Apply Principles of Creating Computer Software by Developing a Complete Programme to Meet Given Business Specifications 115392

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Apply Principles of Creating Computer Software by Developing a Complete Programme to Meet Given Business Specifications 115392 APPLY PRINCIPLES OF CREATING COMPUTER SOFTWARE BY DEVELOPING A COMPLETE PROGRAMME TO MEET GIVEN BUSINESS SPECIFICATIONS 115392 PURPOSE OF THE UNIT STANDARD This unit standard is intended: To provide a expert knowledge of the areas covered For those working in, or entering the workplace in the area of Systems Development To demonstrate an understanding of how to create (in the computer language of choice) a complete computer program that will solve a given business problem, showing all the steps involved in creating computer software People credited with this unit standard are able to: Interpret a given specification to plan a computer program solution Design a computer program to meet a business requirement Create a computer program that implements the design Test a computer program against the business requirements Implement the program to meet business requirements Document the program according to industry standards The performance of all elements is to a standard that allows for further learning in this area. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE AND RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING The credit value of this unit is based on a person having the prior knowledge and skills to: Apply the principles of Computer Programming Design, develop and test computer program segments to given specifications UNIT STANDARD RANGE N/A INDEX NC: IT: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR: LEARNER MANUAL REL DATE: 27/01/2020 REV DATE: 01/01/2023 DOC REF: 48872 LM MOD 3 V-1 PAGE 260 Competence Requirements Page Unit Standard 115392 alignment index Here you will find the different outcomes explained which you need to be proved 261 competent in, in order to complete the Unit Standard 115392. Unit Standard 115392 263 Interpret a given specification to plan a computer program solution 269 Design a computer program to meet a business requirement 279 Create a computer program that implements the design 303 Test a computer program against the business requirements 320 Implement the program to meet business requirements 334 Document the program according to industry standards 344 Self-assessment Once you have completed all the questions after being facilitated, you need to check the progress you have made. If you feel that you are competent in the areas mentioned, you may tick the blocks, if however, you feel that you require 363 additional knowledge, you need to indicate so in the block below. Show this to your facilitator and make the necessary arrangements to assist you to become competent. NC: IT: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR: LEARNER MANUAL REL DATE: 27/01/2020 REV DATE: 01/01/2023 DOC REF: 48872 LM MOD 3 V-1 PAGE 261 Unit Standard 115392 – Alignment Index SPECIFIC OUTCOMES AND RELATED ASSESSMENT CRITERIA SO 1 Interpret a given specification to plan a computer program solution. The plan proposes a description of the problem to be solved by the development of AC 1 the computer program that is understandable by an end-user and meets the given specification. AC 2 The plan integrate the research of problems in term of data and functions The plan includes an evaluation of the viability of developing a computer program to AC 3 solve the problem identified and compares the costs of developing the program with the benefits to be obtained from the program The plan concludes by choosing the best solution and documenting the program AC 4 features that will contain the capabilities and constraints to meet the defined problem. SO 2 Design a computer program to meet a business requirement. The design incorporates development of appropriate design documentation and is AC 1 desk-checked AC 2 The design of the program includes program structure components. AC 3 The design of the program includes program logical flow components. AC 4 The design of the program includes data structures and access method components. SO 3 Create a computer program that implements the design The creation includes coding from design documents, to meet the design AC 1 specifications AC 2 Names created in the program describe the purpose of the items named The creation includes conformance with the design documentation, and differences AC 3 are documented with reasons for deviations SO 4 Test a computer program against the business requirements. The testing includes assessment of the need to develop a testing program to assist AC 1 with stress testing The testing includes the planning, developing and implementing a test strategy that AC 2 is appropriate for the type of program being tested The testing includes the recording of test results that allow for the identification and AC 3 validation of test outcomes SO 5 Implement the program to meet business requirements The implementation involves checking the program for compliance with user AC 1 expectations and any other applicable factors The implementation involves training of users to enable them to use the software to AC 2 their requirements The implementation involves planning of installation of the program that minimises AC 3 disruption to the user SO 6 Document the program according to industry standards. The documentation includes annotation of the program with a description of program AC 1 purpose and design specifics. The documentation includes the layout of the program code including indentation AC 2 and other acceptable industry standards The documentation includes full internal and external documentation, with a level of AC 3 detail that enables other programmers to analyse the program The documentation reflects the tested and implemented program, including changes AC 4 made during testing of the program NC: IT: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR: LEARNER MANUAL REL DATE: 27/01/2020 REV DATE: 01/01/2023 DOC REF: 48872 LM MOD 3 V-1 PAGE 262 CRITICAL CROSS FIELD OUTCOMES UNIT STANDARD CCFO IDENTIFYING Identify, solve problems and make decisions in relation to the current systems development environments UNIT STANDARD CCFO ORGANISING Organise and manage him/her self and his/her activities responsibly and effectively UNIT STANDARD CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise, and critically evaluate information UNIT STANDARD CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and or language skills in the modes of oral and/ or written persuasion when engaging with systems development UNIT STANDARD CCFO SCIENCE Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others UNIT STANDARD CCFO DEMONSTRATING Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem solving contexts do not exists in isolation UNIT STANDARD CCFO CONTRIBUTING Contribute to his/her full personal development and the social and economic development of the society at large by being aware of the importance of: Reflecting on and exploring a variety of strategies to learn more effectively, exploring education and career opportunities and developing entrepreneurial opportunities. ESSENTIAL EMBEDDED KNOWLEDGE Performance of all elements is to be carried out in accordance with organisation standards and procedures, unless otherwise stated. Organisation standards and procedures may cover: quality assurance, documentation, security, communication, health and safety, and personal behaviour. An example of the standards expected is the standards found in ISO 9000 Certified Organisations. Performance of all elements complies with the laws of South Africa, especially with regard to copyright, privacy, health and safety, and consumer rights. All activities must comply with any policies, procedures and requirements of the organisations involved, the ethical codes of relevant professional bodies and any relevant legislative and/ or regulatory requirements. Performance of all elements should be performed with a solid understanding of the use of development tools needed in the areas applicable to the unit standard. Examples of such tools are, but is not limited to CASE tools, programming language editors with syntax checking, program source version control systems. Performance of all elements should make use of International capability models used for Software Development. Examples of such models include (but is not limited to) the ISO SPICE model as well as the CMM model for Software Development. NC: IT: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AUTHOR: LEARNER MANUAL REL DATE: 27/01/2020 REV DATE: 01/01/2023 DOC REF: 48872 LM MOD 3 V-1 PAGE 263 All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. SOUTH AFRICAN QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY REGISTERED UNIT STANDARD: Apply principles of creating computer software by developing a complete programme to meet given business specifications SAQA US UNIT STANDARD TITLE ID 115392 Apply principles of creating computer software by developing a complete programme to meet given business specifications ORIGINATOR SGB Computer Sciences and Information Systems PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY - FIELD SUBFIELD Field 10 - Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences Information Technology and Computer Sciences ABET UNIT STANDARD PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL NQF LEVEL CREDITS BAND TYPE Undefined Regular Level 5 Level TBA: Pre-2009 was 12 L5 REGISTRATION STATUS REGISTRATION START REGISTRATION END SAQA DECISION DATE DATE NUMBER Reregistered
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