SPOOKED! By Jaime Medina Featuring stories by Luke and Anthony Medina

30 Foreman Road COLD SPRING, NY 845-2824007 [email protected] EXT. A SMALL TOWN. HALLOWEEN NIGHT. Trick-or-treaters walk the streets, many of them avoiding.... A spooky old house. A group of children approaches the door. BOY#1 I heard this place was haunted! GIRL#1 Then what are we doing here? BOY#2 There’s a light on! Maybe someone’s moved in! BOY#1 Or maybe it’s a ghost! BOY#2 My mother says there’s no such thing as ghosts! GIRL#2 So go ahead and knock! BOY#2 (defiantly) I will! BOY#2 approaches the door, which opens by itself, revealing...... A long, dark hallway. A candlelit table holding a large jar of candy waits at the end. BOY#2 cautiously makes his way down the hall, finally reaching the bowl. He waves the group in. They follow, reluctantly at first. Their fear melts away as they start to fill their bags. Suddenly, the door slams behind them! They begin to panic not realizing that something is watching them. It comes closer....closer...... closer AS: The screen goes dark. A VOICE-OVER advises us that..... VOICE-OVER Thriller Theatre will return after a word from our sponsors! 2.

INT. 13 HELMS ST. A LIVING ROOM Two kids in Halloween costumes, JASON(9, “jester”) and his sister FREDDIE(11, “Cleopatra”) eat trick-or-treat candy while watching TV. JASON (referring to the show) I never would’ve went in there! FREDDIE That’s ‘cause you’re a chicken! JASON I’m not a chicken! I’m cautious! The cellar door cracks open slowly. A hairy hand reaches out. They do not notice because..... VOICE-OVER Thriller Theatre returns with “Don’t Knock on that Door”! CUT TO: P.O.V the thing in the cellar. As the on-screen monster grabs one of the trick-or-treaters, a pair of hairy hands grabs the kids. Jason lets out a girlish scream as Freddie strikes the creature with her plastic pumpkin. RALPH (in monster mask) Ouch! JASON & FREDDIE Dad! RALPH (pulling off mask) Ha, Ha! I’ve still got it! You guys were scared to death! JASON I knew it was you the whole time! FREDDIE Oh right: that’s why you totally screamed like a girl! 3.

JASON Well, you were so scared, you farted! FREDDIE I did not! RALPH (walking away) Here we go again! JASON Yes you did, and I’m gonna tell! FREDDIE Who? He opens the window and spies a group of trick-or-treaters. JASON (to kids) Hey, guys! My sister here just farted! KIDS Ill! Gross! Freddie strikes him with her plastic pumpkin. JASON Ow! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ALICE(fat and forty) enters in a Madonna “wedding dress” costume. She struggles with a “BOY TOY” belt buckle. ALICE See what you started, Ralph? RALPH Don’t blame me, Alice! I was just keeping the spirit of Halloween! Something you know nothing about! ALICE (stops struggling w/belt) What’s that supposed to mean? RALPH I mean your costume! You’re not really gonna wear that thing? ALICE Why not? Does it make me look fat? 4.

RALPH Er, no! You look...great! But it’s not scary! And Halloween is all about being scary! CUT TO: Jason and Freddie hurling candy like grenades, using the couches for cover. ALICE As if our life isn’t scary enough? Go get your coat! RALPH (moping) Yes, dear. ALICE Ralph! You’re tracking water! RALPH Huh? Where did that come from? ALICE Is there a leak somewhere? NORTON, the family dog, urinates on the floor. RALPH Uh, you could say that. ALICE Norton! Bad puppy! NORTON navigates around the flying candy and exits via the doggie door. He re-enters to retrieve a piece and exits once again. ALICE (CONT’D) (handing Ralph cleaning spray and paper towels) Okay. Kids? Kids! Alice is struck by a flying candy bar. Her eyes light up with anger. She picks up the candy and takes a bite. ALICE (CONT’D) Mmm! Kids? Kids! JASON AND FREDDIE KRUGERT! STOP THAT THIS INSTANT! They freeze in their tracks. 5.

ALICE (CONT’D) Your Dad and I wanna go over some things before the sitter gets here. An uneasy cease-fire. RALPH Now Jason, no lighting your sister’s costume on fire this year. JASON I was trying to teach her the “tuck and roll”! RALPH Frederica, there will be no forcing your brother to bob for apples in the toilet. FREDDIE Aw, Mom! ALICE Save some candy for tomorrow! You know my favorites. And I want you in bed by nine! JASON But Ma! The “Thriller Theatre” marathon is on! ALICE And I especially don’t want you watching that garbage! Last year you were scared to use the toilet by yourself! FREDDIE Scaredy cat! JASON Fartbag! FREDDIE Maaaaaaaa! ALICE Listen you two, we’ve gone through four sitters- KIDS (in unison, pridefully) Five! 6.

ALICE --this year! No one wants to sit for you guys anymore! They smile with devilish glee. Alice resumes her struggle with the belt buckle. ALICE (CONT’D) I was lucky to get a sitter for tonight! (to Ralph) Where’s the hole puncher? RALPH In the kitchen. She goes to retrieve it. ALICE That reminds me, Ralph. Vicky Skylark will be here any minute- KIDS (horrified) Vicky Skylark?! Thunder booms. Norton begins barking furiously outside. FREDDIE You can’t leave us with her! She’s a witch! ALICE (finding hole puncher) And you’re a couple of little monsters, so you’re even! RALPH What’s wrong with that dog? He checks on Norton through the window. VICKY(18) flies by on a broom, unnoticed. JASON Mom, Vicky Skylark is totally a real witch! She eats kids and everything! RALPH Oh, come on now, kids! (flicks TV off)Your mother’s right! This show is rotting your brains! The doorbell rings. The kids exchange fearful looks. 7.

FREDDIE Dad, if you ever want to see us again, don’t open that door! RALPH Now stop that! Vicky is not a- VICKY(18) stands at the door, looking quite witchy, a black cat in one arm, an old book in the other. RALPH (CONT’D) -witch.....(recovering)...Vicky! Did you have any trouble finding the place? VICKY Not at all. My aunt used to live here on Helm Street.

FRONT YARD. NIGHT. Norton growls, tugging on a broomstick that lay in the grass. As Vicky enters, she snaps her fingers. The broom rises and zips into the trees, taking Norton with it. CUT TO:

INT. THE KRUGERT LIVING ROOM VICKY And you two must be Jason and Frederica! The cat hisses at them. VICKY (CONT’D) (to cat) Now, now, Mr. Crowley! Mind your manners! CUT TO:

THE FRONT YARD. A TREE. Norton, climbing out on a limb, reaches for the roof. The limb collapses sending him falling into a pile of raked leaves. CUT TO: 8.

THE LIVING ROOM. ALICE (belt affixed) Okay now, kids! I made sure the stove was off and-oh, Vicky! I didn’t hear you come in! Norton walks through the doggie door covered in leaves. He growls and jumps at Crowley, causing Vicky’s book to fall, scattering the loose pages. Crowley and Norton run circles around the living room. VICKY (picking up pages) I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have brought the cat! Alice bends to help her and the belt pops off. She tosses it in frustration. ALICE Don’t worry about it dear! We love cats in this house! Don’t we kids? They shake their heads, violently, “NO” RALPH We have to be back before midnight, Vicky. Our cell phone numbers are on the fridge. You can help yourself to anything inside. Vicky pulls a bag of veggies out of thin air. VICKY Thank you, but I brought dinner with me. RALPH What’s on the menu? VICKY It’s an old family recipe! I’m gonna need the kids to help make it! The kids exchange frightened looks. 9.

RALPH Well that sounds fun, doesn’t it kids? CUT TO: Vicky. She flashes Freddie an evil smile, revealing a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Norton ducks underneath the couch and finds a page from the book. He takes it to Freddie. VICKY Anything else, Mrs. Krugert? ALICE No....oh, yes. Please make sure they don’t watch that horrible “Thriller Theatre!” It gives Jason nightmares! Freddie reads the page. It is a recipe for “Ghastly Gumbo”: broth, carrots, cabbage, eye of newt, troll toenails, dirt from a dead man’s grave and TWO FRIGHTENED CHILDREN. RALPH Okay, kids! Behave yourselves! FREDDIE (holding the page) Mom! Dad! Take a look at this! VICKY Oh, I must’ve missed that one! Thanks! Vicky tries to grab it from Freddie’s hand. She resists. It rips. RALPH Freddie! What are you doing? Apologize! VICKY That’s okay, Mr. Krugert! I’m sure it was an accident! Freddie sees the page magically repair itself in Vicky’s hand. FREDDIE Mom! Dad! Please don’t go! Ralph gives Vicky a grin and a shrug as he exits. 10.

ALICE (walking out) Freddie! We’ll be back before midnight! (mouthing the word)BEHAVE! VICKY Okay folks, have fun! And don’t worry..... Vicky lets her hands out by her sides. Her nails are very sharp and long. VICKY (CONT’D) ...... they’re in good hands! Lightning flashes and thunder booms as she cackles. The door closes.

INT. AN OLD, DARK HOUSE. A ghostly apparition walks towards two frightened kids. It pulls its’ head off, obviously that of a cheap mannequin, and flings it at them. The TV is turned off as we see this is yet another episode of Thriller Theatre. JASON Hey! I was watching that! FREDDIE (holding the remote) Are you crazy! We can’t get scared, remember? JASON Are you sure you didn’t imagine that recipe stuff? Vicky drags a cauldron large enough to fit them both. JASON (CONT’D) I guess you didn’t. Help! VICKY Let him watch, Freddie! It’s Halloween! You’re supposed to be scared! 11.

FREDDIE Our mom says we can’t watch that stuff. VICKY And you always listen to your mom, right? Silence. Vicky turns the TV on. VOICE-OVER The Thriller Theatre marathon now continues with “THE TOILET BOWL OF DOOM”. JASON That episode scares the poop out of me! Freddie, what are we gonna do? FREDDIE Just follow my lead! A bolt of lightning strikes the house. The lights go out as all power is lost. JASON Was that your lead? A light flickers as if by magic. Vicky appears, candle in hand. VICKY Hmmm. No lights, no stove. This is a problem. Jason hugs his sister. JASON I’m sorry I called you a fartbag! Vicky snaps her fingers and a pile of wood with a blazing fire appears. The cauldron hangs over it. JASON (CONT’D) What are we gonna do now, fartbag? FREDDIE Relax! She can’t eat us if we aren’t scared! And since the TV doesn’t work- VICKY I’m going to read some scary stories! 12.

JASON Cool! I mean, lame! He gives Freddie a weak smile. FREDDIE (yawning) I think we’ll pass. We’ve had a long day. JASON (yawning in imitation) Yeah. A long day! G’night witchy-I mean, Vicky! They walk towards their respective rooms. Vicky snaps her fingers and the doors slam shut. Alice’s “Madonna” belt(pg.8) floats from the floor and encircles them. VICKY I don’t think you understand! It’s Halloween, and you WILL be scared! You can bet your lives on it! She cackles as lighting and thunder flash and boom. Vicky pulls out a book called “SCARY TALES”. The word “FAIRY” has been crossed out, replaced with “SCARY”. VICKY (CONT’D) Gather ‘round now children! Have a seat! The kids float in the air and are unceremoniously dumped on the couch. Vicky dips a spoon fashioned out of a human leg bone into the broth “and stirs. VICKY (CONT’D) (opening the book) Now remember, scared is good! “It was a dark and stormy night...... ” STORY #1: “SCARE-CROW” BY LUKE MEDINA

EXT. NIGHT. A CORNFIELD. Darkness. Rain. A quick flash of lightning illuminates the figure of a scarecrow. Darkness. Lightning. The perch is empty. 13.

ARNOLD(8), runs through the cornstalks, flashlight in hand. Something behind him leaves the stalks shaking in it’s wake. He stops and points the light, but it dies. He turns to run and is knocked to the ground. As lightning strikes he sees the scarecrow standing over him. It reaches out......

INT. A BEDROOM. NIGHT. Arnold sits up in bed, frightened. He pulls the curtains back and looks at the field: we see the silhouette of the scarecrow on it’s perch against the moon-- it was only a dream.

EXT. DAY. THE CORNFIELD Arnold collects dead stalks in a wheel barrel as his dog, DOC circles him playfully. ARNOLD You wanna play, don’t ya, boy? You know what Dad says:“Work first, play later”! Doc, tail wagging, seems to beg him to play. ARNOLD (CONT’D) Aw, what the heck! Fetch! He flings a yellow rubber ball. Doc takes off into the stalks after it. There is the distant sound of thunder. The wind rises. ARNOLD (CONT’D) (whistling) Doc? C’mon boy! We gotta get inside before it comes down! Doc? Something watches him. It picks up speed, rustling the stalks. Arnold backs away in fear, right into the scarecrow. The rustling stops. ARNOLD (CONT’D) (to scarecrow) Oh. It’s you. You know, you ain’t so scary in the daytime! Kinda silly looking if you ask me! Okay, Doc! Last chance! I’m going home! 14.

Something leaps from the stalks, pulling him down. It is JEB(14), his older brother. ARNOLD (CONT’D) Jeb, you jerk! Momma just washed this shirt! JEB She sent me to come and get you, chicken little! ARNOLD I told you before to stop calling me that! I ain’t afraid of nothing! JEB (motioning towards scarecrow) Oh yeah? What about him? Something leaps from the stalks and knocks Jeb to the ground, screaming. Doc stands on his chest, the ball in his mouth. ARNOLD Who’s the chicken now? Good boy, Doc! Good boy! Doc drops the ball and stiffens. He squares off against the scarecrow and growls, bearing his teeth. JEB What’s the matter, boy? You afraid of ol’ “Scarecrow Joe”? Well, you’re not alone! Right, Arnold? ARNOLD Don’t pay him no mind, Doc! This ol’ bag of hay can’t hurt you! See? He picks up the ball and flings it at the scarecrow’s head, striking it. JEB I don’t think you should’a done that, Arnold! Arnold picks it up, ignoring him JEB (CONT’D) Don’t you wanna know why? 15.

ARNOLD No! Because it’s probably some stupid story you made up just to scare me! JEB I guess you don’t know where that scarecrow came from, do you? ARNOLD I knew it! JEB It used to belong to Mr. Truman. ARNOLD The Mr. Truman that disappeared last Halloween? JEB The very same one. ARNOLD What’s it doing here? JEB I don’t know. It just showed up one morning, like it walked here or something. ARNOLD Yeah, right! Just like the time you said there was an alligator in the toilet bowl! JEB There was so a ‘gator in there! ARNOLD So what happened to it? JEB It got eaten by the monster in the closet! Anyway, I heard that right before he disappeared, Mr. Truman’s crops went bad, and all of his animals started dying! For some reason, he blamed this scarecrow right here. Know what he did? ARNOLD Nope. 16.

JEB He lit a bonfire to burn those bad crops. And when the fire got nice and big, he took this guy here and flung him right in! ARNOLD He don’t look burned to me. JEB The next day, Mr. Truman was gone. So was the scarecrow. All they found were some footprints leading up to his door, and some burned pieces of hay! Now you understand why you shouldn’t have thrown that ball at him? A bell rings in the distance. Doc runs home. JEB (CONT’D) Dinner time! Race ya, chicken little! Jeb takes off. Arnold contemplates the ball in his hand. He cocks his arm. The scarecrow’s head seems to tilt slightly. He drops the ball and runs off.

EXT. TWILIGHT. ARNOLD’S HOUSE. A pick up truck marked “WINSTON TOXIC WASTE DISPOSAL” is parked out front. THE KITCHEN. BELLE(35) pours lemonade for GEORGE(40) and WINSTON(50), who are seated at the dinner table. Jeb eavesdrops from the next room. Arnold cups a hand to his ear and does the same. WINSTON You’re being unreasonable, George! It’s no secret that you’re not doing well. Heck, nobody is! GEORGE You seem to be doing just fine, Winston. WINSTON I knew that farming was a dead end, so I got out. (MORE) 17. WINSTON (CONT'D) You can still walk out ahead of the game. But you wait any longer- George raises his hand to pause the conversation. GEORGE Arnold Bailey! You get that dirty little hand away from your ear and go get washed for dinner, hear? Stop listening to grown folks talk! ARNOLD How does he do that? He walks off as Jeb continues to eavesdrop. GEORGE That goes for you too, Jeb! WINSTON So what’s it gonna be, George? I’m giving you a generous offer-and that’s only ‘cause we’re friends! GEORGE We ain’t never been friends, Winston. To you this is just another piece of land. But four generations of my family were raised here, and one bad season, heck, five bad seasons ain’t enough to make me sell to a snake like you! Arnold listens from the bathroom. WINSTON You know who you sound like? Joe Truman. Lightning and thunder. Arnold’s eyes go wide with fear at the mention of Joe’s name. WINSTON (CONT’D) He was so sure it wasn’t gonna happen to him. Then his animals started dying. Then his crops all went bad. And then one day, he wasn’t there anymore. GEORGE Are you threatening me? 18.

WINSTON There’s something out there, George. Something evil. I can feel it. Take your family and get out of here before it’s too late! George walks over to the door and holds it open. GEORGE Good night, Winston. WINSTON (rising) Thank you for the lemonade, Mrs. Bailey. He tips his hat at Belle as he walks past her. WINSTON (CONT’D) (to Belle) Try and talk some sense into your husband. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to him. George slams the door shut. Arnold and Jeb run to him. JEB Daddy, are we gonna have to move? GEORGE Over my dead body.

INT. BEDROOM. NIGHT. Jeb snores loudly as Arnold lies awake. He struggles not to look, but soon draws the curtains and sees..... The scarecrow in it’s place. The sound of thunder sends him scurrying beneath the covers. ARNOLD Jeb! Jeb! Are you awake? JEB No! ARNOLD You think Daddy’s gonna sell the farm? 19.

JEB (groggily) Go ‘sleep, Arnold. Ev’rything’s gonna be alright. G’back sleep. ‘Kay? A bolt of lightning strikes closely, sending Arnold leaping into Jeb’s bed. JEB (CONT’D) Get your butt out of my face! Get off! He shoves Arnold off the bed, who takes the blanket with him exposing...... ARNOLD Footie pajamas, Jeb? JEB: They were a gift! What’s wrong with you, anyway? ARNOLD I’m scared! JEB Of what? ARNOLD The scarecrow. JEB Oh, c’mon, Arnold! ARNOLD I shouldn’t have thrown that ball! He’s gonna get me like he got Mr. Truman! JEB That things’ just a mess of straw and dirty old clothes! Now go back to sleep! Arnold settles into his bed. A flash of lightning shows us the EMPTY scarecrow’s perch. Something runs through the field, leaving a wake of shaking stalks. 20.

EXT. THE BAILEY FARM. TWILIGHT. THE NEXT DAY. Arnold and Jeb collect more dead stalks as Doc trots along. ARNOLD (to Doc) That was some storm, wasn’t it, boy? Bet you were plenty scared of that lightning! JEB Well you can relax---ol’ Scarecrow Joe didn’t come for you after all! See, he’s right there where...... ARNOLD He’s.....he’s not there, is he? JEB Uh...... no. He isn’t.....but he probably got knocked off by the storm. ARNOLD (nodding fearfully) Probably. JEB We should find it. Put it back up before Dad notices. ARNOLD (fearful) You’re afraid too, aren’t you? Crows begin circling the stalks, their numbers growing larger. They dive in and out of the fields, picking at the corn. JEB Me? Afraid? Huh! That’s funny! ARNOLD How about we just leave it for Dad, huh? We’re not strong enough to pick that thing up even if we do find it. JEB Speak for yourself! A strong wind arises, bringing the sound of a tortured moan. 21.

JEB (CONT’D) On second thought, you’re right. Let’s go! Doc begins to bark at the crows, whose numbers have increased starkly. He growls and runs into the stalks after them. ARNOLD Doc! Come back here! JEB That’s an awful lot of crows! George calls to them from the porch. GEORGE Boys! Don’t ya see them crows picking at the corn? Shoo ‘em away and get that scarecrow back up, y’hear? JEB We gotta fetch the dog anyway. Come on! Arnold stands paralyzed with fear as Jeb walks off. As the sun begins to set, he sees the faint traces of footprints. They begin to glow an eerie green. Something grabs him from behind. It is Jeb. JEB (CONT’D) Well, come on!

EXT. THE CORNFIELD. TWILIGHT The boys walk towards the empty perch. The have to yell over the increasing noise from the crows. ARNOLD Jeb? What do you suppose really happened to Mr. Truman? JEB Listen, I made up that stuff about Mr. Truman and the scarecrow just to scare you, alright? I’m sorry. ARNOLD You are? 22.

JEB Nope! I love that look you get when you’re scared! He approximates it. ARNOLD Stop it! JEB “Mama, can you check the closet? Daddy, leave the light on, please! There’s a monster under my bed!” ARNOLD That’s not funny! Stop! (yelling) STOP IT! Silence. The birds have stopped crowing. Something black falls, striking Jeb on the head. Then another. And another. Dead crows fall from the sky, filling the ground around them. The boys take off running. It begins to rain heavily. As the sun sets, we see the pile of crows glow a faint green.

INT. NIGHT. THE BAILEY HOUSE. Belle tends to the boys while George speaks on the phone. GEORGE I’m telling you, Bill, they was dropping out of the sky like hail in a rainstorm. (pause) I KNOW it’s raining, Bill! (pause) I think my boys can tell the difference between-(pause). Dang it, Bill, you’re the dag-gone sheriff around here, not me! You get up here and conduct a proper investigation A-S- A-P! Hello? Hello? He fiddles with the phone. BELLE Is he coming? GEORGE Phone’s dead. Must be the storm. Anyway, nothing we can do about this now. Let’s get ready for bed, boys! 23.

ARNOLD Daddy, we can’t leave Doc out there! It’s dangerous! GEORGE It’ll be more dangerous to go out in that storm! Doc’s a smart old dog. He’ll be just fine. ARNOLD (opening the window, yelling) Doc! C’mon boy! Come home! Doc! GEORGE Close that window boy! You’ll let the rain in! A gloved hand attempts to reach through the open window as Arnold, unaware, slams it shut. Lightning strikes. Jeb jumps into his mother’s arms as the lights go out. He composes himself and pulls away. There is the sound of a window breaking. ARNOLD What was that? GEORGE (striking a match) Calm down, everybody! The wind must’ve blown a window out. I’ll go check. ARNOLD No Daddy! Please don’t leave us! GEORGE (lighting a candle) I’ll be right back son! ARNOLD You don’t understand! I threw the ball at him! Please don’t let him get me! GEORGE What are you talking about? Jeb! You have anything to do with this? Jeb points at Arnold and makes the universal sign for “crazy”. 24.

ARNOLD Please Daddy! Let me come with you! GEORGE That’s enough! I’m going to grab some flashlights. You two stay here and protect your mother! Got that? George heads for the kitchen. Something crashes through the window. ARNOLD What was that? Jeb stoops down to look at the object. He looks up in fear. JEB It’s.....it’s..... ARNOLD The ball! Get rid of it! Jeb tosses it back through the window it came from. They hear a blood-curdling scream. JEB Daddy! It’s got him, Momma! It’s got Daddy! BELLE Who? JEB & ARNOLD The scarecrow!! BELLE Stop it boys! Stop that right now! Thunder booms. The front door creaks open ever so slowly. A dark silhouette in a hat stands at the door. It drops the ball, which rolls slowly back towards them. Lightning strikes and they see...... George, dressed in rain gear. GEORGE What did I tell you about playing ball in the house? The boys hug him tightly. Something approaches the door. 25.

ARNOLD Oh, Daddy! We were so sure the scarecrow got you- GEORGE Scarecrow? Is that what this is all about? That thing’s been blown halfway across the state by now! The thing outside gains momentum. BELLE Any luck with those flashlights? GEORGE Nope. Dead. Both of ‘em. I was sure my old boy scout light would work! BELLE You still have that old thing? GEORGE Are you kidding? Don’t know what I’d do if I lost it! There’s a lot of memories in this old thing! (yawning)Boy, am I exhausted! Something reaches for the door just as George slams it behind him. He places the flashlights on the table. BELLE Okay boys, off to bed. ARNOLD But Ma- GEORGE You heard your mother. Now git!

INT. NIGHT. THE BOYS’ BEDROOM. The storm rages outside. A wide-awake Arnold and Jeb lay in their beds. ARNOLD Jeb? JEB Hm? ARNOLD How do you reckon that ball came through the window? 26.

JEB I don’t. Good night. ARNOLD Maybe it got stuck in a tree branch....and then the wind snapped it back. You know, like a slingshot.... JEB Go to sleep! Silence. Their eyes grow heavy with sleep. There is a scratching sound coming from the back door. Arnold tries to ignore it. The scratching becomes more intense. ARNOLD (whispering) Jeb! Jeb! What is that? Silence. ARNOLD (CONT’D) Jeb! Say something! Jeb! I’m scared! I know you are too! JEB (rising) That’s it! I’ll show you who’s scared! ARNOLD Don’t leave me here by myself! JEB Well, come on then!

THE KITCHEN. Jeb, candle in hand, leads the way. They stop at the doorway and peer in. The scratching intensifies. ARNOLD Let’s wake up Dad! JEB You heard him going on about how tired he was! Watch where you’re going! 27.

Arnold bumps into the kitchen table knocking the flashlights over. The noise startles them. The scratching at the door stops. JEB (CONT’D) Look what you done! If you broke Dad’s old light- Arnold tries to flick it on. To his surprise, it works, as does the other. Something makes it’s way towards the rear door. JEB (CONT’D) Will ya look at that! Pass me that, chicken little! Jeb places his hand on the door. ARNOLD Okay, Jeb! You’re not scared! I believe you! Now let’s go back to bed! JEB I’m gonna open it! Ready? One, Two, Three! He swings it open and sees.....nothing. JEB (CONT’D) See? Nothing to be afraid of! He closes the door. Something bursts in and drags him to the floor! JEB (CONT’D) Agggh! A soaking wet Doc licks his face and shakes the water off, wetting them both. ARNOLD Doc! C’mere boy! I was worried sick about you! Arnold drops his Dad’s flashlight. Doc playfully takes it in his mouth and runs off into the night. ARNOLD (CONT’D) Doc! Jeb, we gotta go an get him! JEB No way! 28.

ARNOLD What if he loses Dad’s flashlight? JEB Ugh! That stupid dog’s gonna get us in trouble! C’mon!

EXT. NIGHT. THE BAILEY HOUSE. Arnold and Jeb stand at the rear door in raincoats, sharing a flashlight. JEB Okay, five minutes! We get Doc, get Dad’s light back and we’ll be in bed before anyone notices. Ready? He walks off. Terrified, Arnold does not follow. JEB (CONT’D) C’mon, chicken little!

THE CORNFIELD. TWILIGHT A light can be seen bouncing up and down through the stalks. JEB There he is! (whistling) Doc! C’mon boy! C’mon! Doc drops the flashlight and stiffens. He crouches, growling at an unseen enemy. He takes off after it, barking. ARNOLD What do you think he was barking at? JEB Don’t start! It was probably an animal! ARNOLD What if it wasn’t? What if it was the scare- JEB Just stop it! There is nothing to be afraid of, understand? They reach the flashlight. Jeb hands it to him. 29.

JEB (CONT’D) Let’s split up. We’ll meet back here in two minutes! ARNOLD No Jeb! Don’t leave me! JEB You want to find Doc, don’t you? We each got a light now. We can cover more ground separately. ARNOLD No! Please! He sees Arnold is terrified and softens his stance. JEB We’ll just give it two minutes, okay? If we don’t find Doc by then, we’ll go home! ARNOLD One minute! JEB Fine. One minute! Jeb walks off. Arnold stands still. There is rustling to his left. He points his light towards it. It stops. The rustling starts again, this time to his right. Once again, the light reveals...... nothing. He tries to whistle out to Doc, but his lips are too dry. The rustling begins again, picking up speed, pushing stalks to the side. Arnold backs away, colliding with something. Afraid to turn around, he lowers the light to the ground and sees...... a puddle of glowing green slime. He raises the light and sees the stalks also covered with slime. Slowly, he turns to see what he has bumped into when suddenly.....his light goes out. He looks up and sees a silhouette against the night sky. Lightning cracks, allowing him to see the figure of..... Winston, hanging on the scarecrow’s perch, covered in green slime, a terrified look on his face. WINSTON Ssss.....sssss.....scare....crow!!! 30.

Arnold runs away screaming. He trips over something in the dark. Lightning rips the sky again. He finds himself face to face with....the Scarecrow!!!! Arnold screams as a light shines upon him. It is George, flashlight in hand, Doc and Jeb at his side. Arnold runs to him. They embrace. He points the light towards the field and sees Winston. GEORGE Sweet mother of mercy!

EXT. DAY. THE CORNFIELD Arnold pushes a wheel barrel as Jeb walks alongside. They walk silently. ARNOLD Jeb? JEB Yeah? ARNOLD What do you think happened to Mr. Winston? JEB I don’t know. Maybe that stuff he was poisoning the crops with did something to his brain. ARNOLD Or maybe.... JEB Maybe the scarecrow got him? Arnold considers this. JEB (CONT’D) You don’t have to do this you know. ARNOLD I know. They stop walking. The scarecrow is at their feet. JEB Well? You ready? 31.

ARNOLD Yup. They each grab an arm. JEB Okay. One, two, three! It’s too heavy. They set it back down. JEB (CONT’D) Ooof! What’d Mr. Truman put in this thing? ARNOLD I thought you were supposed to be strong! JEB What? You wanna see strong? Stand back! He lifts it slightly, then lets it drop. They hear the sound of metal on metal. ARNOLD What was that? JEB I don’t know! Arnold pounds it’s chest. He hears the sound again. ARNOLD There’s something in there! Jeb pulls the scarecrow’s shirt apart and reaches in. He comes up with a handful of straw and....a gold coin. Then another. And another. Arnold joins him, furiously pulling out the gold coins, tossing them into the wheel barrel until there are no more. JEB Will you look at that! This must’ve been what Winston was looking for! ARNOLD How did he know it was here? JEB He didn’t! That’s why he kept poisoning farms and then buying them up! He was on a treasure hunt! (MORE) 32. JEB (CONT'D) Mr. Truman must’ve found it first, and hid it in this scarecrow! ARNOLD What should we do? JEB Go get Mom and Dad! They turn to leave. Arnold stops. JEB (CONT’D) What’s wrong? ARNOLD Shouldn’t we bring him with us? I mean, it’s not right just leaving him here. JEB You’re right! We’ll fix him up! ARNOLD Maybe throw some new clothes on him? JEB It’s the least we can do! ARNOLD To think I was scared of him! They turn around....but the scarecrow is gone. All that’s left is a trail of glowing, green footprints, leading into the cornfield. The stalks shake as if something is running through them. Jeb and Arnold look at each other, eyes and mouths wide open. ARNOLD (CONT’D) Did you see- JEB Nope. ARNOLD Right. JEB Let’s go home. 33.

They take off running. FADE OUT.

INT. THE KREUGERT HOUSE Vicky closes the book. There is the sound of snoring. She looks up. The kids are asleep. Vicky snaps her fingers and the BOY TOY(pg.8)belt releases them, causing them to fall over.

VICKY Wake up, you little cretins! JASON What's a cretin? FREDDIE (yawning) I think it's those crunchy things you put in salad! VICKY That’s “croutons”, you fool! And you won’t be sleeping once you’re in that pot, I promise you! JASON Sorry! I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since “Airhead” moved in! VICKY “Airhead”? JASON Yeah. He's up all night, moaning, rattling chains, banging on doors..the usual ghostly stuff! VICKY There's no such thing as ghosts! FREDDIE Well, don't tell HIM that. He might just- She makes a gesture with her thumb across her throat. 34.

VICKY You two have very vivid imaginations ! I might have to save your brains for another day! There is a loud bang. Then another. We hear the sound of chains rattling, then a low, ghostly moan. The attic door creaks open. Crowley hisses and jumps off the couch. He runs up the stairs towards the attic. VICKY (CONT’D) Crowley! Come down from there! Crowley! The attic door slams. There is the sound of Crowley screeching, a short fight and then.....silence. JASON Don't worry, he'll be fine. FREDDIE Yeah, his head's way too small. VICKY What are you two talking about? JASON Airhead doesn't like the term "headless": he prefers "cranially challenged". It's only temporary, though; he hasn't found one he really likes. But don't worry, I can't see whiskers being his style. Crowley screeches. JASON(CONT’D) Then again, I could be wrong! VICKY (composing herself, snickering) That's good. Very good. Trying to turn the tables on me, huh? I have to warn you, when it comes to scaring people, especially bratty children like yourselves, I'm the best ! JASON I wouldn't be so sure about that. Airhead can get pretty nasty.... 35.

VICKY I’ll go check on the soup. Your ghostly friend is welcome to join us, of course. He might learn a thing or two! JASON Wow, that's really nice of you! If I were you, though, I'd throw on a hat! He makes a cutting motion across his throat with his thumb. VICKY Would you like to take a seat, or do I have to tie you down again? They plop down on the couch. VICKY (CONT’D) Excellent! I'll be right back! FREDDIE Hey, that was pretty good! How'd you do that? JASON Do what? She repeats the ghostly sounds and cat screeches. FREDDIE That! You were great! JASON What? I thought that was you! They exchange frightened looks. Vicky returns. VICKY Now, where were we? Here we are! "There’s an old saying that goes, ‘be careful what you wish for’. This is the story of a wish that unfortunately came true...... " STORY #2: “FRESHLY SQUEEZED BY ANTHONY MEDINA

EXT. MORNING. THE “HOBBY HUT” STORE WINDOW A poster of a human/frog hybrid warrior reads “DRAGONSMOKE Trading Cards! One ‘Toadus the Terrible’ in every 10,000 Packs!” 36.

A large group of people wait on line, some dressed in DRAGONSMOKE-themed costumes. JIMMY, MYRON and PERCY(14) are first on line. JIMMY clutches a binder holding his card collection. MYRON Oh, boy! Five minutes to seven! PERCY (yawning) I don’t see what the big deal is! It’s just a stupid card! JIMMY It’s not just a card. It’s “Toadus”! PERCY You know what the odds are that one of you will find a Toadus in his pack? About the same odds that we won’t be late for school. MYRON 373,415 to one to be exact. And we won’t be late: we have sixteen point seven minutes to shop and still make it by the first bell. PERCY Do you realize how much of a nerd you are, Myron? MYRON There’s an old saying: “Who’s the bigger nerd? The nerd, or the one who follows him?” PERCY I’m not a nerd! I’m a geek! There’s a difference. MYRON As Shakespeare once said, “A geek by any other name is still a nerd.” PERCY You have enough to buy 10,000 packs, you nerd? 37.

MYRON No need. There’s a way to get Toadus without buying the whole store. PERCY How? MYRON They’ve got a big jar of “DRAGON DROPPINGS” jelly beans on the counter there. PERCY So? JIMMY If you guess the exact number of beans in the jar, you get a voucher for a limited edition, magic motion, gold-plated, 3-D Toadus the Terrible Card! MYRON And the best thing is, it’s only five bucks a chance! PERCY Five bucks! I thought nerds were supposed to be smart! I wouldn’t spend five cents on this crap! JIMMY Then what are you doing here? PERCY I’m here for the chicks!

THE LINE. A motley assortment of nerds, geeks and fanboys. There is not a girl in sight. JIMMY Well, where are they? PERCY Uh.....right over there! Three teenaged girls walk by, smiling and talking. JIMMY zeroes in on TINA(14), the girl of his dreams. She tosses her hair in slow motion as romantic music plays. 38.

We hear the sound of a needle being pulled off a record AS: MYRON screams: MYRON It’s open!!!!!!! The large crowd pours into the Hobby Hut, knocking over a smitten JIMMY. His binder goes flying, cards scattering in every direction. He rises and runs over to retrieve it. A dog-walker’s six dogs stop and urinate on it. He picks it up in disgust and drops it. TINA’S friends laugh as they walk away.

EXT. DAY. FRONT OF SCHOOL Jimmy and Myron exit the school. They walk down the steps. MYRON Are you ever gonna talk again? You haven’t said a word since this morning! Silence. MYRON (CONT’D) So you made a fool of yourself in front of Tina! You’re a nerd! She’s the homecoming queen! You never had a chance! JIMMY Thanks for cheering me up! MYRON Hey, what’re friends for! A sarcastic stare from Jimmy. MYRON(CONT’D) (going into his backpack) I think I know something that will cheer you up! He pulls out a pack of DRAGONSMOKE cards. MYRON (CONT’D) Ta-da!! 39.

JIMMY Hey! I didn’t know you had any left! MYRON I didn’t! I bought it from Spike! JIMMY Spike Molesky??? MYRON I know he’s your mortal enemy and stuff, and I haven’t forgotten about the atomic wedgie he gave me last week, but I got a great deal! JIMMY What’s a great deal? MYRON Ten bucks! JIMMY For ONE pack of cards? Are you crazy? MYRON That’s a small price to pay for a chance at Toadus! Besides, Spike was gonna beat me up if I didn’t but it! With this pack, can start your collection all over again! JIMMY (opening pack) Well this is really nice of you. Thanks. MYRON No “thanks”: you owe me ten bucks! JIMMY (handing it back) What? Forget it! MYRON Too late! You opened it! As Confucius say, “You play, you pay”! JIMMY Oh, alright! Put it on my tab! MYRON Well, anything good? 40.

JIMMY Let me see....Flatulus The Smelly....Schnoz-ola....wait, there’s two stuck together. MYRON Careful! Don’t rip ‘em! JIMMY Oh my God! MYRON What? JIMMY I don’t believe it! MYRON What? What? JIMMY (sarcastically) Sweat-or The Pungent!!! The absolute worst card in the set! An attack number of negative five! Thanks, buddy! MYRON Very funny. What’s the other one? JIMMY Probably the checklist-- He stops in mid sentence. MYRON Well? Is it the checklist? JIMMY No....it’s....it’s...... Toadus! He holds the card aloft. We hear the sounds of a worshipful chorus. MYRON (making a grab at it) Well it’s a good thing you didn’t pay for that pack yet! JIMMY (holding it out of reach) You said I could pay you later! 41.

MYRON Five minutes IS later! Now give me that card, you deadbeat! Someone snatches the card from Jimmy’s hand. SPIKE (card in hand) I’ll take that! JIMMY Hey! Give it back! SPIKE Myron hasn’t paid me my five bucks yet! JIMMY (to Myron) FIVE bucks? MYRON (sheepishly) A brother’s gotta make a profit! SPIKE So technically, it’s stil mine!. You got a problem with that Myron? MYRON Nope! You da man! JIMMY Give it back! SPIKE Come and get it, butt-head! Jimmy takes a step towards him. Spike drops his backpack and gets into a fighting stance. A crowd has formed around them. Distracted by the sight of Tina in the crowd, Jimmy is sucker- punched by Spike. He drops to his knees. Spike dumps him head first into a garbage can. The crowd dissipates, laughing all the way. SPIKE (CONT’D) Thanks for the card, nerds! MYRON Have a nice day! 42.

Jimmy pulls himself out in time to see Tina and her friends walking away. She briefly flashes a look of pity towards him. MYRON(CONT’D) Oh, look at the time! Can’t be late for dinner! Gotta go! See you later! He runs off leaving a disgusted, dirty Jimmy by himself.

EXT. DAY. A STREET. Jimmy walks home alone, picking garbage from his hair. He passes an old, decrepit house. Someone grabs him from behind. JIMMY (startled) Huh? He turns to see the ugliest woman he has ever seen: CRONE(65). CRONE I was wondering if I could trouble you to pick some oranges from that tree? He sees a beautiful, full orange tree in the yard: it wasn’t there before. JIMMY Uh, sure. How many do you need? CRONE What a well mannered young man you are! Just enough to fill that basket over there! JIMMY Sure. Did you just move in, Mrs...? CRONE Crone! And yes, I’ve just moved into this house. What’s your name? JIMMY Jimmy Madison. My Mom and I just moved here last summer. He starts to pick the oranges for her. 43.

CRONE (cackling) Well, nice to meet you, neighbor! He is taken aback by her ugliness. JIMMY Uh....yeah. That’s funny. I never noticed this tree here before! CRONE Oh, I had it transplanted you see. It’s a special tree. A very special tree. JIMMY It IS very nice. CRONE It’s the fruit that makes it special, you see? They’re magic! JIMMY My Mom says fruit is magic too. It helps keep you regular- CRONE No, I mean REAL magic! I’d like you to have some! JIMMY Oh, no thanks, Mrs. Crone. I don’t believe in eating healthy food. CRONE (handing him a few) There’s nothing like freshly squeezed orange juice!!!! JIMMY (handing them back) Thanks anyway! He turns to leave. A gnarled hand grabs at him, wheeling him around. He is face to face with Crone. CRONE Take heed, James Madison! This fruit is indeed magic! But remember this: be careful what you wish for! Be very, very careful!!!! She pushes them into his arms. He takes them and walks away briskly, breaking into a trot and then a full-on run. 44.

He turns to look back, but she is gone.

INT. DAY. THE MADISON HOUSE. Jimmy enters. JIMMY Mom? Mom? There is a note on the fridge. NOTE (V.O.) Jimmy, working late again. Be home after eight. Money and menu on the counter. See you tonight! Love, Mom. He tosses the note in disgust. JIMMY (sighing) Let’s see what’s on the menu. The menu is from a health food store called “BUNNY BURGERS”. JIMMY (CONT’D) Hmmmm.....veggie burger with soy cheese, chef’s salad with organic dressing, organic potato fries...okay. Here it is: “meatless organic ‘Bunny Burger’: everything you’d find in a rabbit cage on a delicious multi-grain bun”. Minus the rabbit poop, I hope! He throws the menu away and checks the answering machine. MACHINE Hello, sport! It’s dad! I know I’m supposed to pick you up this weekend for the big game, but something came up! JIMMY What a surprise. MACHINE I already discussed it with your mom and she said it’d be okay if I picked you up NEXT week instead! We’ll go fishing! 45.

JIMMY I hate fishing. MACHINE Okay sport! Bye! JIMMY Yeah, thanks Dad! I was only looking forward to that game all month!

INT. NIGHT. LIVING ROOM. Jimmy plops down on the couch dressed in his PJ’s, a gallon of BUNNY TRACKS ice cream in his lap. He turns on the TV. The TV screen. A skinny NERD is sitting on the beach reading a comic book. MUSCLE HEAD kicks sand in his face. NERD Hey! I waited on line for three days to get that comic book--and you ruined it! MUSCLE HEAD Didn’t you see the sign? There’s no nerds allowed on this beach, egghead! Take a walk! NERD I don’t see any sign- MUSCLE HEAD tosses the NERD in a garbage can. The crumbled-up comic book follows soon after, striking the NERD in the head. NERD(CONT’D) I should’ve used “GRO & GLO”!!

A BOTTLE OF “GRO & GLO” SUPPLEMENT. VOICE-OVER Are you tired of being a skinny dork with pale, milky skin? Are you sick of seeing muscle heads get all the chicks because of their buff bods and terrific tans? Then try, “GRO & GLO”--the new all-natural artificial body building supplement! Jimmy tries to flex his muscles, noticing how pale his skin is. 46.

VOICE-OVER (CONT’D) “GRO & GLO” is guaranteed to give you ten pounds of well-tanned muscle in a month or your money back! You can have a 12 oz bottle for the ridiculous price of five payments of $29.99! Act now and we’ll throw in a bottle of “TAN IN A CAN”, our famous all-natural artificial tanning spray!! Operators are waiting! Call now! A muscular, well-tanned man appears on the screen. TAN MAN I tried GRO & GLOW and it worked for me!!! We see before and after pictures: a buck-toothed, pale, thin nerd clutching a comic book and TAN MAN as he is today holding a hot chick. TAN MAN (CONT’D) I liked it so much, I bought the company! If you’re tired of being tossed around like yesterday’s garbage, call today!!! Jimmy thinks about grabbing the phone, but changes the channel instead. He digs into the ice cream.

INT. DAY. JIMMY’S LIVING ROOM Jimmy is asleep on the couch. There are the sounds of someone cooking. SHELLEY(40) pulls the curtains back, letting the sunlight in. SHELLEY Wake up, sleepy head! JIMMY When’d you get home, Mom? SHELLEY Late. I made you breakfast! JIMMY I’m afraid to ask! 47.

SHELLEY An egg-white omelet with baby spinach, sprinkled with shredded soy cheese. He starts to rummage through the cabinets. JIMMY (sarcastically) Yummy. What else? SHELLEY I whipped up a hot bowl of organic oatmeal, no sugar added of course! And the piece de resistance-- JIMMY Did we run out of strudel tarts and chocolate-covered sugar cereal? SHELLEY I threw that garbage out! Don’t you wanna grow up to be big and strong like your dad? He makes a face. SHELLEY (CONT’D) Well, how about being a bundle of energy like your mom? (flexing her bicep)Go ahead, feel that! JIMMY I’m sure that energy comes in handy when you’re working twelve hour days. SHELLEY Jimmy, that’s not fair! With your father not around I’ve got to be the bread winner! Sometimes that means working late. Unless you wanna move again! JIMMY No thanks. Six times in two years is enough for me. SHELLEY Anyway, the coup-de-grace to this delicious, nutritious meal is a healthy glass of orange juice! Freshly squeezed, of course! 48.

JIMMY Yay. SHELLEY When I saw those oranges on the counter, I thought my healthy lifestyle was finally rubbing off on you! I mean, you’ve never brought home anything except junk food and “DRAGON TOE” cards! JIMMY That’s “Dragon SMOKE”, and I wouldn’t waste good money on health food! I got ‘em from our new neighbor, Mrs. Crone. SHELLEY Well, that was very nice of her! I’ll have to go introduce myself. Maybe I’ll bake her something! JIMMY Not the brussels sprout-bell pepper- banana bread again! SHELLEY They were lima beans, not brussels sprouts! Anyway, I might be home a little late- JIMMY What a surprise! SHELLEY I’m new at this company, honey! I’ve got to show them I’ll go the extra mile! JIMMY I liked your old job better--at least we were able to eat dinner together! She stares at him with a thoughtful frown. SHELLEY Okay. How about we have dinner tonight, say, five-thirty sharp? I’ll make lasagna! JIMMY REAL lasagna? Not rabbit food? 49.

SHELLEY The real thing! With some garlic bread on the side! JIMMY a plan, Mom! SHELLEY Look at the time! Better go jump in the shower! JIMMY Oh man! I’m gonna be late! SHELLEY At least take a sip of this before you go! He grabs the glass and gulps it down quickly, taking off for the bathroom. He doubles back to give her a hug. JIMMY See you at five thirty Mom! She is touched.

EXT. GEORGE ROMERO HIGH SCHOOL Jimmy makes his way towards the front steps. He notices Spike standing by the door, a line of nerds waiting to get in. One by one, they step up to be frisked by Spike, who removes their valuables. JIMMY Oh, man! “Nerd Search”! Weighing his options, he decides to make a break for the rear entrance. He bowls over Myron, who is attempting to do the same. There is a frostiness between them: Jimmy is still angry over the Spike incident. JIMMY (CONT’D) What are YOU doing here? MYRON Trying to avoid the “Nerd Search”! I’ve got five bucks for another shot at Toadus, and I don’t feel like giving it to Spike! Of all the days to be tardy! 50.

JIMMY I’m usually early myself. MYRON AND JIMMY So what happened today? MYRON AND JIMMY (CONT’D) I overslept! They laugh. Myron extends his hand. MYRON Friends? JIMMY Friends. The rear door is locked. JIMMY(CONT’D) How does Spike get away with this? MYRON Nobody tells on him! They value their lives too much! Nerds take turns subjecting themselves to Spike’s shakedown frisks. JIMMY I’ve got an Algebra test first period! MYRON Does Mr. Harker still lock the door if you’re late? JIMMY Yup! I wish he wouldn’t do that! We hear the rumbling of thunder. MYRON Hey, the weatherman didn’t say “rain”! JIMMY You still have that perfect attendance record going? MYRON Two hundred days today! 51.

JIMMY (sighing) I guess we’ve got no choice then. They get on the Nerd Search line. Myron pulls his pockets out, holding his backpack open for inspection. MYRON This is humiliating. JIMMY I wish he would just leave us alone! Once again, the rumbling of thunder. Afraid of the coming rain, Spike cuts it short, entering the school. MYRON What the-? Who the-? What just happened? JIMMY I guess he’s afraid of rain! MYRON There’s only one problem with that theory: it’s sunny! JIMMY (shrugging) Maybe my wish came true for once! They enter happily.

INT. SCHOOL LOBBY. Jimmy and Myron head towards their lockers. A group of girls passes out flyers. Tina is among them. LUCY Come to the dance! Help support your cheerleaders! MINA Come to the dance! Help support us! MINA tries to hand Jimmy a flyer. He is preoccupied with Tina. She sticks it in his face. He reads it: 52.

“The George Romero High School Cheerleaders present: our fifth annual HALLOWEEN COSTUME BALL. Best costume contest: Grand Prize: GIRL-A dance with Varsity Quarterback CHAD BAXTER! BOY-A dance with Homecoming Queen TINA SHEEN! Friday, October 28th at 8:00 p.m. Donations: $5.00 at the door. All funds go to new uniforms and pom-poms!”

INT. THE GYM. A DAY DREAM SEQUENCE Jimmy imagines himself dancing, the cheerleaders cheering him on as he picks Tina from a crowd of eager girls. He spins her around ending their dance in a near kiss. She faints. Her fall is broken by the squealing crowd of teenaged girls.

THE HALLWAY. REALITY. JIMMY I’ve gotta win this contest, Myron! Myron? He is gone. The first bell rings. Panicking, he takes off.

THE CLASSROOM. Jimmy bursts in as MR. HARKER is passing out the test. HARKER You’re late, Mr. Madison! JIMMY Sorry! Thanks for not locking me out! HARKER (looking at the door) Hmmm. That’s curious! I must have forgotten! Oh well, there’s a first time for everything, I guess! He hands Jimmy a test paper.

INT. ROMERO HIGH CAFETERIA. Jimmy and Myron sit together. Percy walks towards them, tray in hand. As he passes Spike’s table, Percy is stopped by a hand to his chest. 53.

SPIKE Hold it, nerd! Did I see you this morning? PERCY Sure you did! Got five bucks off of me! SPIKE (unsure) Hmm. You nerds all look alike to me. You sure? PERCY Yup. He attempts to leave. SPIKE (stopping him) If I took all your money, how did you buy lunch? PERCY Oh! I..uhhhhh....I didn’t! Would you believe someone left this garbage on my table? I was just throwing it out! SPIKE Here, let me help you. He takes the tray, dumping the contents onto Percy’s head. He lets out a loud guffaw, high-fiving one of his lackeys. Percy heads towards Jimmy’s table. PERCY (drying his head) Well, it almost worked. (sighs) Man, am I hungry! JIMMY (standing up) I can’t take it anymore! Someone’s gotta stand up to that guy! MYRON Where are you going? JIMMY (sitting again) Nowhere. Look at him! (MORE) 54. JIMMY (CONT'D) I wish someone would shut his big, fat mouth!! There is the rumbling of thunder. A nerd walks by Spike’s table and slips on the mess left by Percy’s tray. His own tray strikes Spike in the head, knocking him out cold. Myron and Jimmy exchange glances. MYRON You did it again! JIMMY (meekly, almost frightened) Just a coincidence, that’s all. A coincidence. MYRON Care to test that theory?

INT. DAY. THE HOBBY HUT. Jimmy and Myron stand at the counter, staring at the jar of jellybeans. Myron has a five dollar bill in his hand. MYRON Okay, take a guess! JIMMY This is silly! MYRON Remember that issue of BARBARIAN MONKS where Ozmodian defeats that witch and steals her powers of precognition? JIMMY Issue 129. I’ve got three copies. MYRON Maybe this is something like that. Only without the witch. And it’s more like omnipotence, not precognition...... 55.

JIMMY You know, come to think of it, there was this old lady, and she gave me some fruit...she said something about it being magic- MYRON Yeah, yeah yeah! Time is money! Shut up and wish! JIMMY Here goes nothing. I wish I knew how many beans were in that jar. Myron pays the CLERK. MYRON Okay, how many are there? JIMMY How should I know? MYRON Guess! JIMMY One thousand, five hundred and sixty eight. They stare at the CLERK. He shakes his head as if to say no. JIMMY (CONT’D) Told ya! It was just a coincidence! Let’s go! CLERK (shaking head in shock) I don’t believe it. You win! He hands Jimmy the voucher for the card. Myron does a wild victory dance, careful not to harm the voucher.

INT. DAY. A SHOPPING MALL. Jimmy and Myron stand by an ATM. MYRON Do it! JIMMY C’mon! This is stealing! 56.

MYRON You wanna win that costume contest, right? JIMMY: Oh, alright. I wish I had a hundred dollars! The machine does not move. MYRON What happened? JIMMY I told you. COINCIDENCE! Let’s go! He turns to leave. Suddenly, the machine suddenly spits out five twenties. Myron holds the money up to his face, smiling. MONTAGE. Jimmy and Myron shopping at the mall. They buy food, DRAGONSMOKE t-shirts, and get massages and mud facials. They walk by a window display and backtrack. There is a TOADUS costume in the window. Jimmy enters and walks out with it.

INT. NIGHT. JIMMY’S HOUSE. Jimmy places his packages on the couch and sits at the table, a happy grin on his face. The clock reads 4:30. Time passes. 5:00. 5:30. 6:00. 6:30. He grows tired. The clock reads 7:30. He finally leaves the table, dejected. His mother has not kept her promise.

THE COUCH. Jimmy sits in front of the TV, a gallon of ice cream in his hands. A frazzled Shelley enters, packages in hand. SHELLEY (flustered) Sorry I’m late, sweet pea! (MORE) 57. SHELLEY (CONT'D) The boss dropped something in my lap, and before I knew it....but don’t worry, I’m just gonnna whip this lasagna up quickly and- JIMMY Don’t bother. I already ate. He holds up the ice cream. SHELLEY Jimmy! That’s not food! She feels awful. SHELLEY (CONT’D) Oh, honey! I’ll make it up to you! I promise! JIMMY Yeah. SHELLEY I do have some good news! Silence. SHELLEY (CONT’D) Mr. Stoker had me working with a very important client today, and he says if all goes well, I could get a promotion! Isn’t that great? JIMMY I wish you’d leave that stupid job. SHELLEY You know I can’t do that! This is a great opportunity for me, Jimmy! Aren’t you excited? JIMMY (yawning) I’m going to bed now. Good night. The phone rings as Jimmy heads to his room. SHELLEY (saddened) Okay, good night. (to phone) Hello? Mr. Stoker! What kind of news? Oh. I see. No, I understand. Fine. I’ll stop by tomorrow and get my things. Don’t apologize. Good night. 58.

She hangs up the phone. Jimmy has made his way back to her. SHELLEY(CONT’D) That was my boss. I guess I didn’t make a good impression. We didn’t get the contract. I’ve been fired.... Jimmy is shocked. She turns away, crying. JIMMY(V.O.) “I wish you’d leave that stupid job....I wish you’d leave that stupid job....” JIMMY Oh no! (under his breath) I wish Mom got her job back! He stares at the phone. It does not ring. JIMMY (CONT’D) I said “I wish Mom got her job back!” Silence. JIMMY (CONT’D) Oh no! It doesn’t work anymore!

INT. DAY. THE CAFETERIA. Myron holds a crew of assorted nerds in rapt attention. MYRON ....and then the guy shakes his head, like, “NO”, but then he was like “you win!” NERD#1 No! Really? PERCY So where’s the Toadus card? MYRON It’s such a limited edition, it hasn’t come out yet! NERDS Whoa!!!! Man!!!! Cool! 59.

MYRON Let me tell you, Jimmy’s the man! There he is! Jimmy! Jimmy walks past the table, taking a seat by himself. PERCY What’s with him? MYRON I’m gonna find out. He makes his way towards the table. MYRON (CONT’D) Hey, magic man! What’s up? Silence. MYRON (CONT’D) Dude, you should be celebrating! With that Toadus costume you’re a sure thing to win that contest- then you get to dance with “Tina Sheen, the homecoming queen”!!! He starts to dance, terribly. JIMMY My mom lost her job. We’re probably gonna have to move again. MYRON I was just thinking, I could REALLY use the new FUNSTATION system. Oh, and a copy of the DRAGONSMOKE game! And you know, it would be pretty cool if you could wish me up a soda machine for my room! JIMMY It was my fault. She was working all the time....I just got mad. I wished she would leave her job... and then it happened. I tried to wish it back, but it doesn’t work anymore.... MYRON Maybe you can wish her a new job with the soda company--then she could hook me up with free cans for my machine! Better yet, a job at GAMEROOM! (MORE) 60. MYRON (CONT'D) She could use her employee discount to get me some FUNSTATION games! JIMMY Aren’t you listening? It doesn’t work anymore! MYRON Okay, forget the video games. I’ll be happy with an air hockey table. Jimmy walks away in disgust.

EXT. THE CRONE HOUSE. Jimmy looks for Crone. The orange tree is gone, replaced by a small stand. A little girl sits selling orange juice for a dollar a glass. JIMMY Hello, little girl! She ignores him. He hands her a dollar. JIMMY(CONT’D) Do you know the woman who lives here? About this tall, stringy hair, big nose, ugly teeth? Silence. JIMMY (CONT’D) She’s a really ugly old woman! You can’t miss her! LITTLE GIRL (in Crone’s voice) Who are you calling ugly you little twerp? JIMMY Mrs. Crone? How did-I mean, how could you--you’re young! CRONE I told you, “be careful what you wish for”! I wished for youth... and look at me! JIMMY Well....you look good for your age! I need your help! I made a wish and I want to change it! (MORE) 61. JIMMY (CONT'D) But that whole wish thing got, like, all turned off or something! CRONE Best to leave things as they are! JIMMY Why won’t it work anymore? CRONE You can’t get something for nothing, young man! You gain one thing, you lose something else. That’s the way it works! JIMMY If I have another glass, will it work again? CRONE Are you prepared to lose something to gain what you want? JIMMY I’ve got more to lose if I don’t do anything! CRONE (handing dollar back) Sorry. I can’t help you. She turns her back on him. Confused and angry, he focuses on the juice stand. Finally, he grabs a cup and gulps it down. As he runs off, she smiles wickedly. An adult passes the stand. CRONE (CONT’D) (smiling innocently) Some orange juice sir? It’s freshly squeezed! We hear the sound of thunder.

EXT. JIMMY’S HOUSE An out-of-breath Jimmy grabs the door knob. JIMMY Okay, here it goes: I wish Mom would get her job back! 62.

He enters the kitchen where Shelley is making dinner. He reaches into a candy bowl and takes a piece of gum. JIMMY(CONT’D) (spitting out gum) Sugar-free organic soy gum? Is that what you’re giving the trick-or- treaters this year? SHELLEY They’ll never know the difference. JIMMY Only if they’re used to eating plastic! Found a new job yet? SHELLEY I sent out twelve resumes today--no luck. JIMMY I’m sure they’re gonna be beating down your door soon. As a matter of fact, I bet the phone will start ringing any minute! SHELLEY I hope you’re right! Okay, we’ll just throw this lasagna in the oven and- The phone rings. SHELLEY (CONT’D) What are you, some kind of psychic? Grab that will ya? I’ve got my hands full here! He holds the phone under her chin. SHELLEY (CONT’D) (surprised) Hello! Mr. Stoker! Fine, thank you. I know haven’t gotten a chance to clean out my desk yet, but I’ve been busy looking for a new job, and--what? Oh, yes! Absolutely! She gives him the thumbs up. SHELLEY (CONT’D) (suddenly subdued) Oh, I see. (MORE) 63. SHELLEY (CONT’D) Well, when do I have to let you know? Okay. Great. Thank you, Mr. Stoker. JIMMY (smugly satisfied) Well? Did he beg you to take your job back? SHELLEY Well, kinda. There’s good news and bad news. JIMMY Lay the good news on me! SHELLEY He offered me my old job back, alright.... JIMMY That IS good news! SHELLEY ...with a raise.... JIMMY Wow! How bad could the bad news be? SHELLEY The job’s in London.

EXT. SCHOOL CAFETERIA Percy and other nerds sit eating lunch. MYRON I’ve got it all figured out. The soda machine will go in my parent’s room, because it’s bigger than mine. I’ll throw the FUNSTATION in there too, because my Dad has a 34 inch TV, and I’ve only got room for a 20. Jimmy walks past their table. MYRON (CONT’D) There’s the man himself! Jimmy! He keeps walking. Myron catches up with him. 64.

MYRON(CONT’D) Ready for the big dance, tonight? JIMMY I don’t think I’m going. MYRON Not going? You’ve got the best costume in the place, hands down! You can’t lose! Are you forgetting the grand prize? JIMMY It just doesn’t seem that important anymore. MYRON Are you feeling okay? JIMMY I’m moving. MYRON You’re mom didn’t get her job back? JIMMY She did. It’s just---listen: it’s very complicated. The bottom line is I’m probably moving away-and soon-so it doesn’t make any sense to go the dance. MYRON Can I have your costume, then? Jimmy stares at him. MYRON (CONT’D) Sorry! But if you really are moving, that’s even more reason to go to the dance! You win that contest, you dance with Tina and tell her how you feel about her! JIMMY And then what? MYRON You exchange e-mail addresses? JIMMY (sighs) What’re you going as? 65.

MYRON You can find out at the dance! But I will tell you this: it’s worth the price of admission! C’mon! If you really are leaving, come hang out with the boys one last time! JIMMY Alright. I hope I don’t regret it. MYRON What’s the worst that could happen?

INT. JIMMY’S HOUSE Shelley cooks in the kitchen. SHELLEY Jimmy? It’s a quarter to eight. Better hurry! He walks out wearing a trench coat. SHELLEY (CONT’D) Please tell me that’s not your costume! JIMMY It’s not my costume. See you Mom! SHELLEY Jimmy? I don’t have to take that job, you know. JIMMY Yes you do. SHELLEY It’s just so hard because I know you were really starting to like it here. I wish- JIMMY You know what they say, Mom: be careful what you wish for.

EXT. GEORGE ROMERO HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUIM Jimmy stands across the street, watching people enter. Spike passes him, dressed as a prisoner. 66.

JIMMY That’s a stretch! Myron walks up to Jimmy, a large blanket draped over his costume with a hole cut out for his head. MYRON Hey, man! What’s up with the trench coat? JIMMY What’s with the blanket? MYRON Touche’! Ready to have a good time? JIMMY I guess. Where’s Percy and the gang? MYRON I don’t know, but I’m dying to see their costumes! Percy says he’s got a surprise for us! A group of girls cuts across their path. Tina is among them, dressed as a warrior princess. JIMMY Are you seeing what I’m seeing? MYRON “Bust-us” the Viking Queen! JIMMY She’s a fan! MYRON Dude, a girl that digs DRAGONSMOKE? You guys were made for each other! You’ve gotta win this thing now!

INT. THE AUDITORIUM. The Halloween Dance is in full swing. JIMMY I don’t see the guys! MYRON Look for the nearest wall! 67.

JIMMY I’m too busy looking at her! Tina and her friends stand by the punch bowl, talking and laughing. A fly buzzes through the crowd, annoying everyone. Jimmy takes a swipe at it and misses. MYRON Go and talk to her, dude! JIMMY What should I say? MYRON Dude, are you like, brain-locked or something? Girls like compliments! Go tell her you like her costume! JIMMY I don’t know. MYRON And when you talk to her, give her a big smile! Girls like a guy with a nice, bright smile. Watch. Myron greets a group of passing girls with an exaggerated smile. MYRON (CONT’D) Hello, ladies! GIRL#1 Get lost, creep! MYRON You see! It works every time! Try it! Jimmy gives a slight smile. MYRON (CONT’D) No good. Wider. A little wider....there! That’s better. JIMMY (huge, ridiculous smile) I feel like a jerk! MYRON Go and talk to her already! 68.

JIMMY (smiling) All right, I’m going! Keep the wall warm for me just in case! MYRON (trying to swat fly) Like Babe Ruth once said, “The glory is not in the success or failure, but in how many hot dogs you can eat between innings”. Jimmy approaches the group of girls. JIMMY Um, excuse me, ladies, can I...um... MINA Is like, something wrong with your mouth or something? JIMMY .....can I just grab some fruit punch? LUCY Knock yourself out---unless you want Spike to do it FOR you! They squeal with laughter. Dejected and embarrassed, he stares down at the punch bowl and serves himself. TINA Ignore them. They’re totally obnoxious sometimes. JIMMY Yeah, I noticed. Thanks. TINA (swatting at the fly) It’s October! Shouldn’t these things be dead? So who are you supposed to be: a detective? JIMMY Huh? Oh, the coat! No, actually, I’m kinda...saving my costume for later. TINA Oh. I get it. A surprise. 69.

Awkward silence. He looks over at Myron, who reminds him to smile. JIMMY (smiling) Uh, I really like your costume. A lot. DRAGONSMOKE, right? TINA Yeah! “Bust-us”- JIMMY -”the Viking Queen”. Very cool! TINA Hey, a fellow fan! I’m Tina, by the way. JIMMY I’m Jimmy, and I’m your biggest fan! I mean, I’m the biggest DRAGONSMOKE fan! TINA Not bigger than me! I’ve got two complete sets of series eight! JIMMY Really? I never thought a cheerleader would, you know, like that kind of stuff. TINA What’s wrong with your mouth? JIMMY (stops smiling) Uh, nothing. TINA Well, good luck in the contest. JIMMY Thanks. He walks back to Myron. MYRON You did it bro! The smile always works! JIMMY Please. We spoke. It’s not like we’re dating or anything. 70.

MYRON Hey, there’s the guys! Jimmy struggles to see them through the crowd. As the dancers part he sees PERCY, EGGBERT and RUFUS all dressed in....the same TOADUS costume. PERCY Hey guys! Check it out! Great minds think alike, I guess! MYRON (looking at Jimmy with concern) I guess. JIMMY Yeah. Nice costumes. He walks towards the exit. EGGBERT What---is he jealous? RUFUS Don’t hate the player, hate the game! EGGBERT High five! They try to slap hands, instead smacking each other on the head. The fly lands on Eggbert. RUFUS Hold still! He tries to swat the fly but ends up smacking Eggbert instead, dislodging his mask.

THE EXIT. Jimmy takes one last look at Tina before heading for the door. He wonders what might have been. Standing by the exit are Spike, BOOGER(15) and their crew. SPIKE Is it past your bedtime, nerd? Ha, ha! JIMMY I’m warning you, get out of my way! 71.

SPIKE Oooooh! I’m soooo scared! You can go! Jimmy heads for the door. Spike blocks him. SPIKE (CONT’D) Hey, guys, did you hear him say he has to go to the bathroom first? BOOGER Yeah, I heard him say it. SPIKE Let’s help him out! They pull Jimmy into the bathroom. Spike picks up the garbage can. SPIKE (CONT’D) Hey guys check it out! It’s my Jimmy Madison costume! They laugh. JIMMY You don’t wanna do this right now. SPIKE What’re you gonna do? Throw garbage at me? He picks a banana peel from it and flings it at Jimmy’s head. It bounces off and falls to the ground. JIMMY I’m not gonna do anything. But I wish you’d stick your head in that toilet and flush. SPIKE And you’re gonna wish you hadn’t said that. He rolls up his sleeve and clenches his fist. Taking a step towards Jimmy, he slips on the banana peel and slides right into an open stall, landing in it head first. JIMMY Don’t forget to flush! Spike’s own hand does the flushing. 72.

JIMMY(CONT’D) Anybody else? They part down the middle, letting Jimmy pass. As he exits the bathroom, he runs into Tina. TINA Hey, where ya goin’? JIMMY Home. TINA Without showing me your costume? At least wait for the contest! JIMMY I don’t think so. She draws her sword, pointing it at him. TINA Don’t be a party pooper! That’s an order from “Bust-us, the Viking Queen”! JIMMY I’ve really gotta go. I’m sorry. He heads for the door as she walks off, confused. The DJ stops the music. DJ (over speakers) Okay you ghouls and ghosts! Time for the big, bad Halloween Costume contest! You know the prize: a dance with this lovely lady(pointing to Tina) or this handsome young man(points to Chad)! Jimmy sees the contestants lining up. The sight of Tina makes his stop in his tracks. He begins to hear voices. CRONE (V.O.) Be careful what you wish for! SHELLEY(V.O.) The job is in London! CRONE (V.O.) You gain something, you lose something else. 73.

SHELLEY (V.O.) Be careful what you wish for! CRONE (V.O.) Be careful what you wish for! SHELLEY(V.O.) You don’t wanna move again, do you? CRONE(V.O.) Are you prepared to lose something to gain what you want? JIMMY(V.O.) It doesn’t work! (echo) CRONE(V.O.) Be careful what you wish for! Be very careful! Jimmy removes his trench coat. JIMMY I wish I had the coolest, most realistic Toadus the Terrible costume ever!!

THE CONTEST. Music blasts as the contestants file past the judges. There is a horrifying, piercing scream. The music stops. All heads turn towards the exit. The door creaks open. No one is there. Spike exits the bathroom, soaking wet. SPIKE Close the door! I’m freezing! Booger runs to close the door. Something pulls him outside. He screams loudly. Silence. Jimmy bursts into the dance. He has been transformed into the real Toadus: a horrific, slimy frog creature. He runs/hops onto the dance floor, shooting his tongue into the punch bowl as kids scatter, screaming. He whips his tongue at Myron’s blanket, revealing his costume: a giant, walking pack of DRAGONSMOKE cards. The annoying fly lands on the camera/screen. 74.

Toadus/Jimmy’s tongue shoots out towards it, leaving the screen in total darkness. The buzzing stops.

INT. NIGHT. THE KRUGERT LIVING ROOM. Vicky sits, holding the book to her face. She hears a frog croaking, then another. She lowers the book and sees: Two frogs sitting where the kids once were. One of them wears a jester’s hat, exactly like Jason’s. VICKY (frightened) Ah! The frogs hop towards her. She stands on the chair screaming. The frogs hop away. Freddie and Jason chase them down. JASON Get back here, Stephen! FREDDIE That’s “King”. This one is Stephen. JASON Are you sure? VICKY Get those things away from me! JASON Sorry they scared you! I don’t know how they got loose! VICKY Scared me? Hmf! As if! There is a loud thump from the attic, followed by the sound of a cat screeching furiously. Something is chasing.... VICKY (CONT’D) Crowley!! A monstrous roar comes from the attic followed by a loud thump that shakes the house. Silence. VICKY (CONT’D) (composing herself) One of you is going to get my cat right now! 75.

FREDDIE It sounds like something already did! JASON I forgot to tell you: Airhead is not “pet friendly”. He’s got allergies. VICKY I’m getting tired of your imaginary friend! Now one of you go up there and get my cat--or else! JASON (naively inquisitive) Or else what? Vicky’s eyes grow red. She raises an arm and suddenly.... Norton floats off the ground and is suspended over the bubbling cauldron. KIDS Norton!! VICKY The cat. Now. Or in he goes! JASON (going up stairs) I’ll go! Nice knowing you, sis. FREDDIE Be careful, Jason! VICKY Will you two drama queens cut it out? I told you before, there’s no such thing as ghosts! A visibly afraid Jason ascends the stairs, treading softly. He knocks on the attic door.

THE LIVING ROOM. Vicky stirs the pot with the leg bone spoon. VICKY Almost ready! But we’ve got time for another story, first! 76.

The attic door creaks open slowly. We hear but do not see Jason. JASON (whistling) Here Crowley, Here Crowley! Come on you stupid cat! A strong wind rushes in through the windows. Jason screams as the attic door slams shut. Vicky and Freddie look towards the staircase fearfully. The attic door opens and slams quickly. Something comes bouncing down the stairs. Is it Jason’s head, or is it..... A basketball. Freddie is temporarily relieved until she sees....Jason’s Jester hat come rolling down behind it. FREDDIE Jason! Oh my God! We’ve got to go up there and save him! VICKY You just don’t give up, do you? FREDDIE I’m going up there! Vicky waves her hand and a roll of toilet paper comes flying from the bathroom and wraps itself around Freddie, “mummy” style. She falls onto the couch, stiff as a board. VICKY (curling up with the book) We’ll deal with your brother later. But first, how about a story? This one could be about you! It’s called “Pain-in-the-Neck-Neighbor”. STORY #3: “PAIN IN THE NECK NEIGHBOR” BY JAIME MEDINA

EXT. NIGHT. A SUBURBAN BACKYARD. A CLUBHOUSE DOOR. A sign on the door reads “KEEP OUT-MEMBERS ONLY”. VINNIE(11) knocks. VINNIE Karl? Karl! It’s me, Vinnie. A slot in the door opens. We see the eyes of KARL(11). 77.

KARL (from behind the door) What’s the pass word? VINNIE I don’t remember! He closes the slot. We hear the mumbling of an intense discussion. VINNIE (CONT’D) You just saw me half an hour ago! The slot opens again. KARL Look at this! Karl holds up a compact mirror and sees Vinnie’s reflection. VINNIE Oh! I got a hair out of place! Karl opens the door quickly, pulls Vinnie in and slams it shut again.

THE CLUBHOUSE INTERIOR. KARL, VINNIE and CHANEY (5) are gathered in a circle. Karl reads off a list of items to CHANEY. KARL Mirrors! CHANEY (holding up the compact) Check! KARL Holy Water! Vinnie holds up two water guns. CHANEY Check! KARL Garlic! Vinnie holds up a sandwich bag full of garlic knots. 78.

KARL (CONT’D) I said “garlic”, not “garlic knots”! VINNIE It was the best I could do on short notice! KARL Stakes? Chaney holds up a plate with two t-bone steaks. KARL (CONT’D) (shaking his head) Crosses? Vinnie pulls his crucifix pendant chain from his shirt. VINNIE Fugheddaboudit! KARL Okay boys...let’s go slay us a vampire!

EXT. NIGHT. A STREET The boys walk down the street like gunfighters in an old western town. NARRATOR There we were: three snot-nosed kids on our way to confront one of the undead. It was almost silly. What chance did we have against a vampire? But we had no choice. If we didn’t try, Elsa and Mary were doomed. It all started yesterday..

EXT. DAY. KARL’S HOUSE. THE DAY BEFORE ELSA(11) and her mom, CONNIE(40) wait at the door, holding a freshly-baked cake. Mrs. Orph opens the door and greets them warmly, inviting them in. KARL watches them from the slot in the clubhouse door. Vinnie sits reading a comic book called “MIRROR MAN”. 79.

The clubhouse is covered wall-to-wall with vintage monster movie posters. KARL Can you believe it, Vinnie? Elsa Lanchester is sitting in my house! VINNIE And you’re sitting in here, so what good is it doing you? KARL I wouldn’t know what to say to her! VINNIE Do what I do! Tomorrow at the dance, you totally get in her way and say “Hey, yo! You wanna dance wit me?” Works every time! KARL Sounds great. There’s only one problem: I have to take my little brother trick-or-treating tomorrow. VINNIE Can’t you do it BEFORE the dance? KARL It’s my parents’ anniversary tomorrow: I’ve gotta baby-sit all day! VINNIE They got married on Halloween? No wonder you’re such a weird kid! KARL I’M weird? You wear “Mirror Man” underwear! VINNIE Hey, “Mirror Man” is the greatest super hero ever--after my Uncle Vito, of course. Did I ever tell you about the time he beat up a whole high school? Karl puts up an old horror movie poster. KARL Are you gonna come trick-or- treating with us? 80.

VINNIE No way! Trick-or-treating’s for babies! I’m going to the dance to put the ‘ol moves on Elsa! A knock at the door. MRS. ORPH Karl? Rolling his eyes, he opens the door. KARL Yes, Mom what can I do for-? ELSA stands there with Mrs. Orph. MRS. ORPH You know Mrs. Lanchester’s daughter Elsa, don’t you? ELSA Hi, Karl. KARL Oh...uh...yeah....I mean, “hello”! MRS. ORPH Elsa’s parents are joining your father and I for dinner, so I figured you could all to trick-or- treating together. Vinnie puts his arm around a startled Karl. VINNIE (big smile) We would be happy to join them, Mrs. Orph! Karl can’t believe his ears.

INT. KARL’S ROOM. TWILIGHT. Karl stands at his window with binoculars. NARRATOR As excited as I was about my “date” with Elsa, she wasn’t the only thing on my mind. There was the new neighbor: Dr. Ackular. (MORE) 81. NARRATOR (CONT'D) Although he’d moved in the week before, nobody had seen him. At all. I decided to investigate. A black station wagon with tinted windows pulls into the Ackular’s driveway. Two men exit. One opens the garage door while the other scans the area. They remove what appears to be a coffin from the car. Struggling to carry the heavy box inside, one of them drops his end, causing it to crack open. A human arm falls over the side of the box. A ring slips off of it’s finger and rolls onto Karl’s driveway. The men close the box and hastily carry it inside. KARL (picking up phone) Vinnie! Meet me at the clubhouse in ten minutes! Just do it!

INT. ACKULAR’S BASEMENT A coffin lies on the floor of a dank, dusty basement. The lid opens slowly. A pale hand emerges. It’s sharp fingernails make a scraping sound as it feels around for it’s missing ring.

INT. THE CLUBHOUSE. Karl fills Vinnie in over some popsicles. KARL ...... and it rolled right into my driveway! So? What do you think? VINNIE (finishing popsicle) I think you’ve been watching too many scary movies ! KARL I was gonna call the police, but I don’t think they’d believe me! VINNIE I don’t believe you! Maybe it was just a weird-shaped box! 82.

KARL And the arm? VINNIE Maybe you imagined it. Karl shows him the ring. KARL Did I imagine this, too? There is a knock on the door. Karl looks through the slot. Nothing. There is another knock on the door. He looks at Vinnie, fear in his eyes. Karl forms a cross with the popsicle sticks and opens the door to see..... His little brother, CHANEY(5). CHANEY Mommy wants you to come home. Now. KARL Did Dad get back from his business trip? CHANEY No. She wants you to meet someone. VINNIE Another hot chick, I hope. CHANEY No, it’s the new neighbor. I forgot his name...... KARL You mean.....Ackular? CHANEY Yeah, that’s it! Karl and Vinnie exchange frightened glances.

INT. THE ORPH FAMILY LIVING ROOM Mrs. Orph entertains an unseen guest. MRS. ORPH Are you sure I can’t offer you some tea? 83.

ACKULAR (unseen) I never drink...... tea. MRS. ORPH Karl! Come and meet our new neighbor! ACKULAR(13) rises. He is pale and gaunt, but well-groomed, dressed in old-fashioned European-style garb. ACKULAR Davidson Ackular the third, at your service. He extends a long-fingernailed hand. KARL This is my friend Vinnie. He gives Vinnie’s hand a hard squeeze. ACKULAR Pleased to meet you, Vincent. VINNIE Likewise. Ouch! MRS. ORPH David just moved in today! Are your parents in, son? ACKULAR I regret to say they are not. My father is a doctor of some renown, and so he is often in demand on the lecture circuit. MRS. ORPH Have you had a chance to visit the school yet? ACKULAR Regrettably, no. I have no plans to attend school, however. I have been home schooled since birth. KARL Did you feel his hand? It was cold as ice! VINNIE Did I FEEL it? 84.

They continue whispering back and forth. ACKULAR I have come to inquire about something I may have lost-perhaps you’ve seen it? A black ring with a red dragon on it’s surface? MRS. ORPH Can’t say I have! Karl? KARL Huh? ACKULAR I have lost a ring. VINNIE Black and red with a dragon on it? Karl gives him a “shut up” look. ACKULAR Precisely! You have it? VINNIE Never seen it before. Ackular rises, angrily. ACKULAR Forgive me, Mrs. Orph: I have taken enough of your time. He kisses her hand. She blushes. He bows to the boys. ACKULAR (CONT’D) I bid you, good eeeeeeeeevening! VINNIE Yeah, buenos nachos to you too, buddy! Karl observes Ackular pass a mirror en route to the front door. He casts no reflection. VINNIE (CONT’D) I gotta get my costume ready; I want to look my best for Elsa! I know you like her and all that, but let’s face it: she digs me. Karl grabs him by the shirt. 85.

KARL Did you see that? VINNIE Ay! Easy! This shirt’s imported from Italy: it costs more than your whole house! KARL Vinnie! The body in the coffin! It was Ackular! He’s a vampire! VINNIE (facing Karl) Please. Ugly, maybe. Creepy? Definitely. Vampire? No way. Vinnie does not see Ackular melting into a mist. VINNIE(CONT’D) See you tomorrow, buddy! Karl is frozen in terror.

INT. NIGHT. KARL’S BEDROOM. Ackulard’s ring sits on a dresser. Karl reads “Vampire Slaying for Dummies” while holding the popsicle stick cross. TV VOICE OVER(V.O.) Thriller Theater now returns with “There’s a Vampire in my Closet”. The TV shows a young boy, stake in hand, slowly opening his closet to find...... a coffin! He pries open the coffin to reveal...a sleeping vampire! The vampire opens it’s eyes and slowly walks towards the boy AS: There is a banging at Karl’s window. He ignores it. The banging resumes. He goes to the window and sees..... A wind-blown tree branch striking the window repeatedly. KARL Must be the wind! He opens the window to push the branch aside. A dense fog rolls into the room. Coughing, he closes the window and turns to see.... 86.

Ackular! KARL(CONT’D) You can’t be here! I didn’t invite you! The book says you can’t come in unless- Ackular rips the book in half. ACKULAR I have already been invited in--by your mother! KARL What? Oh no..... ACKULAR (bearing fangs) Such a sweet woman! I never thanked her for her hospitality! Perhaps I’ll visit her next! Karl scrambles for the bed to retrieve his cross. Ackular recoils in fear. There is a knock at the door. DAD Karl? What’s going on in there? Open this door! ACKULAR (taking his ring) Another time! He turns into a mist and floats out of the window. Karl locks it shut and opens his door. KARL Dad! You’re back! How was your trip? DAD observes the messy room. DAD Fine. I see you still haven’t cleaned your room! KARL I’ll do it tomorrow. DAD I’ve heard that one before. Want me to turn off the light? 87.

KARL NO!!! I mean, I’m just going to read for a while. DAD YOU’RE reading? I go away for a week and everyone goes nuts! KARL G’night, Dad. DAD (leaving) Good night, son. Karl lies in bed clutching the cross.

EXT. DAY. KARL’S NEIGHBORHOOD. PRESENT DAY. Karl, dressed as Frankenstein’s Monster and Chaney, dressed as Igor, wait for Vinnie, Elsa and MARY. CHANEY Daytime trick-or-treating is for dorks! I feel like a total baby! KARL Dude you’re five! Anyway, you get more candy when you start early! Vinnie approaches, dressed in a raincoat and hat. KARL (CONT’D) What’s with the coat? VINNIE Well, I tried my costume on, and I’m not sure I like the way it looks. CHANEY At least your mom didn’t pick yours out! I look like a total freak! KARL I hope you’ve got some crosses under there, or stakes! VINNIE Dude, keep that vampire stuff to yourself, okay? I don’t want Elsa thinking I hang out with weirdos! 88.

KARL I’m telling you Vinnie! He was there! In my room! VINNIE Did you eat anything before you went to bed? KARL You don’t believe me? VINNIE I believe. I believe you’ve lost your mind! KARL Shhh! Here she comes now! VINNIE How’s my hair? KARL Dude, you have a hat on! Elsa approaches dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein. Her little sister MARY(6) is dressed as a princess. KARL AND ELSA Great costume! They exchange a laugh. KARL I didn’t know you liked monster movies! ELSA Are you kidding? I’m a total monster freak! VINNIE (interjecting) Yeah, us monster fans gotta stick together, right? ELSA (ignoring him) I totally love those old movies! I mean “Attack of the Mucous Monster” is my all-time favorite! 89.

KARL Me too! I love the part when the guy picks his nose, thinking he’s got a major booger in there- ELSA And it eats his finger! That was so cool! They walk off in animated conversation. Vinnie can’t believe she’s not interested. He checks his hygiene, smelling his own underarms. MARY (referring to her costume) I’m a pretty princess! CHANEY Lame!

EXT. DAY. KARL’S STREET. ELSA This is a great block you live on! KARL Thanks! MARY They give a lot of candy on this block! (to Chaney) Can you hold my bag? He walks off in a huff. Karl and Elsa chat happily. Vinnie is jealous. They stop at Ackulard’s house. ELSA I always loved this old house! Have you met the new owner yet? Karl is nervous. He tries to rush off. KARL Uh, yeah. It’s getting late- ELSA Well, what’s he like? KARL He’s a pain in the neck! We should get going- 90.

ELSA Why don’t we knock on the door? VINNIE (putting his arm around her) Yeah, why don’t we? She shrugs him off. KARL Um...he works nights! Besides, we’ve got enough candy, right Chaney? Cut to Chaney. He has eaten all his candy. ELSA (to Karl) Are you okay? You seem a little...scared. VINNIE Yeah, buddy! You’re not SCARED, are you? KARL Yes! I mean--no.....no one’s home! ELSA I just wanna look through the window. VINNIE (taking her hand) I’ll walk you to the door! She looks down at his hand. VINNIE: Or maybe I’ll stay right here! (to Karl) I knew I should’ve changed my deodorant! Elsa and Mary climb the stairs and knock on the front door. There is no answer. She does it again. Still no answer. ELSA Nobody home! She peers into the windows. 91.

ELSA (CONT’D) It looks just as nice on the inside! They just don’t make houses like this anymore! Nice and sturdy! She stomps her foot on the porch to demonstrate and..... The floor collapses! Elsa and Mary fall down the hole. KARL Elsa! Mary! VINNIE (checking the hole) I don’t hear them! Let’s call the cops! KARL We’re not even supposed to be here, Vinnie! They’ll accuse us of breaking in! VINNIE They could be hurt in there! KARL There’s only one cop in this whole town! By the time they get him out of bed, the girls will be done for! Or worse! Just give me one chance, Vinnie! If it doesn’t work, you can call whoever you want! Deal? VINNIE Okay, deal. On one condition, though. KARL What’s that? VINNIE We save Elsa, you get me her phone number! KARL I can’t do that! VINNIE Oh well, I’ll just have to call the police then, won’t I? KARL Okay, okay. I promise! 92.

Vinnie heads for the door. VINNIE Let’s go! Karl stops him. KARL We’ve got to stop at my house first! VINNIE What for? KARL We need the proper tools!

EXT. NIGHT. ACKULARD’S HOUSE. Karl, Vinnie and Chaney check their water guns reassuringly. Vinnie pops some garlic knots in his mouth. Karl elbows him. A stray DOG follows them around, sticking close to Chaney, who rides his skateboard. NARRATOR We couldn’t reach our parents. They wouldn’t believe us anyway. The police were out of the question. We were all that stood between Elsa and Mary becoming vampires. KARL Ready? CHANEY (pumping his water gun) Let’s kick some vampire butt! VINNIE (spitting out a garlic knot) Let’s do it! Vinnie’s breath makes Karl pull away. They hear the “whooop” of a police cruiser. OFFICER BUTKISS exits his vehicle. VINNIE (CONT’D) (to Karl) I didn’t call him! 93.

BUTKISS Okay, boys, what’re we doing? CHANEY What does is look like we’re doing? We’re trick-or-treating you fat- Karl covers his mouth. KARL We were just leaving, Officer Butkiss! BUTKISS I got a call saying someone was trying to break in! VINNIE (whispering) Let’s ask him for help, Karl! KARL He’ll never believe us! VINNIE Listen, Officer “Kiss butt”- BUTKISS Butkiss! VINNIE We came here with my girlfriend- KARL Girlfriend? VINNIE -and her sister, they went to knock on the door and fell through that hole there in the floor. Now, you gonna help us, or what? Butkiss walks up the steps. BUTKISS Through THIS floor? VINNIE Yeah, right there Officer “But- less”. (to Karl) This guys’ slow, huh? 94.

BUTKISS (walking down stairs) Listen here, you delinquents! If I gotta come back here, someone’s coming with me! Now beat it! And put that dog on a leash! Butkiss drives away. The boys walk up the steps and see...... the hole in the floor is gone!! VINNIE The hole was right there! I saw it! CHANEY (petting the dog) Okay, I’m officially freaked out! Karl notices the sun is going down. KARL We can’t wait a minute longer! Let’s go! The dog refuses to go in. He lets out a frightened cry and keeps his distance.

EXT. THE ACKULAR HOUSE Vinnie tries to lift Karl into an open window. They come crashing to the ground. VINNIE You should think about going on a diet! KARL It’s no use! You can’t lift me and I can’t lift you! CHANEY I can do it! VINNIE Yeah! I can pick him up with one hand! He tries. He can’t. KARL I’m not sending you in there alone! Chaney looks at the dog. 95.

CHANEY Who says I’m going in alone?

EXT. SIDE OF THE ACKULAR HOUSE. Vinnie runs, the “steaks” from the vampire slaying kit in each hand. The dog chases him, pulling Chaney along on his skateboard. Vinnie runs up a makeshift ramp and tosses the steak through Ackulard’s window. The dog runs up the ramp and flies through the window, pulling Chaney along with him. Chaney lands inside the house, his water gun strapped to his back. KARL I don’t believe it! VINNIE And I don’t believe you wasted two good steaks on that mutt! KARL Are you okay? Chaney gives the “thumbs up” sign. KARL (CONT’D) Go open the front door! The dog jumps back through the window, the steaks in his mouth, and takes off. Karl notices the sun is almost down. VINNIE “Eat and run”, huh? Remind me not to invite that dog for dinner! KARL (at the door) Still locked! Chaney!(whispering)Chaney!! VINNIE Let me try it! He does so. It creaks open. VINNIE (CONT’D) Easy! See? Something pulls him inside! The door slams shut. 96.

KARL Vinnie!!! The sun is nearly gone. Karl steels himself and makes a running lunge for the door. He tumbles inside and sees...... A dark room. The curtains are drawn. The door slams behind him. Elsa stands there, two bloody holes in her neck. She smiles revealing a set of fangs. A vampiric Mary empties the water guns into a sink. Chaney and Vinnie sit eerily still on a nearby couch. ELSA Look, Mary! Trick-or-treaters! Shall we get the master of the house? MARY He’ll be awake soon enough! Karl’s path to the door but is blocked by a returned, suddenly-vicious Dog. ELSA (petting the Dog) Thank you for feeding the master’s pet. But I think he’s still hungry! KARL Elsa, listen! If we destroy Ackular, you’ll be normal again! You’ve got to show me where he sleeps! Mary makes her way to the couch, sitting between Chaney and Vinnie. Vinnie’s garlic-y breath shifts her focus to Chaney instead. ELSA Oh, save me, Karl! Save me! (cackles) Give me a break! You can’t even save yourselves!! The setting sun peeks through a small tear in the curtain. ELSA (CONT’D) Mary! Leave the little one! He won’t satisfy your hunger! 97.

MARY For once, big sister, you’re right. They walk towards Karl, baring their fangs. Chaney and Vinnie begin to stir out of their trance.

INT. THE ACKULAR HOUSE. A BEDROOM The lid of a coffin starts to open. Long fingers slip out feeling for the door’s edge.

THE LIVING ROOM. KARL Elsa! Mary! Please don’t do this! The coffin opens. Ackular begins to rise, bearing his fangs. He enters the room and hisses at the girls. ACKULAR This one is mine! Ackular closes in on Karl. A garlic knot strikes him in the face. Then another. He wheels back towards Vinnie, who strikes him in the face with a garlic knot. Ackular brushes off the feeble attack and closes in on Vinnie. As he passes the torn curtain, a beam of sunlight zips through the tear and burns him. He roars in pain, but can not advance past the light. ACKULAR (CONT’D) You’ve only bought yourself a few moments fools! Soon, it will be dark and you will join my legion of the undead! Karl looks at the curtain and back to Ackular. He gets an idea. KARL Vinnie! Chaney! The curtains! Pull down the curtains! Chaney hops on his skateboard and wheels across the room, pulling down every curtain he can. It is not enough. The room becomes half-covered in light. Ackular and the girls scramble into the dark half of the room. 98.

The Dog keeps the boys from escaping through the door. It looks hopeless. VINNIE Hey, Karl? KARL What? VINNIE I never showed you my costume, did I? KARL This isn’t exactly a good time right now!!! VINNIE Check it out, dude.... Vinnie tosses his hat and pulls on a “Lone Ranger” type mask. He pulls his coat off. We see he is wearing a black leotard costume covered in....mirrors! He is the splitting image of... VINNIE(CONT’D) Mirror Man! The last vestiges of sunlight bounce off of Vinnie’s costume creating rays of light that fill the room in a crossing pattern. The light rips across Ackular, who screams. Karl grabs Vinnie’s coat and drapes it over a screaming Elsa and Mary. Ackular ring hits the floor as he disappears in a puff of smoke. Dog escapes through the open window. Karl lifts the coat from a groggy Elsa and Mary. He helps Elsa up as Vinnie scoops up Mary. ELSA What happened? KARL Are you okay? ELSA Yes....I’m fine. KARL You don’t have fangs! Great! 99.

ELSA You can stop holding me now. He drops her and she falls to the ground with a thud. KARL Oops! Mary comes to. Vinnie puts her down. She hugs him. MARY Thank you Mirror Man! You’re my favorite superhero! CHANEY No way! Me too! MARY No way! I’ve got the whole collection! CHANEY Can I see it? MARY Sure! C’mon! They walk off, arm in arm. VINNIE (smelling his underarms) I’ve gotta change that deodorant!

THE ACKULAR HOUSE. LIVING ROOM. Dog re-enters through the window and picks up Ackular’s ring. He drops it in the pile of ashes that was once Ackular. The ashes begin to swirl. We see Ackular’s reformed hand placing the ring on his finger: the hand pets the dog. FADE OUT

INT. NIGHT. THE KRUGERT LIVING ROOM. Freddie nervously clutches Jason’s Jester’s hat as Norton still hangs over the cauldron, levitated by magic. 100.

VICKY Well, that’s that! Pretty scary, huh? Freddie does not answer. Vicky checks on the cauldron. She nods at Norton, who tumbles to the floor and jumps into Freddie’s arms. As Vicky stirs, we see her slowly transform into a crone-like witch. A witches’ hat materializes on her head as she tastes the soup. VICKY (CONT’D) Mmmmm! It’s almost ready! Only one ingredient left! Let’s have a look at you! She pokes Freddie with her spoon. VICKY (CONT’D) Not as fat as I’d like, but your brother will more than make up for that! Now, shall we go up and get him? The sight of the attic infuses Freddie with fear. VICKY (CONT’D) No? I’ve got a better idea! Let’s throw you in first! Freddie grabs a pitcher of water and tosses it in Vicky’s face. VICKY (CONT’D) Ahhh! I’m melting! Melting! I’m melting! For a second, we believe her, but..... VICKY (CONT’D) Not!! Cackling, she resumes her march towards Freddie. We hear a noise like water spilling. Vicky looks down and sees..... Norton urinating on her foot! Vicky magically flings Norton through the doggie door. Freddie decides the attic is her only way out. She makes a break for it. Vicky follows. Freddie reaches the top step. Should she go in? 101.

She swallows hard and enters the attic, slamming the door behind her. Vicky reaches the top step. All is quiet. She puts her ear to the door. Silence. VICKY (CONT’D) Come out, come out wherever you are! We hear nothing but the wind. VICKY (CONT’D) Don’t make me come in there after you!! Silence. Then, a solitary “meow”.... VICKY (CONT’D) Crowley! If you two brats have harmed a hair on his head, I’ll- A deep, low moan. Is it the wind, or something else? VICKY (CONT’D) You can’t scare me you twerps! I’m a witch! And besides, there’s no such thing- The door creaks open ever so slowly..... VICKY (CONT’D) ...... as ghosts.... She peers through the door into a dark, dark room and suddenly... Something pulls her in! The door slams behind her. The room shakes. We hear roars and screams as well as the yowls of a cat. Then.....silence. The door opens and Vicky’s witch hat comes tumbling down the stairs. Norton re-enters through the doggie door and grabs the hat. Someone pulls it from his mouth. Freddie tosses it in the garbage. Jason pulls on his Jester’s hat and tosses the heavy cauldron out of the window as if it were a glass of water. JASON Well, that was easy! 102.

FREDDIE Another witch bites the dust! JASON Hey, what time is it? FREDDIE Almost midnight! JASON Great! I’m sick of wearing this costume! FREDDIE Me too! JASON Anyone for some Thriller Theatre?

INT. NIGHT. THE KRUGERT LIVING ROOM. Jason and Freddie watching TV in the dark. On screen, a witch is seen stirring a cauldron. Two little children are tied up, waiting to be thrown in. TV WITCH And now, my pretties! The witch approaches the children, who are paralyzed with fear. As she reaches for the little boy, he farts loudly, stopping the witch in her tracks. She begins to melt. TV WITCH (CONT’D) I’m melting.....melting! Freddie and Jason share a hearty laugh. Someone turns the lights on. Ralph and Alice enter. JASON (quickly flicking TV off) Mom, Dad! How was the party? RALPH Great! 103.

ALICE No, it wasn’t! Your dad stepped all over me with those stupid rubber feet! RALPH (taking them off) It’s not my fault that you can’t dance! We see his real feet look a little.....strange. ALICE You call that dancing? Anyway, what are you two doing up? RALPH Yeah, where’s Vicky? The kids exchange knowing looks. ALICE Oh, no! Not again! JASON We tried to tell you, but you didn’t believe us---AGAIN! FREDDIE Really, Mom! A witch for a baby- sitter? You’ve gotta do a better job of checking references! RALPH Well? Where is she? The kids can barely contain their laughter. ALICE Oh, dear! How about the cat? The attic door opens slowly. An animated cat’s skeleton runs down the stairs and out the door. Something follows it down the steps, one heavy step at a time. The family looks towards the steps and sees: A pair of gnarled feet, attached to: ghostly pale legs. We see tattered clothes, clawed hands...and then: It reaches the bottom step and walks past them, towards the door. 104.

Reaching for the knob, it stops and faces them. The camera pans up, showing us Vicky’s head atop a zombie-like body! Airhead is REAL after all!!! The monster speaks: AIRHEAD (monster voice) Well? What’re you looking at? He leaves. RALPH Did you...did you see.... ALICE How totally fabulous he looked with red hair? It really suited him! The clock strikes midnight. RALPH And speaking of suits, it’s after midnight! You know what that means! ALICE Yup! Okay, everybody! Costumes off! They remove both their costumes and flesh in one fell swoop. The whole family stands revealed as...monsters!!! RALPH Don’t you just love Halloween? ALICE It’s the one night a year when you can be somebody else! Right, Norton? Norton--a monster as well--wags his tail and roars in agreement. They share a wicked, scary laugh.

EXT. NIGHT. THE KRUGERT HOUSE. Lighting flashes as the sound of the family’s laughter is heard. Airhead takes off on Vicky’s broom, the moon behind him. AIRHEAD Happy Halloween! He flies straight towards us as the screen goes BLACK. THE END. 105.