EARLY MODERN JAPAN FALL, 2002 From the Editor use the term "Early Modern" or kinsei, to refer to ????????? the period encompassed by the Momoyama and Edo political periods (1568-1868). 2 However, In addition to our regular articles and reviews, traditionally, art historians in the West have not this issue of EMJ introduces a new feature we considered the art of these periods together. In- hope to publish regularly: a summary of the stead of attempting to identify broad, unifying round-table discussion held at our meeting in artistic concerns for a wide variety of Early Mod- conjunction with the Association for Asian Stud- ern arts, most scholars have constructed histories ies Annual meeting. The theme of last spring’s of particular types of Japanese arts, according to discussion was Literati and Society in Early media, thematic cohesiveness (for example, the Modern Japan “Literati and Society in Early chanoyu tea ceremony), and/or artistic lineages. Modern Japan.” Our next discussion will focus This methodology follows traditional approaches on “Blood in Early Modern Japanese Culture.” If readers would like to organize future panels, to the discipline of Japanese art history as prac- ticed by art historians in Japan, where such sepa- please contact Philip Brown at Department of History, 230 West 17th Avenue, Columbus OH rate studies of the art of their culture remain the 43210 or at
[email protected]. norm. Thus, scholars tend to construct histories of their particular specializations, noting significant junctures at which the arts they study exhibit Early Modern Japanese Art His- marked departures from creations of earlier tory--An Overview of the State of times.3 Conveniently, for many arts, these points the Field1 of departure took place nearly simultaneously— during the last decade of the 1690s and first dec- © Patricia J.