*“■' V ,****

[distributed to /*> f f c / ; iu [ 1 7 £ the MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE] LEAGUE OF NATIONS I/O. 19- 8.

Gen ev a, November 4th, 1928.


(Prepared by the Distribution Branch.)

* The original reference number of a document distributed during October 1928 for a second time is also given and is indicated by the sign §

Key lo abbreviations used in this Subject List.

A. * A ssem bly Intell. Co-op. Institute Intellectual Co-operation Insti­ A. & A.P. Allied and Associated Powers tute Add. Addendum, Addenda Jan. J anuary Addit. Additional L. of N. League of Nations Adv. Advisory Memo. Memorandum Agrt. Agreement Mtg. * Meeting Ann. Annex Min. Minutes App. Appendix Nov. November Arb. & Sec. Cttee. Arbitration and Security Com­ Observ. Observation mittee Oct. October Arrgt. Arrangement O.J. Official Journal Art. Article Org. Organisation Ass. Assem bly P- Page Aug. August P. A. & A. P. Principal Allied and Associated C. * Council Powers Chapt. Chapter Para. Paragraph Cl. Council Perm. Permanent C.L. * Circular Letter Pet. Petition C.M. * Council and Members Plen. Mtgs. Plenary Meetings Comm. Commission Prelim. Preliminary Conf. Conference Prep. Preparatory Consult. Consultative Pres. President Conv. Convention Prov. Provisional C.P.J.I. * Permanent Court of Interna­ Pt. Part tional Justice Recomm. Recommendation Cttee. Committee Redist. Redistributed Dec. December Rep. Report Del. Delegation Repres. Representative Disc. Discussion Resol. Resolution Dist. D istribution and Distributed Sec.-Gen. Secretary-General Doc. D ocum ent Secret. Secretariat Eng. English Sect. Section Err. Erratum, Errata Sept. September Extraord. Extraordinary Sess. Session Feb. February S.H.S. Serb, Croat & Slovene Fr. ** French Spec. Special Govt. Government Supp. Supplement I.L.O. International Labour Office Techn. Technical Int. Lab. Conf. International Labour Conference Tel. Telegram Int. Lab. Org. International Labour Organisa­ Temp. Temporary tion U.S.A. United States of America Intell. Co-op. Cttee. Intellectual Co-operation Com­ U.S.S.R. Vnion of Socialist Soviet Repub­ m ittee lics Vol. Volume * Used for number! nig only. ■ sod for language only. * Used fur numbering uni;


Bahrein Islands Assembly, League T.etter Aug. 2, 1928 from the Persian Govt, to the 9th Sess. Sept. 1928, Geneva British Govt, maintaining, in reply to latter’s letter of Jan. 18, 1928, its protest against Art. 6 Summary Oct. 15, 1928 by Secret. (Information of the Treaty of May 20, 1927 between Great Britain Section) of work of and Hedjaz C. 413. M. 131. 1928. VII § Monthly Summary, Vol. VIII, No. 9 O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1360

S d N. H i (F,) + U0 (A,) 12/38, — Imp. Sor.or Bahrein Islands (continued) Documents, League Letter Aug. 2, 1928 from the Persian Govt, to the Lists, Subject, Monthly, of docs. dist. 1928 to the British Govt, (continued) Members of Cl. and to Members of the League Letter Aug. 2, 1928 from the Persian Govt, for­ No. 88 (Aug. 1928) warding c 4i3 M I3I I92g ylI § C. 470. M. 142. 1928 O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1360 Bulgaria Financial situation of Docs. Public, Sept. 1926-Oct. 1928 relating to

C. 338. M. 96. 1928. II Economics and Finance Bills of Exchange, Prom issory N otes and Cheques Loan 1928, Stabilisation Protocol signed , 1928 by the Bulgarian Conv. (draft) submitted by the Cttee. of Govt, as modified by the Addit. Act signed Legal Experts on bills of exchange and promissory Sept. 8, 1928 at Geneva together with four annexes notes C. 175- M. 54. 1928. II * § C. 338. M. 96. 1928. II C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann.

Conv. (draft) submitted April 1928 by the Cttee. of Legal Experts on cheques D C. 175. M. 52. 1928. II * § C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann.

Danzig, Free City of Letter Oct. 2, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to certain Financial situation of States non-Members of the League forwarding Loan 1927, State (Tobacco monopoly) the rep. of the Cttee. of experts and requesting Trustee for observs. thereon before Jan. 31, 1929 and opinion as to whether discs, contained therein could Reps. Annual, by serve as basis of disc, for Conf. to be convened No. 1 (, 1927-, 1928) in 1929 C. 390. M. 125. 1928. II Ç C. L. 131 (a). 1928. II. O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1379 Regulations (draft) submitted April 1928 by the Disputes, International Cttee. of Legal Experts concerning Bills of Ex­ Pacific Settlement of change and Promissory notes Pact, signed Aug. 27, 1928 at Paris for the renun­ C. 175. M. 54. 1928. II * § ciation of war * C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann. Accession by Persia to Note dated Oct. 3, 1928 from the Persian Regulations (draft) submitted April 1928 by the Govt, to U.S.A. Govt, announcing its Cttee. of Legal Experts concerning cheques readiness to agree to C. 175. M. 54. 1928. II * § C. 544. M. 170. 1928. VII C. L. 131 (a). 1928, Ann.

Letter, Oct. 3, 1928 from Persian Govt. Rep. April 1928 by the Cttee. of Legal Experts forwarding copy of summarising the results of the work of its three sess. submitting two draft regulations and two C. 544. M. 170. 1928. VII draft Convs. proposing their communication to govts, for observs. and their subsequent modi­ Letter Aug. 4, 1928 from the British Govt, for­ fication and submission to an Int. Conf. 011 warding its notes of May 19 and July 18, 1928 to the U. S. A. Govt, and expressing opinion C. 175. M. 54. 1928. II * § that signature of such a Pact would not involve C. L. 131 (a). 1928,928, AmAnn. any inconsistency with the obligations of the Currency Covenant Counterfeiting of C. 380. M. 121. 1928 § Conf. O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1357 Convocation of Note May 19, 1928 from the British Govt, to Letter Oct. 8, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to U.S.A. Govt, expressing, after examination States non-Members of the League an­ of the draft * submitted by the latter’s note * nouncing probable postponement of the of April 13, 1928, and of the revised draft * Conf. from beginning of year until April submitted by the French Govt., its readiness 1929 to allow them to study the rep. of to support the movement for such a Pact Cttee. of Experts and promising to com and making various observations on those communicate definite decision later texts C. L. 174. TQ2S C. 380. M. 121. 1928 § O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1357 Conv. (draft) Oct. 1927 by the Mixed Cttee.

Note July 18, 1928 from the British Govt, to C. 523. M. 181. 1927. II**, Ann. U.S.A. Govt, accepting the revised draft * and Err.*** § annexed to the latter’s note of , 1928 * C. L. 174. 1928. II, Ann. O. J., IX , No. 2, p. 197, Ann. 1000 (a) C. 380. M. 121. 1928 § O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1359 Already dist. with C. L. 131. 1928. ' Already dist. with C. L. 181 and 181 (a) 1927 * Not reproduced. ' * Fr. téxt only. E conom ies and Finance (continued) Economics and Finance (continued) Currency (continued) Customs formalities (continued) Counterfeiting of (continued) Nomenclature, Unification of (continued) Letter Oct. 8, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to States Note, Sept. 28, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding non-Members of the League, forwarding the the draft framework * classification *, and rep. of Oct. 1927 of the Mixed Cttee., drawing explanatory notes * drawn up by the Sub- special attention to recomms. I-V contained Cttee. of Experts, announcing the Sub-Cttee’s therein and requesting observations thereon intention to prepare a model customs nomen­ as early as possible clature corresponding to its framework C. L. 174. 1928. II C. 523. M. 153. 1928. II

Recomms. Oct. 1927 by Mixed Cttee. for Rep. Oct. 1927 by Sub-Cttee. of Experts (2ndSess.) on its work towards 0 ,, C. 523. M. 181. 1927 * and Err. § ** C. 346. M. 108, 1928, p. 6* C. L. 174. 1928. II, Ann. O. J., IX , No. 2, p. 202, Ann. 1000 (a) and App. § Rep. by the Sub-Cttee. of Experts (4th Sess.) outlining the results of its fourth Itep. Oct. 1927 by the Mixed Cttee. summarising Sess. and submitting draft framework and the work of its meetings of June and Oct. 1927, draft classification of goods and chapters thereof submitting a draft Conv. explaining the arts, thereof C. 346. M. 103. 1928. II, p. 10 * and annexing its recomms. for the suppression of Statistics C. 523. M. 181. 1927. II * and Err. § ** Bulletin, Monthly, of C. L. 174. 1928. II, Ann. Numbers issued 1928 O. J., IX, No. 2, p. 187, Ann 1000 § Sept. Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Vol. IN. No. 9 Customs formalities Abolition of Export and Import Prohibitions and Conf. Nov. 1928, Geneva Restrictions Representation at Conv., Protocol and annexed Declaration signed Letter Sept. 29, 1926 from Sec.-Gen. to Member N ov. 8, 1928, Geneva, for (C. 559. M. 201. of the League and non-Members having 1927. II) accepted the Cl’s invitation to this Conf. Agrt., Supplementary', and annexed Protocol requesting to be informed as early as pos­ concluded July 11. 1928, to (C. 350 (x). M. sible of names of reprcs. thereat 106 (1). 1928. II) C. L. 168. 1928. 11 Signature by Bulgaria Letter Oct. t. 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to Members of Reservation made Aug. >8, 192S by the the League and non-Members which have Bulgarian Govt, at the time of not replied to the Cl's invitations of April 21, C. 526. M. 15b. 1928. II 1928 (C. L. 52. 1928) and of July 20, 1928 (C. L. 130. 1928. II) to this Conf. urging N ote Oct. I, 1928 b y Sec.-Gen. announc­ them to reply thereto and if they accept to ing this signature and quoting communicate the names of their repres.

C. 526. M. 156. 1928. II C. L. 168 (a). 1928. II

Certificates of origin Taxation, Double, and Fiscal Evasion Orgs. authorised to deliver such certificates in Conv., Bilateral, for the prevention of double taxation the following countries Text (draft) by the Cttee. of Techn. India Experts (C. 216. M. 85. 1927. II and Err.) Letter Oct. 25, 1928 from Sec .-Gen. to States Observs. of Govts. 011 signatory of Conv. of Nov. 3, 1923 notify­ See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE ing them of the inclusion by the Govt, Taxation, Double, etc. of India of certain specified Chambers Rep., Final, etc. of Commerce on list forwarded Oct. 25, Observs., etc. 1927 C. L. 181. 1928 II Conv., Bilateral, for the prevention of double taxa­ Nomenclature, Unification of tion in succession duties Framework (draft) June 1928 by Sub-Cttee. of Text (draft), April 1927 by the Cttee. of Techn. Experts (2nd Sess.) Experts, of (C. 216. M. 85. 1927. II and Err.) Observs. of Govts, on C. 346. M. 103. 1928. II ***, p. 13 See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Classification (draft) June 1928 by Sub-Cttee. Taxation Double, etc. of Experts (2nd Sess.) of goods in chapters of Rep., Final, etc. C. 346. M. 103. 1928. II, p. 17 *** Observs., etc. Conv. on Administrative assistance in matters of Notes, Explanatory, June 1928 by Sub-Cttee. taxation of Experts (2nd Sess.) of Text (draft) April 1927 by the Cttee. of Techn. C. 346. M. 103. 1928. II, p. 74 ** * Experts of (C. 216. M. 85. 1928. II and Err.) Observs. of Govts, on Introduction, Oct. 1928 by Secret, to draft See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE framework of Sub-Cttee. of Experts Taxation, Double, etc. C. 346. M. 103. 1928. II, p. 4 *** Rep., Final, etc. Observs., etc. e Already dist. with C. L. 181 and 1S1 ia, 1827. **, * only. P** text only — Engl, text h» he transmitted later, Fr, text only Engl. t#‘xt to be transmitted later. — 4 —

Economics and Finance (continued) Economies and Finance (continued) Taxation, Double, and Fiscal Evasion (continued) Taxation, Double, and Fiscal Evasion (continuedj Conv. on judicial assistance in the collection of Rep. (final) April 1927, etc. (continued) taxes Observs. of the following Orgs. Text (draft) April 1927 by the Cttee. of Techn. Chamber of Commerce, Int. * Experts, of (C. 216. M. 85. 1927. II and Err.) C. 495. M. 147. 1928, n Observs. of Govts, on See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Summary, Sept. 19, 1928 by the Sec.-Gen. Taxation, Double, etc. observs. received before August 30, IQ 28, orv Rep., Final, etc. Observs., etc. C. 495. M. 147. 1928. 11

Letter July 8, 1927 from Sec.-Gen. to Members Suggestions made 1927/1928 b y G ovts, in connection of the League and certain non-Members forwarding with the final rep. of the Cttee. of Experts and asking See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE for their observations thereon before the end of 1927 Taxation, etc. C. 495. M. 147. 1928. II, Ann. I Rep. Final, etc. C. L. 78. 1927. II § Observs., etc. R eplies to Govts, concerned See : ECONOMIC AND FINANCE Taxation, etc. Veterinary questions Rep. (Final), April 1927, etc. Letter Oct. 22, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to European Observs., of the following Govts. 011 Members of the League and Russia and Turkey forwarding a doc. containing the reps, and ques­ Rep., Final, April 1927 by Cttee of Experts (8tli tionnaires of the Sub-Cttee. of Experts and Sess.) outlining history of League’s work, sub­ requesting them to reply before Jan. 15, 1929 mitting four draft Con vs., detailed commentaires to the questiomiaire on the import and export thereon and proposals for future org. of League's of live animals and animal products and to give work on (C. 216. M. 85. 1927. II) their opinion on the principle recommended Note Sept. 19, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding regarding the org. of veterinary services and the summary of the Observs. received from Govts. publication of health bulletins on this rep. and announcing that certain C. L. 175. 1928. 11 other Govts, have promised later submission of their observs. on C. 495. M. 147. 1928. II Letter Oct. 22, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to nun- European Members of the League and five non- Rep. (final) April 1927, etc. Members forwarding a doc. containing the reps and questionnaires of the Sub-Cttee. of Experts Observs., of the following Govts, on and requesting them to reply before April r, 1929 Argentine * ** C. 495- M. 147- 1 9 2 8 . II to the questionnaire on the import and export of live animals and animal products and to give Austria * C. M. 1 9 2 8 . II 495- 147- their opinion on the principle recommended Chile * c. 495- M. H7- 1 9 2 8 . II regarding the org. of veterinary services and the publication of health bulletins Denm ark * c. 495- M. J47- 1928. II C. L. 175 (a), iy-itf. II Great Britain * c. 495- M. 147- 1928. 11

H aiti * ** c. 495- M. 147- 00 II Questionnaire, Feb. 1928 by Sub-Cttee. of Experts (1st Sess.) on Veterinary Control and Veterinary Hungary * c. 495- M. 147- 1928. II Health Reps. Iceland * *** c. 495- M. 147- 1928. II C. 525. M. 155. 1928. II, p. 4 ** India * c. 495- M. 147- 1928. II Questionnaire, June 1928, by the Sub-Cttee. of Irish Free State * c. M. 1928. II 495- !47- Experts (2nd Sess.) on the importation and expor­ Italy * c. 495- M. I47- 1928. II tation of live animals and animal products L atvia * c . M. 1928. II 495- T47- C. 525. M. 155. 1928. II, p. i) ** Luxemburg * c. 495- M. H7- 1928. II Rep. Feb. 1928 by7 Sub-Cttee. of Experts (1st Ses».! Netherlands * c. M. 1928. II 495 I47- annexing a questionnaire, requesting the Sec- New Zealand * c . 495- M. 147- 1928. II Gen. to obtain permission to submit it to various countries not represented on the Cttee., and Norw ay * c. 495- M. 147- 1928. II proposing to use the replies thereto as basis of it- Portugal * c. 495- M. x47- 1928. II future work C. 525. M. 155. 1928. II ** San Marino * c. 495 ■ M. 147- 1928 .11

South Africa * c.■ 495 ■, M. 147- 1928. II Rep. by the Economic Cttee. (24th Se»» outlining work of Sub-Cttee, of E x p e r ts Sweden * c 495 . M. r47 . 1928.. II Switzerland * c • 495 . M. 147.. 1928 . II C. 251. M. 78. 1928 H § C. 525. M. 155. 1928. H *; Venezuela * c . M . 1928 . II ■ 495 ■ 147 O. J., IX, No. 7, p. 1004, Ann. 103» >

* Summary only. ** To be found in Sec.-Gen's note of Sept. 1!I. 10l*k only, * Summary only. * * * Danish Govt’s reply ** Dist. with C. L, 175 and 175 (a). 1928. II. Economies and Finance (continued) Finances, League (continued) Veterinary questions (continued) Budget, Secret, and Spec. Orgs. Hep. June 1928 by Sub-Cttee. of Experts (2nd Sess.) n t h Fiscal Period (1929) giving, after examination of replies to its ques­ Estimates for tionnaire of Feb. 1928 its conclusions on the org. Text, May 10, 1928 of (A.4.1928.X) of veterinary services and publication of veterinary bulletins, announcing its adoption of the rules of Modifications adopted Sept. 1928 by the Int. Office and annexing a questionnaire to serve Supervisory Comm. (30th Sess.) to as basis of its future work C. 522. M. 152. 1928. X .

C. 525. M. 155. 1928. II * Rep. Sept. 1928 by the Supervisory Comm. (30th Sess.) on credits supplementing Kep. June 1928 by Economic Cttee. (25th Sess.) C. 522. M. 152. 1928. X requesting Cl. to authorise Sec.-Gen. to transmit Comm. Supervisory rep. of Sub-Cttee. of Experts to interested Govts., 30th Sess. Sept. 1928, Geneva with the. request that they state their opinion Rep. Sept. 1928 by on the conclusions thereof and give their replies C. 522. M. 152. 1928. X to the questionnaire of June 1928

357. M. xxi. h i. a 1928.yiu . I l l § 5Ï2S.25- M. 155.I ss. 1928.1028. Ill * H Health Organisation Rules laid down 1928 by the Int. Office for contagious Epidem ics diseases of Animals at Paris for the publication of Health Bulletins Rep., Epidemiological C. 525. M. 155. 1928, p. 7 * Numbers, monthly, issued 1928 Oct. 15 R. E. 119. (7th Year, No. to) Sub-Cttee. of Experts on 1st Sess. Jan.-Feb. 1928, Geneva Rep. Feb. 1928 of I See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Veterinary questions Intellectual Co-operation Rep. Feb. 1928, etc. Instruction of youth in aims of the League Letter Oct. 28, 1927 from Sec.-Gen. to Members 2nd Sess. June 1928, Geneva of the League quoting the resol. adopted Sept. 22, Rep. June 1928 of 1927 by Ass. and forwarding, the recomm. of Cttee. of Experts together with relevant rep. of See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE M. Destree, requesting information as to steps Veterinary questions which they might take to give effect thereto Rep. June 1928, etc. and annexing, for information, the rep. adopted Sept. 2, 1927 by Cl. and the rep. of Sept. 1927 of 2nd Cttee. (C. L. 146. 1927. XI) Replies from the following countries Bulgaria A. 30. 1928. XII § O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1410 Finland A. 30. 1928. XII § Estonia O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1410 Financial situation of Loan 1927, Stabilisation Netherlands, for Netherland Indies Trustee for A. 30. 1928. XII § Reps, annual, by O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 14x1 No. 1 (, 1927-June 30, 1928) Publications, Exchange of Conv. concluded , 1886 at Brussels regard­ C. 186. M. 60. 1928. II § ing int. exchange of Official Jonmals, Parliamentary O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1385 Annals and doc. (C. 732. M. 444. 1922) Protocol, Addit. allowing partial adhesion to Letter, Oct. 24, 1927 from the Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League quoting the resol. adopted Sept. 2, 1927 by the Cl. and accord­ ingly forwarding copy of the Belgian Govt’s Finances, League letter of May 2, 1927 with a request that they state whether they are prepared to conclude Budget, General a separate Conv. or, in the negative, what nth Fiscal Period (1929) steps they could take to facilitate the int. Estimates for exchange of publications (C. L. 140. 1927. XII) Text, M ay 10, 1928 (A. 4. 1928. X) Replies from the following country Modifications adopted Sept. 1928 by the Portugal O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1411 Supervisory Comm. (30th Sess.) to

C. 522. M. 152. 1928. X

Rep. Sept. 1928 by the Supervisory Comm. (30th Sess.) on credits supplementing Journal, Official Volumes issued 1928 C. 522. M. 152. 1928. X Sept. O. J., IX , No. 9

Hist, with C. !.. 175 and 175 (ai. VI2S. II. Cover, New O. J ., IX, No. 9 (cover) Minorities in Czechoslovakia Minority, Ruthenian Memo. Sept. 1928 by Czechoslovak Govt supplement­ ing that of Dec. 9, 1927 on action taken to fulfil Labour Organisation, International its obligations in Sub-Carpathian Russia under Conf., Int., of Chapter II of Treaty of St. Germain concerning the protection of minorities 7th Sess., May-, Geneva Convs. (draft) and recomms. adopted by (C. L. 88. C. 517. M. 151. 1928. i 1925, Ann.) Ratification by Austria of two of Note Oct. 15, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and Members of the Int. Lab. Org. announcing deposit of instrument of Opium, Traffic in C. L. 173. 1928. V Agrt. and Protocol concluded Feb. 11, 1925 at Geneva supplementing the Int. Opium Conv. of 1917 Ratification by Germany of two of (C. 82. M. 41. 1925. XI) Note Oct. i, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to Members Ratification by' Japan of of the League and Members of the Int. Letter Oct. 18, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to Members Lab. Org. announcing deposit of instru- of League not represented at the 1st Opium ,nent of C. L. 167. 1928. V Conf. announcing deposit of instrument of C. L. 1 76 (a). 1928. XI Ratification by Japan of two of Note Oct. 25, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of Letter Oct. 24, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to the eight the League and Members of the Int. States represented on the 1st Opium Conf. Lab. Org. announcing deposit of instm- announcing deposit of instrument of ment of C, L. 179. 1928. V C. L. 176. 1928. XI Board, Perm. Central 8th Sess., May-, Geneva Appointment of Conv. (draft) and recomm. adopted by (C. L. 89. Decision Sept. 26, 1928 by Cl. appointing the 1926, Ann. Sub-Cttee. referred to in the Canadian Repress Ratification by j apan of rep. of same date „ ,v . Note Oct. 25, 1928 by the Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ C. L. 172. 1928. IX, Ann. bers of League and the Int. Lab. Org. O. J., IX , No. 10, p. 1674, Min. 2299 § announcing this ratification, stating that Letter Oct. 1, 1928 from, U.S.A. Govt, regretting it does not apply to Chosen, Taiwan, its inability to accept Cl’s invitation to partici­ Karafuto, the Leased Territory of Kwan- pate in tung and the South Sea Islands under C. L. 182. 1928. X, Ann. Japanese mandate C. L. 178. 1928. V Note Oct. 26, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to Cl. and to Parties to and signatories of Conv. of Feb. 19, 1925, forwarding M C. L. 182. 1928. XI Mandates Letter, Oct. 6, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to States Parties to Geneva Conv. of 1925 notifying Comm. Perm., on them of the Cl's decision of Aug. 31, 1928 to 12th Sess., Oct.-Nov. 1927, Geneva appoint this Board at its Dec. Sess. and uf its Rep. Nov. 1927 of this Sess. containing its observs. decisions of Sept. 26, 1928 regarding the nomi­ on the annual reps. of Mandatory Powers on the nations as far as possible not later than Nov. administration of Western Samoa (1926-27), 1 j, and annexing the mins. of relevant meeting South Sea Islands (1926), Ruanda Urundi °f Cl. .. (1926), British Togoland (1926), British Came- C. L. 172. 1928. Nl roons (1926) and Iraq (1926), and on the pets, Min. Sept. 26, 1928 by Cl. regarding submitted to it (C. 564. 1927. VI) C. L. 172. 1928. XI, Ann. Observs., General, submitted in accordance with O. J., IX, No. 10, p. 1672, Min. 2299 § Cl’s resolution of , 1928 by the following mandatory Powers Rep. Sept. 1928 by the Canadian Repres. (M Great Britain C. 369. 1928. VI § Dandurand) subm itted Sept. 16, 1928 to the O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1364 Cl. inviting Members of Cl., Parties to i925 Conv. and the U.S.A. to subm it two nominations Convs., Spec. Int., Extension to mandated territories of at least a fortnight before Dec. Cl., deciding tn Letter Oct. 2, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to Members appoint a Sub-Cttee. of Cl. to select 16 person-- of the League quoting the resol. adopted Sept. 15, for these nominations w ith a view to appoint­ 1925 by the Cl. announcing that the Cl. on Sept. 1, m ent by Cl. with assistance of a person appoint­ 1928 expressed the hope that Members of the ed by U.S.A. in accordance with Cl’s decision League would take the action involved thereby of Aug. 31, 1928, of the eight Members of this and annexing the relevant rep. submitted to the Board „ . VI c Cl. on this date n T r o xrr C. 519. 1928. XI :> C. L. 169. 1928. VI C. L. 172. 1928. XI, Ann. Rep. Sept. 1928 by Netherlands Repres. (Beelaerts O. J., IX , No. 10, p. 1672. Min. 2299 van Blokland) adopted Sept. 1, 1928 by Cl. Amendment adopted Sept. 26, 1928 by the quoting the resols. adopted Sept. 15, 1925 by Cl. Cl. on the proposal of the British Repres and Sept., 22, 1925 by Ass. and reiterating the providing for submission of nominations a> recomms. made therein urging far as possible not later than Nov. 15, I92 C. 434. 1928$ C. L. 169. 1928. VI, Ann. C. L. 172. 1928. Ann. O. J., IX, No. i o , p. 1448, Min. 2245 § O. J., IX, No. 10, p. 1674, Min. 2299s Opium, Traffic in (continued) Control over the following substance Benzovlmorphine and other esters of morphine Letter Sept. 24, 1928 from the British Govt, P forwarding copies * of an Order of Cl. of Aug. 14, 1928 and provisional Rules extending to these substances the control exercised under Permanent Court of International Justice Geneva Conv. Adv. opinions given by C. 532. M. 159. 1928. X I Adv. Opinion No. 14 See : TRANSIT AND COMMUNICATIONS Navigation, Inland Dihydro-oxycodeine and Dihycodeine Danube Letter Sept 24, 1928 from British Govt, forwarding Comm., European copies * of Order of Cl. of Aug. 14, 1928 and Competence Provisional Rules extending to these substances the control exercised under Geneva Conv. Judgments given by C. 532. M 159. 1928. X I Judgment No. 13 See : UPPER SILESIA Application, etc. Conv. and Protocol concluded Feb. 19, 1925 at Geneva (C. 88 (1). M. 44 (1). 1925. XI) Judgm ent No. 13, etc. Accession by Italy of Letter Sept. 12, 1928 from the Italian Govt, Orders given In- announcing this accession subject to ratification Order Sept. 13, 1928 at a later date See : UPPER SILESIA C. 411 (a). M. 130 (a). 1928. X I Application, etc. Order, Sept. 13, 1928, etc.

Ratification by Japan Statute of (C.P.J.I., Series D, No. 1) Letter Oct. 24, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to Members Protocol of signature of (C.P.J.I., Series D, No. 1) of the League and non-Members announcing deposit of instrument of Clause, Optional, annexed to (C.P.J I., Series D, N o. 1) C. L. 177. 1928. X I Signature by Hungary of

Import and export of drugs Declaration made Sept. 14, 1928 b\^ the Hungarian Govt, at time of Certificates, Importation Departments authorised to issue C. L. 166. 1928. V List April 1, 1927 by Sec.-Gen. replacing that issued Sept. 1, 1925 (C. L. 92. M. 69. Note Oct. 1, 1928 by the Sec.-Gen. announ­ 1927. XI) cing this signature and quoting Modifications requested by following countries to C. L. 166. 1928. V

Great Britain C. 550. M. 162. 1928. XI Signature by Spain Declaration made Sept. 21, 1928 by the India C. 552. M. 173. 1928. X I Spanish Govt, at the time of

C. L. 171. 1928. V Laws and Regulations on Application in the following countries of Note Oct. 4, 1928 by the Sec.-Gen. announ­ U.S.A. cing this signature and quoting Return, July 1, 1928 by the U.S.A. Govt, showing application of narcotic laws during C. L. 171. 1928. V first half of 1928 Publications, Obscene, Traffic in C. 542. M. 169. 1928. X I Conv., Int., concluded Sept. 12, 1923 at Geneva, for the suppression of (C. 202. M. 64. 1924) Seizures of drugs Ratification by Luxemburg of Seizures in the following territories R eservation made Aug. 10, 1927 by the Luxemburg U.S.A. Govt, at the time of (C. L. 105. 1927) Reps (8) July 25, 27 and Aug. 2, 1928 by the Observs. of the following countrv U.S.A. forwarded by the Netherlands Govt, E gypt giving particulars of seizures effected July 25-, Note Sept. 29, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to States 1928, Aug. 8, 1927, Sept. 30, 1927, July 28, having adhered or signed this Conv. 1927, Feb. 28, 1928, Aug. 2, 1928 and March announcing that, according to a com­ 27, 1928 in munication of Sept. 5, 1928 the Egyptian C. 531. M. 158. 1928. XI Govt, sees no objection to the reservation of the Luxemburg Govt.

*»t reproduced. C. L. 165. 1928. IV RT

Refugees Extension, to other categories of refugees of measures Transit and Communications taken for Russian and Armenian refugees Navigation, Inland Letter , 19-28 from the High Commissioner Danube of the French Republic for Syria, Lebanon, Comm., European Alaouites and the Jebel-Druze to French Govt, Competence of giving his opinion on the definition of the term " Assyro-Chaldean ” Adv. Opinion (No. 14) Dec. 8, 1927 by the O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1408 Perm. Court of Int. Justice on the three questions formulated in the Agrt. of Sept. 18, 1926 concerning the competence Letter , 1928 from the High Commissioner of this Comm, between Galatz and Braila to the French Govt, requesting it to say whether together with the observs. of Mr. Nyholm it is prepared to agree to * and Mr. Moore and the dissenting opinion Letter , 1928 from the French Govt, to of M. Negulesco (C.P.J.I., Series B, No. 14) the High Commissioner stating that it has no Acts and documents, being memorials, objection to such extension and annexing the replies, notes, etc. concerning questions letter June 6, 1928 from the High Commissioner examined in of French Republic for the States of Syria, the Lebanon, the Alaouites and the Jebel- C.P.J.I., Series C, No. 13, Vol. IV Druze (IV) * O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1408 N ote Oct. 12, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. forward­ ing Settlement in Armenia of C. 534. M. i6 r. 1928. V Letter Oct. 31, 1927 from the Sec.-Gen. to States Members forwarding copy of the min. of the Cl. Law, Private, in meeting of Sept. 22, 1927 on this question, copy Cttee. on of the speech delivered Sept. 26, 1927 by Dr. 4th Sess., June 1928, Vienna Nansen to the Ass., calling attention to the appeal for contributions contained therein and requesting Questionnaires on competence of Courts in reply thereto before March r, 1928 (C. L. 150. matters of collisions drawn up by 1927. IV) See : T R A N SIT A N D COMMUNICATIONS Replies by following countries Navigation, Inland Australia O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1408 Law, Private in Competence, etc.

Questionnaire on liability for damage caused by collisions drawn up by s See : T R A N SIT A N D COMMUNICATIONS Navigation, Inland Law, Private in Slavery Liability for damage, etc. Suppression in the following territories of British Colonies, Protectorates, protected States Competence of Courts in matters of collisions and Territories under British Mandate Questionnaire June 1928 by Cttee. on Private Memo. , by British Govt, on measures Law in Inland Navigation (4th Sess.) taken in such territories to give effect to Slavery- Con v. C. L. 180. 1928. VIII A. 24. 1928 VI § Letter, Oct. 26, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to O. J., IX , N o. 9, p. 1365 European Members of the League and the Soviet Govt, forwarding th e ques­ Letter, July 30, 1928 from British Govt, tionnaire and requesting replies thereto forwarding before Jan. 1, 1929 A. 24. 1928. VI § O. J., IX , N o. 9, p. 1365 C. L. 180. 1928. VIII

Memo. Aug. 1928 by Indian Gov't, on measures Liability for damage caused by collisions taken to abolish slavery in Burma Questionnaire June 1928, by Cttee. on Private Law in Inland N avigation (4th Sess.! A. 24 (a). 1928 § C. L. 180. 1928. VIII O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1366

Letter, Oct. 26, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. n’ Note Aug. 1928 by Sec.-Gen. enlisting the laws European Members of the League and and regulations forwarded by British Govt, the Soviet Govt, forwarding the qlIC' together with its letter of July 30, 1928 con­ tionnaire and requesting replies theieti cerning slavery in before Jan. 1, 1929 A. 24. 1928. VI, App. § O. T., IX , No. 9, p. 1366 C. L. 180. 1928. x 111

• Not reproduced. * Containing an index. Transit and Communications (continued) Treaties, Conventions and Engagements, International Passports, identity papers and transit cards (continued) Persons without nationality, identity papers and Texts of engagements registered with the League travelling docs during the following period Letter May 9, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to Members Jan. 6, 1926-, 1927 of the League with exception of Great Britain (Treaties Nos. 1047-1412) and Italy, which have already given information Err. Oct. 1928 on action taken on the recom. of 3rd General Conf., and to States non-Members represented Treaty Series, Vol. L X IX , p. 433 * on this Conf. asking them, at the request of Adv. and Techn. Cttee. (12th Sess.) to forward, Dec. 10, 1927-Jan. 12, 1928 before Nov. 1, 1928, information as to action (Treaties Nos. 1596-1621) taken on the recomm. of this Conf. for issue Treaty Series, Vol. LXIX, No. 1, 2, 3 and 4** of (C. L. 66. 1928. V III) Replies from the following countries Jan. 12, 1928-Feb. 21, 1928 Japan O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1417 (Treaties Nos. 1622-1650) South Africa O. J., IX , N o 9, p 1415 Treaty Series, Vol. L X X . N os. 1, 2, 3 and 4 U S.A. O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1415

Recommendations adopted by Passports u Conf. (C. 423. M. 156. 1926, p. 164, Ann. 19) Letter April 20, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to Upper Silesia Members of the League and Costa Rica, asking, Application of Art. 2 and 5 of the Polish Law of at the request of the Adv. and Techn. Cttee. July 14, 1920 and Art. 6 of Geneva Conv. with before Oct. 1, 1928 information of the action regard to certain German interests in Polish Upper taken on (C. L. 65. 1928. VIII) Silesia Replies from following countries Judgment (No. 13) given Sept. 13, 1928 by the Perm. Great Britain O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1414 Court of Int. Justice to effect that Polish Govt, is under obligation to pay compensation to be Portugal O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1414 fixed as a lump sum to German Govt, as repara­ South Africa O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1414 tion for damage sustained by Oberschlesiche Stickstoffwerke and Bayerische Stickstoffwerke Cos. dismissing relevant pleas and submissions Railways of German and Polish Govts., with exception of Regime, Int. of former’s submissions as to right of Polish Govt, Conv. and Statute concluded Dec. 9, 1923, Geneva, to set off against this indemnity its claim con­ on (C. 685. M. 245. 1924) cerning social insurances, on which it judges Accession by Abyssinia that no decision is called for, and reserving for Note Oct. 9, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. to Members future judgment the fixing of the amount of of the League and States represented at compensation and the conditions and methods the 2nd Transit Conf. or invited to adhere of payment not decided by this judgment, together to this Conv. announcing deposit of with observations of MM. Babel and Nyholm instrument of and dissenting opinions of Lord Finlay and C. L. 170. 1928. VIII Mr. Ehrlich C. P. J. I. Series A., No. 17

Station, Radio-Telegraphic of the L. of N. Note Oct. 3, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding Rep. July 8, 1928 by the Cttee. of Experts on ques­ tions of Telegraphic operations expressing the C. 527. M. 157. 1928. V opinion that the creation of a station permanently owned by the League or of one coming under the Order given Sept. 13, 1928 by Perm. Court of Int. League’s exclusive authority only at times of Justice deciding that an expert enquiry shall emergency is conceivable and practicable and be held to enable it to fix amount of indemnity giving all information calculated to make a to be paid under Judgment No. 13 and laying final decision as to the choice possible down arrangements for this enquiry C. P. J. I. Series A, No. 17 A. 23. 1928. VIII § O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1372 Note, Oct. 3, 1928 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding C. 527. M. 157. 1928 Rep., supplementary, Aug. 1928 by the Adv. and Techn. Cttee. submitting to the Ass. the rep. of its Cttee. of Experts on A. 23. 1928. VIII § w O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1369 Work of the League Treaties, Conventions and Engagements, International Summary, Monthly of Lists, Monthly, issued 1928 of engagements and of Numbers summarising work of the League during adhesions, ratifications, denunciations, etc., regis­ 1928 tered by the League Sept. Sept. Monthly Summary, Vol. VIII, No. 9 (Treaties, Nos. 1838-1848) * Omitted from Aug. Subject List. Registration of Treaties, List No. 84 ** Wrongly indexed in Aug. Subject List.