Jlumb. 46 1173


THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE l)ublisbeb bp %lutbotitp


Land Su~ject to the Housing Act 1919 Declared Crown Land Available being part Old Land Claim 7 and part Section 24, Block V, Takahue for Reservation Under the Land Act 1948 Survey District, and being part of the. land comprised and described in certificate of title, Volume 869, folio 3 (Auckland Registry). [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General (S.O. plan 36651.) A PROCLA)IATION Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, URSUANT to subsection (1) of section 8 of the Housing Amend­ and issued under the Seal of Kew Zealand, this 8th day P ment Act 1940, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, tho of July 1952. Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare the E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lands. land described in the Schedule hereto, being land subject to the Housing Act 1919, to be Crown land available for reservation under Gon SAVE THE QUEEN ! the Land Act 1948. (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/1090; D.O. 8/1508)

SCHEDULE Land Set Apart as Provisional State Ji'orest Declared, to be Subject to WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT the Land Act 1948 All that area situated in Block III, Westmere Survey District, containing by admeasurement 2 roods 24·39 perches, more or less, [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General being Lot 24 as shown on a plan deposited in the Land Registry A PROCLAMATION Offi.ce at Wellington under No. 15691, being part Section 23, Right URSUANT to subsection (2) of section 19 of the Forests Act Bank, Wanganui River. P 1949, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting on the joint recommendation of the Minister Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, of Lands and of the Minister of Forests, do hereby proclaim and and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 2nd day declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto, being portion of July 1952. of a provisional State forest reserve set apart by Proclamation dated E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lands. the 29th day of April 1919, and gazetted on the 8th day of May of that year, is required for settlement purposes ; and in accordance Gon SAVE 'l'HE QuEE~ ! with the provisions of the said Act, such land shall, from and after (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/1060; D.O. 30/25 and ll/227) the day of the gazetting hereof, cease to be provisional State forest land, and shall become Crown land available for sale, lease, reservation, or other disposition under the provisions of the Land Land Subject to the Housing Act 1919 Declared Crown Land Available Act 1948. for Reservation Under the Land Act 1948 SCHEDULE [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT A PROCLAMATION that area containing by admeasurement 23 acres 2 roods URSUANT to subsection (1) of section 8 of the Housing ALL 29 perches, more or less, being part Reserve 1678, Block XVI, P Amendment Act 1940, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the ,Vaimea Survey District. As the same is more particularly Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare the delineated on the plan marked L. and S. l0/98/70B, deposited in land described in the Schedule hereto, being land subject to the the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, Housing Act 1919, to be Crown land available for reservation under and thereon edged re~. the Land Act 1948. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 2nd day SCHEDULE of July 1952. · NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lands. ALL that area containing by admeasurement 1 acre 1 rood 27·7 perches, more or less, being Lots 13 and Hi as shown on a plan Con SAVE THE QUEEN! deposited in the L!'!lc:l Registry Office at Auckland under No. 38127, (L. and S. H.O. 10/98/70; D.O. Regs. 202) A 1174 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Road Traversing Maori Land Proclaimed.as a Public Road in Blocks XI and XV, Arowhana Survey District, and Block III, 11.fangatu Survey District,. Gisborne Land District

[L,S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General , A PROCLAMATION HEREAS the road described in the Schedule hereto traverses Maori land and has been used by the public as a public road and has W been formed, improved, or maintained out of the funds of the local authority. And whereas the Maori Land Court, by an order made on·the 24th day of October 1951 and issued pursuant to section 484 of the Maori Land Act 1931, ordered and declared the said road to be a public road: And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that it is)n the public interest that the said road should be proclaimed as a public road, and a notification to that effect .has been forwarded to the Minister of Lands in terms of section 486 of the Maori Land Act 1931 : And whereas it is now expedient that. the said ro1J,d should be prqclaimed as a public road : Now, therefore, pursuant to section 487 of the M/j,ori Land Act 1931, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of J':


.Approximate .Areas of the Pieces of Land Being Portion of Situated in Situated In Shown on Plan Coloured on Proclaimed as Block Survey District of Plan !toad.

! A: R, P. I 0 2 15·7 '\..' Lot l, D.P. 2403, beingpartMangatuNo. l Block: XI Arowhana s.o. 4662 Pink. 5 2 2·2 J 0 02 25·2O·l i· 0 l 36·4 . Subdivision 18, D.P. 1293, being part Mangatu XI,XV Yellow. 68 2 37•8 No. 1 Block 3 l 17·2 z ~ n1 Subdivision 17, D.P. 1292, being part Mangatu 0 0 0·004·J xv Blue. 0 0 23·2 Ko. l Block 0 0 7.75 0 0 6·8 o o 23·6 1 14 3 8 · l r Subdivision 13, D.P. 1212, being part Mangatu XI, XV Pink. 3 0 15·976) No. 1 Block 0 0 0·3 Subdivision 13, D.P. 1901, being pal/t M11,µgatrt xv Orange. No. 1 Block 22 2 38·2 Subdivision 6, Mangatu No. 1 Block JXV I.. Blue. '\..III Mangatu J s.o. 2024 0 0 30·1 6 2 24·7 Subdivision 3, Mangatu No. l Block III Sepia. 2 1 28·6 0 0 1 ·9 0 0 · 4·5 5 0 36 0 1 13·8 Subdivision 7, Mangatu No. 1 Block III Orange. 0 0 7 0 0 23 1 0 0 0 0 8·3 13 l 35·9 Subdivision 4, l\fangatu No. 1 Block III Blue.

In the Gisborne Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked L, and S. 7/625/ A ttnd L. and S. 7/625/B, deposited in the He.ad Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, under Nos. 3091 and 3092, and thereon coloured as above mentioued. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-G@eral, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th .day of July 1952. I E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lands.

Gon SAVE THE QUEEN ! (L. and S. H.O. 7/625; D.O. 9/80)

Altering the Boundaries of the W airere Electric-power District generally westerly along the northern side of the Rerekapa Road, generally northerly along the eastern side of the Makarakia Road and generally westerly along the no_rthern side of Tooi Road, Pari [L.S,] FREYBERG, Governor-General Road, and Mangatuna Road to and.across the l\fokau Road to the south-eastern corner of Section 20, Block VIII, Mimj Survey Dis­ A PROCLAMATION trict ; thence northerly, easterly, and again northerly and westerly U. R_.· SUA. NT. to the E_.lectric-pow.er B_oards. Act 1925, I, Bern_ ard. along the boundary of the aforementioned Section 20 and westerly P Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, along the northern boundary of Section l, Block VIII, Mimi Survey hereby alter the boundaries of the Wairere Electric-power District District, to the boundary between Blocks VII and VIII, Mimi Survey so as to include therein the area described in the Schedule hereto, District ; thence generally northerly along the said Block boundary the said area being hitherto part of the Outer Area of the Taranaki and westerly along the boundary between Blocks-· IIl and VII, Electric-power District. Mimi Survey District, to the Tasman Sea and generally northerly along the shores of the Tasman Sea to the point of commencement. SCHEDULE As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked S.H.D. 201, deposited in the office of the Minister in Charge of the ALL that area in the Taranaki Land District, being portion of the State Hydro-electric Department, and thereon bordered purple. County of Clifton bounded by a line commencing 11,t a point on the shores of the Tasman Sea at the mouth of tho Mokau River on the Given under tho hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, boundary between the Counties of Clifton and.Waitomo; then.ce · and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day proceeding generally ettsterly along the boundary between the of July 1952. aforementione_d Counties as described in New Zeal.and Ga;;ette No. W. S. GOOS:\1AN, 37 of 25 May 19.39, at page 1536, to the wester!]. boundary of the Minister fo Charge of the County· of ·ohura ; thence generally southerly along the boundary between the Counties of Clifton and Ohura and generally westerly State Hydro-electric Department. along the boundary between the Counties of Clifton and Whanga­ momona as described in the aforesaid Gazette to the south-eastern Goo SAVE THE QuEF.N ! corner of Section 4, Block XIII, W aro Survey District ; thence , (S.H.D. 10/57/1) 10 JULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1175

D~fining the ])fiddle-lines of the Avondale-Onehunga-Southdown (Proclarilatiori 13410); Lot 1, D.P. 33969 (C.T. 879/112) ; part Railway in Blocks !, II, and V, Otahuhu Survey District, and Allotment 9, Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland (C.T. 803/162); Blocks III and JV, 'l'itirangi Survey District all of the land on D.P. 22851 (C.T. 621/207) ; Lot 350, D.P. 22826 (C.T. 803/162): Lot 1476, D.P. 22826 (C:T: 621/252); Lot 1, D.P. 29317 (C.T. 725/83); Allotment 239, Titirangi Parish [L.s.J FREYBERG, Governor-General (P.R. 201/284); Lots 18 and 21, D.P. 23119 and Lot 4, D.P. 2397 (C.T. 877/120); part Lots 8, 7 and 6, D.P. 360J8 (C.T. 524/33); A PROCLAMATION part Allotment 91, Titirarigi Parish (C.T. 524/39); part Allotment URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, 91, T1tirangi Parish (C.T. 524/41); part Allotment 91, Titirangi P Baron _Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, P!trish (C.T. 524/40),; part Lot 1, D.P. 6935 (C.T. 230/216); part hereby proclaim and declare that the middle-lines of the Avondale-­ of the land on D.P. 6935 (C.T. 227/1); part Lot 1, D.P. 3747 Onehunga-Southdown Railway shall be those defined and set forth (C.T. 265/83); part Lot 2, D.P. 3747 (C.T. 366/34); part of the in the Schedule hereto. land on D.i'. 9530 (C.T. 924/89); Lot 1, D.P. 36831 (C.T. 954/63); part Lot 3, D.P. 3747 (C.T. 401/281); Lot 6, D.P. 17592 (C.T. 451/134); Lots 8 and 7, D.P. 17592 (C.T. 451/133); part SCHEDULE Lot 4, D.P. 3747 (C.T. 178/27); Lots 3, 2 and 1, b.P. 15134 (C.T. 48/179); part Allotment 94, Titirangi Parish (C.T. 476/176); COMMENCING at two points at approximately 6 miles 36 chains part of the land on D.P. 1412 (C.T. 943/50); parts Lot 4, 65 links and 6 miles 53 chains 70 links on the Auckland to Marton D.P. 131 and Lot 1, D.P. 31283 (C.T. 888/247); Lot 102, Section of the Kaipara-vYaikato Railway, opposite to Lot 32, D.P. 21018 (C.T. 747/26); Lot 2, D.P. 35818 (C.T. 982/25); D.P. 21911 and part Allotment 6, Section 17, Suburbs of Auckland, Lot 3, D.P. 29969 (Proclamation 12286); part Allotment 57, and proceeding thence in a westerly direction generally for a distance Titirangi Parish (C.T. 508/85); Lot 2, D.P. 21153 (C.T. 818/184); of approximately 7 -Ir miles and passing in, into, through, or over the Lot 1, D.P. 21153 (C.T. 794/259); Lot 3, D.P. 20851 (C.T. 470/284); following lands, &c.~-viz., Part Allotment 6, Section 17, Suburbs part Lot 9, D.P. 2270 (C.T. 899/173); Lot 2, D.P. 33562 of Auckland (C.T. 768/13); part Allotments 6 and 5, Section 17, (Proclamation 13424) ; Lot 1, D.P. 33562 (C.T. 855/56); part Suburbs of Auckland (Proclamation 2010); part Allotment 5, Allotment 58, Titirangi Parish (C.T. 539/240); part Allotment 58, Section 17, Suburbs of Auckland (C.T. 768/13); Lot 55, D.P. 18900 Titirangi Parish (O.T. 539/239); part Allotment 58, Titirangi (C.T. 477/294); Lot 56, D.P. 18900 (Proclamation 13472); Lot 57, Parish (C.T. 539/236) ; and part of the land on D.P. 11045 D.P. 18900 (C.T. 8%/85); Lot 58, D.P. 18900 (C.T. 503/302); (C.T. 455/240); and terminating at two points on the existing part Lot 1, D.P. 18665 (C.T. 904/97) ; part Lot 2, D.P. 18665 Newmarket to Opua Section of the Kaipara-Waikato Railway at (C.T. 796/215); part Allotment 36, Small Lots near Onehunga approximately 4 miles 73 chains opposite to Lot 1, D.P. 35472 (C.T. 551 /86) ; Lot 3, D.P. 18848 (C.T. 467 /287); Lot 52 of a and at approximately 5 miles 24 chains, between Tait Street and subdivision of Allotments 34 and W. 35, Small Lots near Onehunga Trent Street ; including all adjoining and intervening places, lands, (C,'l'. 962/208); Lot 51 of a subdivision of Allotment 34, Small reserves, roads, streets, tracks, lakes, riv8rs, streams, and water. Lots near Onehung11 (C.T. 993/167); part Lot 13, Deeds Plan 294 courses. All in the :North Auckland Land District. (C.'l'. 506/279); Allotment 32, Small Lots near Onehunga As the same are delineated on the plan marked L.O. 11661 (C.T. 594/57) ; Lot 14, D.P. 4603 (Proclamation 12247); part (sheets 1 to 8), deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways Allotment 24, Small Lots near Onchunga (C.T. 970/208); part at Wellington. Allotment 24, Small Lots near Onehunga (C.T. 970/207); Allot­ ment 23, Small Lots near Onehunga (C.T. 83/258); Railway land; Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Lot 24, D.P. 38573 (C.T. 678/286); Lot 15, D.P. 19737 (C.T. and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 7th day of 46fj/258): Lots 32 and 81, D.P. 38573 (C.T. 475/125); Lot 1, July 1952. D.P. 37335 (C.T. 437 /146); Lot 2, D.P. 21247 (C.T. 1016/228); Lot 5, Deeds Plan 1060 (C.T. 861/40); Lot 5, D.P. 34816 W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Railways. ( C.T. 897 /82); Lot 4, D.P. 34816 (C.T. 899/208); Lot 1, D.P. 34816 (C.T. 905/77); Lot 1, D.P. 18001 (C.T. 475/255); part Allotment 2, Goo SA VE THE QUEEN ! Section 15, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 541/147); part Allotment 10, · (L.O. 20334/154) Section 11, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 538/110); part Allotment 10, Section 11, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 538/107); Lots 1 and 3, D.P. 35565 (C.T. 921/165); Lot 2, D.P. 20462 (C.T. 463/253); part Allotments 5 and 3, Section 11, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 538/4); part Allotment 3, Section 11, Village of Onehunga Notice of Taking Land at Auckland Under Sections 147 and 148 of (C.T. 538/6); part Allotment 3, Section 11, Village of Onehunga the Harbours Act 1950, for the Purposes of the Kaipara-Waikato (C.T. 538/5); Lot 11, D.P. 8075 (C.T. 204/205); Lot 14, Railway D.P. 8075 (C.T. 209/147); Lot 13, D.P. 8075 (C.T. 211/33); Lot 12, D.P. 8075 (C.T. 210/153); part Allotment 10, Section 6, Village of Onchunga (C.T. 1027 /90) ; part Allotments 10 and 8, Section 6, [L.s.] FREYBERG, Governor-General Village of Onehnnga (C.T. 1027 /89); part Allotments 10 and 8, Section 6, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 535/119); Lot 1, Deeds A PROCLAMATION Plan 601 (C.T. 535/120); Lot 2, Deeds Plan 601 (C.T. 535/122); Lot 3, Deeds Plan 601 (C.T. 535/121); part Allotment 7, Section 6, URSUANT to sections 147 and 148 of the Harbours Act 1950, I, Village of Onehunga (C.T. fi35/:10); all of the land on D.P. 26617 P Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General ·of New (C.T. 682/103); Lot 1, D.P. 32322 (C.T. 535/9); part Allotment 6, Zealand, do hereby, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, give notice Section 5, Village of Onehungtt (C.T. 533/290); part Allotment 4, to the Auckland Harbour Board that one month from the date Section 5, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 533/207); part Allotment 4 of service of notice upon the said Board I shall enter upon and take and Allotment 3, Section 5, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 533/206); possession of the land described in the Schedule hereto for the pur­ part Allotment 3, Section 19, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 758/114); poses of the Kaipara-Waikato Railway. Allotment 4, Section 19, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 759/43); Allotment 6, Section 19, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 759/44); Lots l and 2, D.P. 21383 (C.T. 26/152); part Allotment 11, Section 23, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 592/176); Lot 10, Deeds SCHEDULE Plan 0-17 (C.T. 590/298); Lot 7, Deeds Plan 0--17 (C.T. 590/292); APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :- Lot 8, Deeds Pl,i,n 0-17 (C.T. Ml0/285); Lot 6, Deeds Plan 501 (C.T. 594/216); Lot 7, Deeds Plan 501 (C.T. 594/220); Lot 8, A. R. P. Being Deeds Plan 501 (C.T. 594/213) ; Lot 9, Deeds Plan 501 (C.T. 0 0 20·01 Part Lot 1, D.P. 3269_3; coloured blue. 594/219) ; part Allotment 5, Section 49, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 757/101); part Allotment 5, Section 49, Village of Onehunga 0 O l · 96 Part Lot 2, D.P. 32693 ; coloured blue. (C.T. 775/154) ; Allotment 26, Section 49, Village of Onehunga 0 0 0·7 Part Lot 4, D.P. 32693; coloured blue. (C.T. 258/53); Lot 3, D.P. 7450 (C.T. 190/232); Lot 11, All being part of land reclaimed from the sea. D.P. 7450 (C.T. 252/192); Lot 10, D.P. 7450 (C.T. 188/197); Allotment 6, Section 32, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 595/94); part 0 0 3 · 26 Section 38, Block VIII, Rangitoto Survey District; Allotment 36, Section 32, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 460/58); coloured yellow. Lot 21, D.P. 18272 (C.T. 447/107); Lot 20, D.P. 18272 (C.T. 620/240); Lot 5, of a subdivision of Allotment 53, Section 32, 0 0 1 Section 39, Block VIII, Rangitoto Survey District; Village of Onehunga (C.T. 504/189); Lot 6, of a subdivision of coloured yellow. Allotment 53, Section 32, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 504/188); 0 0 l · 6 Section 40, Block VIII, Rangitoto Survey District ; part Allotment 53, SectioP 32, Village of Onehunga (C.T. 504/187); coloured yellow. Lots 2 and 3, D.P. 30239 (C.T. 748/51); Lot 7, D.P. 38554 (C.T. 621/125); part Lot 2, D.P. 35034 (C.T. 7/28); Lot 3, All situated in Block VIII, Ra~gitoto Survey District, City of D.P. 35034 (C.T. 897 /135); Lot 1, D.P. 38673 (C.T. 1027/270); part . Auckland. (S.O. 36927.) Allotment 2, Section 13, Suburbs of Auckland (C.T. 508/140); part In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same are more Allotment 2, Section 1:3, Suburbs of Auckland (C.T. 775/11); all of particularly delineated on the plan marked L.O. 11457, deposited the land on D.P. 11984 (C.T. 281/296); Lot 1, D.P. 37766 in the office of the Minister of Railways at Wellington, and thereon (C.T. 1007 /146): Lot l4, D.P. 1722 (C.T. 103/181); Lot 53, coloured as above mentioned. D.P. 21428 (C.'l'. 92/13); Lot l, D.P. 9066 (C.T. 216/159); Lot 2, D.P. 7711 (C.T. 318/85) ; part Lot 2, D.P. 9066 (C.T. 220/74); part Lot 2, D.P. 9066 (C.T. 220/75); part Allotment 4, Section 13, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Suburbs of A110kland (C.T. 97 /50); Lots 71, 72 and 73, D.P. 3029 and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 1st day (C.T. l ~5/137): Lot 7, D.P. _38833 (C.T. 990/162); Lot 12, of July 1952. D.P. 38834 (C.T. 1022/10); Lots 9 and 8, D.P. 38834 (C.T. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Railways. lOHJ/207); Lots 4 arnl :l, ].i.P. 38834 (C.T. 1014/278); Lot 9, U.P. 3(iH:l (C.T. 9G4/157); L~s 8 and 7, D.P. 36743 (O.T. 364/280); GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Lot ti, D.P. 39:l74 (C.T. 365/115); Lot 18, D.P. 34829 (C.T. 1012/78); Lot 20, D.P. 34829 (C.T. 899/281); Lot 83, D.P. 3029 (L.O. 19732/150) 1176

Additi<,nal Land !l'alcen Jot Defence Purpoeeil in the Borough of Additional Land Taken for a, Public Sc.hool _in Bloek XV, Dunetl,ii Giebome and East Taieri- Survey District, ·and in Block V, Lowei I(aikorai Survey District [L.B.]· FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION [t.s.] FREYBERG, Governor-General DRSUAN'r to the Public Works Act 1028, .I, Bernard Cyril, A PROCLAMATION P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of _New Zealand,· URSUANT. to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, hereby proclaim and declare. that the additional.land described in P Baron Freyberg, the ·Governor-General of .New Zealand, the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for defence purposes ; and· I here by proclaim and declare that the additional land described also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a public school; and ] !4th day of July 1952. · · also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and afte1 the 14th day of July 1952. · · · SCHEDULE1 ;\]:>PROXIMATE area of the piece of additional land taken : 32 perches., SCHEDULE Being Lot 18, D.P, 209, being part Wbtaupoko Block; and being APPROXIMATE area of the 'piece of additional land taken : 7 acres · the whole of .the land comprised and described in certificate of l rood 9·3 perches. · title, Volume 20, folio 275 (Gisborne Land Registry). Being part Section I, Block XV, Dunedin. and East Taieri District, Situated.in _the Borough of Gisborne. and part Section 44, Block V, Lower Kaikorai District (the said part Section 1, Block.XV, Dunedin and East Taieri District, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, being more particularly· shown as Lots 5 and 6, D.P. 2492)', and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 3rd day of and being the whole of the land comprised and described .in July 1952, certificate of title, Volume 218, folio 181 (Otago Land Registry). W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Given under the hand ofHis Excellency the Governor-General; Gon SAVE THE .QUEEN! and issued under the Seal.of New Zealand, this 4th day (P.. W. 23/50; D.0. 3/80) of July 1952. . · . . W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Gon SAVE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 31/1440; D.O. 16/93/L) Additional Land Taken for a Technical School in the City of Dunetlin ------'-·~ --~------·------[L.S.] . FREYBERG,. Governor-G~neral Land Taken for a Public School in Block XV; Otahuhu Survey A PROCLAMATION · District P URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, . Baron. Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General hereby proclaim and declare that the additional land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a technical school ; and· I A PROCLAMATION also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after ·PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, the _14tli day of July 1952. · · · Baron Freyberg, the Governor-Genl)ral of New Zealand, . hereby prodlaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a public school; and .I also declare that SCHEDULE this -Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 14th day of APPROXIMATE area of the . piece of additional land taken : 12·34 July .1952. . . perches. Being part Section 23. SCHEDULE Situated in Block XIII, Town of Dunedin (City of Dunedin), (Otago R.D,). (S.O, 11590.) . -APl'ROXIMATE area· of the piece of land taken: 4 acres 2 roods 3·9 perches. In the Otago Land District ; as the same .is more particularly Being part land on D.P. 10783, being part Allotment 41, Papakura delin_eated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137538, deposited in the . Parish. . ·office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured orange. Situated in Block XV, .Otahuhu Survey District (Auckland R.D.); (S.O. 37239.) . Given under the b0:d of His Excellency the Governor-General, I,!1 the North Auckland Land District; as the same is more and issued under 'the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day of particularly delineated on the.plan marked P. W.D. 137555, deposited July 1952.. · in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. coloured blue. Gon. SAVE. THE QUEEN ! Given under the hand of His Excellency th~ Governor-General, (P.W•. 31/517/1; D.O. 16/16/t) · · and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8t_h day · of July 1952. . W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of. Wor~. Gon _SAVE THE QUEEN! Additional Land. Taken for a Public School in Block IV, Horohoro (P;W, 31/1361.; D.O. 23/153/0) Survey.·. District

[L.B.] FREYBERG, Governor-General. Lani Taken /or a Public School in Block VII, Waitemata Survey A PROCLAMATION · · · · · District ··PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freybe~g, the Governor-General of New Zealand, .[r,.s,] hereby proclaim and declare that the ad.ditional land described in FREYBERG, . Governor-General the Schedul~ hereto. is hereby taken for a, public school; and I A PROCLAMATION also decla,re that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after P- URSUAN'T to the PubHe w_ orks Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyri( *8,14th.day of July 19.52. . · Baro'?- Freyberg, .the Governor-General. of New Zealand, liere_by proclaim and declare that the land described-in the Schedule SCHEDULE hereto is .hereby taken for a public school; and I also declare that this _Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 14th day' o:f APPROXIMATE area of the piece of adc:litiop.al land: taken : 1 acre July 1952. :i roods 6·7 perches.· Being part land on D.P. 11874, bemg· p!l,rt Kaitao-Rotohokahoka · ~ .No. lL 1 Block. . SCHEDULE Situated in Block TV, Ho~ohoro Survey District (Auckland APPROXIMA'rE area of the piece of land tal,:en : 32 perches. RD.). (S.O. 35690.) . . :eeing Lot 215, D.P. 31409 (Town of Greenhithe Extension No; 14), In the South Auckland Land District ; as the same· is more being portion of Allotment. 15A on Herald Island, Parish of particularly delineated on the plan ~arked P.W.D. 137515, Paremoremo, and being the whole of the land comprised and deposited in. the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, described in certificate of title, Volume 932, folio 280 (Auckland and thereon coloured yellow. . Land Registry). . · . · Given under the hand of His E1xcellency the Governor-General, · Given under the hnd _of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the-Seal of New·Zealand,. this 4th day .and issued un_der the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day of J' uly 1952. of July 1952. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. W. S., GOOSMA.ii Minister of Works. GOD .SAVE, TIDJ. QUEEN ! . Gon SAVE THE "!uEEN t (P.W. 31/1398; D.O. 39/70/0) ·. (P.~. · 31/1443 ; D.O. '23/173/0) THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1177

Land Taken for Health Purposes (District Nurse's Residence) i Land Taken for Housing Purposes in the Udy of Lawe, flue/ Block X, Ahikereru 8urvey District [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION A PROCLA}IATION P URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for housing purposes; and I also declare that hereto is hereby taken for health purposes (district nurse's resi­ this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 14th day of dence) ; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect July 1952. on and after the 14th day of July 1952. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : l ·54 perches. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 1 rood 4 perches. Being right-of-way shown on D.P. 1680, part Section 44, Hutt Being part Section 3. District. Situated in Block X, Ahikereru Survey District (Auckland Situated in the City of Lower Hutt and being the balance of land comprised and described in Deeds Index Volume 6, folio 462 RD.). (S.O. 35514.) (Wellington Land Registry). In the South Auckland Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137495, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, deposited in the -office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and and issued under the Seal of New Zealand this 4th day thereon coloured blue. of July 1952. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day Goo SA VE THE QUEEN ! of July 1952. (H.C. 4/71/119; D.O. 32/34) W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Goo SA VE '.l'HE QUEEN ! (P.W. 24/3877; D.O. 36/5/2/9/0) Land Taken for Housing Purposes in the City of Palmerston North

[L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION Land Taken for Health Purposes ( District Nurse's Residence) in the Borough of Taumarunui URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General hereto is hereby taken for housing purposes ; and I also declare A PROCLAMATION that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 14th ·day of July 1952. URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule SCHEDULE hereto is hereby taken for health purposes (district nurse's residence); APPROXIlliA1'E area of the piece of land taken : 1 rood 2· 13 perches. and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and Being part Section 558, Township of Pahnerston North. after the 14th day of July 1952. Situated in Block X, Kairanga Survey District (City of Palmerston North). (S.O. 22597.) SCHEDULE In the Wellington Land District ; as the same is more APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 24·7 perches. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137523, deposited in the office of the. Minister of Works at Wellington and Being Lot 2, D.P. 31020, being portion of Allotment 2, Block XXV, thereon coloured orange. Taumarunui Native Township, and being part of the laud in certificate of title, Volume 793, folio 100 (Auckland Land Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Registry). and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day Situated in the Borough of Tauinarunui. of July 1952. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, .W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. and issued under the Seal of Now Zealand, this 8th day Goo SA VE THE QUEEN l of July 1952. (H.C. 4/37 /62 ; D.O. 32/24/121) W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 24/3864; D.O. 34/205) Land Taken for a Recreation-ground in Bwck XII, Kumeu Survey District, and Block XIII, Waitemata 8urvey District, Waitemata County

Land Taken for Health Purposes (Medical Officer's Residence) in FREYBERG, Governor-General Block X, Ahilcereru Survey District [L.S.] A PROCLAMATION [L.S.] FREYBERG, GovernoT-General URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, A PROCLAMATION hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, hereto is hereby taken for a recreation-ground, and shall vest in the P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, Chairman, Councillors, and Inhabitants of the County of Waitemata hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I also declare that hereto is hereby taken for health purposes (medical officer's this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 14th day residence) ; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take of July 1952. effect on and after the 14th day of July 1952. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 4 acres 3 roods APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 2 roods 30 perches. 36 perches. Being part Section 3. Being part Allotment 27, Parish of W aipareira. Situated in Block X, Ahikereru Survey District (Auckland Situated in Block XII, Kumeu Survey District, and Block R.D.). (S.O. 35514.) XIII, Waitemata Survey District (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 36531.) . In the South Auckland Land District ; as the same is more In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137495, particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137556, deposited deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and in the office of the Minister of Works at W el!ington, and thereon thereon coloured blue. coloured sepia. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under tho Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day of July 1952. of July 1952. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Goo SA VE THE QUEEN l Goo SAVE THE QUEEN l (P.W. 24/3585; D.O. 36/5/2/6) (P.W. 50/761; D.O. 15/15/1/22) • 11'7~ THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Land Taken for Road in Block Ill, Tangoio Survey Di/Act, and Blocks IV and VIII, Puketapu Survey District

[L.B.] FREYBERG, Governor•General A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-Gene~al of New Zealand, hereby proclaim P and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road. . .


Approximate Areas of the Situated in Situated in Coloiiretl Pieces of Land Being Block Survey District of on Plan Taken.

A. R. P. 0 3 9 Part Pakuratahi 1 B 1 Block VIII Puketapu Orange. 0 2 15 Part Pakuratahi I B 4 Block VIII Blue. 2 3 11 Part Pakuratahi lB 4 Block VIII 0 0 35 Part Pakuratahi 1c Block .. VIII Sepia." 4 1 24 Part Tangoio South 27 A Block III Tang'oio Orange. 0 1 10 Part Tangoio South 270 Block III Sepia. 3 3 28 Part Tangoio South 27L Block III Blue. 0 0 8 Part Tangoio South 27L Block III Edged blue. 0 0 5 Part Tangoio South 27M Block III Sepia. 1 1 31 Part Tangoio South 27M Block III 0 0 20 Part Tangoio South 27M Block III Edged sepia. 1 2 15 Part Tangoio South 27;r Block III Blue. 0 0 24 Part Tangoio South 27 J Block III Edged blue. 0 0 13 }?art Tangoio South lF Block III Sepia. 0 0 4 Part Road-line 25 links wide III Orange. 0 I 23 Part Tangoio South Block 6 (including right-of-way) III Blue. 0 0 29·5 Part Tangoio South 4_B Block III Sepia. 0 0 8 Part Tangoio South 4A Block III Orange. J IV Puketapu 0 1 15 Part Tangoio South Block 7 l III Tangoio Blue. (Hawke's Bay R.D.) (S.O. 2571.)

. In the Hawke's Bay Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. rn7467, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued urider the Seal of New Zealand, this 3rd day of July 1952. W. S. GOOSMAN. Minister of Works.

Gon SA VE THE QuEEN l (P.W. 70/5/25/0; D.O. 25/25/4/2/1)

Land Taken for Road in Block II, Paritutu Survey District SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land in respect of which the [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-Gc11etal leasehold estate is taken :- A PROCLAMATION A. R. P. Being

URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, g ~ 3t:~}Parts Rural Section 468, Township of Featherston. P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto Situated in Block IV, Wairarapa Survey District. (S.O. 21979.) is hereby taken for road; and I also declare that this Proclamation In the Wellington Land District ; as the same are more particu­ shall take effect on and after the 14th day of July 1952. larly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 134202, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at W e]lington, and thereon coloured sepia. SCHEDULE A:PPROXIMA'rE area of the piece of land taken : 3 perches. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the Seal of Kew Zealand, this 8th day Being part Lot 3, D.P. 6401, being part Section 4, Hua District. of July 1952. Situated in Block II, Paritutu Survey District (Taranaki R.D.). (S.0. 8325.) W. S. G00SMAN, Minister of Works. In the Taranaki Land District ; as the same is more particularly, Gon ilA vi,: TH~ QuKKN ! delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137554, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured (P.W. 62/10/868/0 · D.O Hi/JO:,\JJ sepia. Given under the hand of His Excellel).cy the Governor-General; and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day of Land and Leasehold E.states in Land Taken for a Permanent M ernorial July 1952. In Respect of the Second World War in the City of H a.milton W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General Gon SAVE THE QUEEN l A PROCLAMATION (P.W. 70/7/9/0; D.O. 7/9/1) URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928 and section 25 of the P.· .. Fina,nceAct (No. 2) 1947,I, Bernard Cyril, BaronFreyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare Leasehold Estate in Land Taken for the Pnrposes of a Itoad in Block that the land described in the First Schedule hereto, and the lease­ IV, Wairarapa S1trvey District, Featherston County hold estate in the land first described in the Second Schedule hereto (held from the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Hamilton by Frances M»ry \Vilson, of Hamilton, Spinster, unde.r [L.S.] l<'REYBBRG, Governor-General and by virtue of Memorandum of Lease No. 19361, Volume 944, A PROCLAMATION folio 1, Auckland Registry), and the leasehold estate in tho land ,· URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, secondly described in the said Second Schedule (held from the P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Hamilton hereby proclaim and declare that the leasehold estate in the land by Charles Frederick Lindsey, of Hamilton, Salesman, under and described in the Schedule hereto, held from Her Majesty the Queen by virtue of Memorandum of Lease No. 15190, Volume 414, folio by Charles Gordon Burt, of Featherston, Farmer, under and by virtue 2, Auckland Registry), are hereby taken for a permanent memorial of Memorandum of Lease No. 21635, Register-Book, Volume 144, in respect of the Second \Vorld \Var, and shall vest in the Mayor, folio 159 (Wellington Registry), is hereby taken for the purposes of Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Hamilton as from the date a road ; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect hereinafter mentioned ; and I also declare that this Proclamation on and after the 14th day of July 1952. shall take effect on and after the 14th day of July 1952. lQ JULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1179

FIRST SCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :- APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land set apart:- A. R. P. Being 0 l l Part Allotment 398, Town of Hamilton East ; coroured A, R. P. Being yellow. 0 l 18·4 Part Lot 12, D.P. 52, being part Section 2, Omaka 0 0 5 · 7 Part Allotment 399, Town of Hamilton East ; coloured Registration District ; coloured orange. sepia. 0 0 29·2 Part Lot 13, D.P. 52, being part Section 2, Omaka Registration District ; coloured blue. 0 0 29·2 Part Lot 13, D.P. 52, being part Section 2, Omaka SECOND SCHEDULE Registration District ; coloured orange. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land in respect of which the 0 1 10·5 Part Lot 14, D.P. 52, being part Section 2, Omaka leasehold estates are taken :- Registration District ; coloured blue. A. R. P. Being (Marlborough R.D.), (S.O. 3892.) 0 0 25 · 8 Part Lot 1, D.P. 13619, being part Allotment 411, In the Marlborough Land District ; as the same are more Town of Hamilton East ; coloured sepia. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 126096, deposited 0 0 33 · l Part Lot 6, D.P. 1233, being part Allotment 411, in the office of the Minister of Works eit Wellington, and thereon Town of Hamilton East ; coloured yellow. coloured as above mentioned. All situated in Block II, Hamilton Survey District (City of Hamilton), (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 35200.) In the South Auckland Land District ; as the same are more SECOND SCHEDULE particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137507, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land set apart :- coloured as above mentioned. A. R. P. Being Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, 3 1 32 · 8 Lots 3, 4, 5, 22, 23, and part Lots 21 and 24, D.P. and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day 429, being part of Section 2, Omaka Registration of ,Tnly 1952. District, and being the balance of the land com­ prised and ·described in certificate of title, Volume W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. 23, folio 69 (Marlborough Land Regititry). Gon SA VE THE QUEEN l 2 0 17·5 Lots 19, 20, and part Lot 21, D.P. 429, being part of Section 2, Omaka Registration District, and (P.W. 32/9262; D.O. 13/86/4) being the whole of the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Volume 36, folio 296 (Marlborough Land Registry). Land and .a Leasehold Estate in Land Taken for Better Utilization 0 3· 31 · 6 Lots 15 and 16, D.P. 52, being part of Section 2, in Block I I, Belmont Survey District Omaka Registration District, and being the whole of the land comprised and described in certificate [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General of title, Volume 5, folio 245 (Marlborough Land A PROCLAMATION Registry). URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, 1 27·4 Lots 17, 18, and 19, D.P. 52, being part of Section P Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, 2, Omaka Registration District, and being the whole hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the First of the land comprised and described in certificates Schedule hereto and the leasehold estate in the land described of title, Volume 5, folio 244 and Volume 5, folio in the Second Schedule hereto, held from Her Majesty the Queen 295 (Marlborough Land Registry). by Richard Sievers under and by virtue of Lease No. 16974 2 28 · 35 Part Section 2, Omaka Registration District, and (Wellington Land Registry), are hereby taken for better utilization; being the balance of the land comprised and and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on a.nd described in certificate of title, Volume 3o, folio after the 14th day of July 1952. 159 (Marlborough Land Registry). All situated in Block XVI, Cloudy Bay Survey District FIRST SCHEDULE (Borough of Blenheim). APPROXIMATE a~eas of the pieces of land taken :- A. R, P. Being Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, 55 l 34 Lot 2, D.P. 8996, being part Section 20, Tukapu District : and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 3rd day coloured orange. of July 1952. 58 l 34 Part Section 19, Tnkapu District; coloured orange. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works.

SECOND SCHEDULE Gon SA VE THE Qc-EEN ! APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land in respect of which the (P.W. 31/465/1; D.O. 13/4/5/0) leasehold estate is taken :- A. R. P, Being 56 3 18 Part Section 19, Tukapu District; coloured blue. 53 0 0 Part Section 17, Tukapu District; coloured sepia. 78 3 20 Part Sections 20 and 22, Tukapu District ; coloured Land Proclaimed as Road in Block II, Inch Olutha District, Bruce sepia. County 107 2 15 Part Sections 16 and 18, Tukapu District; coloured blue. 22 2 17 Part Sections 16 and 18, Tukapu District; coloured sepia. [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General 53 l 11 Part Section 14, Tukapu District ; coloured orange. A PROCLAMATIO~ All situated in Block II, Belmont Snrvey District. (S.O. 22297.) URSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment Act In the Wellington Land District ; as the same are more particu­ P. 1948, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of larly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 135364, deposited in New Zealand, hereby proclaim as road the land described in the the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon Schedule hereto. coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day SCHEDULE of July l!l:i2. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as road :- W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. A, R. P. Being 0 2 24 Part Sections I, 2, 3, and 8. Goo SA.VE THE QuEEN l 0 2 20 Part Sections 9, IO, 11, and 12. (P.W. 80/106; D.O. 22/1/2/8) Situated in Block II, Inch Clutha Survey District (Otago R.D.). (S.O. 10355.) Land Held for Housing Purposes Set Apart for a Secondary School In the Otago Land District ; as the same are more particularly in the Borough of Blenheim delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 136471, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General red. A PROCLAMATION Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, P URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, and section 47 of and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th the Public Works Amendment Act 1948, •1, Bernard Cyril, ' day of July 1952. ' Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of. New. Zealand,. hereby proclaim and declare that the land described m the First and W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Second Schedules hereto, now held for housing purposes, is hereby set apart for a secondary school ; and I also declare that this Gon SA VE THE QUEEN l Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 14th day of July 1952. (P.W. 46/1693; D.O. 18/300/36) 1180 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 4t3

Road Closed in Block X, Karioi Su1·vey District, Raglan County Declaring Land Acquired for a Government W orlc, an.d Nat Required for That Purpose, to be Crown Land

[L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General [L:S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to section 29 of the Public Works Amendment P URSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, P Act 1948, I, Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor­ Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of General of New Zealand, hereby proclaim as closed the portion of New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule road described in the Schedule hereto. hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act 1948.

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land : APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road .closed : 4 acres 27 · 2 perches. 1 rood 21·15 perches. Adjoining or passing through Allotment 139A, Whaingaroa Parish, Being Lots 1 and· 2, D.P. 15838, being part of Section 62 of .the and Section 13, Block X, Karioi Survey District. Hutt District. • Situated in Block X, Karioi Survey District (Auckland R.D.). Situated in the City of Lower Hutt, and being part of the land (S.O. 35476.) comprised and described in certificate of title, Volume 578, folio In the South Auckland Land District ; as the same is more 39 (Wellington Land Registry). particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137512, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon Given under the hand of His Excellencv the Governor-General, coloured green. and issued under the Seal of Ne~ Zealand, this 8th day of July 1952; Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day of July 1952, GoD SA VE THE QUEEN ! W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. (H.C. X/71/25/1; D.O. H.C. X/71/25/1) GoD SAVE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 34/4219; D.O. 18/225) Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work, and Not Required for That Purpose, to be Grown Land

Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work, and Not Required [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General for That Purpose to be Crown Land A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, P Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of [L.S.] FREYBERG, Governor-General New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule . A PROCLAMATION hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act 1948, URSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, P · Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, tbe Governor-General of New SCHEDULE Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule hereto APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be .Crown land : to be Crown land subject to tho Land Act 1948. 1 acre 34· l perches. Being Lot 206, D.P. 37891, being part Allotment 8, Section 1, SCHEDULE Parish ·of Takapuna, and being part of the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Volume 233, folio 177 APPROXD!ATE areas of the pieces of land declared to be Crown (Auckland Land Registry). land:- Situated in the Borough of Takapuna. A. R. P. Being 1 2 24·3 Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, D.P. 8408, being part Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Waipukurau Block, and being part of the land and issued under the Seal of Now Zealand, this 4th day comprised and described in certificate of title, H.B. of July 1952. Volume 61, folio 215 (Hawke's Bay Land Registry). O O 35·6 Lot 11, D.P. 8408, being part Waipukurau Block, and W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. being part of the land comprised and described in GoD SA VE THE QUEEN ! certificates of title, H.B. Volume 61, folio 215, Volume 61, folio 216,.and Volume 83, folio 90 (Hawke's (H.C. X/1/2/17; D.O. 4/17 /616) Bay Land Registry). Situated in the Borough of Waipukurau. Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Wark, and Not Required Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, for That Purpose, to be Grown Land and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day of July 1952. " FREYBERG, Governor-General W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. [L.S.} A PROCLAMATION GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! U.RS. UANT to section 35 of the P.ublic Works Act 1928, I, (H.C. X/166/11/1; D.O. 32/166/0) P Bernar~ Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General. of New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act 1948.

Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work, and Not Required SCHEDULE for That Purpose, to be Crown Land APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land : 23•22·perches. Being Lot 1, D.P. 33964, being part Allotment 3, Section 50, City [L.B.] FREYBERG, Governor-General of Auckland, and being the whole of the land comprised and A PROCLAMATION described in certificate of title, Volume 886, folio 31 (Auckland Land Registry). URSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 192\\l, I, P Bernard Cyril, Baron Froyberg, the Governor-General of Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, New Zealand, here by declare the land described in the Schedule and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act 1948. of July 1952. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. SCHEDULE GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land : (H.C, X/17/843/1; D.O. 4/17/843) 32 perches. Being Lot 32, D.P. 3735, being part Section 155, l\fotueka District, ------situated in Block IV, Motueka Survey District, and being part of the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work, and Not Required Volume 102, folio 238 (Nelson Land Registry). for That Purpose, to be Crown Land Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day [L.S.] FR"EYBERG, Governor-General of July 1952. A PROCLAMATIO:N' W. S. GOOSMAN, .Minister of Works. URSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, P Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Gon SA VE THE QcEEN ! Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule heretq (R.C. X/178/2/1; D,O, 32(0/8/5} te:i be Crown Lat1d subject tq the Land Act l948. 10 JTTLY] 'THR ~RW ZEALAND OAZR'T''T'R 1181

SCHEDULE fofaking Provision with Respect to the Representation of Certain APPROXIMA 1' E area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land : Districts on the Auckland Harbour Bonrd and Appointing of 1 rood 22 · 55 perches. the Principal A nthorities Being Lots 116 and 117, D.P. 15512, being part Section 44, Hutt District, and being also part Lots 20 and 21, D.P. 1680, situated FREYBERG, Governor-General in the City of Lower Hutt, and being part of the land comprised ORDER IN COUNCIL and described in certificate of title, Volume 503, folio 220 (Wellington Land Registry). At the Government House at Wellington this 2nd day of ,Tuly 1952 Present: Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Hrs ExcELLENOY THE GoVERNOR-0.Ir~~ERAL IN CotrNcIL and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 8th day of July. 1952. ' HEREAS in the First Schedule to the Harbours Act 1950 W pI'ovision waB made t,, rntP·i· alia, one memQer of t_he W. S. GOOSMAN, l\1inister of Works. Auckland Harhonr BorLrcl shall he elected by the electors of the com­ Gon SAVE T1rn QFJmN ! bined district of the Boroughs of Newm>irket, One Tree Hill. Onehnnga, and Bllerslic ,md of the }lount vVellingtJm and Panmure (H.C. X/71/3/7; D.O. 32/0/8/1) Township Road Districts, a,nd the Onehunga Borough Council was elected and appointed to be the principal authority for the purpose of Declaring Land Acquired for a Government Work, a,nd Not Required the elections by the electors of the said combined district : for that Purpose, to be Crown Land And whereas the said Mount Wellington Road District has been constituted a Borough, and it is expedient to make provision for the representation on the said Board of the said combined district and (L.s.] FREYBERG, Governor-General to select and appoint the principal authority for the purpose of such A PROCLAMATION elections by the electors of the said combined district : URSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, And whereas it is also provided in the said First Schedule to P Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of the Harbours Act 1950 that, inter alia, one member of the said New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule Board shall be elected by the electors of the combined district of the hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act 1948. County of Manukau and of the Boroughs of }Ianurewa, Papakura, Papatoetoe, and Otahuhu and of the Town District of Howick, and SCHEDULE the Manukau County Council was selected to be the principal APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land : authority for the purpose of elections by the electors of the .said 9·33 perches. combined district : Being Allotment 1, D.P. 1569, being part Section 10, Rlock XXII, And whereas the said Town District of Howick has been con­ Town of Dunedin, and being the whole of the land comprisecl stituted a Borough and it is expedient to make provision for the and described in certificate of title, Volume 176, folio 25 (Otago representation on the said Board of the said combined distri~t and Laud Registry). to select and appoint the principal authority for the purpose of such elections by the electors of the said combined district : Situated in the City of Dunedin. Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and issued under the Real of ~cw Zealand, this 4th day and authorities conferred upon him by sections 19 and 30 of the of July 1952. Harbours Act 1950, and of all other powers and authorities enabling W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and the consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby order Gon SAVE THE QUEEN! and declare that one member of the-Auckland Harbour Board shall (P.W. 24/3916; D.O. 3/345) be elected by the electors of the Boroughs of Newmarket, One Tree Hill, Onehunga, Ellerslie, and Mount Wellington and the Panmure Township Road District in lieu of one member by the electors of the Declaring Land Acquired Jo,· a Government Work, and Not Required Boroughs of Newmarket, One Tree Hill, Onehunga, and Ellerslie for That Purpose, to be Crown Land and of t,he ]\fount \Vellington and Panmure Township Road Districts, and doth hereby select and appoint the Onehunga Borough Council (L.8.] Fl{E}YBERG, Governor-General to be the principal authority for the purpose of such elections by the A PROCLAMATION electors of the combined district of the Boroughs of Newmarket, One Tree Hill, Onehunga, Ellerslie, and Mount Wellington and of the URSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, I, P Panmure Township Road District, and doth hereby order and declare Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of that one member of the Auckland Harbour Board shall be elected New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule by the electors of the County of Manukau and of the Boroughs of hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act 1948. Manurewa, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Otahuhu, and Howick in lieu of one member by the electors of the County of Manukau and of the SCHEDULE Boroughs of Manurewa, Papakura, Papatoetoe, Otahuhu, and of the APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land declared to be Crown land : Town District of Howick. and doth hereby select and appoint the 3 roods 6·3 perches. Manukau County Council to be the principal authority for the purpose Being Lots 178, 179, 180, and 181, D.P. 15482, being part Rural of such elections by the electors of the combined district of the Section 1107, situated in Block XI, Christchurch Survey District, County of Manukau and of the Boroughs of Manurewa, Papakura, and being part of the land comprised and described in certifi­ Papatoctoc, Otahuhu, and Howick. cate of title, Volume 384, folio 78 (Canterbury Land Registry), T. J. SHERRARD, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Govemor-General, Clerk of the Executive Council. and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day of July 1952. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Fore,shore Licence-Terakohe, Golden Bay-Powerhouse, Store, and Gon SA VE THE QUEEN ! Rubble Facing-Golden Bay Cement Company, Limited (H.C. X/2/175/6; D.O. X/2/175/6) FREYBERG, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL Crown Land Set Apart for a Main Highway Depot in Block XVI, At the Government Buildings at Wellingtor, this 16th day of ilfata Survey District June 1952 Present: (L.8.] FREYBERG, Governor-General THE RIGHT HoN. S. G. HOLLAND PRESIDING IN CouNOIL A PROCLAMATION URSUANT to the Harbours Act 1950, His Excellency the P URSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Bernard Cyril, P. Governor,General, acting by and with the advice and consent Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General of New Zealand, of the Executive Council, hereby licenses and permits the Golde.n hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown land described in the Bay Cement Company, Limited, of Wellington (hereinafter called Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for a main highway depot;· "the company," which term shall include its successors and assigns and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and unless the context requires a different construction), to use and after the 14th da,:y of July 1952. occupy a part of the foreshore at Terakohe, Golden Bay, as shown on plan marked M.D. 3525 and deposited in the office of the Marine SCHEDULE Department at Wellington, for the purpose of the use of the power­ APPROXIMA'l'E area of the piece of Crown land set apart : 2 acres house, store, and rubble facing as shown on the said plan, such 2 roods 35 perches. licence to be held and enjoyed by the company upon and subject :Being Section 121, Te Puia Suburban. to the terms and conditions set forth in the Schedule hereto. Situated in Block XVI, Mata Survey District (Gisborne R.D.). In the Gisb9rne Land District ; as the same is more particularly SCHEDULE delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137484, deposited in the CONDITIONS office of the Minister of ,il/orks at 1il/ellington, and thereon coloured 1. This licence is subject to the Foreshore Licence Regulations yellow. 1940, and the provisions of those regulations shall, so far as Given under tbc hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, applicable, apply hereto. and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 4th day 2. The premium payable by the company shall be £2 (two of July 1952. pounds), and the annual sum so payable £4 (four pounds) .. 3. The term of the licence shall be fourteen years from the W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. 1st day of ,Tu°;e 1952. Gon SAVE THE QUEEN! T. J. SHERRARD, (P.W. 70/20/4/4; D.O. 24/24/6) Clerk of the Executive Council, B 1182 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Fore8hore Licence-Porirua Ha·rbour-Mana Sea Cadet Committee'-­ office of the Marine Department at Wellington, such vesting to be .M oaring-site subject to the terms and conditions set forth in tho First Schedule hereto, and prescribes that the dues and rates set forth in the Second FREYBFJRG, Governor-General Schedule hereto shall be charged and. taken by the Board for ·the ORDFJR IN COUNCIL use of the said wharves. At the Government House at Wellington this 2nd day of July 1952. Present: FIRST SCHEDULE Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IK COUNCIL CONDITIONS P URSUANT to the Harbours Act 1950, His Excellency the 1. The vesting of the said wharves is subject to the Foreshore Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent Licence Regulations 1940, and the provisions of those regulations of the Executive Council, hereby licenses and permits the Mana shall, so far as applicable, apply hereto. Sea Cadet Committee, of Plimmerton (hereinafter called "the licensee," which term shall include its successors and assigns unless 2. Tho. term of the vesting shall be fourteen years from the the cop.text requires .a different construction), to use and occupy a 22nd day of June 1952. part of the foreshore on the eastern side of Porirua Harbour, as shown 3. The annual sum payable by the Board to the Minister shall on plan marked M.D. 9390, and deposited in the office of the Marine be ls. payable on demand. · Department at Wellington, for the purpose of the use of mooring a 4. The ]\!faster of every vessel discharging ballast at tho said ship, as shown on the said plan, such licence to be held and enjoyed wharves shall have all such ballast taken away and deposited above by the licensee upon and subject to the terms and conditions set high-water mark, or at such place as may be approved by the forth in the Schedule hereto. Minister or by any person appointed b:ir the Minister for that purpose. 5. The Roard shall at all times exhibit therefrom and maintain at the Board's own cost suitable and necessary lights for the guidance SCHEDULE of vessels : Provided that no light shall be exhibited until after it CONDITIO~S has been approved of by the 31inister. l. This licence is subject to the Foreshore Licence Regulations 6. The Board shall appoint all officers necessary for the working 1940, and the provisions of those regulations shall, so far as applicable, and management of the said wharves. apply hereto. 2, The premium payable by the licensee shall b_e £1 (one pound) and the annual sum so payable £1 ( one pound). SECOND SCHEDULE 3. The term of the licence sh all be fourteen vears from the 1st day of July 1952. · DUES 4. The licensee shall have the ship attached to moorings of '!'HE owner, agent, or master of every vessel or launch berthing n.1, sufficient strength and weight so as to prevent the ship ever coming either of the said wharves shall pay to the Board charges as adrift. · · follows:- 5. The licensee shall place an all-round white light at or near the For each visit to either wharf the sum of 2s. 6d. For regular· stern of the ship and shall keep the same' continuously alight at all traders the sum of £1 per annum, in respect of each wharf, such times from sunset to sunrise during the term of this licence. payable in advance on the 1st day of April in each year. 6. In the event of the sh1p becoming derelict, or if for any reason whatsoever this licence is terminated, the licensee shall at its own 'l'. J. SHERRARD, expense remove the ship or derelict to such place as the Secretary Clerk of the Executive Council. for Marine shall determine. T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council. Altering and Redefining the Boundaries of the Conway Rabbit District (Notice No. Ag. 5272) Foreshore Licence--Landing-site for Aircraft~Patereon Inlet­ Stewart Island-Amphibian Airways, Limited FREYBERG, Governor'Generar FREYBERG, Governor,General ORDER IN COUNCIL ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at Wellington, this 2nd day of At the Government House at Wellington this 2nd day of ,July 1952. July 1952 Present: Present: Hrs EXCELLENCY THE Gov:,;RNOR-GENERAL IN Cou'NCIL Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL URSUANT to the Harbours Act 1950, His Excellency the HEREAS by section 31 of the Rabbit Nuisance Act 1928, it P Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and con­ W is enacted that the Governor-General, at the request of the sent of the Executive Council, hereby licenses and permits Amphibian Board of any rabbit district, may, by Order in Council, alter and Airways, Limited (hereinafter called "the company," which term redefine the boundaries of its district : shall include its successors and assigns unless the context requires . And whereas the district known·as the Conway Rabbit District a different construction), to use and occupy a part of the foreshore has been constituted under and for the purposes of the said Act : and land below low.water mark at Paterson Inlet, Stewart Island, and And whereas the Board of the said district has, pursuant to being a.U that portion of Watercress beach up to high-water mark the said section 31 of the said Act, requested that the boundaries of lying 75 yards east of the existing boatsheds. and slipways as shown its district be altered and redefined by including two additi nal on plan marked JVLD. 9342, and deposited in the office of the Marine areas therein and by excluding an area therefrom : Department at Wellington, for the purpose of the use of a landing· And whereas it is deemed expedient to alter and redefine the site for aircraft thereon as shown on the said plan, such licence to boundaries of .tho said district accorclingly : be held and enjoyed by the company upon and subject to the terms Now, therefore, in pur,uancc and exercise of the powers and and conditions set for.th in the Schedule hereto. authorities conferred upon him by the said Act, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of SCHEDUL,E the Executive Council, hereby- CONDI1'IONS !. Alters and redefines the boundaries of the said district so constituted as aforesaid ; and . 1. This licence is subject to the Foreshore Licence Regulations 1940, and the.provisions of those regulations shall, so far as applicable, 2. Declares that the boundaries of the said district shall be those apply hereto. set forth in the Schedule hereto. 2. The premium payable by the company _shall be £5 (five pounds) and the annual sum so payable shall be £3 (thrpe pounds). ?- Tho term of the licence shall be five (5) years from the 1st SCHEDULE day of July 1952. BOUNDARIES OF THE CONWAY RABBIT DISTRICT T. J. SHERRARD, ALL that parcel of land in the Marlborough Land District containing Clerk of the Executive Council. 166,850 acrei, approximately and bounded as follC>ws : Comniencjng at the eastern bank of the mouth of the Kowhai River in Block IX, Mount Fyffe Survey District ; thence proceeding in a n@rth-westerly Wharves Vested in Kenepuru Road Board direction by the eastern bank of the 1towhai River to a point due east of the southernmost corner of Run I28A in Block XIII, Mount FREYBERG, Governor-General Fyffe Survey District; thence proceeding westerly by a right line to ORDER IN COUNCIL the said southernmost corner of Run 128A; thence by the southern and western boundaries of the said Run 128A and part of the south­ At the Government House at Wellington, this 2nd day of July 1952. western boundary of Run 128 to a ppint known i:s Snowflake on Present: the Seaward Kaikoµra Range in Block IX, Greenbm;n Survey Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcrL District ; thence generally south-westerly by the · summit of the said range to Palmer Saddle in Block XI, Acheron Survey District ; P URSUANT to the Harbours Act 1950, His Excellency the thence southerly by a right line to the source of the Conway River . Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent and by the centre-line of that river to the sea; thence generally of the Executive Council, hereby vests in the Kenepuru Road Board north-easterly by the sea to the point of commencement. · (hereinafter called " the Board," which term shall include its successors or assigns unless the context requires a different construe, T. J. SHERRARD, tion), the management of the wharves at Onahau andTorea Bays as Clerk of the Executive Council. shown ?n plans marked M,D, 4782 and 2372, and deposited in the (Ag. 64/1/172) 10 JULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE

A uthoriziny Richard Jack Leith, of Oranyimea, JV aitotara, Farmer, Consenting to the Rai,

Now, therefore, pursuant to section 11 of the said Act, as set Domain Board Appointed to Have Control of the }i'ergusson Domain out in section 29 of the Finance Act 19.32 (No. 2), His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and. consent FREYBERG, Governor-General of the Executive Council,. hereby consents to the raising in New Zealand by the said local authority of the said sum up to the amount ORDER IN COUNCIL of seven hundred pounds (£700) for the purpose for which the said At the Government House at Wellington, this 9th day of loan was authorized, and in giving such consent hereby determines July 1952 as follows :- Present: I. The term for which the said sulll or any part thereof may be Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL raised shall not exceed twelve ( 12) years. URSUANT to section 44 of the Public Rese~ves, Domains, and 2. The rate of interest that may .be paid in respect of the s11id P National Parks Act 1928, His Excellency the Governor. sum. or any part thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding three pounds five shillings Council, hereby appoints (£3 5s.),per centuni per annum. His Worship the Mayor of Onehunga, ex officio, 3. The said local authority shall, before raising the said sum Francis William Allen, · or any part thereof, make provision for the repayment thereof Joseph Barton Cox, by .establishing a sinking fund under the Local Bodies' Loans Act Thomas Roger Davies, 1926; or under such other statutory enactment as may be applicable Frederick Gilchrist, and shall thereafter make payments to such sinking fund at intervals William Baden Powell Lee, of not more than one year at a rate or rates per centum which shall Heta David Milnes, be not Jess than seven pounds and elevenpence (£7 Os. lld.), such Dudley Garland Stone, and payments .to be made in respect of every ·part of the said· sum for Lancelot Osgood Waugh the time being so borrowed and not repaid, the first such payment to be the Fergusson Domain Board, having control of tlie land to be made not later than one year after the first day from which described in the Schedule hereto, and hereby appoints Wednesday, interest to the lender or lenders is computed on the said sum or any the 9th day of July 1952, at 7.30 o'clock p.m., as the time when, part thereof so raised. and the residence of Mr. E. H. Biggs, 2 Rawhiti Road, Onehunga, 4. The payment of interest and the repayment of principal as the place where, the first meeting of the Board shall be held, in respect of the said sum shall be made in New Zealand. fi. •No amount paya hie as either interest or sinking fund in SCHEDULE respect of the said sum. shall h_c paid out of Joan-moneys. NORTH AuoKLAND LAND DrSTRIOT-FERGUSSON DOMAIN 6. 'l:he rate paysible for brokerage, underwriting, and pro­ ALL those areas situated in Block I, Otahuhu Survey District, con­ curation fees in respect of the raising of the said sum or any part taining by admeasurement 15 acres and 26· l perches, more or less thereof, shall J10t in the aggregate exceed one-half per centum of being Allotment 81, Section 12, Suburhs of Auckland; and Lots 479 any ;imount ·raised. and 480 as shown on a plan deposited in the Land Registry Office 7.. No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the at Auckland under No. 17735, being part of Allotment 13, Section 12, expiration of two years from the date hereof. Suburbs of Auckland, and being part of the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Volume 305, folio 49 (Auckland T. J. SHERRARD, Registry). (S.O. plan 35711.) Clerk of the Executive Council. 'l'. J. SHERRARD, (T. 49/415/11) Clerk of the Executive Council. (L. and S. H.O. 1/923; D.O. 8/931)

Domain Board Appointed to Have Control of the Stoke Domain Changing the Purpose of a Reserve in Kaitawa Survey District, Wellington Land District FREYBERG, Governor-General FREYBERG, Governor'.General ORDER IN COUNCIL ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at vVellington, this 9th day of At the Government House at Wellington, this 9th day of July 1952 July 1952 Present: Present: Hrs ExcELLENcx THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL URSUANT to section 48 of the Public Reserves, Domains, and W HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto is a P National Parks Act 1928, His Excellency the Governor· reserve duly set apart for an esplanade : And .whereas it is expedient that the purpose of the. reservation General, acting by and with the advice and conse1!t of the Executive over such land shall be changed to a reserve for recreation purposes: Council, hereby appoints Now, therefore, pursuant to subsection (1) (a) of section 7 of The Waimea County Council the Public Reserves, Domain.~, and National Parks Act 1928, His to be the Stoke Domain Board, having control of the land described Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advic.e in the ·schedule liereto ; and hereby appoints Friday, the Uth and consent of the Executive Council, hereby declares· that the day of July 1952, at 10 o'clock a.m., as the time when, and the purpose of the reserve described in the Schedule hereto is hereby County Council Offices, Trafalgar Street, Nelson, as the place whore, changed from a reserve for· an· esplanade· to a reserve for recreation the first meeting of the Board shall be held. purposes.

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRIOT NELSON LAND DISTRICT-STOKE DOMAIN ALL that area situated in Block V, Kaitawa Survey District, con, ALL that area containing by admeasurement 18 acres, more or less, taining by admeasurement 1 acre and 13. perches, more or less, being part . Section 50, District of· Suburban South; situated in being Lot 113 as shown on a plan deposited in the Land Registry Block IV, Waimea Survey District, and being all tlrn land as shown Office at Wellington under No. 14131, and being part Section 14c, on a plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at Nelson under Ngarara West A Block. No. 4585. 'l' . .T. SHERRARD, Also all those areas situated in Blocks III, IV, and VII, Waimea Clerk of the J;]xecutive Comicil. Survey District, containing by admea.surement a total of 11 acres 3 roods 13·8 perches, more or less, and being Lot 8, D.P. 2382, being (L. and S. H.O. 1/894; D.O. 8/596) part Section 19, Suburban South; Lot 28, D.P. 3415, being part Sections 19 and 42, Suburban South ; Lot 15, D.P. 3366, being part Section 82, Suburban South; Lot 58, D.P. 3315, being part Sections Revoking the Reservation Over Reserves .in the Kawatiri 8utl'ey 45 and 47, Suburban South; Lot 32, D.P. 1288, being part Section IV, Didrict, N elwr, Lancl District Suburban South ; Lot 32, D.P. 3710, being part ·Section 19, Sub. urban South; Lot 24, D.P. 3697, being part Section 85, Suburban !IREYBERG, Governor-General South; Lot.16, D.P. 3438,.being part Section 16, Suburban South; ORDER IN COUNCIL Lot 8, D,P .. 3704, being part Section 46, Suburban South; Lot 4, D.P. 3761, being part Section 76; Suburban South ; Lot 22, D.P. At the Government House at ·wellington, this 9th day of 4057, being part Section 43, Suburban South; Lot 15, D.P. 3775, July 1952 being part Section 84, Suburban South ; Lot 62, D.P. 3786, being Present: part Section 50, Suburban South; Lot 18, D.P. 3496, being part Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL Section 52, Suburban· South; Lot 7, D.P. 3129, being part Section URSUAN'l' to subsection. (1) (b) of section 7 of the Public 52, Suburban South; Lot 27, D.P. 2930, being part Section 52, P Suburban South; Lot 8, D.P. 4062, being part Section 52, Suburban Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act 1928,- His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice South; Lot 1, D.P. 3487, being part Section 42, Suburban South. and consent of the Executive Council, hereby revokes the reservation T. J. SHERRARD, for aerodrome purposes over the lands described in the Schedule Clerk of the Executive Council. hereto ; and hereby declares that the said lands, being vested in the Crown, are Crown land av~.ilable for disposal under the Land (L, and S. H.0.1/1215; D.O. 8/249) Act 1948. 10 JULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1185

SCHEDULE Setting Apart Maori Land as a Maori Reservation NELSON LAND DISTRICT SECTION 1140, Town of Westport: Area, 55 acres and 37·4 perches, FREYBERG, Governor-General more or less. Also Sections 35 and 36, Block III, Kawatiri 8urvey District : ORDER IN COUNCIL Total area, 9 acres 2 roods 8·6 perches, more or less. AL the Govcrnrnc11t House at Welli11gtou, this 2nd day of '1'. ;r. SHERRARD, . July l!l52 Clede of the F,xecutive Couneil. (L. and 8. H.O. 6/11/63; D.O. 8/188) Present: His ExcELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERA.L IN CouNOIL Revoking the Reservation Over a Public Reserve in Block VI, Dunedin URSUANT to section 5 of the Maori Purposes Act 1937, His and East Taieri Survey District, Otago Land District P Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby sets apart FREYBERG, Governor-General and reserves the Maori freehold land described in the Schedule ORDER IN COUNCIL hereto as a Maori reservation for the common use of the Puke­ kohatu, Orim.upiko, Mataikahawai, Ngatitamarongo, Ngatikahu­ At the, Govennnent House at \Vclling·ton, this llth day of mate, Ngatitara, Ngatituhekerangi: Ngatihaupoto hapus, as a July 1952 meeting-house site and a meeting-place. Present: Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL SCHEDULE HEREAS by subsecoion (1) (b) of section 7 of the Public W · Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act 1928 (herein­ ALL that area of land situated in Block XII, Opunake Survey Dis­ after referred to as the said Act) it is provided that the Governor­ trict, in the Aotea Maori Land Court District, containing 3 acres, General may from time to time, by Order in Council, revoke tho more or less, being portion of the land called or known as Orimupiko reservation over any public reserve or part thereof, ,md thereupon No. 12 Block, comprised in a partition order of the Maori Land Court the land comprised therein shall, if vested in the Crown or in any dated the 28th day of July 1941 ; as the same is more particularly local authority or trustees deriving title from the Crown, become delineated on plan 1270N, deposited in the office of the Chief Sur­ Crown land available for disposal under the Land Act 1948, and in veyor at New Plymouth. any other case may, subject to the provisions of subsection (5) of T. J. SHERRARD, the said section 7 of the said Act, be disposed of in su.ch manner Clerk of the Executive Council. and for such purposes as may be stated in such Order in Council:· (M.A. 21/3/54) And whereas the land described in· the Schedule hereto is a public reserve which was conveyed, in trust, for that purpose to the body corporate called the Mayor, Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Green Island : And whereas it is expedient that the reservation over the said land be revoked : Revoking an Order in Council Setting Apart )Jfoori Land as a Maori And whereas the said body corporate has passed a resolution · Reservation consenting to such revocation and has in all other respects complied with the provisions of subsections (3) and (4) of the said section 7 FREYBERG, Governor-General of the said Act : Now, therefore, pursuant to subsection (1) (b) of section 7 of ORDER IN COUNCIL the said Act, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and At the Governmeiit House at Wellington, this 2nd clay of with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby revokes July 1952 the reservation for a public reserve over the land described in the Schedule hereto, and hereby declares that the said land may be Present: disposed of by the said body corporate by way of sale by public Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNOIL auction or private contract at such price and on such terms and URSUANT to section 5 of the Maori Purposes Act 1937, His conditions as the said body corporate shall determine, but so that P Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the tho proceeds of any such sale shall be used and applied in or towards advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby revokes the the purchase of land for recreation purposes. Order in Council made on the 3rd day of August 1938, and pub­ lished in the Ga;ette on the 11th day of August 1938, at page 1800, SCHEDULE whereby the land described in the Schedule hereto was set apart 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT and reserved as a Maori reservation for the common use of the ALL those areas containing a total area of 1 rood 6· 11 perches, more members of the tribe of Maoris called Ngatiratahi as the site for a or less, being Lot 70 and part Lots 58 and 69 as shown on a plan meeting-house and a meeting-place. deposited in the Deeds Registry Office at Dunedin under No. 145, situated in the Township of Plevna, being part Section 38, Block VI, Dunedin and East 'l'aieri Survey District, several of the boundaries SCHEDULE being more particularly delineated on a plan deposited in the Land ALL that area of land sitnated in Block XII, Opunake Survey Registry Office at Dunedin under No. 4383, and being the balance District, in the Aotea Maori Land Court District, containing 3 of the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Volume acres, more or less, being portion of the land called or known as 262, folio 85 (limited as to parcels), (Otago Registry). Orimupiko No. 12 Block, comprised in a partition order of the T. J. SHERRARD, Native Land Court dated tho 28th day of ,July l!l31 ; as the same Clerk of the Executive Council. is more particularly delineated on plan 1270N, deposited in the office of the Chief Surveyor at New Plymouth. (L. and S. H.0. 6/1/868; D.O. 8/156) 'l'. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of tho Executive Council. Recreation Reserve in Wellington Land District Brought Unde·r Part (1\1.A. 21/3/54) II of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act 1928 FREYBERG, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL Officers A 1,thorizerZ to 'l'a.ke and Receive Statutory Declarations At the Government Hon,e at Wellington, this !Jth day of J'uly 1952 FRb:YBERG, Governor-General Present: Hrs ExoELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL URSUANT to the authority co.nferred upon mo uy se.ction 301 P of the Justice., of the Peace Ad ln:l7, 1, Bernard Cyril, Baron URSUANT to section 34 of the Public Reserves, Dom»ins, Freyberg, the Governor-General uf New Zealand, do hereby notify P »nd National P,crks Act 1928, His Excellency the Governor­ and declare tlmt the persons whose names are set out in the Schedule General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive hereto, being officers in the service of the Crown holding the offices . Council, hereby orders and declares that the reserve for recreation­ stated opposite their names respectively in the said Schedule, are in the Wellington Land District described in the Schedule hereto authorized to take and receive statutory declarations under shall be and the s»me is hereby brought under the operation of and section 301 of the J\1stiees of the Peace Act H.127. declared to be subject to the provisions of Part 11 of the said Act, and such reserve shall hereafter form part of the W aimeha Domain, and be managed, administered, and dealt with as a public domain SCHEDULE by the Waimeha Domain Board. John Mellerick Lodge, Relieving Postmaster, Any Office. Leonard Charles Simmonds, Relieving Postmaster, Any Office. SCHEDULE Thomas Ernest DonneUy, Chief .Postmaster, Blenheim. \V ELLING'l'ON LAN j) DIS'l'lUC~· David Forbes Johnson, Postmaster, Kelso. ALL that area situated in Block V, Kaitt.wa Survey District Rupert Joseph Winter Blick, Chief Postmaster, Nelson. containing Ly ad1ncasurcment 1 a,crc and 13 perches? more or les~, George William l<'isher Price, Chief Postmaster, Thames. being Lot 113 as shown on a. plan deposited in tbe Land Registry Elsie }fargaret Mann, Postmistress, \Vaikino. Office at Wellington under l'>iu. 14ml, mid being part Section 14c, Elfo Edwin Earnshaw, Chief Postmaster, Whangarei. Ngarara West A Block. 'I' . •T. RIIERRARD, As witness the hand of His J~xcellency the Governor-General, Cletk of the I1Jxecut;iY<~ Council. this 3rd cby of July 1952. (L. and S. H.O. 1/894; D.O. 8/596) T. CLIFTON WEBB, Minister of Justice. 1186 TRE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Exempting Land in· the Westland Land District from the Operation And in pmsuance of such powers and authorities as aforesaid of Part III of the Goal Mines Act 1925 and with the like advice and consent I do hereby re-appoint you the said FREYBERG, Governor-General John Hector Luxford N p\lrs. uance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred to be the Chairman of the said Commission : I upon me by subsection (2) of section 171 of the Coal Mines And using all diligence you are required to report to me in Act 1925, and of all other powers and authorities enabling me in writing under your hands not .later than the 31st day of ,July 1952 this behalf, I,· Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyberg, the Governor-General your findings and opinions on the matters set out iu the said Warrant of New Zealand, hereby declare that the land described in the together with such recommendations as you think fit to make iu Schedule hereto shall be exempt from the operation of Part III respect thereof : of the Coal Mines Act 1925, and hereby further declare that this And in further pursuance of such powers and authorities as notice shall take effect as from the date of the publication hereof aforesaid and with the like advice and consent I do hereby confirm, in the New Zealand Gazette. republish, and re-enact the said Warrant and reconstitut.e tho Commission thereby constituted subject ouly to the modifications appearing in and by these presents. SCHEDULE Given under the hand of His Excellency tho Governor-General, WESTLAND LAND DISTRIOT.-BOROUGH OF RUNANGA and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 2nd dav of A, R. P. [L.S.] July 1952. 0 O 2 16 Lots 8, 9, 10, and 11, Block I, D.P. 148 (Town of C. JVI. BOWDEN, Dunollie), being the whole of the land comprised in Associate Minister of Finance. certificate of title, Volume 43, folio 217 (Westland Approved iu Council- Land Registry). T. J. SHERRARD, 0 0 24 Lot 12, Block I, D.P. 148 (Town of DnnoUie), beiug Clerk of the Executive Council. the whole of the land comprised iu certificate of title, Volume 43, folio 141 (Westland Land Registry). 0 0 24 Lot 13, Block I, D.P. 148 (Town of Dunollie), beiug the 1\' ut'tce uf 1-ntenti,on to 1 ss-ue an, Ordet -in Cuuncil' Ch,anging the whole of the land comprised in certificate of title, Reservation Over Portion of the Herries lYlemorial Park Domain, Volume 43, folio 156 (Westland Land Registry). South Auckland Land District 0 0 24 Lot 25, Block I, D.P. 148 (Town of Dunollie), being the whole of the land comprised in certificate of title, FREYBERG, Governor-General Volume 43, folio 44 (Westland Land Registry). HEREAS by section 41 of the Public Reserves, Domains, O O 24 Lot 12, Block II, D.P. 148 (Town of Dunollie), being the W and National Parks Act 1928 (hereinafter referred to as whole of the land comprised in certificate of title the said Act), it is ,provided that. the Governor-General may from Volume 44, folio 196 (Westland Land Registry). time to time, by Order in Council, but subject to compliance with 0 0 22 · fi Lot 2, Block III, D.P. 148 (Town of Dunollie), being the the requirements of subsection (2) of section 7 of the said Act, whole of the land comprised in certificate of title, declare that the land comprised in a public domain or part thereof Volume 41, folio 212 (Westland Land Registry). shall cease to be subject to Part II of the said Act; and, further, O O 24 Lot 16, Block III, D.P. 148 (Town of Dunollie), being may declare either·that such land shall be a public reserve for the the whole of the land comprised in certificate of title, purposes of Part I of the said Act, or Crown land available for Volume 39, folio 44 (Westland Land Registry). disposal by way of sale for cash under the Land Act 1948 : . 0 O 24 Lot 7, Block l, D.P. 148 (Town of Dunollie), being part And whereas the land described in tlie Schedule hereto is of the land comprised in certificate of title, Volume portion of the Herries Memorial Park Domain but is not reqnir

Vesting the Control .of a Scenic Reserve in the Kirk's Bush Scenic Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Resignations, and Retire­ Board ments of Officers of the New Zealand Army

FREYBERG, Governor-General Army Department, URSUANT to section 13 of the Scenery Preservation Act 11)08, Wellington, 2 Jnly 1952. P His Excellency the Governor-General hereby vests the control IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to of the reserve described in the Schedule hereto (being land reserved H approve of the following appointments, promotions, transfers, under the said ActY, in trust for the purposes of scenery preservation, resignations, and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Army:- as from the date of this notice until the 17th day of December 1956 (unless previously altered or revoked under the said Act), in the THE ROYAL N.Z. ARTILLERY Kirk's Bush Scenic Board, as constituted by notification dated the Regular Force- 18th day of Decefnber 1951, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 20th day of that month. Lieutenant H. B. Honnor having been sentenced to forfeit one year's seniority for all purposes, his seniority as Lieutenant SCHEDULE will now date from 15 December Hl49. Dated 25 March 1952. NOR1'H AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Territorial Force- ALL tlu,t area situated in Block IV, Drury Survey District, con­ taining by admoasurcment 3 roods ti·5 porches, more or less, being 9th Coast Regiment, R.N.Z.A.- Lot 1 as shown on it plan deposited in tho Land Registry Office Lieutenant-Colonel P. M. Barclay. relinquishes the appoint­ itt Auckland under No. :l77fl0, hoing part Allotment 15, Opaheke ment of C.O., 9th Coast Regiment, R.N.Z.A., and is transferred Parish. to the Reserve of Officers, Regimental List, 9th Coast Regiment, As witness the hitnd of His Excellency the Governor-General, R.N.Z.A., with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, with seniority this 8th day of July 1952. from 13 September 1947. Dated 31 March 1952. Major J. B. Horrocks to be Lieutenant-Colonel and is appointed E. B. CORBETT, C.O., 9th Coast Regiment, R.N.Z.A. Dated I April 1952. Minister in Charge of Scenery Preservation. (L. and S. H.O. 4/336; D.O. 13/34) 10th Coast Regiment, R.N.Z.A.- Captain B. W. McDonald to be temp. Major. Dated 7 April Honorary Inspectors of Scenic ReBerve,! Appointed 1952. 11th Coast Regiment, R.N.Z.A.- FREYBERG, Governor-General Captain 1'. Hy,le is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, UR81JAN1' to section 4 of the 8mmery Preservation Act 1908, General List, The Royal N .z. Artillery, with the rank of Captain. P I, Bemal'l! Cyril, Baron :Freybcrg, the Governor-General of Dated 12 May 1952. New Zealand, hereby appoint Ian Kirkham Andrews, 14th Composite Anti-Aircraft Regiment,' R.N.Z.A.- Francis Whiteman, and Ian Arthur Williamson Captain H. M. Aston is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, Regimental List, 14th Composite Anti-Aircraft Regiment R.N.Z.A., to be Honorary Inspectors under the said Act. with the rank of Captain, with seniority from 14 January 1948. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, Dated 21 May 1952. this 2nd day of July 1952. E. B. CORBETT, THE ROYAL N.Z. ARMOURED CORPS Minister in Charge of Scenery Preservation. Regular Force- (L. and S. H.O. 4/1079 ; D.O. 8/1069) Captain C. A. Halliday, M.C., resigns his commission. Dated 8 June 1952. Appointing Six Members and the Chairman of the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Council THE ROYAL N.Z. ENGINEERS Territorial Force- FREYBERG, Governor-qeneral 2nd Field Engineer Regiment, R.N.Z.E.- P URSUANT to sections 3 and 4 of the Soil Conservation and David Leicester Steven, B.E. (Civil), A.M.J.C.E., A.M.N.Z.T.E., Rivers Control Act 1941, I,· Bernard Cyril, Baron Freyherg, to he Lieutenant (on prob.). Dated l June l!l52. the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby appoint- Sir John Andrew Charles Allum, C.B.E., of Auckland, Company Director, as representing the Municipal Association of THE ROYAL N.Z. INFANTRY CORPS New Zealand (Incorporated), Regnlar Force- Alfred James Davey, Esquire, of Timaru, Farmer, as N.Z. Regiment- representing agricultural and pastoral interests, ,Tames Robertson Hair, Esquire, of· Patutahi, Gisborne, Farmer, Captain and Quartermaster John Bruce Wilson, from the as representing River Boards, Drainage Boards, and Retired List, to be Captain and Quartermaster, with seniority Catchment Boards, from 10 April 1949, and is attached for duty to Papakura Camp. Charles Vere Kirke, Esquire, of Fairlie, Farmer, as representing Dated 15 May 1952. County Councils of the South Island, Walter Alexander Lee, Esquire, of Waitomo Caves, Farmer, as Territorial, Force- representing County Councils of the North Island, The Auckland Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own)- William Langston Newnham, Esquire, C.B.E., of Wellington, Civil Engineer, as representing the Commissioner of Works, Captain W. G. Caughey, 1st Battalion, to be temp. Major. Dated 24 March 1952. to be members of the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Council, Lieutenant R. A. Wright, 1st Battalion, to be temp. Captain, and I also hereby appoint the said William Langston Newnham, to Dated 26 March 1952. be the Chairman of the said Council. ·As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-Gencrnl, The Canterbury Regiment- this 8th day of July 1952. Captain P. H. Wood relinquishes the appointment of Legal W: S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. Staff Officer, Southern Military District, and ceases to b.e seconded (P.W. 74/3) to the N.Z. Army Legal Department. Dated 5 May 1952. Lieutenant C. S. P. Nicholls, 1st Battalion, is transferred to the ·Reserve of Officers, Regimental List, The Canterbury Regiment, Appointment and Promotions of Officers of the Emergency Force with the rank of Lieutenant, with seniority from 11 June 1947. Dated 30 May 1952. Army Department, Wellington, 4 July 1952. The Nelson, Marlborough, and West Coast Regiment- IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to approve ·Hon. Lieutenant (Bandmaster) E. ,Barton, 1st Battalion, is H of the following appointment and promotions of officers of transferred to the N.Z. Cadet Corps. Dated 7 April 1952. the Emergency Force :- APPOINTMENT THE ROYAL N.Z. AR~IY SERVICE CORPS THE ROYAL N.Z. ARTILLERY Territorial Force- Major T. R. Atchley (4th Medium Regiment, R.N.Z.A.). Dated 1st Company, R.N.Z.A.S.C.- 3 June 1952. PROMOTIONS Lieutenant A. T. Slater, M.B.E., to be temp. Captain. Dated I June 1952. THE RoYAL N.Z. ARMOURED CORPS Lieutenant J. Brown to be temp. Captain whilst employed as 3rd Compa~y, R.N.Z.A.S.C.- G.S.O. III. Dated 11 ,Tune 1952. Lieutenant (temp. Captain) F. W. Burt to he Captain.. Dated THE ROYAL N.Z. ARMY SERVICE CORPS 1 April 1952. 2nd Lieutenant A. S. Fotheringhame to be temp. Lieutenant whilst employed as Workshops Platoon Commander. Dated 21 5th Company, R.N.Z.A.S.C.- May 1952, 2nd Lieutenant W. F. ,Johnson to he Lieutenant, Dated 12 T, L. MACDONALD, Minister of Defence, May 1952, 1188 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No.',46

THE ROYAL N.Z. A= MEDIOAL CORPS Nelson College Cadets- Regular Force- The notice published in th'e N.Z. Gazette No. 35, dated 15 May Leslie Douglas Roberts, M.B., Ch.B., (late Captain; R.A.M.C.) · 1952, relative to Lieutenant. D. H. Blyth, fa .hereby cancelled and is granted a short-service commission for a period of one year. as the following substituted :- · from 20 June 1952, in _the rank of Captain, with seniority from 20 · " Lieutenant D. H. Blyth, from the .Retired List, to be June 1947, and is. appointed Medical Officer, Papakura Camp. Lieutenant, with ~eniority from 6 November 1950. Dated 6 Dated 20 June 1952. February 1952 ". Hein. Lieutenant (Bandmaster) E. Barton, from the Nelson, Territorial Force- Marlbo_rough, ·and West Coast Regiment, to be Hon. Lieutenant,. 3rd General Hospital, R.N.Z.A.M.C.- with seniority from 31 March 1949, ;,,nd is anpointed Bandmaster, Nelson College Cadet Band. Dated 7 April 1952, ·. Captain B. M. Lambert, M.B., Oh.B., relinquishes the appoint­ The undermentioned_ 2nd Lieutenants (on prob.) to be 2.nd ment,. of _R!tdiologist, 3rd General Hospital, R.N.Z.A.M.O., and Lieutenants, with seniority from 23 May 1952 :­ is transferred to .. the Reserve of Officers, General List, The Royal S. J. McKenzie. N.Z. Army Medical Corps, with the rank of Captain. _Dated 13 · I. A. McLaren, M;A: June 1952, W. H. Nelson, B.A. B. M. R. Pearse, M.A. 1st Field Hygiene Section,_ R.N.Z.A.M.0.- J. A. Adam. Major H. 0. Tremewan, M.B., Ch.B., Deputy Assistant Director Dated 23 May 1952. of Army Health, N_orthern Military District, to be temp. Lieutenant­ Otago Boys' High School Cadets- Colonel. Dated· 1 May 1952. Lieutenant A. H; Foster, from _the John McGlashan College Cadets, to be Lieutenant, with seniority from 6 April 1950. Dated THE ROYAL N.Z. ELECTRICAL AND. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 13 June 1952. Regular Forc~'--- . 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.).E. J. A. Wright to be 2nd Lieutenant, with ·seniority from 23 May 1952. Dated 2_3 May 1952. Lieutenant H. W. E. Jones to be temp. Captain. D~ted 1 April 1952. Pukekohe High School Cadets- Major J. A. Maich, 'Reserve- of Officers, Regimental List, The N.,Z, ARMY NURSING SERVICE Northland .Regiment, is attached to the Pukekohe High School Regular Force- Cadets and is appointed 0.0., Pukekohe High - School Cadets. Lieutenant J. G .. McStay· is granted an extension of her short­ Dated 1 May 1952. service commission to 16 August 1952. Lieutenant (on prob.) Marcia Anita Jarrett, from the Territorial · St·. Bede's College Cadets- Force, is granted a short-service commission for a period of two years 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) J. ·P. O'Connor, B.A., to be 2nd as from 4 June 1952, in the rank of Lieutenant, with seniority from· Lieutenant, with seniority from 23 May 1952. Dated 23 May 1952,. 4 September 1951, and is posted for duty to Papakura Camp Hospital. Dated 4 June 1952. Waimate High School Cadets- 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) W. S. Moffitt to be 2nd Lieutenant, Territorial Force~ with seniority from 23 May.1952. Dated 23 May 1952. . Ruth Noelle Nathan to be Lieutenant (on prob.) and is taken Waitaki Boys' High School Cadets- on strength of 2nd General Hospital, R.N.Z.A.M.C. · Dated 18 The seniority of Lieutenant F, Finne_gan is antedated to December 1951, 1 August 1949, Wanganui Technical College CadetB=- · SUI'ERN{?!ERARY LIST, N.Z .. REGULAR FORCE Lieutenant F. L. Nodwell, from the Marlborough College Lieuten!tnt · and Quartermaster E. J. Hunter to be temp. .Qadet_s,: to be Lieutenant, with seniority froni 1 Febrliary· 1949. -Captain and Quartermaster: Dated 1 July_ 1952. Dated 4 June 1952, . WelliDgton• • College Cadets- N.Z. CADET CORPS 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) R. F. Watters, M.A., to be 2nd Dannevirke · High School Cadets-'-' Lieutenant, with seniority from 25 May .1952. Dated 25 May 1952, Captain F. E. Coulthard is transferred to the Mount Albert Grammar School Cadets. Dated 28 May 1952. RESERVE, OF' OFFICERS The undermentioned, 2_nd Lieutenants (o.n prob.) to be 2nd Regimental Lis~ Lieutenants, with seniority from 25 ]\fay 1952 :- 3rd Field Regiment, R.N.Z.A.- J. L. Anderson, B.A., B.Sc. 2nd Lieutenant D. C. Morse is transferred to the Reserve of J. B. Nichols, B. Agr. Sc. Officers, General List, 'l'he Royal N.Z. Artillery,. with the_ rank of , Dated 25 May 1952. 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 19 June 1952. · Hutt Valley High School Cadets- 2nd General Hospital, R.N.Z.A.M.C._- The undermentioned_ 2nd Lieutenants (on prob.) to be 2nd Lieutenants, with seniority from 25 May 1952 :~ Major J. McHaffie, M.B., Ch.B., is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, General List, The Royal N.Z. Army Medical Corps, N .. L. Smith, B.A. with the rank of Major. Dated 22 June 1952. J. T. Fitzgerald, Dip.E. Dated 25 May _1952. Supp'lerrtent.ary List- John McGlashan College Cadets- . Temp. 2nd Lieutenant P. Everett, M.M., i~ posted to t.he Retired List with the ran)<: of 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 23 June 1.952. Lieutenant A. H. Foster is transferred to the Otago Boys' High School Cadets. Dated 13_ June 1952. T. L. MACDONALD, Minister of Defence. 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) E. A. Dunlop, M.A., to be 2nd Lieutenant, with seniority from 23 May 1952; Dated 23 May 1952.

King's High School Cadets- ,AppointmenlA and Transfers of Officers of the Royal New Zealand • The undermentioned 2nd_ Lieutenants (on prob.) to be 2nd Air Force Lieutenants, with seniority from 23 May 1952 :- -Air Department, A. H. dhetwin. Wellington; 1 July 1952, J. C. Whitworth, B.A. K. J. D. Quinn, B.Sc. ·HIS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to approve the following appointments and transfers of officers of the Dated 23 May 1952. Royal New Zealand Air Force :- · Kowhai Intermediate School Cadets- REGULAR AIR FORCE Captain G. D. Mo<;>n is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, General List, The Royal N.Z. Infantry Corps, with the rank of ·GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH Captain. Dated 26 May 1952. Appointment Raymond Ivor CLARK (75073) is gra,nted a commission for a Marlborough College Cadets- period of six years, with the rank of -Pilot Officer (on _prob.), to be Lieutenant F. L. Nodwell is transferred to the Wanganui followed by a period of four years in the.Reserve of Air Force Officers. Technical College Cadets. Dated° 4 June 1952. Dated 18 June 1952. · Transfers Mosgiel District High School Cadets- John Arthur HOULTON, D.F.C. (75069), is transferred from 2nd Lieutenant (on prob.) A. J.Southg(>te to be 2nd Lieutenant, the Reserve of Air Force Officers to. the Active -List for a period of with seniority from 23 May l 952. Dated 23 May 1952. two years, with the rank of Flight Lieutenant and with seniority as from date of transfer. Dated 9 June 1952, . . _ Mount Albert Grammar School Cadets- Oliver HOPKINS (130588) is transfecyed from the: Resei:+e of Captain F. E. Coulthard, from the Dannevirke High Schoo!Cadets · Air Force Officers to-the Active-List for a period of'four'yl)ai;s, witli to be Captain, with .seniority from 31 March, 195L · Dated 28 May the rank of Flying Officer and witjueniority as from 18' ·February 1952, · .. 1952;: ·-Dated 18 ·June Hl52,-' ' · 10 JULY] THE NEW ZEAtAND GAZETTE 1189

ADl\llNISTH.ATIV.f,~ AN]) 8UPl:'LY HRAN('II Ap1,oi-ntme-n-t of Ho-nornry Child Welfare Officers Under the (!kild Trrmsfers TV elfare Act 1.925 Equipment Division- Murray Donald MORGAN (131439) is transforred from the .Rducation Department, Reserve of Air Force Officers to the Active List for a period of five Wellington, 1 July 1952. years,_ with the rank of Flying Officer and with seniority as from N pursuance of section 2 of the Child Welfare Act 1925, I, date of transfer. Dated 18 June 1952. I Ronald Macmillan Algie, Minister of , do hereby Special Duties Division- appoint the following persons as Honorary Qhild Welfare Officers James THOM (75071) is transferred from the Reserve of Air for the purposes of tbe said Act, for the period ending 31 March Force Officers to the Active List for a period of five years, with the 1053 :- rank of Flight Lieutenant and with seniority as from date of transfer. :XaJ.ne. District. Dated 16 June 1952. Orgias, Frank Maketu. Foster, Mrs. Jinnietta J. :EDUCATION BRANCH Tauranga. Kingsley-Smith, Clive Whakatane. Appointment Kay, Mrs. Grace Edith M. TeAwamutu. Keith Owen PLUNnJTT (75074) is granted a commission for a Jeromson, Charles Monat .. l\fanaia. period of five years, with the rank of Flying Officer (on prob.). Jones, Reverend Father Bernard E.G. Palmerston North. Dated 18 June 1952. Hanna, John Francis Wellington. Scott, Reverend Arth nr R. Oreti. WOMEN'S AUXIL1ARY AIR FORCE HILDA ROSS, _Appointment For Minister of Education. Sheila Isabella Dow (75072) is granted a commission for a period of two years, with the rank of Section Officer (on prob.). Dated 18 June 1952. Transrnitting and Receiving Officers for the Service of Notices by RESERVE OF AJ;R FORCE OFFICERS Telegraph Transfers General Post Office, The undermentioned officers are transferred from the Active Wellington, 3 July 1952. List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers for a period of four years :­ N pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by the Post and Squadron Leader Delwyn Stanley Norris CONSTANCE, D.F.C. I Telegraph Act 1928 (hereinafter termed the said Act), and by (70034). Dated 15 April 1952. the regulations made on 12 May 1914, and published in the New _ Squadron Leader James Chisholm MURRAY (70045). Dated Zeaiand Gazette of 21 May 1914, the following officers, at the 29 May 1952. addresses set against their names,.are hereby appointed transmitting T. L. MACDONALD, Minister of Defence. and receiving officers for the purpose of dealing with all notices by telegraph sent under the said Act or regulations, and of signing such certificates in relation to the service of any such notices as Member of the Roxburgh East Rabbit Boa.rd Appointed (ll"otice No. are required or authorized to be signed or given under the said Ag. 5273) Act or the regulations aforesaid :- Thomas Ernest Donnelly, Chief Postmaster, Blenheim. P URSUANT to section 56 of the Rabbit Nuisance Act 1928, Frederic Rodger, Superintendent, Telegraph Branch, Dunedin. His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to John Alexander Hislop, Postmaster, Featherston. appoint on the 26th day of June 1952- Alford George Lane, Postmaster, Marton. Gerald Sanders Rupert Joseph Winter Blick, Chief Postmaster, Nelson. to be a member of the Roxburgh East Rabbit Board, vice Douglas Claude John Burley, Senior Supervisor, Telegraph Branch, Nelson. Haig Hamilton, resigned. George James Powley, Postmaster, Te Awamutu. Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of ,July 1952. George William Fisher Price, Chief Postmaster, Thames. K. J. HOLYOAKE, Minister of Agriculture. Thomas Baden Adams, Postmaster, Waimate. (Ag. 64/1/5) Ellis Edwin Earnshaw, Chief Postmaster, Whangarei. W. J. BROADFOOT, Minister of Telegraphs. Members of the Citrus Canker Advisory Committee Appointed (Notice No. Ag. 5274) Appointment of Honorary Fishery Officer URSUANT to subclause (2) of regulation 20 of the Citrus P Canker Regulations 1952, the Minister of Agriculture hereby N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred appoints- I upon me by section 29 of the Statutes Amendment Act 1946, I, William Stanley Goosman, Minister of Marine, do hereby appoint (!) Reginald George Iliffe Hamilton, being an employee of the the person named hereunder to be an Honorary Fishery Officer for Public Service for the time being on the staff of the the purposes of Part I of the Fisheries Act 1908, to hold office until Department of Agriculture, the 31st day of March 1953 :- (2) William Donald Reid, being an employee of the Public Service on the staff of the Department of Scientific Walter Leo Ker, of Picton. and Industrial Research, Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of July 1952. (3) Herbert Percy Ritchie, Leslie James Sturm, and John Liddell Tennent, being growers of citrus fruit nominated W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Marine. by the Ne.w Zealand Citrus Council (Incorporated), and (4) Murdoch Albert Welch, on the nomination of the New Zealand Horticultural Trades Association (Incor­ Appointment of Honorary Officers porated), to be members of the Citrus Canker Advisory Committee. N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred" Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of July 1952. I upon me by section 29 of the- Statutes Amendment Act 1946, K. J. HOLYOAKE, Minister of Agriculture. I, William Stanley Goosman, Minister of Marine, do hereby appoint the persons named in the following Schedule to be honorary officers (Ag. 74/8/288) for the acclimatization district shown in such ·Schedule for the purposes of Part II of the Fisheries Act 1908, such persons to hold office until the 31st day of March 1953. Visiting J ulftice to a Prison Appointed Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of July 1952. Department of Justice, Wellington, 3 July 1952. SCHEDULE IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to W'EST COAST ACCLIMATIZATION DISTRICT H appoint- Stephen de Carteret Barclay. Charles Richardson White, Esquire, M.B.E., J.P., William Albert Joseph Boulton. Andrew Dalziel. to be a Visiting Justice to the Wanganui Prison. John Fitzsimons. T. CLIF'l'ON WEBB, Minister of Justice. Percy Samuel Geeves. George Hill. George Eric Logie. Vice-Consul of Sweden a.t lnvercargill Provisionally Recognized Clarence McKay. Maurice William Hugh MacKay. Ministry of External Affairs, William John Methven. Wellington 3 July 195:!. Frank Myers. IS Excellency th; Governor-Genera1 directs it to be notified Arnold Gordon Reid. H that the appointment of Sydney Cobbett Robertson. John William Rothwell. Keith Hanson Allen, Esquire, James Shaffrey. as Honorary Vice-Consul of Sweden at Invercargill has been Charles Sidney Smith. provisionally recognized. ,Joseph Frederick Tibbles. 'I'. CLIFTON WEBB, Minister of External Affairs. W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Marine. C 1190 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Revocation of Appointment of Analyst Under .the Food and Drugs Registrar of Marriages, &,c,, Appointed Act 1917

URSUANT to the Food and Drugs Act 1947, His Excellency Registrar-General's ·Office, P the Governor-General has revoked the appointment .of Wellington, 7. July 1952. Desmond John Andrew Doyle T is hereby notified that the following appointments have beeD I made:- as an Analyst for the purposes of the Food and Drugs Act 1947. Alford George Lane Dated at Wellington, this 1st day of July 1952. to be Registrar of Marria!l'ls for the District of Rangitikei and J. R. MARSHALL, Minister of Il:ealth. Registrar of Births and Deaths and of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Marton, on and from the 18th day of June 1952. (H.-F. & D. 52/5) William Nelson Calder to be Acting Registrar of Marriages for the District of Waipukurau and Acting Registrar of Births and Deaths at Waipukm,au, on and Appointment of Analysts Under the Food and Drugs Act 1947 from the 24th day of June 1952 . .Andrew George Bel'riman URSUANT to the Food and Drugs Act 1947, His Excellency to b~ Registrar of Marriages for the District of Waiapu and Registrar P the .Governor-General has been .pleased to appoint-- of Births a;nd .Deaths and of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Waipiro Leslie Gordon Cook, Bay, on and from the 14th day of Ju.ne 1952. .Graham Kemble-Welch, Walter Oswald Hawke Neil Gorman Prentice, and to be Deputy Registrar of Marriages for the District of Masterton Leo Sefton and Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths and of Births and Deaths to be Analysts for the purposes of the Food and Drugs Act 1947. of Maoris at Masterton, on and from the 2nd day of July 1952. Dated at Wellington, this 1st day of July 1952. Ernest Wilkes Pearce J .. R. MARSHALL, Minister of Health. to be Deputy Registrar of Marriages for the District of Riverton and (H.-F. & D. 52/6) Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths and of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Riverton, on and from the 20th day of June i952. John Thomas Holt to be Registrar of Marriages for the District of Waihi at Katikati Officers of the Police Foroe Appointed and Registrar of Births and Deaths and of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Katikati, on and from the. 23rd day of .April 1952. ' Police Department, John Cremer Plowright Wellington, 1 July 1952. IS Excellency the Governor-General .has ·been pleased to to be Registrar of Marriages for the District of Eketahuna and H appoint-- Registrar of Births and Deaths at Eketahuna, on and from the 23rd day of April 1952. Sub-Inspector John Joseph Kearns Thomas Raymond Hutton to be an Inspector, and to be Acting Registrar of Mal'riages for the District of Pongaroa Senior-Sergeant Michael Conway and Acting Registrar of Births and Deaths at Pongaroa, on and from · to be a Sub-Inspector the 11th day of June 1952. in the New Zealand Police Force, the appointment fa each case to Frederick George· Ryan take effect on and from 1 July 1952. to be Registrar of Marriages for the District of Greytown and W. H. FORTUNE, Minister in Charge of Police. Registrar of Births and Deaths imd of Births and .Deaths of Maoris at Greytown, on and from the 21st day of May 1952. William Desmond Cosgrove Additional Member.of Domain Board Appointed to be Acting Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Te Teko, on and from the 23rd day of June 1952.

URSUANT to section 46 of the Public 'Reserves, Domains, Murray Robert Terry P and. National Parks Act 1928, His Excellency the Governor­ to be Acting Registrar of Marriages for the District of Wyndham General has been pleased to increase the total number of members and Acting Registrar of Birlbs and Deaths at Wyndham, on and of the Langdale Domain Board from seven to eight, and to appoint-' from the 9th day of May 1952. the Member of the Mastertcin County Council representing Walter Leslie Scott the U riti Riding, ex officio, to be Acting Registrar of Births_and Deaths at Takapuna, on .and as the additional. member thereby rendered necessary. from the 18th day of June 1952. Dated at Wellington, this 27th day of June 1952. Graeme Boyd Robertson D_ M. GREIG, Director-General of Lands. to be Acting Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for (L. and s: H.O. 1/119; D.O. 8/318) . the District ofOrepuki, on and from the 15th day of November 1951. George Raymond Lawrence to be Registrar of Births and Deaths and of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Ruatoria, on and from the 7th day ofJuly 1962. Trustee of Geraldine Racecourse Appointed Philip Robert Bach URSUANT to section 6 of the Geraldine Racecourse Reserve to be Acting Registrar of Marriages for the District of Aria and P Act 1881, His Excellency the Governor-General has been Acting Registrar of Births and Deaths at Aria, on and from the · pleased to appoint-- 25th day of June 1952. George Crighton Chalmers S. T. BARNETT, Riigistrar-General. to be ·a trust.ee of the Geraldine Racecourse in place of Arthur John Bur:rhester, resigned. Dated at Wellington, this 27th day of June 1952. D. M. GREIG, Director-General of Lands. Administratio1f of the. Noxious Weeds .Act 1950 in the Waihemo County (Notice No. Ag. 5275) (L. and S. H.O. 54811 ; D.O. R2908)

Department of Agriculture, Wellington, 3 July 1952. Commissioner of the Supreme Court Appointed H.E following resolution, passed by the Waihemo County T Council on the 23rd day of June 1952, is published. in OUGLAS OSBORNE HAWKE, Esquire, of Orange, ·a Solicitor accordance with the provisions of the Noxious Weeds Act 1950. D of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, has this day been. appointed by the Right Honourable Sir Humphrey Francis O'Leary, K.C.M.G., .P.C., Chief .Justice of New Zealand, a Com­ ;RESOLUTION missioner of the Supreme Coul't of New Zealand in New South .Wales under section 47 of the Judicature Act 1908, for the purpose of THAT the· Waihemo County Council assume responsibility for the administering and taking all such oaths, affidavits; and affirmations administration of the Noxious Weeds Act 1950 within its district as in the said. section mentioned. as,from the 24th day of June 1952, Dated at Wellingto_n, this 27th day of June 1'952. K. J. HOLYOAKE, Minister ofAgriculture. W. PARKER, Registrar, Suweme Court. (Ag. 70/3/219) 10 jULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE ii9i

Register of Licences Issued Uruler the Money Lenders' Act 1908

Department of Justice, Wellington, 27 June 1952. EREIN is published for general information in accordance with the Money Lenders Regulations 1934, a list of all persons holding H money-lenders' licences at 1 June 1952. The licences expire on 31 March 1953. · T. CLIFTON WEBB, Minister of Justice.

No. of I Name of Licensee. Court by Which Licence. I Registered Office or Offices. Date of Licence. Licence Granted. ------·------·-';------,------c------A2010 Advances Ltd. 122 Victoria Arcade, 70-84 Queen Street, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Auckland Al790 Advances and Agency, Ltd. Picot's Building, Lambton Quay, Welling­ 28 March 1952 Wellington. ton Al825 · Arnbell Order Co., Ltd. 180A Manchester Street, Christchurch 31 March 1952 Christchurch. A2001 Automobile Finance Co., Ltd. Safe Deposit Buildings, 8 High Street, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Auckland A2000 Automobile Investments, Ltd. Safe Deposit Buildings, 18 High Street, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Auckland A2002 Automobile Traders, Ltd. Safe Deposit Buildings, High Street, Auck- 26 March 1952 Auckland; land Al859 The Bay of Plenty Investment Co., Ltd. Willow Street, Tauranga 28 March 1952 Tauranga. Al802 Britannia Loan and Deposit Co., Ltd... 39 Farish Street, Wellington 28 March 1952 Wellington.. Al822 The Canterbury Finance Corporation, Ltd. 109 Hereford Street, Christchurch 1 April 1952 Christchurch. Al804 Cash Orders, Ltd. 41A ·Ghuznee Street, Wellington, and at 28 March 1952 Wellington. 65 High Street, Lower Hutt, and at Fitzherbert Street, Petone Al841 Central Investments, Ltd. 432 Main Street, Palmerston North 10 April 1952 Pahnerston North. Al792 City Finance Co. 69A Manners Street, Wellington 28 March 1952 Wellington. A2008 Colonial Finance Co., Ltd. 9 Tabernacle Buildings, Karangahape Road, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Auckland A2018 The Commercial Loan and Finance Co., 144 Symonds Street, Auckland· .. 26 March 1952 Auckland. Ltd. A .709 Commercial Underwriters (N.Z.), Ltd. Perry Street, J\'Iasterton 4 April 1952 Masterton. A2009 Co.nfidential Loans, Ltd. 20-21 Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Auckland Al688 Credit and Finance, Ltd. 263 High Street, Christchurch .. 1 April 1952 Christchurch. Al689 Credit Services, Ltd... 263 High Street, Christchurch 1 April 1952 Christchurch. A 948 The Devon Finance Corporation, Ltd. Security Buildings, 74 Devon Street, New 28 March 1952 New Plymouth. Plymouth Al~07 Direct Cash Orders, Ltd. 57 Dixon Street, Wellington, and at 189 28 March 1952 Wellington. High Street, Lower Hutt, and at 203 Jackson Street, Petone A2015 Domestic Finance Agency 63 Karangahape Road, Newton 26 March 1952 Auckland. A2003 Embassy Loan and Finance Co. Victoria Buildings, Shortland 26 March 1952 Auckland. Street; Auckland Al862 l<'arm Securities, Ltd. 15A Devonport Road, Tauranga .. 28 March 1952 ~rauranga. Al699 Feilding Advances, Ltd. . . Macarthur Street, Feilding 21 March 1952 Feilding. Al698 The Feilding Loan and Investment Co., Macarthur Street, Feilding 21 March 1952 Feilding. Ltd. All86 Finance and Development Co., Ltd. 78 Victoria Street, Hamilton 12 March 1952 Hamilton. Al798 Fina.ncial Services, Ltd. 154 l<'eatherston Street, Wellington 28 March 1952 Wellington. Al791 Whitfield Forster Colonial Mutual Buildings, Customhouse )!8 March 1952 Wellington. Quay, Wellington Al690 D. A. Gunn 146 Manchester Street, Christchurch 1 April 1952 Christchurch. All89 Hamilton's Agency, Ltd. Albany Chambers, Victoria Street, Hamilton 27 March 1952 Hamilton. Al773 Hastings Finance and Agency Uo., Ltd. 107 Market Street, Hastings l April 1952 Hastings. Al772 The Hawke's Bav Investment and Russell Street, Hastings, and at Tennyson 27 March 1952 Hastings. Finance Co., Ltd: Street, Napier A 825 Hawke's Bay Loan Office 12A Station Street, Napier, and at 34 10 March 1952 Napier. Carnell Street, Napier. Al714 Jenness Goods.Orders, Ltd.· 103-5 Jackson Street, Petone 26 March 1952 Lower Hutt. Al803 James Dunedin George Kober 11 Queen Street, Wellington 28 March 1952 Wellington. A2016 Leaders Loan and Finance, Ltd. 63 Karangahape Road, Newton, Auckland 26 March 1952 Auckland. Al858 The Loan Service Corporation, Ltd. 89 Willow Street, Tauranga 28 March 1952 Tauranga. A2004 A. E. Macartney, Ltd. . . 10 O'Connell Street, Auckland 26 March 1952 Auckland. Al812 The Manawatu Finance Corporation, Ltd. 117 Rangitikei Street, Pahnerston North 24 March 1952 Pahnerston North. Al814 The Manawatu Loan and Discount Co., A.M.P. Buildings, Broadway, Pahnerston 26 March 1952 Pahnerston North. Ltd. North, and at Selwyn Building, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Al666 The Matamata Finance Corporation Tui Street, Matamata .. 20 March 1952 Matamata. Al997 T. W. Mayson and Co. Melverns Buildings, Karangahape Road, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Auckland· A2019 Mutual Cash Order Co., Ltd. 304 Colonial Mutual Building, 159 Queen 26 March 1952 Auckland. Street, Auckland Al647 Mutual Loan Co., Ltd. 136 Bridge Street, Nelson 24 April 1952 Nelson. Al793 J. McCombe McCarthy Trust Building, Lambton Quay, 28 March 1952 Wellington. Wellington A 949 The New Plymouth Finance Co., Ltd. Bank of New South Wales Chambers, Devon 28 March 1952 New Plymouth. Street, New Plymouth A2007 The Newton Loan Agency No. 4 Gaze's Building, 83 Karangahape 26 March 1952 Auckland. Road, Auckland A2075 New Zealand Mortgage Trust and Bond 105 Lower High Street, Dunedin 11 March 1952 Dunedin. . Corporation, Ltd. Al999 The Northern Co-operative Investment Blackett's Building, Shortland Street, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Trust, Ltd. Auckland A 950 The North 'raranaki Finance and Deposit Queen Street, Waitara 28 March 1952 New Plymouth. Co., Ltd. A2074 The Octagon Finance Co., Ltd. . . Queen's Building, Princes Street, Dunedin 11 March 1952 Dunedin. A2076 The Otago and Southland Finance Cor­ 7-9 Bond Street, Dunedin, and at 166 11 March 1952 Dunedin. poration, Ltd. Manchester Street, Christchurch A2013 Pacific Union, Ltd. 525 Dominion Road, Auckland : . 26 March 1952 Auckland. Al937 The Paeroa and Hauraki Finance Co., Eldon Chambers, Normanby Road, Paeroa 31 March 1952 Paeroa. Ltd. A2005 Personal Lo>

Court by Which No. of X arne of Licensee. Registered O.ffice or omces. Date of Licence. Licence. Licence Grautea.

A2006 Private Trusts, Ltd. 101 Colonial Mut,ual · Buildings, Queen 26 March 1952 Auckland. Street, Auckland Al821 Provident Loan and Fina.nee Co. Steel Buildings, 100 Cashel Street, Christ- 1 April 1952 Christchurch. church Al998 R. and T. Investments, Ltd. . . 352 Queen Street, Auckland 26 :Yiarch 1952 Auckland. A1812 Record Finance and Discount Co., Ltd. Mersey Street, Gore 29 April 1952 Gore. Al801 W. R. Richardson and Co. 38 Burgess Road, Johnsonville 28 March 1952 Wellington. Al815 The Ridgway Loan and Finance Co. 107 Broadway, Palmerston North 24 :March 1952 Palmerston Xorth. Al824 Rotherham Securities, Ltd. 153 Hereford Street, Christchurch 1 April 1952 Christchurch. Al725 Rotorua Traders Ltd. Chandlers Buildings, Fenton Street, Rotorua 25 March 1952 Rotorua. Al761 The .Scinde Loan and Investment Co., Browning Street, Napier 10 March 1952 Napier. Ltd. Al794 E. M. Smith 9 Cardall Street, Wellington 28 March l 952 Wellington. Al851 The South Canterbury Loan and Finance Goulds Buildings, George Street, Timaru 28 March 1952 Timaru. Co., Ltd. Al823 Southern Cross Finance Co. 78 Cashel Street, Christchurch .. 1 April 1952 Christchurch. Al796 South Pacific }fortgagc and Deposit Co., A.M.P. Building, Customhouse Quay, Wel- 28 March 1952 Wellington. Ltd. lington Al827 South Taranaki Finance Co., Ltd. 77 Princes Street, Hawera 26 March 1952 Hawera. AISOO Standard Orders 15 Dixon Street, W elliugton 28 March Hl52 Wellington. Al826 The Standard Trust and Investment Co., 52 Princes Street, Hawera 26 l',Iarch 1952· Hawera. of Taranaki, Ltd. Al659 Reginald Layton Stephenson .. 177 Havelock Street, Ashburton 10 March 1952 Ashburton. All88 The Sterling Mortgage and Finance Co., National Bank Buildings, Victoria Street, 12 March Hlfi2 Hamilton. Ltd. Hamilton A 174 The Stratford Loan and Deposit Co., Ltd. Union Bank Chambers,. Broadway, Stratford 5 March 1952 Stratford. All26 Taranaki Finance, Ltd. 56 Currie Street, New Plymouth 29 April 1952 New Plymouth. Al860 Tauranga Investment Co., Ltd. 15A Devonport Road, Tauranga .. 28 March 1952 Tauranga. Al863 The Te Puke Investment Co., Ltd. ,follicoe Street, Te Puke 9 April 1952 Tauranga. Al799 Thomas Ltd. Norwich Chambers, 111 Customhouse Quay, 28 Yiarch 1952 W elliugton. Wellington A2014 Traders Finance Corporation, Ltd. Albert Chambers, Wellesley Street West, 26 March 1952 Auckland. Auckland A2078 United Cash Orders, Ltd. Stock Exchange Bu.ildings, Dunedin 28 April 1952 Dunedin. Al715 The Valley Finance Corporation, Ltd. Room 18, Post Office Building, Lower Hutt 26 March 1952 Lower Hutt. Al716 Valley Holdings, Ltd. Room 18, Post Office Building, Lower Hutt 26 March 1952 Lower Hutt. All87 Waikato Cash Orders 90 Victoria Street, Hamilton 12 March 1952 Hamilton. Al719 The Waimate Loan and Finance Co., Ltd. Prices Buildings, Queen Street, Waimate 4 :March 1952 Waimate. A1996 The Wairoa Finance Co., Ltd. 312 Colonial Mutual Buildings, Queen 26 March 1952 Auckland. Street, Auckland Al841 The Whakatane Finance Co., Ltd. The Strand, Whakatane 3 April 1952 Whakatane. A·696 Whangarei Finance Corporation, Ltd. Wallace Buildings, Cameron Street, 'IVha­ I April 195:,l Whangarei. ngarei A2011 Arthnr Metcalf Wood Room 14, Commercial Bank Buildings, 64 26 :.Vlarch 1952 Auckland. Queen Street, Auckland Al797 Woodley's Agencies, Ltd. 15 King's Chambers, Willcston Street, 28 March 1952 Wellington. Wellington ______

Notice Under the Shops and Offices Act 1921-22 and its Arnendments, And whereas the Land Valuation Committee to which the said Fixing the Closing Hours of Prniterers' Hhops Within the application was referred, not being satisfied that the Crown had Borough of Gisbornc, Cancelled decided not to acquire or arrange for the acquisition of the said land, did on the 23rd day of April 1952, adjourn the said application: Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of HEREAS a requisition ir1 · \vriting, signed by a majority of section 31 of the said Act, doth hereby declare that the said land W the occupiers of all the fruiterers' shops within the Borough is taken for the settlement of discharged servicemen, and hereby of Gisborne, has been forwarded to the Minister of Labour desiring specifies the 1st day of July 1952, as the date on which the said that the notice fixing the closing hours of fruiterers' shops within land shall be deemed to be vested in Her Majesty the Queen. the Borough of Gisborne, published in the New Zeal.and Gazette· No. 85 of 8 November 1951, at page 1679, be cancelled: And whereas he is satisfied that the signatures to such SCHEDULE requisition reprcser>t a majority of the occupiers of all the said shops rJ'ARANAKI LAND DIS1'1UCT within the said horough : Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 32 of the Shops and ALL th.at parcel of land containing by admeasureillent eleven (11) Offices Act 1921,-22, the l',linister of Labour doth hereby direct acres one (l) rood thirty-five (35) perches, more or less, being that the said notice shall be cancelled as from the date of the Section 42, Omata District, more particularly shown on Deposited publication of this notice in the Gazette. Plan 5409, situated in Block IV, Paritutu _Survey District, and being all the land described in certificate of title, Volume 137, folio 264 Dated at Wellington, this 30th day of June 1952. (Taranaki Registry). W. SULLIVAN, Minister of :babour. Also all that parcel of larrd containing by admeasurement nine (9) acres, more or less, being Section 136, Omata District, situated in Block IV, Paritutu Survey District, and being all the land described in certificate of title, Volume 18, folio 223 (Taranaki Arbor Day Registry). Also all those parcels of land containing by admeasurement ninety-six (96) acres, more or less, being Sections 15, 15A, 73, and Department of Internal Affairs, Part J 4, Omttta District, situated in Block IV, Paritutu Survey Wellington, 2 July 1952. District, and being all the lttnd described in certificate of title, T is hereby notified that Wednesday, 6 August 1952, is to be Volume 1, folio 16 (Tara.naki Registry). I observed as Arbor Day, and in view of the national importance Al.so all that parcel of land containing by adrneasurement of tree-planti.ng, local bodies throughout New Zealand are requested twenty-four (24) acres one (1) rood, more or less, being part Section 16, to organize suitable celebrations on that date. Omata District, situated in Block VIII, Paritutu Survey District, Where, on account of local climatic conditions in any district, and being all the land described in certificate of title, Volume. 6, the 6th August is deemed unsuitable, the local bodies affected are folio 246 ('faranaki Registry). invited to observe some other suitable day in the month. Also all those parcels of land containing by admeasurement W. A. BODKIN, Minister of Internal Affairs. thirty-eight (38) acres and fifteen (15) perches, more or less, situated in Block IV, Paritutu Survey District, being part Section 14, Omata District, as shown on Deposited Plan 1002 also that portion of Lot I on Deposited Plan 5583 after excluding Lot 1 on Deposited Plan The Servicernen's Settlement Act 1950~Not·ice Declaring Land Taken 7123, being part Section 13, Omata District, and being part of the for Settlement of Discharged Servicernen land described in certificate of title, Volume 139, folio 251 (Taranaki Registry). Subject to Lease No. 13911 for a term of 999 years from 1 June 1927, to the Education Board of the District HEREAS an application has. been made for the consent of of Taranaki, grant of water ,md other rights affecting part Section 13. W the Land Valuation Court to a transaction which relates to the land described in the Schedule hereto, and to which Part II of As witness my hand, this 3rd day of July 1952. the Servicemen's Settlement Act 1950, applies: And whereas the purchaser of the said land is neither a dis­ E. B. CORBETT, Minister of Lands. charged serviceman nor a child or grandchild of the vendor : (L. and S. II.O. 36/1444/3183; D.O. 4/295) 10 JULYJ THE . NEVV· ZEALAND GAZETTE 'U93

IIauraki Pwins Drainage Area: Notice of Intention to Make and J /IJxemption Order Under the Motoi· Driven, ReguT,ations 1940 Levy Rates PURSUAN'.l' to the Motor Drivers Regulations 1940, the Minister Department of Lands and Survey, of Transport hereby orders and declares that the provisions Wellington, 14 July 1952. of clause (I) of regulation 7 of the said regulations so far as they relate to the driving of heavy tr.ade motors_ shall not apply to the N OTICJ<~ is hereby given that it is intended, pursuant to the person hereinafter mentioned, but in. .lieu. thereof the following Hauraki Plains Act 1926, to make and levy, on the unimproved provision shall apply:- · · · value of all land within the district constituted under the said Act, _ A motor-driver's licence issued under the Motor Drivers Regu­ the general rates to meet maintenance costs for the period 1 April iations 1940, to the· person described in column 1 pf the Schedule 1952 to 31 March 1953- as described in the Schedule hereto. hereunder may authorize him to drive a ii.eavy trade motor in the The amount of such rates will be payable iu one sum on 30 August 1952. course of his employment for the employer described in column 2 The valuation roll of the district is open for inspection at the of the said Schedule, but shall not authorize him, while he is under office of the Collector of Rates, Room 8, First Floor, Government the ·age of eighteen years, to drive a heavy trade motor for any other Buildings, Customs Street West, Auckland, and a copy of same purpose. may. be inspected at the Land Drainage Office of the Ministry of Works at Kerepeehi, at all ·times at which those offices are open SCHEDULE for the transaction of public business. Column 1 (Driver). Column 2 (Employer). John Edward Hanright, Rahotti Arthur Harrop, Tipoka SCHEDULE Road, Rahotu. Class A : On the · unimproved value of all lands classified as· Dated at Wellington, this 2nd day of·July 1952. Class A by the appraiser appointed under the said Act, sixpence W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Transport. and eighty-one one-hundredths of a penny (6·8ld.) in the pound. Class B : On the unimproved value of all lands so classified as Class B, threepence and eighty-nine one-hundredths of a penny Approval of Institutions or Hospitals for the Purposes of Section 10 ( 1) (3·89d.) in the pound. of the Medical Practitioners Act 1950 Class C : On the unimproved value of all lands so classified as Class 0, ninety-seven one-hundredths of a penny (0·97d.) in the pound. P URSU:!\NT to subsection .. (1) of section 10 of the Medical E. B .. OORBE'l'T, Minister of Lands. Practitioners Act 1950, the Minister of Health, acting on the recommendation of the Medical Council, hereby approves of the (L. and S. 15/13/154) public hospitals set out in the second column of the Schedule hereto and controlled by the Hospital Boards respectively appearing opposite thereto in the first column of such Schedule, as institutions Notice. of Intention to 'I.'ake a Leasehold Estate in Land in Block X, or hospitals in which any person who is for the time being Tauranga Si.rvey District,, for a Pi.blic School conditionally registered under the above Act may practise medicine or surgery. OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions Dated at Wellington, t)lis· 24th day of June 1952. N of the Public Works Act 1928, to take the leasehold estate J. R. MARSHALL, Minister of Health. in the land described in the Schedule hereto, held by Robert Beetham from Her Majesty the Queen under and by virtue of Memo­ SCHEDULE randum of Lease No_ 18470 (Auckland Land Registry) for a public Hospital Board. Hospital. school; and notice is hereby further giv·en that the plan of the land Northland Whangarei, Bay of Islands (Kawakawa), in respect of which the leasehold estate is ·required to be taken Northern Wairoa (Te Kopuru). is deposited in the post-office at Tauranga and is there open for Auckland Auckland, Cornwall (Auckland), Greenlane inspection; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said (Auckland), Middlemore (Otahuhu). leasehold estate should, if they have any well-grounded objections Waikato Waikato (Hamilton), Rotorua. to the taking of such leasehold estate, set forth the same in writing, Thames Thames. and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication Tauranga Tauranga. of this notice, to the Minister of W arks at Wellingto~. Bay of Plenty Whakatane. Cook Cook (Gishorne). 8CHEDULE Wairoa Wairoa. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land in respect of which -the lease­ Hawke's Bay Napier, Hastings Memorial. hold estate is Tequired to be taken : 3 ·acres 2 roods 5 perches. Waipawa Waipukurau. Being part Lot I, D.P. 30217, being portion Allotment 114, Parish Dannevirke Dannevirke. of Te Papa, and being part of the land comprised and described Taranaki New Plymouth. in certificate of title, Volume 747, folio 284 (Auckland Land Stratford Stratford. Registry). Hawera Hawera. Wanganui Wanganui. In the South Auckland Land District ; as the same is more Palmerston North Palmerston North. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 136468, Wellington Wellington, Hutt (Lower Hutt), Silver- deposited in the office of the Minister of W arks at Wellington, and stream Chronic. thereon bordered red. Wai;arapa .. Masterton. ·As witness my hand at Wellington, this 8th day of July Hl52~ Marlborough Wairau (Blenheim). W. S. GOOSMAN, l\1.inister of Works. Nelson Nelson. Westland .. Westland (Hokitika). (P.W. 3_1/1318; D.O. 39/55/0) Buller Buller (Westport). Grey Grey (Greymouth). f North Canterbury Christchurch, Burwood (Christchurch). Ashburton • Ashhurton. Notice of Int~ntion to 'l'ake Land for Road in Block VII, Cloudy South Canterbury Timaru, Waimate. Bay Survey District Waitaki Oamaru. Otago Dunedin, Queen Mary Maternity (Dunedin), OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions Par"\rside (Dunedin). N of the Public Works Act 1928, to take the land described South Otago Balclntha. in the Schedule hereto for road ; and notice is hereby further given Southland .. Southland (Invercargill), Seddon Memorial that the plan of the land required to be taken is deposited in the (Gore). post office at Tuamarino and is there open for inspection ; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well-grounded objections to the taking of such land, Officiating Ministers for 1952-Notiee No. 21 set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Works Registrar-General's Office, at Wellington. Wellington, 7 July HJ5:l. URSUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act 1908, the P following names of officiating ministers within the meaning SOHEDULlJ; of the said Act are published for general .iµformatian :- APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land required to be taken : 9·8 perches. . The Ratana Established Church of New Zealand ,~eing part Section 142, Picton Suburban Registration District. llfr. Manuka Mikaera l',fuu. Situated in Block VII, Cloudy Bay Survey District (Marl­ Mr. Puhara Pineaha: borough R.D.). (S.O. 4043.) .Mr. Te Hononga Tab.au. llfr_ Pehimana_ Tena. ln the Marlborough Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 137310, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints deposited in the office of the Minister of Worl,:s at Wellington, Elder John B. Ford. and thereon coloured sepia. Elder Alan Berrett Shaw. As. witness rµy !mnd at We!Jington, this 7th day of Jnly J!J52. . Jehovah's W itriesses W. S. GOOSMAN, Minister of Works. llfr. Robert Lazenby. (P,W. 70/11/51/0; D.O. 21/11/51/0) S. T. BARNETT, Registrar-General. 1194 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Decisions Under the Customs Acts

Customs Department, Wellington, 10 July 1952. fl1HE following decisions m interpretation of the Customs Tariff are published for public ..L information :-


Tariff Item. Decision. Record No.

ANTISEPTICS- 100 (1) Terramycin, including ointments made therefrom 28-4/44/78

121 (1) Bed pans of a~y material other than rubber (see also Tariff item 28-12/442 205) 121 (1) Urinals, male and female, other than rubber (see also Tariff 28-3/508 item 205) 356 (1) (c) Toilet sets packed in cases having no handles and not containing 28-40/36 brushes or mirrors

B.P. General. Emulsifiers- • 448 (3) Colosyl degreasing preparations 3% 3°/o 28-4/96/17 Gramophones- 448 (3) Record playing and changing units, combined 3% 25% 28-13/9/2 or separate, declared by a manufacturer for use by him only in making radio-grarno­ pb.ones and caps- Fabrics peculiar to hatmaking, &c.-­ 448 (3) cloth, woven (e.g. Toyo cloth) 3% I 28-8/37


Tariff Item No. Goods.

448 Emulsifiers prepara- 1-yltions. '""""'• 448 Gramophones Record playing and changing units. 100 I Antiseptics I Terramycin.

PART III-DECISIONS WHICH ARE CANCELLED Tarift'Item No. ---~J Cancelled Decision. 121 (1) Bed pans of any material (see revised decision). 121 (1) I Urinals, male and female, hospital types (see revised decision). 124 (8) Colosyl EB. 352 I Transmissi~~ Hose with couplings permanently affixed specially suited for use_ with hydraulic units standard equipment therefor. 356 (1) (c) Toilet set~ in cases having no handles and not containing brushes (see revised decision) .. 448 (3) Hats and caps Paper cloth, woven, declared by a manufacturer for use by him only in making hats (see revised decision). 448 (3) Hats and caps Toyo cloth. 449 (2) (d) Colosyl S, LSD. 2, WX.

(Tariff Orde_r .28) D. G. SA WERS, Comptroller of Customs.

Notice Under the Regulations Act 1936

NO'fICE is hereby given in pursuance of the Regulations Act 1936 of the making of regulations as under:-

_ _,_____...... _.~~-·-~------~-----~------·-- ·-· ·------· i Serial Date of Price (Postage Authority for Enactment. Short Title or Subject-matter. Number. ! Enactment. Id. Extra).

-Ngaitahu Trust Board Act 1946 Ngaitahu Trust Board Regulations 1952 1952/136 9/7/52 6d. Customs Ameudment Act 1921 Customs Duties Suspension Order (No. 5) Hl52 .. i 1952/137 9/7/52 2d. Post and Telegraph Act 1928 . . Post Office Savings Bank Regulations 1944, Amend- I 1952/138 9/7/52 ld. ------ment~Cl. 3 ______Copies can be purchased at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices-for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. R. E. OWEN, Government Printer. 10 JULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1195

Decisions of the Bureau of Under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act 1936

Bureau of Industry, C.P.O. Box 2492, Wellington, URSUANT to the authority couferred on the Bureau of Industry under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act 1936, the following P decisions have been made in respect of applications for licences. · J. KERR, Secretary. ·------~------··------·------~------Applloant and Location. Nature of Application. Decision. Date.

Pharmacy Industry C. J. Arroll, Birkenhead,· Auck­ For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at Declined 30 June 1952. land Hobson Drive, between Coates and Court Crescents, Tamaki, Auckland S. V. Evans, Grey Lynn, Auckland For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at Granted 30 June 1952. Tripoli Road or Hobson Drive, Tamaki, Auckland A. E. Kemp, care of R. A. Kemp, For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at Granted 30 June 1952. 11 Otahuri Crescent, Remuera, Queens Road,,Panmure, Auckland Auckland C. R. Turnbull, 227 Queen Street, For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at Declined 30 ,June 1952. Onehunga, Auckland Church Street, between Malvern and Captain Springs Roads, Te Papapa, Auckland P. H. E. Golding, 47 Sentinel For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at 813 Granted 30 .June 1952. . Road, Herne Bay, Auckland Mount Eden Road, Mount Eden, Auckland 0. H. Morris, 19 Empire Road, For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at 889 Declined 30 June 1952. Epsom, Auckland Mount Eden Road, Mount Eden, Auckland Mrs. E. S. West, Ruatoria For a licence to operate a new pharmacy in Declined 30 June 1952. Childers Road, Te Hapera, Gisborne C. B. Quay, New Plymouth For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at Granted 30 June 1952. Westown, New Plymouth Sale and Distribution of Motor-spirit A. G. Saunders and Co., Mania­ For permission to shift two pumps from their I Granted 30 June 1952. poto Street, Otorohanga present position in Maniapoto Street to a; new · site about 3 chains distant and on the corner of Maniapoto and Kanawa Streets Slade and Dwcn, Dariiaville For a licence to resell motor-spirit from one Granted (subject to the condition 30 June 1952. pump to be installed on garage premises at that a bona fide repair service be Victoria Street, Dargaville provided to the satisfaction of the Bureau) A, C. Porter and N. R. Sparrow, For a licen_ce to resell motor-spirit frcim one Declined 30 June 1952. Main Road, Ngakuru pump to be installed on garage and passenger­ service premises at Main Road, Ngakuru Farmers Co-operative Organiza­ For a licence to resell motor-spirit from one Declined 30 June 1952. tion Society of New Zealand, pump to be installed on garage premises at Ltd., New Plymouth Devon Street East, New Plymouth J. R. Day, Ltd., Dunedin (1) For permission to change the retail selling- (1) Granted 30 June 1952. point of their pumps from their present position in Vogel Street to a new site at the corner of Cumberland, Gordon, and Vogel Streets, Dunedin, anq (2) to install one (2) Declined additional pump T. N. Mouat, Punakaiki For permission. to shift one pump from its Granted 30 June 1952, present position to a new site a quarter of a mile distant on the Greymouth-Westport Highway,Punakaiki S. N. Tibble and, J.C. W. Walker, For a licence to resell motor-spirit from two Declined 30 June 1952. Lyttelton pumps to be installed on proposed service- station and garage premises adjoining London Street, Lyttelton D. V. Reilly, J. N. Reilly, and J. J. For a licence to resell motor-spirit from two Declined 30 June 1952. Leech, Auckland pumps to be installed on proposed service- station and garage premises, 39 Garnett Road, Westmere, Auckland Hillsdene Motors Ltd., Tauranga For a licence to resell motor-spirit from one Granted (conditionally) 30 June 1952. pump to be installed on the Tauranga Wharf Revocation-Pharmacy Industry J. S. Francis, Auckland .. I For a licence to operate a new pharmacy at 63A I Revoked . . 130 June 1952. Lake Road, Devonport, Auckland ------

N oiice to Persons AfjefJte,J, by Applications for Licences Under Part III Whangarei Sand Supply, Ltd., Lower Cameron Street, of the Industrial Efficiency Act 1936 Whangarei, has applied for a licence to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on premises at Lower Cameron Street, Whangarei. . Pharmacy Industry N. P. Marsh, Main Road, Linton, has applied for a licence to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on store premises I. L. Jacobs, 3 Bradnor Road, Fendalton, Christchurch, has at Main Road, Linton. applied for a licence to operate a new pharmacy at the corner of Newton· King, Ltd., Sheridan Street, Te Kuiti, has applied for Manchester Street and Oxford Terrace, Cqristchurch. a licence to resell motor-spirit otherwise than through pumps from A .. R. Petrie, care of Mr. A. L. Penn, Main Road South, Homby, an oil company depot in Te Kuiti. Christchurch, has applied for a licence to operate a new pharmacy J. Williamson, Ngaio Street, Otahuhu, has applied for near the corner of Lincoln and Hoon Hay Roads, Spreydon, permission to shift two pumps from their present position facing Christchurch. Ngaio Street to a new site 40 ft. distant facing Great South Road,. Otahuhu. Retail Sale and Distribution of Motor-spirit W. F .. Turner, Ltd., Otane, has applied for permission to shift P. M. Garden, Waikaia, has applied for a licence to resell two pumps from their present position in Higginson Street to a new motor-spirit from two pumps to be installed on s.ervice-station and position about 75 yards distant to new premises also in Higginson garage premises at Waikaia. Street, Otane. C. Capell, Ardmore Street, Wanaka, has applied for a licence Applicant~ and other persons considering themselves to be to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed on proposed matenally affected by the decisions of the Bureau of Industry on service-station premises at Ardmore Street, Wanaka. • these applications should, not later than 24 July 1952, submit any Khyber Pass Motors, Ltd., 180 Great South Road, Auck!&nd, written evidence and representations they may desire to tender. has applied for a licence~to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be All communications should be addressed to Secretary, Bureau of installed at the rear of,garage premises at 180 Great South Road, Industry, C.P.O. Box 2492, Wellington. Auckland. J, D. KERR, Secretary. 1196 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No: 46

P,folic Ti:ust Office Act 1908, and its Amendments-Election to Administer Estates

OTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the Supreme Court au election to administer in respect of the several N ·estates tifthe persons deceased whose names, residences, and occupations (so far as known) are hereunder set forth:- --

0 I Date 1- Date I Testate or I Stamp Office No. I Name. Occupation. Residence. I of Death.. E=~n Intestate. . Concerned. ------··--- --·------,-~·----·-·------·-~------1 Adam, James Carpenter Mataura .. 15/10/49 24/6/52 Intestate Invercargill. 2 Bartlett, Joseph Henry Retired farmer Blenheim 29/5/52 26/6/52 Testate Blenheim. 3 Brown, Ethel Maud .. Widow I1rvercargill 5/6/52 27/6/52 Invercargill. 4 Cain, Ellen Annie Hornby .. 12/6/52 2/7/52 ChristchUFch. 5 Churchfield, Mabel Caroline Hamilton 30/5/52 27/6/52 Auckland. 6 Couper, Laurence Muirhead Civil" servant Formerly Mosgiel, 28/4/52 24/6/52 Intestate" Dunedin. late Christchurch 7 Crowley, Mary Widow Thames .. 30/5/52 25/6/52 Testate Auckland. 8 Currie, Una •Marie Married woman Hamilton 24/6/52 2/7/52 9 Field, Eliza beth Widow Naseby .. 16/4/52 27/6/52 Dun'~din. 10 Golden, Arthur Storeman Northcote 13/5/52 30/6/52 Auckland.' 11 Gomez, Louisa Marion . Spinster Auckland 3/7/51 30/6/52 I:tit~state 12 Gordon, Margaret Christchurch 11/6/52 .2/7/52 .Testate C~istchurcl;t;" 13 · Gould; Lizzie Widow Wellington 9/6/52 1/7/52 Wellington. 14 Gudge, Charles Postman Christchurch 13/5/52 2/7/52 Christchurch . 15 Haines, Stephen Retired pafoter Dannevirke . 9/6/52 2/7/52 Napier. 16 Hayes; Annie Elizabeth Widow Christch11rch 31/5/52 2/7/52 Christchurch. 17 Kennedy, Joseph Alexander Sawmiller 14/4/52 2/7/52 18 Leggett, Albert Ernest , Retired clerk 30/4/52 2/7/52 19 Liney, Ruby Patricia .. Spinster Welli;gton 29/3/52 27/6/52 Int~tate Welli;gton. 20 Lucas, Mary Ellen - Auckland 2/4/51 30/6/52. Testate Auckland. 21 Maxwell, William John Apprenticed" chemist .. Lower Hutt 25/4/52' 24/6/52. - Intestate Wellington. 22 . Morgan, William Edwin Carpenter Oparau .. 19/4/,36 .1/7/52 Testate A11ckland. 23 McBride, Sarah Jane .. Married woman Formerly Browns 27/1/52 25/6/52 · Bay, .late Green Lane, Auckland 24· Patis; Herbert Gavill .. Tally clerk . . -,. FormArly Timaru, 17/3/52 2/7/52 Christchurch. late Christchurch 25 PhHlimore, Wiilia.m Retired leather ·worker Hamilton 29/5/52 2/7/52 ,, Auckland. 26 Rae, Catherine Spinster . . Hokitika 3/6/52 27/6/52 Intestate Greymouth.' 27· ·Reid; Charles General labourer. Gisborne 31/5/52 25/6/52 ,, , Gisborne. 28 Richardson, €1orclon William Farmer Frankton 29/9/39 26/6/52 Testate Auckland. 29 Rogers, Henry Ed'Vin · · : Bi;iilder . . . Epsoin, Auckland . . 15/5/52 30/6/52 Intestate 30 .R,oil, Charles Alfred .. Gardener . . Pukehou 31/5/52 30/6/52 Testate Napier. 31 Stapley, George Edward · .. 1 Labourer . . · ' Christchurch 30/4/52 2/7/52 ,, Christchurch. 32 Todd, William Thomlts Paterson Retired farmer Glenomaru 16/4/52 24/6/52 Intestate Dunedin. 3·3 .Walker, James Woollen worker Petone 22/3/52 ·124/6/52 ,, Wellington. 34· 'Wallis, Jane Paxton Milne Married woman. Sawyers Bay 26/4/52 27/6/521 Testate Dunedin. 35 Webb, Ann Graham Irvine I ,, . Oamaru . . 11/6/52 26/6/52 · Intestate . I : . --~~~-~------.. ~~~--~,....__·~~-·---~------Public Trust Office, Wellington, 7 July 1952. G. E. TURNEY, P11blic Trustee.

The Indus:trial. Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1925-Proposed The Industrial.· Conciliation and Arbitration· Act 1925-0ancelk,J;ion Oancetlation of Regi/ftration of Industrial Union · of Registration'

Department of Labour and Employment, Department of Labour and Employment, - . Wellington, 30.June 1952. Wellingtop., 3 July 1952. · OTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to and in exercise of the OTICE is hereby given 'that the .registration of the Hawke's N powers conferred upon me by se.ction .23· of the Industrial ·N Bay Private Hotel and Boardinghouse Keepers' Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1925, the registration of the Union of 'Employers, Registered No. 1825, situated at Napier, is Nelson.Industrial District Coal Mine Workers Industrial Union of hereby cancelled as from the date of the publication of this notice Workers, Registered No. 1703, situated at Mangarakau, Collingwood:, in the Gazette: · · will, unless cause to the contrary is shown, be cancelled at the w. H. CADWALLADER, expiration of 'six weeks from the date of this notice. Registrar of Industrial Unions . . W. H. CADWALLADER, Registrar of Industrial Unions. Board of Trade Notice No. 31-PuhUc Inr;uiry into Tariff Duties on ' Electric Motors

The ,Industriai Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1925-Proposed ·Board of Trade, Cancelkltion of Registration of Industrial Union 8 July 1952. I. The Board of Trade proposes to inquiie into and report Department of Labour and Employment, upon the question of what rate of duty should be imposed on .electric Well,ington, 30 June 1952. motors which are included in Tariff Item 338/1 (a) (electric motors up to and including 25 B:UP) and Tariff Item 338/1 (b) (electric OTICE ·is hereby given that, pursuant to and in exercise of motors n.e.i.). . . . · - N , the powers conferred upon me by section.23 of the Industrial The .Present rates of duty for both items are-' Conciliation and _Arbitration Act 1925, the registration of the Waiuta Quartz Gold l\'liners' Industrial Union of Workers, British Preferential : Free: . . Register-

'I'he Standards Act 1941-Specifications Declared to be Btandard l Revoking.a Notice Declaring Land to be Suhject to Part I of the Maori Specifications Land Amendment Act 1936 (Taihape Development Scheme)

N OTIC]! is h~reby given that on 3 July 1952, the undermentioned URSUANT to section 4 'of the Maori Land Amendment Act . s:pecificat10ns we~ declared to be standard specifications by P 1936, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby revokes a notice the Mimster of Industries and Commerce pur~uant to section 8 of made on the 13th day of May 1938 and published in New Zeaktnd the Standards Act 1941 :- · - Gazette No. 36. of t~e 19th day of May 1938, at page 1162, whereby ------Price of the land described m the Schedule hereto was declared to be subject Number and Title of Specification Copy (POI& to Part I of the said Act. Free). ------SCHEDULE s. d. N.Z.S.S. 69 : Steam turbines ; being B.S. 132 : 1951 2 0 .ALL that area of land in the Aotea Maori Land Court District (superseding N.Z.S.S. 69; being B.S. 132: 1930) situated in Block I, Apiti Survey District, and known as Otama'. N.Z.S.S. 20? : Steel pipes and flanged joints for 2 0 kapua IF 2~ Block, containing 211 acres and 16 perches, more or hydraulic purposes ( up to 6i in. outside diameter less, and bemg all the land in certificate of title, volume 255, folio 8. an? up to 4,500 lb. per square inch design pressure) ; Dated at Wellington, this 2nd day of July 1952. bemg B.S. 778: 1951 with amendment (Corrigen­ For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs- dum No. 1 (P.D. 1242) August 1951 (superseding N.Z.S.S. 202; being B.S. 778: 1938 M. SULLIVAN, N.Z.S.S. 343 : Round strand steel wire suspension ropes 4 0 Assistant Under-Secretary of the for lifts and hoists ; being B.S. 329 : 1951 (super­ Department of Maori Affairs. seding N.Z.S.S. 343 ; b~ing B.S. 329 : 1939) (H.O. M.A. 1/5/19; D.O. 5/199/6/167) N.Z.S.S. 1069 : Precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts 2 0 (B:S.W. and B.S.F. threads), and plain washers; bemg B.S. 1083: 1951 (superseding N.Z.S.S. E. 227 · being :B.S. 1083 : 1942) - ' Releasing Land·from the Provisions of Part I of the Maori Land N.Z.S.S. 1070 : Wrought aluminium and aluminium 4 0 Amendment Act 1936 (Kaipara Development Scheme) all?ys for general purposes-forgings ; bemg B.S. 1472: 1951 URSUANT to subsection (2) of section 4 of the Maori Land N.Z.S.S. 1071 : Wrought aluminium and aluminium 5 0 P Amendment Act 1936, the Board of Maori. Affairs hereby all?ys for general engineering purposes-plate ; revokes, so far as it affects the land described in the_ Schedule hereto, bemg B.S. 1477: 1951 a certain notice dated the 9th day of June 1930 and published iµ N.Z.S.S. 1072: Bev:el protractors (mechanical and 2 0 New Zeaktnd Gazette No. 45 of the 19th day of June 1930, at page optical); being B.S, 1685: 1951 _ 1983, whereby the provisions of subsection (3) of section 23 of the N.Z.S.S. 1073 : Cast iron smooth tube economisers 2 0 Maori Land Amendment and Maori Land Claims Adjustment Act with pressed socket joints ; being B.S. 1713 : 1951 1929 (now Part I of the Maori Land Amendment Act 1936) were N.Z.S.S. 1074 : Guide to the method of specifying 4 0 applied to, inter alia, the said land. helical compression springs; being B.S. 1726: 1951 with· amendment (Corrigendum) No. 1 (P.D. 1295) SCHEDULE November 1951 N.Z.S.S. 1080 : Single bucket excavators of the 6 0 .ALL that land in the Tokerau Maori Land Court District, situate crawler-mounted friction-driven type; . being in Blocks II and VI of the Hukatere Survey District, containing B.S. 1761 : 1951 7 acres 2 roods 35 perches, more or less, and known as part Hukatere N.Z.S.S. 1082 : Pipe flanges for use on internal combus­ 2 0 B 1B Block, being the whole of the land comprised and described in tion engines and installations ; being B.S. certificate of title, Volume 833, folio 15. 1770: 1951 Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of July 1952. N.Z.S.S. 1084: Pressure gauges; being B.S. 1780: 1951 6 0 N.Z.S.S. 1089 : Short link wrought iron chain (excluding 2 0 For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs-· pitched or calibrated chain); being B.S. 394: 1951 M. SULLIVAN, (superseding N.Z.S.S. E. 225; being B.S. 394: 1944) Assistant Under-Secretary of the Department of Maori Affairs. Applications for copies should be made to the New Zealand (M.A. 1/1/3; D.0. 618K) Standards Institute, Hamilton Chambers, 201 Lambton Quay (P.O. Box 195), Wellington C. 1. R. T. WRIGHT, Releasing Land from the Provisions of Part I of the Maori Land Executive Officer, Standards Council. Amendment Act 1936 (Poroporo Development Scheme)

Revoking a Notice D~fining Lands in North Auckland Land Distrid URSUANT to subsection (2) of section 4 of the Maori Land --(Waiaruhe Farm Settlement) to which Water is Supplied P Amendment Act 1936, the Board of Maori Affairs hereby Pursuant to Sedion 8 of the Land Laws Ame,w,ment Act 1939 revokes, so far as it affects the land described in the Schedule hereto, a certain notice dated the 22nd day of November 1932, and published HEREAS pursuant to subsection (5) of section 8 of the Land in New Zealand Gazette No. 74 of the 1st day of December 1932, at _W Laws Amendment Act 1939, a notice was published in page 2483, whereby the provisions of section 522 of thE! Maori Land Gazette No. 73 of 30 July 1942, page 1974, notifying that the lands Act 1931 (now Part I of the Maori Land Amendment Act 1936), defined in the Schedule hereto are lands to which water is supplied were applied to, inter alia, the said land. under the said section : And whereas it is expedient that the aforesaid notice should SCHEDULE be revoked: ALL that area of land in the Tairawhiti Maori Land Court District, It is therefore hereby notified in pursuance of subsection (6) containing 15 acres 3 roods 16 perches, more or less; situate in the of section 50 of the Land Act 1948, that the said notice is accordingly Mangaoporo Survey District, being the land known as Poroporo revoked. A 8A Block. SCHEDULE Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of July 1952. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT For and on behalf of the Board of Maori Affairs- .ALL that area situated in the Bay of Islands County containing by M. SULLIVAN, admeasurement 272 acres O roods 20 perches, more or less, being Assistant Under-Secretary of the Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block IX, Kawakawa Survey District Department of Maori Affairs. · (Waiaruhe Farm Settlement), the said land being more particularly (M.A. 1/4/2; D.0. 5015) delineated on a plan marked L. and S. 36/326A, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged red. (North Auckland plan S.O. 28039.) Notification of the Date on and After Which Persons Conditionally D. M. GREIG, Director General of Lands. Registered Under the Medical Practitioners Act 1950 will be (L. and S. H.O. 36/326 ; D.O. S.F. 31) Permitted to Pradise Medicine or Surgery Only in an Institution or Hospital Approved by the Minister of Health Sale of U'helaimeil Property P URSUANT to subsection (1) of section 10 of the Medical Police Department, Practitioners Act 1950 I hereby notify that the Medical Wellington, 16 June 1952. Council has passed the following resolution :- T is hereby notified that unclaimed property in the hands of the · " That 1st December 1952 be fixed as the date oiJ. and after which, I Police at Whangarei, Auckland, Hamilton, Gisborne, Napier, it shall be an offence against section 10 of the Medical New Plymouth, Wanganui, Palmerston North, Wellington, Grey­ Practitioners Act 1950 for any person, who is for the time mouth, Christchurch, Timaru, Dunedin, and Invercargill stations being conditionally registered under that Act, to practise will, if not claimed before Saturday, 26 July 1952, be sold thereafter medicine or surgery otherwise than in an institution or by public auction. hospital which _has been approved by the Minister of Health by notice published in the Gazette." Particulars as to the time and place of sale may be obtained from the Superintend~nt or Inspector of Police in charge of the district. J. F. TASKER, Secretary to the Council, G. J. PAINE, Deputy Co.mmissioner of Police, Wellington, 4 July 1952. D 1198 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

Result of Poll for Propo,.ed Loan Notice to Mariners No. 48 of 1952 Marine Department, Wellington, 3 July 1952. Wellington, N.Z., 7 July 1952. HE following notice, received by the Right Hon. the Minister T of Finance from the Mayor of the Borough of Devonport, is NEW ZEALAND-COOK STRAIT-DOUBTFUL SHOAL published in accordance with the provisions of the Local Bodies' HE shoal marked P.D. shown on Chart No. 695 in Loans Act 1926. T lat. 40° 47'·6 S., long. 1.74° 11'·2 E., is not shown on Chart .B. C. ASHWI:N", Secretary to the Treasury. N.Z. 23, and in the meantime can be left off Chart N.Z. 23 . This. area will be swept next October, and until swept mariners are advised this shoal has not been disproved, BOROUGH OF DEVONPOR1' Chart Affected : N.Z. 23. PURSUANT to section 13 of the Local Bodies' Loans .Act 1926, I Authority: Hydrographer, London, 24 June 1952. hereby give notice that at a poll of the ratepayers of the Borough W. C. SMITH, Secretary. of Devonport, taken on the 21st day of June 1952 on the proposal of the Devonport Borough Council to borrow the sum of £224,600 (M. 6/1/79) for the purpose of constructing and. sealing streets and footpaths, providing kerbing and channelling, stormwater drainage and service water mains, and purchasing a refuse vehicle and a footpath roller:- BANKRUPTCY NOTICES Votes. The number of votes recorded for the proposal was 463 The number of votes recorded against the proposal was 483 In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court I therefore declare that the proposal was rejected. Dated this 24th day of June 1952. AROLD CECIL DOUGLAS HARWOOD, of 5 Wolfe Street, H Whangarei, Painter, was adjudged bankrupt on 30 June C. F. WOODALL, Mayor. 1952. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office on Monday, 14 July. 1952, at 10.30 a.m. T. P. PAIN, Official As~ignee. Result of Poll for Proposed Loan Courthouse, Whangarei.

Wellington, 3 July 1952. In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court HE following nqtice, received by the Right Hon. the Minister T of Finance from the Mayor of the Borough of Devonport, is THEL TAYLOR, of 26 Pollen Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland, published in accordance with the provisions of the Local Bodies' E Married Woman, was adjudged bankrupt on 30 .June· 1952. Loans Act 1926. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office on Monday, 14 July B. C. ASHWIN, Secretary to the Treasury. 1952, at 10.30 a.m. T. C. DOUGLAS, Official Assignee. BOROUGH OF DEVONPORT Fourth Floor, Dilworth Building, Customs Street East, Auckland C. I. · PURSUANT to section 13 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act 1926, I hereby give notice that at a poll of the ratepayers of the Borough of Devonport, taken on the 21st day of June 1952 on the proposal In Bankruptcy-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Hamilton of the Devonport Borough Council to borrow the sum of £16,000 District for the purpose of erecting buildings, to include Plunket rooms, ladies' rest-room, children's play centre, public library, and public conveniences :- OTICE is hereby given that statements of accounts and balance­ Votes. N sheets in respect of the undermentioned estates together The number of votes recorded for the proposal was 521 with ·the reports of the Audit Office thereon h.ave been duly filed in The number of votes recorded against the proposal was 424 the above Court, and I hereby give further notice that at a sitting of the said Court, to be holden at Hamilton on Tuesday, 22 July I therefore declare that the proposal was carried. 1952, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as Dated this 24th day of June 1952. application may be heard; I intend to apply for orders releasing me C. F. WOODALL, Mayor. from the administration of the said estates :- John Alexander Daken, of Te Kuiti, Painter and Paper- hanger. Charles Henry Allan Furmage, of Waitoa, Slaughterman . .Result of Poll for Proposed Loan George Fra.ncis Hall, of Jlfatamata, Builder. Godfrey Ronald Jeffries, of Cambridge, Sharemilker. Robert Valiant Lacy, of Hamilton, Mechanic. Wellington, 4 July 1952. Patrick Joseph Stapleton, of 293 Grey Street, Hamilton, Taxi- HE following notice, received by tho Right. Hon. the Minister driver. T of Finapce from the Chairman of the W aipa County Council Leo Martin Stapleton, of Hamilton, Factory Employee. lis published in accordance with the provisions of the Local Bodies' James Harold Rachinger, of Tokanui, Butcher. Loans Act 1926. W araki Rangi, of Jlfokai, Bushman ( otherwise known as W araki B. C. ASHWIN, Secretary to the Treasury. Rangitoheriri). John Howard Sorensen, of Otorohanga, Contractor. Francis William Townsend, of Putaruru, Sawmiller (private WAIPA CouNTY CouNCIL estate). Te Kowhai War Memorial Ball Loan Poll Graham Lithgow, of Putaruru, Sawmiller (private estate). Archie James Yuill, of Rotorua, Firewood Merchant. URSUANT to section 13 of the Local Bodies' Loan Act 1926, , A. J. BENNETTS, Official Assignee. P I hereby give notice that at a poll of ratepayers of tho Te Kowhai War Memorial Hall Special Rating Area, taken on 20 June Courthouse, Hamilton, 7 July 1952. 1952, on the proposal of the Waipa County Council to borrow £7,000 for the purpose ?f providing the Council's proportion qf cost of a War Memorial Hall at Te Kowhai :- In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court Votes: The number of votes recorded for the proposal was 100 W. DILLON, care of D. J. White, No. 4 R.D., Taumarunui, The number of votes recorded against the proposal was 32 T • was adjudged bankrupt on 24 ,June 1952. Creditor's meeting I therefore declare that the proposal was carried. will be held at the Courthouse, Hamilton, on Tuesday, 8 July 1952, Dated this 23rd day of June 1952. at 11 a.m. A. J. BENNETTS, Official Assignee. F. L. ONION, County Chairman. Supreme Court, Hamilton.

Law Practitioners Amendment Act 1935 In Bankruptcy

URSUANT to the Law Practitioners Amendment Act 1935, OTICE is hereby given that dividends as under have been P . notice is hereby given that the Disciplinary Committee of N declared on all accepted proved claims :- the New Zealand Law Society on the 12th day of June 1952 Estate of Poter Clifton, of Hamilton, -Drainage Contractor. ordered that the name of Philip Spence Moore. be removed at his First and final dividend of 4s. 9d. in the pound. own request from the roll of solicitors at the Supreme Court of Estate of John Farrand Collins, of Otorohanga, Restaurant New Zealand to enable him to apply for admission to the English Proprietor. First and final dividend of Id: in the pound. Bar. Estate of William Porter, of Rotorua, Bushman. First dividend Dated at Wellington, this 30th day of June 1952. of 3s. 3d. in the pound. W, PARKER, Registrar. A. J. BENNETTS, Official Assignee, Supreme Court, Wellington, i;lupreme Court, Hamilton, 3 July• 1952, 10 JULY] TllE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1199

In Bankruptcy-In the Supreme Court, Holtlen at Napfor OTICE is hereby given that the parcel of land hereinafter N described will be brought under the provisions of the Land OTICE is hereby given that statement of accounts and balance­ Transfer Act 1915, nruess caveat forbidding the same be lodged N sheet in respect of the estate of Charles John Blake, of within one calendar month from the date of publication of the New Opoutama, Farmer, together with the report of the Audit Office Zealand Gazette containing this notice :- thereon, have been duly filed in the above Court ; and I hereby 5443. WILLIAM JAMES AITCHISON, of Cambridge, further give notice that at the sitting of the said Court, to be holden Labourer. 11 perches, being part Section 89, Left Bank on the 4th day of AugJist 1952, I intend to apply for an order Wanganui River, and being also part Lot 2 on L.T. Plan releasing me from the administration of the said estate. 16163. Dated this -7th day of July 1952. Dated this 4th day of July 1952 in the Land Registry Office, A. S. LOUISSON, Assignee. Wellington. · Law Courts, Gisborne. E. C. ADAMS, District -Land Registrar.

In _Bankrupt,cy-In the Supreme Court, Holden at Napier OTICE is hereby given that the several parcels of land herein­ N after described will be brought under the provisions of the N OTICE is hereby given that statements of accounts and balance­ Land Transfer Act, 1915; unless caveat be lodged forbidding the sheets in respect of the undermentioned estates, together with same on or before the 11th day of August 1952 :- the report of the Audit Office thereon, have been duly filed in the above Court; and I hereby further give notice that at the sitting 868. RAYMOND VICTOR BYTHELL, of Blenheim, Builder, of the said Court, to be holden on Monday, the 4th day of August being part of Section 1, District of Omaka, Borough of 1952, I intend to apply for an order releasing me from the administra­ Blenheim, and known as Drain Reserve, containing 15·79 tion, of the said estates. perches, Plan 1727, occupied by the applicant. 870. DAVID EWING McARTHUR, of Blenheim, Dental Cheer, William Barj;holomew, of Hastings, Labourer. Surgeon, being part of Section l, District of Omaka, Corke-Cox, Kenneth Herbert, of Awatoto, Labourer. Borough of Blenheim, and known as Drain Reserve, and Dolden, George Joseph, of Port Ahuriri, Drain_-layer. being also Lot 2, Plan 1913, containing 3·89 perches, Hague, Francis Clive, of Napier, Porter. .occupied by applicant. Hawke, Vyvyan Nesbitt, of Napier, Agent. Jeanes, John Augustus and Doris Lucy, of Napier, trading in Diagrams may be inspected at this office. partnership as Fish-shop Proprietors. · Dated this 4th day of July 1952, at the Land Registry Offic!), Manson, William Albert, of Napier, Sawmiller. Blenheim. Murdoch, Hector Alexander, of Hastings, Commercial Traveller. 0. T. KELLY, District Land Registrar. Mcinnes, Duncan, of Hastings, Labourer. O'Hagan, Edward, of Napier, Plasterer. Taylor, Colin, of Hastings, Salesman. Were, Vivian.Harvey, of Hastings, Factory Foreman. VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Volume 376, Dated at Napier, this 8th day of July 1952. E folio 300 (Canterbury Registry), for 38·7 perches, or there­ abouts, situated in the City of Christchnrch, being part of Rural P. MARTIN, Official Assignee. Section 79, in the name of WILLIAM DEMPSEY, of Christchurch, Labourer, having been lodged with me together with an application for the issue of a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is In Bankrupt,cy hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title upon the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. OTICE is hereby given that a first and final dividend of N 3s. O!d. in the pound is now payable on all proved an~ accepted Dated this 4th day of July 1952, at the Land Registry Office, claims in the estate of David Hamua Hppkirk, of Wanganui, Christchurch. · Commercial Traveller. J. LAURIE, District Land Registrar. C. P. SIMMONDS, Official Assignee. Courthouse, Wanganui, 2 July 1952. VIDENCE of the loss of certificates of title, Volume 131, folios E 275 and 276 (Otago Registry), for Lot 9, Deposited Plan 515, In Bankrupt,cy-Supreme Court Township of Oakleigh, being part Section 30, Block IV, Greenvale District, containing 1 rood, more or less, and for the land in Deposited Plan 1629, second extension of the said township, being part of the P AUL RAPHAEL 8TEMPA, of 5 Belfast Street, Wellington, said Section 30, containing 3 acres and 34 perches, more or less, Carpenter, was adjudged bankrupt on 3 July 1952. Creditors' in the name of HUGH WILLIAM HARRIS, of Heriot, Farmer, meeting will be held at my office, 57 Ballance Street, Wellington, now of Timaru, Retired Farmer, having been lodged with me to­ on Thursday, 17 July "1952, at 2.15 p.m. gether with an application for new certificates of title in lieu thereof, M. R. NELSON, Official Assignee. therefore, notice is hereby given of my intention to issue such new ,57 Ballance 8treet, Wellington, 3 July 1952. certificates of title on 25 July 1952. Dated this 1st day of .fuly 1952 at the Land Registry Office, Dnnedin. - In Bankruptcy-Supreme Court E. B. C. MURRAY, District Land Registrar, Otago District. EORGE NIXON, of Dunedin, formerly of Hampde11; Butcher, G was adjudged bankrupt on 1 July. 1952. Creditors' meeting will be held at my office on Monday, 14 July 1952, at 11 a.m. PPLICATION having been been made to me for the issue of a A new certificate of title in favour of ALLEN MILLAR C. MASON, Official Assignee. SHEDDEN, formerly of Nightcaps, Coal-miner, but now of Otatara, Supreme Court Building, Dunedin. Flaxmill Employee, and ANNIE MELROSE SHEDDEN, of Dunedin, Spinster, for Allotment 9, Plan 2489, being part of Section 3, Block VI, Village of Morley, being the land contained in certificate of title, Volume 132, folio 201, and evidence having been lodged of the loss of the said certificate of title, I hereby give notice that I shall LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES issue a new _certificate of title, as requested, upon the expiration of fourteen days from 10 July 1952. VIDENCE of the loss of (a) certificate of title, Volume 259, Dated at the Land Registry Office, Invercargill, the 4th day of E folio 45 (Auckland Registry), for 1 rood, more or less, being July 1952. the block sitw,ted in the Omapere Survey District called Taraire R. B. WILLIAMS, District Land Registrar. No. lF No. 2D No. 2A originally acquired by Nold Tuauru on 6 November 1914 ill. the name of WILLIAM ALLISON, of Parakao, Settler (now deceased) ; (b) renewable lease, Volume 486, folio 189 (Auckland Registry), for 24 acres 3 roods 30 perches, more or less, being Section 16, Block VIII, Tutamoe Survey District, whereof ADVERTISEI\IIENTS Her Majesty the Queen is the lessor and WILLIAM ALLISON, of Parakao, Settler (now deceased), is the lessee ; (c) renewable lease, Volume 486, folio 190 (Auckland Registry), for 59 acres 2 roods, THE COMPANIES ACT 1933, SECTION 282 (3) being Section 13, Block VIII, Tutamoe Survey District, whereof Her Majesty the Queen is· the lessor and WILLIAM ALLISON, of OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three months Parakao, Settler (now deceased), is the lessee having been lodged N from this date the names of the undermentioned· companies with me together with applications for a -new certificate of title and will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register provisional leases in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my and the company dissolved :- intention to issue snch new certificate of title and provisional leases on the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the New Zealand Midas Electric Company, Limited. 1949/333. Gazette containing this notice. Smith's Tea Lounge, Limited. 1947/327. Dated this 4th day of July 1952 at the Land Registry Office, Given under my hand at Wellington, this 2nd day of July Auckland. 1952. WM. McBRIDE, District Land Registrar. J. J. SLADE, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 1200 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

THE COMPANIES ACT 1933, SECTION 282 (6) CLAY TARGETS (N.Z.), LIMITED IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION N OTICE is hereby given that the names of the undermentioned companies have been struck off the Register and the companies In the matter of the Companies Act 1933, and in the matter dissolved :- of CLAY TARGETS (N.Z.), LIMITED (in voluntary liquidation). The Haydon Clothmg Company, Limited. HE business of the company having been taken over by the 1935/192. T Colonial Ammunition Company, Limited, and the liquidator V. Harwood, Limited. 1937/282. Wellington Fruit and Eroduce ·container Company, Limited. having disposed of the assets of the company and discharged his liability to the creditors and shareholders thereof, notice is hereby 1945/128. M. S. Hopper, Limited. 1949/495. given that a final meeting of the company will be held at the offices Country Life Teas, Limited. 1949/543. of the Colonial Ammunition Company, Limited, Mount Eden, Auckland, on Thursday, 31 July 1952, at 2 p.m., for the purpose Given under my hand at .Wellington, this 3rd day of July 1952. of receiving and approving the liquidator's final accounts. J. J. SLADE, Assistant Registrar of Companies. H. J. HARRISON, Liquidator. 30 June 1952. 288' THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (4)

OTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three months TIMARU Cl'l'Y COUNCIL N from this date the name of the undermentioned company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary,· be struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- ELECTRICITY STOCK PTCROHASE LOAK 1952 Agricultural Contractors, Limited. N, 1948 /3. Given under my hand at :N"elson, this 3rd day of July 1952. N pursuance and exercise of the powers ve_sted in it in that behalf I by the Local Bodies' Loans Act 1926, the Timarn City Council F. A. SADLER, Assistant Registrar of Companies. hereby resolves .as follows :- " That, for the purpose of providing interest and other charges on the Electricity Stock Purchase Loan 1952, of £20,000 authorized THE COMPANIES ACT 1933, SECTION 282 (3) to be raised by the Timaru City Council under the above-mentioned Act, for the purpose of purchasing equipment for the expansion of AKE notice that at .the expiration of three months from the reticulation, the said Co.uncil hereby makes and levies a special T date hereof, the name of the undermentioned company will, nlte of 0· 142d. in the pound upon the whole amount of unimproved unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register value of all rateable property in the whole of the City of Timaru ; and the company dissolved :- · and such sper:ial rate to be an annually recurring rate during the Conway General Store, Limited. 1949 /136. currency of such loan and be payable on the 1st day of April in each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 1st day of July twenty years, or until such loan is fully paid off." 1952. Certified copy of resolution passed by the 'l'imaru City Council E. K. PHILLIPS, Assistant Registrar of. Companies. on }Ionday, the 23rd day of June 1952. 290 W. L. RICHARDS, Mayor. INCORPORATED SOCIETIES ACT 1908

DECLARATION BY TH~ REGISTRAR DISSOLVTNG SocIETIES WARWICK PRIVATE HOSPITAL, LIMITED. JOHN EMILE AUBIN, Assistant Registrar' of Incorporated I • Societies, do hereby declare that, as it has been made to I:,s VOLUNTARY LIQOIDA'PION appear to me that the undermentioned. societies are no longer carrying on operations, they are hereby dissolved in pursuance In the matter of the Companies Act 1933, and in the matter of of section 28 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 :~- WARWICK PRIVATE HOSPITAL, LIMITEn. The Mokorua Golf Club, Incorporated. 1929/29. Grammar Swimming s,nd Life Saving Club, Incorporated. OTICE is hereby given that by a special resolut.ion of the above N company, passed on the 26th day of June 1952, it was 1930/3. The Auckland Electrical Trades' Association Incorporated. resolved:- 1932/25. (l) .That the company be wound up voluntarily; Louis' Country Club (Incorporated). 1934/32. (2) That lvlr. WILLIAM HENRY DALTON, of Ashburton, Public The Auckland Kennel Association (Incorporated). 1934/36. Accountant, be and is hereby appointed liquidator of the company. Northern Wairoa Vvrestling Association, Incorporated. 291 W. H. DALTON, Liquidator. 1937/33. Westway Community Association, Incorporated. 1938/23. The Kaeo Chamber .of Commerce (Incorporated). 1939/45. The Kew Lynn Kelston Club (Incorporated). 1940/43. Auckland Visual Education Association, Incorporated. DISSOLUTION OF PART:N"ERSHIP 1940/46. The Birkenhead Ratepayers and Residents Association (Non- OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting political), Incorporated. 1941/10.. N between us the undersigned DENIS LESLIE O'REILLY and Northern District A.8.C. Club, Incorporated. 1941/42. ROBERT ,VILLIAM llROOKLAND, carrying on business as Garage and The Brass Rail Social Club, Incorporated. 1942/27. Serv.ice-station Proprietors at Evans Street, Timaru, under the style The Andrew Rcse"rch Institute, Incorporated. 1948/44. or firm of" Cassidy's :Motors," has been dissolved by mutual consent The Pioneer Touring Club, Incorporated. 1948/106. as from the 31st day of March 1952·so far as concerns the said Robert Dated at Auckland, this 26th day of May 1952. William Brookland who retires from the firm. All debts due to and ,J. E. AUBIN, owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Denis Leslie.O'Reilly who will continue to carry on the said business Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies. under the same style or firm. Dated at Timaru, this 1st day of .July 1952. STEWART BROWN TRAVEL COMPANY, LIMITED D. L. O'REILLY. 292 R. W. BROOKLAND. . OTICE is hereby given, J!>Ursuant to section.· 338 of the Companies N Act 1933, that the above company intends to cease to have a place of business in New Zealand after the· expiration of three months from the first publication of this notice. APPLICATION FOR LICENCE FOR A WATER-RACE ~fILNE, MEEK, AND DAVISON, Solicitors. UNDER 'l'HE ACT 1926 Shortland Street, Auckland. 261

OTICE is hereby given that by Application No. 49/1952 I will NEAL AND CLOSE, LIMITED N. apply to tho Warden of the Otago Mining District at Cromwell on Tuesday, the 5th day of August 1952, at 10 a.m., for the grant to IN LIQUIDATION me of a licence for a water-race authorizing me to divert 15 heads of water from the Hawea River by means of a water-race commencing GENERAL meeting of. shareholders will be held in Messrs. immediately downstream from Section 14, Block VI, Lower Hawca A Nesbitt and Kesbitt's office, Tennyson Street, Napier, on Survey District, and terminating at Section I, J:llock II, Lower Tuesday, 29 July, at 2.15 p.m. Ha wea Survey District, for irrigation purposes. Objections must be lodged at the office of the Mining Registrar, BusineBs- Cromwell, and notified to me or my Solicitors, Messrs. Brodrick and· To receive liquidator's final accounts. Parcell, Melmore Street, Cromwell, at least three days before the Authorize disposition of the books of the company. above-mentioned time of hearing. 287 GEO. EBBETT, Liquidator. 293 . ALBERT BUTTERFIELD,. Applicant. 10 JULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1201

TRUSTEE SAVINGS-BANK ACT 1948 INVERCARGILL SAVINGS-BANK £ Invercargill R.S.A. : Headstone Fund .. 75 GRANTS BY TRUSTEE SAVINGS-BANKS Poppy Day Fund, lnvercargill R.S.A.' 10 Memorial Hall Fund, Invercargill R.S.A. 50 HE following /l,re particulars of grants approved by the Orepuki R.S.A. : Headstone Fund 25 T Minister of Finance in terms of section 25 of the Trustee Riverton R.S.A. : Headstone Fund 25 Savings Bank Act 1948. Gore R.S.A. : Headstone Fund 25 B. C. ASHWIN, Secretary to the Treasury. Royal Society for the Health of Women and Children, Invercargill . . . 300 AUCKLAND SAVINGS-BANK £ Royal Society for the Health of Women and Children, Gore 50 Royal Society for the Health of Women and Children, Heritage (Auckland), Inc. 1,000 Lumsden 50 The Plunket Society, Auckland 300 Royal Society for the Health of Women and Children, Auckland Orphanages United Council 200 Winton 25 The Auckland Crippled Children Society (Inc.) 200 Royal Society for the Health of Women and Children, Auckland Kindergarten Association 200 Tuatapere 25 The N.Z. Institute for the Blind 200 Band of 1st Battalion, Otago and Southland Regiment : Motherhood of Man Movement Inc. (Interdenominational) 200 Purchase of instruments, music, or other equipment .. 50 N.Z. Council of Christian Women (Inc.): re" Childhaven" 200 lnvercargill Civic Band : Purchase of instruments, music, Opportunity Youth Hostel 200 or other equipment 50 Auckland Sailors' Home 200 lnvercargill Caledonian Pipe Band: Purchase of instruments, Auckland Hospital Auxiliary 200 music, or other equipment 50 N.Z. Red Cross Society (Inc.), Auckland Centre 100 Salvation Army Band, Invercargill: Purchase of instruments, Auckland City Mission, re Proposed Settlement for the Aged, music, or other equipment 25 at Point Chevalier 100 Gore Pipe Band : Purchase of instruments, music, or other British Empire Cancer Campaign Society (Inc.), N.Z. Branch, I equipment 20 Auckland Division 100 · 100 I Browns Pipe Band: Purchase of instruments, music, or other The St. John Ambulance Association (Auckland Centre) equipment 20 Co=unity Sunshine Association (Inc.) 100 Western District Caledonian Pipe Band: Purchase of instru- Mount Eden War Memorial Community Building 100 ments, music, or other equipment .. 20 N.Z. Federation of Health Camps (Inc.), Auckland District 100 lnvercargill Co=unity Centre Society .. 35 Campbell's Bay Health Camp .. 100 Otago University 30 The Boy Scouts Association 100 Southland Swimming Centre 50 The Girls' Life Brigade (N.Z.) Inc...... 100 Southland Girl Guides Association 25 The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Auck- Presbyterian Social Services Association, Library, Seacliff land (Inc) ...... 100 Mental Hospital .. 50 N.Z. Society for the Protection of Women and Children (Inc.) 100 Southland Competitions Society 25 Heritage (Hamilton) Inc. 50 Oreti Surf Life Saving Club 25 Auckland Commercial Travellers' and Warehousemen's Education Committee National Council of Churches 50 Association, re Health Camp for Deaf Children 50 Intellectually Handicapped Children Parents Association 200 The Auckland Tuberculosis Association (Inc.) 50 Karitane Hospital, erection of a new Karitane Hospital, Workers Educational Association (Inc.) 50 lnvercargill 500 Leper Trust Board of New Zealand 50 Southland Merchant Navy Club 30 Heritage, lnvercargill 50 £4,550 Heritage (Eastern Southland) .. 20 295 lnvercargill Beautifying Society 50 NEW PLYMOUTH SAVINGS-BANK Southland Art Gallery Trust Board 100 Poppy Day, Returned Services Assn., New Plymouth: £ Victoria Memorial Home 150 Revenue Account 50 Southland Childrens Health Camp Association 100 Heritage, New Plymouth 50 Southland Boy Scouts Association 100 Plunket Society, New Plymouth Branch 50 Southland Museum Trust Board 25 Plunket Society, Inglewood Branch 15 lnvercargill Junior Chamber of Commerce 50 Y.W.C.A., New Plymouth 50 Presbyterian Social Services Assn., Maintenance of Y.M.C.A., New Plymouth 75 Orphanages · 100 S.P.C.A., Taranaki Branch 10 Eastern Southland Divisions of St. John Ambulance 50 St. John Ambulance Assn., Waitara Sub-Centre 20 N.Z; Crippled Children Society, Southland Branch 100 New Plymouth Seamen's Rest 10 N.Z. League for the Hard of Hearing, Invercargill Branch. , 150 Taranaki Girl Gnides Assn. IO N.Z. Forest and Bird Protection Society 25 "Childhaven ", Auckland 50 Jubilee Institute for the Blind 100 Old Peoples' Home for Gore and Surrounding Districts 100 £390 Royal SQciety of New Zealand 25 296 Riverton-Taramea Bay Beautifying Society .. 20 DUNEDIN SAVINGS-BA.NK £ 'rnvercargill Red Cross : Voluntary Aid Detachment 25 Aquinas Hall : For erection of Student Hostels, for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 25 University and Training College Students 1,000 Invi.cargill Free Kindergarten Council .. 100 Combined City Banks, purchase of instruments, music, or St. Vincent de Paul Society . . . . 50 other equipment . . 100 Lakes District Centennial Museum 20 Dunedin Citizens' Day Nurseries, Inc. 150 Southland Presbyterian Young Mens' Bible Class Camp Dunedin Combined Orphanages Committee 400 Building Co=ittee 100 Dunedin Competitions Society, Inc. 100 Y.M.C.A., Invercargill 50 Dunedin Returned Services' Association, Inc., for headstones for non-war graves .. · ...... 100 £3,600 Hospital Classes at Dunedin Hospital and Kew Convalescent 298 Home : Manipulative toys and equipment for pre- HOKITIKA. SA VINGS•BANK £ s. d. school patients 25 New Zealand Institute of the Blind .. 10 IO 0 Imperial Ex Services Association (N.Z.), Inc. 50 The Mission to Lepers 5 5 0 Abbotsford Free Kindergarten 25 Hokitika Free Public Library, Junior Branch 25 0 0 Corstorphine Kindergarten Provisional Committee 25 St. John's Ambulance Association .. 5 5 0 Kaikorai Free Kindergarten 25 Hokitika Free Kindergarten Association 100 0 0 North-east Valley Kindergarten 25 Plunket Society, Hokitika Branch .. 52 0 0 Port Chalmers Free Kindergarten Committee 25 The N.Z. Crippled Children's Society (Inc.), Hokitika Wakari Free Kindergarten Committee . . 25 Branch 5 5 0 Waverley-Vauxhall Free Kindergarten Association . . 25 Hokitika Sub-Centre Red Cross Society 5 0 0 Methodist Central Mission : For Eventide Homes, Company Westland Hospital Board : Operating Expense Projector Bay 250 Fund 20 0 0 Mosgiel District Civic Committee: For War Memorial 25 Westland Hospital Board: Wireless set for Wataroa Navy League Otago Branch 50 Hospital 50 0 0 N.Z. Federation of Health Camps, Inc., Dunedin Central Council . . 100 £278 5 0 Otago and Southland War Amputees Association.. 50 299 Otago Peninsula Wild Life Conservation Trust 100 Otago University Development Society, Inc. 700 In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, University of Otago, Scholarship Fund . . 400 Wellington District · Patients' and Pris<)ners' Aid Society, Inc. 100 (Wellington Registry). Dunedin Nursery Play Centres Association 25 Pine Hill Play Centre 25 In the matter of the Companies Act 1933, and in the matter Royal and Merchant Navy Club, Port Chalmers . . . . 75 of TELEVISION FILMS {N.Z.), L:rn:rr.ED. Royal New Zealand Society for the Health of Women and OTICE is hereby given that a petition for the winding-up of Children 500 • N the above-named company by the Supreme Court was, on S.j>lvation Army, Dunedin : Samaritan Fund 200 the 26th day of June 1952, presented to the said Court by CINE­ St. John Ambulance Association , . . 300 SOUND PRODUCTIONS PTY., LIMITED, a company duly incorporated and having its registered office at 49 Market Street in the City of £5,000 Sydney. And that the said petition is directed to be heard before 297 the Court, sitting at Wellington on the 23rd day of July 1952, at 1202 THE NEW· ZEALAND· GAZETTE [No. 46

ten o'clock in the forenoon ; and any creditor or contributory of HOBBY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED the said company desirous to support or oppose the making of an order on the said petition may appear at the time of hearing in IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION person or by his counsel for that purpose ; a copy of the petition will be furnished to any creditor or contributory ofthe said company Notice to .SharehoUers arul, Creditors, pursuant to. section 241 of the requiring the same by the undersigned on payment of the regulated Companies Act 1933 charge for the same. AKE notice that a final meeting of members and also a .final T meeting of creditors in the above matter will be held at the W. V. GAZLEY, Solicitor for the Petitioner. office of Messrs. C. E. Wilkins and Turner Smith, Public Accountants, The petitioner's address for service is at the office of Messieurs 161 Hereford Street, Christchurch, on Thursday, 24 July !'952. Lev-i, Yaldwyn, and Gazley, Bowen House, Bowen Street, W-ellingtol\. The meeting of members will be held at 2 o'clock. and the meeting of creditors at 2.15 o'clock in the afternoon.· ·, NoTE.-Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of Business at both meetings : To receive liquidator's final account the said petition mi;ist serv-e on or send by po&t to the abov-e-named, of the winding-up. notice in writing of his intention· so to do. The notice must state the name, address, and description of the person;. or if .a firm, the Dated this 7th day of July 1952. name, address, and description of the firm, and an address for 302 CLAUDE E. WILKINS, Liquidator- service within three miles of the. office of the Supreme Court at Wellington, and must be signed by the person or firm, or his or their solicitor (if any}, and must be serv-ed, or, if posted, must be sent by post in sufficient time to reach the abov-e-named petitioner's SCIENTIFI~ PUBLICATIONS address for service not later than four· o'clock in the afternoon of ""EW ZEALAND BOARD OF SCIENCE AND ART the 22nd day of July 1952. 300 THE following are obtainable from the GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WELLINGTON. All orders ruust be accompanied by remittance. To country cheques add exq1ange ( 6d.). Bulletin No. 1.-NEW ZEALAND BROWN COALS, with Special Reference to their Use in Gas-producers. By H. RAND, M.A., B.S.c., and W. 0. R. GILLING, M.A., B.Sc., In the Supreme Court of New Zealand,. Natiorial Research S~holars, Educatiori Department. Wellington District Price, 2s. Postage, 2d. (Wellington Registry) Bulletin No. 2.~HISTORY OF THE. PORTOBELLO MARINE" FISH-HATCHERY. , By the Hon. GEo. M. NOTICE OF MEETING THOMSON, M.L.C., F.L.$., F.N.Z.lnst. Illust.rated. Price, Name of Company: F~ey and Associates, Ltd. (in liquidatio!J)· 7s. 6d. Paper cover. Postage, 3d. Address of Registered Office : · Care of Official Assignee, 184 Oxford Manual No. 6.-PLACE NAMES OF BANKS PENINSULA. Terrace, Christchurch. By J. C. ANDERSEN. Cloth, 13s. 6d. Postage, 5d. Registry of Supreme Court: Wellington. No. pf Matter : P. 63/50. Manual No. 7.-BRACHIOPOD . MORPHOLOGY. By the late Dr. J. A. THOMSON. Cloth, 17s. Postage, 5d. Creditors- Date : 18 July 1952. DOMINION MUSl!UM PUBLICATIONS Hour : 11 a.m. Place: Office of the Official Assignee, 57 Ballance ,Street, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (Out of print.) Wellington. Bulletin No. 6.-THE PA MAORI. Price, 22s. 6d; Postage, 7d. G. W. BROWN, Official Assignee, 294 Official Liqu,idator. Bulletin No. 7.-THE MAORI CANOE. Price i'5s. Postage, 7d. Bulletin No. 8.-GAMES, ;l<:XERCISES, AND PASTIMES OF THE MAORI. Pripe, 17s. 6d. Postage, 7d- Bulletin No. 9.-THE MA.ORI SYSTEM OF AGRICUL- TURE. Price, 12s. 6d. Postage, 7d. · MOUNT ROSKILL BOROUGH COUNCIL Bulletin No. 10.-MAORI MYTHOLOGY AND RELIGION. An account of the cosmogony, anthropogency, mythology, religious beliefs, and practices of our Maori folk. By ELSDON BEST. Price, 10s. 6d. Postage, 7d. RESOLUTIONS MAKING SPECIAL RATES Bulletin No. 12.-FISHINQ METHODS AND DEVICES OF THE MAORI. By ELSDON BEST, F.N.Z.lnst. Price: Cloth covers, 1 ls. 6d., ·postage, 7d.; paper covers, 9s., N OTICE is hereby given of resolutions of the Mount .Roskill postage, 6d. Borough Council of 1 July 1952 making special rates as security , Bulletin No. 13.-The WlIARE KOHANGA (THE "NEST for.the annual.charges on (1) a loan of £397,750 (three hundred and HOUSE") AND ITij LORE: Comprising data pertaining ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds) for roads to pro.creation, baptism, and infant betrothal, &c., contri­ and streets reconstruction.; (2) a loan of £70,500 (seventy thou!IIJ,nd buted by members of the Ngati-Kahunguriu Tribe of the five hundred pounds) for reconstruction of Mount Albert Road. North Island of New Zealand. By ELSDON B'EsT, In pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that F.N.Z.Inst. Price: Cloth covers, 4s., postage, 3d.; paper behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act 1926, the Mount Roakill covers, 2s. 6d., postage, 2d. · Borough Council hereby resolves as follows :- . Dominion Museum· M11no9raphs: Interesting Series. By , " (1) That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other ELBDON BEST, F.N.Z-Inst., the well-known authority on charges on a loan of £397,750 (three hundred and ninety-seven Maori life, institutions, and customs. thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds), authorized to be raised No. 1.-SOME ASPECTS OF MAORI MYTH AND by the Mount Roskill Borough Council under the above-mentioned RELIGION. (Out of print.) Act for constructing certain streets and footpaths in the Borough . to permanent levels, including kerbing and channelling, bitumen No. 2.-SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL CONCEPTS OF sealing carriageways, concreting footpaths, and provision of storm­ THE MAORI. Price, ls. Postage, ld. water drainage, the said Mount Roskill Borough Council hereby No. 3.-ASTRONOMICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE makes and levies a special rate of 5}d. (fivepence halfpenny) in the MAORI. Price, ls. 6d. Postage, ld- pound upon the rateable value, on the basis of the unimproved No. 4.-MAORI DIVISION OF TIME. Price, ls. v-alue, of all rateable property ofthe whole of the Borough of Mount · Postage, 1d, Roskill, and that such special rate shall be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and be payable yearly on the No. 5--POLYNESIAN- VOYAGES, Price, ls. Post­ 1st day of August in each and every year during the c.urrency of age, ld. such loan, being a period of twenty years or until the loan is fully No .. 6.-THE MAORI SCHOOL OF LEARNING. paid off. Price, ls. Postage, ld. J • " (2) That, for the purpose of prov-iding the interest and other No. 7.-BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRINTED MAORI to charges on a loan of p0,500 (seventy thousand five hundred pounds), 1900. By HERBERT W. WILLIAMS, M.A. Price, 6s. authorized to be raised by the Mount Roskill Borough Council Postage, 4d. under the above-meritioned Act for· constructing Mount Albert No. 7A.-SUPPLEMENT TO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Road to permanent levels, including kerbing and channelling, PRINTED MAORI to 1900. By HERBERT W. bitumen sealing carriageways, bitumen sealing or concreting foot­ WILLIAMS, M.A. Price, 9d. Postage, ld. paths, and proV'ision of stormwater drainage, the said Mount Roskill Borough Council hereby makes and lev-ies a special rate of Id. (one penny) in the pound upon the·rateable value, on the basis of NEW ZEALAND PARLIAMENTARY RECORD the unimproved value, of all rateable property of the whole of the Borough of Mount Roskill, and that such rate shall be an annual­ (1840-1949) recurring rate during the currency of such loan and be paya hie yearly on the 1st day of August in each and every year during the EDITED BY Guv ScHoLEFIELD currency of such loan, being a period of twenty years, or until the An Historical Survey ~f Parliament and the Parliamentary • loan is fully paid off;'' · System of New Zealand · 301 G. R. GARDINER, Town Clerk, 245, pages· Crown 4to: Bound full cloth: Green. 10 JULY] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1203

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS CENSUS AND STATISTICS DEPARTMENT THE following Scientific Works, published under the authority PUBLICATIONS of the Government, are obtainable from the GovERNMENT Price PRINTER, WELLINGTON, to whom all orders should be Name of Publication. Per Copy. Postage. addressed: - s. d. •. d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 1 New Zealand Official Year-Book (1950) 15 0 0 7 The Geology of the Hokitika Sheet, North Westland Pocket Compendium of Statistics Quadrangle. By DR. BELL. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. (1950-51) 2 6 0 Monthly Abstract- of Statistics. Latest avail­ GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 2 able statistics on numerous subjects, The Geology of the Area covered by the Alexandra Sheet, with detailed trade figures, £2 2s. per Central Otago Division. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. calendar year, post free 4 0 0 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 26 Retail Prices in New Zealand: Special Geology and Mines of the W aihi District, Hauraki Supplement Oct.-Nov., 1949, Monthly Goldfield. By P. G. MoRGAN. t-cloth, 12s. 6d. Abstract 2 0 0 Postage, 6d. National Income and Expenditure: (1938-39 to 1950-51) Special Supple­ GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 29 ment August, 1951, Monthly Abstract 2 0 0 Geology of the Egmont Subdivision, Taranaki. By P. G. External Trade (1948) : Special Supple­ MORGAN and W. GrnsoN. t-cloth, 15s. Postage, 6d. ment, March, 1951, Monthly Abstract 2 0 o r GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 31 Local Authorities Handbook. Issued annually ( 1948-49) 15 0 0 5 Geo,ogy of the Naseby Subdivision, Central Otago. By Annual Statistical Reports ( with intro­ The Geology of the Tongapurutu-Ohura Subdivision, ductory explanatory letterpress in each Taranaki. By L. I. GRANGE. t-cloth, 14s. 6d. case)- Postage, 6d. Population and Buildings ( 1949-50) 4 0 0 1 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 32 Vital Statistics ( 1950) 5 0 0 2 Minerals and Mineral Substances of New Zealand. By Trade and Shipping- the late P. G. MoRGAN. Paper, 5s. 6d.; t-cloth, 7s. 6d. Part I (1945 and 1946) 30 0 0 9 Postage, 6d. Parl II ( 1943 and 1944). (Out of print.) GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 33 Agricultural and Pastoral Production The Soils of Irrigation Areas in Otago Central. By H. T. ( 1949-50 7 6 0 3 FERRAR. Paper cover, 10s.; t-cloth, 12s. 6d. Postage, 6d. Factory Production ( 1946-4 7 and GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 34 1947--48, with a summary of Building Production for 1947-48) 5 0 0 4 The Geology of the Dargaville-Rodney Subdivision, Insurance ( 1945, 1946, and 194 7) 2 0 0 2 Hokianga and Kaipara Divisions. Paper cover, 17s. Miscellaneous - Banking, Bankruptcy, Postage, 6d. Building Societies, Cinematograph GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 37 Theatres, and Tramways ( 1943-45) 2 6 0 1 Industrial Accidents ( 194 7 and 1948) 3 6 0 1 The Geology of the Rotorua-Taupo Subdivision, Rotorua Justice Statistics (1949) 10 0 0 2 and Kaimanawa Division. By L. I. GRANGE. Paper cover, Prices, Wages, and Labour ( 1948) 3 6 0 1 14s.; cloth 16s. Postage, 6d. Census of Public Libraries ( 1949) 2 6 0 1 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 38 Reports of the Census-- Geology of the Kaitangata - Green Island Subdivision 1936- (Eastern and Central Otago Division). By M. ONGLEV. Vol. I: Increase and Location of Paper cover, !Os. 6d.; t-ck,th, 12s. Postage, 5d. Population 4 6 0 2 Vol. II: Dependencies 1 6 0 1 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 39 Vol. Ill: Maori Census 3 0 0 1 J. H. WiLLIAMSON. Paper cover, 2 ls.; t-cloth, 22s. 6d. Vol. IV: Ages and Marital Status 4 0 0 2 Postage, 7d. Vol. V: Orphan Children and () GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 41 Dependent Children 2 6 Vol. VI: Religious Professions 2 6 0 The Geology of the "Te Kuiti Subdivision." By J. Vol. VII: Birthplaces 2 6 0 MARWICK. _Price, paper cover, 13s. Vol. VIII: Duration of Residence of GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 42 Overseas-born 2 6 0 Geology of the Reefton Quartz Lodes. By MAxwELI. Vol. IX: Race 2 6 0 Vol. X: Industries and Occupa- GAGE. Price, 20s. Postage, 8d. tions 7 6 0 2 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 49 Vol. XI: Unemployment 4 0 0 1 " The Limestone Resources of Southland." By R. H. Vol. XII: Incomes 7 6 0 2 WILLETT. Price, !-cloth, 6s. Vol. XIII: Dwellings and Households 6 0 0 2 Appendix A Poultry 1 6 0 l GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. I Appendix B War Service 1 6 0 l The Geology of the Malvern Hills. 4s. 6d. Postage, 3d Appendix C Census of Libraries 1 6 0 I GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 2 Appendix D Life Tables 1 6 0 I 1945- The Geology of the Lower Awatere District. Price, 2s. 6d. Vol. I: Increase and Location of Postage, 3d. Population 4 6 0 2 GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 3 Vol. II: Island Territories 2 6 0 1 The Geology of the Mount Somers District. Price, 5s. Vol. III: Maori Census 5 0 0 1 Postage, 4d. Vol. IV: Ages and Marital Status 5 0 0 2 Vol. V: Dependent Children 12 6 0 1 GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 4 Vol. VI: Religious Professions 10 0 0 I Experiments in Geophysical Survey m New Zealand. Vol. VIII: Race 3 6 0 2 Price, 7s. 6d. Postage, 4d. Vol. IX: Industries and Occupations 7 6 0 2 Appendix A: Poultry 2 6 0 1 GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 5 Appendix B: War Service 2 6 () Metamorphism m the Lake Wakatipu Region, Western Appendix C : Usual Place of Residence 3 6 0 Otago, New Zealand. By C. 0. HUTTON. Price, 6s. Interim Returns of Ages, Marital Postage, 3d. Status, Religious Professions, Birth­ GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 6 places, Duration of Residence of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Diastrophism in New Overseas-born, Race, War Service, Zealand. Price, 3s. Postage, ld. Industries, Occupations, Occupa­ tional Status, and Travelling Time 2 6 0 GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 7 1951- Otaki Sandstone and its Geological History. Price 2s. 6d. Interim Returns of Population and Postage, 1 d. Dwellings 3 0 0 2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEW ZEALAND Reports for 1887-88 (postage, 3d.), and 1892-93 (postage, 3d.). Royal 8vo. 2s. 6d. each. Later reports are contained in Mining Reports each year. Postage, 3d. THE PRINCIPLES INTRODUCTORY CLASS-BOOK OF BOTANY FOR USE OF WOOD PRESERVATION: IN NEW ZEALAND SCHOOLS. By G. M. Thomson, F.R.S. Demy 8vo. Paper cover, THEIR APPLICATION UNDER NEW ls. 6d. Postage, 3d. ZEALAND CONDITIONS MANUAL OF THE GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS By Messrs D. R. CARR, B.Sc., and J. H. SMITH, B.Sc., B.E., USEFUL TO NEW ZEALAND. Part I. A.M.I.C.E., of the New Zealand Forest Service By THOMAS MACKAY. Numerous plates. _ Price,_ 5s. Postage, 6d. Price, 6s. 9d. per copy, plus 2d. postage 1204 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 46

NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT LAND-continued PAGE Held for Housing Purposes Set Apa,·t for Secondary PUBLICATIONS School ...... 1179 THE FRENCH AT AKAROA Housing Purposes, 'l'aken for ...... 1177 Lands to Which Water is Supplieu, Itevokh1g By T. LINDSAY BUICK, F.R.HisT.S. Price, 12s. 6d. Notice Defining ...... ••... .. Postage, 7 d. Main Highway Depot, Crown Land Set Apart NEW ZEALAND WARS for 1181 Maori Land A~endment Act, Releasing LUnd :frolrl By ]AMES CowAN. Vol. II. Price, £1 ls. Postage, 8d. Provisions of Part I of ...... 1197 per volume. Maori Land .Amendment Act, Revoking Kotice NEW ZEALAND'S FIRST WAR Declaring Land Subject to Part I of 1197 Maori Reservation, Revoking Order in Council Set· By T. LINDSAY BUICK. Price, 15s. Postage, 7d. ting Apart Maori Land as .. 1185 ROYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND Maori Reservation, Setting Apart Maori Land as 1185 Memorial Park Domain, Ch'anging Reficrvation Over DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE OF THE VISIT OF THEIR RoYAL Portion of ...... 11$6 HIGHNESSES THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL Permanent \Var Memorial, Taken :for ...... 1178 AND YORK. ( 1902.) Royal 4to. Price, !Os. Postage, Public Reserves, Domains, and Nntional Parks Act, ls. 2d. &creation Reserves Brought Under ...... 1185 ROYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND Public Road, Road 'l'ra.verning Maori Land Pro, daimed as ...... 1174 SPECIAL PICTORIAL SOUVENIR 1927. Price, 2s. 6d. Public School, Additional Lnnd 'T'aken for 1176 Postage, 3d. Public School, Notic.e of Intention to Take LeMe· BOTANICAL DISCOVERY IN NEW ZEALAND: THE hold Estate in Land iu rnrn Public School, Taken for ...... 1176 VISITING BOTANIS TS Purposes of Railwav, Notice oi' Taking Land for 1175 By W. R. B. OLIVER. Price, ls. 6d. per copy. - Postage, 2d. Purposes of Road; Leasehold ],~state in Land Taken for ...... 1178 MOAS AND MOA-HUNTERS Rabbit District, Altering and Defining Boundaries ·By RoGER DUFF. Price, ls. 6d. per copy. Postage, 2d. of 1182 Railway, Defi,:;\;:,g Middie-lines of 1175 DIRECTORY OF NEW ZEALAND MANUFACTURERS Recreation-ground, Taken for 1177 1950 Reserve, Changing Purpose of 1184 Ptice, !Os. per copy. Reserved ...... 1186 Reserves, Revoking Reservation Over 1184 HOUSING POLICY Road Closed 1180 Summary of Government measures designed to promote Road, Notice of Intention to Take Land for Road housing and financial assistance available to home-seekers. in ...... 1193 Price, ls. per copy. Postage, 2d. Road Proclaimed 1179 Roads, Taken for 1178 Scenic Reserves, Appointment of .. · Honorary THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Inspectors of ...... 1187 Scenic Reserve, Vesting Oontrol of ...... 1187 Sub,criptions.-The subscription is at the rate of £4 4s. Servicemen's Settlement Act, Notice Declaring Land per calendar year, including postage, Payable in Advance. Taken Under ...... 1192 Single copies of the Gazette as follows:- Set Apart as Provisional State Forest. Declared For the first. 8 pages, 6d., increasing by 3d. for every Subject to Land Act 1173 subsequent 8 pages or part thereof; postage, ld. Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Council, Advertisements are charged at the rate of 6d. per line for Appointing Members of 1187 the first insertion, and 3d. per line for the second and any Subject to Housing Act Declared Crown Land subsequent insertions. Available for Rescrva tion Under Land Act 1173 All. advertisements should be written o'n one side of the Technical School, Additional Land Taken for 1176 paper, and signatures, &c., should be written in a legible hand. LAND TRANS]'ER ACT NOTICES 1199 The number of insertions required must be written across the face of the advertisement. M!SCELLANJWUS- The New Zealand Gazette is published on Thursday Arbor Day 1192 evening of eacli week, and notices for insertion must be Board of Trade N oticc 1196 received by the Government Printer before 12 o'clock of the Customs Acts, Decisions Under the 1194 day· preceding publication. Domain Boards Appointed 1184 Drainage Area: Notice of Intention to Make and Levy Rates ...... 1193 THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF Electric Lines, Authorizing. Erection and Use of 1183 SOCIAL SECURITY IN NEW ZEALAND Foreshore Licences Granted 1181 Harbour Board, Making Provision With Respect to A survey of social security in New Zealand from 1898 to Representation of Certain Districts· on 1181 1949, and the most comprehensive work on the subject yet Ineome.. tax and Social Security Charge, Extending published in this country. Period of Commission to Report Upon . 1186 Of 180 pages, the book is divided into three parts-cash Industrial Efficiency Act, Decisions of Bureau of benefits, health benefits, and finance. Each subject is dealt Industry Under 1HJ5 with in detail and there is a comprehensive index. Industrial Efficiency Act, :'sf otice to Persons The book will undoubtedly be of considerable interest to Affected Under 1195 those interested in social security and social ser

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