The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Another Chapter ANOTHER issue of the Notre Dame everyone from the president of the V«L47 ALUMNUS brings still another University to his roommate to do chapter in the life of a growing uni something for or about Notre Dame. James D. Cooney versity. This time the news con And not once did he fail in his EXECUTIVE SECKETAKV cerns the move towards full co assignments. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION education between Notre Dame and A government major, the ol' John P. Thurin '59 ENTOK St. Mary's . the graduation of redhead was a member of the Univer Tom Sullivan '66 another Notre Dame class, the '69ers, sity's Student Life Council and MANACINC EDITOR itself a commentary on the tenor president of Farley Hall. Next for Meg Zweis of this institution ... the University's Mike is a two-year tour in Ceylon ASSISTANT EDITOR Bai Mitchell "71 view of ROTC on the Notre Dame with the Peace Corps. He then Mike McCa-jIcy '69 campus ... the $1 million gift by plans to earn a degree in public ad John MeDermott '70 Gulf and Western, a demonstration Jeanninc Doty ministration or law. Whatever his EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS of that corporation's "commitment course, Mike will do well. In our M. Bruce Harlan '49 to higher education" ... the estab book—and, admittedly we are CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER lishment of "The Robert F. Ken ALUMNI ASSOaATION OFFICERS biased—he's number one.