Appendix 1. Course Grid/ Syllabus SILABUS PENGAJARAN TEKS NARATIF

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/ Semester : XI/ Genap Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018

Standar Kompetensi Materi Indikator Penilaian Sumber Kompetensi Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh Belajar 11. Memahami 11.2 Merespon 1.Teks tulisberben- 1. Mengidentifikasi Tes Pilihan Choose the Look makna teks makna dan tuk narrative: berbagai makna Tulis Ganda correct Ahead an fungsional langkah Topic dalam teks tulis answer. English pendek dan esei retorika Main idea berbentuk narrative Course sederhana dalam esei Detail Menentukan for Senior narrative dalam yang information/ gambaran umum High konteks menggunaka certain teks School kehidupan n ragam information Menentukan ide Students sehari-hari dan bahasa tulis Literal and pokok paragraph Year XI untuk secara implied Menentukan mengakses akurat, meanings makna kata dalam ilmu lancer dan teks yang dibaca pengetahuan berterima Menentukan dalam makna kalimat konteks dalam teks yang kehidupan dibaca sehari-hari Menentukan tujuan dan untuk komunikatif teks mengakses Menentukan ilmu informasi tertentu/ pengetahuan terperinci dalam teks Menentukan berbentuk informasi tersirat/ narrative informasi tersurat 213

Menentukan rujukan kata Menemukan gambaran umum teks, ide pokok paragraf, makna kata, makna kalimat, tujuan penulisan teks, informasi tertentu/terperinci, informasi tersirat/tersurat, dan rujukan kata dengan benar dan cepat.

2.Ciri kebahasaan 2. Mengidentifikasi ciri Teks tulis narra- kebahasaan teks tulis tive: naratif Noun Mengenali dan phrase, menentukan adverbs, noun phrase, time adverbs, time connectives, connectives, saying verbs, saying verbs, feeling feeling verbs, verbs, dan dan thinking thinking verbs dalam teks verbs naratif

3. Langkah retorika 3. Menemukan langkah teks tulis narra- retorika teks tulis tive/ generic naratif structure: Menentukan


Orientation setting dalam Complication cerita narasi Resolution Menentukan tokoh dan watak dalam teks naratif Menentukan komplikasi dari teks naratif Menentukan resolusi dari teks naratif Menentukan setting, tokoh, watak, komplikasi, dan resolusi dalam teks narasi dengan benar dan cepat

12.Mengungkap- 12.2 Mengung- Teks tulis berbentuk Membuat sebuah teks Tes Essay Create a kan makna kapkan narrative naratif melalui: Tulis narrative text dalam teks makna dan Paragraph 1. Melengkapi teks based on the fungsional langkah rumpang rumpang following pendek dan esei retorika Jumbled 2. Menyusun pictures. sederhana dalam esei sentences kalimat acak Arrange the narrative, spoof, dengan Jumbled menjadi following dan hortatory menggunaka paragraph paragraph jumbled exposition dalam n ragam naratif sentences into konteks bahasa tulis 3. Menyusun a good kehidupan secara akurat, paragraph paragraph. sehari-hari lancer dan menjadi teks Arrange the berterima naratif following dalam paragraphs into 215

konteks a good kehidupan narrative text. sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, spoof, dan hortatory exposition

Mengetahui, Bantul. Maret 2018 Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Dara Zukhana, S. Pd. Hadna Suryantari



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Kelas/ Semester : XI / Genap Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Keterampilan : Membaca (Reading) & Menulis (Writing) Alokasi Waktu : 3 X 2 JP (6 x 45 Menit) Materi Pembelajaran : Narrative Text

A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Membaca 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan Menulis 12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Membaca 11. 2. Merespon makna dan retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative


Menulis 12. 2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative

C. INDIKATOR PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI Siswa diharapkan dapat: 1. menemukan tokoh utama dari teks narrative. 2. menemukan setting dalam sebuah cerita narrative. 3. menemukan komplikasi dari teks narrative. 4. menemukan resolusi dari teks narrative. 5. menemukan moral dari teks narrative. 6. menemukan informasi tertentu dari teks yang dibaca. 7. Menemukan informasi renci dari teks yang dibaca. 8. Menemukan informasi tersirat dari teks yang dibaca. 9. menemukan rujukan kata yang ditentukan. 10. menemukan makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca. 11. menemukan informasi tertentu, rujukan kata, dan makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca dengan cepat. 12. membuat teks narrative singkat yang memuat penggunaan noun phrase, adverbs, dan time connectives.

D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Di akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat: Pertemuan 1 1. menemukan informasi tertentu dengan cepat. 2. menemukan informasi rinci dengan cepat. 3. menemukan informasi tersirat dengan cepat 4. menemukan rujukan kata kata dengan cepat.


5. menemukan makna kata dengan cepat. 6. menjelaskan struktur teks narrative yang dibaca untuk mendukung kecepatan membaca siswa. 7. menemukan makna noun phrase yang terdapat pada teks narrative yang dibaca 8. mengkonstruk noun phrase dengan baik dan benar.

Pertemuan 2 1. informasi tertentu dengan cepat 2. menemukan informasi rinci dengan cepat 3. menemukan informasi tersirat dengan cepat 4. menemukan rujukan kata kata dengan cepat 5. menemukan makna kata dengan cepat 6. menjelaskan struktur teks narrative yang dibaca untuk mendukung kecepatan membaca siswa 7. menggunakan adverbs dengan benar 8. menggunakan time connectives dengan dan benar. Pertemuan 3 1. menemukan informasi tertentu dengan cepat 2. menemukan informasi rinci dengan cepat 3. menemukan informasi tersirat dengan cepat 4. menemukan rujukan kata kata dengan cepat 5. menemukan makna kata dengan cepat 6. menjelaskan struktur teks narrative yang dibaca untuk mendukung kecepatan membaca siswa 7. menyusun teks narrative.


E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN 1. Teks narrative (definisi, tujuan penulisan teks, dan struktur umum teks) 2. Unsur kebahasaan teks narrative: a. Vocabulary yang berkaitan dengan bacaan b. Tata bahasa, meliputi: 1) Noun Phrase 2) Adverbs 3) Time Connectives

F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) yang didukung dengan teknik Timed Repeated Reading

G. LANGKAH KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN Pertemuan 1 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru mengucapkansalam dan menyapa siswa. b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa. c. Guru mengajak siswa untuk membaca basmalah bersama. d. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti a. SCHEMA BUILDING 1) Secara berpasangan, siswa mengamati gambar dan menjodohkannya dengan judul cerita narrative. (Task 1) 2) Siswa mempelajari kata-kata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa . (Task 2) b. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan


mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan teknis sebagai berikut. (Task 3) a) Guru menjelaskan instruksi penerapan teknik timed repeated reading bahwa pada pemebelajaran reading ini, siswa akan membaca teks yang sama sebanyak lima kali dengan durasi satu menit dalam setiap kali membaca dan menerapkan proses membaca dengan kecepatan membaca yang dirasa nyaman bagi siswa, tidak terlalu cepat dan tidak terlalu pelan. b) Guru membagikan lembar kerja, mengkondisikan siswa untuk siap membaca, dan meminta siswa untuk membaca dengan mengucapkan begin. Di akhir satu menit pertama, guru meminta siswa untuk berhenti dengan mengucapkan stop. Siswa kemudian menulis angka 1 kecil pada kata terakhir yang mereka baca. c) Guru meminta siswa untuk melanjutkan proses membaca yang harus diulang dari awal bacaan yang sudah mereka baca. Pada akhir menit kedua, guru meminta siswa untuk berhenti dan menuliskan angka 2 pada kata terakhir yang mereka baca. d) Guru mengulang langkah-langkah tersebut hingga pembacaan teks menit kelima. e) Guru meminta siswa mengerjakan 10 soal membaca pemahaman dalam bentuk pilihan ganda dalam waktu 7 menit. 2) Siswa menentukan struktur umum teks yang meliputi orientation (tokoh dan setting), complication, resolution, nilai moral, dan tujuan penulisan dari teks narrative yang sudah dibaca. (Task 4)


c. LINGUISTIC ELEMENTS FOCUS 1) Siswa mempelajari konstruk noun phrase yang terdapat di dalam teks task 3 dan menemukan maknanya dalam bahasa Indonesia. (Task 5) 2) Siswa mengkonstruk noun phrase berdasarkan kosakata yang telah diberikan dan membuat sebuah kalimat dari noun phrase yang telah dibuat. (Task 6) d. FREER PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 7) 3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran siswa. d. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa membaca hamdalah bersama dan salam.

Pertemuan 2 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru mengucapkansalam dan menyapa siswa b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa c. Guru mengajak siswa untuk membaca basmalah bersama d. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. e. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.


2. Kegiatan Inti a. SCHEMA BUILDING 1) Siswa mempelajari kata-kata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. (Task 8) b. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 9) 2) Siswa menentukan struktur umum teks yang meliputi orientation (tokoh dan setting), complication, dan resolution, nilai moral, dan tujuan penulisan dari teks narrative yang sudah dibaca. (Task 10) c. LINGUISTC ELEMENTS FOCUS 1) Siswa menentukan adverbs dalam teks narrative yang sudah dibaca. (Task 11) 2) Siswa melengkapi kalimat yang disediakan menggunakan adverbs. (Task 12) 3) Siswa menentukan time connectives untuk melengkapi sebuah teks narrative rumpang. (Task 13) d. FREER PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 14)


3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran siswa. d. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa membaca hamdalah bersama dan salam.

Pertemuan 3 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru mengucapkansalam dan menyapa siswa. b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa. c. Guru mengajak siswa untuk membaca basmalah bersama. d. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. e. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti a. SCHEMA BUILDING 1) Siswa mempelajari kata-kata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. (Task 15) b. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 16) 2) Siswa menentukan struktur umum teks yang meliputi orientation (tokoh dan setting), complication, dan resolution, nilai moral, dan tujuan penulisan dari teks narrative yang sudah dibaca. (Task 17)


c. FREER PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 18) d. PEDAGOGICAL TASK 1) Siswa menyusun kalimat acak menjadi teks narrative singkat. (Task 19) 2) Siswa membuat teks narrative singkat berdasarkan gambar yang disediakan. (Task 20) 3. Penutup a. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran siswa dari 3 pertemuan. b. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa membaca hamdalah bersama dan salam.


H. SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN Grace, Eudia & Sudarwati, Th. M. 2006. Look Ahead an English Course for Senior High School Students Year XI. Jakarta: Erlangga.

I. PENILAIAN a. Jenis/ Teknik Penilaian: Tes Tulis b. Bentuk Instrument: Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choices) dan Uraian (Essay) c. Instrumen: Terlampir

Mengetahui, Bantul, April 2018 Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Dara Zukhana, S. Pd. Hadna Suryantari NIP.


Appendix 2.b. Lesson Material Cycle 1

TASK 1 Look at the following pictures and match each picture with the correct titles which are in the box. Then, answer the questions.

Aladdin Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood

The Little Match Girl Beauty and the Beast Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

Questions 1. Do you know the stories?

2. Which one of the stories do you like most?

3. What makes you like that story?

TASK 2 Find out the meaning of the following words by matching each word of column A to column B. Column A Column B

lost pengemis exile membungkus wrapped membawa approached kehilangan beggar sedih departed mendekati curiosity penasaran carried berbagi stared pergi share 227 mengucilkan dejected mengamati

TASK 3 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

The Charm of Charity A poor young man was helpless, homeless, and hopeless. He lost his job and had 15 no one to help him. Depressed and dejected, he decided to exile himself. He collected 30 all coins he had and bought a ripe banana wrapped in an old newspaper. 44 The young man opened the wrapping and was about to eat his last meal when an 60 old beggar approached him. With trembling lips, the beggar told him that he hadn’t 74 had food to eat for several days and was too weak to walk. 87 The young man felt pity and gave the banana to the beggar. He ate it with great 104 joy and thanked him. Before leaving, the beggar gave him a very old coin, saying, 119 “Thank you very much. You gave me everything you had. Kindly accept this coin as 134 my humble gift.” 137 When the old man departed, he casually glanced at the piece of paper used to 152 wrap the banana. There he saw an advertisement from an agency dealing with old 166 coins. Any one possessing old coins was invited to visit the agency and receive a 181 suitable price for their old coins on the spot. 190 Out of simple curiosity, he carried the coin to the agency, which was quite close 205 to the spot he was at. Then, he showed the coin given by the beggar. 220 The person managing the agency stared at it and exclaimed in excitement, “What 233 a surprise! It is very rare and several centuries old. It is worth a fortune!” He was 250 given a large sum of money in exchange for the rare coin. 262 Jumping with joy on receiving the unexpected amount of money, he searched 274 everywhere to find the old man who gave him the coin. He wanted to share his joy 291 and the money with the beggar, but he could not find the beggar anywhere. He started 307 a new life with renewed hope and enthusiasm. Total: 315


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. What was the young man doing when the old man approach him? He was …. A. going to the agency. B. collecting all the coins he had. C. opening the wrapping of his last meal. D. receiving the unexpected amount of money. E. seeing an advertisement on a wrapping paper.

2. What did the young man give to the old man? A. an old coin C. an old newspaper E. joy and happiness B. a banana D. all coin he had

3. What did the old man give to the young man? A. all coin he had C. an old coin E. his last meal B. an old newspaper D. joy and happiness

4. What did the man do after seeing an advertisement from an agency? A. He looked for the old man. D. He carried the coin to the agency. B. He thanked to the old man. E. He gave a banana to the old man. C. He gave the all coin he had.

5. Why did the young man look for the old man after selling the old coin? A. To thank the old man. B. To get other old coins. C. To ask the old man to live with him. D. To share his joyfulness with the old man. E. To persuade the old man to sell the rest of his old coins.

6. Based on the text, we know that the man was .... A. kind B. cruel C. stingy D. selfish E. greedy

7. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE? A. The young man planned to go far away. B. The old man gave an old, rare coin as a token of his gratitude. C. Since the beginning, the young man knew the price of the old coin. D. The young man bought a ripe banana wrapped in an old newspaper. E. The old man approached the young man before the young man ate banana.


8. We can learn the following from the story, except …. A. We should be grateful. B. A good deed is not useless. C. We should help someone else. D. We should not feel pity to older people. E. Don’t forget someone who had helped us.

9. “A poor young man was helpless, homeless, and hopeless.” The word ‘homeless’ means having no …. A. skills D. permanent job B. money E. friend to share problems C. place to shelter

10. “The person managing the agency stared at it and exclaimed in excitement, …” The underlined word refers to …. A. the coin C. the newspaper E. the agency B. the banana D. the advertisement


Narrative Text Narrative is a text purposed to entertain, create, stimulate emotions, motivate, and teach the readers. The following is the structure of a narrative text.

1. Orientation This part sets the scene and introduces the characters (it answers the questions, who, when, what, and where). 2. Complication This part consists a crisis or a problem arises which usually involves the main characters.

3. Resolution

This part consists of a solution to the problem (for better or for worse). Here, the main characters find ways to solve the problem. Language features of narrative text are as the following. 1. Nouns: traveller, tree, road, etc. 2. Pronouns: they, their, it, its, etc. 3. Noun Phrases: the dusty and rough road, a big old tree, etc.

4. Time Connectives and Conjunctions: one day, a week later, then, a long time ago, etc.

5. Adverbs and Adverbials Phrases: angrily, in horror, etc. 6. Material Processes (action verbs): ate, went, laughed, etc. 7. Verbal Process (saying verbs): asked, ordered, shouted, etc. 8. Thinking Verbs: considered, understood, agreed, etc. 9. Feeling Verbs: liked, disliked, enjoyed, hate, etc.


Task 4 Read the task 3 text again. Then, complete the following table. Orientation a. Setting

b. Main Characters



Moral Value



Noun Phrase

A phrase is a group of words that do not have subject and predicate. A noun phrase is word of group with a noun as its head. The function of a noun phrase is same as a noun. A noun phrase always includes a noun, which is a person, place, or thing; or pronoun, which takes the place of noun. a king noun head a great and wise king in Central = (Noun Phrase) modifier noun head modifier

How we can develop nouns into noun phrases?

1. By adding a determiner: a, an, the, some, your, his, many, more, five, etc.

e.g.: a princess, five young men, many villagers, etc.

2. By adding adjectives: god, bad, long, short, beautiful, etc.

e.g.: a good boy, a beautiful palace, the longest hair, etc.

3. By adding a present participle: opening, walking, running, sleeping, etc.

e.g.: a sleeping princess, the magic tree standing in the forest, a mother waiting for her son, etc.

4. By adding a past participle: written, spoken, made, crooked, etc.

e.g.: a killed queen, tortured villagers, a prize contest opened by the king, etc.

5. By adding a noun: palace, harvest, arm etc.

e.g.: the palace garden, the rice harvest, an arm chair, etc.

6. By adding a preposition: in, on, at, of, in front of, etc.

e.g.: the house at the foot of the hill, a kingdom in West Java,

a great beanstalk behind Jack’s house etc.

7. By adding an infinitive: to read, to cover, to send, etc.

e.g.: a knight to help people, a plan to escape, many foods to share, etc.

8. By adding WH clause: who, which, whose, etc.

e.g.: the man whose daughter married to the King, the lady who had a big house on the hill, etc.


TASK 5 Find eight noun phrases and their meaning in Indonesia from task 3 text. Then, put them in the following table.

The Charm of Charity Noun Phrases Meaning 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______6. ______7. ______8. ______

Task 6 Develop the following nouns into noun phrases. Then, create sentences based on noun phrase you have developed. e.g.: the step daughter the poor step daughter the poor step daughter in the forest. A huntsman helped the poor step daughter in the forest.

the dwarfs the seven dwarfs the seven dwarfs helping the princess. The Prince brought the seven dwarfs helping the princess to his palace.

1. river 5. soldier 8. key

2. meat 6. mountain 9. queen 3. forest 7. kingdom 10. rabbit 4. necklace


TASK 7 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

A Wise King and His Wicked Minister Long time ago, there lived a king who was sick and had only one way to recover; he 18 had to stay on the top of mountain where he could inhale fresh air and live peacefully. 35 Knowing this, the king delegated his duties to the minister as the prince, Prince Henry, 50 was still too young to become a ruler. He would return to the kingdom when he was 67 healthy. 68 Time passed. Feeling comfortable as a ruler, the minister had a wicked thought. “If I 83 can get rid of the king, I will be the king,” the minister thought, “My family will live 101 happily.” 102 To facilitate his plan, he sent his loyal fellow to meet the king to get rid of him. The 121 minister laughed happily, dreaming of becoming the next king. 130 The minister’s friend had arrived at the inn where the king, queen, and their people 145 stayed. He greeted them and told them of his intention. “Good afternoon, Your Majesty. 159 The minister asked me to meet you and ask your condition. He always prays for your 175 health.” The king was happy knowing his minister was sympathy. After chatting for a 189 while, he allowed the man to have a rest and stay in a tent not far from his. He asked for 210 his servant to serve the man well. 216 When night came, the man got out from the tent and approached the king’s room. He 232 successfully entered the room, but he was speechless knowing his kind and wise king 246 slept soundly. “How could I kill this good man?” the man thought, “No, I won’t. I’m 262 going to tell him about the minister’s real motive. I hope the king forgive me.” He left 279 the king’s room immediately. 283 The following morning, the man met the king and informed him. However, the king 297 wasn’t shocked as he had already predicted. The king said the man that, in fact, he was 314 alright, he just wanted to proof that the minister had bad plan. He had been asking the 331 commander and the prince to keep an eye on him. They would arrest the minister with 348 their own hands. Total: 352


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. Why did the King have to live on the top of the mountain? A. He wanted to live peacefully. D. He let his son became a ruler. B. He felt comfort living in fresh air. E. He did not want to be a King anymore. C. He would like to recover his health.

2. Who ruled the kingdom during the King stay on the top of the mountain? A. The Queen C. Prince Henry E. The minister B. The King’s family D. The minister’s friend

3. Why did the minister send his trusted friend to meet the king? A. To kill the King. D. To express the minister’s sympathy. B. To pray the King’s health. E. To accompany the King and the family. C. To ask the King’s condition.

4. The minister’s friend failed the minister’s real plan because …. A. the King slept soundly. B. the King was a kind man. C. the King has a wicked character. D. the King did not want to live in the Kingdom. E. the King appreciated the minister’s sympathy.

5. What would the minister’s friend do after failing the minister’s real plan? A. Asking for apologize D. Telling the minister’s real plan B. Arresting the minister E. Going back to Kingdom with the King C. Leaving the mountain

6. How was the King reaction knowing the minister’s real plan? A. He kept calm. C. He got angry. E. He became sad. B. He felt healthier. D. He was happy.

7. What was the King’s actually reason staying on the top of the mountain? A. To kill the minister. D. To show the minister’s bad plan. B. To arrest the minister. E. To let the minister ruled the Kingdom. C. To get rid the minister.


8. Who were asked to oversee the minister in the kingdom? A. The prince and the queen. D. The King’s family and the prince. B. The queen and the commander. E. The commander and the King’s family. C. The commander and the prince.

9. “…The minister’s friend had arrived at the inn where the king, queen, and their people stayed. He greeted them and told them of his intention. “Good afternoon, Your Majesty. The minister asked me to meet you and ask your condition. He always prays for your health.” The king was happy knowing his minister was sympathy. After chatting for a while, he allowed the man to have a rest and stay in a tent not far from. He asked for his servant to serve the man well…” The underlined word refers to …. A. the prince C. the commander E. The minister’s friend B. the King D. the minister

10. “… They would arrest the minister with their own hands…” The bold typed word has the closest meaning with …. A. to kill B. to jail C. to escape D. to torture E. to catch

TASK 8 Find out the meaning of the following words by matching each word of column A to column B. Column A Column B

tukang kayu adjoining mengikuti farm knock jembatan carpenter kayu look for mencari creek terhentang spite paku lumber mengetuk fence berdampingan nail sungai kecil bridge perkebunan pagar stretch


TASK 9 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

The Bridge Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into a conflict. 15 It began with a small misunderstanding that grew into a major difference, and finally it 30 exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence. 42 One morning, there was a knock on the elder brother’s door. He opened it and 57 found a man with a carpenter’s toolbox. The man was looking for a job. The elder 73 brother replied, “I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at that farm. It is what 92 my younger brother has done. Last week there was a meadow between our farms and 107 he took his bulldozer to the river levee. Now there is a creek between us. Well, he may 125 have done to this to spite me, but I’ll go one better. See that pile of lumber by the barn? 145 I want you to build me a fence so I won’t need to see his place anymore.” 162 The carpenter said, “I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the 177 post hole digger and I’ll be able to do a job that will please you.” 192 The elder brother had to go to town for supplies, so he helped the carpenter get the 209 materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all day 225 measuring, sawing, and nailing. About sunset when the farmer returned, he had just 238 finished his job. The farmer’s eyes opened wide. There was no fence there at all. It was 255 a bridge-abridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! 267 When the elder brother was standing on the bridge, the younger brother appeared 280 and said, “You are quiet a fellow to build this bridge after all I’ve said and done.” 297 Then, the two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then met in the middle, 314 taking each other’s hands. 318 They turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder. “No, wait! Stay 333 a few days. I’ve a lot of other projects for you,” said the elder brother. 348 “I’d love to stay on,” the carpenter said, “but I have many more bridge to build.” Total: 364


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. What happened to the two brothers? A. They built a fence. D. They fell into a conflict. B. They went to a town. E. They were looking for a job. C. They exploded the farm.

2. Why did a carpenter knock on the elder brother’s door? A. He found a toolbox. D. He saw a pile of lumber. B. He would build a bridge. E. He had finished his work. C. He was looking for a job.

3. What did the younger brother fault? A. He grew a farm. D. He built a bridge. B. He helped the carpenter. E. He gave the carpenter a job. C. He made a creek at the farm.

4. What did the elder brother ask the carpenter to do? He asked the carpenter to …. A. build a fence. D. look for a job. B. build a bridge. E. find a man with toolbox. C. show him the nails.

5. Why did the elder brother ask the carpenter to do that? A. The elder brother wanted to help the carpenter got the materials ready. B. The elder brother did not want to see his younger brother’s place. C. The elder brother saw a pile of lumber by the barn. D. The carpenter needed a job in the village. E. The carpenter went to town for supplies.

6. Why was the elder brother surprised when he returned from town? A. There was the carpenter at that farm. D. There was a fence at that farm. B. There was a bulldozer at that farm. E. There was a bridge at that farm. C. There was a creek at that farm.

7. What finally happened to the two brothers? A. They forgave each other. D. They went to town for supplies. B. They had finished the bridge. E. They exchanged of bitter words. C. They would build more bridges.

8. We can learn the following from the story, except …. A. We should keep our brotherhood. B. We should help one each other. C. Be a diligent and hard worker. D. Solve your problems calmly. E. Forgiving is not forgetting.


9. “…, the younger brother appeared and said, …” The bold typed word is synonymous to … A. fade. C. vanish. E. go. B. arrive. D. depart.

10. “About sunset when the farmer returned, he had just finished his job.” The underlined word refers to …. A. the farmer. C. the elder brother. E. the brothers’ friend. B. the carpenter. D. the younger brother.

TASK 10 Read the task 9 text again. Then, complete the following tables. Orientation a. Setting

b. Main Characters



Moral Value




Adverbs are words functioned to modify verbs. e.g.: Timun Mas runs quickly. adverb the word ‘quickly’ explains the way how Timun Mas runs Most adverbs are formed by adding ‘ly’ to an adjective. e.g.: slow slowly quick quickly calm calmly Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of Place Adverbs of Time Quickly In front of her house In the morning Early At the foot of the hill In the evening

Badly There Last night Warmly At the park During the daylight Calmly Inside the ox In the early spring Slowly At the bottom of the sea In October Late Behind the garden In the year of 1999 Hard Here Two days ago Well At home yesterday

The normal position of adverb is Manner, Place, and Time (MPT). e.g.: The younger brother took care the cows well in a livestock every day. manner place time

But the position of adverbs may change into Place, Manner, and Time (PMT) when there are verbs such as go, reach, leave, arrive, come, return, get, walk, run, etc. e.g.: Timun Mas left home early this afternoon. place manner time

TASK 11 Decide kinds of adverb in the text of task 9. Then, put them in the following table.

Kinds of Adverb Manner Place Time

Task 12 Develop the following sentences with adverbs of manner, place, and time.

1. The girl ran. 5. The woman was walking.

2. The wind blew. 6. The young man met his friend. 3. The farmer worked. 7. The children ate a big piece of cake. 241 4. The old man drunk. 8. The girl was carrying a pail of milk.

5. 6. Time Connectives

To make a story coherent, you have to put time connectives. Time connectives will make your

story arranged in chronological order. These are connectives used when we write a narrative text type.

Once upon a time One day, …. No sooner than …. A long time ago The next day, …. Next, …. Long, long ago After that Then, …. Once … Meanwhile, …. At the end of the story, …. A year passed by A few days later, …. Ever since then …. Fortunately, … Unfortunately, ….

When While

Task 13 Put the appropriate time connectives in the following story. The Ant and the Dove ______, an ant fell into the river accidentally. The poor ant struggled in the water. ______, a dove up in the tree saw the ant. She picked a big leaf from the tree, and ______she dropped it to the ant. ______the little ant saw this, she climbed onto the leaf and she escaped from drowning. ______, she thanked to the dove. ______, a hunter came into the jungle. He saw the dove and raised his riffle to shoot it. ______the little ant saw this, she crawled over and bit him in the leg. The hunter jumped in pain and missed the dove. The grateful dove thanked the ant. ______, the dove and the ant became faithful friends.


TASK 14 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

How the Moon was Kind to Her Mother Once upon a time, the Sun, the Wind, and the Moon were sisters. Their mother, 15 lovely Star, was a pale and peace far away, in the dark sky. 28 One day, her uncle and aunt, the Thunder and the Lightening, asked the three sisters 43 to have dinner with them. Their mother said that they might go. She would not shine 59 until they returned. 62 In the party, the table was spread with delicious foods and drinks. They enjoyed the 77 dinner, especially the Sun and the Wind, who were very greedy. On the contrary, the 92 Moon was kind and remembered her mother. She took a part of her dinner to share with 109 her mother. 111 The three sisters said goodbye to the Thunder and the Lightning. When they arrived 125 at home, they found her mother waiting and shining. She said, “What did you bring for 141 me from the dinner?” 145 The Sun tossed her head with all its yellow hair and answered, “Why should I bring 161 anything? It was the same with the Wind. She wrapped her flowing robes and turned 176 away from her mother, “I, too, went out for my own happiness and…why should I think 192 of you, mother, when you were not with me?” 201 However, they were very different from the Moon. “See, Mom,” cried the Moon, “I 215 have brought you part of my food. I ate only half because I wanted to share it with you.” 234 Then, the mother ate the food. 240 After eating it, she called the children. First, she spoke to the Sun. “You were so 256 selfish, my daughter,” she said. “You went out and enjoyed yourself without thinking of 270 one who was left alone at home. Your rays shall be so hot, so men shall cover their 288 heads when you appear.” 292 Next, the mother told the Wind. “You, too, my daughter. You also enjoyed yourself 306 with no thought of anyone else. You shall blow in the parching heat of the Sun and blast 324 all you touch, so all people will dislike and avoid you.” 335 At last, the mother told to the Moon. “You remembered your mother and you were 350 unselfish. To those who are thoughtful towards their mothers, great blessings come. For 363 all time your light shall be cool, calm, and beautiful. You shall make dark night bright 379 and all men shall call you blessed.” Total: 386


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. Who invited the three sisters for dinner? A. The star. D. The star and the Thunder. B. The Thunder. E. The Thunder and the Lightening. C. The Lightening.

2. Who stayed at home waiting the family went home? A. the Sun C. the Star E. the Lightening B. the Moon D. the Wind

3. Based on the text, we know that the Sun and the Wind were …. A. greedy C. stingy E. honest B. generous D. polite

4. What did the Moon do with her dinner? A. She gave it to her mother. D. She didn’t eat any dinner. B. She shared it with her mother. E. She ate half of it and threw the left. C. She enjoyed all of the dinner.

5. Why didn’t the Sun and the Wind bring any food for their mother? A. Their mother got sick. D. Their mother didn’t join the dinner. B. Their mother was angry. E. Their mother accompanied the Moon. C. Their mother was shining.

6. What did the mother say about the Sun? A. She blew all she touched, so people called her blessed. B. She made the dark night bright, so people called her blessed. C. She would be so hot, so men covered their head when she appeared. D. She blasted all she touched, so all people would dislike and avoid her. E. She would be so cold, so men covered their head when she disappeared.

7. What did the mother say about the Wind? A. She blew all she touched, so people called her blessed. B. She made the dark night bright, so people called her blessed. C. She would be so hot, so men covered their head when she appeared. D. She blasted all she touched, so all people would dislike and avoid her. E. She would be so cold, so men covered their head when she disappeared.

8. What did the mother say about the Moon? A. She blew all she touched, so people called her blessed. B. She made the dark night bright, so people called her blessed. C. She would be so hot, so men covered their head when she appeared. D. She blasted all she touched, so all people would dislike and avoid her. E. She would be so cold, so men covered their head when she disappeared.


9. “… when they arrived at home, …” The underlined word refers to …. A. The Sun, the Wind, and the Moon. D. The Moon, the Star, and the Wind. B. The Thunder, the Moon, and the Star. E. The Lightening, the Wind, and the Sun. C. The Wind, the Thunder, and the Moon.

10. “…so all people will dislike and avoid you.” What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. To accept C. to support E. to ignore B. To prevent D. to accompany

TASK 15 Find out the meaning of the following words by matching each word of column A to column B. Column A Column B

date tamak cunning malu greedy memberi makan trusted memukul divide memohon maaf realized merawat

property kurma

agreement licik

beat membagi

feed mempercayai

embarrassed persetujuan

pardon menyadari

look after warisan


TASK 16 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

Fair Shares John and Tom were brothers. Their mother died very early. Their father also died 14 after some time later. He left his sons a cow and a date tree. 28 John was cunning and greedy. On the contrary, Tom was kind and honest. He always 43 trusted his elder brother. One day, they wanted to divide their parents’ property. John 57 said, “I’ll be very fair with you, Tom. You take the front portion of the cow and I will 76 take the hind. Each one gets his profit only from this share. In the same way, the tree 94 was also divided. The upper went to John and the lower went to Tom. 108 One day, Tom fed the cow very well until it produced a lot of milk. John got the milk 127 and sold it. However, he did not share the money to Tom. He asked his brother about 144 this problem. “I got the milk for my portion. The hind part is mine as the agreement. 161 Each of us gets the benefits only from his parts,” John replied. Tom said nothing. 176 A wise man advised Tom to do something. The next day, John was milking the cow. 192 Then, Tom beat the cow in the front portion. The cow started kicking and John shouted, 209 “You fool! Don’t you see me milking the cow?” Then Tom replied, “The front portion is 225 mine. I can do anything. It is our agreement. Not just money, you must also take care 242 and feed the cow too.” John agreed it. 250 With regard to the tree, John had taken the upper part of the tree by making holes. A 268 kind of sweet-smelling juice came out of these holes. The juice was collected in a pot 284 and sold for money, but he didn’t share either the money or the juice with his brother. 301 Again the wise man advised Tom. The next day, John was on the top of the tree. 318 Then, Tom cut the lower part of the tree. John shouted at Tom, but Tom reminded John 335 about the agreement. He said, “I can do anything with my part. You cannot question or 351 stop me.” 353 John realized his mistakes. He said, “Tom, I have been a bad brother to you. I feel 370 embarrassed of my selfishness. I ask your pardon. I promise to look after you well 385 hereafter.” 386 So he did. Both of the brothers lived happily and they shared the profit. Total: 400


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. What did the father leave for John and Tom? A. Money and a cow D. Milk and sweet-smelling juice B. A cow and a date tree E. Sweet-smelling juice and money C. A date tree and money

2. Why did John want to divide his father’s property? A. He wanted to share his part with Tom. B. He planned to give all the property to Tom. C. He refused much benefit from the property. D. He would like to have less benefit from the property. E. He wanted more benefits from his parts and Tom’s part.

3. The following statements are true about the text, except …. A. Tom got the front of the cow. B. John took the hind of the cow. C. John had the upper part of the tree. D. Tom accepted the lower part of the tree. E. Tom enjoyed much money from John’s part.

4. What did John do with all of the milk? A. He sold the milk. D. He drank the milk by himself. B. He gave the milk to Tom. E. He shared the milk with wise man. C. He let Tom enjoying the milk.

5. Why did Tom beat the cow in front of portion? A. John never fed and took care of the cow. B. John had much money from the cow. C. John shared benefits from the cow. D. John gave much milk to Tom. E. John did not sell the milk.

6. What could John get from the tree? A. a pot C. tree holes E. nothing B. money D. sweet-smelling juice

7. What did Tom do at the lower part of the tree? A. He put a pot. C. He cut the tree. E. He made holes. B. He took the juice. D. He collected the juice.

8. What did the brothers do to live happily? A. They sold the cow. C. John gave his benefit to Tom. E. They cut the tree. B. They shared the benefits. D. Tom gave his benefits to John.


9. “… Each of us gets the benefits only …” What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. grant B. lost C. deficit D. profit E. drawback

10. “A wise man advised Tom to do something. The next day, John was milking the cow. Then, Tom beat the cow in the front portion. The cow started kicking and John shouted, “You fool! Don’t you see me milking the cow?” Then Tom replied, “The front portion is mine. I can do anything. It is our agreement. Not just money, you must also take care and feed the cow too.” John agreed it.” The underlined word refers to an agreement of …. A. asking the wise man advice B. selling the milk from the cow C. taking benefit from Tom’s part D. enjoying benefits from their own part E. sharing money, taking care, and feeding the cow

TASK 17 Read the task 16 text again. Then, complete the following table.

Orientation a. Setting

b. Main Characters



Moral Value



TASK 18 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus was “the father of song”, he was interested in singing at very young age. He 16 loved singing and playing lyre so much. They were part of his life. The moment he 32 played his lyre and song, all living things came near to hear him sing. In other words, his 50 singing was even well liked by animals. 57 Like everyone else, beautiful Eurydice loved her dearly at first sight. But one day, a 72 poisonous snake bit Eurydice fatally on her legs. She was killed straight away and left a 88 deep sadness. 90 For many days, Orpheus played sad songs which suited his melancholy mood at the 104 death of Eurydice. Then, he went to Zeus. Hearing how sadly and yet how touchingly 119 Orpheus sang, Zeus said, “Go to the country of the Dead and meet Hades, King of the 136 Dead. Ask him to give her back to you. Since you are such a lovely singer, you have 154 good chance of winning his sympathy and getting what you want.” 165 So Orpheus went to the Country of the Dead. He saw the boatman carrying the dead 181 in his boat. As Orpheus was not a dead person, he was forced to stay behind. But when 199 Orpheus sang, the boatman couldn’t say “No”. Then, Orpheus came to a great gate for 214 him to enter. Orpheus came to great gate where a three-headed dog stood guard. 228 Orpheus sang and the dog opened the gate for him to enter. Finally, Orpheus came to the 245 palace of the King Hades, where he sat with his Queen Persephone, in the hall. 260 “O King Hades and Queen Persephone, give me back my Eurydice.” Orpheus 272 pleaded after his music had softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone. 284 “Go back, Orpheus, and Eurydice shall walk behind you. But don’t talk to her and do 300 not look back until both of you reached the Country of the Living or she will fall back 318 into the Place of Dead and you’ll never see her again.” 329 Orpheus aced according to instructions. But when they came near the Country of 342 Living, he thought that they were out of danger. So he looked back at Eurydice. She 358 gave a cry and disappeared. 363 “Oh, what a shame!” Orpheus exclaimed. “Why did I ignore King of Hades’ 376 warning?” 378 Orpheus was so sad that he killed himself and joined Eurydice in the Country of the 393 Dead, where they were happy ever after. Total 400


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. Why did Eurydice die? A. Orpheus killed himself. D. She heard Orpheus singing. B. A poisonous snake bit her legs. E. She lived in a deep sadness. C. A wild animal pounced on her hand.

2. What was Zeus’ advice to Orpheus? A. Singing Zeus’ favorite song. D. Going to Death Country. B. Asking Orpheus to play a sad song. E. Winning Zeus’ sympathy. C. Meeting Hades in the Death Country.

3. What did Orpheus do to make the dog opening the castle’s gate? A. He sang a song. D. He played lyre. B. He killed the dog. E. He met Queen Persephone. C. He asked for Zeus’ help.

4. Why did the King and Queen of death grant Orpheus’ request? A. He had met Zeus. D. His music had softened them. B. He sang a sad song. E. He came from Living Country. C. He played melancholy music.

5. Why did Orpheus not succeed in bringing Eurydice back from the Death country? A. Orpheus sang very sadly. B. Orpheus looked back to Eurydice. C. Hades did not allow him to meet Eurydice. D. Eurydice walked behind Queen Persephone. E. Orpheus followed the King Hades instructions.

6. What did Orpheus do when he could not bring Eurydice back to Living country? A. He killed himself. D. He went back to Living Country. B. He met Hades again. E. He always played melancholy songs. C. He lived in Death Country.

7. What can we infer from the text? A. Eurydice never walked behind Orpheus. B. King Hades and Persephone fooled Orpheus. C. Orpheus did not do King Hades instruction well. D. Eurydice and Orpheus lived happily in the Living Country. E. Orpheus and Eurydice had to live in different country ever after.

8. “Oh, what ashamed!” Orpheus exclaimed. “Why did I ignore King of Hades’ warning?” By saying the underlined utterance, we know that Orpheus felt …. A. ashamed C. happy E. regret B. embarrassed D. surprised


9. “… She gave a cry and disappeared.” What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. rise C. lose E. come out B. emerge D. fade away

10. “… But when they came near the Country of Living, he thought that they were out of danger…” The underlined word refers to …. A. Zeus C. Hades E. the dead man B. Orpheus D. boatman TASK 19 1. Arrange the following sentences into a good story. A. He always carried a lit lamp whenever he went out at night. B. Once upon a time there lived a blind man in a small town. C. They said, “O blind man, why do you carry the lit lamp? You are blind and cannot see anything” D. Finally, they felt ashamed and begged his pardon. E. They noticed the man was blind and made fun of him. F. One dark night, he held his lit lamp while a group of men passed him. G. The blind man politely replied, “This lamp is not for me, but for people with normal sight. You may not notice a blind man approaching and push him.”

2. Arrange the following paragraph into a good story. A. The two became lifelong friends. B. With this narrative, Sinbad demonstrated to the porter that his wealth was earned over a long period of risk taking and hard work. The owner, Sinbad the Sailor, invited the porter to be his guest and answered the question by recounting his seven difficult voyages. C. Sinbad was a poor, hard-working porter rested in the shade of a grand palace in Baghdad and wondered enviously why the owner deserved such luxury. D. During the reign of Harun Al-Rasyid (AD 786-809), Sinbad worked as a merchant and through his trade became an unwitting explorer of India, Ceylon, and other frontiers, suffering severe hardship during his travels. E. The porter apologized to Sinbad, and Sinbad shared some of his wealth with the porter


TASK 20 Choose one of the following pictures. Then, write a narrative text. 1. 2.



Take a look at the following example.

In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

A Mother’s Sacrifice “Can I see my baby?” a happy new mother asked. 10 When the bundle was laid on her arms and she moved the folded cloth to look at his 28 tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the hospital window. 42 The baby was born without ears. 48 Time proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was 63 marred. When he rushed home from school one day and flung himself into his mother’s 78 arms, she sighed, knowing that his life was going to be a succession of heartbreaks. He 94 blurted out the tragedy, “A boy, a big boy … called me a freak.” 108 He grew up, handsome for his misfortune. A favourite with his fellow students, he 122 may have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature 138 and music. “You might mingle with other young people,” his mother reproved him, but 152 felt a kindness in her heart. 158 The boy’s father had a session with the family physician, “Could nothing be done?” 172 “I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be procured,” the doctor 190 decided. Where upon the search began for a person who would make a such sacrifice for 206 the young man. 209 Two years went by. Then, one day, the man said to his son, “You are going to the 227 hospital. Mother and I have found a donor for the ears you need, but it’s secret,” said the 245 father. The operation was successful and a new person appeared. His talents grew better. 259 Later he married and entered the diplomatic service. “I must know!” he urged his 273 father, “Who gave me so much to me? I could never do enough for that person” “I do 291 not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you not to know.” 307 The years kept their secret, but the day arrived. He knew his father raised the thick, 323 reddish-brown hair to show that the mother did not have outer ears. “Mother said she 338 was glad she never let her hair be cut and nobody ever thought about your mother less 335 beautiful, did they?, ” he whispered gently. Total: 362


Appendix 2.c. Post-test 1 Blueprint KISI-KISI PENULISAN SOAL POST-TEST 1

Jenis Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 1 PLERET Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : Genap Kurikulum : Kurikulum 2006 Alokasi waktu : 90 Menit Jumlah Soal : 60 Soal Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda Tahun Pelajaran : 2017-2018

No. Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nomor Soal 1. 11.Memahami makna 11.2 Merespon makna Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 1, 2, 7, 9, 12, 14, 19, 23, teks fungsional dan langkah Tersirat dapat menentukan informasi tersirat dengan 34, 37, 39, 41, 45 pendek dan esei retorika dalam esei benar sederhana narrative, yang dalam konteks menggunakan Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 3, 4, 13, 15, 26, 29, 31, kehidupan sehari- ragam bahasa tulis Rinci dapat menentukan informasi rinci dengan 36 42, 55, 59 hari dan untuk secara akurat, benar mengakses ilmu lancar dan pengetahuan berterima dalam Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 6, 8, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, konteks kehidupan Tertentu dapat menentukan informasi tertentu dengan 22, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, seharihari dan benar 38, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, untuk mengakses 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58 ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks Makna Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 5, 10, 40, 50 berbentuk Kata/Frasa dapat menentukan sinonim kata yang narrative, dicetak tebal

Tujuan Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 20, 25, 35, Komunikatif dapat menentukan tujuan komunikatif penulisan teks narrative Rujukan Kata Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 30, 49, 60 dapat menentukan rujukan kata yang ditentukan dengan benar 254


Appendix 2.d. Post-test 1 Material Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. The following text is for questions 1 to 5. The Magic Golden Fish A fisherman set off for a day’s fishing. His first catch was full of stones. The second was just weeds. Then in his net he caught a beautiful golden fish. The fish spoke to the fisherman, promising to grant him any wish if he let him go. But the fisherman was kind and left him go for nothing. When he return to his wife, she was furious was that there was no fish for supper, and when she heard the story of golden fish, she made her husband go back to the sea. “Ask the fish for a new washtub,” said the wife. The fish granted the wish, but the fisherman’s wife was not satisfied. She insisted that her husband went back and asked for a new cottage – and the fish provided it. But the greedy of the wife asked for more and more. After the cottage, she wanted fine clothes and a castle with servants. Then she asked to be a queen in a grand palace. All this golden fish, until he heard the greedy wife’s final request. She asked to be made as the queen of the sea, and to have the golden fish as her servant and to do anything what she asked. At this time, the fish swam away, and when the fisherman return home, he found his wife in front of their old cottage, dressed in her old clothes, with the same leaky old washtub as before. 1. The fisherman let the fish go because …. A. he was a good man. B. he didn’t want the fish. C. he was afraid of the fish. D. he wanted to catch another fish. E. he would be granted any wish by the fish.

2. What did the fisher man’s wife do when the he returned home? A. She was very angry. B. She had already cooked dinner. C. She was preparing food for supper. D. She had to cook supper for them both. E. She told him that she just had bought fish for dinner.

3. Why did the fisherman and his wife become poor again? A. The wife asked to be a queen and the golden fish as her servant. B. The fisherman brought back the golden fish at home. C. The wife had many requests to the golden fish. D. The golden fish was angry to the fisherman. E. The golden fish swam away.


4. Which statement is TRUE about the fisherman’s wife? A. She wanted to help her husband to catch the fish. B. She wanted to cook the golden fish for breakfast. C. She wanted to go back to the sea with her husband. D. She wanted a new cottage after she had got the washtub. E. She was happy because her husband had released the fish.

5. “She insisted that her husband went back and asked for a new cottage…” (paragraph 3) The bold word typed is synonymous to …. A. fulfill. B. advise. C. release. D. request. E. provide.

The following text is for questions 6 to 10. The Magic Candle One day a young wanderer got lost in a wood. Suddenly, he saw a light from an old hut. He knocked on the door, and old woman opened it. She was crying. She said that the devil had stolen her magic candle. The candle could grant everything she asked. The wanderer asked where the devil lived. “In a castle not far from here”, said the old woman. The wanderer went to the castle. There he found the devil, but he was old and weak. Therefore, when the wanderer grabbed the magic candle from the devil’s table and ran away, he couldn’t chase him. But the wanderer was not a kind man. He didn’t return the magic candle to the old woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish. “I want to go far away from here.” Suddenly the genies appeared and took him to a beautiful place. There was a party in the palace. The wanderer wanted to make some money. So he lit the candle again and wished for some jewelry. He sold them to the guests and was soon making a lot of money. Then the princess came to buy the jewelry, but there was nothing left. The wanderer fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. The kind princess said yes, and they got married the next day. In this happiness, the wandered told the princess about his adventure and the magic candle. Hearing that, the princess was very angry. At night she lit the candle and wished that the wandered disappeared. In the morning, the wandered awoke and found himself back in his ugly house in a village.


6. What magic candle could do? A. It could give treasure. B. It could light the whole city. C. It could make the owner very rich. D. It could grant all the owner’s wishes. E. It could make the owner very powerful.

7. Whom the magic candle actually belongs to? A. The devil. B. The genie. C. The princess. D. The wanderer. E. The old woman.

8. What did the princess do to the wanderer? A. She asked him disappeared. B. She gave him to the devil. C. She imprisoned him. D. She divorced him. E. She left him.

9. We can learn the following statements from the story, except … A. Be honest to the other. B. We must be a wanderer. C. Honesty is the best policy. D. Wealth doesn’t guarantee happiness. E. Don’t take something that doesn’t belong to us.

10. “The candle could grant everything she asked.” (paragraph 1, line 2) The bold typed word has similar meaning to …. A. Take. B. Give. C. Prohibit. D. Request. E. Demand.


The following text is for questions 11 to 15. A Caps Seller and Naughty Monkeys Once, a cap-seller was going to sell his caps in a village market. He was going through a forest. He was carrying a basket of red caps on his head. He got tired in the heat of the sun. He laid down under a tree to take rest. He put his basket on the ground. He fell asleep. There were monkeys on that tree. They came down and took the caps. Then they climbed on the tree. When the cap-seller woke up, he was surprised to see that monkeys were wearing his caps. He became sad. He thought of a plan. He threw his own cap on the ground. The monkeys also threw down their caps. He collected his caps and went away.

11. What did the monkeys do? A. They collected the caps. B. They wore all of the caps . C. They disturbed the cap-seller. D. They stole the caps and ran away. E. They lift the cap-seller to the tree.

12. How did the cap-seller solve his problem? A. By throwing down the cap on his head. B. By giving the caps to the monkeys. C. By going to village market. D. By sleeping under the tree. E. By leaving the forest.

13. Why did the monkey play a trick to the caps seller? A. The caps seller brought many caps. B. The caps seller climbed the tree. C. The caps seller threw his caps. D. The caps seller wore a cap. E. The caps seller fell asleep.

14. What can we infer from the story? A. The monkeys imitate the man’s behavior. B. The monkeys are cleverer than the man. C. The monkeys like stealing. D. The cap-seller is careless. E. The man is naughty.


15. The following statements are true about the text, except …. A. The monkey wore the seller’s caps. B. The monkey played a trick to the cap-seller. C. The monkey felt surprised seeing the cap-seller. D. The cap-seller was going to village market. E. The cap-seller slept under the tree.

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. The Greatest Treasure Once upon a time, the greatest treasure in the world was hidden in a chest. The chest was locked and was inside a cave that could only be found with the help of a map. A monkey found the key to chest on the tree, an elephant managed to move a boulder which stood in the way and the snake found the map under several stones. All of them tried to find the chest on their own, without success. An owl realized this and gathered the animals together to work as a team. The animals took its advice. After many attempts, they managed to find the chest. When they opened it, there was just a piece of parchment inside. It said that if they had reached this far then they had already found the greatest treasure in the world, friendship. The animals realized this was true and they happily remained friends to live together.

16. Where was the greatest treasure hidden? A. In a chest. B. Outside a cave. C. Under several stones. D. At the bottom of the lake. E. At the top of the mountain.

17. What did the snake do to find the greatest treasure? A. It adventured the jungle by itself. B. It invited the animals to work together. C. It looked for the map under several stones. D. It moved a boulder which stood in the way. E. It searched for the key to the chest on a tree.

18. Who suggested the animals work as a team? A. A lion. B. An owl. C. A snake . D. A monkey. E. An elephant.


19. What can we learn from the story? A. Luck comes to those who work hard. B. Friends fight for you and stand by you. C. The best friendships begin unexpectedly. D. Success doesn’t come without any failure. E. Friendship is the greatest treasure in the world.

20. What is the aim of the writer writes the story? A. To explain how friendships happen. B. To tell how to find a treasure. C. To describe about animals. D. To amuse the readers. E. To tell past event.

The following text is for questions 21 to 25. A Good Lesson Cheung Tsai was a good for nothing fellow. He knew that his father, old Mr. Cheung was a rich man. So Cheung Tsai was very careless with his father’s money and spent as much as he pleased. When old Mr. Cheung found out he did not give his son any more money. Cheung Tsai began to think of a plan. He went to his friends and borrowed money from each of them, saying, “Don’t worry. My father is so rich that I can easily pay back all the money I have borrowed from you.” Soon, he owed all of his friends so much money that they refused to lend him money. At last they began to ask him for their money back. Cheung Tsai did not know what to do, so his friends all went to old Mr. Cheung and asked him for their money back. Mr. Cheung was very angry. He gave his son two huge sacks full of dollar coins and ordered him to go to the home of each of his friends to repay the money he owed them. Cheung Tsai walked from house to house, carrying the heavy sacks of money. At least he thought to himself, “If giving money away to people is such harder must it be earn the money.” From that day onwards, he was very careful with money.

21. What makes Cheung Tsai spent his father’s money carelessly? A. Because he didn’t like his father. B. Because the money was also his. C. Because he couldn’t only live luxuriously. D. Because he knew that his father was so rich. E. Because he didn’t know how easy to earn money.


22. How did Cheung Tsai get money though his father didn’t give him? A. He worked part time. B. He owed money from his friends. C. He borrowed money from his brother. D. He asked for it from his mother. E. He sold his belonging.

23. What did Mr. Cheung order to Cheung Tsai to do? A. Leaving his house. B. Meeting his friends. C. Working hard to pay the debt. D. Borrowing money from villagers. E. Paying debt with coins in the sacks.

24. From the text we know that Mr. Cheung was …. A. A wise person. B. A greedy person. C. A patient person. D. A spit fire person. E. A generous person.

25. Why did the writer write the text? A. To explain how a phenomenon happened. B. To convince the readers about an event. C. To retell the writer’s experience. D. To describe someone’s life. E. To amuse the readers.


The following text is for questions 26 to 30. Damon and Phythias There once were two best friends named Damon and Phythias. They live in Syracuse, Sicily in the 4th century BC. They were philosophers of Pythagorean school. One day, Phythias was sentenced to death by Dionysius the Younger, the ruler of the city, for plotting against his rule. Phythias then begged for permission to go home to finish his private affairs before he’s executed. Dionysius of course refused his request. Phythias felt very sad and hopeless. But then, Damon came to Dionysius and begged to grant Phythias’request. Damon loyally offered to replace Phythias while he was gone. He was willing to take Phythias’ place in prison. Dionysius then agreed and granted their request. Phythias was very happy and thankful for his friend’s sacrifice. He promised Damon that he will returned as soon as possible. He started home as fast as he can. Days gone by and Damon waited very patiently in jail. But until the day before his execution, Phythias had not returned. And on his execution day, Phythias still had not returned. Damon knew that he had to take Phythias’place and get executed if Phythias didn’t show up. It turned out that Phytias had tried to keep his promise to his best friend, but he cannot. He got delayed on his way back. Phythias’ heart beat fast. He felt very uneasy. He feared that he would be too late, and Damon, his faithful friend will get executed because of him. Dionysius told Damon that it’s the execution day and since Phythias had not returned he had to take his place. Incredibly, just as Damon was about to die in his place, Phythias arrived. He shouted to stop the execution. He felt so relief that his friend is still alive. He apologized to Damon for his delay. Damon said that it’s alright and he told Phythias that he trusted him. Dionysius was so impressed by this example of loyalty that he pardoned Phythias and asked to share their friendship.

26. Why did the Dionysius punish Phythias? A. He went home. B. He met his parents. C. He let Damon died. D. He against Dionysius’ rule. E. He left Pythagorean school.

27. What did Damon offer? A. Sacrificing Phythias’ life. B. Meeting Phythias’ parents. C. Leaving Pythagorean school. D. Going home as fast as possible. E. Replacing Phythias’ punishment.


28. What did Phythias promise to Damon? A. Returning to school as fast as possible. B. Sacrificing his life for Damon. C. Apologizing to Dionysius. D. Stopping the execution. E. Pardoning Damon.

29. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text? A. Damon died in the execution day. B. Damon sacrificed his life for Phythias. C. Phythias went home as fast as possible. D. Phythias broke his promise to Damon. E. Both Damon and Phythias were alive.

30. “He shouted to stop the execution.” (paragraph 6) The underlined word refers to …. A. Damon. B. Phythias. C. Dionysius. D. Phythias’ father. E. Dionysius’ younger brother.

The following text is for questions 31 to 35. The Curse of King Mintin Once in Kahayan Hilir, Central Kalimantan, there was an island named Mintin. The island was ruled by a King called King Mintin. He was very wise and loved by his people. The people lived peacefully there unti one day, the queen passed away. The King could not hold his sadness and decide to leave the island. Before leaving his kingdom, King Mintin instructed his son to rule the kingdom as well as protected it. King Mintin had twin sons. They were Naga and Buaya. At the beginning, the two princes could lead the kingdom well. Then, everything started to go wrong. Naga who was ignorant led the kingdom badly. He did not care about the people. Buaya, who was caring the people warned him, however, it did not work. Instead of changing his habits, Naga was angry when he was warned by Buaya. They started to have fight. The fight became a civil war because it involved the soldiers. The island soon then was in chaos. King Mintin who heard this decided to go back to Mintin. He then asked both of his sons to stop the war. He was very angry because his sons disappointed him. he then punished his sons. He cursed Naga to be a dragon and leave the island. Meanwhile, although Buaya was a caring person he was also punished. The King cursed Buaya to be a crocodile however, as Buaya always tried to protect the people, he was let to live in the island. A magical then happened. Buaya became crocodile and lived in the island, while Naga became a real dragon and left the island.


31. Why did the King leave the island? A. Because he was sick. B. Because he wanted to resign. C. Because he had given the island to his sons. D. Because he did not love his people anymore. E. Because he was very sad following his wife’s death.

32. What caused the war? A. Buaya disliked Naga very much. B. Naga wanted to rule the island by himself. C. Naga was angry because Buaya warned him. D. Buaya wanted to rule the island by himself. E. Naga disturbed the people in the island.

33. What did King Mintin do when he got to the island? A. He let Buaya ruled the kingdom. B. He punished both of his sons. C. He expelled both of his sons. D. He took over the kingdom. E. He killed his sons.

34. What is the resolution of the text? A. Buaya was killed by Naga. B. Naga became the next king. C. Buaya became the next king. D. Naga was killed by King Mintin E. The King cursed the sons into dragon and crocodile.

35. What is the communicative purpose of the text? A. To present two different point of view of an actual issue. B. To entertain the readers about a story in different way. C. To persuade the readers to do something. D. To describe how King Mintin in general. E. To tell a story with humorous part.


The following text is for questions 36 to 40. The Shepherd Boy There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hill side watching village sheep. To amuse himself, he took a great breath and sang out, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, he found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces “Don’t cry ‘wolf’, shepherd boy,” said the villager, “There’s no wolf!” they went grumbling back down the hill. Later, the boy sang out again, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” to his naughty delight, he watched the villagers ran up the hill to help him drive the wolf away. When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, “Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there is no wolf!” But the boy just grinned and watched them went grumbling down the hill once more. Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could “Wolf! Wolf!” But the villagers thought he was trying to full them again, and so they didn’t come. At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy had not returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping. “There really was a wolf here! There flock has scattered! I cried out ‘wolf’! Why didn’t you come?” An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to village. “We’ll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning,” he said, putting his arm around the youth, “Nobody believes a liar even when he is telling the truth.”

36. Why did the boy play a trick to the villagers? A. He felt bored. B. He had no friend. C. He was so delight. D. He hated the villagers. E. He needed villagers’ help.

37. What is the complication part of the text? A. The old man’s words. B. A wolf ate the boy’s sheep. C. The boy’s action to cry wolf. D. Introduction about the boy’s activity. E. The villagers’ reaction on what the boy did.


38. What did the villagers do when the boy cried wolf for the third time? A. They ran to the top of the hill. B. They came and helped him. C. They searched for the boy. D. They ignored him. E. They grumbled.

39. What is the moral value of the story? A. Don’t laugh at old people. B. Wolf is a dangerous animal. C. Don’t bring your flock to a hill. D. Don’t play too far from your house. E. Nobody believes a true said by a liar.

40. “They went grumbling back down the hill.” The bold typed word has the closest meaning to …. A. angry. B. peaceful. C. complaining. D. delighted. E. happy.

The following text is for questions 41 to 45. The Farmer and the Bird A farmer came across a bird with a broken wing. He picked it up, took it home and looked after it lovingly, even though his wife complained bitterly about his wasting too much time on the creature. After some time, the wing mended and because the bird did not want the farmer to have kept on arguing with his wife all the time; it decided to go back to its nest. When the farmer discovered that the birds had gone, he was so upset that he went out to look for it. Eventually, he found it again, and was greeted happily by the whole family of the bird. As a sign of their thanks for his care and attention, the bird gave him a little box, and told him not to open until he got home. To his surprise, the farmer found the box full of precious stones. When his wife saw him them, she decided that she too deserved a reward, and she went to see the birds. The birds gave him a little casket, but this one full of devils. The devils jumped on her as soon as she opened the casket and chased her away. Left alone, the farmer went to live near his friend, the bird. There he built a hut of perfumed wood. And the birds decorated it with flowers every kind.


41. How did the farmer’s wife respond to her husband’s action looking after the bird? A. She liked it. B. She disliked it. C. She supported it. D. She killed the bird. E. She expelled the bird.

42. Why did the bird leave the farmer? A. It wanted to be free. B. It made the farmer tired. C. It hated the farmer’s wife. D. It wanted to live with its family. E. It didn’t want the farmer arguing with his wife.

43. What did the bird give to the farmer? A. A box full of jewelry. B. A box perfumed wood. C. A box full of precious stone. D. A box contained devil. E. A hut in the jungle.

44. What happened to the farmer’s wife? A. She was chased away by the devils in the box. B. She lived with her husband happily. C. She was killed by the devil. D. She got precious stone. E. She left her husband.

45. What is the resolution of the text? A. The farmer and the birds lived separately, but they often visited him. B. The farmer lived wealthily by selling the precious stone. C. The farmer lived with his wife happily ever after. D. The farmer lived with the birds in the jungle. E. The farmer left the bird alone in the jungle.


The following text is for questions 46 to 50. Calon Arang Calon Arang was a widow of Girah who gave birth to a daughter in the jungle. Her daughter grew up to be the famed beauty Ratna Menggali. Calon Arang wanted her daughter to marry a Prince from Airlangga’s Palace. However, no prince came along. Infuriated by this, Calon Arang learned the art of black magic and practiced it against the kingdom, causing many people to die. When the king Airlangga heard of the epidemic in Girah, he consulted his high priest, Empu Bharadah. The priest then sent his son to propose Ratna Menggali. Calon Arang was pleased the curse ended, and the couple wed. Calon Arang inscribed her black magic secret on the lontar (palm leaf book). One day, her son-in-law found it and gave it to his father when Calon Arang found out that Mpu Bharadah had learned her secrets, she was furious and declared war upon him. The priest had no choice but to fight end, in a deathly struggle, destroyed the widow by casting a spill. Before she died, Calon Arang asked forgiveness. Mpu Bharadah forgave her and showed her the way to heaven.

46. What did Calon Arang do to get her want? A. She killed the King. B. She kidnapped the Prince. C. She married Mpu Bharadah. D. She cursed the villagers by black magic. E. She inscribed her black magic secret on the lontar.

47. What made the curse ended? A. Ratna Menggali married the Prince. B. Mpu Bharadah killed Calon Arang. C. Calon Arang died in the battle. D. The King loved Calon Arang. E. The Prince knew her secret.

48. What made Calon Arang enraged? A. The King knew her secret. B. The King killed Ratna Menggali. C. The Prince stole Calon Arang’s secret. D. Mpu Bharadah married Ratna Menggali. E. Mpu Bharadah learned Calon Arang’s secret.


49. “…, her son-in-law found it and gave it to his father …” (paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to …. A. Black magic secret. B. Airlangga’s palace. C. The epidemic. D. The kingdom. E. The war.

50. “…,he consulted his high priest, …” The bold typed word has similar meaning to …. A. cover up. B. check with. C. discuss with. D. keep quiet. E. look up.

The following text is for questions 51 to 55. Jack and the Beanstalk Once upon a time, there was a poor widow who had an only son named Jack. They were so poor that they didn’t have anything except a cow. When the cow had grown to old, his mother sent Jack to the market to sell it. On the way to the market, Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand. The butcher told the boy that the beans were of great value and persuaded the silly fad to sell the cow for the beans. Jack brought them happily. When he told his mother about this, his mother became so angry that she threw the beans out of the windows. When Jack walked up in the morning, he felt the sun shining into a part of his room but all the rest was quiet dark and shady. So he jumped to the window. What did he see? The beanstalk grew up quiet close past Jack’s window, he opened the window and jumped to the beanstalk which ran up just like a big ladder. He climbed…and climbed till at last he reached the sky. While looking around, he saw a very huge castle. He was very amazed. Then, Jack walked along the part leading to the castle. There was a big tall woman on the door step. Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess mercy to give him breakfast, because he felt very hungry. Although the giantess grumbled at first, finally she gave Jack a hunk of bread and cheese and a jug of meal. Jack hadn’t finished when the whole house, began to tremble with the noise of someone’s coming. “Oh! It’s my husband!” cried the giantess. “What on Earth shall I do?” hastily the giantess opened a very big cupboard and hid Jack there.


51. What was Jack’s mother order to Jack? A. Buying beans. B. Selling their cow. C. Visiting a butcher. D. Planting the beans. E. Meeting the giantess.

52. What did Jack get from the market? A. An old cow. B. A beanstalk. C. A jug of milk. D. Beautiful beans. E. Bread and cheese.

53. What did Jack see when he reached the sky? A. A huge castle. B. A big ladder. C. A beanstalk. D. A woman. E. Doorstep.

54. What did the giantess do knowing her husband came home? A. She went to the market. B. She enjoyed the breakfast. C. She hid Jack in the cupboard. D. She gave bread and cheese to her husband. E. She greeted and asked for breakfast to her husband.

55. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. Jack went to the market. B. Jack brought beans home. C. Jack got her mother’s anger. D. Jack sold his cow for beans. E. Jack met a giantess beyond the sky.


The following text is for questions 56 to 60. A Huntsman and a Crane A crane was standing in a stream, hoping to catch some fish. A huntsman was crawling through the bushes on the riverbank, and spotted the crane. He’d not caught anything that day, and carefully readied his bow and arrow. He took aim and sent an arrow flying towards the crane. The crane heard the movement of the arrow through the air, and raised her wings. Just as she was airborn, the arrow hit her in the thigh. She squealed, but was able to stay in the air and fly away. She didn’t get very far before the pain forced her down. She landed awkwardly in a clearing in the woods. A woodsman who’d been working there, gathering branches, found the poor crane. He took pity on her, and dropped his wood, and carried the crane to his hut. There he removed the arrow, and applied some herbs to help heal the wound. The woodsman took good care of the crane, he fed her and changed her dressing every day. As her wound healed, the crane fell in love with this kind woodsman. Unbeknown to the woodsman, the crane happened to possess magic powers, and she was able to turn herself into a young woman. When the woodsman came home from his work that evening, he found the woman there, who had prepared a meal for him. The next day she went into the village and procured a weaving loam that she placed in one of the rooms. That night the woman explained to her husband that she’ll be weaving cloth for him to sell in the market. That way they can earn much more money than he can possibly make from selling wood. But she warned him that he must never come into the room when she is working, or something really bad will happen. Weeks and months passed. Every day the man went to the market to sell the cloth and every evening when he arrived back home, there was a large quantity of newly woven cloth. They were now very well off, and they had a very good life. One day, the man became curious, and he determined to see how his wife managed to produce all this very fine cloth day in day out. He set off for the market as usual with it, but once out of sight of the house, he hid the cloth behind some trees, and went back to the house. Keeping very quiet, he crept up to the room where she worked. He could hear her working inside. He slowly opened the door, and peeked inside. To his great shock, there working at the loam was the crane he rescued! Immediately the magic spell was broken, and the crane returned to her natural state. Because he could not control his curiosity, the man lost his wife and his income from selling the cloth she used to weave.

56. What did the crane do in a stream? A. Taking a bath. B. Enjoying the meal. C. Hoping to catch some fish. D. Waiting for the woodsman. E. Looking for the woodsman.


58. What did the woman warn the woodsman to? A. Weaving clothes in the house. B. Coming into her working room. C. Looking for woods in the forest. D. Selling the clothes to the market. E. Preparing for meal in the kitchen.

59. Why did the young woman buy a weaving loam? A. To create a handy craft. B. To lace the man’s cloth. C. To sell it in the next day. D. To weave clothes to sell. E. To produce various souvenirs.

59. “He set off for the market as usual with it, …” (paragraph 4) The underlined word refers to …. A. The income. B. The wood. C. The crane. D. The meal. E. The cloth.

60. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. The young woman finally died. B. The young woman was actually a crane. C. The woodsman lost her wife and income. D. The young woman left the woodsman alone. E. The woodsman sold the clothes in the market.



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Kelas/ Semester : XI / Genap Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Keterampilan : Membaca (Reading) & Menulis (Writing) Alokasi Waktu : 3 X 2 JP (6 x 45 Menit) Materi Pembelajaran : Narrative Text

A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Membaca 11. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan Menulis 12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

B. KOMPETENSI DASAR Membaca 11. 2. Merespon makna dan retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative Menulis 12. 2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative


C. INDIKATOR PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI Siswa diharapkan dapat: 1. menemukan tokoh utama dari teks narrative. 2. menemukan setting dalam sebuah cerita narrative. 3. menemukan komplikasi dari teks narrative. 4. menemukan resolusi dari teks narrative. 5. menemukan moral dari teks narrative. 6. menemukan informasi tertentu dari teks yang dibaca. 7. Menemukan informasi renci dari teks yang dibaca. 8. Menemukan informasi tersirat dari teks yang dibaca. 9. menemukan rujukan kata yang ditentukan. 10. menemukan makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca. 11. menemukan informasi tertentu, rujukan kata, dan makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca dengan cepat. 12. membuat teks narrative singkat yang memuat penggunaan saying, thinking, dan feeling verbs.

D. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Di akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat: Pertemuan 1 1. menemukan informasi tertentu dengan cepat. 2. menemukan informasi rinci dengan cepat. 3. menemukan informasi tersirat dengan cepat 4. menemukan rujukan kata kata dengan cepat. 5. menemukan makna kata dengan cepat. 6. menjelaskan struktur teks narrative yang dibaca untuk mendukung kecepatan membaca siswa. 7. menemukan saying verbs yang terdapat pada teks narrative yang dibaca 8. menentukan saying verbs yang tepat sesuai dengan konteks kalimat.


Pertemuan 2 1. informasi tertentu dengan cepat 2. menemukan informasi rinci dengan cepat 3. menemukan informasi tersirat dengan cepat 4. menemukan rujukan kata kata dengan cepat 5. menemukan makna kata dengan cepat 6. menjelaskan struktur teks narrative yang dibaca untuk mendukung kecepatan membaca siswa 7. menentukan saying, thinking, dan feeling verbs dari sebuah teks narrative.

Pertemuan 3 1. menemukan informasi tertentu dengan cepat 2. menemukan informasi rinci dengan cepat 3. menemukan informasi tersirat dengan cepat 4. menemukan rujukan kata kata dengan cepat 5. menemukan makna kata dengan cepat 6. menjelaskan struktur teks narrative yang dibaca untuk mendukung kecepatan membaca siswa 7. menyusun teks narrative.

E. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN 1. Teks narrative (definisi, tujuan penulisan teks, dan struktur umum teks) 2. Unsur kebahasaan teks narrative: a. Vocabulary yang berkaitan dengan bacaan b. Tata bahasa, meliputi: 1) Saying Verbs 2) Thinking Verbs 3) Feeling Verbs

F. METODE PEMBELAJARAN Task-Based Instruction (TBI) yang didukung dengan teknik Timed Repeated Reading


G. LANGKAH KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN Pertemuan 1 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru mengucapkansalam dan menyapa siswa. b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa. c. Guru mengajak siswa untuk membaca basmalah bersama. d. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti a. SCHEMA BUILDING 1) Secara berpasangan, siswa mengamati gambar dan menjodohkannya dengan judul cerita narrative. (Task 1) 2) Secara berpasangan, siswa menjodohkan potongan cerita teks narrative dengan nilai moral yang tepat. (Task 2 3) Siswa mempelajari kata-kata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. (Task 3) b. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan teknis sebagai berikut. (Task 4) a) Guru menjelaskan instruksi penerapan teknik timed repeated reading bahwa pada pemebelajaran reading ini, siswa akan membaca teks yang sama sebanyak lima kali dengan durasi satu menit dalam setiap kali membaca dan menerapkan proses membaca dengan kecepatan membaca yang dirasa nyaman bagi siswa, tidak terlalu cepat dan tidak terlalu pelan. b) Guru membagikan lembar kerja, mengkondisikan siswa untuk siap membaca, dan meminta siswa untuk membaca dengan mengucapkan begin. Di akhir satu menit pertama, guru meminta siswa untuk berhenti dengan mengucapkan stop. Siswa kemudian menulis angka 1 kecil pada kata terakhir yang mereka baca.


c) Guru meminta siswa untuk melanjutkan proses membaca yang harus diulang dari awal bacaan yang sudah mereka baca. Pada akhir menit kedua, guru meminta siswa untuk berhenti dan menuliskan angka 2 pada kata terakhir yang mereka baca. d) Guru mengulang langkah-langkah tersebut hingga pembacaan teks menit kelima. e) Guru meminta siswa mengerjakan 10 soal membaca pemahaman dalam bentuk pilihan ganda dalam waktu 7 menit. 2) Siswa menentukan struktur umum teks yang meliputi orientation (tokoh dan setting), complication, resolution, nilai moral, dan tujuan penulisan dari teks narrative yang sudah dibaca. (Task 5) c. LINGUISTIC ELEMENTS FOCUS 1) Siswa menentukan saying verbs yang terdapat di dalam teks task 3 dan menemukan maknanya dalam bahasa Indonesia.. (Task 6) 2) Siswa melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan saying verbs yang benar (Task 7) d. FREER PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 8) 3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran siswa. d. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa membaca hamdalah bersama dan salam.


Pertemuan 2 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru mengucapkansalam dan menyapa siswa b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa c. Guru mengajak siswa untuk membaca basmalah bersama d. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. e. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti a. SCHEMA BUILDING 1) Siswa mempelajari kata-kata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. (Task 9) b. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 10) 2) Siswa menentukan struktur umum teks yang meliputi orientation (tokoh dan setting), complication, dan resolution, nilai moral, dan tujuan penulisan dari teks narrative yang sudah dibaca. (Task 11) c. LINGUISTC ELEMENTS FOCUS 1) Siswa menentukan feeling, thinking,dan saying verbs dari teks narrative. (Task 11) d. FREER PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 12)


3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran siswa. d. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa membaca hamdalah bersama dan salam.

Pertemuan 3 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru mengucapkansalam dan menyapa siswa. b. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa. c. Guru mengajak siswa untuk membaca basmalah bersama. d. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. e. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti a. SCHEMA BUILDING 1) Siswa mempelajari kata-kata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. (Task 13) b. CONTROLLED PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 14) 2) Siswa menentukan struktur umum teks yang meliputi orientation (tokoh dan setting), complication, dan resolution, nilai moral, dan tujuan penulisan dari teks narrative yang sudah dibaca. (Task 15)

c. FREER PRACTICE 1) Siswa secara individu membaca teks narrative yang telah disediakan dengan menerapkan teknik timed repeated reading dilanjutkan mengerjakan 10 soal


berkaitan dengan teks pada lembar jawab yang tersedia, dengan penjelasan teknis pada poin 1 controlled practice. (Task 16)

d. PEDAGOGICAL TASK 1) Siswa menyusun paragraf acak menjadi teks narrative singkat. (Task 17) 2) Siswa membuat teks narrative singkat berdasarkan gambar yang disediakan. (Task 18) 3. Penutup a. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran siswa dari 3 pertemuan. b. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa membaca hamdalah bersama dan salam.

H. SUMBER PEMBELAJARAN Grace, Eudia & Sudarwati, Th. M. 2006. Look Ahead an English Course for Senior High School Students Year XI. Jakarta: Erlangga.

I. PENILAIAN a. Jenis/ Teknik Penilaian: Tes Tulis b. Bentuk Instrument: Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choices) dan Uraian (Essay) c. Instrumen: Terlampir

Mengetahui, Bantul, April 2018 Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Dara Zukhana, S. Pd. Hadna Suryantari NIP.


Appendix 2.f. Lesson Material Cycle 2 TASK 1 Look at the following pictures and match each picture with the correct titles which are in the box. Then, answer the questions.

Situ Bagendit Timun Mas Malin Kundang Sangkuriang Cinde Laras Roro Jonggrang

Questions 1. Do you know the stories?

2. Which one of the stories do you like most?

3. What makes you like that story?


TASK 2 Match the following narrative stories in the left column with the appropriate moral value in the right column. Narrative Stories Moral Value 1. In Timun Mas, there was a couple who always prayed for a A. The jealous will feel his/her lose and destruction in the child. They finally got a child in a golden cucumber given next day. by a giant. B. We should not give up with 2. In Bandung Bondowoso and Roro Jonggrang, Roro problems we are facing. Jonggrang refused her marriage with Bandung Bondowoso There is still God as our the best place to ask and beg. by waking up cocks to crow before the sun raised. Bandung

was angry. Then, he cursed Roro Jonggrang being the last C. Respect your parents and your life will be wonderful. stone of his temple.

3. In Sangkuriang, knowing Sangkuriang killed Tumang, D. Accept the God’s fate. Don’t impose our intentions. Dayang Sumbi hit Sangkuriang with a dipper made from

coconut seal and expelled him. Sangkuriang did not know E. Be honest to what we feel that Tumang was his father. and keep our promise. 4. In crying stone, the daughter did not want to recognize the woman as her mother. The mother was so angry and prayed to God to punish her daughter. The daughter was cursed to a stone who could flow tears. 5. In Golden Snail, Galuh Ajeng hated Candra Kirana’s beauties. She then made Candra Kirana suffered skin disease. Finally, Galuh Ajeng was known as the cruel doer. She had to live outside of the Kingdom.

TASK 3 Find out the meaning of the following words by matching each word of column A to column B. Column A Column B

flowed out takut

porridge menghilang shouted meluap covered bubur afraid memukul hit berteriak incredible tertutup climbed memanjat 283 disappeared luar biasa

TASK 4 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

The Story from Roti Island Once upon a time, a grandmother and her granddaughter lived in Roti Island, Nusa 14 Tenggara Timur. They had a field and grew some vegetables. The grandmother sold 34 them at the market. On one morning, the grandmother would go to the market. 41 Before she left, she asked the granddaughter to cook. “Please cook some rice for 55 lunch. But just cook one grain of rice. It is enough for both us.” “Why, grandma?” asked 72 the girl. “Just do what I said!” said the grandmother. The grandmother then left for the 88 market. Later, the girl started to cook. However, she felt a grain of rice would not be 105 enough for them. “I think it is not enough for me and my grandmother,” said the girl. 122 Then, she took two handful of rice. Suddenly, something bad happened to the rice pot. 137 “Oh, no! The rice flowed out of the pot!” shouted the girl. “What should I do?” 153 The rice became rice porridge. It flowed and flowed until it covered the kitchen. 167 Suddenly, the grandmother came home. The girl explained what happened. “You are a 180 naughty girl! Why don’t you listen to me?” the grandmother was so angry. She hit the 196 little girl with a wooden stick. “Please forgive me, grandma!” the little girl cried and 211 cried. But, the grandmother kept hitting her. Then, an incredible thing happened! The 224 girl turned into a monkey. The monkey then ran away and climbed a tree. 238 From the tree, the monkey said. “Grandmother, I am a monkey now. I cannot live 253 with you anymore. You are all alone.” Then the monkey climbed up and disappeared. 267 The grandmother was so sad. She was sorry what she had done to her beloved 282 granddaughter. “Please come back to me. Please forgive me, my granddaughter!” but it 295 was too late. 298 The little girl has turned into a monkey and never came home. The people of Roti 314 Island believe this story. And it is why until now, people of Roti Island never hit their 331 children or other people’ child. They are afraid that the child would turn into a monkey. Total: 347


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. What did the grandmother do to earn money? She worked as a …. A. farmer C. chef E. merchant B. gardener D. cook

2. What did the grandmother do with her harvest? A. She gave it to monkeys. D. She sold it to other people. B. She kept it in the kitchen. E. She cooked it for her family. C. She granted it to villagers.

3. What should the granddaughter do during her grandmother went to market? A. climbing up a tree D. selling vegetables B. making rice porridge E. feeding the monkey C. cooking rice for lunch

4. What did the granddaughter’s fault in doing her grandmother instruction? A. She climbed up a tree in the forest. D. She hit their monkeys. B. She cooked rice porridge for lunch. E. She put more rice than usual. C. She covered the kitchen with grains.

5. What did the grandmother do to her grandchild’s fault? A. She kept her in the kitchen. D. She asked her to leave home. B. She hit her with a wooden stick. E. She gave her much rice porridge. C. She instructed her to eat the rice.

6. What happened to her grandchild after the grandmother expressed her anger? A. The grandchild should learn cooking. D. The grandchild was urged to leave home. B. The grandchild had to work every day. E. The grandchild was asked to stay on a tree. C. The grandchild changed to be a monkey.

7. “Please come back to me. Please forgive me, my granddaughter!” but it was too late. The utterance expresses the grandmother’s …. A. regret C. sadness E. annoyance B. anger D. happiness


8. Why did the Roti Island people never hit children? A. They disliked the grandmother. B. They felt ashamed with monkeys. C. They were worried to be monkey. D. They expressed their sadness to the grandchild. E. They were afraid the children turned into monkey.

9. “… It flowed and flowed until it covered the kitchen …” The underlined word refers to …. A. rice C. monkey E. kitchen B. rice pot D. porridge

10 “…The girl turned into a monkey.” What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. became C. behaved E. acted B. forgave D. performed

TASK 5 Read the task 4 texts again. Then, complete the following table. Orientation a. Setting

b. Main Characters



Moral Value



Saying Verbs

Saying verbs refers to the talking verbs in direct speech. e.g.: say, ask, answer, reply, shout, rebuke, mutter, speak, tell, whisper, complain, boast, suggest, insist, snap, stammer, plead, demand, inquire, explain, etc.

Task 6 Put the following words into the correct sentences. Use each word once only. boasted pleaded demanded complained suggested snapped whispered stammered insisted inquired shouted explained

1. “What about hunting a deer? You can go with Tumang” Dayang Sumbi ______. 2. “Oh, but you can’t go yet. You must stay at home and clean this house,” the step mother ______to Bawang Putih. 3. “Can’t you tell me where Ali Baba lives?” ______the thief.. 4. “I want you back to the fish and ask it to give us a palace!” ______the irritated housewife. 5. “Oh, will you two shut up!” ______Bawang Putih’s stepmother to the daughters. 6. “I love you Roro Jonggrang,” Bandung Bondowoso ______tenderly. 7. “I’m the fastest runner. You won’t lose me,” the hare ______to the turtle. 8. “Help! I can’t swim! Help!” ______Bagenda Endit as she went under the water. 9. “You see, Sangkuriang, you are my son,” ______Dayang Sumbi. “I can’t marry you.” 10. “Please, don’t kill me!” ______Snow White as the huntsman pointed his broad-bladed knife at her. 11. “It’s not fair,” ______the girls to her mother. “Cinderella should not get the Prince’s love.” 12. “W…w…will you m…m…marry me? Sangkuriang ______.


TASK 7 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

The Story of Panyalahan Village Long time ago in Tasikmalaya, West Java, lived a young couple. They were farmers. 19 They lived happily with their baby. The couple also had some animals. One of them was 30 a tiger. 32 When the couple went to work on the paddy field, the tiger looked after their baby. 48 As usual, the couple went to paddy field. Before they left, they asked the tiger to look 65 after their baby. “We will go to the field now. Look after our baby, okay?” the tiger 82 nodded. So the couple went to the field. 90 They worked from morning until afternoon. When the couple arrived home, the 102 faithful tiger welcomed them. The tiger acted differently. He wagged his tail and rubbed 116 his body to the couple’s legs. He looked very happy. The husband became more 130 suspicious. “Why does this tiger behave strangely? He does not act as usual?” he 144 thought. The husband looked at the tiger carefully. He was shocked. The tiger’s mouth 158 was full of blood. Then he remembered his baby. He thought the tiger had eaten the 174 baby. “Why is your mouth full of blood?” he asked the tiger. “You must have done 190 something bad to my baby! Have you killed him? Why did you do that?” he was so 207 panicked. The husband took his knife and killed the tiger in anger. 219 Then they both entered the house. They were shocked. They looked at each other. 233 Their baby was sleeping in a cradle. He was not eaten by the tiger. Quickly, the wife 250 took and kissed the baby. The baby woke up, opened his eyes, and smiled. The couple 266 found a very large snake under the cradle. It was dead and full of blood. “Oh my wife,” 284 the husband said. “We have done a terrible thing. The tiger is not guilty! The tiger must 301 have killed the snake. He saved our baby, but I killed him. Oh, my God! What have I 319 done? I’m so sorry. Forgive me, my dear tiger.” 328 The couple had killed their tiger. It all happened because they didn’t check the baby 343 first before they killed the tiger. Since then, the couple’s village was called Panyalahan. 357 It derives from the word nyalahan which means wrong guess. Total: 367


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. Where did the young couple go in the morning? A. A town. C. Rice field. E. Forest. B. A village. D. Paddy barn. . 2. What should the tiger do without the couple? The tiger should …. A. look after the baby. C. save the wife. E. keep the house. B. take care the husband. D. kill their pets.

3. Why did the husband feel suspicious to the tiger? A. It rubbed its tail. C. It slept in the cradle. E. It ate a big snake. B. It wagged its legs. D. It didn’t act as usual.

4. Why did the husband feel shocked when he looked at the tiger? A. The tiger wagged its tail. B. The tiger killed the large snake. C. The tiger welcomed the couple. D. The tiger’s mouth was full of blood. E. The tiger rubbed its body to the couple.

5. What did the husband think about the tiger? A. The tiger ate the baby. C. The tiger saved a snake. E. The tiger kissed the baby. B. The tiger left the baby. D. The tiger killed the snake.

6. What did the man do the tiger? A. He chased away the tiger. D. He ate the tiger. B. He rubbed the tiger’s body. E. He killed the tiger. C. He gave a snake to the tiger.

7. What did the tiger do to the baby? A. The tiger left the baby alone. D. The tiger kept the baby waking up. B. The tiger entertained the baby. E. The tiger saved the baby from a snake. C. The tiger made the baby sleeping.

8. Why did the husband do a terrible thing to the tiger? A. He didn’t check the baby first. D. He saw his wife panicked and shocked. B. He saved the baby from a snake. E. He found a dead snake under the cradle. C. He looked at the baby in the cradle.


9. “When the couple arrived home, the faithful tiger welcomed them.” What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. kind C. naïve E. greedy B. loyal D. stingy

10. “It was dead and full of blood.” The underlined word refers to …. A. tiger C. paddy E. pet B. snake D. cradle

Task 8 Find out the meaning of the following words by matching each word of column A to column B. Column A Column B

intention aman

habit menghukum flesh menghilangkan guard penyakit allow membuang vanish tujuan recognize menderita punish daging expel menjaga suffer mengizinkan

disease mengakui safe kebiasaan


TASK 9 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

The Legend of Aji Saka In the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan, in Java, came a young man named Aji Saka. 15 He came from Bumi Majeti. His intention was to fight Dewata Cengkar, the cruel king 30 of The Country who had a habit to eat human flesh of his own people. 45 One day, he told his two servants that he was going to Java.he told them that while 62 he was away, both of them had to guard his heirloom/pusaka. No one except Aji Saka 78 himself allowed taking Pusaka. In the big battle, Aji Saka could successfully push 91 Dewata Cengkar to fall to the South Sea. Dewata Cengkar did not die. He became Bajul 107 Putih (white crocodile) Aji Saka became a ruler of Medang Kamulan. 118 Meanwhile, a woman of the village Dadapan found an egg. She put her egg in her 134 lumbung (rice barn). After a second period, the egg vanished, instead a snake found in 149 the rice barn. The villagers would like to kill the snake, but the snake said, “I’m the son 167 of Aji Saka, bring me to him.” 174 Aji Saka told the snake, that he would be recognized as his son, if he could kill the 192 Bajul Putih in the South Sea. After a long stormy battle which both side demonstrating 207 physical strength and showing skillful ability of fighting, the snake could kill Bajul 220 Putih. 221 As had been promised, the snake was recognized as Aji Saka’s son and named Jaka 236 Linglung (a stupid boy). 240 In the palace, Jaka Linglung greedily ate domestic pets of the palace. He was 254 punished by the king, expelling him to live in the Jungle of Pesanga. He was tightly 270 roped until he could not move his head. He was instructed only to eat things which fell 287 to his mouth. 290 One day, a group of nine villager boys were playing around in the jungle. Suddenly, 305 it was raining heavily. They had to find a shelter. Luckily, there was a cave. Only eight 322 boys went inside the cave. The other one who was suffering from very bad skin disease, 338 sting, and dirty, had to stay out of the cave. All of a sudden, the cave was falling apart. 357 The eight boys vanished, only one who stayed outside was safe. The cave in fact was the 374 mouth of Jaka Linglung. Total: 378


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. What was Aji Saka’s intention in the Medang Kamulan Kingdom? A. meeting Bajul Putih C. killing the Medang Kamulan King B. searching for his son D. delivering heirloom of the Kingdom King C. fighting Dewata Cengkar

2. Why was Dewata Cengkar called as a cruel king? A. He ate human flesh. D. He punished the villagers. B. He killed many villagers. E. He guarded Medang Kamulan King. C. He stole the villagers’ eggs.

3. What must the servants of Aji Saka do while he was away to Java? A. meeting the King B. killing Jaka Linglung C. guarding Aji Saka’s pusoko D. helping Medang Kamulan King E. taking the Aji Saka’s pusoko in the battle

4. Why did Dewata Cengkar keep alive? A. He ate human flesh. D. He became a white crocodile. B. He took Aji Saka’s pusoko. E. He guarded Aji Saka’s pusoko. C. He fell down to South Sea.

5. What should the snake do in ordered to be recognized as Aji Saka’s son? A. He had to eat many children. B. He had to find the villagers’ eggs. C. He had to take Aji Saka’s pusoko. D. He had to live in the palace forever. E. He had to kill Bajul Putih in the South Sea.

6. Why must Jaka Linglung leave the palace? A. He ate the palace’s pets. D. He found the villagers’ eggs. B. He punished the Aji Saka. E. He kidnapped the villager boys. C. He killed Dewata Cengkar.

7. Where must Jaka Linglung live? A. In a cave. D. In Bumi Majeti. B. In South Sea. E. In Jungle of Pesanga. C. In a rice barn.


. 8. How many villager boys were lost because of Jaka Linglung? A. 1 B. 3 C. 7 D. 8 E. 9

9. “…They had to find a shelter. Luckily, there was a cave…” The underlined word refers to …. A. villager boys C. Jaka Linglung and Aji Saka B. Aji Saka’s servants D. Dewata Cengkar and Bajul Putih C. Dewata Cengkar and Aji Saka

10. “…After a second period, the egg vanished, instead a snake found in the rice barn.” What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. fell C. cracked E. Broke B. lost D. wrecked

Task 10 Read the task 9 text again. Then, complete the following tables Orientation a. Setting

b. Main Characters



Moral Value



Thinking and Feeling Verbs

Thinking and feeling verbs refer to the intellect or senses of living things. They refer to the mental processes. Thinking Verbs Feeling Verbs think enjoy believe love understand hate conclude dislike consider relish discover regret doubt fear assume dread prefer

Task 11 Underline the thinking, feeling, and saying verbs in this text.

A Farmer and His Three Sons

A farmer had three sons. They were strong and young but never agreed with one another. They often quarreled among themselves. The farmer had given them a lot of advice. But they always turned a deaf ear. They disliked advice. The farmer felt very sad about it. The farmer thought a lot and then he thought up a good plan. He called his sons and ordered them, “Bring me a few sticks.” The farmer tied the sticks into a bundle. “Each of you, break this bundle of sticks!” said the farmer. They did so, but they could not break it. Then, the farmer untied the sticks and gave each of his sons a stick. Each of them broke the stick easily in twinkling of an eye. “There you are, my sons!” shouted the farmer. “If you remain united, you are strong. But if you quarrel with one another, you will be broken one by one easily. Do you understand what I mean?” At least, the advice worked out. They lived in harmony and united ever after. The farmer felt relieved. “Now I can die peacefully,” he whispered.


TASK 12 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions. The Beginning of Cianjur Once upon a time, the richest man lived in West Java, named Pak Kikir. He was the 17 owner of all fields in the area. The villagers were just workers to him. He had a son, but 36 his son was different from his father. He was a humble and good boy. He always helped 53 the villagers. 55 One day, Pak Kikir celebrated his harvest by hosting a thanksgiving party. He 68 thought this party would enrich the harvest of his fields. All of the villagers were 83 invited. They were really happy because they thought that they would eat many 96 delicious foods at the party. However, it was far from what they had imagined. Pak 111 Kikir provided only simple foods. 116 “Huh … the miserly man. I can’t imagine how miserly he is.” 128 “The Lord will never bless him,” said several villagers in the party. Simultaneously, 141 there was an elderly woman who approached Pak Kikir and asked for his mercy. “Give 156 me a plate of rice, please,” said the old woman. Pak Kikir replied, “You have to work 173 hard to get a plate of rice!” The woman cried and left the party. However, Pak Kikir’s 190 son was really sad about that, so he gave his lunch to the old woman. 205 After that, the old woman walked up a mountain. 214 When she was on the top, she could see Pak Kikir’s house, the best house in that 231 area. She said, “Remember this, Pak Kikir! Your greediness will sink you and the Lord 246 will never bless you!” The old woman jabbed her stick into the earth and water appeared 262 from the jab. 265 Gradually, the water rose to a flood. The villagers and Pak Kikir’s son ran to save 281 themselves. While they’re running, Pak Kikir tried to save his prosperity. The flood was 295 coming in fast and Pak Kikir sank with his prosperity. 305 The villagers and Pak Kikir’s son were saved. They were really sad about what had 320 happened. 321 They decided to find a new area and they chose Pak Kikir’s son as their leader. He 338 taught the villagers how to be good farmers, how to handle the fields and water balance. 354 Then, the area was named Anjuran (suggestion) because the villagers obeyed their 366 leader. Now, it is called as Cianjur which is known as the best area to produce rice in 384 West Java, Indonesia. Total: 387


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. How did Pak Kikir celebrate the harvest? A. by working harder D. by holding a thanksgiving party B. by eating delicious foods E. by inviting villagers to pray together C. by sharing rice with villagers

2. Why did Pak Kikir celebrate the harvest? A. It would enrich the harvest. D. It would make him more famous. B. It would lessen the harvest. E. It would give him villagers’ bless. C. It would raise the villagers’ life.

3. What did the old woman want from Pak Kikir? A. a plate of rice C. a simple food E. a glass of water B. a few of money D. a delicious meal

4. What did Pak Kikir’s suggestion to the old woman? A. She should go home. D. She should meet his son. B. She should work hard. E. She should buy by herself. C. She should be a farmer.

5. What did the old woman do because of Pak Kikir’s greediness? A. She took Pak Kikir’s harvest. B. She lived in Pak Kikir’s house. C. She got rid Pak Kikir from the village. D. She stole all of Pak Kikir’s prosperity. E. She jabbed a stick causing flash flood.

6. Why did Pak Kikir not save himself from the flash flood? A. He could not run fast. D. He saved his prosperities. B. He was in a high place. E. He moved his harvest to a safe place. C. He was holding a party.

7. What can we infer from the text? A. Pak Kikir never thanked to God. D. D. The villagers blessed Pak Kikir. B. Pak Kikir’s son was a kind-hearted. E. Pak Kikir and his son were workers. C. Pak Kikir died because saving villagers.


8. Pak Kikir’s son taught the villagers following thing, except …. A. balancing water D. handling the fields B. giving many advice E. being good farmers C. holding thanksgiving party

9. “…, there was an elderly woman who approached Pak Kikir …” The bold typed word has the closest meaning to …. A. come close C. run away E. pay homage B. move back D. hide away

10. “…While they’re running, Pak Kikir tried to save his prosperity…” The underlined word refers to …. A. the villagers and workers D. the workers and the old woman B. old woman and the villagers E. Pak Kikir’s son and the villagers C. old woman and Pak Kikir’s son

TASK 13 Find out the meaning of the following words by matching each word of column A to column B. Column A Column B earn mengizinkan rattan menyadari stole memaksa

aware mencari nafkah propose rotan insist besumpah accompany mencuri refuse melamar disappointed menemani leave meninggalkan allow kecewa swore menolak


TASK 14 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions.

The Legend of Lahilote Long ago, there lived a humble young man named Lahilote in a village, in 14 . One night, Lahilote who lived near a water spring and earned money by 28 collecting rattan in nearby a forest, dreamt that he was given a large piece of rattan 44 called “Hutiya Mala”. He was surprised and woke up from his sleep. 56 Few days later, Lahilote saw seven beautiful fairies who were bathing in the spring. 70 They left their selendangs which they used as the wings on the river bank. Wickedly, 85 Lahilote stole and hid one of the selendangs. As they were aware of his presence, the 101 fairies soon stopped bathing and got out of water to fetch their selendangs. They all flew 117 to the heaven leaving the poor one who couldn’t find the selendang. Lahilote 130 approached and comforted her, then proposed her to be his wife. Soon, they got married. 145 One day, Lahilote told his wife that he had to go to the forest to collect rattan. His 163 wife insisted on accompanying him, but he refused to take her with him. To keep herself 179 busy, Lahilote’s wife walked around the house and fortunately she found her selendang 192 which kept carefully in a bamboo tube. She felt very happy, but at the same time very 209 disappointed to her husband. She soon wore the selendang and flew to the heaven to 224 leave her husband behind. 228 Lahilote came home happily because he could collect many rattans. However, soon 240 he was very disappointed to know his wife had flown away and the bamboo tube where 256 he kept the selendang was empty. Suddenly, a wise Polahi tribe man who gave him a 272 magic rattan came. He told that the magic rattan could take him to the heaven. 287 Eventually, Lahilote succeeded in flying to the heaven and met his beloved wife. 300 Lahilote was allowed to live in heaven. 307 When his wife was looking for lice on Lahilote’s head. She saw a few graying hairs. 323 Soon, she told him that no one with graying hair was allowed to live in heaven. He 340 asked for the reason and his wife said, “Love fades away when you go gray because in 357 heaven you are no more than a shadow.” 365 Broken-heartedly, Lahilote had to leave heaven. He swore, “From this time of Pohe 378 beach, my left foot-print will be printed forever. The Gorontalo people believe that the 392 foot-print on the Pohe beach is Lahilote’s foot-print. Total: 400


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. Where did Lahilote live? A. in a town C. in heaven E. in rattan field B. in a forest D. in near a water spring

2. What did Lahilote dream about one night? A. He saw beautiful fairies. D. He married a fairy. B. He walked around the forest. E. He got a magic rattan. C. He lived in heaven peacefully.

3. Why was one of the fairies left behind? A. She lost her selendang. D. She loved Lahilote. B. She refused to fly to heaven. E. She married Lahilote. C. She wanted to live in the village.

4. Why did Lahilote’s wife not accompany Lahilote to the forest to collect rattan? A. His wife was wicked. D. His wife kept the house. B. Lahilote was very busy. E. Lahilote had to walk so far. C. Lahilote refused to take her.

5. What did Lahilote do to keep herself busy? A. She searched for rice. D. She walked around the house. B. She went to the forest. E. She bathed in the water spring. C. She followed Lahilote.

6. Who gave Lahilote a piece of magic rattan? A. a villager C. a fairy E. his wife B. a Polahi man D. Hutiya Maya

7. What did Lahilote’s wife do when she saw the few graying hairs on his head? A. She was looking for lice on Lahilote’s head. B. She was searching for rattan in the forest. C. She was walking around the house. D. She found her selendang. E. She got a bamboo tube.


8. Why was Lahilote not allowed to live in heaven? A. Ha had a few gray hairs. D. He married the fairy in heaven. B. He left his wife at home alone. E. He stole selendang’s of the fairies. C. He hid the selendang in rice barn.

9. What can we infer from the text? A. Lahilote had to leave earth. B. The wife left Lahilote for a while. C. The wife would like to live on earth. D. Lahilote and his wife loved each other. E. Lahilote couldn’t meet his wife forever.

10. “… Lahilote was allowed to live in heaven…” What is the synonym of bold typed word? A. banned. C. joined. E. left. B. permited. D. refused.

TASK 15 Read the task 14 text again. Then, complete the following tables.

Orientation a. Setting

b. Main Characters



Moral Value



TASK 16 In this task, you will read a text by using Timed Reading Technique. You have to read the text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. After reading the text, answer its questions. The Legend of Batu Hapu Cave Once upon a time in Tapin, South Kalimantan, there lived an old woman with her 15 only son. The woman’s name was Nini Kudampai and her son was Angui. They were 30 very poor. Angui was a very good boy. He always helped his mother. That is why, her 47 mother loved him so much. 52 One day, Angui played in front of his house. At that time, a rich merchant passed his 69 house. The rich merchant was interested to Angui. He learned from the neighbors that 83 Angui was very kind but poor. Then, the merchant thought of adopting him. 96 The rich merchant met Nini Kudampai. He promised her that he would give good 110 education to Angui let Angui come back to her when he became adult. Nini Kudampai 125 was very confused. She really wanted Angui to have good education and better life than 140 her. On the other hand, she wanted to be with him. At last, she let the merchant to adopt 159 his son. 161 Angui and the merchant sailed to the city. There the merchant sent him to school and 177 raised him. He also taught Angui about trade. Angui grew to be a good and smart 193 person. He was also hardworking person. When Angui was adult, the old merchant 206 promised him that he would inherit his wealth if Angui got married. 218 After Angui got married, he became very rich. However, the old merchant realized 231 that it was also the time to send Angui back to his mother. At first, Angui refused to go 250 back to her mother’s village. But, the old merchant and his wife urged him as he had 267 promised before. 269 Angui then agreed to go back to the village. Hearing this news, Angui’s mother was 284 so happy. She waited for Angui in the harbor. 293 When Angui’s ship got near the harbor, Nini Kudampai called out his name. She was 308 happy to see Angui. However, Angui was ashamed because his mother looked very old 322 and dull. When Angui’s wife asked who the woman was, Angui said that he did not 338 know her. He then instructed to the crew to leave the harbor. 350 The fact, Angui ignored her so sad mother. She then prayed to God to bring bad luck 367 to Angui’s ship. Suddenly, a storm happened in the sea. Angui’s ship was stranded on 382 the beach. Further, the ship changed into a cave. The people named the cave as Batu 398 Hapu Cave. Total: 400


Questions Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. 1. Why did the merchant adopt Angui? A. Angui was a poor but kind boy. D. Angui mother was a widow. B. Angui wanted to be a smart and rich. E. Angui did not have a father. C. Angui was similar to the merchant’s son.

2. What the merchant promised to Angui’s mother? A. He would return Angui when he was old. B. He would send Angui to a far town alone. C. He would give him better education and life. D. He would permit Angui to meet her every day. E. He would permit her to live with Angui in the town.

3. Why did Angui’s mother sincerely permit the merchant to adopt Angui? A. The mother was old and unintelligent. B. Angui was actually the merchant’s son. C. The merchant’s wife did not have a child. D. Angui did not want to live with her mother. E. The merchant let him went home when he was adult.

4. What did the merchant promise to Angui? A. He would let Angui back to his home. B. He would leave Angui with the mother. C. He would marry Angui to her daughter. D. He would give all of his wealth to Angui. E. He would permit Angui to stay with him.

5. What Angui had to do to get the merchant’s promise? A. He had to get married. B. He had to leave the town. C. He had to live with his mother. D. He had to stay with the merchant. E. He had to take care the merchant.

6. Who urged Angui to go back to her mother’s village? A. the mother and Angui’s wife D. the merchant and his wife B. the villagers and the merchant E. the villagers and the mother C. the ship crews and the merchant


7. What made Angui ashamed? A. His mother was very rich. B. His mother looked so old and dull. C. His mother forgot Angui as her son. D. His mother shouted loudly in the harbor. E. His mother had waited for him in the harbor.

8. What happened to Angui after ignoring her sad mother? A. Angui went back to the town. B. Angui divorced his wife immediately. C. Angui lived with his mother and wife in the village. D. A storm caused Angui’s ship stranded on the beach. E. Angui forgot his mother and lived with the merchant.

9. “… the old merchant realized that it was also the time to send Angui back to his mother.” What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. consider C. forget E. think B. understand D. remember

10. “…But, the old merchant and his wife urged him as he had promised before.” What does the underlined word refer to? A. Angui C. a crew ship E. Angui’s father B. The merchant D. Angui’s father in-law


TASK 17 Arrange the following paragraphs into a good story. 1. One day, the princess celebrated her 17th birthday party. Many people gathered in the palace. Then, Prabu took out a necklace which was made from gold and jewel. “My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. Please wear this necklace,” said Prabu. “I don’t want to wear it! It is ugly!” shouted the princess. 2. Long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king named Prabu. Prabu was a kind and wise king. But it was a pity that Prabu and his queen hadn’t got any child. The queen often cried. That was why Prabu went to the jungle. There he prayed to God every day, begging for a child. 3. Suddenly, from the underground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water. Soon, the place became a big lake. The lake finally sank the kingdom. The lake was colorful. That color was from the princess’ necklace, which spreads at the bottom of the lake. 4. Then, she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. The gold and jewels were spread out on the floor. Everybody couldn’t say anything. They never thought that their beloved princess would do the cruel thing. In their silence, people heard the queen crying. Every woman felt sad and began crying, too. Then, everybody was crying. 5. A few months later, the queen got pregnant. Nine months later, a princess was born. Prabu and Queen loved their daughter so much. They gave whatever she wanted. It made Princess turned into a very spoiled girl.

TASK 18 Choose one of the following pictures. Then, make a narrative text. 1.






Appendix 2.g. Post-test 2 Blueprint KISI-KISI PENULISAN SOAL POST-TEST 2

Jenis Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 1 PLERET Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : Genap Kurikulum : Kurikulum 2006 Alokasi waktu : 90 Menit Jumlah Soal : 60 Soal Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda Tahun Pelajaran : 2017-2018

No. Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nomor Soal 1. 11.Memahami makna 11.2 Merespon makna Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 19, 26, teks fungsional dan langkah Tertentu siswa dapat menentukan informasi 27, 28, 37, 42, 43, pendek dan esei retorika dalam esei tertentu dengan benar 44, 51, 52, 53, 54, sederhana yang menggunakan 56, 57, narrative, dalam ragam bahasa tulis Informasi Rinci Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, konteks kehidupan secara akurat, siswa dapat menentukan informasi 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, sehari-hari dan lancar dan rinci dengan benar 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, untuk mengakses berterima dalam 39, 40, 46, 59 ilmu pengetahuan konteks kehidupan Makna Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 10, 14, 25 seharihari dan Kata/Frasa siswa dapat menentukan sinonim untuk mengakses kata yang dicetak tebal ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 12, 23, 29, 34, 38, berbentuk Tersirat siswa dapat menentukan informasi 41, 45, 47, 48, 49, narrative tersirat dengan benar 55, 58

Tujuan Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 11, 50 Komunikatif siswa dapat menentukan tujuan komunikatif penulisan teks


narrative Rujukan Kata Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 5, 15, 31, 60 siswa dapat menentukan rujukan kata yang ditentukan dengan benar


Appendix 2.h. Post-test 2 Material Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer. The following text is for questions 1 to 5. The Easier Job A farmer once lived in a village. Day by day, he worked very hard, hoping a great harvest. After many years, he got tired of farm work. Then, he began to dream of an easier job. One day, he left his village to find an easier job. First, he met a man playing his violin. He was a musician. The farmer began to think that being a musician is easier than doing farm work. He bought a violin and he started learning to play the violin. He learnt it all day long. After some time, he gave up. Even though he had tried hard to play the violin, he failed to make sweet music. He hurt his finger instead. He thought being a musician was hard work and began to find an easier job. Then, he met a woman who was making cheese. He kept his eyes on what the woman did. He thought it was an easy job. So, he asked the woman to work with her to make cheese. After an hour working, he began to get hot and tired. He stopped to rest. But, the woman said, “Don’t take a rest now. You will spoil the cheese. You can rest when the work is over.” Then, the farmer thought that it was very hard work, even it was harder than farm work. He, then, tried to find another job. He saw a man taking honey out of a beehive. The farmer liked eating honey. He thought that it was an easy job. So, he asked to work for the man. The man agreed and the farmer started working with him. While the farmer tried to take honey out of the beehive, the bees attacked him and stung him on his face. He dropped the honey and run away. The beekeeper laughed, “Hahaha, it was part of a job.” The farmer began to think. He said to himself, “Every kind of work has some bad things about it. Working on my farm is not too bad after all.” Soon the farmer was back on his farm. He worked harder than before and he was singing as he working.

1. How many jobs did the farmer try after leaving his farming job? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. E. Seven.

2. What job the farmer tried first? A. A farmer. B. A musician. C. A bee-keeper. D. A cheese maker. E. A cheese spoiler.


3. Why did not the farmer want to be a bee-keeper? A. It was a hard job. B. The man didn’t like to bee-keeper. C. He was attacked and stung by the bee. D. The man was boring with the bee. E. He didn’t like honey.

4. What was the farmer job after trying some kinds of job? A. A farmer. B. A musician. C. A bee-keeper. D. A cheese seller. E. A cheese maker.

5. “…, even it was harder than farm work.” (paragraph 3) The underlined word refers to …. A. Playing violin. B. Learning violin. C. Making cheese. D. Harvest the grain. E. Taking honey out of beehive.

The following text is for questions 6 to 10. Jack O’Lantern Once upon a time, there was a man named Jack. He was a drunkard and trickster. One day, he tracked satan up a tree. He carved and image of a cross in the tree’s trunk to trap the devil. Jack made a deal with the devil. If the devil would never tempt him again, he would promise to let him down the tree. After Jack died, he was forbidden to enter heaven because of his wickedness. He was forbidden to enter the hell because he had tricked the devil. Instead, the devil gave him a single hot coal to light his way through the darkness. The coal was placed inside the hollowed out turnip to keep it glowing longer. Originally, the Irish used turnip as their “Jack Lanterns”. However, when the immigrants came to America, they found pumpkins were more plentiful than turnips. Therefore, the Jack- O’Lentern in America was hollowed out pumpkin, lighted with a hot coal. Jack-O’Lantern has become one of the symbols of Halloween. Halloween is celebrated on 31st October. It is now celebrated most commonly in United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. It has also been celebrated in some parts of western Europe.


6. Who was Jack? A. A priest. B. A wise king. C. A cruel witch. D. Satan’s follower. E. A drunkard and trickster.

7. Why couldn’t Jack enter heaven? A. Because he wasn’t dead. B. Because he tricked Satan. C. Because he was so wicked D. Because he trapped the Satan. E. Because he was tricked by the angels.

8. Where was the coal placed? A. In a box. B. In a pumpkin. C. In a small pouch. D. In a hollowed fruits. E. In a hollowed turnips.

9. Halloween is celebrated in these countries, except …. A. Canada. B. Ireland. C. Indonesia. D. United States. E. United Kingdom.

10. “… to enter heaven because of his wickedness.” (paragraph 2) The bold typed word has the closest meaning to …. A. Sin. B. Trick. C. Caring. D. Attention. E. Affection.


The following text is for questions 11 to 15. A fox and a Crow Once upon a time, a fox was returning to his den. He was very hungry and could fine nothing to eat. Near the forest where he lived, there was a village. There lived a butcher. “I must go to the butcher’s house and see if I can steal meat from there,” he thought. As he was nearing the village, he saw a crow on the branch of a tree. The crow was holding big piece of meat in her beak. “I must have that piece of meat,” the fox said to himself. “I must find a way to get it. It’s not for nothing that people call me the sly fox.” Then, he went over to the tree and said, “Good morning Miss Crow. How pretty you look today. You are the most beautiful bird I have ever seen and people say that no other bird can sing more sweetly than you. Would you sing for me?” The crow was very pleased to hear all the nice things which the fox said about her. “I’ll be glad to sing a little song for you,” she said. She opened her beak and began to sing as loud as she could. But what happened then? The piece of meat fell to the ground and the fox ate it up. “Thank you for the song and the meal,” the fox said. “That was very tender the meet indeed.” The crow soon realized that the fox was only flattering her. “I will never trust a flatterer again,” said the crow sadly.

11. What is the communicative purpose of the text above? A. To describe the characters of animals. B. To amuse the readers about the story. C. To inform the readers about the story. D. To persuade the readers to read the story. E. Two present two different characters in the story.

12. How was the character of the fox? He was …. A. wise. B. humble. C. cunning. D. intelligent. E. emotional.

13. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. The fox lived in the forest. B. The fox only flattered the crow. C. The crow really had good voice. D. The fox ate the meat falling on the ground. E. The crow was very sad because the fox cheated her.


14. “I will never trust a flatterer again.” (paragraph 5) The bold typed word has the closest meaning to …. A. rely. B. love. C. hope. D. believe. E. get along.

15. “I’ll be glad to sing a little song for you.” (paragraph 4) The underlined word refers to …. A. The fox. B. The bird. C. The crow. D. The meat. E. The butcher.

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. Princess Mandalika Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Lombok. The princess of the kingdom was well- known because of her beauty. Many men and princes came to propose her. The princess, princess Mandalika, was a very kind hearted person. When there were so many men who came to propose her, she became confused. It was because she had to decide whom would she marry. The King then held a competition at the beach. It was an archery competition. The one who won the competition would marry the princess. However, after the competition went quiet long, there was no winner as the princes were all capable. This situation caused a chaos, because the princes started to have arguments with one another. This further started a war. The beach soon became a war field. This made princess Mandalika very sad. She did not want everyone involved in a fight. Then, she said to the princes that she did not want them to fight. She added that she only wanted to be someone whom everyone could have. Princess Mandalika then went to the sea. She drowned herself. She then disappeared. Everyone on the beach looked for her. But the high wave rendered them to do so. Several hours later, there was plenty of sea worms appeared on the sea. The King realized that his daughter had changed into sea worms. The King named the worms as Nyale. Now, people in Lombok celebrate the tradition of catching nyale. It is called bau nyale. It is usually held once a year in February or March. People catch nyale and have them as said this because nyale is so delicious.


16. What made Princess Mandalika confused? A. She was so beautiful. B. Her kingdom was very famous. C. The Princess was a kind-hearted. D. There were many men who proposed her. E. The King didn’t want helping her in choosing the man.

17. What made it difficult to choose the winner of the competition? A. The King left the Kingdom. B. The men’s were equally capable. C. The Princess loved the other man. D. The Princess just lost her husband. E. The men always continued the competition.

18. Why did the chaos happen? A. The Princess was so sad. B. The King expelled the princes. C. The princes were arguing one another. D. The King refused all proposals of the princes. E. The Princess and the King didn’t choose one of them yet.

19. What did Princess Mandalika do in her sadness? A. She left the kingdom. B. She killed the princes. C. She drowned herself in the sea. D. She lived in a remote island alone. E. She cursed the princes to be sea worms.

20. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A. The King expelled the Princess. B. The Princes could not take Nyale home. C. The Princess married one of the princes. D. The Princess turned herself into sea worms. E. The King left the Princess alone in the kingdom.


The following text is for questions 21 to 25. An Apple Tree and a Boy Once upon a time, there was a huge apple tree which gave tasty apples to the people around it. There was also a little boy who became a close friend to the apple tree. The boy used to play with apple tree climbed its branches, sleep under its shadow, and pluck its apples. One day, the boy joined in school and didn’t have a time to spend with apple tree. After several days, the boy came to the tree. The apple tree was so happy to see the boy. It asked the boy to play. Unfortunately, the boy said that he was not a child anymore. He didn’t want to play with the tree. But he asked another request to the apple tree. The boy said he needed toys, but his parents didn’t have money to buy it for him. The tree said, “Dear my boy, I don’t have any money to buy it for you, but you can pick my apples, then sell them, get money and buy the toys you want.” The boy went happily to his home after plucking apples. The tree was waiting to see the boy return. But he never came back for many years. The apple tree was sad and it didn’t produce any apples anymore.

21. Why did the apple tree do not produce apples anymore? A. Because it died B. Because it was old. C. Because it was sad. D. Because it was no rain. E. Because someone cut it down.

22. Why did the boy refuse to play with the apple tree anymore? A. He would like to pick the apples. B. He didn’t have time to play. C. He had to go to school. D. He was not a child. E. He wanted toys.

23. From the text, what can we conclude about the apple tree? A. It was old. B. It was evil. C. It was kind. D. It was selfish. E. It was naughty.


24. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text? A. The boy cut the apple tree. B. The boy picked and sold the apples. C. The boy left and forgot the apple tree D. The apple tree produced apples ever after. E. The apple tree was so happy to live without the boy.

25. “…and it didn’t produce any apples anymore.” The bold typed word is synonymous to …. A. boost. B. create. C. spread. D. destroy. E. multiply.

The following text is for questions 26 to 30. The Legend of Baturaden Once upon a time there was a kingdom in Central Java. In the kingdom lived a man named Suta. Suta was a servant in the kingdom. His duty was to look after the King’s horses. One day, Sutas was walking near a stream when he heard a woman screaming. Suta approached the source of the scream. There near a big tree, the King’s daughter looked terrified because there was a big snake. It turned out that it was the princess who screamed because she was afraid of the snake. Suta approached her and tried to help. He took a big stick and hit the snake on its head. The snake finally died. The princess thanked to Suta who had saved her life. Since that incident, Suta and the princess became good friends. However, they finally fell in love with each other. Suta really loved the princess. The princess then told Suta to propose her to her father. Then Suta met the King. The King was so angry to hear Suta’s proposal. The King thought that it was unacceptable for Suta to marry the princess. The King even sent Suta into the jail. Suta suffered in the jail. He was not given anything to eat or drink. This made the princess very sad. She thought of the plan to break the jail and free Suta. Then the princess with all her nerved broke the jail and freed Suta. They ran away from the kingdom. Suta and the princess then opened a village. They both lived happily ever after. The place where they built the village then named Baturaden. Batur means servant and raden mean noble. Baturaden nowadays becomes one of the popular tourism spots in Central Java.


26. What was Suta’s duty? A. To guard the princess. B. To look after the kingdom. C. To look after the King’s horses. D. To accompany the princess. E. To clean the palace.

27. What made the princess screaming? A. She saw a big snake. B. She fell from the hill. C. She was about to drown. D. She was attacked by a beast. E. She was attacked by some robbers.

28. What made the King angry? A. Suta betrayed the King. B. The princess loved Suta. C. The princess broke the jail. D. Suta and the princess ran away. E. Suta wanted to marry the princess.

29. What is the text’s resolution? A. Suta and the princess lived happily in a new place. B. Suta and the princess were caught by the King. C. The princess married other man. D. Suta was sent to be to the jail. E. Suta died tragically in the jail.

30. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text? A. The princess married Suta. B. The King was angry to Suta. C. Suta stayed in a jail for several days. D. Suta saved the princess from a danger. E. The princess left the Kingdom ever after.


The following text is for questions 31 to 35. Princess Tandampalik King of Luwu had a very beautiful daughter. Her name was princess Tandampalik. She was very beautiful. Any man who saw her would fall in love with her. Everybody knew what her beauty including King of Bone. Bone was a kingdom that was far away from Luwu Kingdom. Then, King of Bone paid a visit to Luwu in order to propose princess Tandampalik to be her daughter in-law. His son, Prince of Bone, was still single, King of Luwu actually did not want to accept the proposal. According to the culture, he coud not have son-in-law who lived very far from him. Otherwise, he would suffer from terrible disease. But, he knew if he refused it, kingdom of Bone would attack Luwu. Many of his people would suffer. After that, King of Bone came to Luwu and talked about the marriage proposal. King of Luwu said that he needed time to decide. King of Bone understood and went home. Suddenly, a bad thing happened. Princess Tandampalik was ill. She got skin rash. The kingdom healer said the disease could infect others. The King then decided to put the Princess in a save place. It was in a remote island named Wajo Island. The princess was not alone. Some soldiers accompanied her. The Princess was sad. But she knew if she stayed in the kingdom, many people would be infected. So, she was not angry with her father for making her stayed in the remote island. Several days after Princess Tandampalik lived in Wajo Island, a cow came to her. The cow was different from other cows. The skin was albino. The cow liked Princess Tandampalik’s skin. Amazingly, the disease was cured, her skin was smooth again. Her beauty was back again! In the mean time, Prince of Bone was sailing in the sea. He landed in Wajo Island. He was so surprised to see a very beautiful girl lived in such a remote island. “Who maybe she is an angel,” he thought. “Who are you, beautiful girl? Do you live here?” asked the Prince of Bone. Princess Tandampalik then explained everything. Prince of Bone have heard about her before. He was so happy that he finally met her. He immediately brought Princess Tandampalik and the soldiers back to Luwu Kingdom. The King of Luwu was so happy that her daughter was cured. Not long after that, the King held a wedding party for the daughter and Prince of Bone.

31. What is the purpose of the text above? A. To explain the life of Princess Tandampalik. B. To describe how people lived at that time. C. To explain the history of Celebes Island. D. To amuse the readers with folktale. E. To share the writers experience.


32. Why King of Luwu thought refusing the proposal? A. Because the princess was sick. B. Because he didn’t like the prince. C. Because the prince of Bone lived so far away. D. Because the King of Bone had terrible characteristic. E. Because he wanted to match his daughter with someone else.

33. How the princess disease cured? A. A fairy cured her. B. An albino cow liked her. C. The king of Bone cured her. D. Her father brought her to a witch. E. She took a bath in the sea of Wajo Island.

34. What is the resolution of the text? A. Luwu kingdom involved in a war. B. The princess married the prince of Bone. C. The princess died because of her disease. D. The princess cured and she went back to the kingdom. E. The princess lived in the island accompanied by an albino cow.

35. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. The Princess a terrible skin disease. B. The Princess lived in Wajo Island with her soldiers. C. The Princess met the Prince of Bone in Wajo Island. D. The Princess had to live without his father in a remote island. E. The Princess and the Prince of Bone had to live in Wajo Island forever.


The following text is for questions 36 to 40. Manik Angkeran This story happened in Magetan, East Java. A long time ago, they didn’t have enough water there. Actually, they were quiet lucky because the land was fertile. However, since they did not have enough water, the villagers could not plant a lot of trees. Therefore, the villagers sometimes had to work very far away to find water. In every morning, the head of the village always asked some young men to find water. In one afternoon, the young men came home with good news. “There was a water spring far from here. However, it was difficult to go there.” “Would who dares to go there?” asked the head of the village. Some young men raised their hands. “We will go there, Sir.” Then those young men went to the water spring. They were right. the place was not easy to reach. They had to be very careful. And finally they arrived. However, they saw a girl was there first. They were surprised. They all thought that a girl could not go there. “Maybe she is not a really human, maybe she is an angel,” said one man. “Come on, let’s approach her,” said another man. Strangely, before the men came to her, the girl disappeared. Then, they saw her on the other place. Once, they approached the girl, she vanished. Exactly on the ground where the girl was standing, they found a big diamond. The diamond was next to the well, then they brought home the diamond and lot of water. When they showed the diamond to the head of the village, he said, “Our great grandparents named this kind of diamond as Manikan.” Then he continued. “Since the diamond was found next to the water spring. So let’s name the water spring as Manikan.” Everybody agreed. Since then the area was named Manikan. The word Manikan had changed into Panekan. And now Paneka has become a great area in East Java. The people are happy because they have fertile land.

36. Why the villagers couldn’t plant a lot of plants? A. Because they were not farmer. B. Because the land wasn’t fertile. C. Because they didn’t have enough water. D. Because they walked as jewelers. E. Because they couldn’t plant.

37. Who went to the spring water? A. All the villagers. B. A girl from the village. C. The head of the village. D. The old man of the village. E. Some young man from the village.


38. What is the complication part of the text? A. The man’s struggle to get to the spring. B. The man’s meeting with the mysterious girl. C. The reason why people should walk far away to get water. D. The development of Manikan to Panekan. E. The naming process of Panekan.

39. Why the place named Manikan? A. Because it was the name of the mysterious girl. B. Because there were a lot of diamond on the well. C. Because the diamond was very big and beautiful. D. Because the man found the diamond near the well. E. Because Manikan was the name of the head of the village.

40. These statements are TRUE based on the text above, except …. A. The man didn’t know who the girl was. B. The man found a diamond near the well. C. The spring was located far away from the village. D. Magetan was not fertile before the man found the spring. E. Panekan was the first name given by the head of the village.


The following text is for questions 41 to 45. How the Phoenix Got Her Fine Plumage Long time ago before men invented traps and learned how to hunt; all birds lived happily in a great forest. The forest was so fertile that all kinds of fruitful trees grew there. It was the heaven of all birds lived freely, but not the phoenix. The phoenix was a warrior, she always got worried and told the other birds to be careful with the foods they had. She thought that one day the fruits would be all gone. Most birds ignored her. They kept living happily and sometimes carelessly with the plenty fruits in the forest. The birds in the forest mostly had beautiful plumage, but not the phoenix. The phoenix had rather dull brownish grey feathers. The phoenix which had always been worried about the future than, started saving fruits. The phoenix often collected fruits and seed which were thrown by other birds. She was worried that someday the trees would stop growing and the forest experienced a starvation. One day, a great storm hit the forest. All the things that had been worried by the phoenix happened. The powerful storm blew away the leaves and trees. Sunlight which used to be covered by the dense leaves started to hit the forest and caused drought. The trees in the forest started to die. This caused in the forest. Birds started fighting to each other for foods. The phoenix which had saved fruits and seeds started sharing tem with other birds. The bids which ignored the phoenix then wanted to be her friends. The phoenix shared her foods every day with the other birds. Gods were so touch with the phoenix’s kind heart. They then changed the phoenix’s plumage, which used to be dull, to be so beautiful. The gods gave the phoenix the most beautiful feathers that no birds ever had.

41. How was the characteristic of the phoenix? A. The phoenix was a warrior. B. The phoenix was so stingy. C. The phoenix was very smart. D. The phoenix was so economical. E. The phoenix had supernatural powers.

42. What the phoenix always said to the other birds? A. To be generous to other. B. To be protect their family. C. To be happy and lived freely. D. To be careful of human being. E. To be careful and efficient with the foods they had.


43. What was the phoenix worried about? A. That one day the trees stopped growing and there would be no fruits. B. That one day there would be great storm hit the forest. C. That one day all birds would be extinct. D. That she was the ugliest bird. E. That one day she would die.

44. What chaos happened in the forest? A. All birds, except the phoenix were killed. B. Birds fought to each other to get foods. C. Human started killing the birds. D. Birds were killed in the storm. E. Birds caught deathly disease.

45. How is the resolution of the story? A. All birds died. B. The Gods helped the birds. C. The phoenix was raised to the heaven. D. The Gods made phoenix the most beautiful bird. E. The forest became fertile again and the birds lived happily ever after.


The following text is for questions 46 to 50. The Magic Box Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who lived with his wife. One day, he dug up his field and found a big box. He took it home and showed it his wife. His wife cleaned the box and kept in their house. One sunny morning, his wife dropped an apple into it. Suddenly, the box began fill up with apples. No matter how many apples were taken out, more apples took their place. So, the farmer and his wife decide to sell the apples and in short time they were able to live quiet comfortable. One day, the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box. At once, apple disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coin. Every day the farmer and his wife collected hundreds of gold coin from the box. Soon, they became very rich. Having heard that his son had gone rich, the farmer’s father visited the couple. He was not very strong and he could not go out to work anymore. So, the farmer asked the old man to help him take the money out of the box. When his father told the farmer that he was tired and wanted to have a rest, the farmer shouted at him, “Why are you so lazy? Why can’t you work harder?” The old man did not say anything, and continued to work until he fell into the box and suddenly died. At once, the money disappeared and the box began to fill up with death old man. The farmer had to pull them out and burry them. To do this, they had to spent all the money he had collected. When he had used up all the money, the box broke and the farmer was just as poor as he was before.

46. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A. His wife cleaned and kept the box for her. B. The poor farmer was finally killed by his father. C. The box full of valuable things when it was found. D. The farmer had to pull the dead fathers out and bury them. E. The farmer’s wife was happy after the father passed away.

47. The complication is started when …. A. The farmer dropped a gold coin into the box. B. The apples disappeared and the box began to fill itself with coins. C. The farmer and his wife sold the apples and were able to live quite comfortable. D. The farmer dug up a big box in his field, took it home, and showed it to his wife. E. His wife dropped an apple into a big box and suddenly the box filled up with apples.


48. How was the characteristic of the farmer according to the writer? A. Rich. B. Kind. C. Greedy. D. Generous. E. Humorous.

49. What did we learn from the story? A. All that glitters is not gold. B. We must respect our parents. C. It is good to be honest in life. D. Being honest is not always wise. E. Being a miser is something important.

50. What is the communicative purpose of the text? A. To amuse or entertain the readers with problematic events. B. To inform the readers how and why something works. C. To tell the reader about what happened in the past. D. To present information about a current issue. E. To describe a farmer life.


The following text is for questions 51 to 55. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Ali Baba was such a poor man that he had only one shoe for his two feet. Even the mice in his house were hungry. One day, his wife said, “We have no food in the house, no rice, no potatoes. Go and collect leaves in the forest so that I can make a soup.” Ali was a lazy man. He looked for leaves for about ten minutes and then he climbed a tree to sleep. He was afraid of wolves. When he woke up, he was surprised to see forty thieves on forty horses. They stopped in front of a big rock. “Open Sesame!” shouted the leader. A door on the rock opened. The thieves carried sacks full of gold into the cave. When they have finished, the leader shouted. “Close Sesame!” and the door closed. As soon the thieves had disappeared Ali Baba jumped down from the tree said, “Open Sesame” and went into the cave. There were shelves all around the walls. The shelves were full of sacks and the sacks were full of gold. Ali took a sack home with him. Unfortunately, one of the thieves saw Ali’s footprints on the sand. He followed them to Ali’s home. He took out his knife and made across on the door. “Now, I shall know which house it is,” he said. He rode off to get the other thieves. But Ali had seen the thieves. He and his wife took brooms and swept away the foot prints. Then he made crosses on every door at the street. When the forty thieves arrived, they had their knives between their teeth but they couldn’t find either Ali or the gold. And Ali and his wife lived happily ever after.

51. What did Ali Baba’s wife instruct to him? A. To find a job. B. To catch a thief. C. To make money. D. To collect leaves. E. To go to the cave.

52. What were the thieves doing when Ali Baba saw them? A. They were opening their treasure cave. B. They were stealing someone’s money. C. They were attacking someone. D. They were running away. E. They were sleeping.


53. What did Ali Baba do after the thieves gone? A. Telling his neighbors to visit the secret cave. B. Reporting the thieves to the police and arresting them C. Telling the event to his wife and bringing her to the cave. D. Running away and announce the treasure to villagers. E. Entering the cave and taking one of the treasures.

54. What did Ali Baba after knowing that the thieves marked his house? A. He moved from his house. B. He reported that to the police. C. He marked all the houses in the neighborhood. D. He gave back the money he stole. E. He killed the thieves cruelly.

55. What happened to Ali Baba at last? A. He lived happily with his wife. B. He was found by the thieves. C. He was killed by the thieves. D. He moved from his house. E. He caught the thieves.


The following text is for questions 56 to 60. Why Cats Kill Rats Long time ago, there lived Ansa. He was the king of Calabar for fifty years. He had a very faithful cat as a housekeeper, and a rat was his house-boy. The king was an obstinate, headstrong man, but was very fond of the cat that had been in his store for many years. The rat that was very poor fell in love with one of the king's servant girls, but was unable to give her any presents, as he had no money. At last he thought of the king's store, so in the night-time, being quite small, he had little difficulty, having made a hole in the roof, in getting into the store. He then stole corn and native pears, and presented them to his sweetheart. At the end of the month, when the cat had to render her account of the things in the store to the king, it was found that a lot of corn and native pears were missing. The king was very angry at this, and asked the cat for explanation. But the cat could not account for the loss, until one of her friends told her the rat had been stealing the corn and giving it to the girl. When the cat told the king, he called the girl before him and had her flogged. The rat he handed over to the cat to deal with, and dismissed them both from his service. The cat was so angry at this that she killed and ate the rat, and ever since that time whenever a cat sees a rat she kills and eats it.

56. What was the cat in the kingdom? A. The King’s pet. B. The King’s guard. C. The King’s friend. D. The King’s servant. E. The King’s housekeeper.

57. What happened to the cat? A. The King killed her. B. The King punished her. C. The King gave her present. D. The king forgave her mistake. E. The King fired her from her duty.


58. What happened to the rat in the last? A. The King killed it. B. The cat released it. C. The King punished it. D. The cat killed and ate it. E. The King forgave its mistake.

59. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. The rat was a house-boy. B. The rat fell in love with the cat. C. The rat stole corn from the store. D. The rat made a hole to steal the corn. E. The rat got the King’s and Cat’s anger.

60. “… he called the girl before him and had her flogged.” (paragraph 3) The underlined word refers to …. A. The rat. B. The King. C. The servant. D. The house-boy. E. The housekeeper.


Appendix 2.i. Pre-test Blueprint KISI-KISI PENULISAN SOAL PRE-TEST

Jenis Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 1 PLERET Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : Genap Kurikulum : Kurikulum 2006 Alokasi waktu : 90 Menit Jumlah Soal : 60 Soal Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda Tahun Pelajaran : 2017-2018

No. Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nomor Soal 1. 11.Memahami makna 11.2 Merespon makna dan Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 16, 17, teks fungsional langkah retorika Tertentu siswa dapat menentukan informasi 18, 19, 21, 22, 28, 31, pendek dan esei dalam esei yang tertentu dengan benar 44, 46, 46, 48, 49, 56, sederhana narrative, menggunakan ragam 57 dalam konteks bahasa tulis secara Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 4, 13, 29, 32, 37, 38, kehidupan sehari-hari akurat, lancar dan Rinci siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci 41, 43, 51, 52, 53, dan untuk mengakses berterima dalam dengan benar ilmu pengetahuan konteks kehidupan seharihari dan untuk Makna Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 5, 10, 15, 25, 34, 40, mengakses ilmu Kata/Frasa dapat menentukan sinonim kata yang 42, 50, 60 pengetahuan dalam dicetak tebal teks berbentuk narrative Informasi Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative 7, 11, 20, 23, 26, 27, Tersirat siswa dapat menentukan informasi 33, 36, 45, 47, 54, 58, tersirat dengan benar 59 Tujuan Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 8 Komunikatif dapat menentukan tujuan komunikatif penulisan teks narrative Rujukan Kata Disajikan teks berbentuk narrative siswa 9, 14, 24, 30, 35, 39, dapat menentukan rujukan kata yang 50, 55 ditentukan dengan benar



Appendix 2.j. Pre-test Material Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer. The following text is for questions 1 to 5. A Narrow Escape One fine day, Simon took his daughter, Penny, and her friend, Lisa, to a forest near village together firewood. They went to a part of the forest where there were many trees. It was quiet dark because the sunlight could not shine through the tall trees. They found it extremely difficult to make their way through thick under growth. Simon and Penny walked ahead, with Lisa a little way behind them. Suddenly, the girl stopped, she found that she could not move her right foot at all. She turned around thinking that her foot must have been trapped in under growth. Then, she screamed in terror. Her foot up to the ankle was in the mouth of a six-meter python. Lisa trembled in fear and shouted to her companions for help. She tried to struggle free, but the python pulled her down to the ground. It then started to coil itself round the screaming, helpless girl! Meanwhile, Simon and Penny heard Lisa’s scream and they rushed to her rescue. Simon slashed at the python’s tail with his axe, where upon the snake released Lisa and turned to attack him. He continued to slash at it tail until it was almost saved. Finally, the snake couldn’t bear the pain any longer and glided away. Simon straight away carried Lisa to a hospital, where she recovered quickly. Later, a group of villagers set out to search for the python. They found it hiding in a big hole and killed it immediately.

1. Why did Simon take Penny and Lisa to the forest? A. To slash python’s tail. B. To look for firewood. C. To hunt a python. D. To free a python. E. To walk around.

2. What did the snake do? A. It killed Lisa cruelly. B. It trapped Simon’s leg. C. It attacked Penny on her foot. D. It wounded Penny on her ankle. E. It swallowed Lisa’s foot until the ankle.


3. How did Simon try to help Lisa? A. He axed the snake’s tail. B. He cut the snake’s head. C. He pulled the snake. D. He burnt the snake. E. He hit the snake

4. The following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. Simon killed the snake. B. The villagers hunted the snake. C. Penny was saved from the snake. D. Lisa and Penny were best friends. E. Lisa was brought to immediately to hospital.

5. “Simon slashed at the python’s tail with his axe, …” (paragraph 5) The bold typed word is synonymous to …. A. smash. B. beat. C. kick. D. cut. E. hit.

The following text is for questions 6 to 10. A Farmer and a Young Man from the City Once, there was a farmer who hired a young man from the city to work for him. The young man seemed to be as strong as a horse. The farmer put him to carry heavy logs from one part of the farm to another. The young man worked all day without showing any sign of being tired. The next day, he had to clear an entire field of heavy stones. The following day, the famer gave him some equally difficult works. The young man never seemed to get tired. After about a week, the farmer felt a little sorry for him and decided to give something easy to do for a change. There was a pile of potatoes in the barn and the farmer told the young man to separate them into different piles. He was supposed to put the good potatoes in one pile, the fairly good potatoes in the second pile, and the poor potatoes in the third one. At the end of the day, the farmer returned to the barn and found the young man stretched out on the floor exhausted.

6. What did the young man do in the farm first? A. He moved the heavy logs from one part of the farm to another. B. He sorted the potatoes according to their classification. C. He prepared the farm to be cultivated. D. He cleared up the field of the stones. E. He loaded the crops into the barn.


7. What can we learn from the story? A. Grouping something into different qualities is a tiring job. B. We should use our young age to work intensely. C. Young men must work hard physically. D. Old men should do easy jobs. E. Everyone has their own skill.

8. What is the communicative purpose of the text? A. To entertain the readers. B. To describe the farm works. C. To describe a particular person. D. To present at least two kinds of person. E. To inform the readers about living on farm.

9. “… and the poor potatoes in a third one.” The underlined word refers to …. A. farm. B. work. C. pile. D. floor. E. stone.

10. “…found the young man stretched out on the floor exhausted.” (paragraph 2) The bold type word is synonymous to …. A. weak. B. tired. C. upset. D. thirsty. E. sleepy.


The following text is for questions 11 to 15. The Silver Key There was a traveler going to a distant town. When he reached the town it was almost midnight. He came to an inn but he found it was locked from inside. He knocked at the door. “Who are you?” asked a voice from inside the inn. “What do you want? The door cannot be unlocked at such an odd hour.” The traveler needed a rest, food, and shelter. He said, “Please, innkeeper, unlock the door. See, how cold it is outside!” “It’s a strange lock can be opened only with a silver key.” replied the innkeeper. The traveler passed a silver coin through a slit in the door, got the door unlocked and entered into the inn. “I have left one of my two bags outside,” said the traveler. “Will you please bring it in?” No sooner had the innkeeper gone out than the traveler locked the door from inside. The greedy innkeeper now shouted out. He requested the traveler to unlock the door. “I’m helpless,” replied the traveler. “It is a strange lock and can be opened only with a silver key.” The innkeeper was obliged to push a silver coin through the slit. The traveler got back his silver coin and unlocked the door.

11. What was the traveler’s problem? A. He reached the town almost at the midnight. B. The door could not be opened by a silver key. C. The door could not be opened by the innkeeper. D. The innkeeper would not unlock the door for him. E. The traveler would not give the innkeeper some money.

12. What the traveler do to enter the inn? A. He broke down the inn door. B. He let the inn keeper took his bags. C. He locked the inn keeper in the inn. D. He opened the door by a silver key. E. He gave a silver coin to the inn keeper.

13. The following statement is true about the text, except …. A. The greedy inn keeper played a trick to the traveler. B. The inn keeper gave back the traveler’s silver coin. C. The inn keeper stayed outside of the inn for a night. D. The traveler got back his silver coin. E. The traveler finally came in the inn.


14. “Will you please bring it in?” The underlined word refers to …. A. The bag. B. The key. C. The silver key. D. The silver coin. E. The strange lock.

15. “The traveler passed a silver key coin through a slit in the door.” (line 8) The bold typed word has the closest meaning to …. A. enter . B. insert. C. remove . D. take out. E. get back.

The following text is for questions 16 to 20. The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox It has been known for so long that dogs are the enemies of the fox, while foxes really like chicken. Once upon a time, a cock and a dog had become a very good friend to each other. They lived in a small farm. One day, they went to get some adventure together. They walked to the woods. They walked so long that they became so tired. They decided to take a rest at a tree. Besides it was dark. That day so they decided to stay on the tree at the night. The cock climbed to the tree and stood at one of the tree branches. Meanwhile, the dog laid down at the hollow part at the bottom of the tree. They slept tightly that night. On the morning, as what cock did every morning, the cock started to crow. He forgot that he was in the woods. He just did what he always did. On the distant, a fox heard the cock’s crow. He approached the tree where the two creatures stayed. The fox was so surprised to see the cock, but he was also happy because he thought he could have the cock for lunch. The fox greeted the cock politely. He praised the sweet voice of the cock and said that he wanted to be his friend. The cock was a smart creature. He knew that the fox was a sly creature. He said to the fox that the fox could be his friend. He also let the fox to enter “his house”. The cock ordered the fox to enter through the hollow part at the bottom of the tree. As the fox did this, the dog woke up. Both animals were surprised. The dog instantly chased the fox. The fox ran away leaving the dog and the cock.


16. Where the cock and the dog used to live? A. In a city. B. In a farm. C. In the jungle. D. In a meadow. E. In a mountain.

17. Where did the dog sleep at night? A. Next the cock. B. Next to the tree. C. At one of the tree branches. D. At the highest tree branches. E. At the hole at the bottom of the tree.

18. What did the fox think when he saw the cock? A. He would have the cock as the lunch. B. The cock had beautiful voice. C. The cock was very smart. D. He would be his friend. E. The cock was graceful.

19. What did the fox say to the cock? He said that …. A. there was a dog below. B. the cock had beautiful house. C. he wanted to be the cock’s friend. D. the cock should beware of him. E. he wanted to eat the dog.

20. What is the resolution of the text? A. The dog killed the fox. B. The fox killed the dog. C. The fox defeated the dog. D. The fox had the cock for lunch. E. The fox ran away because of the dog.


The following text is for questions 21 to 25. The Swallow and the Crow Long time ago, a proud Swallow lived on a large tree. It liked its colorful feathers and long tail. One day, it saw a Crow and thought, “How dull this bird is! All its feathers are black.” It looked at itself lovingly and admired its own feathers. Just then, the Crow flew and sat on the same branch as the Swallow. The Swallow said, “All your feathers are black and your tail is so short.” The Crow smiled and said. “So do mine, but look at how beautiful they are!” It spread its wings and flew a little closer to the Crow. The Crow saw that the Swallow had lots of blue feathers and several white and pink ones, too. It looked at its own feathers and thought “It’s true that the Swallow’s feathers are really colorful.” The Crow said, “Swallow, you are right. You have lovely feathers and a long tail, but only in summer. Your beautiful feathers fall off and cannot keep you warm during winter. While you shiver, my feathers are always there. They keep me warm during the cold winters.”

21. Where did the Swallow live? A. On a big tree. B. On a large nest. C. On a narrow nest. D. On a shady tree. E. On a large tree.

22. What colors of feathers did the Swallow have most? A. Pink. B. Blue. C. Black. D. White. E. Purple.

23. Why did the Crow feel proud of its feathers? A. They kept the Crow warm during cold winters. B. They could be used as a beautiful dress. C. They had many more kinds of color. D. They were colorful during summer. E. They fell off during cold winters.


24. “It looked at its own feathers and thought …” (paragraph 3) A. The swallow. B. The feather. C. The crow. D. The wing. E. The tail.

25. “…It looked at itself lovingly and admired its own feathers.” (paragraph 1) The bold typed word has the closest meaning to …. A. Hate. B. Complain C. Appreciate. D. Grumble. E. Criticize.

The following text is for questions 26 to 30. Queen Aji Bidara Putih Muara Kaman laid along the Mahakam River in Eastern . In the past, the area was a kingdom ruled by Queen Aji Bidara Putih. She was a typical queen of myths: beautiful, wise, and sensitive. Many princes and kings proposed to her but she always refused them because she was more concern with ruling her country and guarding her people. One day, a Chinese boat came to astern Borneo. First, the people thought it was a merchant ship but the boat was loaded with trade boats and highly trained soldiers. Their envoys brought gold and porcelain to announce the marriage proposal from the prince of China. The Queen didn’t refuse instantly and replied that she had to ponder the proposal first. After the envoys left the palace, the Queen called a court officer and ordered him to infiltrate the Chinese boat gather information on the prince. When night fell, the officer sneaked onto the boat, got by all the guards , and finally found the prince’s room. The large door would not open and he couldn’t find a peek hole. So the officer put his ear to the wall, trying to catch soon from inside. He heard that the prince was having his dinner and the noise of his chewing and slurping surprised the officer. It was like a bear that he had once heard when he was hunting. He quickly left the boat and returned to the palace. He reported that the prince must have been a phantom, not a human. He believed that the phantom could be in a human’s as from only during the day time. The Queen was so surprised and got angry. On the next day, she refused his proposal. The enraged prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman. The battle was won by the prince’s huge ban of troops. As they drew near the palace, Queen Aji Bidara Putih chewed leaf of betel vine and sang a mantra while holding it. When she threw it at the Chinese troops, it turned to giant centipedes. The Chinese troops started to retread but three centipedes chased them and sank the boat. The site of the sunken ship is known as Danau Lipan (Lake Centipedes), with Chinese treasure hidden on the lake’s bed.


26. How was Queen Bidara Putih like? A. Pretty, wise, and indifferent B. Pretty, sensible, and indifferent. C. Beautiful, sensible, and sensitive. D. Beautiful, uncaring, and sensitive. E. Beautiful, wise, and unconcerned.

27. How did Queen Aji Bidara Putih respond to the proposal? A. She refused the proposal. B. She did not reply the proposal. C. She approved the proposal right away. D. She agreed with the proposal instantly. E. She did not refuse the proposal immediately.

28. Why did the prince raid Muara Kaman? Because the queen …. A. chased the prince away. B. was spying on the prince. C. returned the prince’s gifts. D. did not accept his proposal. E. attacked the prince’s kingdom.

29. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. The prince won the battle. B. The prince wanted to marry the queen. C. The prince turned into a giant centipede. D. The prince ordered his troops to attack Muara Kaman. E. The prince had gold and porcelain to announce the marriage proposal.

30. “…and he couldn’t find a peek hole.” (paragraph 3) The underlined word refers to …. A. the envoy. B. the prince. C. the phantom. D. the court officer . E. the giant centipedes.


The following text is for questions 31 to 35. A Valuable Trip One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?” “It was great, Dad.” “Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked. “Oh yeah,” said the son. “So, tell me, what you learned from the trip” asked the father. The son answered: “I saw that we have one dog and they had four”. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. “We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.” “We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs.” “We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.” The boy’s father was speechless. Then his son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.”

31. What the father show to his son during the trip? A. Stars at night. B. Poor people life. C. People had four dogs. D. Friends to protect the people. E. People and their no end creek.

32. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the boy and his father? A. The father did not find his son learn from the trip. B. The boy thought that the trip gave him the lesson. C. The purpose of the trip is to feel the life of the poor. D. The boy and his father stayed in the farm for two days and nights. E. The boy thought that the poor people were richer than the boy and his father.

33. After coming back from the trip, the boy’s attitude will most probably become …. A. bigheaded. B. stubborn. C. arrogant. D. humble. E. honest.


34. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?” (line 4) The closest meaning of word trip is …. A. exercise. B. activity. C. journey. D. leisure. E. play.

35. “We buy our food, they grow theirs.” The underlined word refers to …. A. The son and the poor. B. The father and his son. C. The poor and the father. D. The servants and the poor. E. The friends and the servants.


The following text is for questions 36 to 40. The White Butterfly An old man named Takahama lived in a little house behind the cemetery of the temple of Sozanji. He was extremely friendly and generally liked by his neighbors, though most of them considered him a little mad. That was because he was very old but he did not want to get married. He did not have the desire for intimate relationship with women. One summer day he became very ill, so ill, in fact, that he sent for his sister-in-law and her son. They both came and did all they could to bring comfort during his last hours. While Takahama fell asleep, they watched a large white butterfly flew into the room and rested on the old man’s pillow. The young man tried to drive it away with a fan; but it came back three times, as if it was very loath to leave the sufferer. At last Takahama’s nephew chased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the cemetery beyond, where it lingered over a woman’s tomb, and then mysteriously disappeared. On examining the tomb the young man found the name “Akiko” written upon it, together with a description narrating how Akiko died when she was eighteen. Though the tomb was covered with moss and must have been erected fifty years previously, the boy saw that it was surrounded with flowers, and that the little water tank had been recently filled. When the young man returned to the house he found that Takahama had passed away, and he returned to his mother and told her what he had seen in the cemetery. “Akiko?” murmured his mother. “When your uncle was young he was betrothed to Akiko. She died shortly before her wedding day. When Akiko left this world your uncle resolved never to marry, and to live ever near her grave. For all these years he has remained faithful to his vow, and kept in his heart all the sweet memories of his one and only love. Every day Takahama went to the cemetery, whether the air was fragrant with summer breeze or thick with falling snow. Every day he went to her grave and prayed for her happiness, swept the tomb and set flowers there. When Takahama was dying, and he could no longer perform his loving task, Akiko came for him. That white butterfly was her sweet and loving soul.”

36. Who was Akiko? She was Takahama’s …. A. niece. B. fiancé. C. mother. D. nephew. E. sister-in-law.

37. Why did Takahama not want to marry during his life? A. He was a little mad. B. He got serious illness. C. The girl he loved died. D. The girl he loved married other man. E. He have no desire to marry anymore. 342

38. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. Takahama lived near Akiko’s grave. B. Takahama became very ill on summer day. C. Takahama resolved not to marry after Akiko’s death. D. Takahama chased the white butterfly out into the garden. E. Takahama went every day to Akiko’s grave and prayed for her happiness.

39. “…,where it lingered over a woman’s tomb, …” The underlined word refers to …. A. the gate. B. the tomb. C. the garden. D. the cemetery. E. the white butterfly.

40. “…he was betrothed to Akiko.” (paragraph 4) What is the synonym of the bold typed word? A. Hostile. B. Adverse. C. Engaged. D. Spiteful. E. Malicious.


The following text is for questions 41 to 45. Why the Hawk Hunts Chicks Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “Won’t you marry me?” The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him. But she said, “I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.” The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you have promised to marry me,” said the hawk. So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once!” Didn’t you tell the hawk that you’d already marry me?” shouted the rooster. The hen was so frightened and the rooster anger that she threw away the ring immediately. When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the true. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, you’ll always be scratching the Earth, and I’ll always be flying above you to catch your children,” said the hawk. The curse seems to have come true.

41. Why couldn’t the hen say “Yes” right away? A. Because she did not love the hawk. B. Because she had no ring to exchange. C. Because it would make the rooster angry. D. Because the hawk was too brave and strong. E. Because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk.

43. “Won’t you marry me?” (paragraph 1) What does the utterance mean? A. The hen wanted to marry the hawk. B. The hen refused to marry the hawk. C. The hen agreed to be the hawk’s wife. D. The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife. E. The hawk wanted to marry the hen at the sky.

44. Why was the rooster angry? A. The hen had betrayed him. B. The hen had stolen his ring. C. The hen didn’t wear her own ring. D. The ring was not good for the hen. E. The ring was too small for the hen.


44. What did the Hawk do to take revenge to the hen? A. He would marry the hen. B. He would kill the rooster. C. He would catch the rooster. D. He would throw the hen’s ring. E. He would hunt the hen’s chicks.

45. What can we learn from the story? We have to …. A. take care of our children. B. keep our promise. C. love one another. D. listen to other. E. marry soon.

The following text is for questions 46 to 50. The Cat and the Old Rat There was once a cat which was watchful. That a mouse hardly dared showed the tip of his whiskers for fear of being eaten alive. That cat seemed to be everywhere at once with his claws already for a pounce. At last the mice kept so closely to their dens. That the cat saw he would have to use his wits well to catch one. So one day, he climbed up on a shelve and hung from it, had downward, as if he were dead, holding himself up by clinging to some ropes with one paw. When the mice peeped out and saw him in the position, they through he had been hung there in punishment for some misdeed. Very timidly at first they stuck out their heads and sniffed about carefully. But as nothing stirred, all trooped joyfully out to celebrate the death of the cat. Just then the cat let go his hold, and before the mice recovered from their surprised, he had made an end of three or four. Now the mice kept more strictly at home than ever. But the cat, who was still hungry for mice, knew more tricks than one. Rolling himself in floor until he was covered completely, he laid down in the floor bin, with one eye opened for the mice. Sure enough the mice soon began to come out. To the cat it was almost as if he already had a plump young mouse under his claws, when an old rat who had had much experience with cats and trapped, and had even lost a part of his tail to pay for it, sat up at a saved distance from a hole in the wall where he lived. “Take care!” he cried. “That maybe a heap of meal, but it looks to me very much like the cat. Whatever it was, it was wisest to keep at a safe distance.”

46. What was the mice’s fear? It was fear of being …. A. trapped. B. eaten alive. C. killed by human. D. caught by the cat. E. chased by the cat.


47. What did the cat do at first to trap the mice? A. He hid behind the trash. B. He sneaked into the mice’s den. C. He disguised himself with flour. D. He disguised himself as an old rat. E. He pretended to be death by hanging himself downward.

48. From the text we know that …. A. The cat is smart. B. The cat is coward. C. The cat was dumb. D. The old rat s dumb. E. The old rat has no experience about cat.

49. What was the old rat advice? A. To avoid flour. B. To attack the cat. C. To leave the house. D. To not to leave rat’s den. E. To keep at a safe distance with the cat.

50. “…, he laid down in the flour bin, …” (paragraph 4) The underlined word refers to …. A. the Cat. B. the Mice. C. the Mouse. D. the old Rat. E. the old Cat.


The following text is for questions 51 to 55. The Poor Stable Boy, the King, and the Wise Minister One day, a stable boy being careless, allowed the King’s favorite horse to escape into the forest. When the King learned about the incident, he flew into terrible rage and immediately ordered that the stable boy be executed. As the news spread, people all over the kingdom were distressed and felt that their emperor was being too harsh. The king’s minister was concerned about the King’s reputation. He hurried to the palace and on seeing the King. He bowed respectfully and said, “I’m sorry to hear that Your Majesty has lost a beautiful horse. The irresponsible stable boy should be put to the death, for he has committed three major offences. Perhaps, Your Majesty will permit me to point them out to the condemned man so that he can die knowing his mistakes.” The minister’s words astonished everyone in the courtroom. How could anyone think a person should die because he had let a horse escape? The stable boy was brought into a courtroom, chained and bound. His whole body trembled as he knelt before the King. The minister stepped forward. “Listen well. You have been careless in your duties and have allowed a valuable horse to escape. This is your first offence.” “Your negligence has angered your King, causing him to have a man executed because of a horse. This is your second offence.” “Finally, your execution will lead people to believe that their King is cruel and ruthless, since he values a pet far more than human life. This is your third offence. Having committed these three offences, you deserve to die indeed!” The entire courtroom was silent. Everyone admired the minister’s wit and courage. After hearing his speech, the King felt ashamed of himself. In a calm voice, he announced, “Let the prisoner go. I am indeed fortunate to have my minister’s wise counsel.”

51. Why did the emperor order the execution of the stable boy? A. He had stolen the King’s favorite horse. B. He had committed three major offences. C. The stable boy had escaped into the forest. D. He did not inform the King of the incident. E. He had let the emperor’s favorite horse escape.

52. The King’s minister was concerned about the emperor’s reputation. The minister was afraid that …. A. the King would become tyrant. B. he would lose his position in court. C. the stable boy would take revenge on him. D. the people would lose their respect of their King. E. the people would kidnap the King to save the stable boy.


53. Why did the King release the stable boy in the end? A. He realized his mistake. B. He granted the minister’s wish. C. He wanted to build a good reputation. D. He was afraid of the people E. He pitied the prisoner.

54. What is the moral value of the story? A. Silence is golden. B. A leader must listen to his people. C. Being a stable boy is not worth respect. D. A pet can be more valuable than a human life. E. An important decision must be made with careful thought.

55. “… so that he can die knowing his mistakes.” (paragraph 2) The word he refers to …. A. the court officer. B. the stable boy. C. the minister . D. the people. E. the King.


The following text is for questions 56 to 60. The Origin of Lotus Prabu Ranubahu is the King of Umbul Wening. He had a beautiful daughter named Dewi Arum. Dewi Arum had an unusual habit. She loved to take a bath and swim in the lake. Every time she took a bath, she forgot about everything, food, rest, even her duties as a princess. The king and queen often scolded Dewi Arum for her habit. But she never paid attention to them. One day, Umbul Wening was stroke by a plaque. Many of its citizen died. Many physicians tried to cure the people of Umbul Wening but they all were fail. Suddenly a monk came to see the king and said that he had a vision from God. According to the monk, this plaque could be cured using the plants that lived in the lake located at the Krendawahanan Forest. But, there was a catch. Those plants must be taken only by Dewi Arum. So, the king ordered her daughter to go to Krencawahana Forest to get the plants. Dewi Arum agreed and went to the forest accompanied by her beloved servants, Nyai Wijen and Nyai Empul. After a long and tiring journey, they finally arrived at the lake. Seeing the clear and blue water, Dewi Arum jumped and took a bath in the lake. She forgot about her duty to go and get cure for her people. Her servants tried to remind her about the duties, but she ignored them. In the palace, Prabu Ranubahu was in worried about her daughter. So, he went after her. He was surprised to see her daughter was bathing in the lake and forgot about her duties. furious. "Arum?! What are you doing? Our people are dying and here you are having fun bathing in the lake. Since you enjoy being in the lake so much, you should become part of the lake!" Right after the king finished his sentence, a strange thing happens. Dewi Arum turned into a beautiful red flower. The king was surprised and sad to see what happened to her daughter. So, he picked the flower and went back to his kingdom. When the King arrived with the flower, the sickness that had been plaguing the kingdom was gone. The beautiful flower that was once Dewi Arum is called lotus. It always grows in lakes.

56. What was Dewi Arum’s habit? A. Picking flowers near lakes. B. Reminding the King’s duties. C. Helping the King and the people. D. Taking a bath and swimming in lakes. E. Accompanying Nyai Wijen and Nyai Empul.


57. What did the monk say about the cure of the plaque? It could only be cured by …. A. Nyai Wijen and Nyai Empul only. B. drinking clear and blue lake water. C. a special flower picked by Dewi Arum. D. eating lotus which grew near the lake. E. lake water taken by the princess and the King.

58. What was the main problem in the text? A. Dewi Arum forgot her father and her faithful servants. B. Dewi Arum took a bath in a lake during her duty. C. Dewi Arum left the kingdom for a flower. D. Dewi Arum refused to find the flower. E. Dewi Arum was cursed to be a lotus.

59. What moral value can we learn from the text? A. We should be responsible to the given trust. B. We should take a bath as often as possible. C. We should do the duties as we want. D. We should be selfish to our needs. E. We should keep our health well.

60. “Dewi Arum turned into a beautiful red flower.” (paragraph 7) The bold typed word is synonymous to …. A. cut. B. wet. C. pick. D. shorten. E. become.


PRE-TEST Learn the following words and the meaning. famine : kelaparan dropped : memasukkan afraid : khawatir sniffed : menghirup wagon : kereta kuda refused : menolak knapsack : tas ransel

Read the following text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number repetition. (Vocabulary-assisted) Stone Soup Once, there was a great famine. The people in a small village didn’t have enough 15 food to eat and store away for the winter. People were afraid their families would go 31 hungry, so they hid their foods from their friends and neighbors. One day, a soldier came 47 into the village. He asked the people he met about finding a place to eat and sleep for the 66 night. 67 “There’s no food to eat in the whole country,” they told. “You better keep moving 82 on.” 83 “Oh, I have everything I need,” he said. “I’d like to make stone soup to share with all 101 of you.” He pulled a big black cooking pot from his wagon. He filled it with water and 119 built a fire under it. Then, he reached into his knapsack and pulled a gray stone from his 137 bag and dropped it into the water. 144 Hearing about the magic stone, most of the villagers were surrounding the soldier 158 and cooking pot. Since the soldier sniffed the stone soup and licked his lips, the villagers 173 began to believe him. 177 “Ahh,” the soldier said aloud to himself, “I do like a tasty stone soup. Of course, 193 stone soup with cabbage is better.” 199 Soon, a villager ran from his house into the village square, holding a cabbage. “I 215 have this cabbage from my garden,” he said as he held it out for the soldier. 230 “Fantastic!” cried the soldier. The soldier cut the cabbage and added it to the pot. 245 “You know, I once had stone soup with cabbage and bit of beef. It was delicious.” 261 The butcher said he could find some beef. As he ran back to his shop, other villagers 278 offered vegetables from their gardens. Soon, the pot was steaming. When the soup was 292 ready, all villagers ate a bowl of soup and it was delicious. 304 The villagers offered the soldier money and other treasures for the magic stone, but 318 he refused to sell it. He had many offers for a cot to sleep on that night. The next day, he 339 travelled on his way. Total: 345


Read the following text as you can read in a minute. Then, you will have a minute more to reread the text from the beginning. The step of repeating reading in a minute from the beginning is repeated five times. Mark the last word you read by writing down small number of reading repetition. (Non-vocabulary-assisted)

A Mother’s Sacrifice

“Can I see my baby?” a happy new mother asked. 10 When the bundle was laid on her arms and she moved the folded cloth to look at his 28 tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out the hospital window. 42 The baby was born without ears. 48 Time proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was 63 marred. When he rushed home from school one day and flung himself into his mother’s 78 arms, she sighed, knowing that his life was going to be a succession of heartbreaks. He 94 blurted out the tragedy, “A boy, a big boy … called me a freak.” 108 He grew up, handsome for his misfortune. A favourite with his fellow students, he 122 may have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature 138 and music. “You might mingle with other young people,” his mother reproved him, but 152 felt a kindness in her heart. 158 The boy’s father had a session with the family physician, “Could nothing be done?” 172 “I believe I could graft on a pair of outer ears, if they could be procured,” the doctor 190 decided. Where upon the search began for a person who would make a such sacrifice for 206 the young man. 209 Two years went by. Then, one day, the man said to his son, “You are going to the 227 hospital. Mother and I have found a donor for the ears you need, but it’s secret,” said the 245 father. The operation was successful and a new person appeared. His talents grew better. 259 Later he married and entered the diplomatic service. “I must know!” he urged his 273 father, “Who gave me so much to me? I could never do enough for that person” “I do 291 not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you not to know.” 307 The years kept their secret, but the day arrived. He knew his father raised the thick, 323 reddish-brown hair to show that the mother did not have outer ears. “Mother said she 338 was glad she never let her hair be cut and nobody ever thought about your mother less 335 beautiful, did they?, ” he whispered gently. Total: 362


Appendix 3.a Interview Protocol INSTRUMEN NON-TES

Interview Protocol (Pedoman Wawancara) Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda.

Pertanyaan 1 Bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai pembelajaran reading sebelum menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang? Sebutkan alasannya. Pertanyaan 2 Bagaimana pendapatmu saat ini mengenai pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang? Sebutkan alasannya. Pertanyaan 3 Bagaimana pendapatmu setelah mengikuti pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang? Sebutkan alasannya. Pertanyaan 4 Bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran reading sebelumnya? Sebutkan alasannya. Pertanyaan 5 Menurut pendapatmu, apa kelebihan dari pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang? Sebutkan alasannya. Pertanyaan 6 Menurut pendapatmu, apa kekurangan dari pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang? Sebutkan alasannya. Pertanyaan 7 Menurut pendapatmu, apakah pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang lebih menyengkan dan mudah diikuti? Sebutkan alasannya.


Appendix 3.b. Students’ Self Assessment Rating Penggunaan Timed Repeated Reading dalam Pembelajaran Reading

Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom yang tersediasesuai dengan pendapatmu. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nlai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda. Petunjuk: 1. Tidak Setuju 3. Setuju 2. Kurang Setuju 4. Sangat Setuju

No. Pernyataan Pendapatmu 1 2 3 4

1. Langkah pembelajaran reading dengan teknik membaca satu menit berulang mudah dipahami. Dengan mengunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang: 2. Saya lebih terdorong untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran reading. 3. Saya lebih terdorong untuk mengerjakan soal latihan reading 4. Saya dapat memahami teks yang diberikan guru lebih baik. 5. Saya dapat menemukan tokoh utama dari teks narrative dengan cepat. 6. Saya dapat menemukan setting dengan cepat. 7. Saya dapat menemukan komplikasi dengan cepat. 8. Saya dapat menemukan resolusi dengan cepat. 9. Saya dapat menemukan nilai moral dengan cepat. 10. Saya dapat menemukan informasi tertentu


dengan cepat.

11. Saya dapat menemukan informasi rinci dengan cepat. 12. Saya dapat menemukan informasi tersirat dengan cepat. 13. Saya dapat menemukan rujukan kata dengan cepat. 14. Saya dapat menemukan makna kata dengan cepat. 15. Saya merasa bahwa dengan pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca bahasa Inggris saya. 16. Saya merasa senang dalam mengikuti pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca satu menit berulang.


Appendix 4. Vignette

Vignette 1 Preliminary Study on English Teaching and Learning Activities of XI IPA 3 Day/Date: Monday, October 16th 2017, Time: 10.15 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.

After the bell rang, I and the teacher came into the classroom at 10.15 a.m. The students were noisy when we came into their classroom. Most of the student sat on their own chair chatted to their friends or operated their mobile phone and some of them walked around the class disturbing their friends. This condition showed that they were not ready yet to study. Therefore, the teacher had to condition them to sat on their chair, put in their mobile phone to their bag, and be quiet as the lesson would be started. The teacher then gave salaam and greeted to the students. “Assalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh…Good morning students…How are you today?”. All of them replied the teacher’s salaam and greeting. However, some students replied the teacher’s salaam and greeting while laughing. Some students then continued also their chatting. So, the teacher needed to condition them again. “Hello, students..Can we start the lesson now? Mau dimulai ga pelajarannya?” said the teacher. Many students replied, “Yes, Ma’am..Bisa bu”. The other one replied “Hey udah to jangan ribut ni lho pelajarannya mau dimulai.” The students started quiet. The teacher then asked them who was absent and fortunately there were no student absent. “If there was no absent, where are Gunadi and Galih?” asked the teacher. A student answered “Mereka ke kamar mandi bu”. The other one replied, “Habis dari kamar mandi biasanya mereka suka thowaf dulu jadi lama kembali ke kelasnya.” All students laughed. The teacher stopped the joking and told the students that they had to do 15 multiple choice items related to narrative text. She demanded two students to spread answer and item sheets. There was no given apperception from the teacher to the students. The teacher said, “Waktu mengerjakannya 30 menit ya. Nanti langsung dikumpulkan.” “Kok mengerjakan soal lagi e bu?” complained a student. The other students then requested, “Dikerjakan sebentar aja bu, terus nanti langsung dibahas bareng-bareng kayak biasanya.” “Iya bu, jadi hasil pekerjaan ga usah dikumpulkan.” This condition showed that the students had low motivation in joining the learning activity. Other student replied the requests, “Udah to diem aja yang penting dikerjakan, ga usah banyak ngomong.” The teacher said, “Dikerjakan dulu. Nanti habis dikumpulkan terus dibahas bareng kayak biasanya.” In this activity, there were 10 students who did the exercise seriously whereas the other did it while chatting to their friends. The two students then entered the classroom. Some students yelled them as they were just already back to the classroom. They sat down and the teacher told them that they had to do exercise and submit it 25 minutes later. They tried to do the items but they did it not seriously. While the students were doing the exercise, a student complained, “Bu teksnya kok panjang-panjang terus kosakatanya banyak yang susah.” The other student said, “Iya bu, jadi susah mahaminya.” Then, a student

356 asked the teacher, “Bu, kalau recognize artinya apa?” The teacher answered, “Recognize artinya mengenali.” “Kalau prohibit bu?” asked the other student. The teacher replied, “Prohibit itu melarang.” These utterances indicated that the students still had low vocabulary and grammar mastery, and reading comprehension ability. The teacher answered, “Yang bawa kamus, dibuka, kamusnya cari artinya.” Many students said, “Lha ga bawa kamus e bu, tasnya penuh.” “Cari arti di kamus juga lama bu, nanti waktunya keburu habis. Pakai Google Translate aja ya bu.” The teacher was disappointed. “Gapapa ya bu, biasanya kan boleh hehehe.” The teacher answered, “Ya, boleh. Tapi cuma translate aja lho ya. Ga boleh yang lain.” “Siap bu.” replied the students excitedly. “Lha, kalau kuotanya habis, ga punya kuota gimana bu?” asked a student. The teacher then answered, “Yang tidak bawa kamus bisa lihat arti kata di papan tulis.” Many students did the exercise and looked at the word meaning on whiteboard while the other students were busy typed sentences in their mobile phone to find the translation. By this condition, it can be seen that most of the students did not bring their dictionary and felt bored when they had to looking for each word meaning in their dictionary. Therefore, the students depended on Google Translate and words meaning given by the teacher in comprehending reading texts. Few minutes later, the teacher said, “Have you done? Yang sudah selesai boleh langsung dikumpulkan.” “Bentar bu, kurang satu soal lagi.” When 25 minutes passed, 3 students submitted their work. Then, 5 students submitted their work 5 minutes later. There were only 8 of 23 students that could finish their work under and in provided time. A student said, “Wah, kok wis do rampung to?” The other replied, “Rampung. Wong ya digarap kok. Salahe ngomong wae.” The rest students asked for additional time to the teacher. “Bu, bentar ya bu. Belum selesai e.” The teacher answered, “Segera selesaikan terus dikumpul.” The class was noisy as there were some students tried to ask for their friends’ answer and the students who had finished their work chatted to their friends. 10 minutes later, the teacher urged them to submit their work and they submitted it. This condition showed that the students needed much time in doing reading comprehension items and were not independent in finishing their work. Besides, the teacher did not have good classroom and time management. In the next activity, the teacher discussed the answer of exercise with the students. The teacher discussed it one by one. She read the questions and asked the students’ answer including the reason why they chose it. The teacher dominated the discussion. She explained more than the students as it was found unimportant explanation conveyed. By this way, several students paid attention to the teacher and actively responded the teacher. There were also students who paid attention to the teacher’s explanation but they were passive. Moreover, it was also found many students who chatted to their friends, did not pay attention to the teacher, and did homework of other subject. Even, it was found a student that fell asleep. It happened as the teacher did not involve the students actively in reading activity which

357 caused them had low motivation in joining the learning activity and did not pay attention to the lesson. The lesson was continued by explaining grammar. The topic discussed was noun phrase. Before teaching grammar, the teacher conditioned the students first. In teaching grammar, the teacher displayed the material through PowerPoint Presentation. She explained the concept and the way how to make noun phrase. When the teacher explained it, there were many students looked confused. A students in the corner said, “Aku kok bingung yo karo sing dijelaske.” Her friend replied, “Podo, ak yo mumet. Frase ki apa. Gek kok jenise akeh banget.” After the teacher explained the grammar, she asked for the students to make example of noun phrases and develop them into sentences. The students said, “Bu, contohnya searching di Google aja ya bu. Ga usah buat. Kalau buat sulit e.” The teacher replied, “Lha wong ya tadi udah dijelaskan to. Coba dibuat dulu. Nanti kalau bingung ditanyakan.” The other students responded, “Susah bu kalau buat. Cari di Google aja ya bu.” But, the teacher did not permit them to find examples of noun phrases in internet. This meant that the students still had problem in grammar mastery. The teacher did not also utilize the previous reading text in learning grammar. Since many students did not understand the teacher’s explanation, they did not do the exercise and chatted to their friends. The class was not properly conditioned. Therefore, there were only several students that do the exercise. Finally, the bell rang and time was up. The teacher made the exercise as homework which had to be submitted in the next meeting. The teacher then closed the class by saying salaam. We left the class at 11.45 a.m. Overall, the teacher’s teaching from the beginning to the end showed that there were not clear approach, method, and technique used in teaching and learning activities.


Vignette 2 Preliminary Study on Narrative Daily Test of XI IPA 3 Date: October 27th 2017, Time: 9.30 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.

The teacher and I entered the classroom as soon as possible after the bell rang. In the beginning of the meeting, it looked several students who were not ready yet. They still chatted to their friends, walked around the classroom, and there were three students who were still outside of the classroom. The teacher asked them to entered the classroom and conditioned the others students. She then opened the meeting by giving salaam and as usual, there were still several students who did not reply the teacher’s salaam sincerely. After the students were conditioned, the teacher stated the purpose of this meeting that was doing narrative daily test. Before doing the daily test, she explained them that the items consisted of 20 multiple choice and 10 short essay items which they had to do individually in 75 minutes. The teacher then spreads the items and answer sheets to the students. She then remained them to write down their name, class, and student’s number. In the beginning of the daily test, the students were properly conditioned. When 30 minutes passed, students started asking the teacher about difficult words they did not know and what the questions meant. “Bu Dara, shallow itu artinya apa?” The teacher replied, “Shallow artinya apa hayo? Dulu pernah tak kasih tau to.” The other student made a joke, “Shallow ki sandal.” and students laughed. “Dulu kan kalian udah nyatat to bedanya shallow sama swallow. Kalau swallow burung layang-layang, burung walet terus kalau shallow itu artinya dangkal. Masak udah lupa,” replied the teacher. The other student asked the teacher again, “Bu mau tanya, kalau soal nomor 3 yang essay itu maksudnya gimana?” The teacher replied, “Itu kan soalnya find 2 main problems faced by the chararcters, berarti kalian harus mencari masalah utama dalam cerita. Kalau bahas masalah berarti ada di bagian apa hayo? Coba diingat- ingat. Masalah-masalah ada di disitu. Nanti tulis 2 problems saja.” “Waduh, bagian apa ya bu. Lupa. Coba langsung tak baca aja bu hehehe.” replied the student. By this condition, it could be seen that students still had problems related to vocabulary mastery, reading comprehension, did not familiar with generic structure of narrative texts, and still found difficulties in deciding problem or complication of narrative texts. 60 minutes had passed. The teacher remained the students that there were only 15 minutes left and who had finished the test could submit it. Then, 2 students submitted their works. 10 minutes later 3 students submitted their work and in 75 minutes a student submitted it. This condition meant that there were only 6 students

359 who could do the test in less than and in provided time. “Ayo time is up. Waktunya habis, hasil kerja dikumpulkan,” said the teacher. “Belum selesai e bu. Bentar lagi ya bu. Dikiranya ulangan dikumpul pas bel pulang.” replied a student in panic. The teacher answered, “Ya udah segera diselesaikan.” The bell finally rang. The teacher urged the students to submit their work. “Waduh, belum selesai e bu.” “Wis lah waton diisi wae.” “Ada yang masih belum diisi gapapa ya bu.” This condition meant that there were some students that could not finish the test in provided time. They still had problems in reading speed and comprehension. After all of them submitted their work. The teacher asked the class leader to lead the pray. She then closed the class by giving salaam.


Vignette 3 Cycle 1 – Meeting 1 Date: April 16th 2018 Time: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

I and the collaborator came into the classroom after the bell rang at 2 p.m. In front of the classroom door, it could be seen 2 students were standing and talking each other. The collaborator then asked for them to enter the classroom. When we entered the classroom, the students were noisy. As usual, it could be seen many students chatted to their friends, had laugh and jokes each other, and walked around the classroom. Even, it was also found a student that was sleeping. Therefore, before starting the meeting I had to condition them by asking for them to be calm, sit down on their own chair, wake him up, and asked him to wash his face. Then, I started the lesson by saying salaam. After saying salaam, I greeted them by asking their condition and checking their attendance. “Good afternoon everyone? How’s your life?” I asked. They answered, “Good afternoon.” I then asked their condition again, “How’s your life everyone? How are you today?” and the students replied, “I’m fine thank you.” A girl then said, “Owalah yang tadi tu sama kayak how are you today to mbak. Kalau mbak bilang how are you today kita langsung jawab mbk.” “Iya artinya sama. Buat variasi ya.” I answered. Then, I checked their attendance, “O.K students, by the way, who is absent today? Ada yang tidak berangkat?” Some students answered, “Ga ada mbk.” “Yang ga berangkat Cuma nihil.” They laughed. “Oh, that’s great. You’re diligent students.” I replied. The students in the middle row answered, “Iya dong mbak. Kita kan rajin hehehe.” “That’s good.” I answered. I then told them that I would accompany them in learning English for today until next several meetings. Before starting the main activities, I asked them some questions related to narrative texts. The questions were about their favorite reading texts and kind of narrative texts. Many students answered my questions excitedly. However, it was still found some students that were calm. Then, I stated that we would learn about narrative texts. I then started the main activities, “O.K students. So, today and next several meetings we will learn about narrative text. Here, I have some pictures related to narrative texts.” I delivered the first handout which consisted of Task 1 and Task 2, matching pictures with the titles and matching key vocabulary with the meaning. After all of them got their handout I told the instruction in doing the task. “Sudah dapat semua ya. So, here, you can see some pictures. Di handout ada beberapa gambar. Based on these pictures, match them with each title. Then, discuss some

361 questions under the pictures. Coba jodohkan gambar-gambar ini dengan judulnya lalu coba diskusikan pertanyaan di bawahnya. Do it in pairs. Kerjakan berpasangan dengan teman semeja.” A student asked, “Nggak sendiri-sendiri aja mbk?” “No. kerjakan in pairs bersama teman semeja ya.” Many students do it excitedly. However, there were 2 girls in the corner and 3 boys who chatted each other. Therefore, I had to remain them to do the task. Eight minutes later, I and students discuss their answer together. They discussed it excitedly enough. After discussing Task 1, I instructed them to do Task 2, matching key vocabulary with the meaning. “O.K. everyone let’s continue the lesson. Please, see two boxes under Task 1. Di bawah Task 1 ada 2 kotak. From these box coba match words in the left box with the meaning yang ada di kotak kanan. Do it in pairs. Mengerjakannya asih tetap berpasangan dengan teman semeja. Yang bawa kamus open your dictionary please. Kamusnya dibuka ya.” A student asked, “Kalau nggak bawa kamus gimana mbak? Boleh pakai Google Translate ya mbk.” I permitted them to use Google Translate, “O.K gapapa. Untuk pertemuan kali ini boleh pakai Google Translate, tapi untuk berikutnya harus bawa kamus atau yang ga punya kamus hanya boleh pakai kamus elektronik bukan Google Translate. Nanti di rumah coba download aplikasi Kamusku di playstore.” “Iya mbak, siap.” answered the students. The students finally used Google Translate. Seven minutes later I and the students discussed their answer. “Let’s discuss your answer. Dibahas sekarang ya.” However, there were some students that did not finish the task, yet. “Bentar mbak. Belum selesai. Masih kurang 3.” But we kept discussing it in a glance. After discussing the key vocabulary, I told the students that they would read a text by using Timed Repeated Reading which I said it as Membaca Satu Menit Berulang. I explained the instruction in Indonesian while showed the example of this technique procedure. I then made sure whether they understood it or not. The students got the point of the instruction but they felt worry that the task would be difficult. “Understand mbak.” “Tapi kalau ngerjain soal nggak lihat teksnya lagi susah mbak.” Therefore, I had to motivate them to try first and concentrate when they read the text. Then, I delivered the second handout which consisted of Task 3 to Task 6 including lesson materials related to narrative text and noun phrase in capsize position. While I was delivering the handout, I instructed them to read key vocabulary of the previous task. The class started conditioned properly. Before starting the reading I remained the students “Jadi, ingat ya, total membacanya ada 6 kali. Pembacaan yang pertama usahakan dapat ide-ide pokok, isi teksnya membicarakan tentang apa saja. Lalu pembacaan kedua hingga keenam dibaca menggunakan cara Satu Menit Berulang, maju mundur.” The students seemed

362 nervous. Some students said “Aku kok deg-degan yo.” “Ssst.. konsentrasi, fokus” I started the reading session. The students were quiet. I count, “1..2..3..Go.” The students skimmed the text in a minute. “Stop” They stop their reading. Then, they read the text by using the technique. I said “Go” as the sign of starting reading and “Stop” for stopping the reading. After saying each “Stop” I could hear students that exclaimed “Ah” “Yah” “Ck”. The students were so focused on their reading. The first reading session was end. They continued doing reading exercise in 10 minutes. The students were also focused in doing the exercise. 8 minutes passed. Students started noisy. Some of them asked for answers from their friends. Therefore, I had to remind them to do their work individually and as good as possible. Twelve minutes passed and I urged them to submit their work. A girl said, “Gene nek serius garap sedilit we iso rampung yo.” “Tapi deg-degan. Waktune keburu entek” Students laughed and I praised them as they had done their best to condition the students again. They had to count how many words they could read in each minute. After I explained them the way, they were busy counting the words. I walked around the classroom, checked them, and asked whether they found difficulty or not. After all of the students finished their counting. I instructed them to open the next page. I conditioned the students and discussing the concept of narrative texts including the definition, communicative purpose, generic structure, and language features used in the texts. After they got the point, I instruct them to open the next page and do Task 4, analyzing narrative text that they had read, in groups. Some students complained me, “Mbak, mbok ngerjainnya berpasangan kayak tadi aja. Kalau berkelompok tu ribet e.” “Iya mbak. Ni duduknya harus muter-muter.” “Saya bosen mbak sekelompok sama Atnan terus. Biologi sama Kimia udah sekelompok masak Bahasa Inggris sekelompok lagi. Dia dipindah aja mbak tuker sama yang lain.” Then, I answered, “Ya udah, kalau bosen Atnan pindah. Tuker sama Galih aja.” The students laughed. “Yaa kok sama Galih. Ya udah mbak. Mending sama Atnan aja.” I had to condition them again. Then, many students were focused in discussing the text. However, there were few students in the corner who did not actively do their work. So, I checked them and guided them to do the task. In the students’ discussion, I saw two groups that did the task most excitedly. After they finished their work, I asked for them to write down their answer on the whiteboard. We then discussed it together. I engaged also this discussion to the students’ reading exercise work. During the discussion students there were students said, “Yah, tadi salah” “Yes betul” “Banyak yang salah jawabnya e mbak.” Therefore, I praised and motivated them again to do their best more. The discussion was end and the students submitted their work. Next, the learning was focused on grammar. The discussed topic was noun

363 phrase. First, I explained the concept of noun phrase and made sure the students understood. Then, I continued explaining how to construct noun phrases including the examples. During I explained noun phrase, I hear students said, “Owalah noun phrase tu cuma kayak gitu” , “Ternyata nggak susah” , “Lanjut jelasin lagi mbak” , “Tak kira sulit, ternyata noun phrase tu simple.” After explaining noun phrase, I instructed the students to do Task 5, finding five noun phrases in the previous text including the meaning in Indonesian individually. Some students asked me, “Mbak mbok noun phrase nya aja. Artinya ga usah” “Bikin lama lho mbak” “Harus buka kamus sama HP e mbak.” But I refused their request. I told them to find the easier one. Ten minutes passed. I decided to discuss students’ answer. I chose a student to read her answer, wrote it on the whiteboard, and asked the other students’ opinion. “O.K. Coba. Cindy. Read your answer, please.” “a very old coin sebuah koin sangat lama atau kuno” she answered. “The other, is it right? Sudah betul belum?” I asked. “Yes. Betul.” they replied. “It’s right. Good.” I said. Then I ordered, “Cindy choose your friend, please.” “Aku pilih Ayu mbak” she replied. “Ayu read your answer, please.” I ordered. “Yah kok aku sih.” she was shy. Then a boy named Zulfikri raised his hand, “Ak aja mbk.” “O.K please. What’s your answer?” I asked. He replied, “his job” A girl named Defina said, “Lah golek sing gampang.” Students laughed. “Yo ben to sing penting bener. Udah betul to mbak his job? Artinya pekerjaannya.” he replied. I answered, “That’s correct Zulfikri. Good.” After discussing students’ answer. I ordered them to do five numbers of Task 6 while the rest was for homework. During the students were doing the exercise, some students asked me whether their answers true or not. “Mbak, meat kan daging kalau jawabnya daging di dalam kulkas, meat in refrigerator betul nggak?” I answered, “That’s correct. Great. Udah betul.” As the time was limited. Finally, I just asked for 4 students to write down their answer and discussed their answer with students. The 5 numbers of students’ work were submitted. After submitting their work, I told them that they were going to read a text by using Timed Repeated Reading (Membaca Satu Menit Berulang) again. Some of them complained. “Yah, baca teks kayak tadi lagi ya mbak” “Bikin deg-degan e”. Then, I calmed them and inform them that the text entitled A Wise King and a Wicked Minister including the translation in Indonesian. As the previous task in controlled practiced, I delivered the third handout which was only consisted of a text and its questions in upsize position. A student asked me, “Mbak ini nggak ada kata-kata yang harus dibaca dulu ya mbak?” I answered, “Untuk pembacaan teks kedua nggak ada.” “Yah jadi susah no mbak” the other student replied. Thus, I had to calm and supported them to do their best. Then, I reminded them the technique instruction

364 again. The students were ready to read the text. I counted, “1..2..3..Go.” or “Go” as the sign that reading was started and “Stop” as a sign that reading was end. As the previous reading, I heard student’s exclamation “Yah”, “Wah”, “Ck” after saying “Stop”. In this reading, I noticed two boys who did not read the text seriously. They pronounced words their read while smiling. When the reading session was end, the students directly do the exercise. During doing it, some students asked me the meaning of some words. As they found it was more difficult than previous, some students asked for their friends’ answer. Thus, I had to condition them. When the time was up, I took their answer sheet including the summary of words amount they could read in each minute. Since the time was limited, I directly discussed the answer in a glance. I mentioned the answers and informed them the reasons. The students seemed disappointed as had many false answers. “Yaah salah banyak.” “Mbak, jawabannya banyak yang salah e. Masok Cuma betul 3” In the end of the meeting, I praised and motivated them to do their best in the next meeting. I told 2 students that did not read the text seriously. I ordered them to sit down in different place. They were forbidden to sit down in pairs. Moreover, I reminded them to bring their dictionary or download a digital dictionary as Google Translate was forbidden to be used in the next meetings. Finally, the bell rang. I asked for the class leader to lead his friends to pray. I closed the class by saying salaam.


Vignette 4 Cycle 1 – Meeting 2 Date: April 18th 2018 Time: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

I and the collaborator came into the classroom as soon as possible after the bell rang at 2 p.m. When we arrived at the classroom, I saw some students were busy doing their homework, constructing noun phrases and developing them in sentences. The other students had sat down on their own chair and had small talks each other. However, this condition was not as noisy as the previous meeting. I then opened the lesson by saying salaam, asked their condition, and who absent was. Fortunately, there was no student absent in this meeting. To start the meeting I asked them about what materials we had discussed on Monday. “Everyone, do you still remember what we have discussed in the previous meeting? Masih ingat tidak, hari Senin lalu kita bahas apa?” students answered by mentioning the materials and activity done “Narrative text mbak” “baca yang dimeniti” “noun phrase mbak” The students responded my questions more enthusiast than the first meeting. Then I asked them again, “Talking about noun phrase, do you still have any questions or difficulties? Masih ada pertanyaan nggak tentang noun phrase? Kalau masih ada kesulitan bilang ya?” They replied, “Nggak ada mbak.” “Sekarang udah ‘dong sama noun phrase.” “As you don’t have any question and difficulties, how about your homework? Have you done? Karena udah nggak ada pertanyaan, PR noun phrase nya gimana? Sudah selesai belum?,” I asked. “Udah mbak.” “PR nya jadi dikumpul nggak mbk” “PR nya siap dikumpul mbak” they replied. The students then submitted their homework. However, there were 3 students did not do the homework and a student named Gunadi told me that he was not finished his homework as there were 2 numbers left. Hearing what Gunadi said, Lina yelled at him, “makane nek garap PR ki ning omah ora ning sekolah.” “Isih mending to daripada blas ora garap.” Some students laughed at him and I had to condition them. “Untuk pertemuan kali ini belum selesai nggak apa-apa. Tapi nanti kalau ada PR lagi lebih rajin ya. Diselesaikan di rumah. Dan tadi yang tidak mengerjakan saya catat di lembar khusus,” I told. To start the main activity, I told the students about kind activity of today. As the first activity, Task 8, was about matching key vocabulary with the meaning, I asked them whether they brought dictionary and had downloaded digital dictionary or not. “Who bring dictionary? Raise your hand, please? Yang sudah bawa kamus tunjuk jari?” There were 6 students brought it. I then noted by giving a thick on students’ name on the sheet of students presence. “Weh, yang bawa kamus dicatat ya mbak? Tau gitu tadi

366 bawa kamus” a student felt regret. “Mbak kalau kamus HP boleh kan?” asked a student “Sure. Boleh” I answered. I ordered students to raise their hand if they had downloaded digital dictionary. “Yang sudah download kamus digital, coba raise your hand, please? There were 5 students raised their hand and I noted their name. I delivered first handout which only consisted of Task 8. I told them that the instruction was same as the previous meeting. The students did this task though there were some noisy in the beginning since they did not bring dictionary and mobile phone. Thus, I ordered them to move to one brought dictionary. In this activity, I restricted time for 10 minutes then we discussed it together. After discussing Task 8, I instructed the students to read and learn those words. A student asked me, “Mbak berarti nanti baca kayak yang kemarin lagi kan? Yang dihitung waktunya.” I answered, “You are right. Nanti kita latihan membaca Satu Menit Berulang lagi.” The students became more serious in reading the words while I was distributing the second handout in upsize position, though there were some students still had small talks to her/his friends. Before starting the first reading session, I made sure the students about the technique procedure and conditioned them. I counted, “1..2..3..Go” and they were quiet, focused on their reading. In each “Stop” I heard voice “Yah” “Duh”. The reading was up. “Stop. Continue doing the reading exercise, please. Waktu habis. Silakan langsung kerjakan latihan di halaman berikutnya,” I instructed. During they were doing reading exercise, I noticed some of them tried asking their friends about the answers. So, I had to remain them to be independent and confident to their self. In the last minute of doing the exercise, I reminded them also to count and write how many words they could read in each minute. Time was up and I took their answer sheet. The students then did Task 10. “Mbak, ini berkelompok lagi kan? Kelompoknya boleh ganti atau sama kayak kemarin?” asked a student. I told them that the group was same as the previous. Though there were some students complained, they continued their work in groups. When the time was up I asked for them to write their answer on whiteboard. “Kok aku lagi yang maju?” complained a student. Then, I said “Yang maju gantian ya.” We discussed the answer together and asked them how about their answer. “Waah..kayaknya banyak yang salah.” “Kayaknya mendingan daripada yang kemarin mbak.” I continued the lesson by explaining adverbs. The students understood what I explained and asked for them to do Task 11 individually. Then, we discussed it together. I asked them their answer and they mentioned their answer excitedly. After discussing it, they did Task 12. As the time was limited, they only needed to do 4 of 8

367 numbers, the rest was for homework and submitted in the next week. Some students were noisy. So, I came to them and told to continue their work. When most of them have done, we discussed it. I ordered 4 students to write down their answer on whiteboard. Their answers were correct. “Mbak kalau The girl ran slowly in a park this morning boleh nggak?” asked a student. “Great. That’s correct.” As the students were familiar with time connectives, I only explained the concept and function. I then asked them about the meaning of time connectives in the handout. They answered me excitedly though there were some of them quiet. After discussing the concept, function, and examples of it, I instructed them to do Task 13 in pairs for time was limited. In discussing their answer, I choose students to read a sentence including their answers. “How about the other? Lainnnya bagaimana?” I asked. A student asked me, “Pakai a few days later boleh nggak mbak?” “Boleh. Bisa.” After the discussing was end, I ordered them to submit their work. The last task was reading a text using Timed Repeated Reading technique. After I informed this activity, I heard a student who said and asked me, “Yaah..susah. Mbok boleh lihat teks mbak pas ngerjainnya.” But I said, “No. You may not.” The other student then replied, “Nggak usah liat teks nggak apa-apa mbak. Kalau baca kayak gitu malah jadi ada gregetnya. Jadi nggak ngantuk.” I then informed them the text title including the translation in Indonesian. The reading was started and the classroom became so quiet. All of them were focused on their reading though in doing the exercise I had to remind them to do it independently. After they had done in it and wrote down amount of words in each meeting. I took their answer sheet. As usual, I discussed this task in a glance by mentioning the answers and informed them the reasons. The bell finally rang. Before closing the class, I reminded them to bring dictionary or download digital dictionary, do their homework, and submit it in the next meeting. I praised and motivated them. The class leader led the pray. I closed the class by saying salaam.


Vignette 5 Cycle 1 – Meeting 3 Date: April 23th 2018 Time: 2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

Time showed at 2 p.m. and the bell rang. As soon as possible, I came into the classroom with the collaborator. The students seemed more ready to learn than previous meetings. There was no student that walked around the classroom and did homework. It was easy for me to condition them. Even, when I would open the class a student said, “Mbak aku udah bawa kamus. Vera juga udah download kamus. Nanti nama kita jangan lupa dicatat lho mbak.” I then praise them, “Of course. That’s great.” I opened the class by saying salaam, greeting, and asking their attendance. Fortunately, there was no student absent. To start the learning activity, I asked the students about what we had discussed in the previous meeting. Some students opened their handout and mentioned the points. I then asked them whether they still had questions and found difficulties or not. I asked for them also to submit their homework and all of them did it. I started the activity by delivering a handout which consisted of Task 15, matching key vocabulary related to the next text with the meaning. Then, I asked and noted them that brought dictionary and had downloaded digital dictionary. The students did the task directly in pairs. Several minutes later, we discussed it together. I said the words in English, they mentioned the meaning. As usual, I instructed them to read and learn those words. I delivered the second handout which only consisted of Task 16 and 17, reading a text entitle Fair Shares by using Timed Repeated Reading and answering the questions, in upside position. Then, I conditioned the students. I counted, “1..2..3..Go.” They were quiet and focused on their reading. There were no students that read-like as in the first meeting. However, I still could hear students’ exclamation as “Yah”. When the time was up, students directly did the reading exercise. In this meeting, I did not need more struggle in reminding them to do the task independently. Most of them did it quietly. Without reminding them, they counted also amount of words that they could read in each minute. Time was up and I took their answer sheet. “Mbak, sekarang langsung berkelompok lagi kan?” asked a student. I nodded and replied, “Yes You’re right. Semuanya langsung berkelompok ya. Try to analyze generic structure dari text Fair Share.” The students did the task in groups. I also walked around them to check whether they found difficulties or not. When I was walking I heard they grumbled as their answer was false and laughed as their answer

369 was correct. “Aduh jawabanku salah. Ternyata sapinya nggak dijual” her friends laughed at her “Yes, betul to. Kan si John ki curang.” Time was up. I ordered them to write down their answer on the whiteboard. However, a noisy happened since a group tried to answer the easiest one as mentioning the characters and setting. After generic structure was discussed, I discussed the reading exercise in a glance. Some students seemed disappointed. It was different from previous meetings. There was no grammar focus activity in this meeting. I told the students that we continued the class to the next reading session. As there was no task of matching key vocabularies to the meaning and I just informed them the text title including the meaning in Indonesian, the students were noisy when I delivered the third handout which consisted of reading text, the questions, and the two last tasks. Therefore, I had to do more struggle in conditioning the students. After they were conditioned, I started the reading instruction. The students became so quiet and focused on their reading. They did the reading exercise and counted the words they could read in each minute directly. When the time was up, I took their answer sheet and discussed their answer. During discussing it, I could see whether they felt disappointed or happy as their answers were correct. Before continuing to the next tasks, I explained the students about the generic structure of narrative text.I then informed the students that in the next activity they were going to arrange a jumbled text and write a short narrative text based on provided pictures. “Teks nya nggak usah ditulis ya mbak. Langsung ditulis urutan nomornya aja boleh kan mbak?” asked a student. As the time was limited, I allowed them to do it. “Pakai translate nggak apa-apa ya mbak. Biar lebih cepet.” requested some students. Hearing their request, I did not permit them as they had got permission to use digital dictionary. Several minutes later, I told them to discuss the arrangement of this task, Task 19. After the arrangement was complete, I asked them which one the orientation, complication, and resolution were. I made sure their comprehension related to generic structure of narrative texts. I then let them to choose a picture and instructed them to write a short narrative text based on a picture that they choose. During this activity, many students pleaded me to permit them using Google Translate. However, I refused it. I told them that they had to be patient and try first in writing a short text without Google Translate. Unfortunately, the time limited. The students complained, “Kalau belum selesai gimana mbak?” “Mbak belum selesai e” “Mbak ini buat PR aja ya mbak.” Thus, I made this last task as homework which had to be submitted in the next meeting. Before closing the class, I asked them what they had learnt for these three meetings and informed them that they would have a post-test next week. I then ordered the class leader to lead his friend to

370 pray. I closed the class by saying salaam.

Vignette 6 Cycle 1 Post-test Date: April 25th 2018 Time: 2 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

In this post-test, I entered the classroom without the collaborator. I opened the class by saying salaam, greeting, and checking the students’ attendance. Fortunately, there was no student absent. I then told them that in this meeting they would have a post-test. I asked also whether they ready or not. The students seemed ready. They have also prepared their writing utensil. Then, I delivered the question and answer sheets. After delivering those sheets, I told them that they had to do the test independently. I always conditioned students who would make a noisy or ask for their friends’ answers. In this test, there were 3 students who could complete the test under the provided time, 16 students completed the test based on the provided time, and 4 students could not complete the test in time provided. Those students asked for additional time to the teacher since the two students had not done 5 items, the third one had 3 items left, and the last had 8 items left. However, the teacher did not give any additional time for them which meant that they had to submit their answer in the maximum provided time. After the test was conducted, I reminded the students to submit their homework. Then, I lead them to pray. I closed this meeting by saying salaam.


Vignette 7 Cycle 2 – Meeting 1 Date: April 30th 2018 Time: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

As usual, I and the collaborator came into the classroom after the bell signing period change rang at 2 p.m. The students looked calm. They had sat down on their own chair and were ready to learn. I said salaam and greeted them. Asking their condition and attendance were also done. A student, named Eka, excitedly asked me, “Mbak, ulangan yang kemarin hasilnya bagaimana?” Then, I read their post-test result. The students who passed seemed so relieved and happy while some of them who did not pass looked disappointed. “Hasilnya belum tunntas e mbak.” “Yang belum tuntas gimana mbk? Ada remidi nggak?” asked a student. Knowing their condition, I tried to encourage them, “It’s okay. Don’t worry. You still have chances to do better.” The students then asked me, “Mbak, nanti materinya masih narrative lagi kan mbak?” I nodded and informed them that we would learn narrative again. To start the main activities, I delivered first handout which consisted of Task 1 to 3. I then asked for them to discuss the Task 1, matching pictures with the titles and discussed the questions. Five minutes later, we discussed it together. They were excited in responding my question. We moved to Task 2, matching several chunks narrative text with the moral value. In this task, I asked for students to read aloud the chunks and discussed the answers together. The students were active in answering. I asked also some passive/calm students’ opinion related to the answer, so they could be more active. In Task 3, the students needed to match key vocabularies to the meaning in pairs. They directly used opened their dictionary and used their digital dictionary. They who did not bring it joined their other friends. After finishing this task, we discussed it together. I read the words in English, they mentioned their answer. I then told them the next task. A student asked me, “Mbak, sekarang baca teks pakai cara satu menit berulang lagi ya?” I nodded and said, “You are right.” They replied, “Wah, ayo baca kata-kata ini dulu.” “Bentar ya mbak, kasih waktu buat baca kata-kata dulu.” I saw the students read and learnt the words without I gave instruction. I delivered the second handout which consisted of Task 4 to 6 and an answer sheet. After delivering it. I conditioned them to skim and read the text by using timed repeated reading technique. During the reading process, the students were so conditioned and focused. They directly did the reading exercise calmly. I reminded them also to count amount of words. “Yang sudah selesai mengerjakan, don’t forget to count the words, hitung jumlah kata seperti biasa ya. Be quiet.” “Siap mbak,” replied the students. After the time was up. I took their answer sheet. “Mbak ini lanjut berkelompok kayak biasanya kan?” Kalau kelompoknya beda nggak apa-apa ya mbak. Soalnya ada yang duduknya pindah-pindah,” asked some students. I replied, “It’s okay. Kelompoknya ganti nggak apa-apa. Yang penting maksimal 4 students.” The students directly did Task 5 in groups. I monitored and

372 checked them whether they found difficulties or not. Their discussion was properly done. When a group had done their work, a student said, “Mbak kalau maju sekarang nulis jawabannya boleh nggak?” “Nanti aja mbak, kita belum selesai.” “Mereka maju dulu biar dapat yang gampang mbak.” The students laughed. So, I told the first group to wait for a while. We then discussed their answer, their analysis and the previous one. In discussing their answer they said Wah serem. neneknya pemarah.” “Mesakke yo cucune dadi monyet.” “Gek simbahe njuk urip dewe.” The students seemed also happier as they thought that they had many correct answers. The lesson was continued. I explained the concept to the students. I also gave kind of saying verbs including the meaning in Indonesian. Then, I asked for the students to look for saying verb in the previous text. “Oke mbak.” Few minutes later they said, “Ini mbk. Ada.” “said” “asked” “shouted berteriak juga saying verb kan mbak?” I asked, “Anything else? Ada lagi?” they said, “Udah mbak Cuma itu aja.” “Said nya banyak mbak.” I then made sure whether they had questions or not and fortunately they understood my explanation. I instructed them to do Task 6. The students had done and we discussed it together. I ordered the students to read aloud the sentences including their answer. A student, named Melina, said,“Yang nomor 10 ini harusnya pleaded ya mbak? Kan dia minta jangan dibunuh. Kalau whispered kan berbisik. Kayaknya nggak pas.” “How about the other? Yang lainnya bagaimana whispered or pleaded?” I asked. They answered, “Yang pleaded mbak.” Then, I replied, “That’s correct. The answer is pleaded. Good.” After discussing Task 6, I told the students that they would read the second text. A student asked me, “Mbak, sebelum baca nggak dikasih kosakata dulu kan?” I nodded answer. “Yes, you’re right.” They replied, “Teksnya jangan susah-susah ya mbak.” I then encouraged them to try their best and informed them the text title including the translation in Indonesian. I conditioned them ready to skim and read. During the second reading I heard they exclaimed “Ah” “Yah” “Ck”. When the time was up, they directly did the reading exercise calmly. Thus, I did not do more effort to condition them. After finishing the exercise and counting the words, I took their answer. Then, we discussed their answer. During the discussion a student named Ana said, “Harimaunya kok kasihane. Padahal udah melindungi bayinya. Eh malah dibunuh.” Most of the students looked happy as their answers were correct. “Sedina iki kok jawabanku akeh sing bener,” said a student named Kinanti happily. In the end of the lesson, I did not forget to praise and motivate them. The bell rang and we prayed together. I closed the lesson by saying salaam.


Vignette 8 Cycle 2 – Meeting 2 Date: May 2nd 2018 Time: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

I and the collaborator came into the classroom as soon as possible after the bell rang. When we entered the classroom, the students started back to their own chair, stopped talking, and prepared their book. I opened the class by saying salaam, greeting them, asking their condition, and checking their attendance. I then asked them the previous activities and material discussed. The students answered my question excitedly. “Baca teks mbak hehehe.” “Kemarin tu bahas saying verb juga.” I asked again, “What are the examples of saying verb? Contoh saying verb ada apa saja? Yang masih ingat. Coba cek handout yang kemarin.” They opened their handout and mentioned the examples, “Hmm..contohnya said, ask, shouted.” “answer sama suggest mbak.” I praised them, “Great.” and continued the lesson. I delivered the first handout which only consisted of Task 8, matching key vocabularies with the meaning. The students directly worked in pairs. Then, we checked their answer. I said the word in English and they mentioned their answer in Indonesian. After it was finished, I conditioned them to read the vocabularies and delivered the second handout which consisted of Task 9 to 11. I stopped their reading and told them that they would read the text. As usual, the class became so calm since the students were focused on their reading. During in the end of each repetition, I still heard some of them exclaimed “Yah” or “Ah” Then, they directly did the reading exercise. They did it seriously. Time was up and I took their answer. I instructed them to open the next page and they directly started their group discussion. During the discussion, I walked around the classroom to check whether they found difficulties or not. “Mbak coba dicek. Udah betul belum mbak?” “Kalau resolution nya seperti ini gimana mbak? Bisa nggak?” Their answers were correct. The students started writing their answer on the whiteboard and we discussed it together. Then, I discussed the reading exercise. “Alhamdulillah aku jawab 8. Kan ada 1 anak laki yang selamat.” “Aku tadi juga hampir milih yang 9 juga.” Said two students named Kinanti and Hanna happily. The lesson was continued. I instructed the students to open the next page. The materials were about thinking and feeling verbs. I explained them the concept and mention the example including the meaning. I ordered them to write the meaning of those words. I then made sure whether they understood or not and asked for them to find the example of thinking and feeling verbs from the previous text. “Now, please check and find the example of thinking and feeling verb from the text. Coba cari contoh thinking dan feeling verbs di teks tadi. Ada nggak contohnya?” A student named Atnan answered, “Ada mbak. Ini ak dapet recognize thinking verb” I praised“Great, Atnan. Recognize termasuk thinking verb. Anything else?” students replied, “Udah nggak ada lagi mbak.” Then, I instructed them to do Task 11, finding

374 saying, thinking, and feeling verbs. They were busy doing this task without finding difficulty. They called me just to check their answers. The students finished their work. We then discussed in each paragraph. They did this task properly. After discussing Task 11, I informed the students that they would read a text entitled The Beginning of Cianjur by using Timed Repeated Reading (Membaca Satu Menit Berulang) again. They had small talks to their friend when I delivered the handout and answer sheet since there was no key vocabulary to read. The sheets had been delivered and conditioned the m ready to read. As usual, they were calm and focused during the reading and doing its reading exercise process. When time was up, I took their answer sheet. We then discussed it together. “Iya to. Anaknya Pak Kikir tu memang baik hati. Jawabanku betul,” said Melina to her friend next to her. In the end of the lesson, the many students seemed glad as they could answer the questions correctly. The bell finally rang. I praised and motivated the students. I asked for the class leader, Yudha, to lead his friends to pray. I closed the lesson by saying salaam.

Vignette 9 Cycle 2 – Meeting 3 Date: May 7th 2018 Time: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

As usual I opened the class by saying salaam, greeting, asking the students condition, and checking their attendance. To begin the lesson I tried to remind them about the materials of the previous meeting. “Do you still remember what materials we have discussed in the previous meeting? Masih ingat nggak, di pertemuan sebelumnya kita bahas apa saja?” The students replied, “Kemarin bahas narrative text mbak yang ada Pak Kikir” “Bahas thinking sama feeling verb mbak.” Then I asked for them to mention the examples of those verbs. Many of them read their handout and mentioned the examples. To start the activity, I delivered the hand out of Task 13. As usual, the students needed to match key vocabularies to the meaning in pairs. They directly used opened their dictionary and used their digital dictionary. They who did not bring it joined their other friends. After finishing this task, we discussed it together. I read the words in English, they mentioned their answer. I then told them the next task, reading a text entitled The Legend of Lahilote. When they were busy reading the key vocabulary, I delivered the answer sheet and second handout which consisted of the text and its questions. The students were ready to read and I started to give instruction as the sign of repetition. The students were so calm and focused on their reading and doing its questions. After finishing the exercise and counting amount of words in each minute,


I took their answer sheet. They then directly worked in groups to analyze the generic structure of the text. A student said to me, “Mbak, ini ceritanya memang mirip kayak Jaka Tarub ya?” The other student, named Eka, said, “Iya mbak, ini mirip kayak cerita Jaka Tarub. Cuma bedanya kalau di Jaka Tarub dia sama sekali nggak bisa ketemu istrinya. Tapi kalau ini masih sempat bisa ketemu.” Hearing their answer, I replied, “You are right. The story is similar. Ceritanya memang mirip.” Several minutes passed. We discussed the answer of generic structure and reading exercise together. I continued the next activity where the students had to read a text entitled The Legend of Batu Hapu Cave. The students were conditioned to read and I started t he instruction. They were calm and focused on their reading. After the reading session was up, a student named Ana said to me, “Ini ceritanya mirip Malin Kundang kan mbak.” I replied, “You’re right Ana.” Some students started to talk but I conditioned them to be focused on doing the exercise since they could disturb the others’ concentration. The time was up and I took their answer sheet. We discussed the answer together. “Iya kan memang mirip Malin Kundang.” “Bedanya kalau Malin Kundang nggak diadopsi, dia kerja ke kota. Tapi kalau ini, si Angui nya diadopsi.” I replied that they were right. After discussing the exercise, I delivered the last handout. “Ini tugasnya disusun jadi teks kan mbak?” “Mbak, nanti ada ngarangnya lagi ya?” asked two students. I nodded and said, “Yes, You’re right.” I then told the students to do the Task 17 first. “Langsung dikasih nomor aja ya mbak hehehe.” I permitted them as the time was limited. After finishing this task, we discussed it together. The arrangement now was clear. I then explained the generic structure of narrative text again and related it to Task 17. I asked the students which paragraph(s) showed the orientation, complication, and resolution. The last task was writing a short narrative text. I instructed them to choose one of 2 pictures. When the students were writing their short narrative text, the bell rang. I made this task as homework that had to be submitted in the next meeting. I reminded them also that in the next meeting they would have a post-test again. The students prayed. Finally, I close the lesson by saying salaam.


Vignette 10 Cycle 2 Post-test Date: May 9th 2018 Time: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

In this post-test, I entered the classroom without the collaborator. I opened the class by saying salaam, greeting, and checking the students’ attendance. Fortunately, there was no student absent. I then told them that in this meeting they would have a post-test. I asked also whether they ready or not. The students seemed ready. They have also prepared their writing utensil. Then, I delivered the question and answer sheets. After delivering those sheets, I told them that they had to do the test independently. I always conditioned students who would make a noisy or ask for their friends’ answers. In this test, there were 6 students finished the test less than time provided, 15 finished the test based on the time provided, and 2 students could not finish the test in time provided. Since there was no additional time. Those students submitted their work to the teacher directly with 4 and 3 items left. However, I did not give any additional time for them which meant that they had to submit their answer in the maximum provided time. After the test was conducted, I reminded the students to submit their homework. I promised them that the results of this post-test and the report of score each reading activity would be delivered as soon as possible. I appreciated them in joining my class and also motivated in learning English. Then, I lead them to pray. Finally, I closed this meeting by saying salaam.


Appendix 5.a. Students’ Scores on Reading Speed and Comprehension of Cycle 1

THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 1 Meeting : 1 Period : 1 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Charm of Charity/ 315 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 315 302 315 315 277 304 315 277 13 -38 40 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 139 141 181 191 233 177 233 139 94 94 70 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 190 222 235 245 276 233 276 190 86 86 70 4. Cindi Puspitarani 134 119 146 166 181 149 181 119 62 47 70 5. Dhefina Putri 125 205 152 166 315 193 315 125 190 190 80 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 190 166 220 250 270 219 270 166 104 80 70 7. Mita Deviliana 181 205 242 233 262 225 262 181 81 81 70 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 123 145 171 194 315 190 315 123 192 192 60 9. Oktafia Wulandari 232 178 262 272 211 231 272 178 94 -21 70 10 Vera Prasetya R 119 152 181 205 250 181 250 119 131 131 30 11 Yudhatama Rizki 155 285 315 323 315 279 323 155 168 160 70 12 Achmad Gunadi 258 208 269 285 262 256 285 208 77 4 30 13 Aisyah Hasna N 130 144 207 226 252 192 252 130 122 122 80 14 Atnan Bima Jati 137 135 155 190 235 170 235 135 100 98 50 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 189 277 331 366 315 296 366 189 177 126 60 16 Dita Indah D 201 212 220 248 262 229 262 201 61 61 70 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 127 201 223 266 284 220 284 127 157 157 90 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 222 253 229 212 260 235 260 212 48 38 20 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 134 190 235 287 307 230 307 134 173 173 80 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 167 220 220 225 194 205 225 167 58 27 70 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 174 183 214 220 315 221 315 174 141 141 60 22 Lina Agustin 94 181 205 226 260 193 260 94 166 166 80 23 Melina Dwi R 194 201 220 224 241 216 241 194 47 47 60 Average of Class 171 196 223 240 264 219 110 94 63.04 The Highest 315 302 331 366 315 304 192 192 90 The Lowest 94 119 146 166 181 149 13 -38 20


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 1 Meeting : 1 Period : 2 Text Title/ Total of Word : A Wise King and His Wicked Minister/ 352 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 310 320 283 351 352 323 352 283 69 42 30 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 103 135 128 216 264 169 264 103 161 161 40 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 176 249 282 290 326 265 326 176 150 150 90 4. Cindi Puspitarani 154 176 187 176 158 170 187 154 33 4 80 5. Dhefina Putri 216 246 279 283 348 274 348 216 132 132 60 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 145 210 246 279 297 235 297 145 152 152 80 7. Mita Deviliana 166 205 231 242 258 220 258 166 92 92 80 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 200 214 286 299 352 270 352 200 152 152 70 9. Oktafia Wulandari 219 283 207 352 304 273 352 207 97 85 40 10 Vera Prasetya R 159 121 210 175 246 182 246 121 125 87 50 11 Yudhatama Rizki 304 340 352 301 326 325 352 301 51 22 70 12 Achmad Gunadi 200 190 176 297 207 214 297 176 121 7 40 13 Aisyah Hasna N 145 212 225 160 215 191 225 145 80 70 50 14 Atnan Bima Jati 185 348 270 255 236 259 348 185 163 51 50 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 257 273 353 321 352 311 353 257 96 95 70 16 Dita Indah D 189 207 231 231 262 224 262 189 73 73 70 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 163 217 255 316 335 257 335 163 172 172 30 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 283 271 277 281 304 283 304 271 33 21 50 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 172 181 236 255 223 213 255 172 83 51 30 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 185 217 231 248 258 228 258 185 73 73 60 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 236 262 295 327 346 293 346 236 110 110 20 22 Lina Agustin 145 186 239 254 352 235 352 145 109 207 50 23 Melina Dwi R 212 242 203 252 250 232 252 203 40 38 80 Average of Class 196 230 247 268. 285. 245 102 89 56.09 The Highest 310 348 353 352 352 324 172 207 90 The Lowest 103 121 128 160 158 169 33 4 20


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 1 Meeting : 2 Period : 1 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Bridge/ 364 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 268 243 294 318 364 297 364 243 121 96 50 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 177 130 256 281 290 226 290 130 160 113 40 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 180 238 314 333 370 287 370 180 190 190 60 4. Cindi Puspitarani 157 194 245 278 312 237 312 157 155 155 30 5. Dhefina Putri 144 213 253 327 378 263 378 144 234 234 70 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 185 250 278 314 364 278 364 185 179 179 60 7. Mita Deviliana 190 246 302 331 370 289 370 190 180 180 70 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 162 233 297 330 367 279 367 162 205 205 70 9. Oktafia Wulandari 134 257 202 326 274 238 326 134 192 140 50 10 Vera Prasetya R 187 230 287 336 347 277 347 187 160 160 60 11 Yudhatama Rizki 190 265 330 364 386 307 386 190 196 196 90 12 Achmad Gunadi 160 133 220 280 316 222 316 133 183 156 40 13 Aisyah Hasna N 170 235 290 338 364 279 364 170 194 194 70 14 Atnan Bima Jati 153 241 266 340 328 266 340 153 187 175 60 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 256 268 301 319 372 303 372 256 116 116 70 16 Dita Indah D 140 216 269 325 360 262 360 140 220 220 90 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 195 235 241 283 379 266 379 195 184 184 80 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 256 238 248 287 325 270 325 238 87 69 50 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 136 203 289 326 364 263 364 136 228 228 90 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 175 250 264 391 330 282 391 175 155 155 60 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 116 231 271 372 350 268 372 116 256 234 50 22 Lina Agustin 107 209 238 370 333 251 370 107 263 226 50 23 Melina Dwi R 216 234 239 271 376 267 376 216 160 160 70 Average of Class 176 225 269 323 348 268 183 172 62.17 The Highest 268 268 330 391 386 307 263 234 90 The Lowest 107 130 202 271 274 221 87 69 40


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 1 Meeting : 2 Period : 2 Text Title/ Total of Word : How the Moon was Kind to Her Mother/ 386 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 230 269 327 335 390 310 390 230 160 160 60 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 112 160 280 234 263 209 280 112 168 151 20 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 176 270 306 350 386 297 386 176 210 210 70 4. Cindi Puspitarani 141 167 192 234 290 204 290 141 149 149 30 5. Dhefina Putri 130 174 256 328 391 255 391 130 261 261 80 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 201 180 240 288 334 248 334 180 154 133 40 7. Mita Deviliana 215 238 270 285 297 261 297 215 82 82 50 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 120 185 267 301 389 252 389 120 269 269 80 9. Oktafia Wulandari 200 141 264 240 290 227 290 141 149 90 40 10 Vera Prasetya R 117 255 266 281 315 246 315 117 198 198 40 11 Yudhatama Rizki 172 250 290 368 393 294 393 172 221 221 80 12 Achmad Gunadi 109 135 195 280 243 192 280 109 171 134 30 13 Aisyah Hasna N 230 156 275 300 339 260 339 156 183 109 70 14 Atnan Bima Jati 144 190 260 243 330 233 330 144 186 186 40 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 289 270 321 364 389 326 389 270 119 100 90 16 Dita Indah D 178 200 242 270 312 240 312 178 134 134 50 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 201 229 271 312 388 280 388 201 187 187 90 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 230 298 340 321 345 307 345 230 110 115 20 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 145 232 280 324 391 274 391 145 246 246 40 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 250 180 242 302 386 272 386 180 206 136 30 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 170 205 241 336 394 269 394 170 224 224 60 22 Lina Agustin 183 157 281 310 386 263 386 157 229 203 40 23 Melina Dwi R 225 274 290 325 390 300 390 225 165 165 80 Average of Class 181 209 269 301 349 263 181 167 53.47 The Highest 289 298 340 368 394 326 269 269 90 The Lowest 109 135 192 234 243 192 82 82 20


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 1 Meeting : 3 Period : 1 Text Title/ Total of Word : Fair Shares/ 400 Words

N Students’ Name Reading Speed

o in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Last Minus Lowest

Highest Averages Beginning Difference Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 307 338 352 363 410 354 410 307 103 103 70 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 160 287 245 354 329 275 354 160 194 169 50 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 260 236 328 363 417 320 417 236 181 157 80 4. Cindi Puspitarani 250 192 263 311 400 283 400 192 208 150 70 5. Dhefina Putri 180 266 291 335 424 299 424 180 244 244 70 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 173 225 288 310 400 279 400 173 227 227 80 7. Mita Deviliana 161 210 245 400 356 274 400 161 239 195 80 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 168 232 270 340 428 288 428 168 260 260 70 9. Oktafia Wulandari 189 157 243 315 410 263 410 157 253 221 40 10 Vera Prasetya R 125 280 244 323 405 275 405 125 280 280 60 11 Yudhatama Rizki 220 180 312 387 421 304 421 180 241 201 70 12 Achmad Gunadi 143 230 221 370 358 264 370 143 227 215 40 13 Aisyah Hasna N 162 210 259 361 406 280 406 162 244 244 60 14 Atnan Bima Jati 156 245 238 412 380 286 412 156 256 224 50 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 267 288 325 386 411 335 411 267 144 144 70 16 Dita Indah D 182 236 269 345 410 288 410 182 228 228 60 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 247 299 338 366 425 335 425 247 178 178 80 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 220 186 276 338 320 268 338 186 152 100 40 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 165 231 260 322 400 276 400 165 235 235 60 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 153 215 350 291 400 282 400 153 247 247 50 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 270 200 279 303 416 294 416 200 216 146 60 22 Lina Agustin 127 250 318 429 370 299 429 127 302 243 60 23 Melina Dwi R 234 218 237 356 412 291 412 218 194 178 80 Average of Class 196 235 280 351 396 290 220 186 62.72 The Highest 307 338 352 429 428 354 302 280 80 The Lowest 125 157 221 291 320 262 103 100 40


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 1 Meeting : 3 Period : 2 Text Title/ Total of Word : Orpheus and Eurydice/ 400 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 260 313 339 363 404 336 404 260 144 144 70 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 180 205 237 316 290 245 316 180 136 110 30 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 165 260 329 376 411 308 411 165 246 246 50 4. Cindi Puspitarani 136 214 293 344 330 263 344 136 208 194 40 5. Dhefina Putri 235 200 280 352 415 296 415 200 215 180 80 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 199 260 284 406 390 308 406 199 207 191 60 7. Mita Deviliana 183 220 286 331 400 284 400 183 217 217 50 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 190 235 277 342 419 293 419 190 229 229 80 9. Oktafia Wulandari 190 161 225 308 340 245 340 161 179 150 50 10 Vera Prasetya R 214 225 206 267 388 260 388 206 182 174 30 11 Yudhatama Rizki 160 258 310 389 416 306 416 160 256 256 80 12 Achmad Gunadi 171 168 225 278 331 234 331 168 163 160 30 13 Aisyah Hasna N 183 245 226 281 322 251 322 183 139 139 70 14 Atnan Bima Jati 149 220 315 290 356 266 356 149 207 207 20 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 202 322 364 400 392 336 400 202 198 190 80 16 Dita Indah D 177 216 285 331 400 282 400 177 223 223 70 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 264 312 334 408 390 341 408 264 144 126 70 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 129 280 221 296 345 254 345 129 216 216 10 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 150 211 290 400 373 285 400 150 250 223 60 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 206 190 270 336 402 281 402 190 212 196 30 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 189 160 240 318 400 261 400 160 240 211 60 22 Lina Agustin 200 181 239 327 413 272 413 181 232 213 40 23 Melina Dwi R 212 280 266 320 402 296 402 212 190 190 50 Average of Class 188 232 275 338 379. 281 205 180 51.81 The Highest 264 322 364 408 419 341 256 256 80 The Lowest 129 160 206 267 290 234 136 110 10


Appendix 5. b. Students’ Scores on Reading Speed and Comprehension of Cycle 2

THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 2 Meeting : 1 Period : 1 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Story of Roti Island/ 347 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 248 220 304 315 366 291 366 220 146 118 90 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 172 263 240 291 349 263 349 172 177 177 80 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 196 240 254 282 380 270 380 196 184 184 90 4. Cindi Puspitarani 153 206 258 345 320 256 345 153 192 167 70 5. Dhefina Putri 161 216 264 300 366 261 366 161 205 205 100 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 197 252 269 290 350 272 350 197 153 153 80 7. Mita Deviliana 178 220 276 309 352 267 352 178 174 174 90 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 244 202 289 318 368 284 368 202 166 124 80 9. Oktafia Wulandari 162 190 233 285 347 243 347 162 185 185 70 10 Vera Prasetya R 185 140 211 273 351 232 351 140 211 166 70 11 Yudhatama Rizki 209 218 245 296 388 271 388 209 179 179 100 12 Achmad Gunadi 156 170 217 290 350 239 350 156 194 194 40 13 Aisyah Hasna N 260 180 265 303 370 276 370 180 190 110 90 14 Atnan Bima Jati 190 168 241 287 352 248 352 168 184 162 70 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 221 200 260 310 381 274 381 200 181 160 80 16 Dita Indah D 240 163 175 297 353 245 353 163 190 113 80 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 180 267 283 303 366 280 366 180 186 186 100 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 164 226 253 294 355 258 355 164 191 191 60 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 167 196 260 360 298 256 360 167 193 131 70 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 170 250 276 310 348 270 348 170 178 178 60 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 236 221 287 311 363 284 363 221 142 127 80 22 Lina Agustin 188 170 243 289 365 251 365 170 195 177 60 23 Melina Dwi R 175 219 263 378 372 281 378 175 203 197 80 Average of Class 193 208 255 306 357 264 182 163 77.82 The Highest 260 267 304 378 388 291 211 205 100 The Lowest 153 140 175 273 298 232 142 110 40


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 2 Meeting : 1 Period : 2 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Story of Panyalahan Village/ 367 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 190 233 264 329 370 277 370 190 180 180 70 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 162 189 260 312 240 232 312 162 150 78 40 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 171 235 265 327 375 275 375 171 204 204 80 4. Cindi Puspitarani 192 170 246 311 364 256 364 170 194 172 80 5. Dhefina Putri 150 216 288 379 330 273 379 150 229 180 90 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 240 180 260 304 370 270 370 180 190 130 80 7. Mita Deviliana 150 211 273 330 365 266 365 150 215 215 70 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 230 182 267 280 389 269 389 182 163 159 90 9. Oktafia Wulandari 168 226 274 319 370 271 370 168 202 202 70 10 Vera Prasetya R 178 156 237 296 364 246 364 156 208 186 50 11 Yudhatama Rizki 180 246 282 310 400 284 400 180 220 220 80 12 Achmad Gunadi 190 185 233 298 377 256 377 185 192 187 50 13 Aisyah Hasna N 166 223 270 320 380 271 380 166 214 214 70 14 Atnan Bima Jati 140 157 219 364 290 234 364 140 224 150 80 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 186 229 253 312 389 273 389 186 203 203 90 16 Dita Indah D 191 168 226 270 280 227 280 168 112 89 90 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 174 218 278 334 394 280 394 174 220 220 80 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 265 226 240 294 366 278 366 226 140 101 40 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 190 215 243 300 382 266 382 190 192 192 80 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 155 176 236 305 370 248 370 155 215 215 80 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 227 198 285 329 381 284 381 198 183 154 90 22 Lina Agustin 173 248 262 320 385 278 385 173 212 212 80 23 Melina Dwi R 190 215 273 368 320 273 368 190 178 130 90 Average of Class 185. 204 258 317 359 268 193 174 74.78 The Highest 265 248 288 379 400 284 229 220 90 The Lowest 140 156 219 270 240 227 112 78 40


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 2 Meeting : 2 Period : 1 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Legend of Aji Saka/ 378 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 182 215 264 315 380 271 380 182 198 198 70 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 192 167 252 298 378 257 378 167 211 186 60 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 235 180 263 321 383 276 383 180 203 148 70 4. Cindi Puspitarani 156 223 250 378 290 259 378 156 222 134 60 5. Dhefina Putri 193 219 262 390 322 277 390 193 197 129 90 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 162 240 276 299 380 271 380 162 218 218 70 7. Mita Deviliana 181 226 292 389 340 285 389 181 208 159 80 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 190 248 267 290 415 282 415 190 225 225 80 9. Oktafia Wulandari 167 192 282 320 380 268 380 167 213 213 60 10 Vera Prasetya R 220 153 257 302 390 264 390 153 237 170 60 11 Yudhatama Rizki 186 252 287 320 418 293 418 186 232 232 80 12 Achmad Gunadi 194 155 215 289 385 248 385 155 230 191 70 13 Aisyah Hasna N 171 250 326 400 390 307 400 171 229 219 70 14 Atnan Bima Jati 183 150 240 300 382 251 382 150 232 199 60 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 184 241 267 310 378 276 378 184 194 194 90 16 Dita Indah D 169 194 252 291 381 257 381 169 212 212 70 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 180 267 284 296 410 287 410 180 230 230 90 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 192 150 265 298 378 256 378 150 228 186 70 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 190 215 239 384 370 280 384 190 194 180 90 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 168 210 295 380 362 283 380 168 212 194 70 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 230 200 248 334 395 281 395 200 195 165 80 22 Lina Agustin 221 170 260 283 390 265 390 170 220 169 70 23 Melina Dwi R 182 233 267 299 379 272 379 182 197 197 80 Average of Class 188 206 265 325 377 272 215 189 73.47 The Highest 235 267 326 400 418 307 237 232 90 The Lowest 156 150 215 283 290 247 194 129 60


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 2 Meeting : 2 Period : 2 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Beginning of Cianjur/ 387 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 190 237 286 390 375 295 390 190 200 185 80 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 215 168 252 330 387 270 387 168 219 172 30 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 203 178 269 314 392 271 392 178 214 189 90 4. Cindi Puspitarani 160 190 273 268 387 256 387 160 227 227 70 5. Dhefina Putri 225 200 288 293 400 281 400 200 200 175 80 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 176 216 270 325 390 275 390 176 214 214 70 7. Mita Deviliana 231 169 268 310 387 273 387 169 218 156 50 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 244 230 275 327 393 294 393 230 163 149 70 9. Oktafia Wulandari 180 211 260 390 340 276 390 180 210 160 70 10 Vera Prasetya R 193 246 233 295 397 273 397 193 204 204 60 11 Yudhatama Rizki 192 250 291 366 400 300 400 192 208 208 90 12 Achmad Gunadi 165 215 265 299 388 266 388 165 223 223 60 13 Aisyah Hasna N 232 220 267 275 380 274 380 220 160 148 90 14 Atnan Bima Jati 163 275 280 331 387 287 387 163 224 224 70 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 240 225 266 294 412 287 412 225 187 172 80 16 Dita Indah D 162 211 230 293 394 258 394 162 232 232 80 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 248 200 297 311 415 294 415 200 215 167 70 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 161 268 261 286 390 273 390 161 229 229 30 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 172 205 267 340 392 275 392 172 220 220 60 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 233 190 258 290 387 271 387 190 197 154 80 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 210 170 244 293 390 261 390 170 220 180 70 22 Lina Agustin 165 213 280 302 398 271 398 165 233 233 60 23 Melina Dwi R 174 223 266 321 391 275 391 174 217 217 90 Average of Class 197 213 267 314 390 276 210 193 69.56 The Highest 248 275 297 390 415 299 233 233 90 The Lowest 160 168 230 268 340 255 160 148 30


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 2 Meeting : 3 Period : 1 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Legend of Lahilote/ 400 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 181 220 290 348 417 291 417 181 236 236 80 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 212 167 280 314 340 262 340 167 173 128 50 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 236 200 295 329 407 293 407 200 207 171 80 4. Cindi Puspitarani 193 170 234 316 400 262 400 170 230 207 80 5. Dhefina Putri 190 231 297 403 380 300 403 190 213 190 70 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 182 270 286 310 400 289 400 182 218 218 70 7. Mita Deviliana 175 229 290 326 405 285 405 175 230 230 80 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 238 193 249 331 412 284 412 193 219 174 80 9. Oktafia Wulandari 171 263 242 327 410 282 410 171 239 239 60 10 Vera Prasetya R 211 180 256 324 407 275 407 180 227 196 70 11 Yudhatama Rizki 185 240 288 352 420 297 420 185 235 235 80 12 Achmad Gunadi 210 184 265 317 408 276 408 184 224 198 60 13 Aisyah Hasna N 182 263 249 326 422 288 422 182 240 240 90 14 Atnan Bima Jati 192 165 264 302 382 261 382 165 217 190 50 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 190 221 286 328 415 288 415 190 225 225 70 16 Dita Indah D 264 187 293 325 400 293 400 187 213 136 80 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 176 259 295 408 380 303 408 176 232 204 90 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 162 230 284 319 365 272 365 162 203 203 60 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 237 265 230 354 400 297 400 230 170 163 70 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 177 252 281 405 360 295 405 177 228 183 70 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 180 205 275 338 405 280 405 180 225 225 60 22 Lina Agustin 269 280 243 312 411 303 411 243 168 142 50 23 Melina Dwi R 178 226 242 336 417 279 417 178 239 239 70 Average of Class 199 221 270 336. 398 298 218 196 70.43 The Highest 269 280 297 408 422 303 240 240 90 The Lowest 162 165 230 302 340 261 168 128 50


THE STUDENTS’ READING SPEED AND COMPREHENSION Cycle : 2 Meeting : 3 Period : 2 Text Title/ Total of Word : The Legend of Batu Hapu Cave / 400 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 182 255 289 313 405 288 405 182 223 223 70 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 218 176 294 240 315 249 315 176 139 97 50 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 175 261 280 332 411 291 411 175 236 236 80 4. Cindi Puspitarani 159 177 242 289 389 252 389 165 224 212 70 5. Dhefina Putri 168 214 279 324 417 286 417 198 219 203 70 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 228 190 295 316 374 280 374 190 184 146 80 7. Mita Deviliana 170 270 297 322 410 293 410 170 240 240 50 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 256 180 283 350 418 297 418 180 238 162 60 9. Oktafia Wulandari 193 250 292 331 402 297 402 193 209 157 60 10 Vera Prasetya R 171 222 260 296 415 272 415 171 244 244 40 11 Yudhatama Rizki 180 260 278 342 426 296 426 180 246 246 90 12 Achmad Gunadi 247 180 230 317 379 270 379 180 199 132 50 13 Aisyah Hasna N 170 270 292 320 416 293 416 170 246 246 70 14 Atnan Bima Jati 157 193 248 342 300 248 342 157 185 143 70 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 183 259 296 334 425 299 425 183 242 242 80 16 Dita Indah D 208 172 234 320 410 268 410 172 238 202 80 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 178 244 316 327 415 296 415 178 237 237 80 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 260 225 316 298 355 290 355 225 130 95 20 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 188 237 245 351 408 286 408 188 220 220 80 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 175 255 290 400 380 300 400 175 225 205 50 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 180 243 298 344 412 295 412 180 232 232 80 22 Lina Agustin 175 281 293 313 400 324 400 262 138 104 60 23 Melina Dwi R 180 277 300 342 406 301 406 180 226 226 80 Average of Class 199 228 281 329 392 287 214 202 66.52 The Highest 296 277 316 402 426 324 246 246 90 The Lowest 157 165 230 240 300 248 130 95 20



Period : 1 Text Title/ Total of Word : Stone Soup/ 345 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 345 300 345 305 320 323 345 300 45 -25 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 102 140 162 184 227 163 227 102 125 125 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 160 206 229 271 345 242 345 160 185 185 4. Cindi Puspitarani 188 119 146 173 270 179 270 119 151 82 5. Dhefina Putri 174 200 188 236 345 228 345 174 171 171 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 200 177 221 244 332 235 332 177 155 132 7. Mita Deviliana 160 198 250 235 273 223 273 160 113 113 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 146 178 295 270 345 247 345 146 199 199 9. Oktafia Wulandari 215 226 274 332 295 268 332 215 117 80 10 Vera Prasetya R 158 211 260 294 340 252 340 158 182 182 11 Yudhatama Rizki 167 240 345 318 345 283 345 167 178 178 12 Achmad Gunadi 345 300 312 330 326 322 345 300 45 -19 13 Aisyah Hasna N 150 176 310 253 345 247 345 150 195 195 14 Atnan Bima Jati 146 220 205 277 309 231 309 146 163 163 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 190 260 316 300 345 282 345 190 155 155 16 Dita Indah D 227 215 255 317 289 260 317 215 102 62 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 157 190 242 305 345 248 345 157 188 188 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 215 223 210 230 286 233 286 210 76 71 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 121 157 205 223 290 199 290 121 169 169 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 170 155 217 236 223 200 236 155 81 53 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 132 164 200 340 262 219 340 132 208 130 22 Lina Agustin 92 127 184 205 258 173 258 92 166 166 23 Melina Dwi R 127 166 200 231 270 198 270 127 143 143 Average of Class 177 197 242 265 303 237 144 126 The Highest 345 300 345 340 345 323 208 199 The Lowest 92 119 146 173 223 163 45 -25



Period : 2 Text Title/ Total of Word : A Mother’s Sacrifice/ 362 Words

No Students’ Name

Reading Speed

in Each Minute R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Lowest Highest Averages Beginning Difference Last Minus Reading Compre. 1. Ana Suyanti 350 362 316 340 331 339.8 362 316 46 -19 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 118 156 235 211 260 196 260 118 142 142 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 163 237 270 320 362 270.4 362 163 199 199 4. Cindi Puspitarani 139 155 207 231 300 206.4 300 139 161 161 5. Dhefina Putri 180 223 261 294 362 264 362 180 182 182 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 156 177 232 273 325 232.6 325 156 169 169 7. Mita Deviliana 125 181 215 238 287 209.2 287 125 162 162 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 140 188 217 225 298 213.6 298 140 158 158 9. Oktafia Wulandari 174 244 270 310 251 249.8 310 174 136 77 10 Vera Prasetya R 113 179 145 223 267 185.4 267 113 154 154 11 Yudhatama Rizki 265 317 331 346 362 324.2 362 265 97 97 12 Achmad Gunadi 362 300 343 338 335 335.6 362 300 62 -27 13 Aisyah Hasna N 153 188 244 290 348 244.6 348 153 195 195 14 Atnan Bima Jati 150 175 210 253 310 219.6 310 150 160 160 15 Ayuningtyas Safitri 210 268 295 330 362 293 362 210 152 152 16 Dita Indah D 330 247 277 252 290 279.2 330 247 83 -40 17 Eka Fitri Afuwu 205 240 280 322 362 281.8 362 205 157 157 18 Galih Nur Wicaksono 312 180 213 247 290 248.4 312 180 132 -22 19 Halimah Nur Azizah 150 177 218 225 263 206.6 263 150 113 113 20 Iga Wahyu Dewi S 185 149 185 221 249 197.8 249 149 100 64 21 Kinanti Nurrohmawati 215 240 257 272 288 254.4 288 215 73 73 22 Lina Agustin 92 117 145 200 244 159.6 244 92 152 152 23 Melina Dwi R 183 167 205 255 346 231.2 271 167 104 163 Average of Class 194 211 242 270 308 245 134 114 The Highest 362 362 343 346 362 339.8 199 199 The Lowest 92 117 145 200 244 159.6 46 -40


Appendix 6.a. Students’ Scores on Reading Comprehension Test of Narrative Before and After the Cycle 1 Action

The Students’ Reading Comprehension Test Scores on Narrative Text Before and After the Cycle 1 Action No. Students’ Name Before After (Pre-test) (Post-test 1) Score Note Score Note 1. Ana Suyanti 78 P 82 P 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 40 N 58 N 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 77 P 80 P 4. Cindi Puspitarani 62 N 72 K 5. Dhefina Putri 73 K 78 P 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 68 K 73 K 7. Mita Deviliana 63 N 65 N 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 72 K 77 P 9. Oktafia Wulandari 58 N 63 N 10. Vera Prasetya R 53 N 60 N 11. Yudhatama Rizki WA 80 P 87 P 12. Achmad Gunadi 47 N 58 N 13. Aisyah Hasna N 73 K 78 P 14. Atnan Bima Jati 57 N 68 N 15. Ayuningtyas Safitri 78 P 83 P 16. Dita Indah Damayanti 63 N 72 K 17. Eka Fitri Afuwu 82 P 85 P 18. Galih Nur Wicaksono 42 N 55 N 19. Halimah Nur Azizah 70 K 73 K 20. Iga Wahyu Dewi S 63 N 73 K 21. Kinanti Nurrohmawati 77 P 80 P 22. Lina Agustin 60 N 65 N 23. Melina Dwi Rahmayani 77 P 78 P Class Average 65.78 Percentage 72.30 Percentage Passing KKM (P) 7 30% 10 43% Class Average – KKM (K) 5 22% 5 22% Less than Class Average 11 48% 8 35% And KKM (N)


Appendix 6.c. Comparison of the Students’ Post-Tests Scores

The Students’ Reading Comprehension Test Scores Comparison on Narrative Text between the Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 Actions No. Students’ Name Cycle 1 Cycle 2 (Post-test 1) (Post-test 2) Score Note Score Note 1. Ana Suyanti 82 P 82 P 2. Anisa Rahma Putri 58 N 65 N 3. Anisa Viyata Suci V 80 P 83 P 4. Cindi Puspitarani 72 K 75 K 5. Dhefina Putri 78 P 82 P 6. Hanna Fikriatus S 73 K 78 P 7. Mita Deviliana 65 N 77 K 8. Muhammad Zulfikri 77 P 83 P 9. Oktafia Wulandari 63 N 77 K 10. Vera Prasetya R 60 N 75 K 11. Yudhatama Rizki WA 87 P 85 P 12. Achmad Gunadi 58 N 62 N 13. Aisyah Hasna N 78 P 80 P 14. Atnan Bima Jati 68 N 77 K 15. Ayuningtyas Safitri 83 P 85 P 16. Dita Indah Damayanti 72 K 77 K 17. Eka Fitri Afuwu 85 P 90 P 18. Galih Nur Wicaksono 55 N 58 N 19. Halimah Nur Azizah 73 K 78 P 20. Iga Wahyu Dewi S 73 K 73 N 21. Kinanti Nurrohmawati 80 P 85 P 22. Lina Agustin 65 N 70 N 23. Melina Dwi Rahmayani 78 P 83 P Class Average 72.30 Percentage 77.39 Percentage Passing KKM (P) 10 43% 12 52% Class Average – KKM (K) 5 22% 6 26% Less than Class Average 8 35% 5 22% And KKM (N)


Appendix 7. Summary of Preliminary Study Questionnaire SUMMARY OF THE PRELIMINARY STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE

1. Pernyataan Seputar Aktivitas Pembelajaran Membaca di Kelas Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda. Petunjuk: 1. Tidak Pernah 2. Jarang 3. Sering 4. Selalu

No. Pernyataan 1 2 3 4 Total 1. Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca teks 14 6 3 - 23 yang akan dibahas dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di luar jam pelajaran/di rumah. 2. Guru menanyakan sejumlah pertanyaan awal 1 12 10 - 23 berkaitan dengan teks yang akan dibaca dalam aktivitas membaca di kelas. 3. Siswa berpartisipasi aktif dalam menjawab - 5 11 7 23 pertanyaan awal berkaitan dengan teks yang akan dibaca dalam aktivitas membaca di kelas. 4. Guru memberikan bantuan untuk - 4 18 1 23 memfasilitasi kemampuan membaca siswa. 5. Guru mengajarkan kosakata baru selama - 8 13 2 23 proses kegiatan membaca. 6. Guru melatih siswa membaca skimming dan 11 12 - - 23 scanning selama aktivitas membaca di kelas. 7. Guru memberikan arahan kepada siswa untuk - 7 11 5 23 memperhatikan judul, kutipan, gambar, dan petunjuk lain ketika aktivitas membaca di kelas. 8. Guru membatasi waktu yang dibutuhkan - 7 13 3 23


siswa untuk membaca teks dan mengerjakan sejumlah pertanyaan dalam aktivitas membaca di kelas. 9. Siswa merasa waktu yang diberikan guru - 9 10 4 23 untuk membaca teks dan menjawab pertanyaannya (baik dalam pembelajaran harian, ulangan harian, ulangan tengah dan akhir semester) tidak mencukupi. 10. Siswa meminta tambahan waktu saat aktivitas 1 7 9 6 23 membaca dan menjawab pertanyaannya (baik dalam pembelajaran harian, ulangan harian, ulangan tengah dan akhir semester). 11. Siswa kondusif/tenang dalam aktivitas - 15 6 2 23 membaca dan menjawab pertanyaannya.

12. Guru memberikan skor pada kecepatan 7 12 4 - 23 membaca dan membaca pemahaman siswa sebagai latihan atau penggolongan kemampuan membaca siswa. 13. Guru terlalu menekankan pengajaran tata 2 3 15 3 23 bahasa dibandingkan pengajaran membaca. 14. Guru memberikan teks sesuai dengan materi 1 1 10 11 23 pembelajaran dan menentukan tujuan pengajaran untuk setiap teks bacaan yang digunakan dalam aktivitas membaca di kelas. 15. Guru meminta siswa untuk berlatih membaca 3 10 9 1 23 teks berbahasa Inggris, baik dalam hati atau dilafalkan, di rumah.


2. Pernyataan Terkait Pelatihan Membaca Cepat dan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa oleh Guru Berilah tanda centang (√) pada pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda.

No. Pernyataan Ya Tidak 1. Saya sudah pernah mengikuti program membaca cepat 7 16 beserta membaca pemahaman pada kelas atau tingkat sekolah sebelumnya. 2. Saat ini saya memiliki program membaca cepat beserta 2 21 membaca pemahaman pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

3. Pertanyaan Terkait Kebiasaan Membaca Siswa di Luar Pembelajaran Kelas Berilah tanda centang (√) pada pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda.

No. Pertanyaan Ya Tidak 1. Apakah Anda senang membaca buku berbahasa Inggris? 4 19 2. Apakah Anda senang membaca buku di perpustakaan? 2 21 3. Apakah Anda senang meminjam buku dari perpustakaan? 2 21 4. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senang membaca buku 17 6 berbahasa Inggris? 5. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senang membaca buku di 4 19 perpustakaan? 6. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda senang meminjam buku 4 19 dari perpustakaan?


7. Apakah Anda memiliki program membaca cepat dan 7 16 membaca pemahaman dengan tujuan meningkatkan kecepatan membaca dan membaca pemahamannya?

4. Pertanyaan Terkait Kebiasaan Membaca Siswa dalam Proses Membaca Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda. Petunjuk: 1. Tidak Pernah 2. Jarang 3. Sering 4. Selalu

No. Pertanyaan 1 2 3 4 Total 1. Apakah Anda kembali dan melihat kata-kata 2 6 11 4 23 yang sudah Anda baca? 2. Apakah Anda melafalkan/mengucapkan kata- 2 8 10 3 23 kata yang Anda baca? 3. Apakah Anda menggerakkan kepala dan bibir 2 7 11 3 23 ketika membaca? 4. Apakah Anda menunjuk kata-kata yang Anda 3 8 10 2 23 baca dengan jari telunjuk? 5. Apakah Anda berhenti terlalu lama pada suatu 6 4 10 3 23 kata ketika membaca? 6. Apakah guru Anda mengingatkan Anda untuk 18 3 2 - 23 tidak melakukan kebiasaan dari poin 1 hingga 5? 7. Apakah Anda memperhatikan kebiasan- 9 10 3 1 23 kebiasaan membaca di atas (poin 1 hingga 5)?


5. Pertanyaan Terkait Aktivitas Membaca dan Fasilitas Sekolah Berilah tanda centang (√) pada pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda.

No. Pertanyaan Ya Tidak 1. Apakah di lingkungan sekitar Anda terdapat perpustakaan 10 13 publik? 2. Apakah perpustakaan sekolah Anda menyediakan waktu 19 4 setiap saat bagi para siswa untuk membaca dan meminjam buku? 3. Apakah Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk 13 10 mengkonsultasikan kartu katalog di perpustakaan? 4. Apakah sekolah menyediakan cukup buku teks berbahasa 13 10 Inggris? 5. Apakah buku teks, majalah, dan koran bisa digunakan untuk 18 5 melatih kecepatan membaca beserta membaca pemahaman? 6. Jika Anda menjawab ‘Ya’ pada pertanyaan kelima, apakah 19 4 sumber bacaan tersebut tersedia di sekolah Anda? 7. Apakah sekolah Anda menyediakan fasilitas pendukung 20 3 dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran membaca? 8. Apakah sekolah Anda mempunyai panduan program 11 12 membaca?


6. Pernyataan Terkait Kemampuan Berbahasa Siswa dalam Keterampilan Membaca Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda. Petunjuk: 1. Tidak Pernah 2. Jarang 3. Sering 4. Selalu

No. Pertanyaan 1 2 3 4 Total 1. Saya merasa kesulitan dalam membaca - 10 11 2 23 kosakata bahasa Inggris, baik dilafalkan maupun dalam hati. 2. Saya merasa kesulitan dalam memahami 1 9 12 1 23 kosakata beserta maknanya dalam teks yang diberikan oleh guru. 3. Saya merasa wawasan kosakata saya masih - 3 14 6 23 sedkit. 4. Saya merasa wawasan tata bahasa - 7 13 3 23 (grammar) bahasa Inggris saya masih sedikit. 5. Saya merasa kesulitan dalam memahami 4 5 13 1 23 ide pokok teks yang diberikan oleh guru. 6. Saya merasa wawasan pengetahuan umum 3 4 13 3 23 saya terkait teks yang diberikan oleh guru menyebabkan saya kurang cepat dalam membaca dan kurang membantu dalam memahami isi teks. 7. Untuk mengerjakan sejumlah pertanyaan 4 1 15 3 23 keterampilan reading dengan sungguh- sungguh, baik dalam ulangan harian, UTS maupun UAS, saya merasa jumlah teks dan pertanyaannya terlalu banyak sedangkan waktunya sangat sedikit.


Appendix 8. Summary of Students’ Reading Habits Questionnaire


Pertanyaan Terkait Kebiasaan Membaca Siswa dalam Proses Membaca Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda. Petunjuk: 1. Tidak Pernah 2. Jarang 3. Sering 4. Selalu

No. Pertanyaan 1 2 3 4 Total 1. Apakah Anda kembali dan melihat kata-kata 14 9 - - 23 yang sudah Anda baca? 2. Apakah Anda melafalkan/mengucapkan kata- 18 5 - - 23 kata yang Anda baca? 3. Apakah Anda menggerakkan kepala dan bibir 10 9 4 - 23 ketika membaca? 4. Apakah Anda menunjuk kata-kata yang Anda 8 8 7 - 23 baca dengan jari telunjuk? 5. Apakah Anda berhenti terlalu lama pada suatu 15 8 - - 23 kata ketika membaca? 6. Apakah Anda memperhatikan kebiasan- - 5 14 4 23 kebiasaan membaca di atas (poin 1 hingga 5)?



Pertanyaan Terkait Kebiasaan Membaca Siswa dalam Proses Membaca Berilah tanda centang (√) pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan keadaan Anda. Pernyataan yang Anda berikan tidak akan berpengaruh pada nilai mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anda. Petunjuk: 1. Tidak Pernah 2. Jarang 3. Sering 4. Selalu

No. Pertanyaan 1 2 3 4 Total 1. Apakah Anda kembali dan melihat kata-kata 20 3 - - 23 yang sudah Anda baca? 2. Apakah Anda melafalkan/mengucapkan kata- 23 - - - 23 kata yang Anda baca? 3. Apakah Anda menggerakkan kepala dan bibir 20 3 - - 23 ketika membaca? 4. Apakah Anda menunjuk kata-kata yang And 16 5 3 - 23 abaca dengan jari telunjuk? 5. Apakah Anda berhenti terlalu lama pada suatu 19 4 - - 23 kata ketika membaca? 6. Apakah Anda memperhatikan kebiasan- - - 17 6 23 kebiasaan membaca di atas (poin 1 hingga 5)?



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI IPA 3 Materi Pembelajaran : Teks Naratif 1. Aspek Observasi Keseluruhan Pembelajaran Teks Naratif Menggunakan TRR No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa kepada siswa. b. Siswa merespon salam dan sapaan yang disampaikan oleh guru. c. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa. d. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait kondisi mereka. e. Guru melakukan apersepsi. f. Siswa antusias menanggapi apersepsi guru. g. Guru menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti Schema Building a. Siswa siap mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. b. Guru membagikan handout berisi Task 1 dan Task 2 c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 1 dengan jelas. d. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar secara berpasangan. e. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. f. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus mengamati gambar, menjodohkan gambar dengan judul cerita naratif, dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait gambar. g. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task1. h. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 2 dengan jelas. i. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. j. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus dalam mempelajari kosakata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. k. Siswa menggunakan kamus atau aplikasi kamus pada telepon genggam. l. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task 2. Controlled Practice a. Guru menunjukkan contoh teks yang dibaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. b. Guru menjelaskan teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. c. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading.


d. Guru membagikan handout 2 yang berisi Task 3 dan 4 beserta sebuah lembar jawab untuk Task 3. e. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk mempelajari kosakata yang sudah dijodohkan dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia f. Siswa tenang dan fokus dalam mempelajari makna kosakata. g. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. h. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. i. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. j. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. k. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. l. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. m. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. n. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. o. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. p. Guru menjelaskan materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan penulisan, dan struktur teks dengan jelas. q. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. r. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 4 dengan jelas. s. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 4. t. Siswa aktif dan fokus dalam diskusi kelompok. u. Guru mendampingi siswa selama diskusi. v. Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan percaya diri. w. Guru dan siswa membahas hasil kerja kelompok secara bersama-sama. x. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. y. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. z. Siswa aktif menyampaikan pertanyaan atau pendapat terkait penjelasan guru. Linguistic Elements Focus a. Guru membagikan handout 3 yang berisi materi tata bahasa, Task 5 dan 6. b. Guru menjelaskan materi tata bahasa berupa noun phrase dengan jelas. c. Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa terkait penjelasan noun phrase. d. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya.


e. Siswa memahami penjelasan materi oleh guru. f. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 5 (mencari noun phrase dalam teks Task 3) dengan jelas. g. Siswa memahami instruksi guru terkait Task 5. h. Siswa aktif dan kondusif dalam mengerjakan Task 5. i. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 5 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. j. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 5. k. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 5. l. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 6 (mengkonstruk noun phrase berdasarkan kosakata yang telah diberikan dan membuat kalimat dari noun phrase yang telah dibuat) dengan jelas. m. Guru memastikan pemahaman siswa. n. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan oleh guru terkait Task 6. p. Siswa aktif dan kondusif selama mengerjakan Task 6. q. Guru memonitor kegiatan siswa. r. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 6 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. s. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 6. t. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 6. Freer Practice a. Guru mengigatkan siswa terkait teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 4 yang berisi Task 7 berupa teks dan pertanyaan terkait teks beserta lembar jawabnya. d. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. e. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. f. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. g. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. h. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. i. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. j. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. k. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. l. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan.


m. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama membahas soal Task 7. n. Guru menjelaskan analisis jawaban Task 7 dengan jelas. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. 3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Siswa aktif menyampaikan kesimpulan materi pembelajaran. d. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses pembelajaran. e. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa untuk berdoa. 4. Situasi Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar a. Siswa mempunyai dan menunjukkan rasa antusias/tertarik selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. b. Siswa aktif terlibat dalam setiap aktivitas/kegiatan pembelajaran. c. Siswa kondusif selama proses pembelajaran.

2. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Individu) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Keaktifan Siswa a. Siswa aktif menanggapi pertanyaan guru b. Siswa aktif bertanya c. Siswa aktif mengajukan pendapat 2. Perhatian Siswa a. Diam dan Tenang b. Terfokus c. Antusias 3. Ketertarikan Siswa terhadap Penerapan Teknik Timed Repeated Reading dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Tertarik dan Antusias b. Terfokus dan Termotivasi

3. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berpasangan) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Siswa berpasangan terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan materi dan instruksi dari guru.


4. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berkelompok) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu/dua siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Kelompok terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan dan instruksi dari guru.


Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI IPA 3 Materi Pembelajaran : Teks Naratif 1. Aspek Observasi Keseluruhan Pembelajaran Teks Naratif Menggunakan TRR No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa kepada siswa. b. Siswa merespon salam dan sapaan yang disampaikan oleh guru. c. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa. d. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait kondisi mereka. e. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. f. Siswa antusias dan aktif menanggapi ulasan materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. g. Guru menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran.

2. Kegiatan Inti Schema Building a. Siswa siap mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. b. Guru membagikan handout berisi Task 8 c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 8 dengan jelas. d. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar secara berpasangan. e. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. f. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus dalam mempelajari kosakata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. g. Siswa menggunakan kamus atau aplikasi kamus pada telepon genggam. h. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task 8


Controlled Practice a. Guru mengingatkan siswa teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 2 yang berisi Task 9 dan 10 beserta sebuah lembar jawab untuk Task 9. d. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk mempelajari kosakata yang sudah dijodohkan dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia e. Siswa tenang dan fokus dalam mempelajari makna kosakata. f. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. g. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. h. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. i. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. j. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. k. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. l. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. m. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. n. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. o. Guru menjelaskan materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan penulisan, dan struktur teks dengan jelas. p. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. q. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 10 (menganalisis struktur teks naratif Task 9) dengan jelas. r. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 10. s. Siswa aktif dan fokus dalam diskusi kelompok. t. Guru mendampingi/memonitor siswa selama diskusi. u. Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan percaya diri. v. Guru dan siswa membahas hasil kerja kelompok secara bersama-sama. w. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. x. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. y. Siswa aktif menyampaikan pertanyaan atau pendapat terkait penjelasan guru. Linguistic Elements Focus a. Guru membagikan handout 3 yang berisi materi tata bahasa, Task 11, 12, dan 13. b. Guru menjelaskan materi tata bahasa berupa adverbs dengan jelas.


c. Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa terkait penjelasan adverbs. d. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya. e. Siswa memahami penjelasan materi oleh guru. f. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 11 (mencari adverbs dalam teks Task 9) dengan jelas. g. Siswa memahami instruksi guru terkait Task 11. h. Siswa aktif dan kondusif dalam mengerjakan Task 11. i. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 11 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. j. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 11. k. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 11. l. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 12 (melengkapi kalimat yang sudah disediakan menggunakan adverbs) dengan jelas. m. Guru memastikan pemahaman siswa. n. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan oleh guru terkait Task 12. p. Siswa aktif dan kondusif selama mengerjakan Task 12. q. Guru memonitor kegiatan siswa. r. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 12 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. s. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 12. t. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 12. u. Guru menjelaskan materi tata bahasa berupa time connectives dengan jelas. v. Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa terkait penjelasantime connectives. w. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya. x. Siswa memahami penjelasan materi oleh guru. y. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 13 (menentukan time connectives untuk melengkapi teks naratif rumpang) dengan jelas. z. Siswa memahami instruksi guru terkait Task 13. aa. Siswa aktif dan kondusif dalam mengerjakan Task 13. bb. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 13 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. cc. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 31. dd. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 13. Freer Practice a. Guru mengigatkan siswa terkait teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 4 yang berisi Task 14 berupa teks


dan pertanyaan terkait teks beserta lembar jawabnya. d. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. e. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. f. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. g. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. h. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. i. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. j. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. k. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. l. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. m. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama membahas soal Task 14. n. Guru menjelaskan analisis jawaban Task 14 dengan jelas. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru.

3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Siswa aktif menyampaikan kesimpulan materi pembelajaran. d. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses pembelajaran. e. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa untuk berdoa. 4. Situasi Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar d. Siswa mempunyai dan menunjukkan rasa antusias/tertarik selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. e. Siswa aktif terlibat dalam setiap aktivitas/kegiatan pembelajaran. f. Siswa kondusif selama proses pembelajaran.


2. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Individu) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Keaktifan Siswa d. Siswa aktif menanggapi pertanyaanguru e. Siswa aktif bertanya f. Siswa aktif mengajukan pendapat 2. Perhatian Siswa d. Diam dan Tenang e. Terfokus f. Antusias 3. Ketertarikan Siswa terhadap Penerapan Teknik Timed Repeated Reading dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran c. Tertarik dan Antusias d. Terfokus dan Termotivasi

3. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berpasangan) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Siswa berpasangan terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan materi dan instruksi dari guru.

4. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berkelompok) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu/dua siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Kelompok terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan dan instruksi dari guru.



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI IPA 3 Materi Pembelajaran : Teks Naratif 1. Aspek Observasi Keseluruhan Pembelajaran Teks Naratif Menggunakan TRR No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa kepada siswa. b. Siswa merespon salam dan sapaan yang disampaikan oleh guru. c. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa. d. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait kondisi mereka. e. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. f. Siswa antusias dan aktif menanggapi ulasan materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. g. Guru menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti Schema Building a. Siswa siap mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. b. Guru membagikan handout 1 berisi Task 15 c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 15 dengan jelas. d. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar secara berpasangan. e. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. f. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus dalam mempelajari kosakata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. g. Siswa menggunakan kamus atau aplikasi kamus pada telepon genggam. h. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task 15

Controlled Practice a. Guru mengingatkan siswa teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 2 yang berisi Task 16 dan 17 beserta sebuah lembar jawab untuk Task 16. d. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk mempelajari kosakata yang sudah dijodohkan dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia e. Siswa tenang dan fokus dalam mempelajari makna kosakata. f. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan


membaca. g. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. h. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. i. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. j. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. k. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. l. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. m. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. n. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. o. Guru menjelaskan materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan penulisan, dan struktur teks dengan jelas. p. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. q. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 17 (menganalisis struktur teks naratif Task 16) dengan jelas. r. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 17. s. Siswa aktif dan fokus dalam diskusi kelompok. t. Guru mendampingi/memonitor siswa selama diskusi. u. Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan percaya diri. v. Guru dan siswa membahas hasil kerja kelompok secara bersama-sama. w. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. x. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. y. Siswa aktif menyampaikan pertanyaan atau pendapat terkait penjelasan guru. Freer Practice a. Guru mengigatkan siswa terkait teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 3 yang berisi Task 18 berupa teks dan pertanyaan terkait teks beserta lembar jawabnya. d. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. e. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. f. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. g. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. h. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. i. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan


dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. j. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. k. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. l. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. m. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama membahas soal Task 18. n. Guru menjelaskan analisis jawaban Task 18 dengan jelas. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. Pedagogical Task a. Guru mengulas materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan komunikatif, dan struktur teks. b. Guru membagikan handout 4 yang berisi Task 19 dan 20. c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 19 (menyusun kalimat acak menjadi teks naratif singkat) dengan jelas. d. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 19. e. Siswa mengerjakan Task 19 dengan aktif dan fokus. f. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 19 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. g. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 19. h. Guru mengkaitkan hasil pengerjaan Task 19 dengan struktur teks naratif. i. Siswa memahami penjelsan guru. j. Guru memberi instruksi pengerjaan Task 20 dengan jelas. k. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 20. l. Siswa mengerjakan Task 20 dengan aktif dan kondusif. 3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Siswa aktif menyampaikan kesimpulan materi pembelajaran. d. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses pembelajaran. e. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa untuk berdoa. 4. Situasi Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar g. Siswa mempunyai dan menunjukkan rasa antusias/tertarik selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. h. Siswa aktif terlibat dalam setiap aktivitas/kegiatan pembelajaran. i. Siswa kondusif selama proses pembelajaran.


2. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Individu) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Keaktifan Siswa g. Siswa aktif menanggapi pertanyaanguru h. Siswa aktif bertanya i. Siswa aktif mengajukan pendapat 2. Perhatian Siswa g. Diam dan Tenang h. Terfokus i. Antusias 3. Ketertarikan Siswa terhadap Penerapan Teknik Timed Repeated Reading dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran e. Tertarik dan Antusias f. Terfokus dan Termotivasi

3. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berpasangan) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Siswa berpasangan terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan materi dan instruksi dari guru.

4. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berkelompok) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu/dua siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Kelompok terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan dan instruksi dari guru.



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI IPA 3 Materi Pembelajaran : Teks Naratif 1. Aspek Observasi Keseluruhan Pembelajaran Teks Naratif Menggunakan TRR No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa kepada siswa. b. Siswa merespon salam dan sapaan yang disampaikan oleh guru. c. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa. d. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait kondisi mereka. e. Guru melakukan apersepsi. f. Siswa antusias menanggapi apersepsi guru. g. Guru menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti Schema Building a. Siswa siap mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. b. Guru membagikan handout 1 berisi Task1, 2, dan 3. c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 1 dengan jelas. d. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar secara berpasangan. e. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. f. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus mengamati gambar, menjodohkan gambar dengan judul cerita naratif, dan menjawab pertanyaan terkait gambar. g. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task1. h. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task 2 (menjodohkan potongan teks naratif dengan nilai moralnya). i. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 3 dengan jelas. j. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. k. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus dalam mempelajari kosakata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. l. Siswa menggunakan kamus atau aplikasi kamus pada telepon genggam. m. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task 3. Controlled Practice a. Guru mengingatkan teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 2 yang berisi Task 4 dan 5 beserta


sebuah lembar jawab untuk Task 4. d. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk mempelajari kosakata yang sudah dijodohkan dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia e. Siswa tenang dan fokus dalam mempelajari makna kosakata. f. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. g. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. h. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. i. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. j. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. k. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. l. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. m. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. n. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. o. Guru menjelaskan materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan penulisan, dan struktur teks dengan jelas. p. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. q. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 5 (menganalisis struktur teks) dengan jelas. r. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 5. s. Siswa aktif dan fokus dalam diskusi kelompok. t. Guru mendampingi siswa selama diskusi. u. Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan percaya diri. v. Guru dan siswa membahas hasil kerja kelompok secara bersama-sama. w. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. x. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. y. Siswa aktif menyampaikan pertanyaan atau pendapat terkait penjelasan guru. Linguistic Elements Focus a. Guru membagikan handout 3 yang berisi materi tata bahasa, Task 6 dan 7. b. Guru menjelaskan materi tata bahasa berupa saying verbs dengan jelas. c. Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa terkait penjelasansaying verbs. d. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya. e. Siswa memahami penjelasan materi oleh guru. f. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 6 (mencari saying verbs dalam teks Task 4 beserta maknanya) dengan jelas.


g. Siswa memahami instruksi guru terkait Task 6. h. Siswa aktif dan kondusif dalam mengerjakan Task 6. i. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 6 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. j. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 6. k. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 6. l. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 7 (melengkapi kalimat rumpang menggunakan saying verbs yang disediakan) dengan jelas. m. Guru memastikan pemahaman siswa. n. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan oleh guru terkait Task 7. p. Siswa aktif dan kondusif selama mengerjakan Task 7. q. Guru memonitor kegiatan siswa. r. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 7 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. s. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 7. t. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 7. Freer Practice a. Guru mengigatkan siswa terkait teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 4 yang berisi Task 8 berupa teks dan pertanyaan terkait teks beserta lembar jawabnya. d. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. e. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. f. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. g. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. h. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. i. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. j. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. k. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. l. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. m. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama membahas soal Task 8. n. Guru menjelaskan analisis jawaban Task 8 dengan jelas. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. 3. Penutup


a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Siswa aktif menyampaikan kesimpulan materi pembelajaran. d. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses pembelajaran. e. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa untuk berdoa. 4. Situasi Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar a. Siswa mempunyai dan menunjukkan rasa antusias/tertarik selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. b. Siswa aktif terlibat dalam setiap aktivitas/kegiatan pembelajaran. c. Siswa kondusif selama proses pembelajaran.

2. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Individu) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Keaktifan Siswa a. Siswa aktif menanggapi pertanyaanguru b. Siswa aktif bertanya c. Siswa aktif mengajukan pendapat 2. Perhatian Siswa a. Diam dan Tenang b. Terfokus c. Antusias 3. Ketertarikan Siswa terhadap Penerapan Teknik Timed Repeated Reading dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Tertarik dan Antusias b. Terfokus dan Termotivasi

3. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berpasangan) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Siswa berpasangan terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan materi dan instruksi dari guru.

4. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berkelompok) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu/dua siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Kelompok terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan dan instruksi dari guru.



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI IPA 3 Materi Pembelajaran : Teks Naratif 1. Aspek Observasi Keseluruhan Pembelajaran Teks Naratif Menggunakan TRR No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa kepada siswa. b. Siswa merespon salam dan sapaan yang disampaikan oleh guru. c. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa. d. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait kondisi mereka. e. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. f. Siswa antusias dan aktif menanggapi ulasan materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. g. Guru menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran.

2. Kegiatan Inti Schema Building a. Siswa siap mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. b. Guru membagikan handout 1 berisi Task 9 c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 9 dengan jelas. d. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar secara berpasangan. e. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. f. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus dalam mempelajari kosakata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. g. Siswa menggunakan kamus atau aplikasi kamus pada telepon genggam. h. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task 9

Controlled Practice a. Guru mengingatkan siswa teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 2 yang berisi Task 10 dan 11 beserta sebuah lembar jawab untuk Task 10. d. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk mempelajari kosakata yang sudah dijodohkan dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia e. Siswa tenang dan fokus dalam mempelajari makna kosakata.


f. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. g. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. h. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. i. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. j. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. k. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. l. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. m. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. n. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. o. Guru menjelaskan materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan penulisan, dan struktur teks dengan jelas. p. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. q. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 11 (menganalisis struktur teks naratif Task 10) dengan jelas. r. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 11. s. Siswa aktif dan fokus dalam diskusi kelompok. t. Guru mendampingi/memonitor siswa selama diskusi. u. Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan percaya diri. v. Guru dan siswa membahas hasil kerja kelompok secara bersama- sama. w. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. x. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. y. Siswa aktif menyampaikan pertanyaan atau pendapat terkait penjelasan guru. Linguistic Elements Focus a. Guru membagikan handout 3 yang berisi materi tata bahasa berupa feeling, thinking, dan saying verbs b. Guru menjelaskan materi tata bahasa berupa feeling, thinking, dan saying verbs dengan jelas. c. Guru mengecek pemahaman siswa terkait penjelasan feeling, thinking, dan saying verbs. d. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya. e. Siswa memahami penjelasan materi oleh guru. f. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 12 (menentukan feeling, thinking, dan saying verbs dari sebuah teks naratif) dengan jelas. g. Siswa memahami instruksi guru terkait Task 12. h. Siswa aktif dan kondusif dalam mengerjakan Task 12. i. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 12 dengan aktif dan


percaya diri. j. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 12. k. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 12. Freer Practice a. Guru mengingatkan siswa terkait teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 4 yang berisi Task 13 berupa teks dan pertanyaan terkait teks beserta lembar jawabnya. d. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. e. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. f. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. g. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. h. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. i. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. j. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. k. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. l. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. m. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama membahas soal Task 13. n. Guru menjelaskan analisis jawaban Task 13 dengan jelas. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. 3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Siswa aktif menyampaikan kesimpulan materi pembelajaran. d. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses pembelajaran. e. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa untuk berdoa. 4. Situasi Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar a. Siswa mempunyai dan menunjukkan rasa antusias/tertarik selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. b. Siswa aktif terlibat dalam setiap aktivitas/kegiatan pembelajaran. c. Siswa kondusif selama proses pembelajaran.


2. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Individu) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Keaktifan Siswa a. Siswa aktif menanggapi pertanyaanguru b. Siswa aktif bertanya c. Siswa aktif mengajukan pendapat 2. Perhatian Siswa a. Diam dan Tenang b. Terfokus c. Antusias 3. Ketertarikan Siswa terhadap Penerapan Teknik Timed Repeated Reading dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Tertarik dan Antusias b. Terfokus dan Termotivasi

3. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berpasangan) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Siswa berpasangan terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan materi dan instruksi dari guru.

4. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berkelompok) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu/dua siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Kelompok terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan dan instruksi dari guru.



Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Pleret Tahun Pelajaran : 2017/2018 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : XI IPA 3 Materi Pembelajaran : Teks Naratif 1. Aspek Observasi Keseluruhan Pembelajaran Teks Naratif Menggunakan TRR No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Kegiatan Awal a. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa kepada siswa. b. Siswa merespon salam dan sapaan yang disampaikan oleh guru. c. Guru menanyakan kondisi siswa. d. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan terkait kondisi mereka. e. Guru mengulas materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. f. Siswa antusias dan aktif menanggapi ulasan materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan sebelumnya. g. Guru menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran. 2. Kegiatan Inti Schema Building a. Siswa siap mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran. b. Guru membagikan handout 1 berisi Task 14 c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 14 dengan jelas. d. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk belajar secara berpasangan. e. Siswa memahami instruksi yang diberikan guru. f. Siswa secara berpasangan aktif dan fokus dalam mempelajari kosakata yang diberikan dan menjodohkannya dengan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. g. Siswa menggunakan kamus atau aplikasi kamus pada telepon genggam. h. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas Task 14.

Controlled Practice a. Guru mengingatkan siswa teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 2 yang berisi Task 15 dan 16 beserta sebuah lembar jawab untuk Task 15. d. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk mempelajari kosakata yang sudah dijodohkan dengan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia e. Siswa tenang dan fokus dalam mempelajari makna kosakata. f. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan


membaca. g. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. h. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. i. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. j. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. k. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. l. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. m. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. n. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. o. Guru menjelaskan materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan penulisan, dan struktur teks dengan jelas. p. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. q. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 16 (menganalisis struktur teks naratif Task 15) dengan jelas. r. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 16. s. Siswa aktif dan fokus dalam diskusi kelompok. t. Guru mendampingi/memonitor siswa selama diskusi. u. Siswa menyampaikan hasil kerja kelompok dengan percaya diri. v. Guru dan siswa membahas hasil kerja kelompok secara bersama-sama. w. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. x. Guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk bertanya. y. Siswa aktif menyampaikan pertanyaan atau pendapat terkait penjelasan guru. Freer Practice a. Guru mengigatkan siswa terkait teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. b. Siswa memahami teknis teknik Timed Repeated Reading. c. Guru membagikan handout 3 yang berisi Task 17 berupa teks dan pertanyaan terkait teks beserta lembar jawabnya. d. Guru mengkondusifkan siswa agar fokus dalam kegiatan membaca. e. Siswa kondusif dalam persiapan membaca. f. Guru menyampaikan instruksi kegiatan membaca dalam teknik Timed Repeated Reading dengan jelas. g. Siswa fokus dan aktif dalam kegiatan membaca menggunakan teknik Timed Repeated Reading. h. Siswa kondusif selama teknik Timed Repeated Reading diterapkan. i. Siswa mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan


dengan mandiri dan percaya diri. j. Siswa fokus dan kondusif selama mengerjakan latihan soal terkait teks yang diberikan. k. Siswa dapat menghitung jumlah kosakata tanpa kesulitan. l. Siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawab sesuai waktu yang diberikan. m. Guru dan siswa secara bersama-sama membahas soal Task 17 n. Guru menjelaskan analisis jawaban Task 17 dengan jelas. o. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru. Pedagogical Task a. Guru mengulas materi teks naratif berupa pengertian, tujuan komunikatif, dan struktur teks. b. Guru membagikan handout 4 yang berisi Task 18 dan 19 c. Guru menjelaskan instruksi pengerjaan Task 18 (menyusun teks naratif acak menjadi teks naratifyang padu) dengan jelas. d. Siswa memahami penjelasan guru terkait Task 18. e. Siswa mengerjakan Task 18 dengan aktif dan fokus. f. Siswa menyampaikan hasil pengerjaan Task 18 dengan aktif dan percaya diri. g. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membahas hasil pengerjaan Task 18. h. Guru mengkaitkan hasil pengerjaan Task 18 dengan struktur teks naratif. i. Siswa memahami penjelsan guru. j. Guru memberi instruksi pengerjaan Task 19 (membuat sebuah teks naratif singkat berdasarkan gambar yang disediakan) dengan jelas. k. Siswa memahami instruksi pengerjaan Task 19. l. Siswa mengerjakan Task 19 dengan aktif dan kondusif. 3. Penutup a. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran. b. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran. c. Siswa aktif menyampaikan kesimpulan materi pembelajaran. d. Guru memberikan feedback terhadap proses pembelajaran. e. Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dan mengajak siswa untuk berdoa. 4. Situasi Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar a. Siswa mempunyai dan menunjukkan rasa antusias/tertarik selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung. b. Siswa aktif terlibat dalam setiap aktivitas/kegiatan pembelajaran. c. Siswa kondusif selama proses pembelajaran.


2. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Individu) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Keaktifan Siswa a. Siswa aktif menanggapi pertanyaanguru b. Siswa aktif bertanya c. Siswa aktif mengajukan pendapat 2. Perhatian Siswa a. Diam dan Tenang b. Terfokus c. Antusias 3. Ketertarikan Siswa terhadap Penerapan Teknik Timed Repeated Reading dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Tertarik dan Antusias b. Terfokus dan Termotivasi

3. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berpasangan) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Siswa berpasangan terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan materi dan instruksi dari guru.

4. Aspek Observasi Siswa (Berkelompok) No. Hal yang Diamati Ya Tidak 1. Semua anggota terlibat 2. Satu/dua siswa mendominasi 3. Diskusi di luar topik bahasan 4. Kelompok terdiam karena belum memahami penjelasan dan instruksi dari guru.


Appendix 10. Pictures of the Actions

1. The researcher and the students were 3. The Students were working in pairs. discussing a task answers.

2. The Students were working in groups. 4. The Students were writing down their answer on the whiteboard.



Appendix 11. Transcripts of Teacher and Students Interview 1. Interview Transcripts before the Action a. Transcript of Teacher Interview 1) Teacher Interview before Classroom Observation (Saturday, October 14th 2017) R: Assalamu’alaikum Bu Dara. T: Wa’alaikumsalam. Mbak Hadna ya? R: Iya Bu. T: Sini mbak. Kita duduk di sebelah situ saja. R: Oh iya Bu. Mohon maaf ya Bu. Saya menyela waktu ibu. T: Nggak kok mbak. Sekarang saya pas jeda ngajar. Lumayan satu jam pelajaran. Gimana mbak? R: Begini Bu, saya mau tanya-tanya soal kemampuan bahasa siswa dan kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas Ibu. T: Kalau kemampuan berbahasa siswa, ya gitu mbak, vocab sama grammar nya masih kurang. Di kelas dikit-dikit pakai Google Translate. R: Pada tidak bawa kamus ya Bu? T: Iya Mbak. Padahal saya juga sering nuliske vocab di papan sama artinya, we, siswa masih bilang Bu pakai Google translate aja ya. R: Oh gitu. Terus dari empat skill bahasa. Yang paling sering ibu ajarkan skill apa Bu? T: Skill semua diajarkan mbak. Tapi ya memang yang paling banyak reading nya. R: Di skill reading siswa ada masalah tidak Bu? T: Kalau masalah, ya itu tadi mbak, vocab sama grammar siswa masih kurang. Pas- pasan. Cuma beberapa tok yang udah bagus. R: Masalah utamanya sama, masih tetep di vocab dan grammar nya ya Bu? T: Iya mbak. R: Terus kalau kegiatan KBM bagaimana Bu? T: Saya kalau ngajar, sering-seringnya, siswa tak beri handout mbak. Tak ambilkan contohnya bentar ya. Tak carikan dulu. R: Oh iya Bu. T: Ni mbak contoh handoutnya. Biasanya pas awal KBM siswa ngerjakan soal reading kayak gini. Terus ngerjakannya di lembar jawab kecil. Saya juga yang nyiapkan. Ni contoh hasil kerja siswa mbak, pas belum saya bagi lagi. Ini handout reading nya kayak gini. Ini pas materi report text. R: Wah, berarti ibu harus sering meluangkan waktu untuk buat handout seperti ini ya Bu? T: Iya mbak. Soal-soal pasti tak kumpulkan, tak ketik buat handout. Saya juga yang ngopy-ngopy Mbak. R: Lalu, selama siswa mengerjakan, ada masalah tidak Bu? T: Hmmm.. kalau pas ngerjakan siswa tu biasanya nglelet mbak. Nggak sek-sek dikerjakan. Sama ya itu tadi suka nanya ke saya. Bu ini artinya apa, maksudya gimana. R: Oh gitu. Suka nunda-nunda ya Bu. Ada masalah lain tidak Bu? T: Paling sering siswa males baca mbak. Kalau ndak dioprak-oprak baca, dioprak- oprak ngerjakan soal, malah ngobrol sendiri-sendiri. R: Berarti motivasi siswa juga masih kurang ya Bu?


T: Iya mbak. Motivasinya memang masih kurang. R: Semua siswa masih kurang Bu? T: Ya nggak semua mbak. Yang rajin-rajin, semangat ikut pelajaran juga ada, tapi nggak banyak. R: Terus kalau hasil capaian belajar siswa bagaimana Bu? T: Kalau capaian belajar ya biasa mbak ada yang udah tuntas sama belum. Tapi banyak yang belum tuntas. R: Berarti siswa masih perlu peningkatan ya Bu? T: Iya mbak. R: Oh iya Bu. Rencana saya mau observasi kelas. Kira-kira kapan ya Bu? T: Senin saja mbak. Jam ke-5,6 Malah pas masuk kelas IPA 3. R: Oh iya Bu. Besok senin saya ke sekolah lagi. Kalau gitu, saya mohon pamit dulu ya Bu. Terimakasih Bu Dara, sudah diberi kesempatan untuk tanya-tanya. T: Iya mbak. Sama-sama. Besok ketemu lagi.

2) Teacher Interview after Teaching and Learning of Reading Observation (Monday, October 16th 2017) R: Bu, tadi saya lihat siswa males baca. Kelihatan ngantuk. Sama banyak yang ngobrol. Waktu mengerjakan latihannya juga jadi molor ya Bu. T: Ya kayak gitulah mbak keadaan kelasnya. Nggak semua siswa fokus memperhatikan dan mau rajin ngerjakan latihan. Bocah masih perlu disuruh biar mau. R: Kalau ulangan harian, apa juga seperti itu Bu? T: Hmm.. ya nggak juga mbak. Masih mending pas ulangan. Soalnya mereka tau nilainya penting. Tapi kalau masalah yang bikin agak gaduh rame juga ada. R: Tanya-tanya ke temannya gitu ya Bu? T: Iya mbak. R: Oh, iya Bu. Untuk narrative siswa IPA 3 sudah ulangan belum ya Bu? T: Narrative belum mbak. R: Rencana ulangannya kapan ya Bu? T: Bentar, tak lihat e dulu ya mbak. R: Oh iya Bu. T: Ini mbak. Ulangannya Jumat minggu depan. Iya, Jumat minggu depan. Soalnya masih ada materi yang belum tak sampaikan e. R: Oh Jumat. Kalau saya ikut masuk kelas lagi bagaimana Bu? T: Iya mbak. Nggak apa-apa. Silakan. R: Lalu di jam ke berapa ya Bu, Jumat nya? T: Bentar mbak. Jumat, IPA 3 ki. Oh jam terakhir. Besok mulainya jam 09.30 mbak. R: Oh iya Bu. Jumat minggu depan, saya ke sekolah lagi. Terimakasih ya Bu. Saya sekalian mohon pamit. T: Iya mbak. Sama-sama.


b. Transcript of Students Interview 1) Students Interview after Teaching and Learning of Reading (October 16th 2017) Students: Melina, Dhefina, Ana, Eka, Kinanti, Lina R : Dek, mumpung pada masih di kelas nih, minta waktunya sebentar boleh ya. S (all) : Iya mbak. Boleh. S2 : Kenapa mbak? R : Mbak mau tanya-tanya sama kalian. Tapi tenang aja. Jawaban kalian nggak akan ngaruh ke nilai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kalian kok hehehe. S (all) : Tanya aja nggak apa-apa mbak S1 : Tanya apa mbak? R : Kalian suka Bahasa Inggris nggak? S5,S6 : Lumayan mbak S2 : Aku nggak suka e mbak S4 : Suka mbak R : Kalau kalian dek? S1,S3 : Biasa sih mbak. Biasa aja. R : Menurut kalian, kesulitan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris apa sih? S1,S2 : Kosakata mbak hehehe S5 R : Cuma itu aja? Ada lagi nggak? S6 : Ooo itu lho mbak. Pelajaran yang tadi yang phrase phrase. Apa to tadi? S4 : Noun phrase? S6 : He’em. Itu noun phrase. Yang bikin bingung itu juga mbak. R : Oh berarti tata bahasa masih bingung dan kesulitan ya? S1,S2, : Iya mbak. S5,S6 S2 : Tapi kalau aku tetep yang paling bikin nggak suka sama bahasa Inggris tu kosakatanya mbak. R : Kalau kamu dek? Kok anteng sih? Hehehe S4 : Kalau aku kadang kosakata, tapi kalau Bu Dara jelasin pelajaran yang kayak noun phrase lumayan paham mbak. R : Oh, gitu. Terus kalian pada suka baca nggak? S1 : Baca apa mbak? R : Baca teks-teks berbahasa Inggris gitu dek. S1,S2 : Nggak suka mbak. Kalau ada yang bahasa Indonesia lebih milih yang S3,S5 Indonesia (They laughed) S6 S2 : Kosakatanya sulit mbak. Jadi bikin males. R : Oh, iya. Tadi pas kalian belajar. Mbak liat kalian disuruh Bu Dara ngerjain soal. Tapi kok malah banyak yang ngobrol sih? Nggak segera diselesein. Padahal kan tadi Bu Dara bilang diberi waktu sekian menit. Cuma beberapa aja yang anteng ngerjain. S3 : Biasanya juga gitu mbak. Soalnya kalau sama Bu Dara biasanya masih suka ngasih waktu lagi kalau kita belum selesai.


S1 : Biasanya juga cuma langsung dibahas kok mbak. Nggak dikumpulkan. S3 : Kelamaan translate mbak hahaha. R : Kalau pas ada Bahasa Inggris pada bawa kamus nggak? S1,S4 : Bawa. Aku bawa mbak. S6 : Banyak yang nggak bawa kok mbak. La, kelamaan nyari katanya. Itu we kalau udah ketemu kata-katanya kadang masih bingung maksud e apa hahaha. S2 : Eh, tapi tadi tuh banyak yang kaget lembar jawab harus dikumpul lho. R : Terus pada tanya temen? Pada asal ngerjain gitu ya? S2, S6 : Hahaha, iya mbak. Termasuk kita hehehe. R : Tuh kan. Besok yang lebih rajin lagi ya. S2, S6 : Iya mbak hehehe. R : Good. Hmm..terus kalau menurut kalian, pembelajaran yang disampaikan Bu Dara gimana? S1,S2, : Bikin ngantuk mbak. S3,S6 Kegiatannya gitu-gitu terus. R : Gitu-gitu terus, maksudnya gimana? S6 : Ya kayak tadi mbak. Disuruh ngerjain soal, dibahas, diterangin materi, terus latihan soal dibahas lagi. S3 : Gitu terus mbak. S5 : Kita lebih banyak ndengerin. Jadi malah ngantuk. R : Terus tadi juga, pas Bu Dara jelasin noun phrase. Masih ada juga yang ngobrol. Pas ngerjain latihannya juga gitu. S4 : Biasanya mereka ga mudeng mbak jadi malah ngobrol. R : Oh, gitu. Jadi malah bingung ya. Pengen ngerjain kok masih belum paham. Diem anteng kok malah ngantuk. Akhinya pilih ngobol. All : Iya mbak. R : Hehehe. Ya udah. Sekian aja tanya-tanya nya. Di kesempatan lain, mbak mau tanya-tanya lagi. Makasih ya dek. All : Iya mbak. Sama-sama

1) Students Interview after Narrative Daily Test (October 27th 2017) Students: Aisyah, Oktavia, Halimah, Ahmad, Galih R : Dek, belum mau pulang ya? S1, S5 : Belum mbak. S5 : Nanti mau diskusi Dewan Ambalan dulu. R : Oh gitu. Mbak minta waktunya bentar boleh ya. Mau tanya-tanya. All : Iya mbak. Boleh. S1 : Tanya apa mbak? R : Tadi waktu penilaian harian, mbak lihat kalian agak ribut pas Bu Dara bilang suruh ngumpulkan lembar jawab. Kenapa sih? All : (The students laughed) S1 : Oh, tadi itu kita banyak yang belum selesai mbak? S4 : Iya mbak. Belum selesai tapi udah disuruh ngumpulin. Waktunya cepet banget mbak.


R : Bukannya tadi Bu Dara udah bilang durasi waktu pengerjaannya ya? S5 : Udah mbak. Tapi biasanya kan Bu Dara ngasih waktu tambahan mbak. R : Waktu tambahan? Berapa menit tambahannya? S3 : Biasanya 10 sampek 15 menit mbak. R : Wah. Lumayan ya? All : Iya mbak. S2 : Aku tadi ngiranya, waktunya sampai jam habis mbak. Eh ternyata nggak. Jadi bikin gugup. All : Iya e. Bikin deg-deg an. R : Terus tadi udah pada selesai belum ngerjainnya? S1 : Kalau aku udah mbak. Tapi ya gitu. R : Ya gitu gimana? S1 : Ada yang tak asal isi mbak. S4 : Lah, mending wis diisi. Ak malah akeh sing rung tak isi. S5 : Ak yo ho o. Hahaha. R : Waduh. Kalau kamu gimana dek? S2 : Alhamdulillah keisi semua. Tapi nggak tau mbak, jawabannya bener apa nggak. Tadi sempet gugup. Malah jadi susah mikirnya. R : Jadi terlalu nervous ya? S2 : Iya mbak. Sedih aku. R : Hehehe. Kalau kamu dek? S3 : Aku udah selesai mbak. Tapi ada soal yang tak jawab asal isi. R : Wah, brarti sayang banget ya kalau jawabnya ngasal dan nggak keisi. All : Iya mbak. S4 : Tapi ya gimana lagi mbak. S5 : Hasilnya pasrah mbak. R : Pasrah, tapi besok-besok harus belajar lagi lho ya. All : Iya mbak. R : Oh iya. Tadi kan pada bilang ngerjakan soal ngasal sama sampek nggak keisi. Kenapa kok bisa sampai kayak gitu? S1 : Kalau aku tadi malah gara-gara ngerjain pilihan ganda mbak. Pilihan jawabannya mirip-mirip. Bikin bingung. S3 : Iya aku juga. Apalagi pas ketemu soal yang ada except-except nya. Bikin pusing. Harus sering ngulang baca teks S2 : Iya. Tak kira cuma aku e yang baca teksnya tak ulang-ulang. Nyari jawabannya susah. Bikin bingung mau pilih jawabannya yang mana. R : Oh, jadi tadi kalian kebanyakan baca teksnya ya? S1,S2, : Iya mbak. S3 S2 : Jadi buang waktu. Nggak kerasa waktunya tinggal dikit. S1 Padahal ada essay ne juga. Duh. S3 : Akhire, banyak yang dikerjain asal mbak. R : Ngerjain asalnya gimana? S3 : Ya itu mbak. Cuma tak baca sekilas. Terus dikira-kira jawabannya apa.


S5 : Aku juga gitu mbak. Silang indah S4 : Aku juga. S5 : Wu. Melu-melu. S4 : Yo ben to. S1 : Melu-melu kok sing elek. Wis to cah. Mbok meneng. R : Hehehe. Besok jangan diulang lagi ya. Kerjakan dengan sungguh-sungguh. S1 : Tanya apa lagi mbak? R : Hmmm…Kalau pas PTS atau PAS gitu juga? S3 : Kalau PTS PAS lebih serius mbak. Kan nilainya masuk rapot. S1,S2, : Iya mbak. S4,S5 Lebih serius. R : Syukurlah hehehe. Suka kehabisan waktu nggak? S2 : Kalau kehabisan waktu nggak mbak. Cuma waktunya tak maksimalkan. Pas bel kurang 10 menit masih kurang dikit. R : Kalau kamu dek? S3 : Sama kayak Via mbak. Lebih dimaksimalkan. Tapi kadang-kadang kalau udah habis di-bel ada yang ak asal isi mbak. R : Yang banyak asal ngisi yang bagian apa? pilihan ganda atau uraiannya? S3 : Yang pilihan ganda mbak hehehe. Soalnya kalau jawabannya susah aku tinggal ngerjain yang gampang dulu mbak. R : Kalau kalian, gimana boys? S4,S5 : Hehehe, sama aja mbak. R : Sama gimana? S5 : Sama dimaksimalkan mbak. Tapi pas PTS kemarin bahasa Inggris punyaku belum selesai. Terus ditarik sama pengawas mbak. R : Lho. Sampai ditarik? S4 : Ho o po? R : Iya mbak. S5 : Ho o yo. Biyen pas di-bel wektune entek, aku, Anis, Lina, karo Mita nganti digetak ro Bu Budi. Ayo udah! Waktunya habis. Sini kumpulkan. Eee malah lembar jawabku langsung dijipuk. S1,S2, : (laughed) S3,S4 S5 : Malah digeguyu. Wis lah. Wedi aku. R : Hehehe. Lha dulu kok bisa sampek kehabisan waktu gimana critanya? S5 : Dulu kelamaan ngerjain pilihan ganda mbak. Baca teks banyak banget. R : Owalah. Kalau kamu dek? S1 : Kalau aku nggak ada masalah mbak. Biasanya bel pertama itu aku udah tinggal ngecek jawaban. R : Berarti waktunya cukup ya? S1 : Iya mbak. R : Kalau kamu dek? Hampir kelupaan hehehe. S4 : Sama tak maksimalkan mbak. Sampek waktunya habis. Kalau belum selesai tak asal isi yang penting nggak ada nomor yang kosong. Kan lumayan dapet


upah nulis hehehe.

S1,S2, : Huuu. S3, S5 S4 : Lha tenan kok. Jare Pak Har nek PTS PAS jawabane diisi kabeh. Jangan sampai ada nomor yang kosong. Kelingan to? All : (laughed) iya. R : Hehehe. Besok jangan sampai terulang lagi ya. Dikerjakan sungguh-sungguh All : Iya mbak. R : Hmmm.. S1 : Tanya apa lagi mbak? R : Udah lah. Pertanyaannya udah habis hehehe. Dilanjut besok kapan-kapan lagi ya. Makasih ya dek. All : Iya mbak. Sama-sama.

2. Interview Transcripts after Cycle 1 Action a. Transcript of Teacher Interview R : Assalamu’alaikum Bu. T : Wa’alaikumsalam. We Mbak Hadna. Sini Mbak. R : Oh iya Bu. T : Gimana Mbak? R : Sebelumnya mohon maaf nggih Bu, saya mau menyela waktu Bu Dara lagi. Saya mau tanya-tanya sebentar Bu. T : Ya Mbak silakan. Mau tanya apa mbak? R : Begini Bu, menurut Bu Dara, bagaimana pembelajaran yang sudah saya lakukan kemarin Bu? T : Kalau menurutku sudah bagus kok Mbak. Saya seneng lihat anak-anak bisa serius pas reading. Kelas bisa anteng kondusif. Padahal biasanya mereka harus disuruh, dioprak-oprak dulu baru serius, nek nggak gitu pada ngobrol sendiri- sendiri. Tapi selama pembelajaran sama Mbak Hadna kemarin, anak-anak bagus, aktif, antusias. R : Berarti terlihat peningkatan sikap dalam belajarnya ya Bu? T : Iya Mbak. Kelihatan banget. R : Alhamdulillah ya Bu. T : Iya Mbak. Tak lihat anak-anak yo rajin ngerjakan latihan sama PR-PR. Besok rekapan siswa yang ngerjakan PR, bawa kamus, sama apalagi itu, aku minta ya Mbak. R : Oh iya Bu. Besok saya bawakan Bu. Lalu, kalau menurut Bu Dara cara ngajar saya bisa dipahami siswa belum ya Bu? T : Sudah mbak. Tak lihat siswa banyak yang paham. Nerangkannya udah bagus, nggak kecepeten. Mereka juga memperhatikan pas mbak Hadna nerangkan. R : Alhamdulillah Bu. Terus, menurut Bu Dara, ada hal yang perlu saya perbaiki tidak ya Bu dalam pembelajaran besok?


T : Tak kira ndak ada Mbak. Dulu pas pertama masuk itu sempet waktunya molor berapa menit itu. Tapi pas pertemuan kedua ketiga udah nggak ada masalah. Nggak apa-apa. Besok dilanjut kayak biasanya aja Mbak, udah bagus. R : Oh iya Bu. Hehehe, dulu molornya hampir 10 menit Bu. Alhamdulillah siswanya nggak protes hehehe. T : Hahaha nggak apa-apa Mbak. Besok dilanjut kayak biasanya aja sesuai dengan RPP yang dah dibuat. R : Oh iya Bu. Kalau gitu saya mohon pamit ya Bu. Terimakasih Bu Dara. T : Ya Mbak, sama-sama. b. Transcript of Students Interview Student 1 R : Menurut Ayu, teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang mudah dipahami nggak? S1 : Iya mbak. Mudah. Intinya disuruh baca semua isi teks sekali terus baca teks satu menit sebanyak-banyaknya diulang lima kali tapi dari awal. R : Terus, gimana pendapat Ayu saat mengikuti pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menggunakan teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang? S1 : Hmmm..jadi lebih menantang mbak. R : Menantang gimana? Sulit ya? S1 : Gimana ya mbak. Jadi lebih tertantang gitu hehehe. Kalau pas pertama itu rasanya deg-deg an. Tapi lama-lama biasa aja. Nggak sulit. Tapi harus konsentrasi. R : Oh gitu. Terus, setelah mengikuti 3 pertemuan pakai teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang gimana? Jadi lebih paham sama reading nggak? S1 : Iya mbak. Jadi lebih paham. Apalagi pas cari struktur teks itu lebih enak. Lebih paham jadi lebih cepet juga. R : Oh gitu. Kalau menurut Ayu, kelebihan dari teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang apa? S1 : Meningkatkan konsentrasi mbak. Sama hmmm…kelas jadi anteng nggak ribut kayak pasar. R : Ada lagi nggak? S1 : Hmm..sama apa lagi ya mbak. Oh, jadi lebih mudah ngerjain soal mbak. Soal yang kemarin. R : Oh, Alhamdulillah kalau gitu. Kalau kekurangannya, menurut Ayu apa? S1 : Hmm..kekurangannya, bikin deg-deg an mbak. Tapi cuma pas pertama ding mbak. R : Oh, gitu. Kalau secara keseluruhan Ayu paham sama materi yang disampaikan nggak? S1 : Paham mbak. Malah lebih paham kalau mbak yang menjelaskan. Lebih gampang dipahami. R : Oh, gitu. Syukurlah. O.K. Makasih ya Ayu.


Student 2 R : Yudha, menurut kamu teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang mudah dipahami dan diikuti nggak? S2 : Iya mbak. Mudah. R : Gimana pendapat Yudha ketika baca pakai teknik Satu Menit Berulang? S2 : Jadi lebih terdorong baca mbak. Soalnya dibatesi waktu. R : Oh, gitu. Terus, setelah ikut 3 pertemuan kemarin gimana? Jadi lebih paham dengan reading nggak? S2 : Hmm.. iya mbak. Jadi lebih paham. Pas ngerjakan soal latihan juga enak jadi lebih cepet soalnya bacanya diulang-ulang ingat isi teksnya. R : Menurut Yudha, kelebihan teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang apa aja? S2 : Hmm..kalau menurutku, memotivasi sama konsentrasi waktu membaca mbak. R : Terus kalau kekurangannya apa? S2 : Hmm..kelas harus tenang mbak. Biar bisa konsentrasi. R : Oh gitu. Nah, kalau secara keseluruhan pembelajaran dan penyampaian materi mudah dipahami nggak? S2 : Iya mbak. Mudah dipahami. Rasanya jadi lebih mudeng. R : O.K. Yudha. Makasih ya.

Student 3 R : Kalau menurut Dhefina, teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang mudah dipahami dan diikiuti nggak? S3 : Mudah dipahami mbak. Tapi kalau diikuti, pas baca yang pertama itu lebih gampang. Tapi pas baca yang kedua yang nggak ada kosakata itu lebih susah mbak. R : Oh gitu. Terus pendapat Dhefina ketika baca teks pakai teknik Satu Menit Berulang gimana? S3 : Biasa aja mbak. Enak-enak aja. Tapi kalau teks yang jumlah katanya sampek 400 itu lebih susah mbak. Bacanya harus cepet. R : Jadi terdorong lebih cepet baca ya? S3 : Iya mbak. Takutnya nggak selesai. R : Terus setelah ikut 3 pertemuan membaca pakai Satu Menit Berulang gimana? Jadi lebih paham sama reading nggak? S3 : Hmm.. kalau teksnya nggak sampek 400 kata sama jawabnya boleh liat teks jadi lebih paham mbak. Ngerjain soal reading jadi lebih enak sama cepet. R : Oh, gitu. Karena kebiasa ngerjakan soal tanpa liat teks sekalinya ngerjakan soal boleh baca teks rasanya jadi lebih gampang ya? S3 : Iya mbak. Jadi lebih gampang. R : Terus, menurut Dhefina kekurangan dari membaca Satu Menit Berulang apa Dhef? S3 : Hmm..kekurangannya, takut nggak selesai baca mbak hehehe. R : Nah, kalau kelebihannya? S3 : Hmm..kalau menurutku meningkatkan konsentrasi sama ngingat isi teks mbk. R : Ada lagi nggak? S3 : Hmm..apa ya. Oh, siswa jadi tenang mbak. Nggak pada rame sendiri-sendiri. R : Kelasnya jadi anteng ya?


S3 : Iya mbak. R : Terus, secara keseluruhan kegiatan pembelajaran dan penyampaian materi mudah dipahami nggak Dhef? S3 : Mudah mbak. Lebih enak kelas yang sekarang. R : Tapi latihannya banyak lho? S3 : Hahaha iya mbak tapi lebih dong mbak. Ngerjain latihannya kayak lebih gampang R : Oh gitu. Hehehe syukurlah. O.K. gitu aja. Makasih ya Dhefina.

Student 4 R : Aisyah, kalau menurutmu, teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang mudah dipahami dan diikuti nggak? S4 : Mudah mbak tapi pas awal-awal dulu rasanya kayak ribet, susah harus jawab pertanyaan nggak boleh liat teks. Tapi sering latihan jadi biasa aja. R : Terus, pendapat Aisyah, ketika baca teks pakai teknik Satu Menit Berulang gimana? S4 : Asyik-asyik aja mbak. Jadi lebih serius baca. Lebih berusaha mengingat isi teks biar bisa ngerjain 10 soalnya. R : Kalau setelah mengikuti 3 pertemuan kemarin gimana? Ngerasa lebih paham sama reading nggak? S4 : Hmm.. Iya mbak. Jadi lebih dong sama reading. Ngerjain soal jadi lebih enak. Jadi lebih cepet nemu jawabannya. Cari struktur teks juga jadi lebih paham mbak. R : Oh, gitu. Terus kalau kekurangannya, menurut Aisyah apa? S4 : Hmm..itu mbak, kalau baca teks yang nggak dikasih kosakata itu kok susah. Harus ngira-ira. R : Berarti kalau pembacaan yang dibekali kosakata lebih mudah ya? S4 : Iya mbak. Tapi jumlah katanya jangan ditambah-tambah terus lho mbak. Pol 400 aja. R : Hehehe iya 400 aja. Terus kalau kelebihannya apa Aisyah? S4 : Hmm..kalau kelebihannya..jadi lebih fokus baca sama ngerjain soal mbak. Sama..hmm.. lebih enak nangkep inti teks mbak. R : Oh, gitu. Terus kalau secara keseluruhan, menurut Aisyah kegiatan pembelajaran dan penyampaian atau penjelasan materi yang disampaikan gimana? Mudah dipahami nggak? S4 : Lebih mudah dipahami mbak. Jelasinnya langsung ke intinya. Enak. Nggak bikin ngantuk. R : Alhamdulillah kalau gitu hehehe. Udah itu aja tanyanya. Makasih ya Aisyah.


Student 5 R : Menurut Cindi, teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang mudah dipahami dan diikuti nggak? S5 : Kalau tekniknya aku paham mbak, tapi agak susah diikuti. Apalagi yang bacaan kedua itu. R : Yang nggak dikasih kosakata itu kah? S5 : Iya mbak. Yang itu. Kadang kalau nggak tau artinya cuma tak kira-kira maksudnya apa. R : Oh gitu. Terus kalau pas baca pakai teknik Satu Menit Berulang, pendapat Cindi gimana? S5 : Bikin deg-deg an mbak. Takut nggak selesai. Hmm tapi sekarang udah mendingan mbak. R : Kalau pas ngerjain 10 soal itu gimana? Sulit nggak? S5 : Hmm..ada yang sulit ada yang nggak mbak. Soalnya masih lumayan inget sama isi teksnya. R : Terus, setelah ikut 3 pertemuan yang baca pakai Satu Menit Berulang, menurut Cindi gimana? S5 : Hmm..gimana ya. Hmm..rasanya lebih enak aja mbak. R : Enak gimana? S5 : Hmm ya lebih enak ngerjain soal. He’em. Kayak lebih cepet nemu isinya. R : Oh gitu. Terus, kalau menurut Cindi, kekurangan dari teknik baca Satu Menit Berulang apa? S5 : Hmm..ya tadi mbak bikin deg-deg an sama kadang nggak tau arti katanya. R : Oh gitu. Kalau kelebihannya? S5 : Hmm..jadi mau baca teks sama hmm.. hemat waktu pas ngerjakan soal mbak. Kan biasanya kalau sama Bu Dara males ngerjakan soal jadi lama banget. R : Jadi lebih paham sama reading nya nggak? S5 : Kalau paham, lumayan. Soalnya bacanya diulang-ulang. R : Terakhir Cindi. Secara keseluruhan di 3 pertemuan kemarin, kegiatan belajar dan penjelasan materi menurut pendapat Cindi gimana? Mudah dipahami nggak? S5 : Iya mbak. Mudah dipahami. Jadi lebih gampang dong nya. R : Oh gitu. O.K. Makasih ya Cindi.

Student 6 R : Kalau menurut pendapat Galih, baca teks pakai Satu Menit Berulang mudah dipahami dan diikuti nggak? S6 : Nggak mbak. Eh, kalau caranya paham ding. Tapi kalau diikuti nggak. Susah mbak nggak tau artinya. R : Oh gitu. Terus kalau pas baca pakai Satu Menit Berulang, menurut kamu gimana? S6 : Susah mbak. Banyak yang nggak tau artinya. R : Kalau pas ngerjain 10 soal itu, terus gimana? S6 : Sama mbak susah juga. Tak kerjakan seingatnya aja. Lha kalau ga lihat teks tu susah e. R : Oh gitu. Kalau setelah ikut 3 pertemuan kemarin gimana? Lebih paham sama reading nggak?


S6 : Hmm..kalau paham biasa aja mbak. R : Biasa aja ya. Hmm..kalau menurut kamu, Galih, kekurangan dari membaca Satu Menit Berulang apa? S6 : Hmm..kalau aku nggak tau artinya mbak sama nggak selesai baca. Aku sering nggak selesai e mbak. R : Nggak selesai ya. Aduh. Nah kalau kelebihannya? S6 : Kelebihannya apa ya mbak? Bentar. Jadi mau baca sama ngerjakan soal mbak. Dibatesi waktu itu jadi mau nggak mau harus baca sama ngerjakan soal. R : Terpaksa dong? S6 : Hahaha iya mbak. R : Hehehe. Terus kalau dari 3 pertemuan kemarin Galih paham sama kegiatan pembelajaran dan penyampaian materinya nggak? S6 : Paham mbak. Mendingan. R : Syukurlah hehehe. Ya udah Galih, makasih ya.

3. Interview Transcripts after Cycle 2 Action a. Transcript of Teacher Interview R : Assalamu’alaikum Bu. T : Wa’alaikumsalam Mbak. Gimana Mbak. Yok, duduk di situ. R : Oh iya Bu. T : Gimana Mbak? R : Ini Bu, saya mau tanya-tanya Bu Dara lagi soal pembelajaran siklus kedua kemarin Bu. T : Oh ya. Tanya apa? R : Hmm.. kalau menurut Bu Dara, bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang saya lakukan Bu? T : Ya sama kayak siklus pertama Mbak. Udah bagus, tapi yang di siklus kedua kemarin menurutku lebih bagus. Waktunya pas ndak ada yang molor. Anak-anak juga tetep mau aktif ngikuti pelajaran, kelihatan lebih PD kalau pas ditanyai pendapat apa pas disuruh maju nulis jawaban. R : Oh, Alhamdulillah kalau begitu Bu. T : Rekapan siswa yang aktif ada to Mbak? R : Ada Bu. T : Aku minta rekapannya ya Mbak. R : Oh iya Bu. Besok saya bawakan salinannya Bu. Hmm..Lalu, kalau menurut Bu Dara, penerapan teknik membaca Timed Repeated Reading selama ini bagaimana ya Bu? T : Bagus Mbak. Tak lihat siswa jadi siap nggak males baca. Mbak Hadna baru bilang ready anak-anak wis do diem anteng. Pekerjaan anak-anak juga lebih cepet selesai. Molor o, cuma berapa menit tok. R : Alhamdulillah Bu. Siswa mau ikut instruksi saya hehehe. Kalau menurut Bu Dara, teknik Timed Repeated Reading ini menarik tidak ya Bu? T : Menarik Mbak. Anak-anak jadi terpacu mbaca sama ngerjakan soal. Sama itu lho, Aku seneng kalau liat ekspresi anak-anak pas bahas soal latihan. Kaya seneng banget jawabannya bener.


R : Hehehe. Iya ya Bu. Kelihatan bahagia hehehe. Hmm.. kira-kira Bu Dara tertarik untuk menerapkan teknik ini di kelas tidak Bu? T : Tertarik Mbak. Tapi kok kayaknya bikin handout e susah ya. Harus dikasih angka-angka di pinggir. R : Oh itu nanti di Microsoft Word tinggal di-block per baris saja Bu. Nanti otomatis muncul jumlah kata di sebelah kiri bawah. Jadi nggak harus hitung satu per satu Bu. T : Oooh, lha itu Mbak, soal latihannya harus pilihan ganda ya? R : Hmm..Nggak harus Bu. Kalau menurut saya bisa pakai True or False atau uraian singkat. Eeeh tapi kalau uraian kayaknya sulit Bu hehehe. T : Iya Mbak. Sulit. R : Oh iya Bu. Nanti saya kirimkan softfile RPP dan bahan ajarnya sekalian saja ya Bu. T : Wah, boleh Mbak. Makasih. Nanti dikirim lewat WA aja Mbak. R : Oh iya Bu. T : Mbak, besok hasil nilai latihan harian sama yang pre-test post-test, aku minta ya. Biar tak masukkan ke nilai harian sama ulangan narrative. R : Baik Bu. Besok saya buatkan rekapannya dulu. T : Ada yang ditanyakan lagi? R : Oh itu Bu. Apa saran Bu Dara terkait penerapan teknik Timed Repeated Reading? T : Saran? Apa ya Mbak? Hmm..semoga bisa diterapkan di materi selain narrative text Mbak. R : Oh iya Bu. T : Ada lagi yang mau ditanyakan? R : Hmm.. sudah Bu. Itu saja yang saya tanyakan. Terimakasih ya Bu Dara atas waktunya hehehe. Saya mohon pamit. T : Iya Mbak. Sama-sama. Besok kabari ya kalau mau ke sekolah. R : Oh iya Bu. b. Transcript of Students Interview Student 1 R : Okay…Pertama, menurut pendapat Kinanti, gimana pendapatmu setelah mengikuti pembelajaran reading menggunakan teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang? S1 : Kalau menurutku, lebih bisa memahami mbak. Soalnya kita bacanya diulang- ulang, jadi lebih mudah untuk mengingat bacaannya. R : Kalau dari langkah-langkah membaca Satu Menit Berulang,menurut Kinanti gimana? S1 : Pas awal-awal kerasa agak ribet mbak. Tapi lama-lama biasa aja mbak. Asyik- asyik aja. Ternyata gampang, asal kita konsentrasi. R : Mudah dipahami nggak langkah-langkahnya? S1 : Iya mbak. Mudah. Soalnya hanya membaca dan dibatasi waktu terus diulang dari awal. R : Terus kalau dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran reading sebelum menggunakan membaca Satu Menit Berulang, pembelajaran yang sama Bu Dara, menurut


Kinanti, gimana? S1 : Lebih enak yang sama mbak. Kalau sama Bu Dara tu kita banyak diemnya. Seringnya cuma disuruh baca teks sekali terus dijelaskan. Kalau nggak ya langsung ngerjain soal. Hmm.. Kita juga cuma dapat kosakata dikit. Kalau yang sama mbak, dapat kosakata lebih banyak. Kita juga jadi lebih aktif, lebih ngedongin juga. R : Oh gitu. Terus kalau kekurangan dari membaca Satu Menit Berulang, menurut Kinanti apa aja? S1 : Hmmm…kalau kekurangannya tu bikin deg-degan mbak tapi lama-lama nggak kok. Sama kadang bacanya nggak selesai karena kehabisan waktu. Jadi kita harus konsentrasi. R : Ooo gitu..terus kalau kelebihannya apa? S1 : Jadi lebih gampang ngerjain soal mbak. Soalnya kita ingat isi ceritanya dan lebih mudah mahaminya R : Terakhir ni. Menurut Kinanti, membaca Satu Menit Berulang menyenangkan nggak? S1 : Menyenangkan sih mbak. Asyik-asyik aja. R : Alasannya apa? S1 : Itu mbak..soalnya dibatasi waktu. Jadi, ga bikin ngantuk. R : O.K. Thank you Kinanti.

Student 2 R : Menurut Zulfikri ni ya. Pertama, apa pendapat Zulfikri setelah mengikuti pembelajaran reading menggunakan langkah membaca Satu Menit Berulang? S2 : Menurutku jadi lebih cepat mengingat mbak karena bacanya diulang lebih dari satu kali dari awal. Terus nggak buang waktu juga. R : Terus kalau dibandingin dengan pembelajaran yang sama Bu Dara gimana? Yang nggak pakai membaca Satu Menit Berulang. S2 : Hmm..kalau yang sama Bu Dara biasanya dikasih soal suruh ngerjain. Tapi waktunya kelamaan jadi malah pada ngobrol. Terus kalau yang sama mbak waktunya terbatas, jadi siswa malah konsen baca sama ngerjain soal. Jadi hemat waktu. R : Oh gitu. Terus menurut Zulfikri, kelebihan dari membaca Satu Menit Berulang ini apa saja? S2 : Jadi lebih cepat mengingat mbak. Jadi konsentrasi nggak banyak ngomong. R : Kalau pas ngerjain soal gimana? S2 : Lebih enak mbak. Soalnya ingat isi cerita. Apalagi kalau pas ulangan kan bisa baca teksnya, rasanya lebih cepet nemuin jawabannya. R : Kalau kekurangannya apa Zul? S2 : Kekurangannya..kadang bacanya belum selesai apalagi yang jumlah kata sampai 400. R : Belum selesai baca tapi waktunya udah habis ya? S2 : Iya mbak. R : Terus kamu bacanya lebih dicepetin nggak? S2 : Iya mbak. Tak cepetin. Tapi kalau bacanya kecepetan rasanya kayak cuma baca tapi kurang dapet isinya.


R : Oh gitu. Kalau langkah-langkah membaca Satu Menit Berulang mudah diikuti nggak? S2 : Mudah sih mbak. Kita cuma baca satu menit satu menit tapi diulang dari awal. R : Menurutmu pembelajaran reading menggunakan membaca Satu Menit Berulang menyenangkan nggak? S2 : Menyenangkan mbak. R : Alasannya? S2 : Pas pelajaran jadi nggak bosen mbak. Bikin konsen di pelajaran. R : Oh gitu. Okay Zulfikri. Makasih ya. See you.

Student 3 R : Nah..kalau menurut Ana, gimana pendapat Ana setelah mengikuti pembelajaran reading menggunakan kegiatan membaca Satu Menit Berulang? S3 : Kalau menurutku pelajarannya jadi fokus mbak. Pas baca jadi lebih mudah ingat isinya. Tapi pas pertama bikin deg-degan. R : Terus sekarang kalau baca teks atau pas ngerjain soal, memahaminya ngerasa lebih sulit atau lebih mudah? S3 : Hmm.. kalau pas baca teks jadi lebih mudah mbak. Jadi lebih gampang cari inti- intinya. Apa lagi kalau pas ngerjain soal boleh baca teksnya. Rasanya lebih cepat nyari jawabannya. R : Ngerjain soal jadi lebih cepet nggak? S3 : Iya mbak. Jadi lebih cepet. R : Terus menurut kamu, kalau dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran reading sebelum menggunakan membaca Satu Menit Berulang, pembelajaran yang sama Bu Dara, menurut Ana gimana? S3 : Hmm..Kalau sama Bu Dara pelajarannya biasa banget mbak. Seringnya kita disuruh ngerjain soal bacaan. Terus dijelasin. Jadi siswa biasanya banyak yang nggak pada ngerjain. R : Selain disuruh ngerjain soal, biasanya kegiatannya apa? S3 : Hmm…Itu mbak ngerjakan soal yang kayak noun phrase. Tapi bikin bingung mbak. Jelasinnya kurang ngedongi. R : Terus kalau pembelajaran yang ada membaca Satu Menit Berulang gimana? S3 : Lebih enak mbak. Kegiatannya macem-macem. Jadi nggak bosen. R : Sulit nggak? S3 : Nggak mbak. Soalnya kan udah baca bacaannya dulu. Jadi lebih mudah ngerjain latihan gitu. R : Jadi kayak udah ada bekal persiapannya ya? S3 : Iya mbak. R : Terus, menurut Ana, kelebihan dari pembelajaran yang pakai membaca Satu Menit Berulang itu apa aja? S3 : Hmm..bisa melatih konsentrasi mbak. Kita juga jadi aktif. Kelas nggak ribut. R : Ada lagi nggak? Pas ngerjain soal sehabis baca pakai Satu Menit Berulang mungkin? S3 : Ooo iya mbak. Jadi hafal ingat isi bacaannya mbak. Tapi kalau jumlah katanya yang sampek 400 itu sulit e. R : Ooo gitu, terus kalau kekurangannya menurut Ana apa?


S3 : Itu mbak… kalau jumlah katanya banyak bikin khawatir nggak selesai baca. Jadi bacanya harus lebih cepet. R : Ada lagi nggak? S3 : Dulu pernah konsentrasi banget malah bikin pegel mbak hehehe. R : Terus, kalau langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang pakai membaca Satu Menit Berulang mudah dipahami nggak? S3 : Mudah mbak. Cuma baca satu menit tapi diulang-ulang dari awal. R : Menurut Ana, pembelajarannya menyenangkan nggak? S3 : Menyenangkan mbak. R : Alasannya kenapa? S3 : Hmm.. kalau dibatasi waktu rasanya lebih ada gregetnya mbak. R : Oh gitu. O.K. Ana makasih ya.

Student 4 R : Okay. Pertama nih. Menurut Eka, gimana pendapat Eka setelah mengikuti pembelajaran reading dengan membaca Satu Menit Berulang? S4 : Kalau menurutku jadi lebih mudah ingat isi teksnya. Pas baca juga rasanya jadi lebih lancar. R : Terus kalau pas ngerjain soal jadi ngerasa lebih cepet juga nggak? S4 : Iya mbak. Jadi lebih cepet. Lebih gampang nyari kata jawabannya. R : Nah kalau dibandingkan sama pembelajaran reading Bu Dara, menurut Eka gimana? S4 : Eeee…gimana ya mbak. Kalau sama Bu Dara belajarnya biasa aja. Ngerjain soal tapi nggak dikasih kosakata terus dijelasin jawaban sama artinya. Seringnya gitu terus. Kalau yang sama mbak, belajarnya banyak. Jadi dapat tambahan kosakata juga R : Belajarnya banyak tapi ngerasa kesulitan nggak? S4 : Nggak. Soalnya kan udah baca teksnya dulu. Jadi udah tau isi bacaannya. Jelasinnya juga enak. Cepet. Langsung ke poinnya. Nggak muter-muter. R : Terus menurut Eka, kelebihan dari pembelajaran yang memakai membaca Satu Menit Berulang apa aja? S4 : Eeeeh…Kalau kelebihannya kayak tadi mba. Lebih gampang ingat sama bacanya jadi lancar. R : Kalau baca teks jadi lebih gampang paham nggak? S4 : Iya. Lebih gampang mahami isi teks mbak. R : Terus ada lagi? Mungkin dari suasana belajar di kelas? S4 : Itu mbak…kita jadi lebih aktif. Pada nggak banyak ngobrol. Jadi konsentrasi ke belajar. Kalau dulu biasanya banyak yang nggak memperhatikan. R : Oh gitu…Nah, kalau kekurangannya gimana? Menurut Eka apa aja kekurangan dari pembelajaran yang pakai Satu Menit Berulang? S4 : Kalau kekurangannya…bikin takut nggak selesai baca mbak. Sama harus konsentrasi penuh. R : Terus Eka bacanya dicepetin nggak? S4 : Iya mbak. Jadi harus lebih cepet biar selesai bacanya. R : Menurut Eka, langkah-langkah pembelajaran memakai Satu Menit Berulang mudah diikuti nggak?


S4 : Mudah mbak. Siswanya baca teks satu menit beberapa kali tapi tiap menit diulang dari awal. R : Terakhir ya. Menurut Eka pembelajaran yang memakai Satu Menit Berulang itu menyenangkan nggak? S4 : Menyenangkan sih mbak. Jadi lebih terdorong untuk coba baca dan memahami teks. R : Terus lebih menyenangkan yang pakai Satu Menit Berulang atau yang nggak pakai? S4 : Lebih enak yang pakai. Tapi lebih enak lagi kalau tiap kali mau baca dikasih kosakata dulu.. R : Oh..alasannya apa? S4 : Itu mbak, kadang ada kata yang belum tau artinya. Jadi harus ngira-ngira maksudnya. R : Menurut Eka, itu ngaruh nggak ke kelancaran membaca? S4 : Ngaruh mbak. Bikin bacanya tambah lama. R : Ooo gitu.. O.K. Eka. Thank you ya.

Student 5 R : Hanna, menurut Hanna, gimana pendapatnya setelah ikut belajar menggunakan teknik membaca Satu Menit Berulang? S5 : Hmm..kalau menurutku kayak jadi lebih cepet cari jawaban pas ngerjain soal- soal mbak. Jadi lebih konsentrasi baca juga R : Oh gitu. Jadi lebih paham dengan isi teksnya juga nggak? S5 : Iya mbak. Lumayan. Jadi lebih paham. R : Kalau dibandingkan pembelajaran sama Bu Dara gimana? S5 : Kalau yang sama Bu Dara kayak biasanya mbak. Gitu-gitu terus. Banyak ndengerinnya. Tapi kalau yang sama mbak kemarin, belajarnya banyak jadi aktif nggak bikin ngantuk. R : Oh gitu. Terus, menurut pendapat Hanna, kelebihan dari membaca Satu Menit Berulang apa Han? S5 : Hmm..kalau kelebihannya jadi nggak males baca, ngerjakan soal latihan jadi lebih cepet soalnya dibatasi waktu. R : Paham dengan isi teksnya nggak? S5 : Lumayan paham mbak. Bacanya diulang-ulang jadi ingat isinya. Tapi kalau yang 400 kata itu pahamnya dikit-dikit hehehe. R : Kebanyakan ya? S5 : Iya mbak. R : Kalau dari suasana pembelajaran di kelas? S5 : Hmm..jadi anteng mbak. Temen-temen pada serius baca. R : Oh gitu. Terus, kalau kekurangan dari Satu Menit Berulang kira-kira apa? S5 : Kalau kekurangannya hmm.. kadang nggak tau arti kosakata mbak. Hmm.. sama waktunya kayak cepet banget bikin khawatir kehabisan waktu. R : Oh gitu. Terus, menurut Hanna, pembelajaran kita kemarin-kemarin menyenangkan nggak? S5 : Menyenangkan sih mbak. Belajarnya jelas. Kadang belajar di kelompok, kadang sendiri-sendiri.


R : Oh gitu. O.K. Hanna. Makasih ya.

Student 6 R : Anisa, apa pendapatnya setelah mengikuti pembelajaran reading pakai membaca Satu Menit Berulang? S6 : Kalau menurtku jadi lebih lancar baca teks mbak. Rasanya kayak lebih gampang pas ngerjakan soal latihan dan ulangan. R : Oh gitu. Terus, kalau pendapat Anisa tentang pembelajaran kita yang pakai teknik Satu Menit Berulang ini gimana? S6 : Hmm..lebih enak mbak. Lebih mudeng. R : Kalau dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran dari Bu Dara, gimana? S6 : Hmm.. kalau yang sama Bu Dara tu bacanya bisa semau kita, tapi seringnya malah jadi males baca, males ngerjain. Lebih milih ngobrol. Kalau yang sama mbak bacanya dibatasi waktu jadi mau nggak mau harus baca. Tapi malah jadi fokus. R : Berarti memang ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing ya? S6 : He’em mbak. R : Terus, kalau kelebihan dari membaca Satu Menit Berulang kira-kira apa? S6 : Kelebihannya tadi itu mbak, jadi fokus konsentrasi baca sama di pelajaran. R : Oh gitu. Jadi lebih mudah memahami bacaan juga nggak? S6 : Hmm..iya mbak soalnya bacanya kan diulang-ulang jadi ingat isi bacaan. R : Kalau kekurangannya apa? S6 : Kalau kekurangannya, jumlah kata tambah banyak kadang jadi gugup takut kalau bacanya nggak selesai. Kadang ada kata yang nggak tau artinya. R : Oh gitu. Terakhir ya Anis, menurut Anis, pembelajaran menggunakan Satu Menit Berulang menyenangkan nggak? S6 : Hmm..lumayan mbak. Menyenangkan kalau jumlah katanya nggak banyak- banyak hehehe. R : Hehehe. O.K. Anis. Makasih ya.