Day Conference 2017 19th June 2017, Canterbury Cathedral

‘Cathedral Treasures: celebrating our historic collections’

In the Cathedral Archives and Library reading room 10.15-11.00 Registration, coffee; welcome from Christopher Irvine Overview of The Canterbury Journey project, by Mark Hosea, Project Director

11.00-11.45 The Very Rev , : ‘Surviving an HLF project’

11.45-12.45 Jon Alexander, ‘The New Citizenship Project’: ‘Working from mission to unlock the energy of your collection’; Rachael Bowers and Kirsty Mitchell, York Minster: ‘Cathedral Collections: unlocking spiritual capital’

12.45-1.45 Lunch (in Cathedral Lodge)

1.45-2.30 AGM

2.30-3.00 Canon Christopher Irvine: ‘The place of the visual arts in cathedrals’

3.00-3.30 Declan Kelly, Lambeth Palace: ‘Building a new home for Lambeth Palace Library’

3.30-4.00 Conclusion, by the Very Rev Peter Atkinson, of Worcester Cathedral, Chairman of the CLAA; tea

4.00-4.45 Tours:  Cathedral Archives and Library, with Archives and Library staff  Book and Paper Conservation, with Ariane Langreder, Head of Book and Paper Conservation  Viewing of Nave conservation work from the safety deck, with Heather Newton, Head of Conservation (sensible footwear and head for heights required! Numbers limited.)  ‘An artful wander’, with Canon Irvine (tour of artworks within the Cathedral)

5.30 Evensong

Cost: £30 members; £40 non-members Canon Christopher Irvine is Canon Librarian and Director of Education at Canterbury Cathedral. He is a member of the Liturgical Commission of the and the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England, and is a trustee of Art and Christian Enquiry.

Mark Hosea is the Project Director for The Canterbury Journey, and previously fulfilled the same role for the York Minster Revealed project. Prior to that Mark worked in the private sector and is a Planning & Development Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

The Very Rev Philip Hesketh is Cathedral. He had previously served as Canon Pastor at the Cathedral, with a special brief for Heritage interpretation work. He has overseen the delivery of the ‘Hidden Treasures, Fresh Expressions’ project, a project supported by the Heritage Lottery fund which has focused on the Crypt, Library and the 'hidden collections' in the Cathedral's ownership.

The New Citizenship Project describes itself as ‘a social innovation lab, established in 2014 to help catalyse the shift to a more participatory society’. It insists on seeing people (whether employees or visitors) as creative citizens who are capable of and want to participate in society, not just as consumers. Jon Alexander, co-founder, will share the underlying ideas of the project, and a few case studies, highlighting their work with York Minster in particular.

Rachael Bowers is Collections Development Officer and Kirsty Mitchell is Collections Engagement Officer at York Minster. ‘Cathedral Collections: Unlocking Spiritual Capital’ is a project supported by Arts Council England for the development of the Minster’s historic collections.

Declan Kelly is Director of Libraries & Archives for the National Church Institutions of the Church of England, and is based at Lambeth Palace. He took up this new role in 2005, following a career at the BBC and the Department of Health. He is a Chartered Librarian and Member of the Archives and Records Association. He is leading on the project to build a new home for Lambeth Palace Library, designed by the architects Wright & Wright.

Please note that parking is available for Blue Badge holders only, and must be pre- booked, by emailing [email protected]

For directions, please see library/visits/

For overnight accommodation, please contact Canterbury Cathedral Lodge (; there are also numerous other accommodation options in the city.

Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library, The Precincts, Canterbury CT1 2EH, tel 01227-865330, email [email protected]