DRAFT Development Brief

Site within “The Old Town Hall, ” Conservation Area May 2010

1 Introduction

1.1 Council and Police have prepared this brief to promote a key site within Chadderton Town Centre. The site comprises the former library, Police Station and swimming pool/sports centre. The buildings occupy a primary frontage along Middleton Road and within Chadderton Town Centre. They also form key elements within the Old Town Hall Chadderton Conservation Area, which represents an important symbol of the town’s significance at the turn of the 20th Century.

1.2 An earlier feasibility study has identified the library of outstanding quality both internally and externally. It is important both historically and architecturally and makes a positive contribution to the Conservation Area. The police station’s Victoria Street elevation is of good architectural quality, though the interior is of low architectural interest. Nevertheless, the building provides a positive contribution to the conservation area and complements the adjacent library. With its aesthetic and constructional qualities, as well as its social and historical interest, its retention, at least in part, is a key consideration. The swimming pool is built in an art deco style and is significant insofar as its interior remains intact. Externally, apart from the entrance, the architectural composition and character of the building is poor. The building therefore makes a neutral contribution to the conservation area. It also has serious structural problems. If an appropriate use cannot be identified, redevelopment of the site may be a consideration.

1.3 Against this background, the aim of the brief is to identify a developer or consortium of developers, able to deliver a high quality mixed use development, which contributes to the mix and vitality of the town centre and takes full account of the historic value of the buildings, the strong potential for their re-use and the contribution that they make to the conservation area, historically, socially and architecturally.

1.4 The condition, significance and future of this group of buildings is integral to the health of the Conservation Area. Its decline in recent years following the vacating of the properties has been a concern and the urgency of attracting viable uses that secure the continuing contribution of these buildings, wholly or in part, cannot be understated, particularly following the recent national survey by English Heritage of conservation areas, which identifies the Chadderton Town Hall Conservation Area as one that is at risk."

1.5 This document is not exhaustive and is considered purely as guidance for developers to illustrate what will be required to meet the aspirations of the council and GMP and in accordance with Government guidelines.

1.6 The objectives of the brief are:

. To ensure that a viable and sustainable mix of uses is incorporated into the scheme, that also removes risk to the heritage asset and supports its long term conservation;

. To ensure that proposals respect and enhance the heritage value and benefits of the buildings and the contribution they make to the historic environment and setting of the conservation area;

. To ensure that proposals are of an appropriate design relative to the historic context of the site and make a positive contribution to the appearance, character, quality and local distinctiveness of the historic environment;

. To complement the other initiatives in the ChaddertonTown Centre; and

. To promote the wider town centre through high quality urban design and architecture.

. To ensure that any proposals for the site develop strong linkages to the wider area and strengthen its connection to neighbouring facilities, such as the shopping precinct, key elevations and features.

2. Site Location

2.1. Oldham covers an area of 55 square miles on the north east side of Greater Manchester conurbation, stretching from the boundaries of the City of Manchester on the west to the watershed of the Pennines in the east. It is an area of contrasting landscapes. The western side is an urban area much of it developed during the 19th century cotton boom with many examples of magnificent mill architecture, whilst the eastern side of the borough has the moorland scenery of Saddleworth and the Peak District National Park.

2.2 Chadderton is a town within Oldham, 1 mile west of Oldham Town Centre, 4.5 miles south of Rochdale and 6miles northeast of Manchester city centre. The site is located on Middleton Rd, which is the main transport route through Chadderton town centre. Middleton Road is a high volume bus route between Oldham town centre and Middleton, Rochdale. Chadderton is well connected to the M60 and M62 via Broadway (A663)

2.3 The development site is located within the “Old Town Hall Chadderton” Conservation Area” which is the old civic centre of the town and includes the former swimming pool, library, police station, former town hall and two short terraces of houses on Middleton Rd and Victoria St. The site contains a listed memorial monument but no listed buildings, although the library and police station in particular act as a cohesive group. They are in relatively good condition and are positive features that add to the character and appearance of the conservation area. The library retains most of its original features; the police station has been significantly altered internally but retains the original elevation to Victoria St; and locally the swimming pool is an important example of art deco style.

3. Key site characteristics

3.1 The site is located within the Old Town Hall Conservation Area (see Plan 3), which runs parallel to Middleton Rd and includes the town hall, three terraced cottages and a short terrace on Victoria St.

3.2 The site contains three key buildings plus a leisure services gym and a piece of open space. The following descriptions are summarised from a heritage assessment and options appraisal undertaken during 2008. Named the Chadderton Feasibility Study 2008, this document confirmed the townscape and group value of the buildings within the site.

3.3 The police station on Victoria St was built around 1901 in Jacobean Revival style, red brick with sandstone dressing under pitched Welsh slate roofs. The Victoria St frontage has strong architectural value and the feasibility study recommended that the building be retained, at least in part, in any future development proposals. Behind the Victoria Street frontage the building is of less interest, a number of buildings and extensions have been built on the rear which are not deemed worth retaining. The internal layout of the building has undergone many phases of alteration and does not merit being retained.

3.4 The library is on the corner of Middleton Rd and Victoria St. It was built in 1904/5 in Jacobean Revival style, similar to the police station. It is described in the feasibility study as being of outstanding architectural quality, both internally and externally, easily equalling the Town Hall. Featuring leaded windows, rhythmic gables, cast iron downpipes, flamboyant carvings, mosaic floors, original staircase, barrel vaulted ceiling and all original timber doors and architraves it is remarkably intact, and is historically valuable having retained its use as a library since its opening in 1905. It has significant townscape value in its positive contribution to the Conservation Area. The report strongly recommends that it is retained, repaired and sensitively redeveloped.

3.5 The swimming baths are located on Middleton Rd and were built around 1935. It is built in art deco style from Accrington brick with sandstone and concrete dressings. Although there are decorative elements of faience work around the entrance, the overall composition and calibre of the buildings exterior is not considered to be of high calibre therefore its only significance is the interior. It retains its original Art Deco wall tiles, and the balconies, barrel vault roof and central roof light give a strong architectural presence. The building closed to the public in 2006 because of major structural problems. The feasibility study looked at both options for demolishing the building and retaining it. We would like your submission to consider whether the building or part of it could be retained and also whether another use may achieve more development potential for the site.

4. Recent Activity on Site

4.1 Chadderton Library closed to the public early 2010. Its library function has been replaced within the newly developed Wellbeing Centre. The library also provided accommodation for a number of local community groups including the Chadderton Historical Society. The Society were interested in occupying the building and developing it as a heritage/community facility, hiring out space and providing a café function however the proposal was declined by the council. The Society is still looking for local premises.

4.2 Chadderton Swimming Pool closed to the public in 2006 because of significant structural, mechanical and electrical problems that made the building unsafe. A detailed condition survey has been completed which highlights the problems and identifies the remedies and costs. The cost of dealing with the defects was prohibitive and a replacement pool has been constructed within the new well-being centre, on Burnley Street, Chadderton (See Plan 3). The internal fittings and fixtures are the most interesting part of the building and these are being recorded through a photography project. Locally it is an important example of art deco style, with the entrance being of particular importance to the local historical society.

4.3 Chadderton Police Station has been empty since March 2009. A new neighbourhood policing unit will operate from the new well-being centre. OMBC and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) are working together to find the best solution for the whole site and maximise its potential development value. Various options are being considered by the two partners to identify the most appropriate partnership framework for developing the whole site.

4.4 The Chadderton Masterplan is in early stages of development and ties in with the Chadderton District Plan that is currently being produced. A public consultation exercise was carried out in 2007, which identified the local community’s priorities and aspirations for future improvements in the town centre for public realm and retail provision improvements. More recent Chadderton consultation events have been held in June and August 1009. See the following link for details:


4.5 A Heritage Assessment was commissioned in 2008 by Oldham council which included an options appraisal for the historical buildings within the development site (Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH) Chadderton Feasibility Study 2008). The brief confirmed the townscape and group value of the buildings within the conservation area designation and identified a range of development options for each building. Each option was assessed against a set of criteria as follows:

. Anticipated demand . Nature and scale of outputs . Conservation/Heritage impact . Anticipated financial viability . Strategic fit

The study found that a number of future uses could be viable for the three buildings in the area and that by dealing with them collectively a more comprehensive and effective scheme could be developed. The uses identified for the buildings include offices, residential, gallery/heritage centre and restaurant/wine bar. Table 1 summarises the proposed combinations.

Table 1. Possible Options for a Comprehensive Scheme (Taken from LSH Chadderton Feasibility Study (2008).

Library Police Station Swimming Pool/ Sports Centre Option 1 Conversion for Conversion of Conversion of all or part of the uses such as frontage for use building/Redevelopment of the site heritage as bistro for retirement apartments centre/gallery restaurant/wine space and bar with some coffee shop with remodelling to the community rear and creation rooms at upper of outdoor space level Option 2 Conversion for Conversion of Conversion of all or part of the uses such as frontage to offices building/Redevelopment of the site heritage with remodelling for residential with retail at ground centre/gallery to rear floor to maintain active frontage space and coffee shop with community rooms at upper level Option 3 Conversion for Conversion of Conversion of all or part of the use as frontage for use building/Redevelopment of the site restaurant with as bistro for residential with retail at ground function space restaurant/wine floor to maintain active frontage at upper level bar with some remodelling to the rear and creation of outdoor space Option 4 Conversion for Conversion of Conversion of all or part of the use as frontage for building/Redevelopment of the site restaurant with residential with for residential with retail at ground function space remodelling to floor to maintain active frontage at upper level rear to link to new residential development on swimming pool site Option 5 Conversion for Conversion of Conversion of all or part of the use as offices frontage to offices building/Redevelopment of the site with remodelling for retirement apartments to rear

5. Other Initiatives in surrounding areas

A number of major initiatives are active in surrounding areas:

5.1 A new well-being centre for Chadderton opened in December 2009 on Burnley St, (see Plan 3). This provides new accommodation for the library, swimming pool and some functions of the police station.

5.2 In March 2007, Oldham Council received Government approval for almost £130- million in Private Finance Initiative (PFI) funding to develop and refurbish public housing for social-rent on five sites across the Borough. The "Gateways to Oldham" project will deliver 330 new-homes for social rent, 100 for sale and 320 refurbished properties. The Council's preferred bidder Inspiral will also be responsible for managing and maintaining these properties and estates for the 25-year life of the project".

5.3 The Werneth Housing Market Renewal (HMR) area is benefiting from new housing, refurbishments and environmental improvements. The first phase of new development has recently been completed in North Werneth by developer Keepmoat Homes. This comprised of 57 units (mix of 2,3,4 and 5 bed properties for sale, rent and shared ownership) on a 1.5 ha site at Suther’s Street. A planning application has been submitted for the next phase of development (65 units) and a decision is expected imminently.

5.4 The Metrolink will improve the quality and quantity of public transport between Oldham and Manchester and beyond. Metrolink is under construction and will run between Manchester and Oldham by the autumn of 2011 and to Rochdale by 2012

5.5 Oldham Town Centre Partnership’s Town Centre Action Plan outlines proposed actions and activities for 2010-2013. The Plan looks to develop the quality and variety of the Town Centre offer, including improving its appearance and increasing visitor numbers.

5.6 Three schools in Chadderton are included in the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in Oldham. South Chadderton School will relocate to the Oasis Academy, Hollinwood in June 2012; a new Roman Catholic School will be built at Broadway opening Nov 2012; and will be refurbished and consolidated on the site at Chadderton Park Road. The existing part of the school that is sited on Broadway will become surplus to requirements and is likely to be redeveloped.

5.7 The Gateways and Corridors Programme aims to improve Oldham’s image by: . tackling blighted buildings and structures . making the most of landmark buildings and structures . cleaning and greening corridors . managing derelict development sites . improving entrance points and destinations

5.8 Chadderton Technology Park, south of Middleton Road, has a concept masterplan to guide future development and develop its potential as a high value employment area. The council is working with GMWDA to explore potential opportunities that may exist with the investment that is taking place at the Arkwright Street waste disposal facility.

6. Planning Policy Context

6.1 The development options could provide a range of uses from residential, office, restaurant, heritage centre, gallery and a restaurant/wine bar. The site is located within a conservation area and district centre. A number of UDP policies need to be considered and addressed in any future planning application.

6.2 Particular reference should be made to the following UDP policies:

D1 Design of new development T2 The accessibility of new development S1.6 Developments within District Centres CF1 New and improved education and community facilities C1.Conservation of the historic environment NR3.3 Renewable energy in major new developments

See the following link for further details:


6.3 The following documents and guidance should be considered and complied with in your submission:

PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development

PPS4 Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth

PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment and related Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide'.

Regional Spatial Strategy for the Northwest

Northern Way

North West Regional Economic Strategy

Oldham Beyond

Chadderton District Plan

7. Design and uses and aspirations

7.1 A range of uses have been explored and assessed for viability in the Lambert Smith Hampton Chadderton Feasibility Study 2008. The conclusion is that a number of different combinations of uses could be viable in a new scheme potentially consisting of a combination of new build and conversion, (See Table 1).

Oldham has developed a Design Guide, which now has Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) status which gives guidance on good practice in public realm, residential and developments in general. The document can be viewed at: http://www.oldham.gov.uk/living/planbuildmatters/planning-lds/urban-design-guide- supplementary-planning-document.htm.

7.2 The Council’s aspiration is to commission buildings with low environmental impact that achieve BREEAM standards for new buildings and create environmentally sustainable developments. We would require the developer to work with Building Research Establishment (BRE) and use relevant guidance such as the Green Print framework. However, the Councils Development and Building Control team would be mindful of English Heritage Guidance in the application of building regulations on buildings of historic and architectural merit.

Retention and sensitive development of historic heritage will be a key element of any proposal. We would like the developer to explore options in relation to the swimming pool, library and police station, and consider how the buildings can be retained within a new development. Conservation Area Consent may be required for any proposed demolition with the conservation area.

7.3 Housing should satisfy the following standards and requirements:-:

. Building for Life (silver) . Code for Sustainable Homes level 3 . Lifetime Homes compliance . UDP Affordable housing requirements (depending on the number of units) to be confirmed . UDP Public Open Space requirements . Secured by Design status should be achieved through discussion with the Architectural Liaison Officer, GMP and incorporating the UDP 10% Renewable Energy Requirement.

8. Timescale and Form of Proposal

Submissions from developers should include:

Indicative development proposals (sketch plans would be preferable) Public consultation approach reflecting the councils ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ An office, business, retail and leisure analysis based upon your understanding of the market and business needs Your track record of delivering mixed-use development schemes Your professional team Financial status and offer for the land

Three paper copies and an email copy of expressions of interest are to be submitted to Corporate Procurement by xxxx (see Contacts section below for address details) Once initial expressions of interest have been considered by the Council it is anticipated that a shortlist of developers will be asked for a further more detailed submission to include:

Scheme drawings showing layout and elevations Development programme (start to finish delivery programme) Full financial appraisal to show scheme viability and return to the Council to include: Overall value of scheme Rental and capitalisation assumptions Lettings assumptions Construction costs Fees Profit/return to the developer Finance and interest assumptions Financial offer

9. Contacts All contact should be made formally through Corporate Procurement. [email protected] or alternatively:

Corporate Procurement Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council P.O. Box 196, Civic Centre Oldham OL1 1QJ

10. Further information

Documents enclosed are:

Lambert Smith Urban Regeneration Chadderton Feasibility Study May 2008

Condition Survey Chadderton Sports Centre November 2009

Condition Survey Library November 2009

????English Heritage Survey (Arnis to provide details)

????Statement of Community Involvement