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c§Vew§ ~ c;yiew~ .. !(r,,o ~r."'l"v n.- J.J n.. ,h'' ii fl~.J ~d 6 i ,,.tt r~H~JAI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED ON SAIPAN M.I. Hl ,~n r . MARCH 30, 1979 - Vol. 8 No. 1 - 15 Cents

Third National Held For Deportation From U.S.

SAIP AN - TI1e first third received by attorn,,ey General received his certificate of provisions of the Northern "stateless persons." country national to receive a Michael De Angefo from the identity card in August 1978 Marianas Covenant. The U.S. is necessary in this certificate of identity card under District Director of the U.S. after a Court action on Saipan. Based upon the Judge's action case said De Angelo in order to Subsection C section 301 article Department of Justice in The immigration service in in Washington, the government avoid this "revolving door" 3 of the Northern Marianas Honolulu. Spokane, Washington held an has been requested to rescind situation in which the govern­ Covenant. was held for a The individual identified by exclusion hearing before the the certificate of identity. ment of the Northern Marianas deportation hearing in Spokane, sources as Ray Yana, a former immigration judge who noted The deportation hearing comes mues the identity cards and the Washington according to a letter school teacher at Mount Cl!ffllel that Yana did not meet at a time when both parties of people are . deported. The the criteria of the above the class action suit brought government is trying to be mentioned section of the against Governor Camacho and consistent with the policy of the Covenant. Immigration Chief Frank Castro United States said the attorney The case was postponed to by 120 former citizens of the General. • make inquires to see if the Philippines and Japan awaits a Mike White, counsel for the government of the Northern decision by Judge Lauretta as to 120 persons continues to contest Marianas would reevaluate the whether the U.S. government the intervention of the U.S. individual in question's may intervene as party of the government in the matter. eligibility for a certificate of defendent. Judge Lauretta scheduled a identity .. Suit was filed on January 17 motion for certification as a A certificate of identity for denial by the immigration class action for two weeks after indicates a person's status as a officials to issue certificates of he makes his decision on the U.S. citizen · under certain identity to two of the 120 motion by the U.S. to intervene. GAO To Audit Marianas Government Brush fires on Saipan hits the area east of a Capitol Hill and south of mountain Tagpochau. The fire started and spreade to SAIPAN - The Common­ The governor wrote his letters Locally the GAO Team will be one mile Sqr. is a result of hot and dry weather of last week. wealth government will undergo responding to a note he received assisted by the Commonwealth an audit by the U.S. General earlier that the Marianas Govern­ Public Auditors Office headed Accounting Office in the near ment will be audited by GAO by Mr. Robert D. Bradshaw, Civil Case future according to a recent officials. Acting Public Auditor. correspondence from Governor Governor Camacho pledged his In his response to Mn. Van Camacho to Mrs. Ruth Van full cooperation to the auditing aeve, Camacho described the team and asked for "an · Filed Against Cleve of the Office of Territorial pending audit as a "beneficial "objective" impartial review/ Affairs in Washington D.C. and means of helping us iri examination of all branches of Mr. Victor L. Lowe, Director of identifying problem areas and the U.S. General Accounting our government - the legislative, pos.1ible solutions. Rep. Tagabuel Office in Honolulu. judicial, and executive.

SAIP AN · Civil suit was filed stating that Valendo was against Commonwealth House informed that his injuries of Representatives member resulting from the accident will cause him permanent Japanese Apply For Fishing Plasido Tagabuel for an amount in excess of $650,000 at the disability and prevent him from Federal District Court on Saipan seeking employment. on March 8, 1979. Valendo is seeking judgement In Marianas Anacito T. Valendo of Saipan in the amount of $450,000 in represented by attorney Jack general damages, $200,000 in SAIPAN - A new application They will operate a $350,000 ment in the company in cash," damages for the loss of future Layne filed the complaint for for an incorporation charter and fishing boat in the capacity of property or services according earnings and an as yet un­ general damages, medical ex­ business permit to fish in the 100 tons. The boat will be to the company's application. penses and damages for the determined amount to cover Northern Marianas is now under leased, loaned, sold or trans­ An additional 20% of the loss of future income. The suit all hospital and medical ex­ consideration by the Marianas ferred to the company. company's stocks have been is the result of a December 30, penses. Foreign Investment Board. According to their applica­ reserved for local participation. 1978 motor vehicle accident Congressman Tagabuel, re­ During a public hearing two tion, the company's incorpora­ Jose Ayuyu, Chairman of the involving Valendo and Tagabuel. presented by attorney Don weeks ago, the Board discussed tors are Kenzo Kanifuji from Foreign Investment Board Hazelwood has until April 2, According to the complaint the application of the Saipan Niigata, Japan as president, indicated this week that the Valendo was hit and thrown 1979 in which to answer or Fishing Company Ltd. Shozo Kikucho from Hokaido Board has reviewed the com­ from the motorcycle which he otherwise respond to the com­ With an initial capital of vice president and Yoshiro pany's proposal · and will was riding by the car driven by plaint. This special stipulation $50,000 the company proposes Kunita from Hokaido. attach some recommendations Placido Tagabuel sustaining was granted by Judge Lauretta to fish and sell to the local Local participation consists and restrictions along wit~ the permanent injuries to his legs, based on the fact that Tagabuel markets in the Marianas. It of Gregorio Torres from Chalan Board's decision which is fractured bones, a ruptured will be off island to attend will hire and train four local Kanoa who will own 1,000 expected after the April 7 · spleen and a cerebral con­ hearings being conducted by fishermen in addition to the shared valued at $10 per share. Board meeting. cussion. the Congress of the United seven Japanese fishermen to be Torres, a taxi driver on Saipan continues States in Washington, D. C. employed by the- company. agreed to pay his initial invest- • Page 2 _ MARIANAS VARIETY '.\IEWS & VIEWS - \1arch 30. 1979 • Secretarial Order Drat t On Transition Received

PONAPE - Several members Planning budget to the U.S. tra1Nt1on. Senator Tun i\ the .. ·11ie delegation has received financial proposab 111aJ e at of the Interim Congress of the Congress. The alternative Chairman of the Committee of the Interior Department\ draft January ·s round of negotiations. Federated States of Micronesia budget would raise the level of Transition of the (ommi\\ion on Secn:tarial Order on Tramition "The Com mission·~ economist. are now concluding a scrie~ of Tru~t Territory appropriatiom Future Political Sta tu\ and to constitutional government. Or. Dau Perin . ila~ hc:en i111·ited successful discussions on to at 11..'ast 112 million dollars Transition. Senator Tun stated that .. this is to participate in the di~cussious. budgetary, status and transition for FY 1980, instead of the fifty "Interior is willing to provide the first tiille that Interior has \111 hassador Rosenblalt is.'lues in Washington, D.C, ( 50) million dollars requested funding for the (. entral ( ,o\ern­ gi\ell us a real opportunit~ to cmpiia~ited that the eco1111mic according to a dispatch sent by for second Capital Improvement ment of the Federated State\. participate in fornwlating the ueed~ of the I· S.\I "ill he t,•J..en the group to Ponape. Led by Projects for the outer islands and once the constitutional govern­ policie\ that will gcHern us at carefully iuto account by the Representative Raymond Setik payment for indefinite land use ment i\ estahli\hed in \fay." the this high level. We appreciate United States in future of Truk, and Senators Bailey agreements and war claims. Senator said. "The delegation ~cry much the personal interest uegotiations. Olter of Ponape, of "The outlook for an incn:ase and Interior officiab agree that and commitment to consti­ Oller said that meetings with Yap and of Kosrae, over the Administration\ budget proposab to finance the (entral tutional g0\ern111L·nt that Under ;..ey U -~- Con~ressmen have gone the Delegation has met with key appears to be very good, .. Government with locally Secretary Jame~ Joseph has \er:, ,, ell . ..\Ve feel confident officials in U.S. Congress and the Senator Olter stated today. "We generated revenues and contri­ ghen us." t:iat the U.S . Congress will met our problems," he added. Interior Department. butions from the State 60\ern­ ..The delegation has already prO\ide for our minimum "Representative Setik and "Senator Tun noted that the ments would he impossihlc."" he made a preliminary analysis of financial needs under Free Senator Otter, are the Interior Department appears said. the draft. It reflects man; of ,h~ociati1111 :· Senator Olter co-chairmen of the Joint Com­ receptive to many aspects of the "It is only fair for the lJ .S. to our concerns, but we still have \lalt·ti .. \Ve will not settle for ~ittee on Program and Budget Micronesian approach 011 finance the Central l,owrn­ a number of questions," Senat<11 le~~ tha!1 we will need for ment 's work," Senator Tun fun said. Senator fun ha~ •:c o•1t>mic development and noted, "promotion of self­ called a meding of the gover,unental operations." Reorganization Bill government is a basic U.S. Transitiou Committee on Se11ator Ismael announced that obligation under the Trusteeship Ponapc to study the draft order he 1~ "confident that U.S. Agreement. The Central an

SAIPAN (MNS) - The Ttuk According to the bill, the Legislature has come up with a Governor will appoint a bill which if passed and signed qualified person subject to the Run-Off Election by the Governor, would re­ consent of the legislature. The organize the present executive bill also states that an appointee branch of the Truk State will be considered by the In Ponape Expected Government. standing committee whose The reorganization would primary concern is with the establish .seven super depart­ activities of the departments and SAIPAN (MNS) - The follow­ that incumbent Apis has been Senator At-Largr : Juab N. ments, and three separate offices of the executive brnnch. ing are the early unofficial defeated by Legislator Peter Sigrah, 638 votes; Claude H. offices, according to the official The committee would submit :~s results of the elections held in Christian. - Phillip, 60 I votes; Lyndon P. report from Truk Governor's report to the legislature on each the Federated States of Micro­ Precinct Two (Madolenihmw Abraham. 210 votes : Judah N. office. The would-be depart- appointee. The legislature, then, nesia as reports rea<;hed Saipan and Kiti) Elias Thomas, I ,283 Sigrah, 128; and Spencer P. ments include: Treasury, will act upon the appointment Friday, March 29. and Daro Weital, 1,273 votes. Asher, 114 vote~. Education, Health and Welfare, within 20 days. However, if the From Ponape State with all Acting Ponape Governor Two-year seat: Hirosi Ismael, Justice, Public Affairs and the legislature is not in session, the precincts counted, the final but Santiago Joab said that voting in 627 votes; Sterling Skilling, 552 Administration, Resources and person appointed by the unofficial results are as follows: Ponape State on March 27th votes; and Kasuo lsbaki, 509 Development, Transportation, governor will serve as an acting Gubernatorial race: Leo went smoothly, and there has votes. Housing and Public Works. The Director until the legislature Falcam, 2,497 (30%) votes: been no election irregularity Public Affairs officials in bill also establishes the office. of confirms the appointment iu its Bermin Weilbacher, 1,948 {23%) reported so far. Kosrae said that the election on the Governor, Lt. Governor, and next session. votes; Pedro Harris, 2,235 {27%) In Truk State, as of Friday March 27th went smoothly, and Public Defender. votes and Paul Gallen, 1,632 reports, the results showed that there has been no election (20%) votes. Tosiwo Nakayama still leading irregularity reported so far. Lieutenant Governor: Strik Nick Bossy by 463 votes. The results of thl' voting in Yoma, 3,892 (47%) votes; Nakayama so far 4,923 votes Yap State will not be known PUBLIC NOTICE Valerio Williams, 2,465 (30%) and Bossy 4 ,460 votes. until late next week. The field votes; Edgar Edwards, 1,173 From the Truk State, out of trip ship MS RanAnnim is in Pursuant to Section 676.12 of the CETA 1978 amendments, the (14%) votes; and Sungiwo total registered voters 19,583, the outer islands of that State Office of the Governor wishes to inform the general public that the Hadley, 740 (9%) votes. only 9,502 (48.57r) votes has taking the ballot boxes there Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a Prime Sponsor Because of the four way split been counted. and picking up tile boxes on its for CETA, is submitting a modification to the CETA Plan to: {l) in votes among the candidates Truk election officials said way back to Yap. The ship is incorporate the following titles into one Annual Plan; and {2) for the governor and Lt. counting of votes for the other expected to arrive in Yap next transfer from the old Prime Sponsor Agreement to the new Master governor in Ponape State, and islands in the Truk lagoon would week. Yap officials said, "We Plan requirement for FY 1979: because none of the candidates resume. Ballot boxes from the won't open the ballot boxes for got over 50% of the votes as outer islands will have to be the Yap Island proper until we Old New required by law, the election brought to the district center get everything from the outer Prime Sponsor Agreement Master Plan commission is considering a run­ where they will be commingled islands." Title I Title II-BC off election between guber­ and counted. However. there were only two Title II Title 11-D natorial candidates, Truk officials said the field candidates who ran in that Title III-YETP Title IV-YETP and Pedro Harris. Strik Yoma trip ship MS Micro Dawn will election in Yap State. They Title III-YCCIP Title IV-YCCIP and Valerio Williams for the depart Moen this afternoon were incumbent Senator Petrus Title VI Title VI Lt. governor post. (March 28th) for the Hall~. Tun for the four-year Seu:itorial Namonuitos, and the Wester seat; and incumbent Congress­ Interested persons wishing to review the Comprehensive Employ­ Senator At-Large: Bailey Islands of that State to pick up man Luke Tman for the ment and Training Plan and make comments are encouraged to do Olter, 3,234 votes; Daniel th , ·.1llot boxes there. The trip two-year seat. so 30 days after the date of this publication. The CET A Ad­ Lopez, 2,351 votes; and Ambilos to the Mortlock Islands has been The election for the Federated ministration is located above the American Savings and Loan Iehsi, 2,147 votes. delayed. The MS Micro Trader States Congress will result in a Association in Chalan Kanoa, District 4. Questions may be Precinct One: (Kolonia, will depart Moen for those fourteen-memher Congress of mailed or directed to Mrs. Felicitas P. Abraham, Executive Sokehs, and the Southern islands sometime next week, the which the four At-Large Director, at the above address or by calling telephone numbers Islands): Bethwel Henry, 1,566 officials told MNS. Senators will be candidates for 6449 or 6S36 between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through votes; and Sosiro Eliam, 1,044 Counting on Kosrae State has the Presidency and Vice Friday. Comments may also be sent directly to Mr. William J. votes. been completed. All the votes Presidency to be elected by the Haltigan, Regional Administrator; U.S. Department of Labor/ETA; Precinct Three (Pingelap, including absentees have been other members. The new 4SO Golden Gate Avenue; San Francisco, CA 94102. Mokil, Net, and Uh): Peter counted aud are awaiting Con1,rress will begin its first The above modification does not in any way increase or decrease Christian, 1,254 votes: and certification by the Governor. session on May tenth and elect .the level of funding approved for Commonwealth of the Northern K.ikuo Apis, 1,131 votes. With The results of Kosrae voting are the Chief Executives as soon as _Mariana Islands for FY 1979. the counting of votes in that precinct con1pleted, 'it appears as follows: it is organized. March 30, 1979 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS - Page 3 Scholarship Assistance Fund Released

SAIPAN - Governor Camacho student assistance grants for students in assistance grants for Actually only $276,000 have boards still operate under legal has just informed the Acting the period April 1, 1979 to June the school year 1978/79. been disbursed in 1979, because authority the Governor's press Chief of Finance and 30, 1979. 360 students from These funds were released even the first allotment of $138,000 release indicated. Accounting to release a total of Saipan, 60 from Rota and 28 though the Commonwealth in August came out of the 1978 On . April 14, 1978, Acting Sl38,000 to the municipal from Tinian are currently Legislature has not yet approved budget. Attorney General Hubbard .. scholarship" boards for student studying abroad. the FY 1979 budget, which An override of the Governor's issued a legal opinion that the assistance grants according to a This represents the third covers the period from October veto of the Scholarship bill is statute which established the press release from the office of disbursement for school year l, 1978, to September 30, still expected by next week municipal "scholarship" boards the Governor. The instructions 1978/79. $138,000 were 1979. Action was necessary, according to legislative sources. is in conflict with the new specify that the Saipan Board released in August 1978 and since students are already in the The bill would have Constitution which dismantled will receive $100,800, Rota again in November 1978. A middle of the second semester of appropriated $630,360 for municipal' governmental entities S24,800 and Tinian 512,400. total of $414,000 will have been school year 1978/79 and are financial assist1JJ1ce to students in general and, therefore, the These amounts should cover paid out to Northern Marianas beginning to run out of money. of the Northern Marianas. boards should no longer be in The Governor stated that since Because of the lack of a new existence. the budget for 1979 has not law on how to handle scholar­ However, counsel for the Koreans Apply been passed by the legislature, ships and student assistance Chairman of the Saipan the Commonwealth is operating grants, funds have been released Municipal Scholarship Board on a "continuing resolution" to the three municipal "scholar­ opined that the municipal For ,d allotments can be no higher ship" boards. However, since scholarship boards are in than the 1978 level. The 1979 the inception of the Common­ existence until abolished by new budget contains $412,000 for wealth in January 1979 it is legislation. Gambling Permit student assistance.grants. questionable whether or not the

SAIPAN - The Laulau Beach shopping arcade and golf course. area is the new site proposed for The company is seeking a Saipan Enterprises Requests a $15 million resort hotel and gaming license as well as casino complex according to an approval of its articles of in­ application s~bmitted this week corporation before it can To Engage In Other Development to the gaming commission by begin construction scheduled for M.S. Villagomez Enterprises Inc. some time after the referendum SAIPAN - A request for an Fukumitsu 50,000 shares both tourist facilities and the golf The company comprised of vote on gambling in December. amendment to the business . from Japan. Local participants course said Attorney Villago­ Manuel S. Villagomez of Saipan Fifty slot machines, four black permit of Saipan Enterprises are Ernie Milnie, Joseph C. Ada mez. and owner of the beachfront jack tables two roulette wheels, Corporation was explained property and a South Korean one baccarat tables and one and Joaquin Sablan with 50,000 Saipan Enterprises Corp. ac­ casino operator is owned partly money wheel will comprise the verbally to members of the shares each. cording to Villagomez, bas a by Paradise investment and initial venture with expected Foreign Investment Board in, In their amendment, Saipan capital of $5 million for doing Development Co. Ltd. of Seoul, monthly profits of $520,320. their meeting two weeks ago. Enterprises proposes to engage business. The funds are ready to South Korea. Through Paradise Investment Saipan Enterprises Corpora- in other developments, said be transferred, Villagomez told The hotel will consist of 86 and its subsidiaries, the Koreans tion already indicated its Attorney Ramon Villagomez the the Board members adding that rooms initially but the company own and operate six hotels and interest in developing Company's Counsel. He the corporation is backed by plans to expand the number of eleven casinos in Korea, gambling and lotteries and has explained the company seeks several Japanese firms who are rooms as well as build a Malaysia, Kenya and two casino applied for a bm1iness permit to develop hotels, bar-restau­ interested in doing business in swimming pool, tennis courts, a outfitted ships off Florida. to operate a Casino· Gamb~g rants, a golf course and other the Marianas. outfit on Saipan. recreation and related tourist Villagomez told the Board Saipan Ent. Corp. according facilities. The corporation is that the corporation's definite to its articles of incorporation also interested in leasing public plans are to participate in was formed by Miki Osamu land from Aguigan to the gambling if the permission is Food Stamp Bill Naftan area in the southern given. with 300,000 shares; (Valued Sign To Law at $100. per share) and Minoro part of Saipan to develop SAIP AN - Governor Carlos override the many factors that SAIPAN WESTERN AUTO Camacho signed into law a bill limit the purchasing powers of to implement tl1e food stamp low income households." HARDWARE-FURNITURE-APPLIANCES-TOYS & SPORT GOODS STORE program in the Commonwealth The food stamp bill was first . of the Northern Marianas on introduced by Speaker Oscar AVAILABLE: March 28. bringing that program C. Rasa on December 4, 1978 WASHERS COLOR TELEVISIONS LAWN MOWERS one step closer to reality . The and passed its final reading in DRYERS CONSOLE STEREOS BICYCLES bill becomes Public law 1-28. the House of Representatives on FREEZERS DESKS TRICYCLES In his letter to the March 1, 1979. STOVES CHAIRS TOYS Congressional leaders advising According to the law, the FOLDING TABLE HARDWARE MATERIALS them of his approval of the bill Department of Community and the Governor noted the goal of Cultural Affairs is designated to COMPLETE ELECTRICAL AND PAINT CENTER the food stamp program as implement the program and safeguarding "the health and provide administrative and well being of our people by managerial services in raising levels of nutrition among accordance with federal laws, the low income households and rules and regulations established at the same time attempt to . for the food stamp program. PUBLIC NOTICE TI1e Trust Territory's Territorial Health Planning & Development Agency will be holding a public hearing on the Territorial Health Planning & Development Agency's application to the U.S. Depart­ ment of Health, Education & Welfare for full designation. Date: April 11, 1979 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Conference Room, Bureau of Health Services Building, Capitol Hill. For a Great SAVINGS! All interested persons are invited to attend. TTPI citizens residing VISIT OUR MODERN STORE on Saipan are particularly urged to attend. Beach Road, in Garapan Page 4 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS - March 30, 1979

i J.C. TENDRID ENTERPRl5E5,INC. th. Anniversary SWE ~ TAKES April 1 - 30 , 1979 Weekly drawing grand prizes 4/9, 1979 DOUBLEBED 4/16, 1979 RADIO CASSETTE RECORDER 4/23, 1979 25" ZENITH CONSOLE COLOR TV. 4/30, 1979 3-IN-ONE CASSETTE RECORDER PLUS FOUR OTHER PRIZE DRAWINGS EACH WEEK.

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Applicant: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Saipan, Mariana Reduces Injuries Islands Chief Executive Officer: Adrian P. Winkel, High Commissioner By Teresa Sullivan Authorization: Title I - Community Development Block Grant of slight increase was gunshot total 1976-1977 budget from the U.S. Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 SAIPAN · The restriction on wounds, 2 in 1977 to 3 in import duties and sales taxes Location: Truk District 1978. on beverage alcohol and fees the sale and consumption of Project: Housing Rehabilitation Revolving Loan and Grant for local drinking permits, the alcohol on the island of Moen These figures refute statements Projects in Truk has substantially made by Mac Marshall in his Moen Council shared hardly at Estimated Cost: $100,000 reduced the number of emer­ book entitled Weekend Warriors all in this bonanza." Period of Time for Receiving Comments: March 30, 1979 -April gency room cases at the Truk Alcohol in a Micronesian Cul­ Mac Marshall goes on to 20, 1979 District Hospital according to ture where he asserts that postulate that within a few Environmental Review Record: Dr. Paul Dale, Chief of the "this new constraint (prohibi­ months these financial The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands has prepared the environ­ Mental Health Division, Trust tion) has not stopped drunken differences will be resolved and mental review record which documents the environmental review Territory Health Services. fighting on Truk. If anything Truk's prohibition law will be of this project. This Environmental Review Record is on file and In a study prepared by Dr. it has made this pastime even lifted. available for the public examination and copying, upon request, at Dale on the restriction of riskier and hence more attrac­ Dr. Dales takes issue. on a the Office of the Territorial Housing Commission in Saipan and in the Office of the Governor of Truk from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. alcoholic beverage sales in Truk tive than ever to its devotees." number of Marshall's facts. week days. and its effect on hospital According to Dr. Dale's study, First, as his study indicates the Completed Text of 48.30(a) (6): the emergency room figures restriction on alcohol was by emergency room visits it was The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands will undertake the clearly show that contrary to disclosed that in five alcohol popular referendum not by projects described above with Block Grant funds from the· U.S. related categories of injuries, Marshall's statement fighting the Moen Council. Financial Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), under auto accidents, knife wounds, and injury are much reduced, considerations no doubt played Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. stone injuries, gunshot wounds Mac Marshall's book con­ a part in the decision said Dale TTPI is certifying to HUD that High Commissioner of the Trust and other injuries, four had been tinued stating that although but the people had had enough Territory of the Pacific Islands, Adrian P. Winkel, in his official substantially reduced in number the prohibition law has effec­ of the disruption of their capacity as High Commissioner consent to accept the jurisdiction since the prohibition began. tively halted all bar drinking, island peace and drink-induced of the Federal courts if an action is brought to enforce responsi­ The study was based on the consumption of locally fighting. Dale continued bilities in relation to environmental reviews, decision making and statistics taken from the Truk made alcoholic beverages by stating that the cost in destruc­ action; and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The District Hospital Emergency young men in and around the tion in personal safety was legal effect of the certification is that upon its approval, TTPI may use the Block Grant funds, and HUD will have satisfied its Room figures for calendar year villages does not appear to have greater than the liquor tax , . responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1977 before the restriction of been much affected. revenue. 1969. HUD will accept an objection to its approval of the Some possession and consump­ Contrary to Mac Marshall's alcohol and 1978, after the release of funds and acceptance of the certification only if it is prohibition was imposed. The tion of alcohol no doubt con­ prediction, the law remains in one of the following basis: law restricting the sale and tinues to exist in Truk" said effect and the general public (a) That the certification was not in fact executed by the Chief consumption of alcohol on Dale, "but the law has served has successfully blocked any Executive Officer or other officer of the applicant approved Moen island in Truk became to restrict its availability to efforts to change it. Whether by HUD;or effective on January 15, 1978. adolescent males which had the it will continue indefinitely (b) That the applicant's environmental review record for the Specificially, the number of highest incidence of trauma remains to be seen, but the projects indicates ommission of a required decision finding, emergency room traumas due to associated with drinking and has facts indicatit_1g the r~duction µi or step applicable to the project in t~e environmental review auto accidents dropped from 4 closed the bars and taverns alcohol related injuries since the process. Objection must be prepared and submitted in in 1977 to 1 in 1978. Knife where such males would con­ prohibition went into effect are accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58), wounds and stone injuries both gregate and engage in fighting." incontrovertible. Concluding his and may be addressed to HUD at HUD Honolulu Area Office, 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm 3318, Honolulu, Hawaii dropped dramatically from 20 Mac Marshall stated that the study, Dr. Dale expressed his 96850. Objection to the release of funds on the basis other in '77 to 5 in '78 and from 7 in motive of the Moen Council opinion that "there are other than those stated above will not be considered by HUD. No in forcing its prohibition was '77 to 1 in '78 respectively. ways for young men in Truk objection received after April 20, 1979 will be considered by Other injuries were reduced mainly financial. "Although to grow into manhood than HUD. from 30 in 1977 to 10 in 1978. the Truk District Legislature through drinking, fighting and The only category showing a derived nearly one third of its personal injury. Takeo N. George Contacting Officer Territorial Housing Commission, TTPI See the Pacific & the World Mt. Carmel Raff le Winners thru ''HITA:' ( Us) RESULTS

The following are the winners of the Mt. Carmel School PTA raffle. To receive their prize they should bring their ticket to Mt. Carmel School and receive a letter certifying them as winner.

Ticket No. Grand Prize Joanne Torres 10319 Baby Grand Carmen T. Flores 004177 1st John Corey 10144 2nd Jessica Tomakane 09969 SHARE WITH US YOUR THOUGHTS 3rd Rochelle Tomakane 9971 4th Fred Sigrah, Kosrae 000457 AND TELL US YOUR DESTINATION 5th Anthony R. Flores 10435 WE WELL ARRANGE YOUR TRAVEL 6th Vicente Q. Camacho 2959 Richard Santos 2086 NEEDS WITH NO EXTRA CHARGE. 7th 8th Aldan Serv. Station 6192 AIRLINE TICKETS, SPECIAL FLIGHT, HOTEL, 9th Roy Tudela 2926 10th Ignacia C. 'Cabrera 008324 TRANSPORT & CAR RENT AL RESERVATIONS 11th David M. Lorange 000034 AND VISAS ASSISTANCES.

HAFA ADAI Call Us, Tel. 7134-5 THE ONLY INFORMATIVE LOCAL NEWSPAPER INTERNATIONAL Or with HAFA DAI greeting we welcome you TRAVEL AGENCY at our office next to Micro!, Airport road, San Jose 11la!lana~ ~ailety ,- P.O.Box 610 Saipan, CM 96950 Open , 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Daily. new~ I:,.. ~i,w~ Page 6 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS - \1arch 30, I 979 Where Does The Treaty Leave Carter?

By Erwin D. Canham country, seems to be in some obscurity, although Mr. Perot is a hero in Dallas for what his boys allegedly did. It might have led to a terrible and bloody mess. Where does the signing of the treaty between Egypt and Israel leave President Wise cracks are easy to make up. "How many more cheeks do you have to tum?"' Carter? Where does it leave the United States in the world of power politics? said some who have no responsibility for policy. But the United States isn't always As he departed for the Middle East, the New York Times said , "If Mr. Carter turning cheeks. ( And, incidentally, the authority for turning the other cheek is very succeeds, with one stroke he will have secured a great diplomatic achievement, re­ good.) But when the trouble grew worse in the two Yemens, and Saudi Arabia's stored the prestige of the United States as a mover and shaker of world events and southern flank seemed in danger of Soviet encroachment, the United States sent an reversed the impression of the President as hesitant, confused and weak." aircraft carrier and destroyers to the scene. The Yemens quieted down. The American On the face of it, those words seem much too strong. And yet the more you think government made it very clear that it would defend the oil pipe lifeline coming out of about the situation, the more it seems that this Middle Eastern episode may mark the the Persian Gulf, and western Europe as well as the American economy were greatly turning point both in the political fortunes of Mr. Carter himself and that of the relieved . United States in the post-Vietnam world. American policy in recent months has saved from failure the first step toward peace First it is clear that all that had been accomplished by President Sadat's trip to Israel in the Middle East; it has opened up full relations with the most populous nation in in Dec~mber, 1977, and in the Camp David meetings last autumn was in danger of the world; it has completed and obtained ratification of a Panama Canal treaty which going down the drain, leaving the Middle East in worse shape than before the hopes for - although attacked by the super-patriots - may be said to have prevented a total peace were aroused. collapse long-lasting embitterment of U.S. relations with Latin America. The two major nations involved, Egypt and Israel, now have agreed to the terms of I believe President Carter's low-key reaction to the stiff un-hostlike criticisms of peace. They have adopted a framework by which the urgent additional elements for Ptesident Lopez Portillo in Mexico has helped put U.S. - Mexican relations on a better peace may be sought. The rest of the road will be very difficult, and both sides will footing than they have ever been before. At least, there is a chance that this relation­ have to recede from positions which they hold today with violent rhetoric. But the ship can be dignified and mutually respecting on both sides. For the United States to successful accomplishment of this treaty shows that long, patient, responsible have attempted to bully Mexico again, as it has done so many times in the past, simply negotiations can bridge many chasms. The ultimate peace, if it is attained, will be would not have worked today. painful for both sides for both have vital interests that must be accomodated to one The United States also rode out the bristly encounter on the Vietnam-China frontier another. between the Communist giants, China and Russia, with reasonable skill. Our new Anyway, the accomplishment of this treaty, however much remains to be done, is it­ friend, Teng Ziaoping, was indiscreet in the United States in his criticisms of the self a kind of miracle. It should not be undervalued, nor should it be judged by the Soviets, and then invaded (Russia's client Vietnam, and a third world war did not vituperative language that comes out of the other Arab states. This kind of language is break out. The United States has cooperated quietly with the forces of stability in a sort of bazaar discourse, familiar to bargainers in the Middle East - as, indeed, it is Southeast Asia and is today the better off for it. in some other parts of the world. For this beginning, it is quite correct to give Jimmy Not all American politicians are comfortable in a world the United States cannot Carter great credit. His patience, his tirelessness, his courage, his willingness to risk his dominate. They have not yet learned the terms of leadership in a situation where the own personal prestige, are all qualities which can build up respect for the United States use of force is very dubious and dangerous. Some react favorably to a politician who rather than weaken it. · shouts and blusters. Occasionally, when one of these gets into executive office, he We must remember that we live in a new kind of world, a world in which smaller soon finds that leadership calls for understanding, discretion, and accomodation. A nations cannot be coerced into decisions they find totally repugnant, and which would big rich nation like the United States is dealing with small, proud nations and peoples. not work even had they been forced upon the smaller nations, or bribed from them. Some of them are very old, some very new. In both cases they have their own The days of colonialism are gone. The days of imperialism are gone. But in diplomacy national interests to protect, and they have learned that they need not be bullied. it is as important to know what you cannot do as it is to be aware of strength. 11 Sometimes, of course, they deliberately snare us into bribing them, which is also .,' There are those who will assert - as President Carter':; political foes are bound to dubious policy. assert - that the American President should be tough, should talk tough, should rattle The future of President Carter, both politically and in history, will be determined by ii the sabre, should coerce and threaten. Well, Presidents Johnson and Nixon tried some I events yet to happen and policies still unborn. Chief among them, perhaps, will be I• of those tactics in Vietnam plus a good many American lives and internal American energy policy, which has a close relationship to the problem of inflation and the health turmoil and it ended in disaster and humiliation for the United State... of the national economy. It seems to be agreed that energy policy has been the President Carter presents an image of quieb1ess which sometimes may not do justice greatest disappointment of the Carter Administration. Soon the President will tell us to the real strength of his policies. He seems to be vacillating and changing. So he is, where things stand, perhaps proposing new and drastic measures to cope with the but sometimes the changes are to abandon previous mistakes - which is a sign of inexcusable expansion of our dependence on imported oil. strength - and to feel the way through uncharted waters and untried policies. Mr. President Carter has great opportunity to lead the nation, and to continue the Carter and his advisors have had a lot to learn. They have made mistakes. But rehabilitation of his own position, by what he does in the months ahead. Ambitious consider the alternatives: should the President not have attempted to negotiate peace Democrats are eager to snatch the nomination from him, ambitious Republicans are in the Middle East? Should he have tried to force peace terms down the throats of vying for the chance to oppose him. A President in office has great advantages and either side? Anybody who thinks this would have worked just does not understand great vulnerability. I would suggest that President Carter's future, and to some degree conditions in a world of nuclear. armament. the well being of the United States, is in his hands. Whatever his personal prospects, I am suggesting, despite radical Arab rhetoric, the United States and its President we all have an interest in the national well being and if he succeeds most of us ought emerge with credit from this episode. Moreover, I do not believe President Carter or to be grateful. the United States can be fairly blamed for the loss of Iran as an ally and oil supplier. Perhaps the American government and American business were too friendly with the Shah. But that policy goes back to all American Presidents since the late Shah came to the throne. Support of the Shah, at least moderate support, could be credibly defended. It is argued that his troubles should have been recognized earlier and the American government have pulled back. That is easier said than done. It isn't easy to walk out on your friends. There are nuances - small details - of support which might have been improved, but they are not really fundamental. We may have spoken too Knowing You nicely to the Shah a bit too long; we may have been too generous with Premier Bakhtiar. The United States has taken its medicine in Iran with reasonable dignity. The By NAM revolution became wild, and radicals invaded the American Embassy. Ambassador Bill Sullivan is as tough and case-hardened a diplomat as heads an American missioner, and Seeing is knowing far more experienced than most, and he behaved with propriety. He surrendered, and And I've often longed probably saved lives until the Iranian authorities could restore order around the To see my friends Embassy. Should he have put up a last-ditch fight? Of course not. By my side It has been hw,niliating, perhaps, for tens of thousands of Americans to be required On special occasions to leave Iran, but it was not our country, we had not capacity or responsibility for When hearts get sentimental maintaining order or perpetuating contracts there. The Iranians wanted us out, and it And desire their presence was their right. The cases of violence to Americans or imprisonment have been To .ftll-i.11 the void. extremely few. Whether Texas computer tycoon Ross Perot's mercenaries actually Let me not name names kidnapped two of his employees out of the Teberan jail, and whisked them out of the For my friends Know me and I them And I pray and wish them well And I know they wish me the same. Yet we are all human subscribe to And at time a little selfish And demand a little attention THE ONLY INFORMATIVE LOCAL NEWSPAPER Of warmth touched with love. I wish to see my friends From time to time And be with them Even just to groove And enjoy an occassional drink. March 30, 1979 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS_ Page 7

Dear Editor: Dear Editor: Last week, Mrs. Agnes McPhetres has some interesting comments to say about why The rationale behind Governor Camacho's action when he vetoed the scholarship we must all sign the petiiton to place the casino gambling law on this ballot this bill , 1-135 has compelled me to register my deep concern to Northern Marianas students abroad who are presently attending an institutions of higher learning. November. The Governor should know damn well about the whole financial situation that is Before this calm weather reaches storm proportions, please permit me to raise a facing our students abroad. He is totally committed as Governor to ensure that number of issues for the benefit of all concerns. It scholarship funds are made available to accommodate these students. It is indeed so is regrettable that Mrs. McPhetres chooses to ignore the unbearable fact that the depres.sing to learn that the Governor has for the second time chose to ignore such economy of the Commonwealth is grossly imbalanced not by choice; but because it has intentionally been kept that way by the administering authority for the last three indispensable bill. decades. The U.S. has never had any economy policy for the islands all these years. If Evidently, let me remind the Governor that the work study hours for our students it did, then those policies (incompetent and irrelevant as they are) have been shelved in at the University of Guam have been reduced for the fact that our students are Washington, D.C. gathering dust. So someone has ripped-off the federal government receiving local grants from the respective Municipalities in the Commonwealth. and necessarily the people of the Northern Marianas. Furthermore, the Governor is fully aware of the availability of Federal Grants, but Fisheries and agricult~re as alternatives to casino gambling? It should be known by not all of our students are eligible for such grants. In addition, the release of Basic now that for 30 years the agricultural sector of the economy has suffered long years of Educational Opportunity Grant (BEOG) checks normally comes out near the end of gross neglect. People in the streets are puzzled and question why imported food items the semester. are a lot cheaper than those locally produced. We have yet to realistically admit that I am sure the Governor will agree that what our students on Guam is now we cannot compete with developed nations because for decades we have stuck it with experiencing is also true to our students in Hawaii and the U.S. mainland. Knowing our primitive and poverty inducing-methods of agriculture. these facts, I wonder who the Governor is trying to fool. Harvard Professor of Economics, John Kenneth Galbraith, once said that developing It is imperative that the Governor realizes the mechanism and magnitude in areas have now begun to realize that the obvious answer to economic advance "has not considering the ill financial burden of our deserving students abroad. Governor, did seemed to be increased agricultural income and ainenity. They are only palliatives. you forget during the Gubernatorial campaign when you promised your constituents Agricultural development in this view, is primitive, even reactionary. The progres.,ive and I quote "The Democratic Party believes in continuing to extend scholarship assistance to our students abroad." solution is to rescue people if not from the idiocy, at least from the inevitable poverty Governor, weekly and monthly plans will not work out for scholarship of rural life." appropriation. I believe our Legislators took an intelligent action when they passed Fisheries is another long neglected sector. Japan being the closest industrialized and the scholarship bill, 1-135 in terms of long range plan to accommodate our prospective one of the distant fishing nations is about the only country who could offer economic students who will be going next semester. and technical assistance to the islands in fisheries because of its proximity to the ' I suggest that the Governor prioritize his program to alleviate future consequences. I islands. But Japan does not extend these aids to developing areas who are under the commend those Legislators who supported the passage of bill 1-135 and at the same jurisdiction of another sovereign nation. It only helps those who are bound to achieve time urge the Governor to reconsider his action. Until then, the students are being political independence as is the case of the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau and hindered for such financial burden. the Marshalls. May I · further poin~ that pertinent provisions in the Covenant preclude our Sincerely yours, negotiating fishing rights with sovereign nations. In other words, we've been had Francisco DLG. Demapan because we do not have any control over our ocean resources. It's federal property, like it or not. United States interest here is military and for no other reason than to protect her economic interest and allied nations like Japan and not so much the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas. I vouch to say that no way on earth would the U.S. or Japan bend her back to accommodate our interests at the expense of The Marianas Variety welcomes letters to the editor on any topic severing precious international relations. . of public interest. The letters, however, must be signed with the Lastly, though we have plans to boost the local economy, there's no consensus or full name and address of the writer. The Variety has received even an agreement as to what specific economic programs ought to be selected for n~merous unsigned letters, letters with fictitious names, and letters gradual implementation. We do not even have a director for the department of com­ with no return address. Such letters will not be published to merce which.speaks very well of how we view economic development as a priority. conform with policy. The Variety reserves the right to edit letters . If Citizens United Against Casino Gambling feel that this industry ( casino gambling) for brevity and clarity. 1s not good for the island of Saipan, please give us other workable and controllable alternatives which can provide quick revenues for medical referral, scholarship assistance, aid to public and non-public schools and the long awaited retirement program. Perhaps Mrs. McPhetres could give us her dissertation pertinent to when is gambling good for a certain "charitable" purpose and when is it bad. Nothing can be farther from the truth! Morality as an alternative is balony. "Rescue us if not from the idiocy, at least from the inevitable poverty of this miserable rural life." I'm not saying that we must not PUBLISHERS: Abed & Paz Castro Younis explore what benefits could be derived from fIShing and commercial farming. But Editor: Abed Younis having seen how these two areas were treated since as far back as I can remember, Published Weekly On Saipan perhaps you would agree with me that it can all be summarized in a famous saying: By Younis Art Studio, "After all is said and done, a lot more is said than done." P.O.Box 231 Saipan, M.I. 96950 Tel.6341 Adios.

Sincerely youn, John DelRosario, Jr.



News writer, Reporter P.O. BOX 66, SAIPAN, MARIANA ISLANDS 96950 CARPETS AND DRAPES, CUSHION COVERS, full time , part time or Cable: TAGA SAIPAN, Telex: 5257 TAGA MN. Freelance The Dining Room of the Royal Taga Hotel is offering OR ANYTHING YOU NEED CLEANED! writing ability & good you superb cuisine to suit your taste in an exotic command in English. Spanish-Island decor. Apply in person to : WE RENT OUT: The Taga Cocktail Lounge is a popular spot for hotel MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS guests and island residences alike. Come and see for TABLE CLOTH~ AND NAPKINS FOR PARTIES, you~self with your family or friends for dining pleasure . .Beach Road, San Jose. ANO COMPLETE UNIFORM RENTAL. · Special Lunch .....•..$2.75 Special Dinner ...•..•.$5;95 For reservations, call CALL NOW: 6239 . ~\: ROYAL TAGA HOTEL Tel. 6421 BEACH RD., SUSUPE VILLAGE Page 8 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS - March 30, 1979 Position Avcilable Judge Appointed POSITION AVAILABLE:

Executive Director of Economic Development To Hear One Case Loan Fund ment, mismanaged the SAIPAN (MNS) - Secretary of and that is the George Kiskad­ company , and as a result of it , STARTING SALAR'(.: the U.S. Department of the don Et. Al. versus the Trust it went into receivership and Interior, Cecil Andrus, on March Territory Government case. that they lost lots of money. $22,000.00 per annum 16th signed a letter appointing TI1is case will be heard on Saipan The case will not be heard by Judge Leland Nielson to serve on sometime this summer, probably any of the three T.T. Associate the Trust Territory High Court in July, officials noted. The case Justices including Chief Justice for a six-month period beginning is about a suit filed in 1974 DUTIES: against the government by Harold Burnett. "For various March tenth. reasons, our judges have to dis­ Manage, direct and supervise staff and operations of the Economic Nielson is a senior Federal Micronesia Inter-ocean Line, qualify themselves on this case, Judge · in San Diego, California. Inc., and its successor Transpac. Development Loan Fund. Review , analyze and make recommenda­ so we have to get another judge T.T. court officials said Nielson's IGskaddon was one of the tions concerning loans; review , maintain and prepare reports on the to hear it," a High Court spokes­ appointment is "only a principals of MILi and Transpac. accounts, records and ledgers of the Fund; prepare reports and person told MNS . temporary one" and that he will MILi and Transpac, said T.T. recommenJations to the Board of Directors of the Fund; and the "I am not sure of Chief not replace anybody. officials, had financial problems, carrying out of the duties and requirements of the Board of Justice Burnett's decision, but He will sit in on only one case, and as a result, the Board of Directors and the rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Directors and stockholders voted Associate Justices Robert Hefner the Northern Mariana Islands concerning said Fund. that the company's management and Mamoru Nakamura were should be turned over to a both in the Attorney General's managing committee, which was office at times when various _BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: made up of some Trust Territory documents (about this case) government employees. The were negotiated, so that makes Management experience and the ability to analyze and compre­ plaintiffs are claiming that the them disqualified from hearing hend financial statements, records and accounting. Must have Military T.T. employees, who are agents it," she added. banking and/or financial institutions operations. If applicant of the Trust Territory govern- has a college degree, then a banking and/or financial experience Has Rights shall be required; otherwise, a minimum of five (5) years INVITATION TO BID management and banking and&or financial experience shall be To Use required. The Executive Director's office of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority (MIHA) will receive sealed bids for the construction of CLOSING DATE: April 24, 1979 Enewetak twenty (20) dwelling units and site development work at Tinian Section 8 Housing Subdivision, San Jose, Tinian. Bids in single SEND APPLICATION AND RESUMES TO: SAIPAN (MNS) - The Trust copy will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., local time, April 20, 1979, Territory High Court has ruled at which time and place the bids will be opened and read aloud. A Chairman, that the_ United States military bond of JO% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. This Commonwealth Economic Development Loan Fund has legal rights to exclusive use security may be a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond made c/o Department of Commerce & Labor payable to Mariana Islands Housing Authority (MIHA). of Omelek, Enewetak, and Office of the Governor A non-refundable payment of $50.00 required for each set of Gellinam in the Marshall Islands, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands according to Pacific Daily News plans and specifications_available at the Executive Director's office, Saipan, CM 96950 report. Mariana Islands Housing Authority, located at North Garapan The court also awarded Annex II Subdivision Area, Saipan, telephone number 6866 or 146,875 dollars to owners of the 9447. three islands who have MIHA hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure BID INVITATION demanded compensation from that in any contract entered into pursuant to this adv.ertisement, The Director's Office will receive sealed bids for the construction the U.S. government. The minority business enterp1ises will be afforded full opportunity to of Dr. Torres Hospital Wing "H" Renovations and Additions, islands are being controlled by submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discri­ Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in the military. minated against on the ground of race, color, and national origin duplicated will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., local time, April 9, The money is to be distributed in consideration for an award. 1979 at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and as follows: 8,250 dollars for The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any read aloud. A bond of 10% of the total bid price must accompany Gellinam, 45,625 dollars for imperfection in the bid proposals in the interest of the Mariana the bid. This security may be a certified check, cashier's check or Omelek, and 73,000 dollars for Islands Housing Authority. bid bond, made payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Enewetak. Gellinam and Northern Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the check: Omelek are in the Kwajalein /s/ Lorenzo LG. Cabrera "Credit Account No. N6089000." Atoll. Executive Director A non-refundable payment of $20.00 is required for each set of Associate Justice Robert Mariana Islands Housing Authority plans and specifications available on or after March 23, 1979 at the Hefner who made the ruling said Technical Services Division, Department of Public Works, Saipan, that condemnation of the islands Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. did not serve the Micronesians, The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any the PDN story noted. ''There is PUBLIC NOTICE imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of the Government. no pretense that the taking will APPLICATION FOR FOREIGN BUSINESS PERMIT b~ for the benefit of the Micro­ Marianas Public Works Department nesians other than the assertion Commonwealth of the Northern that it insures the Trust NTA PACIFIC. INC, OF JAPAN HAS APPLIED FOR A Mariana Islands Territory shall play its part in FOREIGN INVESTORS BUSINESS PERMIT TO ENGAGE IN accordance with the United THE BUSINESS OF TRAVEL AND OTHER RELATED Nations Charter in the ACTNITIES IN SAIPAN, COMMONWEALTH OF THE • maintenance of · international NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS' THE COMMONWEALTH peace and security," he wrote. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD IS SOLICITING 4. C. TENDRID ENTERPRISES However, the judge found that COMMENTS FROM INTERESTED MEMBERS OF THE the government had a legal basis GENERAL PUBLIC. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SUB­ P.O. BO>< 137 for its action in the Sept. 15th, SAIP,AN, M.I. 96950 MITTING YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS PROPOSED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, YOU MAY NOTIFY THE BOARD, THROUGH 1955, agreement with the U.S. Navy that makes the T. T. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR government the agent of the NORTHERN MARIANAS GOVERNMENT, AND REQUEST~ • PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS PURPOSE. SUCH NOTIFICA­ U.S. government for condemn-· TELEPHONES ing lands for use by the U.S. TION MUST BE RECENED BY THE BOARD WITHIN (20) Whole11le: 6444 government. DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. omc:e: 6445 Ac:c:ounting: 6446 bept. Store: 6447 Aut.:>motlve : 6448 IMPROVE YOUR LAND DATE: 3/26/79 JOSE C. A YUYU & Chairman COOL YOUR HOUSE Commonwealth Economic Development Board • Plant shade treeS• & c/o Department of Commerce and Labor flowering bushes. Saipan, CM 96950 •••••• March 30, 1979 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS t:,., VIEWS - Page 9 Major Proposals Rosenblatt Disagrees To Passed By Con Con Provisions in Palau Constitution PALAU (MNS) - ~oposed outlined the United States' dis­ the Palau Status Commission. language in the draft Palau Rosenblatt referred to a PALAU (MNS) Six The proposal on local govern­ satisfaction with the proposed Constitution "would create constituion. section of the compact which proposals passed third reading ment was amended that all problems of the utmost gravity He said the proposal, not says the United States will not by the Palau Constitutional Con­ government powers not express­ if for the United States" if it is not removed from the Constitution, test or dispose of such materials vention on Wednesday (March ly delegated to the local govern­ deleted from that document would prevent United States that are "inconsistent with its 21th). They are on judiciary, ment will be powers of the said Ambassador Peter R. Rosen~ warships and aircraft from obligations under international local government, suffrage, national assembly. The proposal blatt, the President's personal transiting Palau. Con.Con Jaw." What those obligations are citizenship, constitutional originally stated that the representative to the delegates have altered an earlier and what would be inconsistent amendments, and Bill of Rights. national legislature should assist Micronesian political status proposal to allow such move­ is not defined in the document. The proposals now go to the in organizing the local govern­ talks, according to Pacific Daily ment. But they have continued The United States is objecting Style Committee to be in­ ment. news report. their disposal and testing ban to the provision requiring a corporated into the first draft An amendment to the consti­ The constitutional proposal until allowed by voters. referendum and feels ·that a of the constitution, reports tution requires a majority of the states that radioactive material The Ambassador listed various decision of this type should be Palau information officer David total votes cast as well as and toxic chemicals will be parts .of the draft Constitution by the Palauan government. The Ngirmidol. majority of the votes of the banned until three-quarters of which he said conflicted with Ambassador also expressed When the first draft is three-fourths of the states. the registered voters allow them. the proposed Free Association concern about several other completed, it will be sent back The Con.Con will conclude its In a dispatch to the Palau compact currently being provisions in the draft constitu­ to the delegates for a fourth work on April 2nd, when the Status Commission, Rosenblatt negotiated by Rosenblatt and tion. and final reading. Constitution will be signed. The proposal on citizenship passed with one amendment. Victorio Uherbelau, author of the amendment, said that to limit the Bill of Rights only to Palauans would be contrary to the United Nations Charter on When You Go Eeonomr, Human Rights. His amend­ ment was approved by the delegates. Thus, all persons in Palau will have freedom of Go First Class. conscience and religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly and association. Another amendment was added to the Bill of Rights. It says that a person accused of a criminal offense will be presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The delegates voted to keell Section fourteen in the Bill of Rights, thereby limiting rights to the requirements of the public good. On suffrage, the delegates passed the proposal on the third reading with an amendment that the municipality, not the national assembly as first proposed, will determine the residency requirement for municipal elections. Watch The MARIANAS BEAUTY PAGEANT Event ON TV April 14 Saturday HONDA CIVIC. April 15 Sunday Chanel 9 The Honda Civic has a whole lot of features that put this car at the top of its class. It's designed for comfort, safety, performance, ease of handling, .AVAILABLE economy and convenience.- meaning it's a practical IMMEDIATELY car that's not in the least way boring. In fact, 4 Bedroom Concrete House, it makes driving fun! · partially carpeted. Come on down and see for yourself what a great car 3 Bedroom Concrete House, the Honda Civic is. Today. centrally located in Gualo · Rai. (Call 6619) HOND~ y ANSWERING FUTURE NEEDS FINE QUALITY PRINTING ALL HONDA MODELS NOW AVAILABLE. VISIT MIDWAY MOTOR co ATGARAPAN YOUNIS · • OR CALL 6826 ART SOLE DISTRIBUTOR for Northern Marianas and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands STUDIO UNITED MICRONESIA DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION P.0.Box 238, Saipan , N. Mariana Islands 96950 Page IO - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS - March 30, 1979 Fishery Dock Proposed For Dublon

In response to request from The hearin~ will also j!jve District Engineer in evaluating A weekly column c:ontributed by the Commonwealth Office of the public, Colonel Peter D. opoortunity to all interested the pennit application and in Library Services announcing materials available at libraries in the Stearns, Honolulu District persons and organizations to rieciding whether to grant or Northern .\1arianas. Selected books, films. records. tapes. Engineer, U.S. Anny Corps of obtain infonnation on the deny the pennit required under magazines as well as materials-on-order will be announced to the Engineers, Fort Shafter, Hawaii, project plans and to present Section 404 of the 1972 Federal public. Unless otherwise noted, all materials are available at the will hold a public hearing next their views and opinions on Water Pollution Control Act Saipan Municipal Library in Chalan Kanoa. Hours: 4 :30 - 8 :30 month on the application of the those plans. The comments and governing the discharge of place­ pm daily, except Sunday. Saturday hours: 8 :00 - 12 :00 noon. Government of the Trust testimony received at this ment of fill material into coastal Territory of the Pacific Islands hearing will be considered by the waters. FOR ADULTS AND YOUNG AUULTS for a federal pennit to dis­ Read a best seller in a couple of hours ... charge dredged and fill material Readers Digest Condensed Books, /959 - present shortened and into coastal waters in order to readable versions of best sellers and popular American literature. improve the existing coral fill INEWS BRIEFS! A few examples: _71ze Caine Mutiny, l/y love possessed, and The dock at Dublon Island in the Terminal_!E!!..n. Truk District, Easter Caroline The following reports are taken from press releases issued by the Islands. Governor's public information office. FOR YOUNGER READERS (Ages 3-8) All resident of the Truk Mystery and danger ... District are encoura~ed to be Governor Camacho is asking employees and staff of the Depart­ Shipwreck: V. Cumberlege pr~nt or be represented at this ment of Health and Environmental Services including Dr. Torres The night the lights well/ out: D. Freeman hearing, which will be held on Hospital to submit written comments and recommendations The. witch of Scrap faggot Green: P. Gordon Wednesday morning, April 25, in regarding the proposed reorganization of the department. The man whose mother was a pirate: M. Mahy the Municipal Council Meeting The proposal calls for a professionally qualified and experienced Room on Dublon, starting at director to be recruited from the United States who has the FOR OLDER READERS (Ages 9-13) 9:00 o'clock in the mornine. approval of the Regional Office of HEW in San Francisco, since Adventure in Spanish lands ... This hearing will give this office will assist the Northern Marianas in finding construc­ The Alhambra: W. Irving opportunity to representatives tion funds for a new hospital. The miracle of the talking jungle: R. Bartlett of the TTPI Government to Dr. Jose L. Chong will serve as Chief of Staff of Hospital and §hadow ofa bull: M. Wojciechowska discuM the proposed plans for Medical Services. Dr. Francisco T. Palacios will be Chief of Staff development of a fisheries dock of Administrative and Support Services. Their duties and responsi­ facility for vessels to load and bilities have been outlined in two separate position descriptions. Kusina Talk unload fish. The improved coral The incumbent hospital administrator will continue to serve in his By Nancy Rody fill dock would also provide for position. Nutritionist future shore-based fish In a memorandum addressed to department personnei, the processing facilities being Governor outlined the proposed changes and noted that these planned by the Trust Territory changes are necessary to improve health care in the Northern for Dublon Island and the Truk Marianas to bring it closer to U.S. standards. Dear Friends, District. Project plans call for He said, "Hospital performance is the most criticised of any This dish is delicious served with rice and a fresh green salad. dredging SO ,000 cubic yards of activity in our government. . . Leadership at the hospital has coralline material from adjacent suddenly found itself tom between giving proper attention to the Scalloped Fish reef flats to be used as fill for administration of a whole ne": order of perplexing Federal require­ the fisheries dock. ments, of standards and· reports; or of giving proper, humane 3 tbs. butter 1 cup canned fish attention to the clinical day-to-day care of patients. The load has I green pepper, cut fine or 1/2 cup breadcrumbs been too much for one person to bear, as shown by~an excess of Salt (f) complaints from all sides - from patients as well as from Federal I onion, sliced thinly authorities. Perhaps the most objective and authoritative (and Tbs. Flour Pepper PACIFICA INC. wholly devastating) complaint was made by the Medicaid Review 1-1/2 cups milk I /2 cup buttered crumbs AG!NT FOi< Committee sent here by the Federal Government which found (optional) THE TOKIO MARINE ANO hospital performance to be seriously deficient in all categories by Melt butter in a pan. Add pepper or onion and cook until soft. FIRE INSURANCE CO., LTD. U.S. standards. Stir in flour and blend until smooth. Add milk and cook and stir **** The Commonwealth Health Planning Agency under the direct until thick and smooth. Add fish, breadcrumbs and seasonings. supervision of the Governor will work closely with the Department Here you can either: of Health in establishing health programs and a new hospital. A citizens' health coordinating council is to be established shortly. 1) Heat, stirring until whole is well-mixed. ~ *********** 2) Put in a baking dish and cover with the buttered crumbs. Bake Governor Carlos Camacho signed an act to change existing Social at 375 degrees until brown (about 30 min.). Serves 4. ,f) Security laws to make them more similar to those of the United States. As a result, recipients of social security checks will receive higher Paclf1e Guardian monthly. payments. However, it will also raise the amount of social FORUM Lile Insurance Co. ltd Ill Ill security tax some employees have to pay. The first $13,350 **** earned in 1979 are subject to the tax. The percentage deducted The annual Saipan Ocean Swim Meet will be held on Saturday, ALL LINES OF INSURANCE will be the same as before, namely 3.9% for employer and April 7 in the lagoon fronting the Saipan Beach Inter-Continental * Auto employee and 6.2% for self-employed persons. Hotel. * Fire and Allied Unes NMI Social Security Administrato~ Robert Florian advises that This year again many swim teams from Guam will compete: the * Homeowners on March 2, 1979 over $25,000 in social security checks were NCS Seahorses, the AFB Marlins, the Naval Station Dolphins, * Ufe released to retired, disabled and survivor beneficiaries in the Manhoven and Manukai. The Saipan Swim Club is hosting the **** Northern Marianas. This mcney represents increases in payments event and swimmers from the Saipan Stringrays will be there. I'. 0. BOX 1118 due for the period October 1978 to February 1979. For the The general public is invited to participate also. BUBUl'I, SAll'A,N MAIIJANA IBLANDS eeeao month of March checks in the total amount of over $28,000 will Governor Camacho will open the meet at 9:30 a.m. Swimmers l'HONJ, BAI ..AN •-ae7 be distributed. have to report at 8:30 a.m. The various events will take about five CABLl1 l'AClflCA SAll'AN Persons having questions about the increase in payments or tax hours. TS LEX, BAI PAN - 7 I :U I 4 or about social security in general are asked to visit the NMI Social The banquet will be on Saturday evening when awards are Security Office on Beach Road, San Jose, or call 6203. distributed for first through sixth place. *********** *********** Governor Carlos Camacho has just signed a request for an energy On Sunday, April 1 there will be an Arts and Crafts Fair at the extension service for the Northern Marianas in the amount of Northern Marianas Museum from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. $15.,000. The request will be forwarded to the Department of Artists and crafts people are invited to display and sell their Watch Energy, Region IX, in San Francisco. products or to show others how they work. For more information The MARIANAS BEAUTY The objectives of the service to be established are to provide or booth reseryations, call Mayor Diaz at 6208 or Jill Oxborrow at PAGEANT Event householders, farmers and small businessmen with energy-saving 6412 extension 1439. ONTV information and technical assistance. It will also include demon­ On display and for sale will be wood carvings, jewelry, candles, April 14 Saturday stration projects involving solar water heaters, biogas digesters, leather and coconut craft items, batik, macrame, basketry, oil April 15 Sunday crop residue management and waste recycling on farms. paintings, water colors, and story boards. Chanel9 It is a well known fact that all fuel needed for generating Also featured will be local fiesta food and entertainment, electricity and operating cars is imported at great cost. Therefore, including Carolinian dances and movies. energy and fuel conservation is of critical importance. Everyone (including tourists) is cordially invited to this event. • March 30, 1979 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS - Page 11 Senior & Little League Game Results THIRD GAME : Little League Baseball Game Results ( March 20 ) GIANTS: 9 runs. 9 hits. 0 errors, 6 left on base. BEi\RS: 4 runs. 5 hits. 0 errors, 7 left on base. -~!!J'S_: J runs. I hit_ ! errors. 5 left on base. ------Bears: 1 run. 3 hits. 2 errors. 5 left on base. Winni1!_gJ>itcher: Ray Sablan (l-1) Losino Pitcher: Eddie Kileleman (0-1) Winni!lli)>itcher· Melvin Sakisat - ---~------Losing Pitcher: Frank Babauta Little/Senior League Baseball Game Results. (March 25, 1979)

Senior / Little League Baseball Game Results (March 24, 1979) FIRST GAME: PADRES: 5 runs, 7 hits, 2 errors, 5 left on base. FIRST GAME: S..\NVlCENTE ·~_:: 4 runs, 4 hits, 2 errors, 8 left on base. Oet them S_t\)J VICENTE (SR.): IO runs, 5 hits. 2 errors, 2 left on base. HU_NJ£.RS.: 8 runs, 7 hits. 10 errors, 4 left on base. ~.!.!l~~g_fi!.cJ!~: Frank lglecias (I .0) printed at h~g1_gf!!_<:.!_1~r : Fernando Camacho (0-1) J'iiruID.iu>.il~l.!!!r.; Frank Ada (1.0) Homeruns: Catcher Ben Sablan of Padres blasted a _!.._Q~1]g__Pjt~h_('.[: Joseph Atalig ( 0-2) ------two-run homer in the last of seventh inning to give Mt. Carmel their second win ~l:CONO GA~IE : in a row. EAGLES: 22~;;1s. 13 hits, 2 errors. 2 left on base. ~UHIS ~A~V!C-~Ni:_~: 0 runs. 1 hit, 5 errors, 0 left on base. SECOND GAME: EAGLES runs, hits, errors, left on base. art (3-0) : 16 16 7 3 Winning Pitcher: Joseµh Palacios ( 1-0) Q~[~f (1-1): 5 runs, 5 hits, 9 errors, 2 left on base. Losin~ Pitcher: Joseph Camacho (0-1) studio lfomcruns: Jesse Manibusan, Tony Santos, Joey -- ·-·---- ~!!1.!!~g_Ei~J!~: Tony Santos (2-0) San Jo.6e. VW.a.qe. Arriola & Frank Pangelinan (Eagles) k~~_gf!!_

. . San Vecinte Little League Team gets a deferent · plans to avoid further loses in th~ir game with Eagles.

Men's Softball Game Results - FIRST GAME: - ~~tLGs;_E_RJ,: 5 runs. 7 hits, 2 errors, 5 left on base. SAN VICENTE: 1 run, 3 hits, 3 errors, 4 left on base. ~!.!.t.!!i.!!g_Ei~.h~: Luis Babauta (6-2) l~i.!1g_fi.!.c~~: Tony Camacho (5-3) iJ

SECOND GAME : I:;~~R_E~~: 4 runs, 7 hits, 3 errors, 5 left on base. [1=:_!QBQ: 3 runs, 4 hits, 1 error, 4 left on base.

Winnin_.g_Pitcher: Joe Babauta (2-2) Losi1!gj'itcher: John Torres (04) !f.!.>!!1~!!!!_: Taitano, Ernie (Express)

Men's Softball Game Results (March 26. 1979)

FIRST GAME: EDUCATION : 5 runs. 8 hits, 2 errors, 7 left on base. ___ EXPRESS: 3 runs. 2 hits, 2 errors, 4 left on base. satem

Wi.!_t!!i!!~r.i!rh~: Ben Jones Light Losing_ Pitcher: Joe Sablan The taste 100s SECOND GAME: ~J=.. !QBQ: 8 runs, 9 hits, 2 errors, 8 left on base. ta remember. FALCONS : 6 runs, 7 hits, 7 errors, 3 left on base.

~i.!!.!!il!R.Ei~.h~: Pete Camacho (2-2) 1!!.S.!JUtfi!~!!'.~ Leo Kani (04) {!Q!!le_!lli~: Leo Kani, John Tenorio, & Syl lguel (Falcons) ,·'!"·\

th. Anniversary Sale

The Mighty Miget Johnson 4 H.P. Outboard Motor is a strong, economical, light weight ·Kicker" for fishing or boating ·pleasure.

Its yours '' FREE'' for every Datsun Pickup Truck purchased during our entire Anniversary KING CAB Month of April. Offer is limited while supply lasts .

-· HIGH RISER STANDARD So come on down and make Johnson Outboard your weekends pleasure, only at ... '!"' JOETEN MOTOR SALES !f~t~~;;· A AUIBORIZED DEALER FOR: ~ Tel: 6820/6448