14 生活時尚 S T Y L E WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2009 • TAIPEI TIMES From ballet to bullets She has been a ballerina, a beauty queen, an all-action film star and a Bond girl — and at 46, Michelle Yeoh still begs to do her own stunts

By Ryan Gilbey The Guardian, London

a jaunty rap at the door, conditions and natural hazards that attracted her There’s and in bounds Michelle to Far North, she says. But then it’s probably a Yeoh. She’s on springs, despite just having breeze to work under constant threat of polar arrived in London after stops in Paris, bear attack when you’ve acted alongside Vin and Hong Kong. But perhaps that’s not surpris- Diesel, as Yeoh did in Babylon AD. ing: from her earliest action films, energy has “On Far North, we were always aware of always characterized her work. being at the whim of Mother Nature,” she We meet in an apartment where glossy copies says. “She’s the biggest star in the film. But of Variety magazine are strewn around us, their I had always longed to go to the North Pole, covers trumpeting potential Oscar contenders and the best time to go somewhere is when such as Frost/Nixon and The Reader. Yeoh, 46, you’re working on a film. You can roll up your is no stranger to that world. After impressing sleeves, get to know the people. That’s what I as the Bond girl Wai Lin in Tomorrow Never did — I spent time with the locals, I hung out Dies in 1997, she went on to star in Crouching with them, soaked them up, watched how they Tiger, Hidden Dragon (臥虎藏龍), Ang Lee’s (李 move and sit, with their legs slightly spread, 安) Oscar-winning martial-arts love story of their shoulders hunched. They don’t have 2000. It was one of the big gestures but their biggest non-English movements are basic, language hits of all time. refined, pure.” But the film she has She says that the come to discuss is more role itself took her “to mesmerizing than most dark places most of of the titles likely to be us can’t get our heads vying for around. We were all doorstops, the living together on a boat, mesmerizing Far North, an ice breaker, with directed by the British all this jaw-dropping filmmaker Asif Kapadia scenery around us — and shot on Svalbard, all those miles and miles in the Arctic Ocean of nothing.” above Norway, the most She says that northern settlement in last word as if she the world. particularly savored Yeoh plays Saiva, it. You sense that Far who passes her days North, like her role in in the icy wasteland Danny Boyle’s 2007 hunting animals with science-fiction thriller her companion, Anja Sunshine, came as (Michelle Krusiec), and something of a tonic reflecting on a life that after the big-budget has been cursed ever productions she’s done since a shaman declared Malaysian actress Michelle Yeoh made her name as an — from Tomorrow she was bad juju. action star in Hong Kong. Her newest endeavor took Never Dies to Memoirs Wandering the plains her to the most northern settlement in the world, of a Geisha (“Two- one day, who should Svalbard, in the Arctic Ocean. photos: Agencies and-a-half hours in she find curled up on makeup — every day!”) the ice but Sean Bean. Many women would to the recent Mummy threequel, Tomb of the consider this a boon. But once Bean has thawed Dragon Emperor. out, his presence jeopardizes the women’s “It’s so important for me to do my own relationship, with unsettling consequences. stunts,” Yeoh says. “The sense of achievement “When I got the script,” Yeoh says, “I is so immense. But the studios don’t want to thought: either my agent wants to kill me or take the risk. ‘You’re an actor, actors don’t do he’s telling me I need a challenge.” She gives stunts!’ And if they do let you do anything, they an emphatic laugh. Like all her films, Far North wrap you in so much cotton wool it takes away was hugely physically demanding. the fun anyway.” Yeoh, who made her name as an action Yeoh, who was born Yeoh Chu-Kheng (楊紫 star in Hong Kong in the early to mid 1990s, is 瓊) to an affluent Chinese-Malay family in Ipoh, probably the actor of her age most likely to be Malaysia, has always been interested in using found begging a director to stuff the insurers her body to express herself. “Body language is and let her perform her own stunts. While Far more fascinating to me than actual language,” North might seem worlds away from movies she says. “Before you get into the mind, you such as Police Story 3: Supercop (警察故事3:超級 have to inhabit the physicality. Body language 警察) (memorable for one particularly awesome is a great way of speaking.” motorcycle leap on to a moving train), what they have in common is the sheer stamina each has required of her. Indeed it was the harsh continued on page 15


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