Weichai, Shengrui Blaze Trail for Industry

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Weichai, Shengrui Blaze Trail for Industry 12 Weifang Hi-Tech special Thursday, June 8, 2017 CHINA DAILY High-tech zone sees significant Biotech growth in first quarter of 2017 company’s Various economic indices in the zone report growth in the first quarter R&D vital to The GDP of the zone reached 8.64 billion yuan ($1.25 billion) by the end of March, expansion an increase of 11.8 percent year-on-year, topping all districts in Weifang. Primary industries, secondary industries and By TANG ZHIHAO tertiary industries contributed 0.02 percent, 59.40 percent and 40.58 percent Shandong Bestcare Biotech- to overall GDP, respectively, compared to nology, a company specializ- 0.06 percent, 56.77 percent and 43.17 ing in immune protein in the percent in the first quarter of last year. Weifang Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, meets new Growth in the industrial sector and the market trends head-on thanks to its research and innovation equipment manufacturing industry capabilities. The industrial output value of large-scale The company, established in industrial businesses reached 21.17 2010, focuses on developing billion yuan in Q1, an increase of 21.5 immune protein for animals percent year-on-year. High-tech industrial such as sea cucumbers, foxes output value was 15.21 billion yuan, up and fish. 33.2 percent year-on-year. The equipment Liu Jinlong, general manager manufacturing industry’s output value of Bestcare, said that research increased 48.3 percent year-on-year to and development costs will 11.51 billion yuan. equate to 10 percent of the company’s net profit annually Fast growth in the service industry and in the next few years. The ratio stood at 30 percent during the A technician assembles hydraulic equipment at Linde Hydraulics China’s factory in the Weifang Hi-Tech Industrial Development in market sales company’s initial stages. Zone. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Liu, born in 1962, entered Large-scale service businesses in the the biotechnology industry in zone reported 1 billion yuan in income in 2008 and launched Bestcare Q1, an increase of 18.6 percent from the in 2010. same period of 2016. The growth rate is The company has been 14.3 percentage points higher than it engaged in immune protein was in Q1 of 2016. Total retail sales of development since its estab- consumer goods in the region reached Weichai, Shengrui lishment. It was one of the few 9.67 billion yuan, a year-on-year companies engaged in immune increase of 9.4 percent. protein development in China at that time, according to Liu. Increase in fixed assets investment and He said it was very difficult blaze trail for industry sales of commercial buildings to promote this technology in 2010. However, the positive Fixed assets investment totaled 4.35 outcomes resulting from his The two leaders’ superior products are setting standards around the world and billion yuan in Q1, an increase of 11.5 innovative products supported percent year-on-year. Investment in the company’s growth. bringing the manufacturing process and profits home,Tang Zhihao reports. infrastructure reached 247 million “Many aquaculture business- yuan, a rise of 46.2 percent. Real estate es refused to use my products investment increased by 224.2 percent even though I agreed to supply Leading companies in trol systems, were controlled year-on-year to 912 million yuan. A total them immune protein for free,” the Weifang Hi-Tech Indus- by foreign developers. of 109,200 square meters of commer- Liu said. trial Development Zone are Shengrui introduced the cial property was sold in Q1, up 81.9 He planned to partner with a pushing up technology and first 8AT prototype in 2010. It percent. listed company to test his prod- product renewal in support Manufacturing enterprises can have a has been able to produce the ucts in the initial stages. How- of the local manufacturing prototype locally since 2012. Steady growth in fiscal budget and ever, the partnership did not industry’s upgrade and trans- future only if they improve innovation The company has estab- go as smoothly as he expected. formation. lished partnerships with rapid increase in tax income “The company’s technology Weichai Group, one of the capacity and product quality.” many automotive develop- consultants and experts gave a leading diesel engine devel- ers to increase awareness The zone realized public budget income of warranty to my products, but opers in China, reported 50 Li Shaohua, vice-president of Weichai Power of its 8AT. For instance, the 1.08 billion yuan, for growth of 5.3 percent the general manager refused to billion yuan ($7.3 billion) in 8AT has been equipped on year-on-year. The tax income of the zone test the new products in their sales in the first quarter of adjust its development and production capacity from Landwind-branded vehicles increased 21.2 percent year-on-year to 1 aquaculture farms,” Liu said. 2017, up 86.4 percent year-on- structure. 150,000 8ATs to 250,000 in China. billion yuan. Public budget expenses rose “You can see how difficult the year. Its net profit increased The company introduced beginning in June. Shengrui’s 8AT won the 18.7 percent to 442 million yuan, 8.9 processes were.” 126.6 percent compared to one of the first 13-liter-class Shengrui revealed that National Science and Tech- percentage points higher than the city’s The company’s management the same period last year. engines in China in 2015 a new production line will nology Progress Award in average. finally agreed to test Liu’s prod- The demand for Weichai’s and successfully led the Chi- start construction at the January. The award is one of ucts on a very small number of products is so high that cli- nese heavy truck industry’s end of this year, effectively China’s top prizes devised by Fast growth in export and import, rise sea cucumbers in its aquacul- ents have to wait for days to increase in power. expanding the company’s the State Council in recog- ture farm. Liu agreed to pro- get the final products. At the end of 2016, the annual production capacity nition of scientific contribu- in materialized foreign investment vide the products for free. “The country’s economic company developed engines to 550,000 units annually. tions made by both groups The results surprised the The zone realized a total import and situation is steadying and and components for large Shengrui’s rapid growth and individuals. The compa- company’s decision-makers. export volume of 6.26 billion yuan, a improving, while rules curb- mining trucks with China was strongly supported by its ny has become the first auto The output of sea cucumbers year-on-year increase of 23 percent. ing overload trucks get strict- Shenhua Group, a leading innovation capability. parts supplier to obtain such fed with the immune protein That ranks No 2 in the city. The import er, both helping the market State-owned energy com- The privately-owned com- an award in China since 1949, volume in Q1 was 4.94 billion yuan, up was 30 percent higher than the to get warmer,” said Zhang pany, to expand its product pany, transformed from a when the People’s Republic 29.5 percent year-on-year. Export volume ordinary sea cucumbers. Quan, CEO of Weichai Pow- portfolio. Stated-owned diesel engine of China was established. totaled 1.32 billion yuan, an increase of The company has now er, a subsidiary of Weichai “Manufacturing enter- parts supplier in 2003, start- Shengrui’s automotive 3.5 percent year-on-year. become one of Bestcare’s key Group. prises can have a future only ed to research and develop transmission industrial park, partners, Liu said. The company said product if they improve innovation the world’s first front-engine, which started construction So far, the company has innovation is a key element capacity and product qual- front-drive 8AT in 2006. in May last year, will soon be three world-class scientists of its growth. ity,” said Li. “If you don’t have Li Weiqiang, deputy gen- completed. and 84 doctorate students to Zhang said the country’s the core technologies, then eral manager of Shengrui, support its R&D work. Liu said policy change has helped the big part of the profits will recalled that the 4AT was Contact the writer at tang- Bestcare has been able to reg- to increase the demand for be taken away by others.” the mainstream product in [email protected] ister national-level patents in engines with 500 horsepower Weichai is not the only the domestic market in 2007, China every year. in the heavy truck industry. business in the high-tech when the company started to The company will be build- Weichai foresaw the upcom- zone paying attention to make samples of the 8AT. ing a new R&D facility at its ing business opportunities, product innovation. “Very few domestic compa- production base soon. “I have and developed and reserved Shengrui Transmis- nies could even produce the to invest continuously in inno- such products two years ago. sion Corp, developer of 6AT. The market for 8AT was vation to maintain a leading Li Shaohua, vice-president the world’s first-ever front- dominated by Japanese and role in the market,” Liu said. of Weichai Power, said that engine, front-drive 8-gear German companies,” said Li. He plans to add more pro- the company experienced auto transmission (8AT), He said many core tech- duction lines and expand pro- a drop in sales in 2014 and launched a two-month pro- nologies in the vehicle manu- duction capacity in order to 2015 due to the economic duction upgrade project on facturing industry, such as lower the company’s manufac- slowdown, which put pres- April 15.
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