【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

May 4, 2007, Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture, Columbia University May 1, 2007, Smith College

Constructing and Asian Aesthetics Constructing and Asian Aesthetics Tenshin Okakura Kakuzo and Sister Nivedita Tenshin Okakura Kakuzo and Sister Nivedita on an Indian-Japanese Intellectual Exchange in Modernizing Asia on an Indian-Japanese Intellectual Exchange in Modernizing Asia

Shigemi INAGA Shigemi INAGA Rock Garden of Ryoan-ji Temple Kluge Scholar at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Kluge Scholar at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. International Research Center for Japanese Studies International Research Center for Japanese Studies Graduate School for Advanced Studies, , Japan Graduate School for Advanced Studies, Kyoto, Japan

京都ボストン交流の会 兵庫教育大学 2008年6月7日 同志社 新島会館 2009年9月24日 大阪サテライト 岡倉覚三・ クーマラスワーミ・柳宗悦 A.K. 天心・岡倉覚三のインド旅行と東洋美学の成立 ボストンにかかわった東洋美術の思索者たち

岡倉覚三 (1863-1913) 柳宗悦 (1889-1961) 岡倉覚三 (1863-1913) 柳宗悦 (1889-1961)

Anada K. Coomaraswamy Anada K. Coomaraswamy 国際日本文化研究センター 国際日本文化研究センター (1877-1947) (1877-1947) 総合研究大学院大学 総合研究大学院大学 アナンダ・クーマラスワーミー アナンダ・クーマラスワーミー 稲賀繁美 稲賀繁美

1904 aged 42 Stay in Boston, Publication of The Awakening of Japan (New York: Century) 岡倉覚三 文久2年-大正2年(1863-1913) Okakura Kakuzô, Tenshin 岡倉覚三、天心 (1863-1913) 1905 aged 43 Adviser at the Dep. of Chinese and Japanese Art, Museum of Fin Arts, Boston 明治23(1890)年 28歳 東京美術学校校長 1890 aged 28 Director of the Tokyo Fine Arts School 東京美術学校 明治31(1898)年 36歳 東京美術学校校長、 1906 aged 44 Publication of The Book of Tea (New York: Fox Duffield) 帝国博物館美術部長辞職 1898 aged 36 Resignation from the Tokyo Fine Art School First Trip to China 明治34(1901)年 39歳 第1回インド滞在 Resignation from the Head of the Department of Fine Arts At the Imperial Museum (Tokyo) 帝国博物館美術部長辞任 1910 aged 48 Appointed to Curator of the Ch. & Jap. Dep., 明治36(1903)年 41歳 大観、春草インド旅行『東洋の理想』出版 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1901-2 aged 39 First Visit to India 明治37(1904)年 42歳 ボストン滞在『日本の覚醒』出版 1911 aged 49 Second Trip to India. Encounter with the poetess, 1903 aged 41 Publication of The Ideals of the East (London: John Murray) Brianvada Devi Panersy. 明治38(1905)年 43歳 ボストン美術館中国・日本美術部顧問 Yokoyama Taikan (1868-1957), Hishida Shunsô (1874-1911) 1913 aged 50 Dedicates the Opera Script “The White Fox” to Ms. Gardner, Visit India 明治39(1906)年 44歳 『茶の本』出版 Death on Sep. 02.

1 【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

Okakura on the horseback in the costume of the Director 明治30年代の東京美術学校全景 横山大観(1868-1958) Yokoyama Taikan of the Tokyo School of Fine Arts Kutsugen 《屈原》 (Quyan, ca.343-273 B.C.) (1898) Nov. 31, 1892 Tokyo School of Fine Arts (Meiji Period)

Amida Paradise Scene Fresco , Hôryû-ji Temple, Ikaruga, Nara. End 7th Century Commission impériale du Japon From Histoire de l’art du Japon (1900), “Indian-Greek style” Pour l’Exposition internationale à Paris en 1900 法隆寺 金堂 Horyuji Temple Golden Pavilion 『稿本 日本帝国美術史略記』 パリ万国博覧会 Histoire de l’art du Japon (1900) 法隆寺金堂壁画阿弥陀浄土図(6号壁) 飛鳥時代 「インド・ギリシア様式」

Kômokuten 広目天 (Virupakas) Buddhisatva Geakkô Bosatsu 月光菩薩 (Gandraprabha)

Sakurai Kaun, 桜井香雲 Copy of the Amida Paradise of the Hôryû-ji Temple Tôda-ji Temple 東大寺 (Tempyô Period, 天平時代: 729-748) (1890s) “Preponderant Influence from the Tang Dynasty” Copy by Takeuchi Kyûichi 竹内久一(1891-2) 法隆寺壁画阿弥陀浄土図模写 東大寺 Todaiji Temple

2 【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

Josephine MacLeod ジョセフィン・マクラウド (1858-1949) ジョセフィン・マクラウド、織田得能とその妻子 (東京・浅草にて) 1901年1月来日 Staying in Japan from Jan. 1901 Josephine MacLeod with Oda Tokunô, his wife and son at Asakusa, Tokyo

「師は気魄学識超然抜群一代の名士と合見 へ五天到処師を敬慕せざるはなし」 Okakura on Vivekananda (Jan. 06, 1902, in Belur 「師は大乗を以て小乗に先んじたるものと論 A letter to Oda Tokunô 織田徳能): じ(中略)東西を湊合して不二法門を説破す 論談風発古大論師の面目あり実に得がたき “The master, with his extraordinarily surpassing spirit and wisdom, 人物と存候」 is undoubtedly the most remarkable person of his generation, whom everybody venerates without exception all around the world.” 織田得能宛書簡 一月六日 “The Master argues that the Mahayana Grand Vehicle Buddhism Precedes the Hinayana Small Vehicle Buddhism (…) and preaches the Advaita non-duality principle, unifying the East and the West. Our discussion were animated as if I were in front of the Great Master Of the Ancient period, and I was convinced that here is the irreplaceable person I was searching for.”

Swami Vivekananda (Jan.2,1863-July. 4, 1902) (photo taken in 1897) ベルルモート ヴィヴェカーナンダの僧院(1899建立) スワミ・ヴィヴェカーナンダ Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) Participation in the World Parliament of Religion at the Chicago World Fair in 1893 Monastery of Suwami Vivekananda in Belur, near Calcutta, 1897年撮影 シカゴ・コロンブス万国博覧会(1893) 世界宗教会議 advaitism founded in 1899

岡倉氏のように、アジアを、我わが想像してきたよ うな地理的断片の寄せ集めとしてではなく、おの おのの部分が他のすべての部分に依存し、全体 が単一の複合的な生命を息づいているひとつの 統一された生ける有機体として示すことは、このう えなく価値のあることなのです。 岡倉『東洋の理想』(1903)序文より

Sister Nivedita’s preface to Okakura’s The Ideals of the East (1903)

“Therefore it is of supreme value to show Asia, as Mr. Okakura does, not as the congeries of geographical fragments as we imagined, but as a unified living organism, each dependent on all the others, the whole breathing a single complex life .” Hori Shitoku 堀至徳 (1876-1903) Japanese Buddhist monk Who left a day by day accounts Sister Nivedita シスター・ニヴェディタ (1867-1911) Margaret Elisabeth Noble of Okakura’s stay in India 左からマクラウド、オリ・ブル夫人、ヴィヴェカーナンダ、ニヴェディタ Kali the Mother (1901) Webs of Indian Life (1904) from left to right: Josephine McLeod, Ms. Oli-Bull, Vivekananda, Sister Nivedita

3 【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

大元明王像 京都 醍醐寺14世紀 鎌倉時代 模写 横山大観 明治28(1895)年

Yokoyama Taikan Popular Imagery of the Kali Goddess Copy of the Daigen Myô-ô (1895) Calcutta, ca. end of 19th Century. Yokoyama Taikan 横山大観 (1868-1957) Original at Daigo-ji Temple Kyoto, Indian Protective Divinity (1903) 《インド守護神》 Private Collection Kamakura Period (14th Century)

Yokoyama Taikan Dai-Itoku Myô-ô, Heian Perid, Lantern Offering on the Water (1909) 11th Century Reminiscence of Benares Piece cherished by Okakura. Yokoyama Taikan Exhibited at the 3rd Ministerial Salon Bequeathed to the Boston Museum 横山大観 横山大観 《流燈》 明治42(1909)年 大威徳明王 平安時代 11世紀 岡倉愛蔵、 釈迦十六羅漢 1911年 第3回文部省美術展覧会出品 バナーラス ビゲローがボストン美術館に寄贈

Hishida Shunshô (1874-1911) Sarasvati, (1903) Vina/Veena- “Biwa” instrument ラビンドラナート・タゴール 菱田春草 (1874-1911) ラヴィ・ヴァルマ 《サラスヴァティー》 Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) 《弁才天》(サラスヴァティー) 明治36(1903)年 Ravi Varna (1848-1906) Sarasvati

4 【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

Ernest Binfield Havell (1861-1934) エルネスト・ビンフィールド・ハヴェル (1883-1966) Studio in Jorasanko Indian Sculpture and Painting (1908). Indian Architecture (1911). Anada K. Coomaraswamy (1877-1947) アナンダ・クーマラスワーミー Top left: Sn. Tagor; right: An. Tagor, The Ideals of Indian Art (1911) “Aims of Indian Art” (1908) . Mediaeval Sinhalese Art (1909) ジョラシャンコのアトリエMiddle left: A.K. Coomaraswamy, ナンダラル・ボース right: Gn. Tagor; Bottom right: Nl. Bose cf. Okakura Kakusu (sic.), The Ideals of the East (1904)

Standing Buddha, 2-3 Century A.D. Pakistan, Sitting Buddha, 2-3 Century A.D., Peshawar Museum Buddha, from Anurädhapura, Ceylon. Pakistan, Peshawar Museum. 4th Century A.D., Dolomite. 仏立像 タフティー・バーイ出土、2-3世紀 仏坐像 サーリ・バロール パキスタン、ペシャワール美術館 仏坐像 アヌラダーブラ セイロン 2-3世紀、パキスタン ペシャワール美術館

Sitting Buddha Nothan Wei Period, Second half of the 5th Century (1871-1951) Purchased by the China Japan Bharat Mata (Mother India) 1905-6, Special Fond in 1907. Water Color on paper, 26.5x15cm. Hishida Shunshô (1874-1911) Rabindra Bharati Society, Kolkata The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Sarasvati, (1903) Vina/Veena- “Biwa” instrument 仏坐像 中国 北魏 5世紀後半 Abanindranath Tagore アバニンドラナート・タゴール (1871-1951) 菱田春草 (1874-1911) 1907年 中国日本特別基金に購入 《バーラト・マータ》 (1905-6) 《弁才天》(サラスヴァティー) 明治36(1903)年 ボストン美術館

5 【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

Nandalal Bose (1883-1966) Sati, ca. 1907

Abanindranath Tagore (1871-1951) Popular Imagery of the Kali Goddess Bharat Mata (Mother India) 1905-6(detail) Calcutta, ca. end of 19th Century. ナンダラル・ボース《サティー[殉死]》

Subhas Chandra Bose, सुभाष चद्र बोस, 1897年1月23日-1945年8月18日 チャンドラ・ボース Suren Ganguly (?-1909?) The Flight of Lakshman Sen In 1207 (ca.1907) Nandalal Bose (1883-1966), スレン・ガングリー Burning Pine Tree, 1944 Yokoyama Taikan Tow Dragons, Isabella S.Gardner Museum 《ラクシマン・センの逃亡 1207年》 ナンダラル・ボース《燃える松》1944年 横山大観 《双龍の図》1904年 イザベラ・ガードナー美術館 1907年頃

The upsetting of truth in the relationship of the ruler and the ruled can never be compensated by the power that lies in the grip of the mailed fist. And this was the reason which made us deeply grateful to Sister Nivedita, that great-hearted Western woman, when she gave utterance to her criticism of Indian Life. She had won her access to this innermost heart of our society by her supreme gift of sympathy. She did not come to us with the impertinent curiosity of a visitor, nor did she elevated herself on a special high perch with the idea that a bird’s eye view is truer than the human view because of its superior aloofness. She lives our life and came to know us by becoming one of ourselves. She became so intimately familiar with our people that she had the rare opportunity of observing us unaware. As a race we have our special limitations and imperfection.(…) we know for certain that these Rash Behari Bose defects did not escape Nivedita’s observation, but she did not stop there to (1886-1945年1月21日) generalize, as most other foreigners do. And because she had a comprehensive mind, and extraordinary insight of love she could. See the creative ideals at work ラッシュ・ベハリ・ボース behind our social forms and discover our soul that has living connexion with its past and its marching toward its fulfilllement. (Rabindranath Tagore, le 21 Oct. 1917, preface to the new edition of The Web of Indian Life; C.W.S.N. Vo.2: 245-6) Exhibition Catalog, Rabindranath Tagore Anne Nishimura-Morse (ed.) (1861-1941) Okakura Tenshin and The Museum of Fine Art, Boston, ラビンドラナート・タゴール 1999.

6 【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

ボストン美術館旧館 ボストン市内コプリー広場 1900年頃 ボストン美術館新館 ハンティントン街 Kuan-Yin (The Compassionate Buddhisatva Avalokitesvara), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, at Copley Place, ca.1900 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Huntington Ave. China, Sung Period, ca. 12th Century. Polychromed wood. H.141cm.

Altarpiece with Amitabha and Attendants, China, Sui Period, 593 A.D. Bronze, h.76.5cm. Gift of Mrs. W. Scott Fitz.

《阿弥陀三尊像祭壇》 隋代 593年 W.スコット夫人寄贈 ボストン美術館 Early Japanese Sculpture in the Temple Room, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Sitting Buddha Nothan Wei Period, Second half of the 5th Century Purchased by the China Japan Special Fond in 1907. Attributed to Emperor Hui Zong 徽宗(1082-1135), Pieces collected by Okakura The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk (detail), 《搗練図巻》 For the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 仏坐像 中国 北魏 5世紀後半 From: Okakura Tenshin and The Museum early 12th Century. Handscroll, ink and colors in silk. 37 x 145.5cm. 1907年 中国日本特別基金に購入 of Fine Art, Boston, 1999. Purchased in China by Okakura in 1912, Chinese and Japanese Special Fond. ボストン美術館 北宋時代 12世紀初期 1912年 中国日本特別基金 ボストン美術館

7 【講演】“Constructing an Asian Aesthetics: Tenshin Okakura Kakuzô and Sister Nivedita or an Intellectual Indian-Japanese Exchange in Modernizing Asia,” Okakura Tenshin 2007.05 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, USA, May 4, 2007.

日本美術の歴史は、かくしてアジアの幾多の理想の歴史となる―― それは、東洋の思想の途切れない浪のひとつひとつが、日本の国民意識に ひたひたと打つたびに波紋を残した砂浜である。

The history of Japanese art becomes thus the history of Asiatic ideals ――the beach where each successive wave of Eastern thought has left its sand-ripple as it beat against the national consciousness. From Okakura, Ideals of The East (1904) The beach of Izura, Ibaragi Prefecture. 運慶 Unkei (1148/51-1224) facing the Pacific Ocean. 《世親立像》鎌倉時代建暦2年 Sesin, Vasubandha (ca.300-400: left): original, 1212. Seascape from near the 山田鬼斎模造 明治26年 Copy by Yamada Kisai, 1893 Rokkaku-dô Hexagon Pavillon. 五浦海岸。六角堂近くより臨む。 《無着立像》鎌倉時代建暦2年 Mujaku, Asanga (ca.310-390: right): original, 1212. 竹内久一模造 明治24年 Copy by Takeuchi Kûichi, 1891

ボストン美術館天心園 Garden at the Heart of Heaven