Claudius Ptolemy and Self-Promotion

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Claudius Ptolemy and Self-Promotion Claudius Ptolemy and Self-Promotion A study on Ptolemy’s intellectual milieu in Roman Alexandria Cristian Tolsa Domènech Aquesta tesi doctoral està subjecta a la llicència Reconeixement 3.0. Espanya de Creative Commons. Esta tesis doctoral está sujeta a la licencia Reconocimiento 3.0. España de Creative Commons. This doctoral thesis is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. Spain License. UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA DEPARTAMENT DE FILOLOGIA GREGA CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY AND SELF-PROMOTION A study on Ptolemy’s intellectual milieu in Roman Alexandria Tesi doctoral presentada per: Cristian Tolsa Domènech Directora: Dra. Francesca Mestre Roca Tutora: Dra. Eulàlia Vintró Castells Programa: Cultures i Llengües del Món Antic i la Seva Pervivència ˩ ! " # $ % $ &'() ^ (*( " ******************************* ( (*& *************************** ) (*) ż " " " *********************** (' (*)*( , " ˩ " " * * (& (*)*& ż ů " ********************** && (*. ż " ************************* &. (*/ ż " " ************************* &0 (*/*( 1 )2 (*/*& , 3 ż ******************************** ./ (*4 ż ˨ $ ˩ ************** .6 (*6 ! ɝ 83 ******************** /( (*2 *********************************** /. ^ &*( " ******************************* /6 &*& *********************************** /2 &*) ż ******************* 4) &*. ˩ ********************** 42 &*.*( ż " ****************** 66 &*/ ż $ " ************* 2( &*/*( 9" $1 ˩ ˩ ɝ * 24 &*/*& : ************************** 0. &*/*) : * *********************** 02 &*4 *********************************** ('& )*( " ******************************* ('6 )*& *********************************** ('0 )*) *********************************** ((4 )*. ż $ ; < ()= ******************** (&) )*/ $ ˩ < .4= ************** (.' )*4 " " < 60= *********************** (.2 )*6 > ; $ < ('(&= ************* (/) )*6*( ? ˩ ************* (// )*6*& < = **************** (/2 )*2 ż " 1 , " < ()(4= ********* (4. )*0 *********************************** (64 ɞ ! " # .*( " ******************************* (2( .*& ˨ ˩ <@ @ @ =********************** (2) .*) ż .A( 8 " < @ @ = *************** (22 .*)*( B B ************************** (0( .*. ż " B *********************** (04 .*/ ż ɝ " ********************* &'' .*/*( ż ɞ ˩ **** &'( .*/*& ż " " " % ******************************** &'. .*4 *********************************** &'/ $% ! ɞ & ' /*( " ******************************* &'6 /*& *********************************** &'2 /*) ż ; > ************************** &() /*)*( ż ****************************** &(. /*)*& ż *********** &&& /*)*) ż ***************************** &)& /*)*. ż **************** &.) /*)*/ *********************** &.4 /*. , ***************************** &.6 /*.*( ˨˩@ ************************* &.2 /*.*& ż $ ˨˩ % > ˣ ż ɝ ; 1 PV V3 * &/( /*.*) ż $ ******************************* &// /*.*. * **************************** &/0 /*/ 1 " $ ********************* &4. ( ) ! * ɞ ' (+ 4*( " ******************************* &40 4*& ż " ************************** &6' 4*&*( " " " 1 ɞ *************************** &6( 4*&*& " " ; " " ******* &2' 4*&*) $ ; " $ ******* &24 4*&*. ż $ > ; $ 1 " " " $ $ **************************** &04 4*&*/ ******************************* )'' 4*) ż "$ *********************************** )'( 4*)*( ˩ "$ $ " * * )'& 4*)*& ż % " ******** )'/ 4*)*) ˩ "$ ****************** )'2 4*)*. : ˩ ************************* )() 4*)*/ ******************************* )&6 + ,-* % ż ; " $ " * ż ů 9 * ż " : @ " " " " 9$" @ $ 8 " * ż $ $$ " @ ; > ; $ * ; ; ; $$ " @ " " $ɝ " @ $ " " " * ; " ; > ˩ " @ ; ɝ ˩ ɝ * ɞ G ?˩ : @ " { " # $ <G ? (000= % " <G ? &''0=* , " " @ "" HT$ J ˩ &' ( <HT$ J &''6= "$* ż ; "" %@ J @ J> ) " &' <% * &''0=@ $ $ % ; $ " " " @ " (* ; ˩ * ż ? @ @ ; ; ; @ $ " "@ @ " @ " $ * G ; ; ɞ " " * ż ɝ " ; ; >@ " ; @ @ * " ; ? ; > ˣ; ; ; ˣ ; * ż ɝŬ " " ɝ @ $ ; ; >@ @ ; ; " " ɝ * ɝ " " ˩ ; > ; @ $ " > ; >* ɝ " " ɜ ; " ; > ɝ " 1 ; ? " "$ " " * #@ > $ ɝ " " " 9 Q ˩ <# * &''2'.('/=@ N ; ; " $ ɝ $ @ G ? ; < " G &'('= ! " * G ? > " ɝ " @ >$ ; " > $ * > $? " <&'('= <&'()=@ $ "@ ˨% " ˩@ ! " % > $ ; $? ˨ " ˩@ " " * > ?8 ? ; > "" @ "$ ; " ů ɝ * $ " @ 9 ; " &'() $* % "" P " ; > N P * > @ ; ; * ɝ > # @ ; "" $ $$ ; $ ; " @ $ ; " R @ >$ ; $$ $ ; $$ * $ ; $ @ " " " " ; ů @ * (* ż $ $ ˣ > ; ˣ ; >$ * N ? R ;$ ; ˩ ɞ * $ ɝ % ; @ $ $ " ; $ " * : ; 8 > ů " " " $ @ ; " % " "$ " ; " ˨ ˩ ?? $ $ " * # ů * , > $P " @ " ; " " * : > ; ɞ @ ; ; > ; $@ " @ @ @ @ * $ ; 8 " * " 8 ; 1 > " ˨ů ˩ % ˩ ; @ @ 8 " " $ 3 ˩ " "" >@ 1 ; ů N &'('@ * (#+ ; ; ; <G ? (000@ &60=* G ? % > @ ;$ ; " ɝ $ <G ? (000@ " (4=* ; $ 1 ; " $ * ; ˩ "" ˩ ; ; % * ż $" " $ 8 ; " " " 1 ; > G ? ; ; $ " ; <G ? (000@ &66&0&=* " > $" % > ; : " @ ; * G ? " $ " @ ; @ ; > ; " ů $ @ ; <G ? &''0=* # " ; 9 ˣ; ; ˣ R " $ >$* " ɜ : 1 ; ˩ $ @ " ; > " ? * ż B @ : @ G ; " > $ > ; $ " 1 B @ ; $ @ " ˣ; ˣ ;* : @ " " @ " ; " " * G ; ˩ * @ $ " " $ $ @ ; $ 1 ? .
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