Rico Associates v. Tourism Company Morris v. Ponterio No. 87-1022, 87-1112 Reel 17 of Puerto Rico No. 84-1903 Reel 12 Morrison v. Kimmelman No. 84-1661 Reel 12 Preferred Communications v. Los Angeles No. 85-390 Munro v. Socialist Workers Party No. 85-656 Reel 12 Reel 12 Murray v. Giarratano No. 88-411 Reel 17 Press-Enterprise Comapny v. Superior Court of Califor­ Muth v. Gilbool No. 87-1855 Reel 17 nia No. 84-1560 Reel 12 Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins No. 87-1167 Reel 16 Nassau County School Board v. Arline No. 85-1277 Providence Journal Company v. United States No. 87-65 Reel 11 Reel 16 National Gay Task Force v. Oklahoma City Board of Education No. 83-2030 Reel 10 Quaring v. Jensen No. 84-1944 Reel 10 National Treasury Employees Union v. von Raab No. 86- Quinn v. Millsap No. 88-1048 Reel 17 1879 Reel 16 New Mexico v. EarnestNo. 85-162 Reel 11 Ragland v. Arkansas Writer's Project No. 85-1370 Reel 11 New York City v. New York State Club Association No. 86- Railway Labor Executives' Association v. Burnley No. 87- 1836 Reel 15 1555 Reel 17 New York State Club Association v. New York City Rankin v. McPherson No. 85-2068 Reel 14 No. 86-1836 Reel 15 Reagan v. Abourezk No. 86-656 Reel 13 New York v. Bowen No. 84-1923 Reel 11 Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press v. United New York v. Burger No. 86-60 Reel 13 States No. 87-1379 Reel 16 New York v. Schultz No. 86-656 Reel 13 Richmond v. J. A. Croson Company No. 87-998 Reel 16 Newton v. Rumery No. 85-1449 Reel 12 Riley v. Florida No. 87-764 Reel 16 North Las Vegas v. Blanton No. 87-1437 Reel 17 Rose v. Clark No. 84-1974 Reel 12 Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association v. Lyng Ross v. Oklahoma No. 86-5309 Reel 16 No. 86-1013 Reel 15 Rotary Club of Duarte v. Rotary International No. 86-421 Reel 14 O'Conner v. Ortega No. 85-530 Reel 12 Rotary International v. Rotary Club of Duarte No. 86- O'Lone v. Estate of Ahmad Uthman Shabazz No. 85-1722 421 Reel 14 Reel 14 Roy v. Heckler No. 84-780 Reel 12 Ohio v. Penson No. 87-6116 Reel 16 Rumery v. Newton No. 85-1449 Reel 12 Oklahoma City Board of Education v. National Gay Task Force No. 83-2030 Reel 10 Sable Communications v. FCC Nos. 88-515 and 88-525 Oklahoma v. Ake No. 83-5424 Reel 10 Reel 17 Oklahoma v. Ross No. 86-5309 Reel 16 Sable Communications v. FCC Nos. 88-515 and 88-525 Okure v. Owens No. 87-56 Reel 15 Reel 17 Oregon Dept. of Human Resources v. Smith No. 88-1213 Saint Francis College v. Al-K.hazriji Nos. 85-2156 and 85- Reel 17 2169 Reel 14

86 1985-1989 Update

Salemo v. United States No. 86-87 Reel 14 United States v. Caplin & Drysdale No. 87-1729 and 88- Santa Clara County Transportation Agency v. JohnsonNo. 85- 454 Reel 17 1129 Reel 12 United States v. Chema Nos. 88-854, 88-856 and 88-870 Scarsdale v. McCrearyNo. 84-[277] Reel 10 Reel 17 Scarsdale v. McCrearyNo. 84-277 Reel 10 United States v. Galioto No. 84-1904 Reel 11 Schultz v. Cronin No. 86-656 Reel 13 United States v. Hohri No. 86-510 Reel 14 Schultz v. Frisby No. 87-168 Reel 15 United States v. Kilpatrick No. 87-578 & 87-602 Reel 15 Schultz v. New York No. 86-656 Reel 13 United States v. Koecher No. 84-1922 Reel 10 Schweiker v. Chilicky No. 86-1781 Reel 15 United States v. Koecher No. 84-1922 Reel 12 Shaare Tefila Congregation v. Cobb Nos. 85-2156 and 85- United States v. Longo Nos. 88-854, 88-856 and 88-870 2169 Reel 14 Reel 17 Sheet Metal Workers' International v. EEOC Nos. 84- United States v. Mendoza-LopezNo. 85-2067 Reel 14 1999, 84-1656Reel 12 United States v. Merchant No. 85-1672 Reel 14 Shuman v. Sumner No. 86-246 Reel 14 United States v. Monsanto No. 87-1729 and 88-454 Sielaff v. Carrier No. 84-1554 Reel 10 Reel 17 Smalis v. Pennsylvania No. 85-227 Reel 12 United States v. Paradise No. 85-999 Reel 14 Smith v. McDonald No. 84-476 Reel 10 United States v. Providence Journal Company No. 87-65 San Diego v. McNamara No. 87-5840 Reel 15 Reel 16 Smith v. Oregon Dept. of Human Resources No. 88-1213 United States v. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Reel 17 Press No. 87-1379 Reel 16 Socialist Workers Party v. Munro No. 85-656 Reel 12 United States v. Salerno No. 86-87 Reel 14 Solorio v. United States No. 85-1581 Reel 14 United States v. Solorio No. 85-1581 Reel 14 South Carolina v. Gathers No.88-305 Reel 17 United States v. Spallone Nos. 88-854, 88-856 and 88-870 Spallone v. United States Nos. 88-854, 88-856 and 88- Reel 17 870 Reel 17 United States v. Wayte No. 83-1292 Reel 10 Springfield v. Kibbe No. 85-1217 Reel 12 US Catholic Conference v. Abortion Rights Mobilization Stachura v. Memphis Community Schools No. 85-410 No. 87-416 Reel 15 Reel 12 Stincer v. Kentucky No. 86-572 Reel 14 Van Drasek v. LehmanNo. 86-319 Reel 14 Sumner v. Shuman No. 86-246 Reel 14 Virginia v. American Booksellers Association No. 86-1034 Superior Court of California v. Press-Enterprise Comapny Reel 13 No. 84-1560 Reel 12 von Raab v. National Treasury Employees Union No. 86-1879 Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association v. FTC No. 88- Reel 16 1198, 88-1393 Reel 17 Superior Court Trial Lawyers Association v. FTC No. 88- Wainwright v. Greenfield No. 84-1480 Reel 11 1198, 88-1393 Reel 17 Wards Cove Packing Company v. Atonio No. 87-1387 Reel 17 Teague v. Lane No. 87-5259 Reel 16 Washington v. Witters No. 84-1070 Reel 12 Texas Monthly v. Bullock No. 87-1245 Reel 16 Watson v. Fort Worth Bank & TrustNo. 86-6139 Reel 16 Texas v. Johnson No. 88-155 Reel 17 Wayte v. United StatesNo. 83-1292 Reel 10 Texas v. Tompkins No. 87-6405 Reel 16 Weinberger v. Goldman No. 84-1097 Reel IO Thornburg v. Gingles No. 83-1968 Reel 12 West v. Atkins No. 87-5096 Reel 16 Tompkins v. Texas No. 87-6405 Reel 16 Westside Community Schools v. MergensNo. 88-1597 Tourism Company of Puerto Rico v. Posadas de Puerto Rico Reel 17 Associates No. 84-1903 Reel 12 Wilks v. Arrington Nos. 87-1614, 87-1639 and 87-1668 Reel 17 Underwood v. Hunter No. 84-76 Reel 10 Wilks v. Martin Nos. 87-1614, 87-1639 and 87-1668 Unemployment Appeals Commission v. Hobbie No. 85-993 Reel 17 Reel 12 Wilks v. Personnel Board of Jefferson County Nos. 87- United Families of America v. Kendrick Nos. 87-253, 87- 1614, 87-1639 and 87-1668 Reel 17 431, 87-462, and 87-775 Reel 15 Will v. Michigan State Police No. 87-1207 Reel 16 United States v. Albertini No. 83-1624 Reel 10 Williamsport Area School District v. Bender No. 84-773 United States v. Amos No. 86-179 and 86-401 Reel 13 Reel 10 United States v. Bank of Nova Scotia No. 87-578 & 87-602 Winnebago County Social Services v. DeShaney No. 87-154 Reel 15 Reel 15

87 The American Civil Liberties Union

Wisconsin Court of Appeals v. McCoy No. 87-5002 Reel 15 Zbaraz v. Hartigan No. [docket number missing] Reel 12 Wisconsin v. Griffin No. 86-5324 Reel 13 Zinermon v. Burch No. 87-1965 Reel 17 Witters v. Washington No. 84-1070 Reel U Zipes v. Independent Federation of Flight Attendants No. 88- Woodard v. Meyer No. 87-920 Reel 15 608 Reel 17 Wygant v. Jackson Board of Education No. 84-1340 Reel 12