September/October 2017

To book the Village Hall contact Wendy Nash on 01531 670508 or 07985353025 Reg Charity No: 507436

Village Hall News

The Village Hall AGM will be held in the Hall on Wednesday 27th September at 7.30pm followed by a Committee meeting at 8pm. A lot of changes are taking place at the hall at the moment and it would be great to have some new Committee members to help us with ideas regarding the renovation of the Hall and also the planning of future events. If you are at all interested please come along on the 27th and find out what has been happening at the Hall over the last year and see if you would be interested in joining the Committee.

It was lovely to see so many at the Produce Show BBQ and to be able to hold the BBQ on our new outdoor terrace. Thank you to those that entered the Show and Congratulations to the cup winners.

WeNot are something now installing we likenew heatingto see in and lighting throughout the Hall and then the job of painting begins! Hopefully all willour be Parish!! completed If foryou our see Christmas anyone Celebrations. Coffeefly-tipping Mornings please are stillget beingas much held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10am… please come and join us. If you would likeinformation to come but as need you transport can please contact Wendy Nash 01531670508. (registration number etc) and report it to the YARKHILLParish Clerk asPARISH COUNCIL—VACANCY FOR COUNCILLOR soon as possible. The Council, with the support of the Parish Clerk , is responsible for administering the money raised through the Precept, responding to planning applications submitted to Herefordshire County Council for Yarkhill, maintaining footpaths, ponds and trees and addressing issues with roads and all other local issues affecting Yarkhill such as flooding, litter and the environment. Currently the Parish Council is working with the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to produce the Neighbourhood Plan. Councillors attend a Parish Council meeting once every two months and occasionally meet to respond to planning applications briefings or consultations from Herefordshire Council.

If you have an interest in the future of our village by becoming a Parish Councillor please contact Sallyanne Batchelor Yarkhill Parish Clerk by emailing [email protected] or telephone her on 07801 108789 PRODUCE MARKET YARKHILL VILLAGE HALL St. John the Baptist


SATURDAY 21 OCTOBER HARVEST FESTIVAL 10 AM—12 Noon AT  Eggs  Jams YARKHILL  Cut Flowers  Pickles SUNDAY 15th OCTOBER  Vegetables  Preserves SERVICE at 11.00 a.m.  Meat  Fruit REFRESHMENTS TO FOLLOW  Plants Local, Fresh, Seasonal JOIN TOGETHER TO CELBRATE THE HARVEST Come & look, stay and natter with a cuppa and cake. If you have produce do let us sell it for Food donations will be taken to Ledbury Food Bank you. Any queries contact Hazel Walter: 01432 890320 or 07710459440 or [email protected] CONTACTS PARISH COUNCIL CLERK: Sallyanne Batchelor 07801 108789 email: [email protected]

EMERGENCY CO-ORDINATOR: Tom Misselbrook 07973 705550. (Sandbags available if required). VILLAGE HALL: Wendy Nash 01531 670508 CHURCH WARDEN: Ashley Fortey ([email protected]) NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH CO-ORDINATOR: David Thomas 01531 670437

MINUTES OF YARKHILL PARISH MEETING Held 19th September 2017 at Yarkhill Village Hall

Present: Councillor Tom Misselbrook, Councillor Chrissie Dobson, Councillor Sarah Daw, Councillor Jeff Hughes, Councillor Ian Carr, Ward Councillor Jonathan Lester and clerk Sallyanne Batchelor. 9 members of the public were present. 1. All Councillors present. 2. There were no Declarations of Interest or requests for Dispensation. 3. The Minutes of the Parish Meeting on 11th July 2017, Extraordinary Meeting on 27th July 2017 and Extraordinary Meeting on 10th August 2017 were approved and signed 4. Open Session 4.1 Ward Councillor Jonathan Lester made his report as follows: Herefordshire Council has been working in partnership with the Wye Valley Trust and the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). We can tap into a fund called the Better Care Fund which is given by the NHS to make sure that HCC pay for services related to health and also services related to social care, for example home from hospital care. In return HCC have to reduce bed-blocking figures. The NHS has given targets to all County Councils which they must achieve in order to obtain the Better Health Fund. These targets are deemed to be excessive and impossible to meet. HCC along with other County Councils are asking for negotiations to reduce targets to a realistic level. HCC has submitted its plan for the funding and is confident it can achieve the target. Ward Councillor Jonathan Lester has been asked to chair the Health and Wellbeing Board and will be endeavouring to bring the various organisations together to achieve a more efficient service. HCC has been consulted on a merger between the Council, the Police and the Fire Service. Discussions are taking place on this matter to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. At the recent HCC cabinet meeting there was only one item for discussion, namely the proposal to change the administration and organisation of children’s’ centres of which there are 10 in Herefordshire, 8 run by HCC, 1 by the Church and 1 by a private organisa- tion. The proposal is that 3 of the centres should be run by the neighbouring schools. None of the centres are to be closed but the administration and organisation is under review to make best use of the assets. Ward Councillor Jonathan Lester recently had the privilege of welcoming the Duchess of Gloucester to Hereford Town Hall as she had expressed an interest in visiting HCC foster care service. The Duchess was introduced to the foster caring team, foster carers and several children in foster care – two of which were 9 month old twins. £5m of Government funding has been made available for road improvements in Herefordshire and although there will inevitably be some disruption, the improvements will benefit the county. 4.2 Councillor Ian Carr informed the meeting that he and the Clerk had inspected the footpaths within the Parish and notified the Locality Steward of areas requiring attention, such as missing or broken signs. 4.3 The Tree Warden had no problems to report other than there are still branches overhanging the main road in places and the Clerk agreed to contact the Highways Agency again. Councillor Tom Misselbrook expressed his concern about the proximity of trees to power cables; the relevant companies had been contacted but no response as yet. It was noted that the travellers have returned to their usual spot and there is likely to be some tree damage which may require attention. At this juncture Ward Councillor Jonathan Lester advised that a proposal had been made to enlarge existing traveller sites instead of creating new ones. 4.4 The Lengthsman was unable to attend the meeting. The Clerk was asked to contact him with regard to ensuring gulleys and drains are cleared in readiness for the possibility of heavy rain over the autumn and winter months. 4.5 Councillor Tom Misselbrook informed the meeting that the points in his report would all be covered in the agenda. Money has been saved due to a change in the planned notice boards and this will hopefully free some funds from the Field to Fork Festival to purchase some signs to be used during the litter picks, thus improving the safety of volunteers.

4.6 Councillor Tom Misselbrook updated the meeting on the Neighbourhood Plan. The NDP is now in the formal consultation period. The Plan can be viewed on the NDP website. An email from HCC was received just before the meeting with comments on the NDP. There seemed to be minimal comments which is encouraging. The next stage is for the Steering Group to meet – the meeting will be advertised on the notice boards and will be held on 12th October at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. At this time the Steering Group will consider all the responses from the Parish and HCC. The Steering Group will then have to decide whether they wish to amend the report. 5. Bob Aspey apologised for the lack of heating in the hall during improvements and Councillor Tom Misselbrook congratulated the Village Hall committee on the work so far. The Village Hall AGM will take place on Thursday 27th September at 7.30pm. 6. Helen Parker updated the meeting regarding the Yarkhill Charity. This is a parish charity with funds available to Parish members for a variety of different needs. The accounts were distributed to the Councillors and if any person wishes to view the accounts they should contact the Clerk in the first instance. It was agreed that the Trustees would provide examples of what the funds could be used for, for insertion in the Newsletter. 7. Ward Councillor Jonathan Lester apologised to the meeting because his colleague had failed to arrive in order to clarify the situation regarding Tenant Farms. The matter will be postponed to the next meeting 8. The Clerk updated the meeting on the new Code of Conduct. Basically the new code is simpler and easier to understand. It defines Declaration of Interest more clearly and incorporates and new section for declaration of interest where no financial gain is part of the equation. The Clerk will provide new Declaration of Interest forms to the Councillors. It was agreed to accept the new Code of Conduct. 9. The Clerk confirmed that an advertisement for the vacancy of Parish Councillor was now displayed on the Notice boards and would appear in the Newsletter. 10. With regard to the Newtown Inn, which is now being marketed by Sidney Phillips, a company specialising in the sale of public houses, the Clerk confirmed that the Parish Councillors were awaiting a meeting with a potential buyer who successfully runs several licenced premises in the area. It was agreed that the Parish would not be expressing an interest in purchasing the public house; although borrowing money for Councils was very cheap at the current time it was considered to be too risky for a small Parish Council; however it was pointed out that if the Newtown Inn was to re-open it would be important to support the venture. 11. With regard to the retrospective planning application at Chelwood the Clerk confirmed that despite being unable to contact the applicant, the Parish Councillors had visited the site via the footpath which runs along the boundary of the property. There were no objections to the barn and the Clerk conveyed this to the planning department on the understanding that the building would only be used for the purpose stated in the application. It was also noted that the footpath (WB8) was very overgrown and almost inaccessible. 12. On the subject of the mobile home situated at Pound Cottage the owners have decided to make a planning application for the mobile home with a three year limit. There have been no developments with regard to any of the recent planning applications. 12.1 With regard to the piece of land known locally as Monkhide Green, the Chairman and the Clerk met with a representative from the Highways Department. He suggested that the Parish Council could be given a licence to look after and maintain the green for the benefit of the parish. However, as there are ongoing legal proceedings which involve this piece of land it was decided to decline the licence at this stage. 13, Notice Boards. Councillor Tom Misselbrook confirmed that Nick Nenadich and Peter Crawford had met with the company who were to build and supply the notice boards and the boards, although not yet finished, have been collected and will be finished by a local craftsman for a lesser sum of circa £420. The original outlay was expected to be £2,500 and so taking into account the £1,000 already paid to Designer Creations and the £420 to finish the boards there is a significant saving. We might have our notice boards installed by the end of the year. The Clerk confirmed that Designer Creations had forwarded the guarantee for the wood used for the boards. 14. With regard to the Rights of Way Improvement Plan Consultation Councillor Tom Misselbrook suggested that as this is a 77 page document the Parish Councillors should read through it and send their comments to the Parish Clerk.

15. Councillor Jeff Hughes updated the meeting with regard to Fibre Broadband. He thanked those who completed the Fastershire survey. There are 22 areas of Herefordshire bidding for a chunk of funding to provide fibre broadband to those areas of Herefordshire that were not included in the recent installations and we should know shortly if Yarkhill has been successful in obtaining some of that funding. If not we will have to look at alternatives such as getting BT to fill in areas of Yarkhill that currently don’t have fibre broadband. Several parts of the Parish have fibre broadband but other areas do not. There was some concern expressed about the questionnaires from Fastershire not reaching all households – several people at the meeting had not received a questionnaire. 16. The precept for 2018 was discussed and Parish Councillors were asked to consider the options and bring their views to the next meeting to enable the Clerk to apply for the precept before the deadline date. The increase last year was 1.9%. 17. Cheryl Evans of Upper Cottage explained her desire to purchase a small pocket of land, adjacent to her home and currently owned by Highways. After a brief discussion there were no objections from the Parish Councillors. 18. A brief discussion took place about the positioning of the Milestones and it was agreed to leave them as they are. 19. The damaged road sign on the Leominster Road towards Newtown Cross has not been rectified and the Clerk will again approach Highways. 20. Litter Picking. It was agreed to arrange Litter Picking for the 2nd December and the notification of this to be on the front page of the Newsletter to be published is mid November. 21. The Clerk was asked to leave the meeting whilst the Clerk’s remuneration was discussed. It was agreed that the Chairman would investigate the current rate of pay and advise accordingly. 22. Questions from the floor. The old map was discussed and Councillor Sarah Daw confirmed that her father had offered to take the map to the archivist storage facility for safekeeping. The Chairman asked her to thank her father on behalf of the Parish Council. Councillor Sarah Daw and Hazel Walter to liaise. 23. Payments were made as follows: 23.1 PAYE Income Tax £107.00 23.2 Parish Clerk salary £439.00 23.3 Autela Payroll Services £ 33.60 24. Items for the next agenda to include Precept, Planning matters, Notice Boards, Litter Picking, Clerk’s remuneration, Village Hall update, Tenant Farms, 25. Date of the next meeting 14th November 2017. Any other items for the agenda to be sent to the Clerk with details of why it should be included, by 1st November.


Activity has been fairly quiet recently for the Yarkhill Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group as the Plan has been out to formal consultation over the last few weeks. This ended on 22 September 2017. A number of representations were received from members of the public and businesses and from a variety of organisations who have an interest in Yarkhill such as Welsh Water and Network Rail. Herefordshire Council has also let us have its comments on the NDP.

All the representations received will be discussed by the Steering Group and decisions taken on whether the Plan should be amended in a public meeting to be held at Yarkhill village hall on 12 October 2017 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are invited to attend and will have an opportunity to express their views. The meeting will be advertised on village noticeboards and on the Yarkhill NDP website:-

When the NDP has been amended it will be returned to Herefordshire Council who will carry out its own public consultation. Following this, it will be considered by an external examiner appointed by the Council who may recommend further amendments. Once the amendments are finalised a Parish referendum to approve the NDP will be arranged and funded by Herefordshire Council. If the majority of voters are in favour, the NDP will become adopted

There are a number of planning applications in Yarkhill under consideration by Herefordshire Council and these can be viewed on the Herefordshire Council website.

The Steering Group very much appreciates the contributions made to the NDP by people from the village and other in- terested parties and we hope that it won’t be too long before we can bring all the deliberations to a conclusion in an adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan which will have statutory authority providing a clear and agreed footprint for Yarkhill.

Tom Misselbrook—Chair Yarkhill Parish Council

Fast Fibre Broadband In Yarkhill

Yarkhill is unfortunately both blessed and cursed when it comes to fast broadband. Some areas of our community are fortunate enough to enjoy this service having already been delivered by BT outside the County’s Fastershire initiative. Others continue to suffer from woefully slow line speeds of less than 2Mbps or have been forced to seek alternatives such as Airband. Our problem as a result is that we are an area of coverage gaps lacking the critical mass necessary to make us as economically attractive to an installation contractor as an entire community that has no fast broadband at all. Yarkhill’s Parish Council has been actively engaged in pursuing a solution and the Neighbourhood Development Plan identifies fast broadband for everyone as a key objective. I am currently leading our efforts to achieve this with Parish Council support.

Fastershire is a partnership between Hereford and Gloucester District Councils with a remit to provide every residence, farm and business in both counties with fast broadband (stated as a minimum speed of 10Mbps) by the end of 2018. Wherever possible however, the aim is to deliver a higher speed of 30Mbps which is above the UK national target of 24Mbps.

Across Herefordshire, the fibre Broadband roll out is taking place in stages with Fastershire appointing bidding contractors, typically BT or Gigaclear, to deliver the service within a defined budget and timeline. The most recently awarded contract, to be completed by the end of 2018, did not include Yarkhill as had been expected principally because the economics for the winning contractor were less compelling than for other locations. However, we are now being considered for the next stage that would result in universal coverage across every part of Yarkhill with delivery beginning in March 2018.

Fastershire has obtained EU funding for this stage with the intention of using it to provide fast broadband to a target of 4,015 properties across Herefordshire. Unfortunately however, the amount is not expected to be sufficient to accommodate this total number and a decision was taken by Fastershire to prioritise delivery based on demand by geographical area. To gauge the potential take up, an online survey was drawn up for homes, farms and businesses and a letter was sent out requesting it be completed by 7th September. You should have received this towards the end of August. You may also have seen the posters up on local noticeboards or in the Spa shop window. Alternatively, you might well have had a personal visit or an email from me.

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. The initial results of this are promising with Yarkhill showing a high residential response rate placing us into the top quarter of those areas surveyed. However, this is only one of the decision criteria being used and the overall ranking exercise is not likely to be completed before the end of October at which point we should have a good idea of our status

Should we fail to be included, our likely fallback would be to explore through Fastershire and Herefordshire District Council how BT can be encouraged to fill in the gaps in coverage across Yarkhill within a reasonable time period. This notwithstanding, BT has recently committed to delivering speeds of up to 10Mbps to 99% of the rural UK by the end of 2020 which means that currently poorly serviced premises in Yarkhill would eventually see a healthy improvement albeit much later and at a lower line speed than under the current Fastershire initiative.

Updates will be given in upcoming Parish Council meetings and in the local Newsletter. Please don’t give up hope if your line speed is as bad as mine!

Jeff Hughes—Vice Chair Yarkhill Parish Council

Scaffold tower for hire

The organisers of the Field to Fork Festival have purchased a scaffold tower from part of the income raised at last year’s event which can be hired by anyone living in the village for £15 a week. Terms & Conditions apply. The details of the tower are as follows: Platform size: 1.45Mx 0.5M, Max platform height: 2.73M, Max working height: 5M (approx.) Max. load: 150kgMaterial: Aluminium. It weights approximately 37kg and is fitted with a pair of wheels to allow the tower to be moved around.

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Friday 10th through Sunday 12th November, The Great Hall, The ’s Palace, Hereford HR4 9BL

This November, hundreds of postcards created by artists across Herefordshire and beyond will go up for auction. All of these works of art have been devised for free by a talented range of exhibitors as part of St ’s Hos- pice’s Postcards from Life event. The artwork will also be available to view online ahead of a three-day exhibition of the work at the Bishop’s Palace in Hereford from November 10 – 12. Entries depict country houses, animals and idyllic rural sketches, among other subjects. ‘I’m delighted that such a wonderful array of artwork will again be showcased at the Bishop’s Palace,’ said the , the Right Reverend Richard Frith. ‘It is a wonderful sight to see the exhibition in such a historic setting. ‘It is also pleasing that money raised from Post- cards from Life will go to St Michael’s Hospice.

One of the artists taking part is Kerry Berkeley. ‘Postcards from Life is such a clever way to raise money for the Hospice, and is something I wanted to do as a way of giving something back for the care the nursing staff there have given to my friends and family,’ she said. ‘It’s also a privilege to be exhibiting with so many of Hereford- shire’s most talented artists, and I am excited about seeing all the miniature masterpieces on display.’

Newtown Cross Garage

SUPPORTING LOCAL PRODUCERS We not only supply fuel and gas! We have an extensive grocery shop offering LOCAL PRODUCE


Please note—copy dates for inclusion in the final Yarkhill Newsletter for 2017 is November 15th. All copy to be sent to the Parish Clerk in writing or by email.

Flicks in the Sticks

Films at Lady Emily Hall, Tarrington Tickets will be £5.00 (£3.00 U-16) at the door. Film Club members £2.50.

Enquiries 01432 890720 or [email protected]

Refreshments and wine will be available as usual. Ample Parking. st Saturday 21 October 7:30pm The Olive Tree (15)

Alma is a young girl with a special relationship with her grandfather Ramón, who stopped talking about 12 years ago after his son sold a 2000-years-old olive tree in order to open a restaurant. Dominated by melancholia from the loss of his beloved tree, Ramon spends his days visiting where the olive tree grew, hoping for its return. Unable to bear the situation any longer, Alma and discovers that the tree was acquired by a German energy company. Without money or resources, Alma con- vinces her uncle Alcachofa and her friend Rafa to go in a truck to Germany to recover the tree, starting a journey with unexpected consequences for everyone... (in Spanish, with sub-titles) Director: Iciar Bollain Writer: Paul Laverty Stars: Anna Castillo, Javier Gutierrez, Pep Ambros th Saturday 11 November 7:30pm Hidden Figures (PG)

“As the USA raced with Russia to put a man in space, NASA found untapped talent in a group of African-American female mathematicians. Based on the life stories of three of these women, known as "human computers", we fol- low them as they are specifically tasked with calculating the launch of astro- naut John Glenn into orbit, and guaranteeing his safe return. Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson crossed all gender, race, and professional lines while their brilliance and willingness to dream about achieving a goal never previously reached, firmly cemented them in U.S. history as true American heroes.” That was the film company’s description – some reviews have been less generous – come and see for yourself.

Director: Theodore Melfi Writer: Allison Schroeder Stars: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae

Yarkhill Charities. There are funds available to benefit the villagers of Yarkhill. This can be by way of aiding historical or architectural features, helping those who need financial assistance of any sort; or helping those at school, college or university with books, clothing, tools etc. There is no publicity and recipients can be assured of complete discretion in this matter. If you feel you can benefit or know of anyone who may please get in touch with Helen Parker, Garford Farm, Yarkhill HR13ST or telephone 01432 890226).

The Next Litter Picking Date is Saturday 2nd December ... Time and place to be confirmed.

News from Herefordshire Historic Churches Trust

Thank you to all those people who took part in our Ride and Stride. Your participation is very important to us. October is a busy month for us. We have:

5th October 10 am. Coffee Morning at the Town Hall, Hereford. All welcome. 14th October 7pm. Music in Quiet Places Concert at Eaton Bishop with the Athene Singers conducted by Jo Williamson (of the excellent HCS Cantabile choir) £10 ticket from our website. 28th October 7.30pm. Silent Film; The Hunchback of Notre Dame at Ledbury Church. Back after its very successful debut the evening has internationally renowned Anthony Hammond playing organ improvisation. £10 ticket from our website or from Ledbury Books and Maps

We look forward to seeing you at any or all of the events . Don’t forget all the funds raised go towards the host church and Herefordshire Historic Churches Trust. We are passionate about helping to maintain our church heritage.

100 Club Winners 100 CLUB

Prize No Winner July 2017 It was in 2003 that I started a 100 Club in order to raise funds for our parish church to help with the maintenance and ensure it £12 43 Diana Williams remained open. Over the years I have collected about £20,000 £ 7 112 Rachael and Andrew Magee and paid out prizes to happy winners. The new officers of the £ 6 69 Emma Whitworth Parochial Church Council are in full- time employment but are £ 5 53 Mark Ransford resolved to continue this means of fund raising and will be asking for your help in making your subscriptions. Prize No Winner August 2017 I am very grateful to everyone who supported me and hope you £12 36 Alex Payne will continue to support our parish church. £ 7 80 Hazel Ennis £ 6 16 Louise Driver David Thomas


Until 30 December—Life, Law and Landscape Magna Carta Exhibition

During this second part of the year we are displaying our 1217 copy of Magna Carta in the Mappa Mundi and Chained Library Exhibition chamber, to celebrate its 800th anniversary.

The exhibition is open Monday-Saturday – please check the cathedral website for hours. Normal exhibition admission charges apply.

Tuesday 3 October, 7 pm

Law, Life and Landscape Lecture. Shifting Liberties and other Consequences: 18th and 19th-century paintings and poetry made in Britain and Europe

Prof Allen Fisher, Emeritus Professor of Poetry and Art, Manchester Metropolitan University. College Hall Tickets £10 from the cathedral website or shop. Booking essential.

Thursday 5 October, 3.30 pm (tea in retrochoir) for 4 pm (Lady Chapel)

Cantilupe Lecture Canon John Simpson speaks on ‘The Hereford Scandal’, a study of the life of Bishop Herbert , controversialist Bishop of Hereford and Durham, and his individuality and theology.

Friday 6 October - BBC Songs of Praise recording

The recording session for BBC One’s Songs of Praise which was postponed from Easter Monday due to changes in the

programme’s production schedules have now been reinstated. A selection of congregational hymns will be recorded for broadcast in different editions of the programme throughout the year. Tickets available from the BBC Ticket Unit – look out for further details on posters around the cathedral or in our pew sheets, or contact the programme directly.

Saturday 7 October, 5.30 pm—Royal School of Church Music Festival

Join us for the RSCM’s annual gathering of church musicians from around the diocese, with a choir of around 300. All are welcome to attend the service.

Tuesday 10 – Friday 13 October—Life & Learning—Llangasty Film Retreat with Canon Chris Pullin

The underlying philosophy of these popular retreats is that faith, sin and grace are to be found in everything and often shine through more tellingly in films that do not set out to be ‘religious’. This year the films are being chosen by the participants. Llangasty Retreat House. £250. Numbers limited so booking essential.

Tuesday 10 October, 7 pm - The Traherne Lecture—Thomas Traherne and Herefordshire’s Religious and Literary Landscape

This year’s Traherne Lecture is given by Dr Johanna Harris of Exeter University College Hall. For tickets please ring Hilary Rosankiewicz (01432 761588).

Sunday 15 October, 3.30 pm Evensong with the Installation of the Order of St Ethelbert

Wednesday 18 October, 7.30 pm Show of Hands: The Cathedrals Tour with guest Kirsty Merryn

Singer-songwriter Steve Knightley and multi-instrumentalist Phil Beer are an acoustic roots duo who perform together as Show of Hands, selling out large-scale venues all over the world. They describe their music as a mix of rock, roots, blues, country and trad, often with international influences. For their Hereford concert they are supported by Kirsty Merryn, a London-based singer-songwriter whose music is heavily anchored in the folk tradition. Tickets from £21.50 from the Cathedral Shop 01432 374210

20-22 October and 20 October – 13 November—Ferrous: Festival of Artist Blacksmithing

Ferrous 2017, a new festival for Hereford run by Hereford College of Art, will take place over the weekend 20-22 Octo- ber. It will include a highly entertaining and visually interesting show in the city centre and Transition, a major interna- tional exhibition of contemporary forged ironwork exploring a range of themes connected with World War I, which will be on display in the cathedral and the Mappa Mundi and Chained Library exhibition until 13 November.

Saturday 28 October, 7.30 pm Hereford Police Choir 60th Anniversary Concert with Brecon (Aberhonddu) & District Male Choir, Shrewsbury Police Male Voice Choir and guest soloists Stephen John Davis and Emily Rooke Tickets £15 / £18 from Of the Wall, St Peter’s Street, Hereford; Jom Jenkins 07766 145460 and the Cathedral Shop 01432 374210

Saturday 11 November, start time tbc Life, Law and Landscape DAY CONFERENCE Hereford and the Magna Carta 1217-2017 Speakers to include Dr Sophie Ambler (Lancaster University); Prof Stephen Church (University of East Anglia), Dr Felicity Hill (Cambridge University), Prof Nicholas Vincent (University of East Anglia). College Hall Tickets £25 from the cathedral website or shop. Booking essential

Saturday 18 November, 7.30 pm Elgar: The Dream of Gerontius Hereford Choral Society with Hereford Sinfonia and soloists Catherine Wyn-Rogers, mezzo-soprano, Mark le Brocq, tenor and Božidar Smiljanić, bass, conducted by Geraint Bowen Tickets £10-25 from The Courtyard 01432 340555

Thursday 23 November, 7 pm Law, Life and Landscape Lecture The Slow Journey on Women’s Rights: from Magna Carta to President Trump Helena Kennedy, The Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws, QC Organised inconjunction with Amnesty International . College Hall Tickets £10 from the cathedral website or shop. Booking

Tuesday 12 December, 7 pm - Law, Life and Landscape Lecture - Conservation of the Great Charters: Magna Carta as Material Culture. Chris Woods, Director, National Conservation Service. College Hall Tickets £10 from the cathedral website or shop. Booking essential.

Tuesday, 12 December, 7.30 pm - Christmas Music by Candlelight

Ex Cathedra Consort, Jeffrey Skidmore, Conductor With a sequence of Christmas music old and new and readings to make you smile and reflect, Birmingham-based Ex Cathedra’s recent visits to Hereford for atmospheric candle-lit per- formances have proved very popular. Early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. The concert will end at approximately 10 pm. Tickets cost £30 / £22 / £13 (including per ticket commission).

Book online or call the TownHallSymphonyHall box office on 0121 780 3333