Burglaries Hit Dealy

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Burglaries Hit Dealy Downtown Clubs: Inactive Activities? by Peter Kovacs and BUI Bole work for one club. Once students most are often related to career Student clubs provide the life- do join an organization, he said, interests. It seerns the best route to blood for many social activities at they tend to form cliques subse- meaningful activities is through most American colleges and uni- quently attracting people who common career goals." versities. Fordham University is no think alike. This, in turn, can Shea agreed that available space exception. However, Lincoln Cen- stagnate the growth of a club. was a problem, adding, "How ter's commuter atmosphere has He spoke of the inability of both much more can we do until we made it extremely difficult to new and established clubs to obtain have expanded facilities?" establish viable organizations. crucial room space. This dilemma, In reference to the possibility of LAC commuters face many plus a decrease in student activities' increasing student activities fund- obstacles that deter them from funds over the last few years, has ing by raising the current fee from participating in activities. "The created further complexities. $2.50 per four credit course to average student very likely holds a "Students here have to put more $3.50 (a proposal originally made full- or part-time job," said Dean of work into their clubs than compar- during the Liberal Arts Student Students Vincent Bucci, "along able groups at Rose Hill, due to Government election campaign by with the added responsibilities of these limitations," Bucci said. new LASG president Ed Stroligo), living at home." Liberal Arts College Dean Shea said he believed the final Because of diverse student in- George Shea commented, "My decision should be made by the terests, Bucci also cited problems impression is the activities that students—by way of a referendum. of mustering sufficient students to keep people together here the [continued on page 11] U.S. Postage Bronx, N.Y. VOL. 59 Permit No. 7608 Kir\ Non-ProfltOrg. INU- THURSDAY, FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK MAY 5,1977 The Students Resign I.B.I. Criticized Crawley byBMSchmitt "The job's done," and "there are The co-directors of Rose.Hill's many good IBI guards," the two Student Security Patrol (SSP) emphasized, but their complaints Mystique resigned Wednesday, complaining rest with the officers of the force, of a "general atmosphere" of especially with Inspector Noel by Bob Ehalt "mutual enmity" between the IBI Arthurton. In theory, every American has security force and students, as well "Arthurton lacks respect for the the right to protest actions which as a "lack of. initiative" in correcting weapon he carries," commented he feels are unfair or unjust. On the problems. Joe Anthes, 77, a member of the Thursday some 200 Fordham In an interview, Robert Golden, SSP who joined in the interview. students exercised that right as 77, and Ron Schutte, 78, who "In my opinion, he's potentially they voiced their opposition to have co-directed the auxiliary pa- dangerous." several decisions made by various trol force since last summer, cited Golden and Schutte recalled administrators. such breaches of professionalism witnessing Arthurton harass sus- Many good points were brought as on-duty drinking, abuse of pects and others in ways that up by the students but the question firearms, and provocation and "appalled us." of how exactly do we solve these harassment of fellow guards, of A major problem they cited is problems was side-stepped. Robert Becker crime suspects, and of students. the frequent large time lapse The protest was organized by a between taking in suspects and notifying police of them. The extra committee of "concerned seniors." time, they said, is used for They attempted to unify the harassment. student body under the slogan of Burglaries Hit Dealy Anthes pointed to Arthurton's "we are mad as hell and we're not "feeling of superiority" and his and going to take it any more." Among by Dan Hayes some other officers' tendency to the actions the students protested Dealy Hall offices have been Security Director Thomas a careful job." New York Police harass and be disrespectful. "They burglarized by an extraordinary were the closing of the library over Courtney doubted that the thefts Department detectives are stil! actually enjoy it," he said. class of thief. the vacation period, the lack of were entirely an outside job. "It working on the case, he said. Golden recalled an incident in student input in faculty evaluations The financial aid office reports would have to be someone who The Campus Center and Dealy which Arthurton used abusive and the removal of the phones that cash for emergency student knows Fordham. You don't get Hall incidents have baffled Secur- language with him, and he cited from Martyrs' Court. loans was stolen, along with strangers knowing where to go." ity. Both buildings were supposed- Arthurton in one case where stamps and a bottle of scotch. The Courtney recounted the Cam- The students claimed that they under patrol by IBI guards when Golden's handling of a security Computing Center and the Regi- pus Center robbery, which occur- wanted their voices to be heard by the thefts occurred. incident was wrongly reported to the administration, but by using the strar's offices are missing four red during intersession. Expensive Director of Security Thomas Cour- term administration they began to radios, a psychedelic poster, and stereo equipment was stolen from Offices have been entered aftei tney. hot chocolate mix. a locked room adjoining the Music hours for years, sources said, but show the futility of their efforts. "Courtney's channels of com- Room. To enter the Music Room, burglaries have been infrequent The word administration stands for munication are very narrow," Gol- burglars painstakingly removed a and discreet, with no one angered over 190 people. Problems can On the first three weekends of den complained. Issues often get glass panel and later replaced it. "It enough to make a full investi- only be solved when they are dealt April, a thief (or thieves) unlocked "distorted through the grapevine" wasn't a break-in," he said. "It was gation. with by individuals. You cannot Dealy doors and ransacked many [continued on page 3] solve a problem when you address of the offices. There is speculation it to 190 persons. The only among some sources that Univer- member of the administration sity employees were involved, but internal Strife Plagues CBA mentioned by name was Dean of the mystery of the missing keys Students William Crawley. The makes accusing anyone dangerous "Dean Senkier will not com- made at CBA. He added that on tone of the protest setuned to be and improvable. municate openly with dissenters. some occasions the statutes of the that Crawley was the cause of all In March, keys to Dealy were He tries to harass dissidents by university have not been followed. holding back merit raises or by the students' problems. Instead of lost or stolen from a Physical Plant One such incident was the changing schedules without notify- telling the students who they locker. They have not been found. signing of a sheet by the supporters ing the teachers involved." should voice their opinions to, the Reports of break-ins piled up and of the new CBA constitution after it was ratified by a secret ballot. organizers furthered the belief in office staffs were not warned that That is how one faculty member in the College of Business Admin- Tomeski also pointed out that the Crawley mystique. keys to their offices were lost. No 1 istration described CBA Dean some of the ways Senkier uses to The Crawley mystique is the precautions were taken until after Robert Senkier. Currently there is push through his proposals set up I belief that Crawley is the most several offices had been burglar- some dissension within the depart- situations that even though the powerful man on campus and that ized. he makes every decision. ment, although it is not wide- proposal will pass by.a margin it In reality. Crawlcy is a powerful Security and Physical Plant Dir- spread. Mainly the dissension has will cause the proposal to be man, but most of the decisions the ectors assert that their employees arisen from two persons: Edward ratified under skepticism. students were protesting were maintain high security in all build- Tomeski, professor of manage- Tomeski said that Senkier will made by other people. ings. While both acknowledge ment and George Stephenson. not talk to anyone who is consider- assistant professor of manage- Dean of Housing Robert Becker, the possibility of employees being ed a dissident. "Senkier's only ment. who was present at the protest, involved, neither thinks there is communication is with his immedi- also agreud that there is a rnis,- enough evidence to implicate any Tomeski feels that there has ate in faculty. By this 1 "mean those Miroon Dean Senkier [con/inut'J on page 3] Physical Plant or Security worker. been many "irregular" decisions Page 2 R.O.T.C. University Salutes Given Successful Alumni by Peter Kovacs command of the company in Credit The 123rd annual Fordham by Nancy Brown College dinner and alumni John W. McNulty (FC '491 The Faculty Senate has ap- achievement award ceremonies coordinator of public affairs for proved a proposal to grant credit to were held April 21 at the Waldorf- General Motors Corporation was students involved in ROTC. Under Astoria. given the award in communi- the new program, one credit Five awards were presented in cations. As director of public would be given per semester for the areas of athletics, business, relations at Lincoln Center for the each semester and the program communications, education, and Performing Arts, he was very would be raised to departmental law.
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