(Claim/Business Credit Card Reason for Expense (Details

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(Claim/Business Credit Card Reason for Expense (Details Nov-13 Type Category of Travel Travel from/to (Own car Total miles claimed (less Date (Claim/Business Reason for Expense (Details of meetings) Cost (£) (Train/own car) travel) home to business miles) Credit Card 1. Salfords Custody Suite Opening - Salfords 01/11/2013 Claim 2. Visit to Surrey Sussex Fingerprint Bureau - Own car Home/Salfords/Brighton/Home 60 27.00 Brighton Lunch for PCC and APCC Mirza inbetween 01/11/2013 Claim 9.00 meetings listed above 02/11/2013 Claim Epsom and Ewell Crime Summit - Ewell Own car Home/Ewell/Home 10 4.50 1. Road Safety Photograh for Surrey Advertiser - Farncombe 2. Youth Shout Event - Guildford Home/Farncombe/Guildford/ 12/11/2013 Claim Own car 19 8.55 3. Interview with BBC - HQ HQ/Kingston/Home 4. Meeting with Leader and Chief Exec of SCC - Kingston 13/11/2013 Claim Youth Shout Event - Epsom Own car Home/Epsom/HQ 9 4.05 Parking at Surbiton Railway Station - PCC One 14/11/2013 Business Credit Card Year Event/Victims Working Group Meeting - Parking 9.70 London Train Travel - PCC One Year Event/Victims 14/11/2013 Business Credit Card 2nd Class 16.40 Working Group - London Visit to Community Payback Scheme Project - 17/11/2013 Claim Own car Home/Staines/Home 22 9.90 Staines 1. Meeting with Leader and Chief Exec of Surrey Home/Camberley/Dorking/ 18/11/2013 Claim Heath BC - Camberley Own car 18 8.10 Home 2. PCC Webcast Management Meeting - Dorking Train Travel - Dinner with Lord Wasserman and 18/11/2013 Business Credit Card 2nd Class 12.40 Richard Monk - London Parking at Surbiton Railway Station - Meeting with 19/11/2013 Business Credit Card BBC News reporter - London (Meeting cancelled Parking 9.70 but parking already paid for) Train Travel - Meeting with BBC News reporter - 19/11/2013 Business Credit Card London (Meeting cancelled but ticket already paid 2nd Class 8.90 for) 1. Meeting with Runnymede Leader and Chief Exec - Addlestone Home/Addlestone/Surbiton/ 26/11/2013 Claim 2. Surbiton (Train to meeting in London) Own car 30 13.50 Camberley 3. Surrey Heath Neighbourhood Watch Meeting - Camberley Parking at Surbiton Railway Station - National 26/11/2013 Business Credit Card Police Protective Services Board Meeting - Parking 5.20 London Train Travel - National Police Protective Services 26/11/2013 Business Credit Card 2nd Class 8.90 Board Meeting - London Parking at Surbiton Railway Station - meeting with 27/11/2013 Business Credit Card Parking 9.70 crime reporters - London Train Travel - Meeting with crime reporters - 27/11/2013 Business Credit Card 2nd Class 16.40 London Parking at Surbiton Railway Station - Victims 28/11/2013 Business Credit Card Parking 5.20 Working Group - London 28/11/2013 Business Credit Card Train Travel - Victims Working Group - London 2nd Class 8.90 Please note that the PCC's Office always considers best value for money when arranging travel, accommodation and other expenses Oct-13 Type Category of Travel (Train/own Travel from/to (Own car Total miles claimed (less Date (Claim/Business Reason for Expense (Details of meetings) Cost (£) car) travel) home to business miles) Credit Card 18/09/2013 Claim Car Park Ticket - Reigate and Banstead 1.00 Community Safety Partnership Meeting - Reigate Car Park Ticket - PCC Management 18/09/2013 Claim Meeting/Public Transformation Workshop - 8.40 Kingston Liverpool City 19/09/2013 Claim Taxi - APCC Victims' Commissioning Event - Centre/Merseyside Police 5.20 Liverpool HQ Taxi - APCC Victims' Commissioning Event - Merseyside Police 19/09/2013 Claim 5.00 Liverpool HQ/Railway Station Refreshment - train journey from Liverpool to 19/09/2013 Claim 1.50 London Advance train ticket for College of Policing Event 03/10/2013 Business Credit Card 81.80 on 16/10/13 - Ryton Presentation to Reigate and Banstead Borough 10/10/2013 Claim Own car HQ/Reigate/Home 16 7.20 Council - Reigate Parking at Surbiton Railway Station for: 14/10/2013 Business Credit Card 1. Value for Money Gold Group Meeting - London 5.20 2. All Party Parliamentary Group for Policing - London Train travel for: 14/10/2013 Business Credit Card 1. Value for Money Gold Group Meeting - London Train - 2nd Class 8.90 2. All Party Parliamentary Group for Policing - London 15/10/2013 Claim Visit to Salfords Custody Suite - Salfords Own car Home/Salfords/HQ 24 10.80 Parking at Claygate Railway Station for College 16/10/2013 Business Credit Card 9.70 of Policing Event - Ryton Train Travel for College of Policing Event - Ryton 16/10/2013 Business Credit Card (additional ticket purhcased as different route Train - 2nd Class 29.00 taken to advance ticket in error) Breakfast prior to travel to College of Policing 16/10/2013 Business Credit Card 5.99 Event - Ryton Coventry Railway 16/10/2013 Claim Taxi 14.00 Taxi - College of Policing Event - Ryton Station/Ryton Ryton/Coventry Railway 16/10/2013 Claim Taxi 13.00 Taxi - College of Policing Event - Ryton Station Taxi - Television Interviews with ITV/Channel 5 16/10/2013 Claim Taxi 11.00 re: Savile investigation - London 1. Visit to Surrey Special Olympic Athletes - Epsom HQ/Epsom/Stoke 17/10/2013 Claim Own car 15 6.75 2. Presentation to Stoke D'Abernon Resident's D'Abernon/Home Association 22/10/2013 Claim 1. Surrey Heath Business Breakfast - Camberley Own car Home/Camberley/Albury/HQ 28 12.60 2. Visit to GASP Motor Project - Albury Train travel for Police Negotiating Board Meeting - 23/10/2013 Business Credit Card Train - 2nd Class 15.40 London Parking at Surbiton Railway Station for Police 24/10/2013 Business Credit Card 5.20 Negotiating Board Meeting - London Train travel for Police Negotiating Board Meeting - 24/10/2013 Business Credit Card Train - 2nd Class 8.90 London Parking at Surbiton Railway Station for visit to 25/10/2013 Business Credit Card London Borough of Newham re: Enforcement 9.70 Project - London Train travel for visit to London Borough of 25/10/2013 Business Credit Card Train - 2nd Class 16.40 Newham re: Enforcement Project - London Parking at Surbiton Railway Station for meeting 30/10/2013 Business Credit Card 5.20 with The Evening Standard - London Train travel for meeting with The Evening 30/10/2013 Business Credit Card Train - 2nd Class 8.90 Standard - London Presentation to Rotary Club of Walton-on- Home/Walton-on- 31/10/2013 Claim Own car 0 4.50 Thames Thames/Home Please note that the PCC's Office always considers best value for money when arranging travel, accommodation and other expenses Sep-13 Total miles Type Category of Travel Travel from/to (Own car claimed (less Date (Claim/Business Reason for Expense (Details of meetings) Cost (£) (Train/own car) travel) home to Credit Card business miles) PCC gave talk to Leatherhead Residents' Association - 02/09/2013 Claim Own car HQ/Leatherhead/Home 7 3.15 Leatherhead 03/09/2013 Claim Presentation to Woking Taxi Drivers - Woking Own car HQ/Woking/Home 2 0.90 1. Meeting with Surrey County Council Chairman - Kingston 2. PCC gave a talk to the Godalming and Farncombe Home/Kingston/Godalming/ 05/09/2013 Claim Conservative Lunch Club - Godalming Own car 19 8.55 East Molesey/Home 3. Catch up Meeting with Deputy and Assistant PCCs - East Molesey Parking at Surbiton Railway Station re: Visit to London 09/09/2013 Business Credit Card 9.70 Borough of Newham re: enforcement project Train - 2nd Class (for 09/09/2013 Business Credit Card 6.60 Visit to London Borough of Newham re: enforcement project Assistant PCC Shiraz Mirza) 09/09/2013 Business Credit Card Visit to London Borough of Newham re: enforcement project Train - 2nd Class 16.40 Lunch for OPCC colleagues re: visit to London Borough of 09/09/2013 Claim 14.40 Newham re: enforcement project Parking at Claygate Railway Station re: Guest speaker at 12/09/2013 Business Credit Card National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) 7.20 Conference - York Train Travel - Guest Speaker at National Association of 12/09/2013 Business Credit Card Train - 2nd Class 41.50 Retired Police Officers (NARPO) Conference - York 12/09/2013 Business Credit Card Lunch whilst travelling to York re: NARPO Conference 12.65 Taxi from York Railway Station to city centre hotel re: NARPO 12/09/2013 Claim Taxi 5.50 Conference Taxi from York Racecourse to York Railway Station re: 13/09/2013 Claim Taxi 6.00 NARPO Conference 13/09/2013 Business Credit Card Train Travel from York to home re: NARPO Conference Train - 2nd Class 29.50 16/09/2013 Business Credit Card 2.20 Parking at Claygate Railway Station re: PCC Meeting - London 16/09/2013 Business Credit Card Train Travel re: PCC Meeting - London Train - 2nd Class 12.40 1. Epsom and Ewell Community Safety Partnership Meeting - 17/09/2013 Claim Epsom Own car HQ/Epsom/Cobham/Home 17 7.65 2. Surrey Youth Focus AGM - Cobham Parking at Surbiton Railway Station re: Association of Police 18/09/2013 Business Credit Card 14.70 and Crime Commissioners Conference - Liverpool Train Travel to Association of Police and Crime 18/09/2013 Business Credit Card Train - 2nd Class 149.50 Commissioners Conference - Liverpool 18/09/2013 Business Credit Card Dinner whilst travelling to Liverpool 7.39 18/09/2013 Business Credit Card Hotel stay in Liverpool City Centre 71.00 19/09/2013 Business Credit Card Train Travel from Liverpool to home Train - 2nd Class 39.00 Please note that the PCC's Office always considers best value for money when arranging travel, accommodation and other expenses Aug-13 Type Category of Travel Total miles claimed (less Value for Date (Claim/Business Reason for Expense (Details of meetings) Cost (£) (Train/own car) home to business miles) Money Credit Card 06/08/2013 Claim Presentation to Staines and District Probus Club - Staines Own car 10 4.50 07/08/2013 Claim Own car 14 6.30 Royal Military Academy Commandant's Parade - Camberley 22/08/2013 Claim Visit to Staines PPO Unit - Staines Own car 16 7.20 Parking at Claygate Railway Station (see row below for meeting 27/08/2013 Business Credit Card Parking 5.20 details) 27/08/2013 Business Credit Card 1.
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