Baseball When the Grass Was Real: Baseball from the Twenties to the... < Kindle \ 2VRRVBH54G

Baseball When the Grass Was Real: Baseball from the Twenties to the Forties Told by the Men Who Played It

By Donald Honig

Audible Studios on Brilliance, United States, 2015. CD-Audio. Book Condition: New. Unabridged. 170 x 137 mm. Language: English . Brand New. Donald Honig crossed the country to meet and interview former big-league ball players. They shared their memories with him and the result is a book packed with nostalgia, statistics, action, revelations an extraordinary oral history of baseball in the halcyon days beween the two world wars. , , , , Dizzy Dean, Jackie Robinson, Lou Gehrig, and many others are brought to life through the recollections of Wes Ferrell, Charlie Gehringer, Elbie Fletcher, Bucky Waters, Billy Herman, Cool Papa Bell, , Pete Reiser, and a host of others. Those were the days when the grass was real, salaries were modest, Bob Feller was America s most famous 17-year-old, and idealism was in full swing. Baseball builds your pride, said Wes Ferrell, who played it in order to be a better guy.



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