The National Union Peat*


Volumn 4 Kolonia, Ponape, December 30, 1983 Numbe.._..._r 24 1984 seen as time to complete Compact approval 7983 year of ma/or dec/sons

KOLONIA, Ponape - The year 1983 people of Kosrae to support the Com- 10, the coordinators for the Compact was one when major decisions were made pact, and pledged his assistance to the information program and the state plebis- hi the FSM with the approval of the Com- new administration. cite commissioners were asked to develop pact of Free Association and the election In Yap, Gov. John de Avilla Mangefel work plans and organize state informa- of state and national leaders, and 1984 was sworn in for a second four-year term tion task forces, but were warned that the will be the year to carry out those deci- on Jan. 11. program could be stopped for lack of sions, according to President Tosiwo In a joint meeting which began Jan. (Continue...... Page 3) Nakayama. "The approval of the Compact was our maui accomplishment of the year," the President said, citing the overwhel- ming 79 per cent vote for the pact on June 21 throughout tiie FSM. The President called on all FSM citi- zens to work together to gain approval of the Compact by the U.S. Congress hi 1984 hi order to bring the U.N. trus- teeship to an end after 37 years. The year also saw the first meeting of the FSM, Marshall Islands and Palau presidents who signed the historical jSaipan Accords on Oct. 6, agreeing to work together on gaining approval of the Compact and other areas of coopera- tion. A new FSM Congress was elected on March 8 and Third Congress reelected Nakayama as President, while electing of Ponape Vice President, TROPICAL SANTA-Santa Claus is throwing candy to cttdrai at the Ohmine Ele- replacing of Yap who did not mentary School hi Kolonia from the top of a Ponape State firetruck on Dec. 23 seek re-election. with the assistance of Kiwanis Club of Pohnpei members. Santa visited schools Resio Moses was elected Ponape throughout Ponape Island and Pingelap that day and Parem and Takeieu-Depehk governor hi a March 29 runoff election schools on Dec. 22, in addition to candy being sent to most Ponape outer islands as with incumbent Gov. , and part of the club's annual Christmas project. Ponape elected a new legislature on Nov. 11. The year began with the President at- President sends greetings tending the Jan. 3 inauguration of Gov. Yosiwo George hi Kosrae. He asked the KOLONIA, Ponape - President Tosi- close one of the most important and wo Nakayama cited 1983 as the year of eventful years hi the development of our important decision making and urged young nation. It was a year of important the people of the FSM to work together decision-making which brings us a step Inside I to build a brighter future for this nation closer to our destiny as a sovereign and hi his annual Christmas Message. self-governing people. We must now all FSM to manage CIP Following is the text of the message: work together to make a brighter future (See Page 7) "My family and I wish to extend our for ourselves and our loved ones. best wishes to the people of the "With that hi mind, we wish you a CCM dorm filled Federated States of Micronesia during very Merry Christmas and a prosperous (See Page 8) this holiday season which brings to a 1984." Jruk seen establishing base for development

MOEN, Truk— Truk is slowly establish- and development program at the State nut Products plant near PATS high ing a base for the development of its Agriculture Station. school. The Truk State Legislature pro- economy which was set back by the 1982 The Small Industries program could be vided $197,000 and the FSM Congress a cholera epidemic and reoccurance of the expanded, Killion said, citing the success $100,000 for construction and opera- disease this year, according to Gov. of the breadfruit flour mill which was tions, Killion said, noting that a dedica- § Erhart Aten. being moved from Moen to Fefan where tion ceremony is being planned for a "The economic situation in Truk is it was expected to begin operating in date to be set in January. really bad at this point in time," Aten January. said. Small Industries Advisor Greg Cane o "However, we are doing something said that handicraft sales are averaging about it," he said, citing the fisheries at least $80,000 a year for all of Truk program centered on the Dublon project, which is supplying retailers in Kwajalein the small industries program, agriculture and Hawaii, in addition to local sales to fftili and a new coconut processing plant tourists. which began operating in October. The exports of handicrafts by the Small Industries and fish are bringing out- Small Industries also has a sea shell side revenue to the state, he noted. export project started by Cane's wife, "They are all slow (in developing), but Bobbie, and a small rock-crushing opera- I think we are heading toward establish- tion, welding shop and sawmill being ing a base for economic development," operated by Albino Mualia; two furniture the governor said, noting that projects are shops; an electrical and appliance repair all in the Truk State Economic Develop- service, operated by Mino Mori, and a ment Plan which is part of the National machine shop for which the state re- Five-Year Development Plan. quested a U.N. volunteer to provide metal With fisheries development for export work training, Cane said. earnings as the No. 1 priority, the state is seeking funds to complete the complex at COCONUT PLANT- Nelson Killion, Dublon where the dock was completed The Truk Coconut Processing Plant, manager of the Truk Coconut Processing and dedicated in 1982, the governor said. located near the Continental Hotel, Plant near the Continental Hotel in Moen, Southfield, Moen, began processing oil is showing the soap-mixing machinery at late in October and was to have its soap- the plant which was constructed with The FSM Congress provided $250,000 making section producing laundry soap to begin preliminary work on the second by January, according to Nelson Killion, funds provided by the FSM Congress and phase, shore facuities, including a water plant manager. Truk State Legislature. The plant was system and "if monies can be stretched, It is modelled after the Ponape Coco- expected to be in full operation in cold storage," he said, adding that an January. electrical power system for the complex and Dublon population is in the planning State Resources and Development Dir- ector Redley Killion, who is in charge of the development projects, said that about 200 men have been trained in the fisher- ies program which holds the major potential for development jn the state for pole-and-line tuna fishing and bait fish production to support it.

"We can run a fleet of at least 10 to 15 (pole-and-line) boats," Killion said, not- ing that most of the men trained are working on private fishing boats. Bait fishing groups were trained and set up on Udot, Fefan and Parem islands to supply the tuna boats with funds provided by the Pacific Tuna Develop- ment Foundation, he said, noting that the WELDING SHOP-Albino Mualia, left, HANDICRAFTS DISPLAY-Lynne manager of the Truk Small Industries government is operation three pole-in-line Ludwig, office manager for the Small welding shop, and Hallen Fritz are show- boats, including one assigned to Oneop, Industries Project Handicrafts Shop in in the Mortlocks, and there are five ing some of the playground equipment Moen, is displaying crafts produced they are constructing for the Truk State private pole-in-line boats. throughout Truk and sold in the shop and "The primary objective in agricultural Education Department. Mualia is fiiso development is import substitution," at local stores to tourists, in addition to operated the Small Industries sawmill arid being shipped to Kwajalein and Hawaii. Killion said, citing the piggery breeding rock-crushing machinery. or r 1983 year of major status, leadership decisions Oz ning officials met in separate conferences Eugene Lee, Institute of Governmental > (Continued from Page 1) on Ponape to develop new budget proce- Studies director, University of California, r Berkeley, election experts contracted by C funds. dures to follow during the Compact years Z and to identify projects for the National the Interior Department to observe the O Nakayama signed 20 bills into law Compact plebiscite, visited Ponape and from the Second FSM Congress fourth Development Plan. FSM Sen. was elected Truk. a regular session and vetoed one bill which n president to head Kosrae constitutional The first signs of El Nino drought 8 would authorized Congress to distribute convention. damage were reported with Yap Gov. foreign aid goods and services. 3 Dr. Catalino Cantero of Ponape was Mangefel said that Yap water system ft Nakayama signed into law, bills: estab- would be shutdown and suggested that *i named Community College of Micro- U) lishing the Compact Plebiscite Commis- nesia president effective Feb. 6 by the travelers bring their own water. o sion, providing $230,000 for the Tele- College of Micronesia regents meeting On March 2, the President officially communications Corp., creating the disas- Jan. 17-21 in Saipan. Cantero replaced proclaimed June 21 the date of the FSM ter relief fund, appropriating $2 mil- Resio Moses who resigned to run for plebiscite. lion for FSM capital and College of "0 governor in Ponape. In the March 8 congressional elections, tf Micronesia architectural and engineering On Feb. 1, Ponape Coconut Products Joab Sigrah won the four-year term and •8 design in Palikir, establishing a revolving began operating its plant near PATS Claude PhiJlip the two-year seat in fund for the liaison offices in Guam and Kosrae; John Haglelgam, four-year terms, Honolulu and renaming the Wahington high school which was destroyed by fire on Oct. 9, 1982. and Isaac Figir, two-year term, Yap; Liaison Office the "Washington Represen- On Feb. 10, Gov. Falcam was elected Bailey Olter, four-year, and Bethwel tative Office" and the liaison officer Ponape State Constitutional Convention Henry, Peter Christian and Elias Thomas, the "representative in Washington." chairman. two years, Ponape; and Tosiwo Nakaya- Ihlen Joseph, FSM Budget Office South Pacific Commission Mobile ma, four years, and Raymond Setik, Administrative Management Chief, was Jack Fritz, Kalisto Refalopei, Sasao appointed central coordinator for the Training Unit began its nine-month com- munity development training program Gouland and Tony Otto, two years FSM Plebiscite Commission. Truk. State and national budget and plan- on Ponape on Feb. 7. The FSM Status Commission, after The incumbent governor was forced meeting Feb. 11-15 with U.S. negotiators, into a March 29 runoff election by the Congress PfO named recommended June 21 as the date for former CCM president in the March the FSM plebiscite on the Compact. 8 voting in Ponape. Moses won the runoff vote. KOLONIA, Ponape—Marialice Burford Truk Gov. Erhart Aten took a $15.9 Eperiam, a University of Missouri jour- million cholera eradication plan to Ponape became the first FSM state nalism graduate who came to Ponape as a Washington, D.C., saying "The number of linked to the rest of the world by satel- lite communications when its earth Peace Corps volunteer in 1977, became cases have come down drastically, but that does not mean that cholera is gone." station was dedicated on March 25 the FSM Congress Information Officer with a telephone call from Nakayama on Dec. 15, according to Speaker Bethwel Dr. Austin Ranney of the American Enterprise Institute, Washington, and Dr. -.-.. f . (Continued on Page 4} .-..•. v;:.;fei)%! Henry. ; Mrs. Eperiam re- placed Ben Ruan who resigned in July to return to Yap. A native of Teut- opolis, Illinois, and graduate of the Teutopolis Comm- unity High School who entered the Eperiam Peace Corps imme- diately after being graduated from the University of Missouri, Mrs. Eperiam, 28, worked as a language information special- ist at the Ponape State Agriculture Sta- tion, editing a newsletter and teaching agriculture to high school students, 1977- 78.

She worked 1979-80 in the Agricul- ORIENTATION VlSi / Director ture Extension Service Information Genera! of the Japanese Foreign Ministry American Affairs Bureau, and Kunihiko Office at New Mexico State University, Makita, fourth from left, are visiting President Tosiwo Nakayama, second from Las Cruces, while her husband, Emencio left, Dec. 23 during an orientation visit to the FSM, after attending civil aviation Eperiam of Ponape was attending the negotiations in Hawaii. Clockwise from left are FSM External Affairs Secretary university. She has served as a proofread- Andon Amaraich, Nakayama, Yamashita, Makita, James Shintaku of the Japanese er for the FSM Congress since returning Consul General's Office in Guam, FSM Deputy Chief for Asian Affairs Jesse to Ponape in 1980. Raglmar and Vice President Bailey Olter. S8 1984 seen as year to pursue status objective

(Continued from Page 3) Tunaboat Association during its first drain" under the free-migration provision of the Compact. to U.S. Vice President Bush at the White regular session which ended June 7. Deputy External Affairs Secretary The FSM Coconut Development House. Authority (FSMCDA) announced July In April, the FSM Supreme Court Asterio Takesy asked the U.N. Trustee- 25 that it projected a domestic savings Chief Justice Edward King ruled that the ship Council on May 16 and 27 to assist hi quickly terminating the Micronesian of about $1 million by its development FSM Court is the ultimate authority to program within the next three to four iinterpret the FSM Constitution in releas- trusteeship, citing the upcoming June 21 plebiscite on the Compact. years. ing a traditional leader jailed without The U.S. Congress increased funding hearing or bail by the T.T. High Court. The FSM Congress during the first regular session joined the college oi for FSM for fiscal 1984 including $2 mil- The FSM and Japan exchanged notes lion for Truk cholera. on a $1.5 million aid agreement in an Micronesia Board of Regents in urging the three Micronesian presidents to decide Nakayama completed action on 19 IApril 6 ceremony in the Congress cham- bills enacted by the Third Congress dur- whether to continue the college system in ber. ing its first regular session which ended Ponape schools were declared closed its present form. w On June 21 the Compact won hi a June 7 by signing July 19 into law an act April 8 by Gov. Falcam due to drought- amending to FSM Micronesian Telecom- caused water shortage. Drought impact landslide throughout the FSM by 79 per- cent of the votes, despite the majority hi munications Corp. personnel regulations. worsened throughout the states, and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior FSM Chief Executives meeting in Ponape Ponape going against it. U.N. observers praised the conduct of Richard Montoya called for more com- asked the President to request all U.S. munication and cooperation between the survey of the damage through the High the FSM plebiscite with British Ambas- sador John Margetson, U.N. Trusteeship FSM and the Office of Territorial and Commissioner. International Affairs during his Aug. 20- The President and governors, in the Council President and chairman of the U.N. Visiting Mission, saying, "I think the 24 visit to Ponape. He praised the FSM April 15-18 Chief Executives Conference, for "biting the bullet" in avoiding deficit agreed that the FSM should seek take- polling procedures and counting of the votes were very well done, indeed." spending. He met with FSM and Ponape over of the administration of the new state officials and College of Micronesia CIP projects. Nakayama urged the Trust Territory High Court to use "caution" in exercising Regents and staff. FSM leaders mourned! the April 10 its authority in the FSM during the Ponape State Legislature named Salter death of U.S. Phillip Burton, former dedication on June 18 of the FSM Su- Etse of Madolenihmw as Speaker and chairman of the House subcommittee on preme Court Building annex. confirmed Bernell Edward as replacement insular affairs. Nakayama declared the June 21 from Kitti of former Speaker Edwel Kosrae constitutional convention Plebiscite results as official and final and Santos who became Acting Chief Justice ended April 1 after completing a draft urged the state legislatures to approve the /for Ponape State on July 18. constitution which provides for recall and compact. Nakayama also vetoed on July 20 and impeachment of public officials and ranks Gov. George July 5, proclaimed Oct. Act which would require the resignation tradition over individual rights. 14 as the date for the referendum on the of public officials whose appointments The Ponape State Legislature approved Kosrae draft state constitution. are subject to advice and consent of Con- April 28 a resolution a delay in the Com- The Truk State Legislature was the gress, within 30 days after the inaugura- pact plebiscite to Jan. 24, 1984, tO'pro- first to ratify the Compact by a roll call tion of the President, saying that the bill vide more tune for the public information vote of 21 or 75 per cent for, one against program. created a difficulty by not considering and six absences during its second regular the possibility that Congress may not find On May 10, the Third FSM Congress session on July 29. re-elected Tosiwo Nakayama as President enough time to conduct advice and con- The Micronesian Maritime Authority sent hearings hi 30 days. and elected Bailey Olter as Vice Presi- (MMA) officials reported that Fishing dent. Fees talks with representatives of the The President also vetoed on July 15 The Congress also re-elected Bethwel Japanese Fishing Association held July an act hi which would reduce maximum Henry of Ponape as its Speaker and Joab 25-28 on Ponape were suspended since base salary of public service system em- Sigrah of Kosrae as Vice Speaker, while there was an inability to reach agreement ployees from $1,256 to $787.20 biweek- naming John Haglelgam of Yap floor on the major issues of the negotiation. ly and freeze current base salary of the leader. International Monetary Fund (IMF) maximum rate. Nakayama and Moses were jointly Consultant C.R. Jauchem urged FSM Aug. 17 Yap State Legislature ratified inaugurated President and governor hi a leaders during the 7th FSM-State Leader- unanimously the Compact. joint FSM-Ponape state inauguration on ship Conference to establish a National Assistant Secretary of Interiot for May 12. Moses had been sworn in as Development Authority (NDA) to man- Territorial and International Affairs governor on May 1. age the actual cash that comes to the Pedro Sanjuan informed Nakayama that '•' Nakayama announced May 27 his FSM after the beginning of the Compact he would join the U.N. political Affairs decision to retain June 21 as plebiscite fiscal year. on Sept. 6. Congressional special election candi- date. Kosrae State Legislature ratified Com- Former Vice President Tun appeared dates Koichi Sana of Truk and Pedro Harris of Ponape were declared winners pact on Aug. 29, fulfilling the FSM Con- May 26 before the Third Congress and stitutional requirement that the Compact urged for more consultation and team- by their respective state election commis- sioners hi races held July 14 on Ponape be ratified by three of the four -states. work between the Congress and the The FSM Congress unanimously rat- executive branch. and July 15 on Truk. ified the Compact on Sept. 2 after the Congress ratified a postal service In the FSM Education Leadership Ponape State Legislature disapproved it. agreement with the ^United States and Convention held July 21-27 on Ponape, a fishing agreement with the American the President cited the possible "brain (Continued on Page 5), 1984 seen as year to complete Compact process 5Z i (Continued from Page 4) provide time to complete its draft, trans- official to make the final dismissal The Commission on .Future Political lations and public education program. decision. Status and Transition reelected, Vice Thirty-four police officers completed Nakayama cited new era of coopera- President Bailey Olter its vice chairman 13-week Micronesia National Police tion, President Amata Kabua wanted Air and status Committee chairman during Academy course at Alaska Department of Marshall Islands to start Kosrae service its meeting which began Aug. 17 in Public Safety Academy, Sitka, Alaska. and Republic of Nauru Deputy President Ponape. Twenty five trainees who completed Buraro Detudamo proposed a triangle i General Accounting Office officials the nine-month SPC Mobile Training 3 pattern of air service between Kosrae, o- told FSM leaders that they have to find Unit Program were urged by the Ponape and Nauru during the Dec. 9 ro ways to curb the rising cost of medical President to use their new skills hi then- Kosrae airport and dock dedication referrals during a GAO team visit Aug. communities, during the Oct. 27 closing ceremony. 21-26 to Ponape. ceremonies at Nan Madol Hotel. Ka'thy Johnson of the House Commit- 00 The FSM seized a Japanese fishing The President and governors, hi the tee staff who was accompanied by Laurie w vessel and its, catch while alledgedly fifth FSM Chief Executives meeting, Nov. Neville of the Office of Territorial and fishing Aug. 17 14 miles inside the FSM 1-5 in Ponape adopted a resolution International Affairs Micronesia Desk d fishing zone 180 miles west of Kapinga- urging the U.S. Congress to expeditiously and Tommy Perez of OTIA Technical c marangi Atoll, Ponape State. The Goyu approve the Compact. Assistance Office in Guam visited Ponape Maru No. 2 was seized for fishing in the Gov. Moses announced an end to the Dec. 4 as part of her Nov. 28- Dec. 14, FSM extended fishing zone after the state government hiring freeze and plans orientation trip throughout Micronesia. latest agreement with the Federation of to upgrade education, health and public FSM President Tosiwo Nakayama, Japan Fisheries Cooperative Association safety programs Oct. 7 in his first State- President Haruo Remeliik of Palau and expired on Aug. 1. • of-the-State Message to the Ponape State President Amata Kabua of the Marshall VA U.S. - flag fishing vessel, SeaTrea Legislature. Islands met Dec. 12-13 hi Guam to follow sure, was caught Aug. 29, actively fishing The Australian and New Zealand Pac- up on the Saipan Accords. 67 miles northeast of Kapingamarangi ific Affairs chiefs visited Ponape while en- Atoll, Ponape State, by the FSM surveil- route from the South Pacific Conference lance vessel Awtic. Sea Treasure fled the hi Saipan. Beacon demonstrated scene resisting apprehension. President Tosiwo Nakayama announc- Nakayama led the FSM delegation to ed the completion of the National Dev- KOLONIA, Ponape—The Ponape State the South Pacific Forum meeting Aug. elopment Plan and urged the FSM Economic Development Administration is 28-30 in Canberra, Australia. Congress to follow its quidelines for fund- demonstrating one of three solar-powered Gov. George submitted Kosrae re- ing local projects Oct. 28 during his flashing beacon lights to be placed in reef organization and salary plans to Kosrae fourth annual State of the Nation channels in front of the governor's office, state Legislature on Aug. 30. Message. He also announced that a settle- according to EDA Executive Director Gov. Aten announced he had re- ment was reached on with the owners of Anson Chong. instated the Truk State Cholera Task Goyo Maru No. 2. The sun charges a sealed battery which Force and reimposed travel restrictions Kosrae voters approved their proposed has a minimum four-year life during the within the state due to a reoccurence of new state constitution by 74 percent of day and photo-electric cells turn on the the disease during a Sept. 9 meeting in the total votes cast in Oct. 14 referen- flasher at night in each beacon New Zea- Ponape to brief the President on the ex- dum. land-manufactured which can be seen tent of the new outbreak. Sixty candidates, including 19 incum- more than 20 miles at sea, Chong said. Nakayama issued Sept. 14 emergency bents filed for the 20 seats hi the Nov. 11 The beacons are scheduled to be in- travel procedures to prevent the spread elections for the Ponape State Legislature stalled hi February outside of the Kitti, of cholera to other FSM states. by the Oct. 11 deadline. Madolehoihmw and Kolonia channels by The Third FSM Congress opened its the EDA and the State Conservation and second regular session on Oct. 10 with Former Ponape Gov. Leo A. Falcam Resource Surveillance Department as part Senator Jack Fritz of Truk denouncing was designated Nov. 8 by the President of the Ponape Five-Year Marine Re- the U.S. government for reportedly ref- to be interim FSM Postmaster General sources Development Plan funded by the using to assist in apprehending the and nominated to be the first permanent FSM and state governments. fugitive fishing vessel, Sea Treasure. Postmaster General. Nakayama participated in the Oct. Congress approved a $371,541 1 opening ceremony hi Saipan for the supplemental funding bill and $91,800 Lucios commended 23rd South Pacific Conference the FSM for the compact information program hi KOLONIA, Ponape—Roselain Lucios became a full participating member of Washington during the final day, Nov. the South Pacific Commission under the 8. of its second regular session. was recognized Nov. 27, 1983, for out- reorganization procedures adopted by the Fourteen incumbents were reelected standing performance over the past em- Conference. Nov. 11 to the Ponape State Legislature. ployee-evaluation period with a Nakayama with Presidents of the re- The biggest upset was the loss by Vice promotion to Accountant III and branch publics of the Marshall Islands and Speaker Hilary Conrad by 10 votes to manager for the U.S. federal funds in the Palau signed Oct. 5 the "Saipan Accords" former State Finance Director Herculano FSM Finance Department, according to dealing with mutual concerns such as the Kohler hi Sokehs. Finance Acting Secretary Tiser Lippwe. Compact of Free Association and the In its first case determining the con- College of Micronesia. stitutionality of a Congress law, the The Ponape State Legislature passed a FSM Supreme Court upheld on a Oct. 28 Lucios, 25, a native of Kolonia, has bill changing the Nov. 11, 1983 constitu- provision of the National Public Service been with Finance Department for the tion referendum date to July 2, 1984 to System Act allowing a management past three years. Afien ordered to repoy costs during if/egof stay

KOLONIA, Ponajie -- Peter Jorg, an provision of the FSM Code (50 FSMC accept travel funds from his own nation Austrian found guilty of unlawfully 112) which states that a noncitizen because he does not like the terms," £ remaining in the FSM seven months be- who "remain willfully and unlawfully af- King said, stating that his court should yond his entry permit, was ordered by ter expiration or revocation of his entry not serve a mediator between a visitor and his home country. u the Supreme Court to reimburse the na- authorization" may be subjected to two Q tional government for his living expenses, vears in prison, fined up to $10,000 He said that the law requires that z" provide community service work and and deported. Jorg "respond to the statutory mandate O leave within two months. "An intinerant Austrian citizen is ac- to depart now, to his personal preferences FSM Supreme Court Chief Justice cepting food and housing from the to linger awhile longer and depart by a Edward King deferred imposition of sen- (FSM), a small, new, relatively poor more attractive means to a more prefer- tence on Dec. 14, telling Jorg that if he nation, while simultaneously refusing to red destination." meets the conditions set, no sentence O will be imposed and there will be no H < criminal record. Benson upholds weapons act wording Z w Jorg is to reimburse the FSM govern- MOEN, Truk - The definition of a major crimes by the penalty imposed, K ment $1,425 provided for his housing "dangerous device" in the Trust Territory those punishable by imprisonment for and food within two years, with 12 per Weapons Control Act is adequate to three years or more, instead of stating cent interest added after one year. He project due process rights, FSM Supreme the offenses and their elements. was to report Dec. 15 to Supreme Court Court Associate Justice Richard Benson "The court cannot agree," Benson Justice Ombudsman Nickontro Johnny to said in an Aug. 10 opinion denying said, stating, "An object may be defined begin five hours a day and 25 hours a motions to dismiss charges in two cases and identified by stating the exclusive week of community service work. involving possession of sling shots with category to which it belongs." In a Dec. 12 opinion based on a Dec. spears and darts for projectiles. He cited the Nov. 12, 1980, Judiciary 9 hearing the Chief Justice cited the Benson also ruled that the Supreme and Governmental Operations Committee difficulties experienced by Jorg and his Court has jurisdiction over crimes com- report on the criminal code which states fiancee, Heidemarie Eggersmeier of West mitted under the Weapons Control Act that the three-year punishment dividing Germany, in their efforts to leave the by virtue of its being incorporated into line was purposely adopted to allow "the FSM by boat, after they arrived Feb. 16 the National Criminal Code by the FSM states to regulate a wide range of conduct in Ponape to rendezvous with a friend Congress," and that the national code to determine its criminalty, but still to sail to Majuro. properly defines and identifies major meets the constitutional responsibility of At the direction of the FSM Immigra- crimes by stating the exclusive category the Congress to define 'major crimes.'"' tion and Labor Division, they bought Air to which they belong. Nauru tickets to Nauru to guarantee An order was issued by the justice their departure and were granted autho- on July 28, denying the motions to dis- rization to remain 30 days until March miss in the consolidated case which was 15 which was never extended, according heard before him on May 27 in Truk. to King. The rendezvous did not materialize, so Sinfy Nota was charged with posses- they arranged to sail from Ponape with a sing a dangerous device, a sling shot and Swedish couple for $800 a person, after two spears on and Clindon Joker was Jorg repaired the sailboat's auxilary charged with possessing a dangerous motor which broke down after they device in the form of a sling shot and departed, forcing them to divert to dart on, both without identification Kosrae where the Swedish couple left cards permitting such possession. them stranded, without refunding their The Weapons Control Act defines a $1,600. "dangerous device," among other items They lived off food and housing as "any instrument designed or redesign- provided by individuals in Kosrae and ed for use as weapon, or any other ins- returned Aug. 16 to Ponape where the trument which can be used for the FSM paid living costs while contacting purpose of inflicting bodily harm...." their home governments to provide Benson said that "this court finds that travel funds, according to King, who said the statute is clear as to intent (to pros- that Miss Eggersmeier departed after the cribe weapons of violence), and its terms West German government provided a loan become certain in light of that intent." BRIDGE DEDICATION-Elsyner Santos, for her to purchase an airline ticket. On the jurisdiction question, Benson center, wife of Ponape State Court Chief The Austrian government offered to said, "When the National Criminal Code Justice Edwel Santos, is cutting one of loan Jorg $1,226 for an airline ticket was enacted and major crimes were defin- two ribbons during the Dec. 16 dedica- to Vienna, if he signs a promissory note ed, the Trust Territory Weapons Control tion of the Lehnmesi Bridge in Kitti. She to repay within 30 days. Jorg reportedly Act became national law and trials for is assisted by Mrs. Pelwin Paul, left, and rejected the offer, stating that it would violations thereof were within the juris- Mrs. Wagner Lawrence, wives of the Kitti be impossible for him to repay the diction of this court." loan within 30 days which would cause He said that references to the High Municipal Council vice speaker and him to have to go to prison in Austria, Commissioner and TT Attorney General speaker respectively. The 60-foot bridge and that he arranged to sail to Manila do not prevent its effectiveness as FSM was constructed by the Ponape Transpor- with another West German, after his national law. tation Authority with $20,000 in scrap to boat is repaired in a month or so. The defendants argued that the Na- bring the island circumfrential road with- King found Jorg guilty of violating a tional Criminal Code improperly defines in 4.5 miles from completion. H New Pingelnp F5M gets CfP a (/ministration H O Election seen KOLONIA, Ponape—Two projects in way, he said. Yap totalling $3.3 million will be the first "There could be as much as $18 mil- capital improvement projects to be ad- lion in fiscal year 1983 and 1984 projects KOLONIA, Ponape-Gov. Resio Moses which have not been contracted," Sohl said he was unable to certify the re-elec- ministered by the FSM under a memo- o randum of understanding signed Dec. 14 said. 2 tion of Job Micah to represent Pingelap in The agreement provides for funding the Nov. 11 State Legislature elections with the Trust Territory government, 5" according to Acting National Planner of CIP projects by the Trust Territory on which will require a new election in that a project-by-project basis with the High 8 district. John Sohl. The agreement to transfer administra- Commissioner having final approval on The initial unofficial vote tabulation each project and the authority to review reported by State Election Commissioner tion of new CIP projects to the FSM was OJ the use of funds for projects underway. O Samson Alpet gave Micah a 24-vote reached during negotiations Dec. 1-2 in Saipan between an FSM delegation head- The FSM President will be the grantee margin with 415 votes to 391 forDelson with the Office of Planning and Statistics Ehmes, an FSM Congress staff attorney. ed by Vice President Bailey Olter which 00 included Sohl, Budget Officer Del Pangel- as the contracting officer for the grantee. s inan and Congress Chief Counsel Mike The FSM is required to employee pro- 2 Alpet said in a Dec. 21 letter to the ject engineers who are a licensed to pro- governor that "I hereby certify the results Berman. Trust Territory Planning and Statistics vide supervision and inspection of of the Ponipe State Legislature Election projects. of Nov. 11, 1983, with the exception of Director Charles Jordan headed the nego- tiations for the High Commissioner with "The key thing is to make sure the the Pingelap Election District. people in the states are competent to "The non-certification of election the assistance «jf Attorney General Kent Harvey, Budget Officer Rodney Adelman supervise the jobs," Sohl said, adding that results of the Pingelap election district the Yap water and rural sanitation pro- is necessary as it failed to meet standards and Finance Director Eloy Inos, accord- ing to Sohl. jects will be moving in January, because required by the Ponape State Election "they are staffed to go-Yap is probably Laws," Alpet said. The Navy Officer in Charge of Con- struction in Guam would continue to the most capable state to handle CJJ pro- jects at the present time." In his Dec. 21 declaration of winning supervise proprojects which are under- candidates in the Nov. 11 elections, the governor said, "No winning candidate has been declared in the Pingelap election DOI proposes $40.4 million for FSM district, since the Election Commissioner has been unable to certify the results of KOLONIA, Ponape-The U.S. Interior 1983, he noted. the election in that....district." Department budget proposal for fiscal In the area of capital relocation, the Moses later said, "There will be year 1985 includes $40.4 million in department is proposing $13 million for another election of Pingelap represen- operations funding for the FSM state and construction of a new FSM capitol at tative in the legislature-where and when national governments, according to FSM Palikir, Ponape Island, Pangelinan said, will have to follow the dictates of the Budget Officer Del Pangelinan. noting that this will be in addition to the law." The proposal was submitted Sept. 15 $2,056,000 previously appropriated for to the Office of Management and Budget architectural and engineering (A&E) work There is no provision for new elec- for review and inclusion in President at the capital and College of Micronesia tions in the case of irregularities, so the Reagan's fiscal 1985 budget which will be campus facilities. date and funding for such a special elec- sent to the U.S. Congress in January, The U.S. committment is to provide tion will have to be determined by the according to a Nov. 21 letter from High $15 million for the new FSM capitol, new legislature when it meets Jan. 9, Commissioner Janet McCoy to President according to the OTIA which cited $23 according to an official in the State Tosiwo Nakayama. million requested by the FSM for the Attorney's Office. The fiscal 1985 budget "was prepared capitol and another $6 million-$7 million The State Attorney recommended to provide continued funding for the for the COM campus, he said. non-certification of the Pingelap vote due Trust the event that the The final estimate for the capitol and to alleged discrepancies in the number of Compact of Free Association is not in campus facilities costs will be determined absentee ballots and votes reported from effect by Oct. 1, 1984," Mrs. McCoy said. upon completion of the A&E work, he Ponape proper and the votes tallied on a In addition to the operations funding, said. recount ordered by the governor, officials the 1985 Office of Territorial and Inter- "The FSM government expects to seek said. national Affairs budget proposal includes congressional appropriations for the final $3 million for operations and mainten- estimate for the capital and the campus The governor certified the 19 remain- ance of capital improvement projects facilities in fulfillment of the U.S. com- ing winning candidates, including Salter throughout the Trust Territory, down mitment to relocate the FSM capitol to Etse, Nelson Pelep and Midion Neth, from $7 million in 1984 and $8.7 million Ponape and the installment of higher Madolenihmw; Francis Simeon and John in 1983, Pangelinan said. learning institutions within Micronesia," Edmond, Nett; Felciano Penman, Annes The department also proposed $1 mil- Pangelinan said. Lebehn and Herculano Kohler, Sokehs; lion for 1985, the same as 1984, for Ambros Senda and Joseph Moses, Uh; operations, maintenance and space seg- Notary commissioned Relio Yamada and Yosuo Phillip, Kolo- ment costs of the seven COMSAT satellite KOLONIA, Ponape--Yar Mohammaed nia; Kasiano Joseph, Alter Paul and earth stations in the Trust Territory, in- Khan, a native of Bangladesh who became Bernell Edward, Kitti; Simiron Jim, cluding four in the FSM, he said. secretary to FSM Supreme Court Chief Mokil; Baker Meninzor, Ngatik; Dison The budget proposal excludes funding Justice Edward King on Oct. 30 was Gideon, Nukuoro, and lop Lohete, Kap- for the Truk cholera e» idications program commissioned Dec. 19 as an FSM notary ingamarangi. which received $3.6 million since fiscal public by President Tosiwo Nakayama 00

S3 CCM to start quarter with new domitory full

KOLONIA, Ponape-The Community the construction which began mid-1981. house 100 more students, according to College of Micronesia will begin its 1984 The FSM Congress has provided an the CCM president. Winter Quarter on Jan. 9 with its new additional $40,000 which has been used The former Women's Dorm, con- Idormitory construction 80 per cent com- to continue the construction and furnish- structed of the same wood and corrugat- plete and all available space in it occup- ing of the dorm, according to Dr. Cantero ed metal in the Men's Dorm which burn- ied, according to CCM President Catalino who noted that the Ponape State Legis- ed to the ground, is occupied by 48 male Cantero. lature recently authorized an additional students, according to the Dean of Registration will be held Jan. 4 for $10,000 for the project. Students. full-time students and Jan. 6 for part-time "We need about $70,000 more to Occupation of the new structure by students, according to Dean of Students complete the construction," Cantero said, female students began hi July and by men Hers Tesei who said that classes will begin stating that the college will be requesting in October, Cantero said, adding that it Jan. 9, and the term will end March 16. funds from the FSM state and national was changed from a men's dorm to The Fall Quarter ended with final governments, the Marshall Islands and coeducational "for security reasons." examinations on Dec. 22 and 23. Palau. The dorm is divided into two sections Construction of the dormitory origin- Construction of the first phase, or with an entrance for women on one end W ally was scheduled for March, 1982, to re- ground floor could be completed by the and for men on the far end. place the Men's Dormitory which was 1984 Fall Quarter which begins in In other changes on campus, the form- destroyed by fire on May 3,1981. Delays October, if the funds are provided, he er recreations building is being used for in sand deliveries and financial problems said. offices and a classroom, and two quonset of the contractor, Ponape Builders, The dorm now houses 60 students, huts which housed male students during caused construction to come to a stand- including 36 coeds and 24 male students, the construction of the new dorm are still in 1982, officials said. in 15 rooms, four to a room. The addi- being used as for recreation and the The FSM Congress, Ponape State Leg- tional construction would provide 10 student bookstore. islature, Trust Territory government and rooms for 40 students, and a second floor private donors provided $212,566.24 for which is planned for the future would Welle confirmed MOEN, Truk—The Truk State Legis- lature confirmed the nomination by Gov. Erhart Aten of Olaf Welle to be an associate justice on the new Truk State Court, while rejecting two other nomin- ations to the court, according to the State Public Affairs Office. The Legislature, which began a 15-day special session on Dec. 12, did not act on the nominations of District Court Judge Sabastian Frank and Public Defender Wanis Simina to be associate justices on the new court on the advice of the leg- islative counsel that re-nomination of individuals who were rejected earlier is improper or in violation of existing statutes. Welle, a native of Parem and tradition- al leader of Macheweichun which includes Parem, Fefan and Tsis islands in the Truk Lagoon, has been serving as an associate judge in the Truk District Court, NEW CCM DORMITORY-The new Community College of Micronesia dormitory is since March, 1960. Before that, he ser- 80 per cent completed and fully occupied by 60 coed and male students, according ved as elected magistrate and community to CCM President Catalino Cantero who said that about $70,000 is needed for the court judge in Parem. final 10 rooms of the first phase which would house 40 more students. The dorm Welle attended Japanese school on replaces the men's dormitory which was burned to the ground on May 3, 1981. Dublon Island and took advanced skills training hi agriculture under the Japan- ese.

THE NATIONAL UNION Published by: FSM Information Office P.O.Box 490. Kotonia, Ponape Federated States of Micronesia 96941 Telephone 548

Ketson Johnson, Information Officer Thomas Bryan, Information Advisor Esikiel LippvM, Broadcast Officer Angelita Mualia. Secretary Widell Edwin, Graphic Artist