New Zealand Gazette
llnmh. 78. 8169 SUPPLEMENT TO TBl!I NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1913. WELLINGTON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1913. APPOIN11MENTS, PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS, ETC., IN, AND RESIGNATIONS AND RETIREMENTS FROM, THE PUBLIC SERVICE. ------------ ~~- 3170 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 78 Offecm"s appointed. Office of the Public Service Commissioner, Wellington, 15th October, 1913. HE Public Service Commissioner has confirmed the following appointments made to the Public Service prior to the T 1st April, 1913. A. J. H. BENGE, Secretary. OlfFICERS APPOINTED. Place. ·1 Date of Name. J_ Position. Appointment. Customs Department. Holmes, Walter Anderson Cadet Head Office, Wellin2toll l Doc., 1912. Johnston, Alfred Joseph Napier - 11 Feb., 1913. Thomas, Harold Auckland 11 Tizard, Henry James 15 Education Department. Hill, Joanna Assistant Teacher Te Huruhi Oct., 1912. Te Wake, Josephine Pawarenga Feb., 1913. Gavernment. Insurance Department. Eggers, Wilford Raymond Cadet Wellington _ r, Oct., 1912· Fox, John Stuart .. 7 Jan., 1913- Henderson, Albert John 19 Dec., 1912. Mackay, David In ve;~argill 31 Mar., 1913. Petre, Joseph Austin Christchurch I }'l]"oY., 1912• Reekie, William Barnett Wellington ! 27 Fch., 191:l. Smith, Donald Williamson Nelson 7 San.. " Wakclin, Bertram Raphael Wellington ,i l'fov., 1912, /.;nml8 nud 8nr·vey Dep<1rl1nent. Adums, H;arokl Arthur Clerical Cadet Auuklaml 20 Feb., l!Jl3. Bell, Robert Hogan Nelson 4 Mar., Bines, Arthur Da v:id Draughting Cadet Auckland 24 Feb., Burry, Howard Nelson Fleet Clerical CP-det , , Wellington 20 ;Earle, Lawrence Edward Head Office, We!lmgton 3 Mar., Fitisimons, James •. Draughting Cadet H;okitika 7 Freeman, Llewellyn Bowden Auok!anct 7 .. Haase, Arthur Carsten 20 Feb., Harvey, George Alexander Clerical Cadet, • Inv~;oargill 12 Mar., Hutton, Bruce Draughting Cadet Auckland 5 Kane, William John Clerical Cadet Wellington 7 " Lawrey, Herbert Millett .
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