A Strongly Asymptotically Optimal Agent in General Environments

Michael K. Cohen1∗ , Elliot Catt1 and Marcus Hutter1 1Australian National University {michael.cohen, elliot.carpentercatt, marcus.hutter}@anu.edu.au

Abstract Our work is within the (RL) paradigm: an agent selects an action, and the environment Reinforcement Learning agents are expected to responds with an observation and a reward. The interaction eventually perform well. Typically, this takes the may end, or it may continue forever. Each interaction cycle form of a guarantee about the asymptotic behav- is called a timestep. The agent has a discount function that ior of an algorithm given some assumptions about weights its relative concern for the reward it achieves at vari- the environment. We present an algorithm for a ous future timesteps. The agent’s job is to select actions that policy whose value approaches the optimal value maximize the total expected discounted reward it achieves in with probability 1 in all computable probabilistic its lifetime. The “value” of an agent’s policy at a certain point environments, provided the agent has a bounded in time is the expected total discounted reward it achieves af- horizon. This is known as strong asymptotic op- ter that time if it follows that policy. One formal specification timality, and it was previously unknown whether it of the exploration-exploitation problem is: what policy can an was possible for a policy to be strongly asymptot- agent follow so that the policy’s value approaches the value ically optimal in the class of all computable prob- of the optimal informed policy with probability 1, even when abilistic environments. Our agent, Inquisitive Re- the agent doesn’t start out knowing the true dynamics of its inforcement Learner (Inq), is more likely to ex- environment? plore the more it expects an exploratory action to Most work in RL makes strong assumptions about the en- reduce its uncertainty about which environment it vironment—that the environment is Markov, for instance. is in, hence the term inquisitive. Exploring inquis- Impressive recent development in the field of reinforcement itively is a strategy that can be applied generally; learning often makes use of the Markov assumption, includ- for more manageable environment classes, inquis- ing Deep Q Networks [Mnih et al., 2015], A3C [Mnih et al., itiveness is tractable. We conducted experiments 2016], Rainbow [Hessel et al., 2018], and AlphaZero [Silver in “grid-worlds” to compare the Inquisitive Rein- et al., 2017]. Another example of making strong assumptions forcement Learner to other weakly asymptotically in RL comes from some model-based algorithms that implic- optimal agents. itly assume that the environment is representable by, for ex- ample, a fixed-size neural network, or whatever construct is 1 Introduction used to model the environment. We do not make any such “Efforts to solve [an instance of the exploration- assumptions. exploitation problem] so sapped the energies and Many recent developments in RL are largely about minds of Allied analysts that the suggestion was tractably learning to exploit; how to explore intelligently arXiv:1903.01021v2 [cs.LG] 27 May 2019 made that the problem be dropped over Germany, is a separate problem. We address the latter problem. as the ultimate instrument of intellectual sabotage.” Our approach, inquisitiveness, is based on Orseau et al.’s –Peter Whittle [Whittle, 1979] [2013] Knowledge Seeking Agent for Stochastic Environ- ments, which selects the actions that best inform the agent The Allied analysts were considering the simplest possible about what environment it is in. Our Inquisitive Reinforce- problem in which there is a trade-off to be made between ment Learner (Inq) explores like a knowledge seeking agent, exploiting, taking the apparently best option, and exploring, and is more likely to explore when there is apparently (ac- choosing a different option to learn more. We tackle what cording to its current beliefs) more to be learned. Some- we consider the most difficult instance of the exploration- times exploring well requires “expeditions,” or many consec- exploitation trade-off problem: when the environment could utive exploratory actions. Inq entertains expeditions of all be any computable probability distribution, not just a multi- lengths, although it follows the longer ones less often, and it armed bandit, how can one achieve optimal performance in doesn’t resolutely commit in advance to seeing the expedition the limit? through. ∗Contact Author This is a very human approach to information acquisition. When we spot an opportunity to learn something about our and definitions for quick reference. Appendix B contains the natural environment, we feel inquisitive. We get distracted. proofs of the lemmas. We are inclined to check it out, even if we don’t see directly in advance how this information might help us better achieve 2 Notation our goals. Moreover, if we can tell that the opportunity to We follow the notation of Orseau, et al. [2013]. The rein- learn something requires a longer term project, we may find forcement learning setup is as follows: A is a finite set of ourselves less inquisitive. actions available to the agent; O is a finite set of observa- For the class of computable environments (stochastic envi- tions it might observe, and R = [0, 1] ∩ Q is the set of ronments that follow a computable probability distribution), possible rewards. The set of all possible interactions in a it was previously unknown whether any policy could achieve timestep is H := A × O × R. At every timestep, one el- strong asymptotic optimality (convergence of the value to op- ement from this set occurs. A reinforcement learner’s policy [ ] timality with probability 1). Lattimore et al. 2011 showed π is a stochastic function which outputs an action given an in- that no deterministic policy could achieve this. The key ad- ∗ ∗ S∞ i teraction history, denoted by π : H A.(X := i=0 X vantage that stochastic policies have is that they can let the represents all finite strings from an alphabet X ). An envi- exploration probability go to 0 while still exploring infinitely ronment is a stochastic function which outputs an observa- often. (For example, an agent that explores with probability tion and reward given an interaction history and an action: 1/t at time t still explores infinitely often). ∗ ν : H × A O × R. For a stochastic function f : X → Y, There is a weaker notion of optimality–“weak asymptotic f(y|x) denotes the probability that f outputs y ∈ Y when optimality”–for which positive results already exist; this con- x ∈ X is input. dition requires that the average value over the agent’s life- A policy and an environment induce a probability measure time approach optimality. Lattimore et al. [2011] identified a over H∞, the set of all possible infinite histories: for h ∈ H∗, weakly asymptotically optimal agent for deterministic com- π Pν (h) denotes the probability that an infinite history begins putable environments; the agent maintains a list of environ- with h when actions are sampled from the policy π, and ob- ments consistent with its observations, exploiting as if it is servations and rewards are sampled from the environment ν. in the first such one, and exploring in bursts. A recent algo- π Formally, we define this inductively: Pν () 7→ 1, where  is rithm for a Thompson Sampling Bayesian agent was shown, the empty history, and for h ∈ H∗, a ∈ A, o ∈ O, r ∈ R, with an elegant proof, to be weakly asymptotically optimal in π π we define Pν (haor) 7→ Pν (h)π(a|h)ν(or|ha). In an infinite all computable environments, but not strongly asymptotically history h ∈ H∞, a , o , and r refer to the tth action, ob- optimal [Leike et al., 2016]. 1:∞ t t t servation and reward, and ht refers to the tth timestep: atotrt. Most work in RL regards (Partially Observable) Markov h 0, For comparison, some algorithms which use the MDP for- and N is a normalization constant. (ε > 0 ensures the prior malism also consider information-theoretic approaches to ex- has finite entropy, which facilitates analysis.) A smaller class ploration, such as VIME [Houthooft et al., 2016], the agent with a different prior probability could easily be substituted in [Still, 2009], and TEXPLORE-VANIR [Hester and Stone, for M and w(ν). 2012]. We use ξ to denote the agent’s beliefs about future ob- In Section 2, we formally describe the RL setup and present servations. Together with a policy π it defines a Bayesian notation. In Section 3, we present the algorithm for Inq. π P π mixture measure: Pξ (·) := ν∈M w(ν)Pν (·). The poste- In Section 4, we prove our main result: that Inq is strongly rior belief distribution of the agent after observing a history asymptotically optimal. In Section 5, we present experimen- 0 0 h ∈ H∗ is w(ν|h) := w(ν)Pπ (h)/ Pπ (h). This definition tal results comparing Inq to weakly asymptotically optimal ν ξ 0 π0 agents. Finally, we discuss the relevance of this exploration is independent of the choice of π as long as Pξ (h) > 0; regime to tractable algorithms. Appendix A collates notation we can fix a reference policy π0 just for this definition if we

2 like. We sometimes also refer to the conditional distribution P ξ(or|ha) := ν∈M w(ν|h)ν(or|ha). The agent’s discount at a timestep is denoted γt. To normalize the agent’s policy’s value to [0, 1], we introduce P∞ Γt := k=t γk. (Normalization makes value convergence nontrivial). We consider an agent with a bounded horizon: ∀ε > 0 ∃m ∀t :Γt+m/Γt ≤ ε. Intuitively, this means that the agent does not become more and more farsighted over time. Note this does not require a finite horizon. A classic discount function giving a bounded horizon is a geometric t one: for 0 ≤ γ < 1, γt = γ . The value of a policy π in an t−1 environment ν, given a history h

3 The reason Inq doesn’t ignore expeditions that started in µ, and we assume that µ ∈ M. For M the class of com- the past is that Inq must have some chance of actually ex- putable environments, this is a very unassuming assumption. ecuting the whole expedition (for every expedition). If the The optimal value is simply the value of the optimal policy probability of completing an expedition is 0, one cannot use with respect to the true environment: it for a bound on Inq’s belief-accuracy. ∗ ∗ π πµ Definition 2. Let ρ(h , m, k) be the probability of taking Vµ (h

IG m X  αm αm  4 Strong Asymptotic Optimality V (α , h 0 w.Pµ-p. 1 2 This algorithm is written in a simplified way that does not halt, Next, we show that every exploration probability but if a real number in [0, 1] is sampled first, the actions can be as- signed to disjoint intervals successively until the sampled real num- ρ(h

4 " ∞ # (c) ∗ Lemma 6. 1 πξ X t→∞ ≤ Eξ γkrk hT2 ∗ 1 X πξ X to 0: ≤ Pµ (ht:t+m−1|hT3 1 X Pµ (ht:t+m−1|h0 ∀t>T4 1 P (ht:t+m−1|h 0. Since the agent has a (1 − ε ) Γt Γt+m k=t bounded horizon, there exists an m such that for all t, Γ ≤ t 1 † ε. Recall = V π (h ) + 4ε (1 − ε0)m µ T1 1 π X µ X ∀δ > 0 ∃ε > 0, ε > 0 : 4ε + ( (1−ε0)m − 1) < δ. Let- ≤ Pξ (ht:t+m−1|h 0 ∃T ∀t > T : Vµ (h

5 ∗ π† Since Vµ (h

6 6 Conclusion We have shown that it is possible for an agent with a bounded horizon to be strongly asymptotically optimal in the class of all computable environments. No existing RL agent has as strong an optimality guarantee as Inq. The nature of the ex- ploration regime that accomplishes this is perhaps of wider interest. We formalize an agent that gets distracted from re- ward maximization by its inquisitiveness: the more it expects to learn from an expedition, the more inclined it is to take it. We have confirmed experimentally that inquisitiveness is a practical and effective exploration strategy for Bayesian agents with manageable model classes. There are two main avenues for future work we would like to see. The first regards possible extensions of inquisitive- ness: we have defined inquisitiveness for Bayesian agents with countable model-classes, but inquisitiveness could also be defined for a Bayesian agent with a continuous model class, such as a Q-learner using a Bayesian Neural Network. The second avenue regards the theory of strong asymptotic optimality itself: is Inq strongly asymptotically optimal for more farsighted discounters? If not, can it be modified to ac- complish that? Or is it indeed impossible for an agent with an unbounded horizon to be strongly asymptotically optimal in the class of computable environments? Answers to these questions, besides being interesting in their own right, will likely inform the design of tractable exploration strategies, in the same way that this work has done.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Open Philanthropy Project AI Scholarship and the Australian Research Council Discov- ery Projects DP150104590.

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8 Appendices

A Definitions and Notation – Quick Reference H := A × O × R t−1 h

winf (µ|h1:∞) := inf w(µ|h

9 B Proofs of Lemmas

We begin with a lemma that equates the information gain value of an expedition with the expected prediction error. The KL-divergence on the right hand side represents how different ν and ξ appear when following the expedition in question. Lemma 4. IG m X  αm αm  V (α , h

Proof. This result is shown in [Orseau et al., 2013, Equation 4].

Recall that w(ν|h 0 w.Pµ-p. 1

π Proof. Suppose inft w(µ|h 0 for all histories generated by Pµ. Therefore, inft w(µ|h

I first show that zt is a µ-martingale.

π π −1 X π Pξ (h≤t) Eµ[zt|h

= zt−1 (19)

By the martingale convergence theorem zt → f(ω) < ∞ w.p.1, for ω ∈ Ω, the sample space, and some f :Ω → R. Therefore, inft w(µ|h 0 w.p.1.

Next we show that every exploration probability ρ(h

Proof. ρ(h

π† X m+1 w(µ) Eµ ρ(h

10 " # (d) X m = η E π† ρ(h

(m) X π† w(ν|h

(o) X π† 1 w(ν) = η Eν w(ν) log w(ν) w(ν|h

(p) X 1 X π† w(ν) = η w(ν) log + η Eν w(ν) log w(ν) w(ν|h

11 the entropy of a distribution Ent(·), and expands the expectation. (r) changes the variable in the expectation; this is the reverse of (i) and (j). (s) applies the definition of the information gain (after inverting the fraction in the logarithm). (t) follows from the non-negativity of the information gain. And (u) is shown in [Orseau et al., 2013, Proposition 13]. Finally, ∞ m−1 π† X m+1 X π† X m+1 Eµ ρ(h

Now, we show that the total exploration probability goes to 0: Lemma 7. β(h

min{m−1,t} X X β(h

Each of the terms in the sum approaches 0 with probability 1 by Lemma 6, and because ρ(h ε > 0 infinitely often. There exists an M such that

∞ min{m−1,t} ∞ m−1 X X X X 1 ρ(h , m, k) < < ε/2 (23) ε infinitely often, it must be the case that m=0 k=0 ρ(h ε/2 infinitely often, but this is a finite sum of terms that all approach 0, a contradiction. Lemma 8 shows that the probabilities assigned by ξ converge to those of µ. m m Sm−1 i Lemma 8. ∀m ∈ N, ht:t+m−1 ∈ H , α : i=0 H → A: αm αm t→∞ Pµ (ht:t+m−1|h

αm αm 2 Proof. Suppose that 0 < ε ≤ (Pµ (ht:t+m−1|h

(b) w(ν|h )  m m  X

(c) 1 IG m = V (α , h

12 Therefore, αm αm 2 (Pµ (ht:t+m−1|h

αm αm This has probability 0 by Lemmas 6 and 5. Thus, with probability 1, Pµ (ht:t+m−1|h

C Approximation of Inq Following Aslanides [2017], our approximation of Inq calls ρUCT [Silver and Veness, 2010] as a subroutine in place of expectimax.

Algorithm 2 Approximation of Inquisitive Reinforcement Learner’s Policy Require: MCTS Samples, horizon, γ Initialize: uniform prior over model class 1: while True do 2: for all m ≤ horizon and k < min{m, t} do IG 3: using information gain as reward, am,k ∼ ρUCT(h