% & ' ( _ CEPR/Swedish Development Economics Network Conference on Development Economics Stockholm, 9 -10 March 2007 PARTICIPANTS Name Address Telephone, Fax, Email Arne Bigsten Department of Economics TEL: 00 46 31 773 1358 University of Gothenburg Victoriagatan 30 S-41125 Göteborg FAX: 00 46 31 773 1326 SWEDEN EMAIL:
[email protected] Martina Björkman IGIER, Bocconi University TEL: 00 39 02 5836 3321 Via Salasco 5 20136 Milan ITALY FAX: 00 39 02 5836 3302 EMAIL:
[email protected] Robin Burgess London School of Economics TEL: 020 7955 6676 Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE FAX: 020 7955 6951 EMAIL:
[email protected] 1 Esther Duflo Department of Economics TEL: 001 617 258 7013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology E52-252g 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge MA 02142-1347 FAX: 001 617 253 6915 EMAIL:
[email protected] Marcel Fafchamps Department of Economics TEL: 01865 281446 University of Oxford Manor Road Building Manor Road FAX: 01865 281447 Oxford OX1 3UQ EMAIL:
[email protected] Erica Field Department of Economics TEL: 00 1 617 496 18 95 Harvard University Littauer M-30 1805 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138 FAX: 00 1 617 495 85 70 USA EMAIL:
[email protected] Bård Harstad MEDS TEL: Kellog School of Management Northwestern University 633 Clark Street Evanston, IL 60208 FAX: USA EMAIL:
[email protected] Seema Jayachandran Department of Economics TEL: 001 650 725 3266 Stanford University 579 Serra Mall Stanford CA 94305-6072 FAX: 001 650 725 5702 USA EMAIL:
[email protected] Dean S. Karlan Assistant Professor of Economics TEL: 00 1 203 432 4479 Yale University 77 Prospect Street Room A105 FAX: 00 1 203 432 3296 P.O.