Rockland Gazette
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S h gnrtanir PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY ■Having every laclllty, In Preuef, Type anil other material, and the experience of many years in the WORTMAN & PORTER, business, we are prepared to execute, IN su per io r s t y l e , and with d e s p a t c h , every description of Job Ollice, No. 5 Custom-House Block. W ork, such as ' Catalogues, By-Laws, Town Reports, T E H M ® s Ii paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2,00 Circulars, Bill-Heads, Blanks, 11 paym ent is delayed 6 months 2,25 ll not paid till the’close oi the year, 2,50 CARDS, PROGRAMMES, LABEL8 [nr No paper will be discontinued until ALL Alt azrifc LEAKAGES are paid, unless at the option or the pub Hand Billa, Shop Bills, Poolers, Ac. lishers. XT* Single copies five cents—lo r sale a t the office ’’articular attention paid to and at the bookstores. ’ N T I N CI IN C.O L O R S O ' All letters aud communications must be ad- P R x . ’’ublishera. VOL. 26. ROCKLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1871. '•OKZING, fce. JOHN B. PO R TER . NO. 4 -■ —— Liny- side of his mellon till it’s too late ; but was bound for Arizona; twenty-eight I ternal wounds that could not be stanch- stars.’ Miry, she jest walked oft' home, great thick letters every week. Wal, I NAPOLEON I. ON Ti^. Valuable Improvements in Plates that’s tiie way with us a ll; and knockin’ wagons, four amh'lances, and two com- j e£L was waitin on Hepsey along about panics of cavalry—a right smart line of ‘Ho was an awful fighter.’ said the Doc and said nothin’ to nobody,—it wasn’t ITP OF CHRIST. FOR ARTIFICIAL TEETH. about in the world just pulls the husks her way to talk much about things ; if them times and so Miry and I kind ol oil' the cob and shows ye what’s what, us. It ain't very interestin', goiu' over tor. ‘and he has done nothing but follow STRAIGHT FLEXIBLE EDGE THE LITTLK ORATOR. the scouts.’ it hadn’t been for ‘Tons Beason himself sympathised. Hepsy was a pretty gal, Dr. Bogue, the author of a valuable ilowsomedever, seein’ as how I was the Plains; nothin' but sage-brush aud essay on tho ‘Divine Authority of the ATMOSPHERIC PLATE. Pray, how should I, a little lad, ‘Doctor,’ said I, ‘I know that man.’— nobody need ‘a’ known nothin’ about and I thought it was all best as twas, hankerin’ to go away, and as 'Nelia jackass rabbits, and deer, and such ver And as he watched, I told his story. auy way I knew I couldn't get Miry , New iestament,’ in which he meets the PATENTED NOVEMBER, 23d. 1809. In speaking, make a figure? Pritchard had married that city chap, min. And the deserts where he had to it. Tom was a little fellow, you see, H pDb’,hn °,bjl!Ctlons wflKh infidels are in You’re only joking I’m afraid— We sat there several hours, and at last and ‘mazin’ good natured, and one of and I could get Hepsy, and that made The attention of the public is called to the follow and as the old man said I shouldn’t go, drag along,hub-deep in the sand, water the struggle came. The dying man rais ‘ ur=lI,= “Shinst the Christian ing fa c ts: Do wait till I am bigger. the sort that couldn’t keep nothin’ to all the difference m the world. Atmospheric pressure is obtained only on a plate I was more detenninder than ever.— forty miles apart, ami no grass, nor ing himself on the pallet, looked fixedly ',ni,!’,;nU’i Se-nt “ UI his' work to Na- himself, and so he let the cat out of 'W al, that next winter old Black polton during bis residence at St. Uel«- that is adapted to the mouth. But since you wish to hear my part, There was a circus coming along to our nothin'—in some o' them nights I used at the ceiling, and in a hoarse voice, A plate that tits a perfect cast or model ot the said: the hag himself. Wall, there didn’t IIoss was took down with rheumatism, mouth, as drawn from the impression, is rarely Aud urge me to begin it. town, and me ami the other boys was to wish to get home agin. But Canvas The Emperor read the book with in adap ‘ • ■outh. I’ll strive for praise with all my heart, ‘There’s a show—a Canvas—’ and he nobody think the worse o’ Miry. When aud I tell you if Miry didn’t have a ordinarily tin model trimmed about the edges to kinder handy—helpin’ water the horses ami me was going to git gold, and go fell back, dead. time on't! He wa'nt noways sweet-tem terest and pleasure; and if it did not al i ol the plate. W hen the Though small the hope to win it. and doin’ chores for the men—aud we back rich and see the old folks—but fellers find a gal won’t take sauce from together persuade him to aqlfnowlcdge gums Dot o f ’lie" mouth are Hat, this is entirely I looked, afterward, in his belt, and no man they kind o’ respect her, and pered when he was well; but come to got into the show. It was the fust time i which it can never he. Canvas and me Jesus Christ as his Saviour, i t |e t power __ ..railing, and where the mouth is well formed, tin I’ll tell you a tale how farmer John, found two knives, aud in each of the han then fellers think ef it had been them, be crooked up with the rhetimatis and uselul eflect ol triuuuiug is realized hut lor a short A little roan colt bred sir, I ever see a circus, and the band, and i done the best we could. We didn't see dles there were seventeen holes. These fully contributed to dissipate lis doubts time, as the mouth yields to the constant and rigid now things’d ’a’ been different, Thrt’s keep awake nights, it seemed as if he and to produce a certain degrK ot con pressure of the hard plate, aud however the edges of And every night and every morn Hie riders and the beautiful woman on a many Injuns fustaloug ; oust in a while keepsakes I begged, and have them to jest what Jim Moss and Ike Bacon said ; was determined there shouldn't nobody viction. Alter tiro death ot Naputeou, the plate may be constructed ol HARD RUBBER He water’d aud he fed, sir. calico horse, was loo much for me, par- a few would hang arouiid behind us, or this day,—Overland Monthly. the mouth soon conforms to it, aud a firm adhesion have no peace so long as he couid'nt. t h a same espy became the property of is not secured. they said, why, Tom Beacon was a fool Said neighbor Joe to farmer John, tickly after 1 was let in to the Livin’ we would see one or two skurrying up He’d get Miry up and down with him an officer, who had given lessons m Eng Tin Patent FLEXIBLE EDGE operates as a Skeleton and the Eat Lady. So I made a canon. After we got we'.t away from ■MISS” ELDEIIKIN’S PITCH not to know better how to get along ling the plate, and •Aren’t you a silly dolt, sir, with Miry,—they never had no trouble. uight after night a makin’ her heat flan lish to the family oi some ot the Emper- perfect adhesion g the in- up my mind to run olf with this show, the settlements they tried to stampede ER. nels and vinegar, and then he’d jaw and oi s lnend- Un the return ot his regi gress of air under tin* plate: the mo t rem arkable To spend such time and care upon The fun of it was, that Tom Beacon feature oi this invention is,—that an iitempt to re A little useless colt, sir?’ and I marched up to the boss and asked1 ti i e cattle; but we was prepaid for scold so that she was enuymost beat out. ment to England, this officer presented move the plate, even from the flattest mount, in the him if lie would take me. ‘What can them, and they didn't get but a few. It one of mrs. stowe’s fireside stories. himself was more crazy after her than lie wouldn’t have nobody set up with the volume to Dr. Bo ue, who received -cases the adhesion in proportion Said farmer John to neighbor Joe, lie was alone, and they say he made it to the force" exerted, by drawing tlib flexible edge you dor’ says lie. 'Anythin,’ says I; wasn't pleasant for a man to be thiirr. him, though there was offers made. No, \yltn deep emotion, regarding it as a closer to the mouth as the vacum increases. This is ‘I’ll bring my little roan up, visible token of the favor which’uud bad •mostly drive.’ ‘Well,’says lie,-I want ing of Injuns all the time, and many a ‘Ye see boys,’ said Sam Lawson, as Miry a right up and down offer, aud he said Miry was his daughter, aud ’twas not tin- only result, ac toed is euliri ly excluded and Not for the good he now can do, Miry, she jest wouldn’t have him.