Rep. Mollie S. Burke, Chair Sen. , Chair Rep. Martha Feltus Sen. , Vice Chair Rep. Matthew Hill Sen. Alison Clarkson Rep. Patricia McCoy Sen. Rep. Michael Mrowicki Sen. Sen.



To: General Assembly From: House and Senate Sexual Harassment Prevention Panels Date: January 10, 2020 Subject: 2019 Sexual Harassment Prevention Report ______

This is the 2019 report to the General Assembly from the House and Senate Sexual Harassment Prevention Panels pursuant to the Vermont General Assembly Policy for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Policy). The Policy requires the Panels to submit a joint report annually with information concerning the number of informal resolutions attempted by the Panels pursuant to Sec. II.A.2 of the Policy, the number of formal complaints filed with the Panels pursuant to Sec. III of the Policy, and the disposition of the formal complaints. In addition, House Rule 90(c)(9) requires reporting on the number of member requests for advice on sexual harassment inquires.

Informal Resolutions The House and Senate Sexual Harassment Prevention Panels report that there were no requests for informal resolutions under Sec. II.A.2 of the Policy in 2019.

Formal Complaints The Panels report that there were no formal complaints filed under Sec. III of the Policy in 2019.

Member requests for Advice Neither Panel received any member requests for advice on sexual harassment inquiries in 2019.

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