84 European Journal of Environmental Sciences Cannibalism, optimal egg size and vulnerable developmental stages in predators

Anthony F. G. Dixon1,3,* and Pavel Kindlmann1,2 1 Department of Biodiversity Research, Global Change Research Centre AS CR, Na Sádkách 7, České Budějovice, Czech Republic 2 Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Benátská 2, Prague, Czech Republic 3 School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK * Corresponding author: [email protected]


Cannibalism in insect predators is widely reported and commented on. However, the reasons for the high levels of cannibalism observed, the vulnerability of certain developmental stages, and its adaptive significance are poorly understood. Here we show that unlike in parasitoids there could be advantages for a predator in laying many small eggs, rather than fewer large eggs. The temporal incidence of cannibalism within a patch is possibly a consequence of changes in the ratio of predator to prey numbers and/or changes in the vulnerability of the developmental stages of the predator. Cannibalism is advantageous for cannibals because conspecifics are a rich source of food for larval development or egg production, and it reduces intraspecific competition. Adults reduce the cannibalism of their offspring by not ovipositing in patches of prey where conspecific larvae are present.

Keywords: adaptive significance, , fitness, selection, survival

Introduction insect parasites, where females first feed and then look for potential hosts in which they can deposit their eggs. Cannibalism is widely recorded in many insect pred- Insect predators, however, may feed and lay eggs in the ators and is now regarded as part of their normal for- same patch of prey but more importantly their larvae aging behaviour. The general reviews of cannibalism by have to hunt for prey. In this case what determines the Dong and Polis (1992), Elgar and Crespi (1992), and Fox optimum egg size? (1975) regard it as a means of re-deploying resources. In Following Parker and Begon (1986), we first assume the predatory ladybirds cannibalism, although recorded that fitness f of a larva depends only on the absolute (Nadel and Biron 1964; Kehat 1968), is less frequent- amount of resources, m, in an egg, that f(m) increases ly commented on in studies of coccidophagous than in monotonically up to some asymptote, and that a certain those of aphidophagous species of ladybirds. In this study, minimal provisioning is necessary to ensure that the larva models were applied to data available on cannibalism in can develop (Fig. 1). Maternal fitness, w, is then defined aphidophagous ladybirds with the objective of arriving by w(m) = f(m)/m. To find the optimal egg size, m*, set at a better understanding of its adaptive significance and ∂w(m)/∂m = 0, which gives incidence. f´(m*) = f(m*)/m*. (1)

Number and size of eggs laid in a patch This is the familiar marginal-value theorem (Charnov 1976; Parker and Begon 1986), illustrated in Fig. 1. Parker and Begon (1986) studied the trade-offs be- In insect predators, f, as a function of only m, is like- tween clutch size and egg size in . They assumed ly to be very steep, as in Fig. 1b. The size of a hatchling there is an inverse relationship between clutch size and larva is closely correlated with the size of the egg from egg size: for a given reproductive output, a female either which it emerged and unlike in insect parasites, there is produces a few large or many small eggs. Reproductive a more definite lower size below which a larva is too small output is constrained by energy, so this assumption seems to pursue and/or subdue its prey and above which a larva to be quite general. Assuming then that a female has to is generally successful and survives (Dixon 1958). In this travel from a feeding site to an oviposition site, Parker case the marginal-value theorem predicts that egg size and Begon (1986) predict that increasing intensities of should be close to the minimum (Fig. 1). This results in both sib and non-sib competition select for fewer and more eggs being laid and therefore more larvae in a patch, larger eggs. The latter assumption undoubtedly holds for especially when predators are abundant.

Dixon, A. F. G. and Kindlmann, P. (2012): Cannibalism, optimal egg size and vulnerable developmental stages in insect predators European Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 84–88 Cannibalism, optimal egg size and vulnerable developmental stages 85

Fig. 1 Off spring fi tness, f, as a function of their initial size m – solid line; its tangent – broken line; m* is the optimal off spring size.

Fig. 1a Fig. 1b Cannibalism among members of the same clutch, -ladybird population dynamics however, reduces the prospects of a larva surviving. if s(n) is the component of fi tness of a larva that declines with occur in patches that vary in space and time. increasing clutch size, n, then, according to Parker and early in the season they very rapidly increase in abun- Begon (1986), the optimal egg size is defi ned by dance. Aft er that, they may equally rapidly decline in abundance when they switch to producing winged in- f (m*) s(n) + ns´(n) dividuals and/or disperse to establish patches elsewhere. * (2) f´(m ) = . Th is may occur even if natural enemies are not abundant. m* [ s(n) ] Th e time for which a patch lasts is very similar to the time it takes an aphidophagous ladybird to complete its devel- As s(n) is assumed to decrease monotonically, that opment from egg to pupa (Kindlmann and Dixon 1993). is, the gradient, s´(n), is negative, the term in the square in addition, if a patch of aphids is exploited by a large brackets of (2) is smaller than one. hence, for the same number of a particular species of ladybird and other m* and f, the right-hand side of (2) is smaller than that aphidophaga, then the dynamics of the prey is likely to of (1), and therefore the optimal egg size, m*, is larger in change; the peak abundance could be lower and the de- this case. in other words, increasing the intensity of sib or cline in abundance could occur earlier. Th at is, aphids be- non-sib cannibalism selects for the production of fewer, come very scarce or disappear before the ladybird larvae larger eggs (Parker and Begon 1986). can complete their development. Another feature of the Th is leads to the prediction that predators that expe- aphid-ladybird population dynamics is that some aphids rience high levels of cannibalism should lay fewer and can respond to the presence of ladybird larval tracks and larger eggs than those that experience little cannibalism switch to producing winged forms, which leave before during their development. Th e literature on ladybirds in- the ladybird larvae reach a large size and pose a serious dicates that cannibalism in coccidophagous species is rel- predation risk to the aphid (Dixon and Agarwala 1999; atively uncommon whereas it is frequently reported and Weisser et al. 1999). Th is could have disastrous conse- very common in aphidophagous species (Dixon 2000). quences for the ladybird larvae present in a patch, as the however, the size of the eggs laid by similar sized aphi- aphid becomes scarce well before the ladybird can com- dophagous and coccidophagous species is similar (Dixon plete its development. and hemptinne 2001). Th is indicates that cannibalism is A theoretical model developed by Kindlmann and unlikely to have been an important factor in the evolution Dixon (1993) suggests that as ladybirds are cannibalistic of egg size in ladybirds. Th is is further supported by the the optimum number of eggs laid by ladybirds in a patch outcome of contests between developmental stages, which of prey should be low. if this optimum number is exceed- is determined more by their relative ages and/or develop- ed, then cannibalism results in the total larval biomass mental stage than their birth size (yasuda and Shinya per unit biomass of off spring laid in a patch of prey steep- 1997; yasuda et al. 2001). For example, when a larva en- ly declining. Th is poses the question: is it reasonable to counters an egg its size does not aff ect whether it is eaten expect ladybirds to have this level of omniscience? Al- or not. Th us cannibalism is likely to select for laying eggs though this is unlikely, there are simple biological mech- early rather than for larger eggs as the larvae hatching anisms, however, which enable ladybirds to lay a number from these eggs will be the oldest in the patch. Being the of eggs close to the optimum number. fi rst discoverer of a prey patch thus becomes the most im- empirical data indicate that ladybirds lay their eggs portant component determining a mother’s fi tness. Th is early in the development of an aphid patch and cease will now be illustrated using a specifi c example. laying eggs when the risk to their eggs of being eaten

European Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2 86 A. F. G. Dixon and P. Kindlmann by conspecifi c larvae is high. Th ey do this by respond- f(x,y) = ay / (x + y) (3) ing to a simple cue that is associated with the risk; an oviposition deterring pheromone present in the tracks where x is the number of prey, y the number of predators, of conspecifi c larvae (hemptinne et al. 1992; Růžička and a is a scaling constant (Kindlmann and Dixon 1993). 1997; Doumbia et al. 1998; magro et al. 2007; Ameixa Th is indicates that there should be a high incidence of and Kindlmann 2011; Šipoš et al. 2012). Although this cannibalism at the egg and last larval/pupal stages of would appear to imply ladybirds are contesting rather development (Fig. 2). in addition, equation (3) predicts than scrambling for resources the few life tables available that if abundance of prey is kept constant the incidence for ladybirds in the fi eld indicate that the mortality of the of cannibalism will increase super proportionally with immature stages is very high (Dixon 2000). in addition, increase in predator abundance. At a higher density of cannibalism gives larvae and adults access to high quality prey there is a similar relationship but the rate of increase nutrition, and a means of reducing intraspecifi c competi- in the incidence of cannibalism with increase in predator tion and increasing survival when prey are scarce. Th is is abundance is less (Fig. 3). Alternatively if the number of well supported by the empirical data (Koide 1962; Pien- predators is kept constant and that of the prey is varied kowski 1965; Dimetry 1974; Kawai 1978; takahashi 1987; then the model predicts that the incidence of cannibalism Agarwala 1991; Agarwala and Dixon 1992). Th erefore, it will decrease with increase in prey abundance (Fig. 3). is likely that cannibalism, the uncertainty about the future Th at is, cannibalism should be density dependent and quality of a patch of prey and the experience of adults of potentially capable of regulating the number of predators. the average quality and abundance of patches of prey are likely to have shaped the egg laying strategy of aphido- a phagous ladybirds. Th e tendency of adult ladybirds to avoid laying eggs in patches of prey where conspecifi c larvae are present (hemptinne et al. 1992; Doumbia et al. 1998) is adaptive as it reduces the probability of their eggs being eaten. in addition this response also reduces the probability of aphids of no. adults being present in a patch along with their larvae. Th is is well supported by the few life tables that have been published (e.g. yasuda and Shinya 1997). Th at is, ladybirds time (days) do not regularly coexist in space in age-structured pop- ulations, but mainly as a sequence of stages: adults, eggs, larvae and pupae, with little overlap between the stages. b

Occurrence in time and intensity of cannibalism within a patch

As indicated above the developmental stages of pred- ladybirds of no. ators: adults, eggs, larvae and pupae tend to occur in a patch of prey in this sequence with little overlap be- tween the stages. empirical data tend to indicate that the incidence of cannibalism is greatest in the egg and prepu- time (days) pal/pupal stages (yasuda and Shinya 1997; Kindlmann et al. 2000). Th at is, cannibalism is most marked early and late in the development of a patch of prey. c Th is patterning in the incidence of cannibalism in time is associated with changes in the relative abundance of predator and prey in time and in the asymmetry be- tween cannibal and victim. a ladybird larva a ladybird early and late in the development of a patch of prey there are more predators per prey item than there are encountering of Probability when prey are at their peak abundance mid way through the development of a patch. if one assumes that hungry time (days) predator larvae have a constant consumption rate and the Fig. 2 Illustration of the trends in (a) aphid and (b) ladybird proportion of conspecifi cs in their diet is proportional to abundance in patches of prey and (c) the probability of ladybird their relative abundance (the “meet and eat” hypothesis) developmental stages meeting a conspecifi c predicted by the then the number eaten is: Kindlmann and Dixon (1993) model.

European Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2 of advantage the interms of acquiring and food reduced predators are abundant relative to prey, their and because results in many laid being ina patch, eggs when especially many rather eggs small than fewer large Th eggs. is oft en indicates that can maximise they their fitness by producing on number the off of surviving spring ininsect predators can only resolved be experiments. by further combination of two these offbest ersthe explanation. is Th vulnerability inis not helpful “asymmetry the indeciding whether vulnerability stages. the between Th e evidence empirical in asymmetry ism is intime associated with a marked against Th active larvae. occurrence the at is, cannibal-of relative are sizethey unable to avoid or defend themselves hatchlings and prepupae/pupae as irrespective of their cannibalism intime. Th e mostvulnerable stages eggs/ are ability of vulnerable stages of determines occurrence the Dostálková etal. 2002;houdková and Kindlmann 2006). of ladybird-aphid systems (Kindlmann and Dixon 1999; is an important component of population the dynamics mann 1998;Kindlmann etal. 2004),and patch dynamics al. 1996;Kindlmann and Dixon 1996;Dixon and Kindl- onies (patches) population growth is (Dixon logistic et ics. it is, however, unrealistic to assume that inaphid col- are only dealing with one patch, not with patch dynam- tors, aphid populations grow and logistically (2)that they authorsthese assuming (1)that absence inthe of preda- should not on depend prey density. Th is maybe due to lution of cannibalism, indicates which that cannibalism to output the of martini et al.’s (2009) ofmodel evo- the and Dixon 1992).Th e latter, doeshowever not conform with increase decreases inpreytory density (Agarwala labora- inthe cannibalism same inthe species and larval us) fi inthe eld is strongly density dependent (mills1982) on above, cannibalism inAdalia bipunctata egg data. in addition to stages the most at risk, commented conclusions number ofaphidsavailable for a constant numberofladybird y, larvae, predicted by equation (3). Fig. for (a)thenumberofladybird a constant larvae numberofaphids, 3Proportion ofladybirds x;and(b) the eaten of: asa function

A model that explores eff the ect size of egg and number An alternative explanation is that temporal the avail- Thabove e predictions are well supported by empirical Proportion of larvae eaten ” or and eat “meet the number of larvae ” hypothesis, or some (linnae- within a patch. likely explanation of incidence the of cannibalism intime ly it is not possible hypothesis to which decide more is the (“asymmetry inlarvae vulnerability hypothesis”). Current- are unable to avoid or defend themselves against active stages are eggs/hatchlings and prepupae/pupae, as they tain vulnerable stages. in most the respect this vulnerable ternatively, it may due be to of intime occurrence the cer- to encounter conspecifi and eat cs(“meet hypothesis a patch and are as a consequence larvae more likely then Prey is relatively rare early and late development inthe of of predators is proportional to relative their abundance. proportionthe of conspecifithe diet cs in thelarvae of pupal stages. Th e same is ifpredicted one assumes that is greatestbalism egg/hatchling inthe and prepupal/ in patches of prey where conspecifi arelarvae c present. important of is to tendency them their avoid laying eggs evolved enabling predators to avoid cannibalism. Th e most termines overall the level of cannibalism. Strategies have ism. it is ratio the of predators to prey that ina patch de- competition is likely to result levels inhigh of cannibal- of mSmt. the e036 of GACRand the grant no. CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0073 Banks CJ(1954)ThBanks searching e behaviour coccinellid larvae. of Ameixa omCC, Kindlmann P(2011)Some exclusion cages do not BK, Dixon,Agarwala AFG(1993)Kin recognition: and egg larval BK, DixonAgarwala AFG(1992)laboratory study of cannibal- BK (1991)WhyAgarwala doladybirds (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) Acknowledgements rEFErENcEs Cannibalism, optimaleggsize andvulnerable developmental stages Anim Behav 2: 37–38. exclude predators. eur J environ 1: 67–69. Sci cannibalism in 303–309. ism and interspecifi c predationladybirds. in ecol entomol 17: J Biosci 16: 103–109. cannibalise? empirical data indicate that incidence the of canni- Th is research was supported grantby no. Gevol/11/ Proportion of larvae eaten bipunctata European Journalof Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2,No. 2 number of aphids . eur J ent 90: 5–50. ”). Al- 87 88 A. F. G. Dixon and P. Kindlmann

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European Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2