Fall 2017 Newsletter/Annual Report
Fall 2017 • Vol. 2, Issue 14 Exhibit honors area military veterans Area armed installations that have in turn service FRQWULEXWHGVLJQLÀFDQWO\WR members the growth of the local econ- have con- omy. tributed to every major On display through the end U.S. military of the year, the exhibit show- effort from cases uniforms, weaponry the Civil War DQGHTXLSPHQWIURPWKH&LYLO to the on- War, Spanish-American War, The Sioux City Public Museum’s current exhibit, Honoring Our Armed going con- World War I, World War II, Ko- Services: 1861-2017 is on display through December 31, 2017. ÁLFWVLQ,UDT rean War, Vietnam War, Des- he military contributions Afghanistan and Syria. From ert Storm and the post-9/11 of Siouxland residents the earliest days of settle- wars. Also highlighted are Tpast and present are ment, Siouxlanders have en- (continued on page 2) featured in the Sioux City tered military service at their Public Museum’s current nation’s call. Sioux City and Inside: exhibit, Honoring Our Armed the surrounding region have FY 2017 annual report Services: 1861-2017. also hosted numerous military Traveling exhibit highlights iconic wonderland or more than 150 This excitement is brought years, Coney Island, to life in Coney Island: Fa strip of sand at the Visions of an American mouth of New York Harbor, Dreamland on display at the has occupied a singular Sioux City Public Museum place in the American through January 7, 2018. imagination. From the The new traveling exhibit beginning as a watering shows visitors how Coney hole for the wealthy, Island’s magnetic world of through its transformation attractions has become a Admission ticket to George Tilyou’s Stee- into an amusement and touchstone for American plechase Park, Coney Island, NY, c.
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