Article Transcription Factor IRF4 Promotes CD8+ T Cell Exhaustion and Limits the Development of Memory- like T Cells during Chronic Infection Graphical Abstract Authors Kevin Man, Sarah S. Gabriel, Yang Liao, ..., Mark A. Febbraio, Wei Shi, Axel Kallies Correspondence
[email protected] In Brief During chronic stimulation, CD8+ T cells acquire an exhausted phenotype characterized by expression of inhibitory receptors, loss of effector function, and metabolic impairments. Man et al. have identified a transcriptional module consisting of the TCR-induced transcription factors IRF4, BATF, and NFATc1 that drives T cell exhaustion and impairs memory T cell development. Highlights d High IRF4 mediates T cell exhaustion including expression of inhibitory receptors d TCR-responsive transcription factors IRF4, BATF, and NFAT form a transcriptional circuit d Low IRF4 reduces T cell exhaustion and promotes formation of TCF1+ memory-like T cells Man et al., 2017, Immunity 47, 1129–1141 December 19, 2017 Crown Copyright ª 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc. Immunity Article Transcription Factor IRF4 Promotes CD8+ TCell Exhaustion and Limits the Development of Memory-like T Cells during Chronic Infection Kevin Man,1,2,10,11 Sarah S. Gabriel,1,8,9,10 Yang Liao,1,2 Renee Gloury,1,8,9 Simon Preston,1,2 Darren C. Henstridge,3 Marc Pellegrini,1,2 Dietmar Zehn,4 Friederike Berberich-Siebelt,5,6 Mark A. Febbraio,7 Wei Shi,1,2 and Axel Kallies1,8,9,12,* 1The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, 1G Royal