Our Changing View of Saturn

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Our Changing View of Saturn Newsletter WELLINGTON ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY April 2011, Volume 41, Number 3, ISSN 01147706, www.was.org.nz Wednesday,6thofApril, 7:30PMatCarterObservatory THIS MONTH’S MEETING FEATURES Our Changing View of Saturn ... over the last 400 years (with special emphasis on its ring system) Description: The talk consists of two distinct sections. The first one outlines important milestones in the history of the observation of the planet Saturn. The second part focusses on the ring system and some of the more recent discoveries and their attempted explanations. In this issue: Presidents rePort 2 AUrorA AstronoMY sCHooL 5 CoUnCiL oF tHe WeLLinGton CAnCeLed 5 AstronoMiCAL soCietY inC. 2 AstronoMY WitHoUt Borders oBserVinG At PAUAtAHAnUi 3 Presents: GLoBAL AstronoMY MontH tAWA CoLLeGe AstronoMY CLUB 3 APriL 2011 6 oBserVinG At tHoMAs KinG 3 GreAt ideAs to Get tHe PUBLiC in YoUr MArCH AreA inVoLVed in GAM APriL 2011 7 CrossWord AnsWers 3 rAsnz ConFerenCe 2011, nAPier, MAY 27 GLoBULAr CLUsters oF tHe AUtUMn sKY 4 to 30. 7 stArGAzers Astro CAMP 5 tHe eVeninG sKY in APriL 2011 9 WAs APriL’s tALK resUMee 5 Cross Word WitH MUrrAY ForBes 10 04-2011 Presidents Report COUNCIL OF THE WELLINGTON Last months talk with Hari Mogosanu late this month but we will be involved ASTRONOMICAL showed us what she was doing in the with the program at Tawa College on SOCIETY INC. Dessert in the USA . She lived in a Mars Astronomy month. surface simulation for two weeks. This Observing at the Thomas King was an excellent presentation and this Observatory is every Friday evening but President: showed with the number of questions ring Ross Powell first. GordonHudson that were asked after the show. Thanks gordon@kpo.org.nz Hari for a great presentation. The WAS Dobsonian telescopes are all Ph 04 236 5125 out on hire at present. Anyone wanting The societies CCD camera the ST7 is to hire one of the societies Dobsonians Vice-President: RogerButland getting quite a lot of use at present as should call Chris Monigatti. roger.j.butland@xtra.co.nz Roger Butland and myself have been Ph 04 478 0419 sorting out the problems with focus and The WAS Research Group was arranging the filter wheel so that it can approached by the Gifford Observatory Secretary: RossPowell be controlled. This is now done and we Trust to see if any of our members would rossalanpowell@gmail.com are ready to start imaging variable stars. be interested in using the Observatory Ph 04 389 9765 all be it with a different telescope The observing at the Pauatahanui installed which would possibility be a Treasurer: JohnTalbot Observatory had to be canceled on C14 with a CCD camera attached. This john.talbot@xtra.co.nz the 5th of March but 12th of March proposal is still under discussion. There Ph 04 293 4620 which was our backup night was nice is no further update on this. and clear. Chris tells me that only one student and his dad show up. However I have been working on the Thomas Chris managed to take a couple of King Observatory fixing the dome so Newsletter Editor: photos through the telescope. that it will not come off in high winds. HaritinaMogosanu I have also stripped the walls of the editor@was.org.nz We are not having a very good run for display panels and the room is about to any observing at Pauatahanui over the be painted. Work still needs to be done last 12 months when the observatory Committee on the steps going up to the telescope. was only used three times last year. FrankAndrews We are waiting for thePainters to come frank.andrews@paradise.net.nz We are considering moving the in and paint the walls. ChrisMonigatti observatory to a more accessible site Carter Observatory decided to start chrismon@xtra.co.nz which would mean it would get more running two observing evenings each Mob o21 890 222 use but not necessary better weather. week starting on Tuesday 5th of April JohnHomes Watch for further developments on this. and this evening will be run by the john.homes@actrix.co.nz The weekend camp at Tatum Park Phoenix Society while the WAS will run AlineHomes will be on April 8-9 see article in this the Saturday night observing this will aline.homes@actrix.co.nz newsletter. start on the 9th of April. We therefore require two volunteers every Saturday Positions Outside Council The next observing at Pauatahanui will evening so put your name forward to Email newsletter be on April 30th starting at 8.00pm. Ross Powell as soon as possible. MurrayForbes This year we have added an extra murray_forbes@xtra.co.nz Next months talk will be another of our Saturday to the observing at Pautahanui popular Video’s the title is ‘Telescope each month so if one is clouded or Hunting the Edge of Space’. rained out we will have the following www.was.org.nz Saturday to fall back on. Remember the RASNZ conference coming up in May in Napier and now Because of the Full Moon on the 18th is a good time to register. this is why our observing evening is Page 2 ISSN 01147706, NUMBER 3, VOLUME 41, WAS NEWSLETTER March Crossword Tawa College answers Astronomy Club invites students, parents, and friends Across of Tawa College to a presentation 6. VENUs‚ - a very cloudy planet; followed by observing session at the 9. DEIMOS‚ - one of the Moons of Mars; school celebrating: 10. SOHo‚ - satellite observatory studying the sun; 11. MESSIER‚ - a catalogue; 12. eCLiPSINGBINArY‚ - clip singer in bay Saturn Watch – Global Star Party – (anagram); 15. ANDROMEDA‚ - Largest galaxy Saturday 2 April, talk Saturday 9 April, talk in the Local Group; 16. BINArY‚ - a double star; begins 7:00 pm begins 7:00 pm 18. dAY‚ - 24 hours; 20. LMC‚ - could be mistaken for a cloud; 23. BiGBAnGtHEORY‚ ‘Changing Views of Saturn’ followed by observing Saturn, the - A cosmological model; 24. HST‚ - an by roland idaczyk Moon, and the fabulous southern orbiting telescope; 26. NOVA‚ - a new star; night sky 29. BAr‚ - some spiral galaxies have one; Galileo’s drawing of Saturn, 30. HoUr‚ - unit of time; 31. NOON‚ - mid- ‘Can Kiwis help colonise Mars?’ day; 34. PAVo‚ - The Peacock constellation; 1610, 1616 35. KePLER‚ - early German astronomer by Haritina Mogosanu - formulated 3 laws of planetary motion; 36. CLUSTER‚ - An open or globular ...; 40. AZIMUtH‚ - horizontal angle around the sky; 44. LEO‚ - A lion circling the earth; 45. KiWi‚ - new zealander; 46. VIRGo‚ - Constellation with spica; 47. DENEB‚ - alpha Cygnus; 48. ATOM‚ - smallest indivisible piece of a element; 50. APoGEE‚ - When the Moon is furthest from the earth; 51. PRECESSION‚ - son’s recipe (anagram); 53. SIDEREAL‚ - star time; 54. FUSION‚ - process that powers stars; Down 1. iCe‚ - frozen liquid; 2. GAs‚ - solid, liquid Hubble Space Telescope, March 22, 2004 or ...; 3. PeLe‚ - volcano on io; 4. IO‚ - one of the Galilean satellites; 5. ZODIAC‚ - also a small inflated rubber boat; 6. eV GA‚ - alpha P.t.A. building – above the Canteen, at the end of the rugby Lyr; 7. sCHMIDT‚ - type of telescope; 8. SEYFERT‚ - type of galaxy with unusally field. in the event of cloudy skies, this event will continue, bright nucleus; 13. sHePHERD‚ - astronaut; although observing will be replaced by video. 14. rUtHCRISP‚ - Carter observatory’s public telescope; 17. nAdir‚ - opposite to zenith; 19. APHeLION‚ - one phial (anagram); 21. HALo‚ - angels and galaxies both have one; 22. PoLARIS‚ - the north star; OBSERVING AT 25. sCORPiUs‚ - constellation with a sting; 27. PANDORA‚ - a shepherd satellite of saturn’s THOMAS KING F ring, also the first women in Greek mythology; 28. oBAFGKM‚ - spectral classes; 32. tAUrUs‚ OBSERVING AT All public observing evenings - You don’t want this constellation in a China shop; will be held at the Thomas King 33. JODRELLBAnK‚ - site of the Lovell radio PAUATAHANUI telescope; 35. KiLoGrAM‚ - The SI unit of Observatory run by our Observatory mass; 37. LoKi‚ - volcano on io; 38. sMC‚ - The next observing evening at Director Ross Powell. from 8:30. satellite galaxy to the Milky Way; 39. GIOTTO‚ Pauatahanui is on April 30th Ring Ross on 389 9765 to check - name of ESA spacecraft that intercepted starting at 8.00pm. If doubtful Halley’s comet; 41. UFo‚ - flying saucer; if there are public observing evenings 42. HYADES‚ - an open cluster in taurus; please ring Chris Monigatti on on most FRIDAYS, starting as soon as 43. GiBBoUs‚ - a phase of the Moon; his mobile 021 890 222 to see if it gets dark depending on the weather 49. MASS‚ - i weight 6 times less on the Moon, the session is going ahead. but still have the same ???; 52. ION‚ - an and Ross’s availability. arrested atom; WAS NEWSLETTER VOLUME 41, NUMBER 3, ISSN 01147706 Page 3 Globular clusters of the Autumn sky As we move into the autumn we get to see The rivalry between this cluster and a number of globular clusters gracing our Omega Centauri for “best glob” is evening skies and this article will cover legendary. Visible to the unaided eye near some of the brightest and best. to the SMC it is an easy object to find in binoculars it is even better with the use What is a globular cluster? of a telescope. The cluster is roughly the There are two types of star clusters in and same size of the Full Moon and is the around our galaxy. second brightest globular cluster in the sky and has a very bright and dense core. Open clusters that are found along the It is a massive globular cluster containing plane of our Galaxy and come in a variety millions of stars and is about 16,700 light of sizes, ages and are “loose” or “open” in 47 Tucanae years away and 120 light years across.
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