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S Ubject L Ist N O. 90 of DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED to the MEMBERS of the LEAGUE DURING OCTOBER 1928 * *“■' V ,**** [distributed to /*> f f c / ; iu [ 1 7 £ the MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE] LEAGUE OF NATIONS I/O. 19- 8. Gen ev a, November 4th, 1928. S ubject L ist N o. 90 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE DURING OCTOBER 1928 *. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) * The original reference number of a document distributed during October 1928 for a second time is also given and is indicated by the sign § Key lo abbreviations used in this Subject List. A. * A ssem bly Intell. Co-op. Institute Intellectual Co-operation Insti­ A. & A.P. Allied and Associated Powers tute Add. Addendum, Addenda Jan. J anuary Addit. Additional L. of N. League of Nations Adv. Advisory Memo. Memorandum Agrt. Agreement Mtg. * Meeting Ann. Annex Min. Minutes App. Appendix Nov. November Arb. & Sec. Cttee. Arbitration and Security Com­ Observ. Observation mittee Oct. October Arrgt. Arrangement O.J. Official Journal Art. Article Org. Organisation Ass. Assem bly P- Page Aug. August P. A. & A. P. Principal Allied and Associated C. * Council Powers Chapt. Chapter Para. Paragraph Cl. Council Perm. Permanent C.L. * Circular Letter Pet. Petition C.M. * Council and Members Plen. Mtgs. Plenary Meetings Comm. Commission Prelim. Preliminary Conf. Conference Prep. Preparatory Consult. Consultative Pres. President Conv. Convention Prov. Provisional C.P.J.I. * Permanent Court of Interna­ Pt. Part tional Justice Recomm. Recommendation Cttee. Committee Redist. Redistributed Dec. December Rep. Report Del. Delegation Repres. Representative Disc. Discussion Resol. Resolution Dist. D istribution and Distributed Sec.-Gen. Secretary-General Doc. D ocum ent Secret. Secretariat Eng. English Sect. Section Err. Erratum, Errata Sept. September Extraord. Extraordinary Sess. Session Feb. February S.H.S. Serb, Croat & Slovene Fr. ** French Spec. Special Govt. Government Supp. Supplement I.L.O. International Labour Office Techn. Technical Int. Lab. Conf. International Labour Conference Tel. Telegram Int. Lab. Org. International Labour Organisa­ Temp. Temporary tion U.S.A. United States of America Intell. Co-op. Cttee. Intellectual Co-operation Com­ U.S.S.R. Vnion of Socialist Soviet Repub­ m ittee lics Vol. Volume * Used for number! nig only. ■ sod for language only. * Used fur numbering uni; A B Bahrein Islands Assembly, League T.etter Aug. 2, 1928 from the Persian Govt, to the 9th Sess. Sept. 1928, Geneva British Govt, maintaining, in reply to latter’s letter of Jan. 18, 1928, its protest against Art. 6 Summary Oct. 15, 1928 by Secret. (Information of the Treaty of May 20, 1927 between Great Britain Section) of work of and Hedjaz C. 413. M. 131. 1928. VII § Monthly Summary, Vol. VIII, No. 9 O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1360 S d N. H i (F,) + U0 (A,) 12/38, — Imp. Sor.or Bahrein Islands (continued) Documents, League Letter Aug. 2, 1928 from the Persian Govt, to the Lists, Subject, Monthly, of docs. dist. 1928 to the British Govt, (continued) Members of Cl. and to Members of the League Letter Aug. 2, 1928 from the Persian Govt, for­ No. 88 (Aug. 1928) warding c 4i3 M I3I I92g ylI § C. 470. M. 142. 1928 O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1360 Bulgaria Financial situation of Docs. Public, Sept. 1926-Oct. 1928 relating to C. 338. M. 96. 1928. II Economics and Finance Bills of Exchange, Prom issory N otes and Cheques Loan 1928, Stabilisation Protocol signed March 10, 1928 by the Bulgarian Conv. (draft) submitted April 1928 by the Cttee. of Govt, as modified by the Addit. Act signed Legal Experts on bills of exchange and promissory Sept. 8, 1928 at Geneva together with four annexes notes C. 175- M. 54. 1928. II * § C. 338. M. 96. 1928. II C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann. Conv. (draft) submitted April 1928 by the Cttee. of Legal Experts on cheques D C. 175. M. 52. 1928. II * § C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann. Danzig, Free City of Letter Oct. 2, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to certain Financial situation of States non-Members of the League forwarding Loan 1927, State (Tobacco monopoly) the rep. of the Cttee. of experts and requesting Trustee for observs. thereon before Jan. 31, 1929 and opinion as to whether discs, contained therein could Reps. Annual, by serve as basis of disc, for Conf. to be convened No. 1 (June 25, 1927-June 30, 1928) in 1929 C. 390. M. 125. 1928. II Ç C. L. 131 (a). 1928. II. O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1379 Regulations (draft) submitted April 1928 by the Disputes, International Cttee. of Legal Experts concerning Bills of Ex­ Pacific Settlement of change and Promissory notes Pact, signed Aug. 27, 1928 at Paris for the renun­ C. 175. M. 54. 1928. II * § ciation of war * C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann. Accession by Persia to Note dated Oct. 3, 1928 from the Persian Regulations (draft) submitted April 1928 by the Govt, to U.S.A. Govt, announcing its Cttee. of Legal Experts concerning cheques readiness to agree to C. 175. M. 54. 1928. II * § C. 544. M. 170. 1928. VII C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann. Letter, Oct. 3, 1928 from Persian Govt. Rep. April 1928 by the Cttee. of Legal Experts forwarding copy of summarising the results of the work of its three sess. submitting two draft regulations and two C. 544. M. 170. 1928. VII draft Convs. proposing their communication to govts, for observs. and their subsequent modi­ Letter Aug. 4, 1928 from the British Govt, for­ fication and submission to an Int. Conf. 011 warding its notes of May 19 and July 18, 1928 to the U. S. A. Govt, and expressing opinion C. 175. M. 54. 1928. II * § that signature of such a Pact would not involve C. L. 131 (a). 1928,928, AmAnn. any inconsistency with the obligations of the Currency Covenant Counterfeiting of C. 380. M. 121. 1928 § Conf. April 1929 O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1357 Convocation of Note May 19, 1928 from the British Govt, to Letter Oct. 8, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to U.S.A. Govt, expressing, after examination States non-Members of the League an­ of the draft * submitted by the latter’s note * nouncing probable postponement of the of April 13, 1928, and of the revised draft * Conf. from beginning of year until April submitted by the French Govt., its readiness 1929 to allow them to study the rep. of to support the movement for such a Pact Cttee. of Experts and promising to com and making various observations on those communicate definite decision later texts C. L. 174. TQ2S C. 380. M. 121. 1928 § O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1357 Conv. (draft) Oct. 1927 by the Mixed Cttee. Note July 18, 1928 from the British Govt, to C. 523. M. 181. 1927. II**, Ann. U.S.A. Govt, accepting the revised draft * and Err.*** § annexed to the latter’s note of June 23, 1928 * C. L. 174. 1928. II, Ann. O. J., IX , No. 2, p. 197, Ann. 1000 (a) C. 380. M. 121. 1928 § O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1359 Already dist. with C. L. 131. 1928. ' Already dist. with C. L. 181 and 181 (a) 1927 * Not reproduced. ' * Fr. téxt only. E conom ies and Finance (continued) Economics and Finance (continued) Currency (continued) Customs formalities (continued) Counterfeiting of (continued) Nomenclature, Unification of (continued) Letter Oct. 8, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to States Note, Sept. 28, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding non-Members of the League, forwarding the the draft framework * classification *, and rep. of Oct. 1927 of the Mixed Cttee., drawing explanatory notes * drawn up by the Sub- special attention to recomms. I-V contained Cttee. of Experts, announcing the Sub-Cttee’s therein and requesting observations thereon intention to prepare a model customs nomen­ as early as possible clature corresponding to its framework C. L. 174. 1928. II C. 523. M. 153. 1928. II Recomms. Oct. 1927 by Mixed Cttee. for Rep. Oct. 1927 by Sub-Cttee. of Experts (2ndSess.) on its work towards 0 ,, C. 523. M. 181. 1927 * and Err. § ** C. 346. M. 108, 1928, p. 6* C. L. 174. 1928. II, Ann. O. J., IX , No. 2, p. 202, Ann. 1000 (a) and App. § Rep. June 1928 by the Sub-Cttee. of Experts (4th Sess.) outlining the results of its fourth Itep. Oct. 1927 by the Mixed Cttee. summarising Sess. and submitting draft framework and the work of its meetings of June and Oct. 1927, draft classification of goods and chapters thereof submitting a draft Conv. explaining the arts, thereof C. 346. M. 103. 1928. II, p. 10 * and annexing its recomms. for the suppression of Statistics C. 523. M. 181. 1927. II * and Err. § ** Bulletin, Monthly, of C. L. 174. 1928. II, Ann. Numbers issued 1928 O. J., IX, No. 2, p. 187, Ann 1000 § Sept. Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Vol. IN. No. 9 Customs formalities Abolition of Export and Import Prohibitions and Conf. Nov. 1928, Geneva Restrictions Representation at Conv., Protocol and annexed Declaration signed Letter Sept. 29, 1926 from Sec.-Gen. to Member N ov. 8, 1928, Geneva, for (C. 559. M. 201. of the League and non-Members having 1927. II) accepted the Cl’s invitation to this Conf. Agrt., Supplementary', and annexed Protocol requesting to be informed as early as pos­ concluded July 11. 1928, to (C. 350 (x). M. sible of names of reprcs. thereat 106 (1). 1928. II) C. L. 168. 1928. 11 Signature by Bulgaria Letter Oct. t. 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to Members of Reservation made Aug. >8, 192S by the the League and non-Members which have Bulgarian Govt, at the time of not replied to the Cl's invitations of April 21, C.
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    Arrangement of 30 June 1928 relating to the Legal Status of Russian and Armenian Refugees League of Nations Treaty Series, Vol. LXXXIX, No. 2005 The undersigned representatives of Governments, having taken part in the Conference concerning Russian and Armenian refugees, called together at Geneva by the League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on June 28, 1928, in execution of the Resolution adopted by the Eighth Ordinary Session of the League of Nations. Having considered the arrangement of May 12, 1926, concerning the delivery of identity Certificates to Russian and Armenian refugees, by which the previous Arrangements of July 5, 1992 and May 31, 1924, were completed and amended, and Having agreed that it is necessary to define more clearly the legal status of Russian and Armenian refugees, Adopt the following resolutions: (1) It is recommended that the High Commissioner for refugees shall, by appointing representatives in the greatest possible number of countries, render the following services, in so far as such services do not lie within the exclusive competence of the national authorities: (a) Certifying the identity and the position of the refugees; (b) Certifying their family position and civil statue, in so far as these are based on documents issued or action taken in the refugees' country of origin; (c) Testifying to the regularity, validity, and conformity with the previous law of their country of origin, of documents issued in such country; (d) Certifying the signature of refugees and copies and translations of documents drawn up in their own language; (e) Testifying before the authorities of the country to the good character and conduct of the individual refugee, to his previous record, to his professional qualifications and to his university or academic standing; (f) Recommending the individual refugee to the competent authority, particularly with a view to his obtaining visas, permits to reside in the country, admission to schools, libraries, etc.
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