CREATe Working Paper 2016/05 (May 2016) Blockchain or the Chaingang? Challenges, opportunities and hype: the music industry and blockchain technologies Author Jeremy Silver, PhD CREATe Industry Fellow
[email protected] CREATe Working Paper Series DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.51326. This release was supported by the RCUK funded Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy (CREATe), AHRC Grant Number AH/K000179/1. Preface and acknowledgements The author gratefully acknowledges the award of a CREATe Industrial Fellowship, which has supported the research for this paper. The opportunity afforded by CREATe and the University of Glasgow to spend some time digging deeper into the topic of blockchain and music is one that I value greatly. This discussion paper is in large part thanks to the vision of the CREATe folk to encourage industry people to take a longer, deeper view of a topic than our daily business normally allows It has been an invaluable experience. As part of my research, I interviewed a wide range of individuals from technology visionaries, to heads of collective rights management organisations (collecting societies) to recording artists, to music managers and label chiefs. The blockchain is not a static technology, it is a set of protocols that continue to evolve rapidly. Invevitably, whatever detail I set out here will date rapidly, but I hope that the broad scope of what I’ve described will remain relevant for some time in theoretical, strategic and policy terms. It will be interesting to see if or when some of the visions set out here and the possibilities described within them, see the light of day.