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Ks5101-20080212.Pdf (11.13Mb) www.ksusentinel.com TUESDAY The Feb. 12, 2008 VOLUME 43 ISSUE 16 ENTINEL OF KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY SS SERVING SINCE 1966 Housing Professors to take petition to rates increase legislature over low funding Talking Points CASEY CHILDERS JORDAN WARD Re: Petition STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER “KSU is a stepchild in that r. Christine Ziegler, Proposed by: it has been overlooked Students living on campus Friends of Kennesaw State University, Inc. professor of psy- for the 2008-2009 school year and treated as second chology, and Dr. will experience an increase in 1) Kennesaw State University has become the step child of the Georgia State rate. We have, to be Mel Fein, profes- housing rates beginning this University System. blunt, been treated unjustly; sor of sociology, are working on a petition to take fall. 2) Having grown from a small two year institution to the third largest university much like Cinderella.” The University Village in the Georgia system in a scant forty years, KSU is now facing a “crisis of Dbefore the state legislature re- Suites will be housing tradi- success.” garding KSU’s low level of tional freshmen. The Suites 3) Because the funds needed to support KSU have not grown in proportion to the funding. Their argument is that the will include private bedrooms, school’s needs, it is currently grossly under funded. a shared bathroom, a mini 4) KSU receives the second lowest state appropriation in the Georgia system, university is the third-largest fridge and microwave. Laundry significantly less than what comparable schools receive; $5,159 in state “Since our research mandate in the state of Georgia, yet it is the second-lowest funded in the rooms and kitchens will be pro- appropriations per Full Term Equivalent (FTE) student. grows as we initiate more vided throughout the building. 5) KSU has half the space per student than the system average. system. The rates for a primary type 6) KSU’s student-faculty ratio is inadequate to a growing school-- and getting graduate courses, if these are If students are wondering why unit with two bedrooms and worse. As of now, it’s the second worst in the University System. to be competently taught, the parking fees are going up and the number of parking spaces are one bathroom will be $510 a 7) KSU has grossly inadequate athletic facilities. resources to support them month. 8) KSU has grossly inadequate parking facilities. going down, or why many cru- In August, the University 9) KSU does not have adequate student counseling facilities. must also grow.” cial classes are scantily offered Village will preferably house 10) KSU’s library is badly under-funded. and impossible to get into, Fein sophomores only. The new rate 11) KSU’s research facilities do not match its research mandates. has an answer. He explains that for the standard four-bedroom 12) In order to keep meeting its responsibilities, KSU has had to place more of the when it comes to parking, hiring apartment at UV will be raised need to for equipment and infrastructure on the backs of students, faculty, and faculty and building more class- rooms, the funding is simply to $535 per month. Three-bed- staff. “KSU has grown at 3% per room apartments will be $585, lacking. and two-bedroom apartments All of this is grossly unfair. As long as the state allocates KSU the same percentage as year, but faculty allocation is Fein explained that when KSU will be $600 a month. other institutions, it can never catch up to what it needs. As long as the counties that 2% per year.” was founded as a community col- At KSU Place, buildings KSU benefits refuse to contribute to its requirements, they are hobbling an educational lege approximately 40 years ago, C, E, 300 and 400 will house resource that contributes mightily to their own growth and prosperity. the college agreed to take less freshmen. The rest will house funding than was common for an upperclassmen. The four-bed- institution of its size. However, room, two-bath apartments By the numbers, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution he pointed out that now the uni- with washers and dryers at versity is literally bursting at the KSU Place will now cost $485 School KSU Clayton State GA State seams. It’s simply not the place it a month. The four-bedroom, Students 20,000 6,000 26,000 was 40 years ago. two-bath apartments without Full-time Faculty 747 206 1,046 “We started behind and we’ve washers and dryers in buildings Students per Faculty 27 29 25 stayed behind,” Fein said. A, B and C will now have a Annual Budget $145.5 M $64.3 M $459.5 M He asserted that KSU would rate of $460 a month. Buildings Budget per Student $7,275 $10,717 $17,673 need $100-200 million just to 100, 200, 300 and 400 at KSU catch up to other universities of Above quotes from Dr. Mel Fein Place will be $395 a month. its magnitude. “I don’t feel that the increase See PETITION, page 2 is too bad for University Village and University Place because of the quality of living there. However, KSU Place seems to be priced too high for what ‘Virginbride.net’ author under investigation you get,” freshman Matt Hayes stated. “As a Joint Enrollment Former Sentinel book also contains a sub-heading labeled years. Three of Morris’ four brides re- began collaborating with the Covington student, I chose to move in “The Sexual Behaviors of Minors.” turned to their home country following County Sheriff’s Office and eventu- this semester in order to avoid editor accused of The premise of Morris’ book is to the divorce, while his first bride contin- ally connected Morris with the materials getting stuck in the University inform readers of U.S. and international ues to live in America. found in Sage’s truck. Sage’s attorney, Village Suites.” trafficking child laws, which permit adult relationships When asked about his previous mar- Riley Powell IV, said that Morris gave The rate for a four-bed- with young females. A large section of riages, Morris, a former resident of Sage $300 to pick up the materials in room apartment at University pornography virginbride.net focuses on the cultures Okaloosa County, Fla., claimed in a Florida and deliver them to a dealer in Place will now cost $540 a of different nations, which condone sex June 21, 2003 interview with Florida’s Elmore County, Ala. month, while the two-bedroom SUZANNE TALMADGE with underage girls. Other areas of the Okaloosa County Daily News that, “In After Morris was informed of the apartments are set for $605. STAFF WRITER book discuss how low-income families Western societies, girls have a chance to charges filed against Sage, he began to University Place will hold in underdeveloped nations will offer have an education and develop intellec- demand compensation for his materials, upper-class students. eorge Hoey Morris, a their daughters to wealthy Western men tually. But in other countries, they don’t insisting that they were not obscene. KSU Housing has also added former KSU student, is re- for money. Chapters in Morris’ book have those chances. So for them, maybe Yet, two days after Sage’s arrest, a fee for cleaning. The cleaning ceiving national attention include “Photography and the Minor,” a 15-year-old girl marrying a 50-year old Covington County authorities confiscat- fee will be $75 and will be paid for his 2003 publication “Sexual Behavior of Young American man who can give her a better life isn’t ed Morris’ books and CDs, and District along with the $200 administra- of a book, which con- Females,” and “The International Guide so bad.” Attorney Eugenia Loggins began pre- tion fee and the $100 Residence tains information on child pornography. to Legal Sex with Young Females.” The bulk of Morris’ legal problems paring for a September 2003 grand jury Life fee when a student reserves GMorris’ book describes how to engage in Morris does not believe his book to began on April 2, 2003, when one of indictment. The case was subsequently his or her room. Registration legal sex with underage girls from for- be a guideline for pedophiles and that the Morris’ delivery drivers, 27-year old handed over to Samantha Davis, a to renew a room will last until eign countries by bringing them to the books, CDs, and Web site produced for Adam Sage of Inwood, West Virginia, spokeswoman for the Anti-Child Porn Feb. 18, and students choosing United States using various U.S. Justice virginbride.net do not violate child por- was pulled over in Covington County, Organization, who found the language to renew their rooms will only Department forms and procedures. nography or obscenity laws. According Ala. for a routine traffic stop. Sage and ideas communicated by Morris to be have to pay the $100 Residence George Morris’ virginbride.net is a to Morris, the subject of having sex with was taken into custody with a $250,000 inappropriate. Life fee and the cleaning fee. 184 page, soft-back volume that contains children is discussed only once in the bond after officers searched his truck In an Oct. 2, 2003 interview with Students still looking to suggestive photos from across the world chapter that describes India’s custom of and found over 1,000 virginbride. Eclectic Alabama’s Eclectic Observer, live on campus can visit KSU of girls under the age of 17, and includes paying a dowry for a child bride.
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