Lynnfield Icon Now a Ship-Wreck a Question of Credentials in Lynn
TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2017 A question of credentials in Lynn By Gayla Cawley may perform as an employee of is discussing building code and ITEM STAFF the city of Lynn.” making recommendations on But city of cials, in response, building code, then he needs to LYNN — Clint Muche, the say Muche’s role within the be a certi ed building inspec- city’s deputy building commis- Inspectional Services Depart- tor. Without knowing the facts sioner, is under state scrutiny. ment is administrative, and and circumstances, he said he “Clint Muche is not certi ed doesn’t require the certi cation. couldn’t comment further. as a local building inspector,” The city says at no point does When reached by phone, said Chris Goetcheus, spokes- Muche function as, or perform Muche said he had no comment. man for the state’s Of ce of the duties of a local inspector. But Muche’s boss, Michael Consumer Affairs and Business Goetcheus said whether Donovan, the city’s Inspection- Regulation. “We’re aware of the Muche requires certi cation al Services Department (ISD) matter and we’re looking into depends on what his job de- what duties and functions he scription is for the city — if he MUCHE, A7 Marblehead extends a helping hand to Lynn By Bridget Turcotte Fiorella and ITEM STAFF Araceli Giraldo receive new LYNN — Nearly three dozen girls at Girls backpacks from Inc. of Lynn took home backpacks, pens, and pencils to get them ready for a new school state Rep. Lori year. Ehrlich. State Rep. Lori Ehrlich (D-Marblehead) handed out the bags and school supplies to ITEM PHOTO | the girls who needed them most Monday af- OWEN O’ROURKE ternoon.
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